Race |
Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○ |
About Jae-Lin Park
Real Name: Jae-Lin Park
Hero Name: Tox
Playbook: The Janus
Man, Asian, Elegant Clothing, Concealing Costume, featureless mask
Elegance. That one word sums up the world's view of Jae-Lin. His long black hair almost reaches his slim waist, and almost no on can claim to ever see him without a polite smile on his face. His fingers are long and deft, and he is usually seen with perfect posture.
His costume is simple enough. He wears a generic, grey sweatshirt and jeans. The only thing separating the masses from himself, it the white full face mask he dons, with two thin slits for his eyes and the gas mask-like attachment the mouth.
Venom (Essentially poison as Venom is poison that creatures produce)
Insect Control
Team Moves
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they see you as the person
wearing the mask or the person underneath. If the former, mark potential and clear a condition. If
the latter, take Influence over them if you reveal yourself.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about who you
really are. Give them Influence, and shift your Mundane up and your mask’s Label down.
The Mask [Danger]
: You wear a mask and hide your real
identity. Choose what Label you try to embody
while wearing your mask:
❑ Danger
Once per session, you can affirm either your
heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane
with your mask’s Label.
When you reveal your secret identity to someone
who didn’t know it already, mark potential.
I am what you see
When you spend time talking
to someone about your identity, you can ask them
which Label they want to impose on you; their
player will tell you honestly. If you accept what
they tell you, take +1 forward and either mark
potential or clear a condition.
Dangerous Web
When you reveal a trap you’ve
left for someone using your powers, roll + your
mask’s Label. On a hit, your opponent trips into
it, and you get an opening or opportunity against
them. On a 10+, take +1 forward to pursuing
it. On a miss, the trap inadvertently leads to a
dangerous escalation.
I’ll save you!: You’re willing to pay high costs
to keep your loved ones safe. Reveal your secret identity to someone watching or mark a condition to defend a loved one as if you rolled a 12+.
Secret Identity
Job: Host (plays up his "perfect person" identity)
Home: Paying Bills (lives alone, on the condition that he maintain his parent's standards and meet all payments)
Social: Best Friend (Co-worker at his Host job, helped patch him up after the incident)
When time passes, roll + your Mundane to see how you’re managing your obligations. On a
hit, things are going pretty well—you have an opportunity or advantage thanks to one of your
obligations. On a 7-9, you’ve lapsed on one obligation, your choice. On a miss, you haven’t given
your normal life anywhere near the attention it deserves; the GM chooses two obligations that are
going to bite you in the butt.
Sorrel knew you from your civilian life first.
You refused to tell Kid Quickman your secret identity when they asked.
When our team first came together...
We saved the life of someone important, either to the city or to us. Who was it? Why are they important?
When did you first put on the mask? Why?
I discovered my powers after being jumped in an alley on my way home from work. I was coughing blood by the time they were done with me, but imagine my surprise when they started to stumble and fell unconscious. I did the right thing of course, kicked them a few times and then called 911. I found out later that they had somehow been poisoned, something lowering their blood oxygen level to the point they were passing out.
A week later, I began to experiment and put on this *taps mask* ever since.
Why do you keep a secret identity?
I started to do the whole vigilante thing. It helps that I can take care of most small fry by flicking a bit of paralysis toxin on them. After half-a-year? I've made a lot of enemies. And the police and media aren't exactly keen on a hero that uses poison as a method of dealing with bad guys.
Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?
Well....don't laugh. Honestly, it's the janitor at my workplace. I sneak in with my key, and having been stabbed with a knife I'm bleeding toxin everywhere (I think it was something to skyrocket blood pressure this time around) and the janitor is just standing there, staring at me. He helped patch me up and even gave me a few tips to wash away any of the toxins that accidentally spilt during a fight. DNA isn't too much of concern as my body fluid turn into pure poison after a while, but wouldn't want some random dog to lick that up.
Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?
The media. Hands down, the media. It's like they got handed five years worth of tinder material and their field day is going to last for years. I've been brought in as an example of the dangers of masks, and everytime someone dies of natural consequences, they always break down the events and see if they can pin it on me as if I was some sort of hitman.
Why do you care about the team?
They don't treat me contaminated refuse. There's something....about people who know you can do them harm but welcome you openly, even trying to help.
Why do you spend time at the Taylor Institute?
I heard they might be able to help me control doses. I've had a few close calls before, almost overdosing targets with toxins, but if I can get the control right, then I can start getting creative.