Panurgic Noir (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

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...temptation. Ohhh, temptation. This is hard enough already.

Hard enough when the one person you're bonded to through and through stabs you in the back. It's another when you meet them again as they were before they met you, betrayed you, and became what they did, and they don't even know you.
Dammit, that sounds great. Strike out "Lost someone they cared about deeply" from the start, figure out my future Un-Joined and how far into your future I came from, and...yeah.
Question, though. You yourself don't actually start with a replacement move, do you? I mean, I know you're aware of the first step that lead to Mad Moxie, but you don't make the replacement til it actually happens, do you? A step has to be circled and struck out, not just one. I only see a circle on the Joined sheet.
If I have that right, and I end up mirroring that, not having been betrayed yet would put our timeline closer, and then I'd just have to worry if it really would happen for me too, rather than dealing with the after effects of it already happening.

It's your call as to how it goes, but I will have the same starting powers as you. If you project energy, I do too, and if you control the elements, I will as well. We'd have to think how we'd coordinate with that in mind.

Oh, and I'd need to educate myself on the time period. I'm absolutely clueless.

I love Siphon, and Amir is a cool take on the doomed (I think I saw something like that on G+ at one point). and Miss Moxie is, of course, going to be a lot of fun

for the record, I think Manifest looks really cool., Reminds me of Eidolon in appearance

Can't wait to see the other submissions

Glad you like Manifest, because I got reeeeally into writing him up.

For the convenience of other interested parties, Manifest, my potential Nova, is here.

Eidolon is a guy from a web serial

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For the abilities I'll take plant affnity and transmuting flesh. Shooting lianas from my arms, growing fruits and stuff. Leefy hair, green skin. A male dryad? Kind of like this.

Gilberto Moreno, The Leshy (The Transformed):

Who were you before?
Before I became... this? Well, Gilberto Moreno - just another high school student who didn't know what he wanted to do, and so did a little bit of everything. Sports - check, was on a football team. Science - check, too part in a couple of olympiad - never managed to get past the city level though. Gaming - hell yeah, who doesn't play games nowadays? Even managed to won city competition one time. The only I didn't try is literature. That's just boring.

When did you change? What caused it?
Just when I turned 16 - awesome birthday present, ain't it? My advice to you people - don't go touching strange looking s#!& lying in the ground. Never ends well for you. Guess it was some kind of alien tech? Or some crazy-ass scientist just threw what he didn't need anymore in place he didn't care about. Don't know, don't care, never seen it after.

Who, outside of the team, is helping you understand your new body?
My family of course - my father Gabriel and older brother Emilio. Mostly brother, since father is always deep in his work. But Emilio is always there for me.

Why don’t you just try to hide yourself away?
And do what? Spend the rest of my life in hiding? No. Just no. That's stupid. Besides, I can do a lot of cool stuff with my powers - why hide that? Yeah, people might be scared, but to hell with people.

Why do you care about the team?
They are fun. We got to fun stuff together. And they don't care how I look. Well, mostly. Still better the most other people.

Gah, I keep flip flopping between the star, the innocent, and the bull.

The star sounds fun. Do flashy stuff, say flashy things. And always keep a cameraman around.

Gotta say, Lovin' the star. plus we have an innocent already

Bull is fun too, but in Super!LA, come on...

Did I say innocent> I meant newborn.

But yeah, I'm drawn towards the star too.

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Alright, settled on playing a Star because I want that pleasing crowd clashing with being a team player element. A couple rough concepts and would love some input or feedback:

A gamer at heart, Twitch found their calling being a vigilante hero to a live audience. With control of light to create overlays similar to a game set-up, they approach fights as a boss battle of sorts, running mini-games and also interacting with the chat from the electronic set up they wear into battle. Whether its convoluted made up mini-games, voting events where the chat has sway, Twitch finds its easy to win while life is a game.

Living wild and reckless, Discord enjoys the controlled chaos that comes with corporate sponsored anarchy. Sonic manipulation allows them to hold instant concerts at a moment's notice. They play the jerk well, but sometimes its hard to figure out where the character stops and Discord begins.

Beautiful, elegant, and a definite eleven on the scale of attraction, Phoenix enjoys a healthy modeling career while taking on the forces of evil. Its hard work looking this good and fighting without getting so sweaty, but their phantasmal wings help keep them up and over the action. The envy of envy, the peak of desire, Phoenix makes sure the world will be watching.

Infernal Zero wrote:

...temptation. Ohhh, temptation. This is hard enough already.

Hard enough when the one person you're bonded to through and through stabs you in the back. It's another when you meet them again as they were before they met you, betrayed you, and became what they did, and they don't even know you.
Dammit, that sounds great. Strike out "Lost someone they cared about deeply" from the start, figure out my future Un-Joined and how far into your future I came from, and...yeah.
Question, though. You yourself don't actually start with a replacement move, do you? I mean, I know you're aware of the first step that lead to Mad Moxie, but you don't make the replacement til it actually happens, do you? A step has to be circled and struck out, not just one. I only see a circle on the Joined sheet.
If I have that right, and I end up mirroring that, not having been betrayed yet would put our timeline closer, and then I'd just have to worry if it really would happen for me too, rather than dealing with the after effects of it already happening.

It's your call as to how it goes, but I will have the same starting powers as you. If you project energy, I do too, and if you control the elements, I will as well. We'd have to think how we'd coordinate with that in mind.

Oh, and I'd need to educate myself on the time period. I'm absolutely clueless.

There really are a lot of ways that can go. I think the only limit is that we need to be around the same age in the present. Is the Joined Mad Moxie the Magnificent's protege? That would be cool, having to teach your mentor. In that case, you wouldn't be time-warped. Not sure how that would go because you'd know a lot of what happened, but I do like that they'd have gone through the heartache before, and be wary of it. I like the potential for bickering.

As far as powers, I don't think they need identical powers. Like, Energy Projection can take different forms, like the Wonder Twins have Shapeshifting, but one does animals, and the other does objects. I'd be willing to split force and light-bending with you. It would just mean shifting my starting label bonus.

I read the replacement move as "when you strike out a circled step, or circle a step," but it's "When you strike out a circled step, or circle a struck out step," which makes more sense, and is a relief.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
inxpitter wrote:

Alright, settled on playing a Star because I want that pleasing crowd clashing with being a team player element. A couple rough concepts and would love some input or feedback:

A gamer at heart, Twitch found their calling being a vigilante hero to a live audience. With control of light to create overlays similar to a game set-up, they approach fights as a boss battle of sorts, running mini-games and also interacting with the chat from the electronic set up they wear into battle. Whether its convoluted made up mini-games, voting events where the chat has sway, Twitch finds its easy to win while life is a game.

Living wild and reckless, Discord enjoys the controlled chaos that comes with corporate sponsored anarchy. Sonic manipulation allows them to hold instant concerts at a moment's notice. They play the jerk well, but sometimes its hard to figure out where the character stops and Discord begins.

Beautiful, elegant, and a definite eleven on the scale of attraction, Phoenix enjoys a healthy modeling career while taking on the forces of evil. Its hard work looking this good and fighting without getting so sweaty, but their phantasmal wings help keep them up and over the action. The envy of envy, the peak of desire, Phoenix makes sure the world will be watching.

Wow, those are some great ideas, inx. My personal favorite is Twitch for the Scott Pilgrim/video game YouTuber thing he/she's got going on. A close second is Phoenix, for the glam and glitz that is going to draw Siphon to him/her like a moth to flame.

Perhaps you shouldn't combine limited-editions... especially as we already have a star, reformed, and innocent in the pool. It says to try to keep some of the core masks in the game. make whatever character you want, but I just wanted to voice that.

also, I like all the proposed stars

Twitch lets me bring their audience into play whenever they are in costume.

Discord seems cool, they grab me the least, but still seems like a lot of fun.

Phoenix, love the idea of a beautiful, elegant fighter with phantasmal butterfly? wings

Twitch is fun in that, rather than striving for the possession of intangible fame, and being self-motivated in that way, he's got a number showing him who's watching, and chat showing him what they want him to do. He's got everyone to answer to, and most of those people are anonymous and unaccountable.

I also like Phoenix. Her power doesn't keep her from getting hurt. She's uninsurable, but she's got this whole part of her life that keeps her in constant danger. That's a lot of pressure.

I vote Twitch for uniqueness, Phoenix for girl-power.

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Moxie things:
If I'm not Time-Warped, how will I have a Future Self running about in the same city as me? The Joined sets background precedents for pairs. There's the Outsider pair example of course, but following through on that, Bull pairs would have their backgrounds in experimentation (odds are, the same program), and Transformed pairs would have been changed by the same or a very similar nature of thing. Even my look options derive off yours - same costume stylings, and at most two distinctions as far as looks went.
In the case of the Innocent, that means I'm a time traveller. When you apply the nature of the Joined, there's the implication that while they may not get on at all, both our future selves are causing chaos together. They're probably feuding as much as they're cooperating, if not more. No matter what, they're worse together than alone.

I agree that we ought to be the same age in the present, though. The mentor idea is great too. I figure it might work best if I'm just a few years forward in your timeline. A few years later (for you) I get taken under your wing by an older, pre-madness you, one not far from your time-displaced self in character. Some time later, we start to develop a proper partnership - after you impart onto me your values and dress sense, naturally. It's great.
Until I get ditched and thrown to the wolves on Moxie's path to Madness.
Not too long after I'm cut up and left in the dust, temporal shenanigans call me forward to present day, where it turns out Moxie and my future self are raising hell...and the younger version of my Mentor and partner is running around too.
There's another me that isn't me. I see an older version of Moxie, who knows who I am and isn't who I know. And I see a younger version of Moxie, who's more like who I know but doesn't know who I am.
However it works Moxie is gone, irrevocably. And I have to deal with that.

The setup is meant to enable the features of the Innocent, to create the bonds and links of the Joined, to prevent me having too much forward knowledge on Moxie by placing me at the start of her path to darkness, and to really just screw with my character's head. If it works out that way, it's a setup that could come into a game after it's started as well.
I'd start with one experience struck out, and perhaps, no steps circled yet.

I know our powers don't need to be identical. I'm wondering how to differ, so as to contrast and complement. I'm noticing just how subtle Moxie's powers can be, the potential to set up all sorts of things that are hard to pick up on (invisible protections, concealing allies, just making a small barrier that they're sure to trip on), but also that without access to full on constructs, it's harder to exert pressure, nor to set up some of the more devastating applications.
I'm wondering on alternate applications of energy projection to be the obvious pressure to work with your subtler setups, harassing and manipulating the opposition to create devasting and/or inescapable setups. I just don't know what that looks like.

I like Twitch. I really like Twitch. I want to see that.

Honestly, I just like concocting characters, and figuring out how they work. The Joined is a particularly fun exercise, as now I have to play around someone else.

Ultimately though, I want the best play experience. And to that end, I suspect I'll be going forward with Manifest. I've become enamoured with his concept, and it feels like he'd have better integration with the entirety of the cast.
That, and...I think I've managed to strain my mind thinking out the dynamics of the Joined. It's enjoyable, but...I think I'm pushing myself a bit much. It feels like I would have been better off I was had been working with someone from the ground up, and that's it's harder to get the full mileage out of the playbook if you try to hook it up to another later on in the character development process.
I might change my mind, but for now...put me down as a Nova. I think I'll be going with that.

Mean time...I'm going to try and avoid thinking to much. My head feels weird, and I never know how to undo that when it happens.

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All right, most (if not all) mechanical choices are decided, so let me introduce you to the Star, Yu Na Byeol, a.k.a. Twitch.
I do realize it is a gamer Korean girl which matches themes with similar gamer girl Hana Song a.k.a. D.Va, but there should be enough of a personality and power difference to distinguish.

Elaborated Backstory:

Two teenagers Adam and Julie were loitering near the entrance to the downtown pedestrian mall. They each were dressed oddly for the environment, one in the N7 armor of the Mass Effect series, and the other in the familiar clunky looking Power Armor of the Fallout universe. While they got odd looks from the older folks, moving past for an afternoon of shopping, each of them was nervously waiting in anticipation.

”Delta Squad! She’s taken down Beta squad and is heading for the objective, take her down!”

Their coms squawked loudly and suddenly they were both at full attention, their cosplay armor and guns at the ready. A skater punk was making his way over, a mocking grin with board in hand ready to teach these weirdos to grow up. That grin turned into a panicked yell as the two cosplayers suddenly turned their guns on him.

Paintballs flew through the air and almost pelted the skater who fell to the floor as a young Korean girl ran past clutching a glowing, golden rifle in her hands. Her sneakers hit the ground hard as she kicked up to dodge the flurry of pellets. Bringing the scope to her eye, she took half a second to aim before.


A glowing symbol appeared on Julie’s gut and Adam’s shoulder, both having just enough force to knock them down onto the ground. The Korean girl landed in front of them. She wore a cosplay outfit of a game not yet released, and her eyes shone golden as she reloaded her magazine, the spent one dissipating as she threw it behind her. She smiled as her signature symbol, the winking wide smile emoji popped up where she had hit them.

”Thanks for playing guys!” she said excitedly as she bounded into the pedestrian mall, to face the next squad attempting to stop her.

----------After the Event---------

Yu Na Byeol, took the longest gulp of water she had since the event began. Running around streaming and entertaining was one thing, but doing it in full cosplay with fans literally running after you was far more taxing than she realized.

But it had been a blast.

Her contact at Real Pixel was still raving about the amount of pre-orders that had been placed. It was always numbers with him, always subscriber counts, ad revenue, and viewer counts.

The fans were numbers to him and most of corporate, but she loved her audience, her friends, her community.

Even now her channel was still being flooded with excited messages about the day’s events and people watching it now that they were off work or out of class.

She just lay there, in her private tent for a while, smiling as she watched the love (and the small amounts of hate and pervs) scroll by.

Well, we have got a Nova already and I didn't really have a great concept anyway. So I have been looking through the playbooks and I have decided on the Legacy.

Smythe Bentley / Starlite:

Legacy Name: Starlite
Real Name: Smythe Bentley

woman, white, trendy clothing, predecessor's costume, simple symbol insignia (silver star)

You have powers that match your general line. Choose one suite of powers, but pick two powers that you don’t have from your suite:
divine armor, magic weaponry, mythic might, legendary speed, god-like beauty

Danger -1
Freak 0
Savior +2
Superior +1
Mundane +1

• When did you officially become a part of your legacy?
Smythe officially became a part of the legacy when she convinced her grandfather to grant her control over the family's newly-purchased-and-relocated hockey team, the Panurgic Canadiens. Her older brother, James, had bungled its management and she convinced her sickly grandfather she could do better. So on her 18th birthday, he gifted her the title of Managing Partner for the team.
• What’s the greatest accomplishment of your legacy?
Smythe's grandfather, Steve, was known as the Silver Star during the Golden Age. He famously foiled a fascist coup attempt during WW2, then moved to Panurgic and founded Star Media.
• How does the public perceive your legacy?
The legacy is well-loved, especially since the untimely death of Smythe's parents when she was still just a baby. James' antics have tarnished the legacy somewhat in recent years and many assume Smythe will prove to be similarly flighty.
• How does your legacy tie into your reasons for being a hero?
Smythe has sworn to defeat Professor Fury once and for all because she believes he killed her parents and permanently crippled the famous Silver Star.
• Why do you care about the team? TBD when group has formed.

When our team first came together:
All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it?

You once got caught doing something that shames your legacy with ______________.
You trust ______________ and told them an important secret of your legacy.

You’re a part of this team, for better or worse, and you care what they think. Give Influence to all of your teammates.

Legacy Moves:
The Legacy Matters: When you take Influence over someone from your legacy (or give them Influence over you), mark potential and take +1 forward. When someone from your legacy causes your Labels to shift, mark potential and take +1 forward.
Symbol of Authority: When you give an NPC an order based on authority they recognize, roll + Savior. On a hit, they choose one:
- do what you say
- get out of your way
- attack you at a disadvantage
- freeze
On a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them. On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.

Your legacy is an important part of Panurgic City.

Name the different members of your legacy (at least two):
Margene Bentley is still active and prominent in the city.
Steve Bentley / Silver Star is retired and quite judgmental.
Professor Fury is the greatest opponent your legacy ever faced...and is still at large.

Whenever time passes, roll +Savior to see how the members of your legacy feel or react to your most recent exploits. Before rolling, ask the other players to answer these questions about your performance. Take -1 to the roll for each “no” answer:
- Have you been upholding the traditions of your legacy?
- Have you maintained the image of your legacy?
- Have you made the other members of your legacy proud?
On a hit, one of them offers you meaningful encouragement, an opportunity, or an advantage. On a 7-9, another is upset with your most recent actions, and will make their displeasure known. On a miss, something you did stirred up the hornet’s nest—expect several members of your legacy to meddle with your life.

Moment of Truth: This is the moment when you prove how much the mantle belongs to you. You seize control of all your powers, and you defeat even impossible odds to prove you are worthy of the name you carry. You accomplish feats even your predecessors couldn’t do. Of course, after you prove something like that, you can expect still more responsibilities to be placed on your shoulders...

Expanded Background:
Smythe is loosely based on Jeannie Buss of the Los Angeles Lakers, for those who know who she is.

Her grandfather, Steve Bentley, was a famous hero during the Golden Age who went on to found a popular media company, Star Media. He was as successful in business as he was fighting crime, and he raised his son to be heroic like himself. Unfortunately, a mysterious warehouse explosion took Smythe's parents from her when she was just a baby. Her grandfather was also grievously wounded and would be bedridden for the rest of his life. A villain named Professor Fury was blamed for the explosion but he disappeared and the news eventually moved on with no arrests.

Not long after the explosion, Smythe's grandmother died of what appeared to be natural causes. Steve's live-in nurse, Margene, stepped in to help run the company and they were married soon after.

Margene was only ever supposed to run the company until Smythe's older brother James reached maturity. Sadly, this has never happened (or so Smythe likes to joke). He is a dilletante with no concern for business or heroism at all. So Margene has continued to run Star Media, reaching its tendrils into ever deeper darker crevices.

On a lark, James asked his grandfather to buy him a professional basketball team. Steve, bemused, settled on purchasing a hockey team and relocating it to Panurgic City. James' management skills were nonexistent and Margene quickly threatened to sell the team. Smythe convinced her grandfather to allow her to try running the team first. Surprisingly, she has quickly taken to it.

Margene was not pleased with these developments one bit. She sees Smythe as a potential threat in a way that her brother never was. Steve, in all his wisdom, discerned Margene's intentions and secretly enlisted Smythe to take over for him- not just in business but also as a hero. He gave her his old costume, complete with body armor and a litany of useful weapons.

Smythe publicly declared her vendetta against the missing Professor Fury at a press conference. Margene fumed and stormed out when Smythe revealed her grandfather's old costume, stylishly retailored to suit her figure of course.


does your brother have superpowers?
Did your parents?
What does "divine armour" and "Magical weaponry" look like?

also, you own a hockey team... how bug a thing do you want that to be... cause I know that hockey is rough, low-score, and a new-england/minnesota/canada thing... that's all

Please say the hockey gear is the armor and weapon. Omg I can't handle it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Make it roller derby gear and you have a winner!

Haha excellent suggestions! :D

Brother: yes, I see him having superpowers, probably the physical skills I didn't select. He has a super identity but doesn't use it often- the story about him crashing his flying car while severely intoxicated made him a punchline.

Parents: yes, they had powers as well, during the Silver Age. They were hippies which frustrated the grandfather but they were committed to fighting evil so they were tolerated. When they were killed, they became martyrs in the public eye and are thus remembered as being something greater than they were.

Armor/Weaponry: I was thinking they were included in the suit she inherited from her grandpa. But I like these other ideas better! This still needs fleshing out.

Hockey Team: I'm not married to it by any stretch. I just liked the idea of buying the Montreal Canadiens and moving them to LA without bothering to change their mascot. But I'm welcome to switching that up to a different sport or whatever if you prefer. A professional roller derby team of which Smythe is also the star as well as the owner could definitely be fun.

okay, so here's our submissions so far

*Missy Moxovich, AKA Miss Moxie, the innocent, 80's-90's heroine with a future in addiction and villainy

*Syphon AKA Valerie Tepe, The reformed, a rouge-expy trying to be a hero after doing a lot of evil

*Manifest AKA Siegfried Tilmitt, The Nova, A guy well on his way to becoming one of the strongest sorcerers on the planet.

* Yu Na Byeol AKA Twitch, The Star, a video-game themed light manipulator who broadcasts their heroics live on the internet.

* The Leshy, AKA Gilberto Moreno, the Transformed, A dryad/plant dude in dire need of a makeover

* Amir Ahmed AKA {He have a super-name?}, the doomed, a guy who is staring down a fate worse than death...

Smyth Bentley AKA Starlite, the legacy, A girl trying to live up to her family name... and go full Inigo Montoya on a disappeared supervillain

think we're still waiting on a submission or two...

I remember Ashe wanted to know when you intended to wrap this up, and I kinda do too. How long before you make selections?

Missy's a Heroine, not a Heroin. Sure, the typo's a petty thing to call out on most occasions, but you attached that title to the girl with an explicit hatred for drugs!

the deadline for submissions is tomorrow afternoon (GMT-4). I'll try to have a decision by saturday afternoon. very possibly earlier.

'll fix that typo. gonna blame Freud.

I thought that was the joke.

Amir is one of those newfangled modern heroes who eschews the whole secret identity thing. So no costume or supername~

"I swear to god, Amir and Twitch are crazy. No secret identity in Panurgic of all places? Life would be hell if I'd done that."

Beefed up Moxie's backstory and got some pics for her outfits.

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Now, I was going to comment that you wrote "When the he" in the first paragraph as I was first checking out what you'd written, and probably comment on the rewrite to your backstory overall.

Then I got to the last line.
G##&@~mit, Quinn.

Moxie missed both Clinton and Obama administrations, and is a kid. She's a crunchy leftist outer shell over a warm conservative nougat. I'm writing her through the lens of what her comic books would have been: conservative writers appealing to rad kids.

I almost wish I hadn't used Arne in the blockbusters

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Hi everybody!

Don't mean to disrupt the reactions to Miss Moxie's backstory (lol), but I've been PMing Elsine and he said it'd be fine if I applied for the game. If you all have any questions, just ask, and I look forward to (possibly) playing with you all. ^_^

P.s., I'm still very new to this site and I haven't quite figured out the Alias thing yet, so for the time being I'm going to post my character here. Sorry 'bout that.

The Kilt character sheet:

Hero Name:

Real Name:
Shawn McGregor

man, White (American-Scottish), smiling face, comfortable clothing, iconic costume

martial arts, swords (and knives)

Danger +0
Freak -1
Savior +2
Superior +0
Mundane +2

How did you gain your skills?
"Hard work, practice, and access to my grandpa's collection."

When did you first put on your costume?
"When I went to Endinburgh for my grandpa's funeral, he left the kilt to me. I first tried it on when we got back to the states."

Who, outside of the team, thinks you shouldn't be a superhero?
"My dad, Jack McGregor. He didn't think I'd actually follow through on my dream, but here we are."

Why do you try to be a hero?
"Because it's what I've always wanted to do. Grandpa got that and made sure I was ready for it."

Why do you care about the team?
"Because a soldier is only as good as the brothers beside him."

When Our Team First Came Together...:
We found signs that this incident was the start of something bigger. What were the signs?

_____ is awesome, and you take every chance you get to hang out with them.
You've got to prove yourself to _____ before you feel like a real hero.

You are excited to be here. Give Influence over you to three (3) your teammates.
The Kilt has Influence over _____.
The Kilt is Influenced by _____.

Beacon Moves:
Suck it, Domitian
When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll + Savior instead of + Danger to 'directly engage a threat'.

Won't let you down
When you help a teammate, you can spend 2 out of the Team pool to add +2 to their roll.

Drives: (0 of 20 complete)
get drunk or high with a teammate (drunk)
lead the team successfully in battle
punch someone you probably shouldn't
take down a threat all on your own

Moment of Truth: (locked)
This is the moment when you show them exactly why you belong here. You do any one thing, take out any one enemy, no matter how insane, no matter how ridiculous, because that's you. Their jaws are gonna drop when you're done. Of course, pulling off a stunt like this tends to bring unwanted attention and a dangerous reputation...

Team Moves:
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, tell them how they're awesome and add a Team to the pool. If they tell you how you're awesome in return, add another Team to the pool.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them to confirm or deny that you should be here. If they confirm it, mark potential and give them Influence over you. If they deny it, mark Angry and shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___


The Kilt detailed backstory:

Detailed Backstory:

"In my defense, God defend me."
- Scottish National Motto

Shawn Travis McGregor was born to Scottish-natives Jack and Ophelia McGregor on a rainy May day in Halcyon City General Hospital. Sadly, Ophelia would not survive the labor. In sorrow and pain, Mr. McGregor moved himself and his infant son to the other side of the country, to Panurgic. Unknowingly, this would change Shawn's life forever, and set himself down a dangerous path.

Mr. McGregor's father, Christopher McGregor, had been very resistant to Jack's move to the United States, and this move even further west finally got the aged historian to follow his son and live with his grandson under one roof. This coincided with the now 6-year-old Shawn discovering superheroes. The toddler was entranced, and his grandfather fanned the flames.

Surrounded by superhuman media and encouraged by his (somewhat off-kilter) grandfather, Shawn made his life dream to be his heroes, to become one of them. Mr. McGregor though this was a passing phase for his son. The elder McGregor knew otherwise. In secret he arranged for Shawn to receive training in Judo and Muy Thai, as well as in the art of blades both large and small. On top of this, he educated Shawn in the history of his Scottish heritage and the methods of war taught by it. For 13 years this continued, until tragedy struck once again:

Christopher McGregor passed away.

In a graveyard in Edinburgh, Shawn found himself questioning what his life had led to. Years of training, of learning, for what? A fantasy that he could ever stack up to people beyond human. It was shortly after this thought that a messenger approached him with a package. It was a gift from his grandfather, to only be delivered if the elder McGregor was unable to do so himself. It was a red-and-black plaid kilt, specially made to hold knives and whatever else Shawn might need. His grandfather thought he was ready to be a superhero.

Shawn decided that he was right.

Within the month, Shawn returned to Panurgic and made himself know as the Kilt. Clad in little more than war paint, combat boots, a claymore, and (of course) the kilt itself, Kilt fought against monsters, criminals, and evil masterminds without hesitation. He was brave, fearless, and aggressive to a fault. The former quiet, fanboy Shawn was gone, replaced with a bold and boisterous young man (all of this much to Mr. McGregor's shock and horror). Nobody could ignore him, especially not a certain group of fellow young heroes...

Oooh! Always good to have new people on the site. Hope you stick around!
You can create aliases in the "My Account" section. Just be careful - you can't rename them after just a few posts with them.

The Kilt seems fun. He really does. The hero business really needs more hyper-aggressive scotsmen.
...I seriously you hope you get high at some point and Moxie finds out if you both get in.

Much obliged, thank you!

Everything needs more hyper-aggressive Scotsmen.

That would be FUNNY! XD

Would Miss Moxy, The Kilt!, Manifest the Maker Mage, Amir, Twitch, and Siphon please hop over to the discussion page?

You got it.

Aye sir!

Darn, I'm new to this system but not sure if there is still a spot open otherwise consider me interested in applying.

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