Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
”Welcome back,” The Witness greets his companions with a slight smile as he walks into the room and links them all via a telepathic bond.
++ It’s occurred to me that I never expounded upon my current understanding of the mechanics of The Tower so far as they relate to traveling to different points along the timeline of the regular prime material plane. Please, allow me to do so now.
++ As Gaius and I discussed, space inside The Tower corresponds to time in the regular world - the higher up the Stair we exit into the regular world, the farther back in time we arrive. Each step corresponds to 9 days’ time; each floor, or complete turn of the Stair - 360 steps - to one tran. We’ve also discovered time passes at the same rate inside and outside The Tower: if we exit through a portal into the first day of the year 100 and return two days later on the third day of the year 100, two days will also have passed inside The Tower. Furthermore, if we were to then wait seven days and exit again through the same portal, we’d arrive on the tenth day of the year 100 - not on the first day as we did on our original trip.
++ Why is this? If where one exits The Tower determines their time of arrival in the regular world, and the portal used hasn’t moved, then why doesn’t it always lead to the same time on the same day? And how can one return through the same portal two days later, to the same spatial location inside The Tower?
++ One can’t. It’s not the same location inside The Tower. The portal has moved.
++ The interior of The Tower - the column running through the center of the Stair, where the various floors and chambers are located - is in constant motion. With every moment it rotates downwards, like a screw. Every nine days it moves the height and width of one step of the Stair; every nine years that of one floor. This is why the elves measure floors in relation to Redwatch rather than the bottom of The Tower.
++ Of course, this system raises more questions, mainly as to the nature of the Stair itself and of the doorway to the Upper Tower, to which I don’t have any answers. But I thought it might be useful for us all to share a basic understanding of The Tower’s structure and connection to the outside world, so we can more effectively collaborate on discerning It’s deeper mysteries.++
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Greeting & salutations folks - I won’t be able to jump back in on the regular until sometime next month, but I’ll get a gameplay post up this week. W giving an unprompted, rambling, wizardy lecture on the spatiotemporal interaction of T-space and regular prime space seems likely.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Hey folks, profuse apologies for the silence - especially to John Gs, who’s enthusiasm has carried this game through prior periods of silence over the past four years. I know ye not save over the ether, but you’re very much appreciated. I wanted to let y’all know I’m still here and dedicated to continuing this game. I’ve had a rough 30some days or so, but hope to get back into semi-regular posting in the next week or two.
For me, this past month has been a bit of an object lesson in how posting something, anything, even in discussion, is better than nothing. Looking back I wish I’d just taken the time to pop in and say hello.
I hope y’all are having a decent holiday season. Furthermore, I hope we all return to continue exploring The Tower and It’s mysteries in the New Year (even if it’s not a new tran.)
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
++Close, Gaius - your method of calculation is largely correct, but I believe your main mistake is having miscounted our point of entry.
++By my count our region of T-space has 325 floors, each complete floor equating to nine years’ time in regular prime space, ranging from the guardian at the top at the beginning of our calendar down to the apparent end of time at the bottom in the year 2925. The elven stronghold is currently on floor 200 from the bottom, 125 from the top, which would connect to the year 1125 if there’s a portal there. It’s also the baseline floor for their numbering system.
++We exited into regular prime space from floor or-23, or floor 223 from the bottom, 102 from the top. This would place us in the year 918; any Seekers who entered The Tower on New Tran of 918 will be members of the 48th Arrival, entering T-space in 396 years as we now experience time.++
OOC Tower stuff:
FYI in my head I count the floors from the bottom up. The Redwatch region is entered from the main stairs through the elves’ stronghold level on floor 200, then interior stairs lead up to the residential level and down to the marketplace. So floor or-# is always floor 200 + #.
All that said, I applaud your research through past posts and your math, polyfrequencies!
++If I may take a moment, I’d like to take a look at the map’s enchantments as well before activating it…++
Activating constant identify SLA, studying map…
Knowledge (arcana):1d20 + 31 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 31 + 2 + 5 = 40 +2 assist from The Choreographer, +5 enhancement from Gaius/tears of wine
Spellcraft:1d20 + 25 + 20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 25 + 20 + 5 = 54+10 enhancement = 59 if identify bonus applies +20 circumstance Display of Intelligence, +5 enhancement from Gaius/tears of wine
++I have a variety of scrying spells available. I’d like to activate the map more to experience how it functions than to spy on an unknown Seeker, though it will take an hour to do so.
++Gavin, if possible, please attempt to contact Mordigran the dwarf via a sending spell. Ask him his current location and if he’s available to meet within the next few hours. If he’s still alive and in regular prime space, I’d very much like to speak with him.
++If there are no objections, I’ll attempt to scry through the map after Gavin resolves any sending.++
Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic
Hey folks, I’ll be traveling through next Thursday and I’m not sure how often I’ll have time/decent internet for updates. Please bot K with an excited puppy-like ”Yeah, wow, let’s do it!” if need be.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
”A solution to what problem? You seek life for yourself and your brother as separate entities. I seek understanding of the mechanics of reality. Gavin to seeks to follow his dream. Gaius seeks his father. Maximus…” a short, slow intake of breath, as if his next words require more effort than the rest. ”Maximus seeks to ‘beat’ The Tower.
“What is it the others here in The Tower seek? It seems most have changed or abandoned the goals they had when they entered. What goal did Theldrassil seek that required he bring an entire company of elven soldiers with him? What goal do the Flame of Kundir and his brothers seek, knowing now that, as it stands, their empire will be destroyed, their people scattered, their culture forgotten by all but the most ardent of historians?
“What of Teague? He seems to regret having entered The Tower at all. Shall we give him the means to rectify his error? Should he exit The Tower into his own past and prevent his prior self from entering, what happens to him? More importantly, what happens to everyone who spent time with him inside The Tower, or knew of him only due to his entry?
“If these concerns seem minor or inconsequential, then I pose these questions to you all:
“What is the Cataclysm? And why is The Elder haunted by memories of things that have never existed?”
The Witness pauses for a moment to collect himself. ”I believe The Tower is a tool with the power to destroy everything and everyone to ever exist in our world, and I believe the fewer people who even entertain this possibility, the better.”
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
While our GM recovers, here's an overview of what I'm thinking for W.
1. Teleport to and collect The Choreographer,
2. Pop over to the stairs via either A) Lyra's dimension door or B) passwall,
--2A. Cast aura of the unremarkable;
--2B. Dismiss the passwall;
3. Pop up or down a floor via dimension door to delay any immediate pursuit,
4. Turn to mist form and wind walk in whichever direction he thinks the residential floor is.
The main sticking point is determining which direction the stairs lie from The Choreographer's position. I'm currently seeing if our Tower Seal, when activated from inside The Tower to detect the direction of The Tower, will give only a general 'all around you' reading or point to Its center. If the latter, problem solved. If the former, I'll probably just assume the stairs lie opposite the end of the passage.
Invisibility isn't actually a big deal, as all the Redguard elves I've checked have a permanent see invisibility on them. If he brings Lyra along for her dimension door, then aura of the unremarkable will have to do.
W's doing all this to determine what floor the portal we just used is on, per sim-Morgan's stipulation "please be certain to include which floor the portal is on." He'd prefer to go alone or with only Lyra to minimize chances of delays and complications.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Elven, but using Markil's pronunciation of names, as well as a direct quote from him. I've made the parts of this that are notably different from what we originally told Henethil bigger for ease of reference.
"The region was marshland, with heavy fog over the land and extending at least a thousand feet upwards. The portal exits into a hunting blind. We followed tracks from there to a keep; my colleagues can describe them to you, but it appeared there were multiple sets, with some pre-dating the expedition you sent immediately before our own.
"The keep was manned by at least a dozen elves we saw with our own eyes; inside the courtyard are a score or so of small cottages, several of which clearly pull double duty, with part of their first floors devoted to a smithy, loom, or other professional space. The keep proper and the lower portion of the outer wall are made largely of old well-cut stone with large cracks and missing sections patched with a hodge-podge of other stones.
"After being invited inside by a guard on the wall, their guard captain rather politely took us into custody, so far as such things can be polite, and was extremely interested in how we'd arrived at the keep. It seems he and the other residents haven't been able to leave the immediate surrounds, and have had no known visitors, for at least several centuries - he described both the fog and dim outdoor illumination as constant and omnipresent, leading him and his men to stop attempting to track the passage of days. When asked the date the fog appeared, he demured, stating 'That beest a query best brought unto mine liege.' He ordered us to show him where we'd arrived, and we were obliged to comply, at least partially.
"I can magically impart the knowledge of the terrain and keep to you, as I observed them, if you're willing.
"Now then, to the piece that seems to concern Captain Henethil.
"The guard captain identified himself as Markil Glarinor, sworn servant of one Cirilith Linenviel, Archduke of Rosethorn, Lord-commander of the Shadowguard Legions, Imperial Black Wizard of the Fifth Arcane Congress, Archbishop of Ilgathoal, and Lord High Counsel to King Thingol the second, son of King Taewyn the first, son of the most High King Thingol the Exalted. Apparently the keep and surrounds constitute this Linenviel's holdings - a 'Rosethorn' estate."
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Javell DeLeon wrote:
If I wouldn't roll like garbage then that would've helped.
Yeah, that was a rough series for both of you.
Crit confirm rolls included, Maximus’ average attack roll was under 10 (9.43 rounding to the hundredths decimal.) Lyra’s was actually worse (7.08) but she has that best of 2 sudden attack, and just a lot more attacks.
Max rolled 15+ on 6 of 21 attack rolls, while Lyra cracked 15 on 8 of 37 rolls.
This breakdown has been brought to you by my inability to fall asleep tonight.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Interesting. The fireplace, the mirror, and now this door - three portals on at least two different floors - all lead to places associated with Rosethorn Manor. Coincidence, arcane confluence, or intentional design? And if the latter, is the manor intended to be near the portals, or the other way around?
The wizard stays put for the time being as his colleagues advance.
++ There’s the slight chance this manor is currently involved in a dispute between its elven owner and Salvatori Oliveto, which historically ends with Salvatori killing the owner and claiming the manor for himself.
++ Remember Olive Toes, Pigeon?++
Is the terrain a possible match for the Westfall / Vinland border region? FYI The Witness is still in windform.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
"I agree to provide quantitative analysis on reports submitted about our explorations; to submit exploration plans in advance so that you can supply us with relevant information that you may already possess about that floor or any potential portal therein; and to avoid exploring a floor if you request we do so for any reason. In return I expect to receive access too all but some of the Institute's most valuable information, with restricted information to include the index of stable floors you’ve identified.”
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
The wizard doesn’t interrupt his companions’ attempts to convince the passionate pegasus, knowing his own manner is unlikely to make it more amicable towards them.
Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds
Osseus frowns at the smells and sounds emanating from the tunnel. Once the dwarf has done what he can by way of exploration, the priest motions a withdrawal so they may speak without fear of being overheard by anything beyond the portcullis.
”It would seem the castle cellars - or more likely dungeons- are neither vacant nor idle. Unless we find some way to open that portcullis speedily or quietly, I fear attempting to breach the castle here may only result in alerting whatever’s in charge of the dungeons to our presence before we’ve made our way in.”
He turns to the wizard. ”Is there a chance these sounds and smells are an illusion? If this place met its end due to magic gone wild, as Kymil suggested, it seems probable those who dwelt here would use magic to defend it.”
”If not, we can search for alternate routes, though I doubt the daylight will hold long enough for a climb up the cliff. If need be perhaps we can camp overnight in that vineyard’s cellar to avoid detection, if it hasn’t collapsed under the weight of years.”
I have a day of air travel tomorrow, followed by 2 days of driving, so just trying to get all my ideas out now while I have the time.
Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds
Looks like I’ll also have limited time & access from now through August 12th :(
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
I sleep in a mirror, what could be clearer? If I’m being sincerer there are chambers austerer, but as a viewer and hearer they’d be infer ior. Ah, I’ve not the knack for spontaneous perfect rhyme.
The Witness sighs to himself and shifts his sight into the thaumaturgic spectrum to check the attic space for any magical auras they didn’t bring with them. He then casts detect secret doors and surveys for any entryways or compartments concealed by mundane means.
If these turn up nothing, I’ll spend 2 mythic points to cast arcane lock on the door if there is one, and an audible alarm spell placed such that it covers as much of the attic as possible while including the stairs. He’ll simply lean the mirror against the wall at the top of the stairs so he can see at least the top of them (when inside the mirror it acts as an ‘open window’ for looking and listening, so angle shouldn’t have too big an effect on visibility) and cast mirror hideaway and keep watch per usual.
Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds
As they approach the multicolored wagon Osseus notes the symbol it bears - a spoked circle with a combined sun and moon as its hub.
They travel under the sign of the wheel of life - not something I’ve seen before in Gulluvia. He smiles to himself. What’s the phrase? ‘As all rise so too must they fall?’ Not a sentiment generally popular with the aristocracy. In the east, though, it’s common enough among farmers and philosophers alike.
As the wagoners pause their labors to note the group’s approach, a frown creases the priest’s face. A wagon marked with the rota vitae suffering a broken wheel at the border of Gulluvia. An ill omen marking our arrival? A warning of what we’re to find within? Osseus notes Dolion's discomforted gaze towards the castle ruins. Or another tale to add on to the castle's legend?
Either way, the sight has drained away any happiness Ossues might have felt at returning to his homeland.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Hope you both are well again soon. The end of last week had me taking my final 1400 mile round trip drive between old apartment and new house. All loose ends tied up and our move is finally complete! I should be able to post something in gameplay tonight, as well as revise my spell selections.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
Arbiter of the Tower wrote:
...The Witness takes hold of its frame and lifts it from the wall, but as soon as it loses contact with the stones the image vanishes. Before the wizard has the opportunity to remount it, glass and frame alike crumble to a fine white powder in his hands, most of which spills on the floor at his feet.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
ALL ALLIES WITHIN 30': not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions. Round 1/11
We have worm-sign. Excellent.
The Witness spends a few moments in spiritual reflection, amplifying his resonance and extending it around him. Rising up a foot off the ground, he floats into position close behind his companions, putting them between him and the expected location of the worm's entry.
"Agreed, Gaius. While close enough to the worm, I should be able to mitigate its ability to restrain and swallow."
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
"I believe my casting was slightly imprecise, causing the spell to to unravel under the effects of the ambient arcano..." The Witness trails off as he turns and meets Lyra's eyes.
"The Tower resisted."
He pauses in thought for a moment. "I have no more passwall spells prepared, but with some effort can re-cast it. I'll try again - given the uncertain success of spells allowing us to get to The Tower's interior, I'd prefer creating a lasting egress to relying on translocation."
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
My apologies as well. We're putting our house on the market this week and my wife has been consumed by madness. I've spent the majority of the past 3 days cleaning, painting, and tidying things no sane person will ever notice or care about.
Supposedly our house should sell in 10 days or less, at which point I hope a state of relative normalcy will return :)
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
"What's the existing political entity that upholds and enforces these rules?"
++The Stair Scholars stated this territory was created by a 'single company' of forty-nine elves; the term implies a military organization. It's possible these elves were a company even when entering The Tower, and may have done so less in a search for answers and more as dedication to duty.++
The Queensman | Ship's Chaplain | CN Human (Korvosan) Inquisitor of Besmara 5 | Hp 40/45 | AC 19 ( T 12, FF 17) | F+6 R+4 W+10 | Perception +10 | Intitiative +7 | Spells Remaining: 1st 6/6; 2nd 3/4 | Active effects: none
Padrym "Paddy" the Dwarf wrote:
We need someone to suddenly play a druid who's got some sort of monstrous animal companion feat
Indeed, specifically one with the 'monstrous companion' feat, and who can cast awaken on the bulette. Once awakened, we then need to train and ordain the bulette as a cleric (evangelist) of Gozreh, so that it may then preach from a..
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
His study complete, The Witness begins to reason through his observations aloud.
"The damage to The Tower here is beyond the physical. This area is leeching magical power away from the rest of the structure. Perhaps The Tower's attempting to heal itself? The magical fields we've observed so far throughout the structure have been uniformly overwhelming in power, which would suggest the cause of the damage is of similar intensity. The magical fields here also seem to be unstable; it's possible there's some flaw in The Tower's design resulting in physical and magical stress points here at the bottom, if bottom this is.
"And then, of course, there's the apparent disappearance of anyone or anything crossing onto the landing. I see no evidence of an explicit effect which would cause this, though with the power involved it may either be too fine a detail for me to make out, or the field instability could simply destroy anything that interacts with that point.
"Tell me, Stair Scholars, have any of your volunteers attempted to fly over the landing, or translocate past its immediate area? Is it the landing itself which causes the disappearance, or a less obviously defined field of effect?"
The Queensman | Ship's Chaplain | CN Human (Korvosan) Inquisitor of Besmara 5 | Hp 40/45 | AC 19 ( T 12, FF 17) | F+6 R+4 W+10 | Perception +10 | Intitiative +7 | Spells Remaining: 1st 6/6; 2nd 3/4 | Active effects: none
The sea-priest steps up and takes the bottle. I must appease both Queen and crew to ensure a favorable fortune for our new vessel. Clearing his throat, he begins the christening, his earnest tone building into rousing fervor.
"Wind and wave take heed: A new predator gives chase amidst your currents. Monarchs and merchants take heed: A new band of free folk stand against the wealth of tyranny. No longer will you move the fruits of your oppression unchallenged! No longer will the armor of privilege protect you! For we here have taken the pain, taken the anger, from the darkest night of our souls and crafted them into a weapon to strike at those who dare defy us!
With Besmara's blessing, I name thee: Night Talon!
The Pirate Queen's man vehemently smashes the bottle against the new ship's prow.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Day 8:
Murillo continues to build rapport with Sakata during the day, and retires early from the evening's festivities to ensure he's clear-headed for their departure the following day.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
The Queensman | Ship's Chaplain | CN Human (Korvosan) Inquisitor of Besmara 5 | Hp 40/45 | AC 19 ( T 12, FF 17) | F+6 R+4 W+10 | Perception +10 | Intitiative +7 | Spells Remaining: 1st 6/6; 2nd 3/4 | Active effects: none
"There lies some contention in the particulars of the Code amongst those who dedicate themselves to Besmara's service, on account of centuries of priests writing and re-writing their own copies. But the gist is this: Carve your name on the ever-changing sea, with a saber of terror and triumph. Fight for plunder, fame, and glory, and earn your place among the legends of the sea.
"There are three particulars that all copies of the Code agree on. First, 'End Your Quarrels on Shore' - no fighting amongst the crew while at sea. Second, 'Thirty Stripes Lacking One' - the punishment for on-ship delinquency is thirty lashes on the bare back. The captain, or whomever is responsible for meting out the punishment, may choose to reserve the last lash out of mercy; however, they may inflict it at any time before the next port, to keep the offender on their best.
"And finally, 'Truce Ends at the Horizon.' Any truce is only valid until the other ship is past the horizon, but until then is sacred. Any pirate vessel that violates a truce with another pirate before then is the foulest sort of pretender."
The Sun-Touched | Munir's vocal range | LE Gnoll Solar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 2 | HP 15/19 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 16) | F+2, R+1, W+2 (-4 vs cold) | Perception -1, Darkvision 60 | Speed 30 | Remaining: Spells 1st 4/5; Solar Wind 6/6 | Active effects: none.
Munir squats awkwardly on a stool at the end of the bar, a mottled black-and-red-furred gnoll whose mutterings over an untouched flagon are occasionally punctuated by squealing barks. "...full of riddles...scratches beneath floorboards and echoes from blind alleys, twists and turns... *YIP!* ...creaks and angles..." Bending his head low, he reaches a leg up to vigorously scratch behind a large ear with his toenails. Once done, he looks up and notices the largest frog - quite possibly the only frog - he's ever seen sitting next to him.
"May the Sun shine on your endeavors," he offers in a harsh high-pitched, almost sing-song voice. His right eye fixes on the grippli while his left seems to wander over the room. This has the look of a sea-creature about it, does it not?"I am Munir of the Sandwalkers, sent by my Chieftess to assess the Undersea prince, and sent by my God *YIP!* to win him back his throne!" He grins, exposing sharp, mis-matched teeth.
Thought I’d throw together list of submissions thus far. I’ve linked to aliases where able, otherwise just to the submission post. I double-checked thread, but apologies if I still missed anyone!
Full Name & Title: Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent.
Former Occupation: Bumpkin
Source of Divinity: Clerical error
Mythic Path: Heirophant
Concept: A berk among berks
Build: Heavens Oracle with Legalistic curse
Previously a lonely wheat farmer (after a failed, misguided attempt in his youth to make it as a professional acupuncturist in the big city,) Chen Zhou was appointed to a post within the Celestial Bureaucracy due to a clerical error resulting from an inter-departmental rivalry. Once in office, he found a way to cheat the system to complete the duties of his redundant position without doing any work and escaped back to earth, where he hoped to live out the rest of his many, many days back at his farm in a simple and happy life, ignoring the strange changes his divine status seems to be inflicting upon him (knowledge of divine hierarchies, intuitive understanding of governmental systems and compulsion to adhere to them, ability to perform minor miracles, floating above the ground, clothing himself in stars, etc.) Unfortunately, it seems this won’t be the case, as after his fifth night back home he awakes in a cold cell…
Rules-wise becoming a divinity also initiated his being an oracle. His experiences with the Celestial Bureaucracy are the only “adventure” he’s ever been on, but he’s certainly motivated enough by survival to try and figure out where he is, why, and how to get back home.
RP-wise Chen is a fish out of water into the fire, and meant to be a bit of a straight man to the absurdity that is Sigil. Given time to acclimate himself and realize getting home won't be easy, he'll become more invested in developing his abilities for his own benefit. Due to his curse he'll almost certainly become more lawful as play progresses.
Long Background, or How Chen Zhou Became A God…:
In the High Court of Transference of the Upper Heavens, whose floor is made of fundamental truths, walls of celestial geometries, and ceiling of the cosmic infinitude, it was Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Chang’s big day. Over the past seven eons he’d spent all his incalculable wealth, called in all his innumerable favors, and committed myriad unthinkable acts to secure his promotion to Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent. An oft-overlooked office, he knew that once in the position he would no doubt revolutionize the Celestial Bureaucracy in short order and thus gain the favorable attention of the Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others himself. Making an enemy of Feichang Congming De Kauijishi, the being who’d previously held the post, was the least price he would pay, especially now the useless old codger had just been officially demoted to Shining Court Scribe of North Winds - a post embarrassing for even earthly spirits to hold.
It was Feichang Congming De Kauijishi’s darkest day. He’d held his office for ten thousand eons, faithfully serving the Bureaucracy without committing a single error in the execution of his duties. He glanced sidelong at his replacement as they stood in front of the Head Reviewer of Appointments to the Department of Divinities Greater, Lesser, and All Between, who had just finalized his official re-assignment to the Shining Court. He was familiar with this upstart’s kind: brash young demi-gods looking to make their mark, confident they can “fix” the system with their “new” ideas - as if they’ve come up with a thought wholly original since the dawn of time. The final insult, of course, was that it had been Feichang’s duty to transcribe the paperwork for his own demotion and his replacement’s appointment. Better a feral dog take his place than one of this sort.
Chen Zhou licked his lips as the order for his own removal from his current office was finalized, and that of his new appointment was reviewed.
It was just another day for the Head Reviewer. ”Everything seems in order,” he boomed, his voice a hundred tsunamis breaking against the roots of the world, ”As to be expected. No doubt the Temporal Parliament will miss your service, Feichang.” Nodding in satisfaction, he melted the Wax of Certainty onto the document and stamped it with the Seal of Utter Permanence. ”Very well then: By the powers of the Celestial Bureaucracy and the Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others, you are now officially Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent, for a period of no less than one thousand eons, Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng.”
There was a long pause, followed by a small cough from the demi-god Chen Zhou. ”A thousand pardons, your most efficient exultancy, but my name is Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Chang.”
”Is it?” The Head Reviewer peered again at the paperwork to confirm the name, shrugging. ”Then the job is not yours.”
The color draining from his face, the newly unemployed Chen Zhou sputtered incoherently as he was dismissed, while Feichang’s eyes merrily glittered like the stars they were.
It was the farmer Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng’s most surprising day. He was in his wheat field when the clouds parted and the Great Golden Dragon Taiyang Shizhe, Messenger of the Upper Heavens Who Waits At The Feet Of The Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others, descended to the earth. The magnificent radiance of the dragon’s scales, which were every sunrise ever to spark hope in the heart of a living thing, turned the crops to ash as she landed before the terror-stricken man. When she spoke, her voice - ten-thousand silver horns sounded by the princes of Heaven - blasted the farmer’s house to sticks and blew them away far over the horizon. Chen Zhou’s chickens, miraculously spared, took to haphazard flight as they fled the scene.
”Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, I serve notice that your term in the Celestial Bureaucracy, to be no less than one thousand eons, has begun. You are expected in your office before the Sun next passes through the Gates of Dusk.” Chen Zhou the farmer, who had prostrated himself before the Great Golden Dragon due to the failure of both his legs and bowels, dared speak.
Taiyang Shizhe looked down at the man. ”You are Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, are you not?” The man nodded, dumbfounded. ”Then I suggest you not be late on your first day.” She turned skywards and lifted off the ground.
”But - but - but-“ stammered Chen Zhou ”- how will I get there?”
”Oh very well,” the dragon muttered. Pursing her lips, she blew a stream of iridescent smoke onto the man. The vapors lifted him off the ground and buoyed him up through the clouds and into the Courts of the Celestial Bureaucracy amongst the stars.
”Your Temporal Parliament Scribe reports are late.” Douyu Jingli, Head Under-Assistant of Upper Scribe Efficiency, frowned at the human Chen Zhou, an act which exposed even more of the intricately carved ruby tusks which protruded from his lower jaw and framed his small fiery mustache.
”Late? But I just arrived!” lamented the erstwhile farmer, still dressed in soiled burlap.
”Yes, well, at least that explains your garments. Taiyang Shizhe did send a memo stating your investiture had been most unusual, though she didn’t list any specifics. In any event, you have transcription work waiting.” Chen Zhou’s spacious desk dominated his small private office, and The Head Under-Assistant pointed at a rectangular basket woven from the dreams of dead emperors which sat at one of its corners. Inside lay several documents, and on its front was affixed a small placard which simply read “IN.” ”You’d better shape up, Chen Zhou - it’s sink or swim around here. If you don’t catch on in the first thousand years, eyebrows will raise.” He raised one of his own smoldering eyebrows in demonstration.
”And what am I to do with these?” Chen Zhou asked, lifting the strange parchments from the basket.
”Do with them? You transcribe them.” He indicated the array of quills and ink vials that occupied much of the rest of the desk. ”You create an exact duplicate of each document, identical in every particular, and when complete place it here.” A second basket sat at the desk corner opposite the first, this one fashioned from the first song ever sung by a nightingale and decorated with a small placard reading “OUT.”
Chen Zhou’s heart filled with despair. ”And how often do you come to collect them and drop off more?”
”Collect them?” Douyu Jingli laughed, smoke billowing into the air where it formed strange visions before dissipating. ”Drop off more? That would be most inefficient! No, the originals are sent by the Temporal Parliament and simply appear in the one basket, while the duplicates disappear when placed in the other, transported instantly to the Celestial Archives.”
Chen Zhou furrowed his brow. ”And the originals?”
Douyu Jingli waved a dismissive hand. ”Oh, once a duplicate has been sent the original is obsolete - just destroy them.”
It was with a great sense of satisfaction that the Head Under-Assistant of Upper Scribe Efficiency next met with the Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent. The Scribe Chen Zhou sat behind his desk, dressed now in constellations befitting his station, above which his face wore an expression both fearful and hopeful.
”I must admit, Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, you had me worried when you first arrived. I thought Feichang Congming De Kauijishi had put down your name simply because it looked similar enough to that of his enemy to sneak past the Head Reviewer - just a fool appointed by chance! I should have known that wily old hand wouldn’t leave his post to the vagaries of fortune. Indeed, I daresay you’re not just Feichang's equal, but his better! Not a single mistake in transcription, and you complete them with such speed! Well done.”
Chen Zhou let out a long sigh of relief. ”My pleasure.”
”Keep this up and we’ll not see each other again until the next All-Scribes Luncheon in seven hundred seventy years.” The Head Under-Assistant gave a friendly wave as he stepped out from Chen Zhou’s office. ”See you then!”
Chen Zhou smiled and nodded, getting up to close the door after his visitor left. He then returned to his desk and opened the large bottom drawer to check on his work. Inside sat his baskets, the “IN” resting upside-down on top of the “OUT.” As he watched another document appeared, gently floating down until landing in the bottom basket and promptly disappearing. Smiling, he closed the drawer again, and after a moment locked it for good measure. He then left his office, locking the door behind him for extra-good measure, and made his way to the nearest stairwell, which eventually, after many confusing twists, turns, and quite a few directions asked, deposited him back down to earth.
He surveyed his ruined farm. ”Looks like I’ve got work to do.”
Five days later he had built himself a half-serviceable lean-to, retrieved most of his lost chickens from the surrounding countryside, and begun to save what crops he could. With a sigh of contentment he laid down to sleep, hoping he wouldn’t again dream of gods bickering over finer points of inter dimensional law. He did.
On the morning of the sixth day Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent, awoke in a cell.
Stats, Short Form:
Human Heavens Oracle 3 [Mythic Heirophant]
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 18
HP 23, AC 10/16, BAB +2, CMB +2, CMD 12
Fort +3*; Ref +1; Will +5 (*+5 total vs poisons)
Alignment: L/C: Neutral(60); G/E: Neutral (50) (His Legalistic curse is slowly pushing him towards lawful)
Alternate Human Racial Traits: Focused Study (replaces bonus feat), Heart of the Fields (replaces Skilled)
Traits: Social: Beast Bond (handle animal), Region: Acupuncturist Skills (+favored class bonus): Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +11, Heal +11, Knowledge (religion) +7, Lore (bureaucracy) +7, Lore (law) +7, Perception +8, Profession (farmer) +9
Languages: Common(?), Celestial
Feats: Skill Focus (heal), Improvisational Healer, Extra Revelation
Oracle Mystery:Heavens.
Oracle Curse:Legalistic Revelations: Coat of Many Stars, Lure of the Heavens, Spray of Shooting Stars (effective oracle level 7 - mythic ability)
Spells (all cures): orisons - create water, detect poison, light, mending, purify food and drink; 1st (5/day) - cure light wounds, color spray, command (mythic), protection from chaos, sanctuary Mythic Tier: 1
Mythic Path:Heirophant; Divine Surge= Inspired Spell
Mythic Path Abilities: Mythic Domain (Heirophant)
Mythic Feat:Mythic Spell Lore Gear: Honestly I’m fine with starting with no gear and just finding a bag/backpack full of 1,000gp worth of random equipment he can claim. If that’s not cool, I can put together some kind of Celestial Bureaucracy office kit for him.
The Queensman | Ship's Chaplain | CN Human (Korvosan) Inquisitor of Besmara 5 | Hp 40/45 | AC 19 ( T 12, FF 17) | F+6 R+4 W+10 | Perception +10 | Intitiative +7 | Spells Remaining: 1st 6/6; 2nd 3/4 | Active effects: none
"A naga, huh? Naga-na stop us from killing her, but it sounds like we may have to trick her out onto land first. If she's flooding her homes she's aquatic, and fighting her in the water's a bad wager.
"Maybe lure her out to 'parlay' with promise of tribute? We'd have to hook her first try, though; she'd be a fool not to bolt underwater once she knows our game."
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
The Choreographer of Flowers rotates in midair to face The Pigeon for a moment, and the woman would swear the bird cocks a non-existent eyebrow at her before turning back to face the pair of elves.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
I'm sorry, John. It occurs to me that I did not introduce myself either. I'm Ed, RL friend of Giant Halfling for a few decades. Long time player (on tabletop) and no stranger to the forums. While I sound similar to Joe on paper, I assure you we're quite different :)
I gravitate towards specialized characters of all varieties with one or two clear "axioms" to fall back on for RP guidance, though more often than not I play a caster of one kind or another. My specialization has been known to reach borderline inappropriate levels from a mechanical standpoint, and my characters are generally fairly obsessive about their particular specialties. (By way of for instance, I'm currently trying to restrain myself from increasing The Witness's initiative bonus past +18.)
Polite Busybody | NG female ratfolk shaman (animist) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 (T 14 / FF 12) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (darkvision, scent), Sense Motive +5 | Doors 3/3 | Active Effects: none
Round 4
The smell of wet wool and fresh-cut grass descends upon Evie as Jek looms beside her, bringing to mind the young Honzik ladies taking a turn through the spring gardens of Tryon Manor. The pleasant memory fades as quickly as it came as the bariaur's shout fills the rainy alley.
"Quite right." Evie glances back at the crowded scuffle behind her, her eyebrows raising at Akrynn's new dimensions. Her and Frederick's eyes search for a clear path or doorway that would allow them to assist, but to no avail, so she turns her attention back to the pair at hand. She nods at the closer of the attackers.
"I think it best if you two were to leave now," she says sympathetically. "You'll not do yourselves much good if your brains are spilled over the pavement instead of boxed up proper." She looks meaningfully at the tiefling's corpse.
Polite Busybody | NG female ratfolk shaman (animist) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 (T 14 / FF 12) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (darkvision, scent), Sense Motive +5 | Doors 3/3 | Active Effects: none
DM Delmoth wrote:
Curious to see how the Tom and Jerry routine turns out.
I don't mean to instigate any kind of actual PvP, but the setup of seemingly being attacked in the middle of hiring a bodyguard was too good to pass up.
Polite Busybody | NG female ratfolk shaman (animist) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 (T 14 / FF 12) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (darkvision, scent), Sense Motive +5 | Doors 3/3 | Active Effects: none
The Serious Githzerai wrote:
"I do happen to be between work at the moment. If your coin is good I have an opening, I will require ten percent of my fee up front and I'm yours as long as you pay."
"Excellent!" Evie beams. "I can use the protection. We'll be leaving as soon as I -" An accusatory squeak sounds from the ratfolk's scarf as a grey rat pokes its head out. Evie spins her head just in time to see the incoming catgirl mid-pounce.
Perception vs DC 27:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Evie's obviously surrounded by danger!
Polite Busybody | NG female ratfolk shaman (animist) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 (T 14 / FF 12) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (darkvision, scent), Sense Motive +5 | Doors 3/3 | Active Effects: none
Wanted to give everyone a chance to chime in at the Poor Sod before Evie arrives, if they're so inclined.
Delmoth I'm toying with the idea of taking the Animist archetype with Evie. I like the concept and the 2nd level ability, but I'm not 100% sold on the replacement spells and delaying hexes until 4th level. Overall it would take her in a much more mystical direction as a character, and I'm basically waiting to see if any of the other PCs already have that vibe going on.