The Tower of Ages

Game Master Giant Halfling

Map of Cardriss, The Seeker's Seal, Language Guide, Campaign Journal, Treasure Ledger

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Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

I'm just giving other folks a chance to chime in here. I'll have W reply tomorrow morning if nobody else jumps in.

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

Reminder that I'm heading abroad today, posting may be spotty through 04/15 depending on cell service and spousal tolerance for PbP on vacation :)

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

Just a heads up- I'll be having surgery on the 28th. I don't anticipate being out of commission for too long but, depending on how strong the pain meds are, my posting may be spotty for the first few days or so afterwards.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Question: Gavin said he gives the ring to Maximus. But it looks like Witness has the ring.

So... who has the ring? (For the record, Maximus really doesn't want the ring and hopes Gavin meant Witness). :P

But I ask for clarity purpose. :)

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

lol- Gavin was going to give the ring to you (I think because you said something about being willing to share memories), but the Witness pointed out that you were with Gavin when the group split up (which means sharing your memories would defeat the purpose of getting them from two different people). So, the Witness gets the ring from Gavin.


Sorry for falling silent for a few days there- work this week was insane trying to get everything set up for the couple weeks I'll be out after my surgery. It's all done now and I should have a ton of time for posting next week, until the surgery on Friday. I probably won't post at all next weekend but I'm hoping that by Monday I'll be able to post one-handed, lol. I will be high (on the prescribed pain medication) but hopefully you won't be able to tell (or if you can hopefully it'll be funny and not disruptive).

I'll have a game play post up tomorrow.

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

I never want to discourage RP, but (given the pace we're moving at right now) it might be worthwhile to just make a couple quick ooc posts about who's casting what on whom--maybe a couple caster level checks for whoever is using teleport/dimension door for each of the groups--and I can move us along a bit?

Also, I'm not sure who all remembers but you were actually assigned taking the elves' mission as part of your new working relationship with the Research Institute... so, are Gavin and Maximus going to make the official report up there or are you planning on trying to skirt that and just look for Gaius?

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

I'm working out the specifics of my plan - hope to have post up tonight.


Sorry, I was hoping to get one more gameplay post up but I’m in the hospital now getting all my pre-op shots and whatnot. I’ll try to post something on Monday.

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

No worries, take all the time you need.

oversized hobbit

Good luck sir.

Probably well-wishes:

Definitely post while still under the effects of the sedatives, it'll be way more interesting.

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

Did you know that a lion can knock up a leopard, but a leopard can’t knock up a cheetah?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

While our GM recovers, here's an overview of what I'm thinking for W.

1. Teleport to and collect The Choreographer,
2. Pop over to the stairs via either A) Lyra's dimension door or B) passwall,
--2A. Cast aura of the unremarkable;
--2B. Dismiss the passwall;
3. Pop up or down a floor via dimension door to delay any immediate pursuit,
4. Turn to mist form and wind walk in whichever direction he thinks the residential floor is.

The main sticking point is determining which direction the stairs lie from The Choreographer's position. I'm currently seeing if our Tower Seal, when activated from inside The Tower to detect the direction of The Tower, will give only a general 'all around you' reading or point to Its center. If the latter, problem solved. If the former, I'll probably just assume the stairs lie opposite the end of the passage.

Invisibility isn't actually a big deal, as all the Redguard elves I've checked have a permanent see invisibility on them. If he brings Lyra along for her dimension door, then aura of the unremarkable will have to do.

W's doing all this to determine what floor the portal we just used is on, per sim-Morgan's stipulation "please be certain to include which floor the portal is on." He'd prefer to go alone or with only Lyra to minimize chances of delays and complications.

In out, like a duck mating.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Interesting plan. I say go for it and go with the Aura of unremarkable spell and hope they don't make their save. But I would definitely recommend taking Lyra with you. The word "alone" is not a good word in the D&D world. :P

female human vigilante 13 | HP 144/144 | AC 35 T 21 F 28 | CMB +21, CMD 35 | F: +10, R: +21, W: 13 (+2 vs disease/fear,+4 vs sleep/paralysis) | Init: +11 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 | Speed 60ft | 6/7 mythic | 6/6 1st | 5/5 2nd | 5/5 3rd | 4/4 4th | 1/1 5th | Active Conditions:greater false life(23), defending bone, status(gavin,witness), ward of the season(summer), ride the waves [all 11 hours], lucky number(18),fly, herosim, featherstep, ward of the season(spring +10 speed)

Lyra would LOVE to go on that adventure!

Cleric 13 (Theologian) HP:149/149 AC:28 TO:17 FF:23 F:15 R:13 W:19 Percept:+30 Sense Motive:+28 Init:+7 Fire Resist:20 CMD:16 Active effects: . mailbox paid until Tower day:72

*checks coinpurse*

"I guess I've got a little bail money....."


sorry its taking so long to get a post up- surgery went well but between being in a haze from the drugs and just being out of it from the wildly erratic sleep schedule that the swings between pain and highness cause, I haven't really been able to write coherent posts. i'm done with one the meds now, and my brain seems a bit clearer, so I'm hoping i might be able to post tomorrow or Sunday. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

Recovery update: had a follow up with the doc today. everything is progressing well; staples are out and they're starting to wean me off the pain meds. I'm working on getting back into regular posting but have found that between mental haze and shoulder pain I can't get to all my games in the same day yet (and, obviously, GM posts take more time and energy, so I haven't been able to really start those yet). I'm hopeful that we'll be up and running again soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Also, I was going to make you wait until you won another fight before your next level, but since we have this downtime why don't you all go ahead and level up to 13th. Congrats! If you have any questions about leveling post them here and I'll get to them as quick as I can. And, don't forget about checking the ABP chart and your attunements for any improvements (like 5th level spells from your 3rd attunement, for example).

oversized hobbit

VERY glad things are progressing. A set of blinds jumped off their brackets and attacked my wife last night, cutting her hand pretty deep, so we had to get her stitches, and a lot of cleaning since they were the ones in the garage and dirty.

female human vigilante 13 | HP 144/144 | AC 35 T 21 F 28 | CMB +21, CMD 35 | F: +10, R: +21, W: 13 (+2 vs disease/fear,+4 vs sleep/paralysis) | Init: +11 | Perc: +17, SM: +17 | Speed 60ft | 6/7 mythic | 6/6 1st | 5/5 2nd | 5/5 3rd | 4/4 4th | 1/1 5th | Active Conditions:greater false life(23), defending bone, status(gavin,witness), ward of the season(summer), ride the waves [all 11 hours], lucky number(18),fly, herosim, featherstep, ward of the season(spring +10 speed)

Pigeon and Crow get
Critical Focus as thier feat
+2 charisma and +2 constitution
+1 to saves, and +1 natural armor
entrepreneur as the vigilante social talent
skills, all 12s go to 13, background goes into strings (2 points)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Will attempt to get Max leveled up tomorrow but I can't promise anything.

With work beating me down day after day - including Saturdays - and Mother's Day tomorrow, it may be a few days before I get him done. Possibly next weekend, I don't know.

But don't wait on me. We can just keep rolling, no biggie. My posting has taken a major hit anyway with work being as busy as it is and I don't see that changing for the foreseeable future. So if I don't post for a few days, that's why. Mainly because I'm just too tired and really don't feel like doing much of anything, to be honest. :P

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

I’ll probably dive into the sea of leveling choice paralysis this evening.

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

I'm down to picking my feat and one more wizard spell.

Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44

Thanks for the updates. Hopefully Gavin will check in soon as well. Also, I PMed Gaius about leveling and getting back into the game but I haven't heard back yet. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon too.

Cleric 13 (Theologian) HP:149/149 AC:28 TO:17 FF:23 F:15 R:13 W:19 Percept:+30 Sense Motive:+28 Init:+7 Fire Resist:20 CMD:16 Active effects: . mailbox paid until Tower day:72

All decisions made, just need to get them digitized.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Okay, I've got to pick a 3rd level and 2 5th level spells. That'll take some time.

Outside of that, I've got him pretty much done. I still have to get the info on his profile though. I've only got it done on herolabs. Should get that done over the next few days.

Apologies for the delay.

oversized hobbit

SPELLS, I completely forgot that. So I need to do so tonight.

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

I'm down to picking my feat.

Lightninghoof | Male Human (Vitolian) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 13 / Marshal-Archmage 2 | HP: 166/151 | Perception +30 (+33 vs targets), Sense Motive +23 | Spd 50 ft | AC 28 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 24 | CMD 31 | Fort + 10, Reflex +16, Will +14 | Init +6 | MP: 7/7 | Active: Longstrider, Light, Heightened Awareness, Tears to Wine, Echolocation, Wind Walk, Telepathic Bond | 32/32 rounds of bardic performance

Hi folks. I'm glad that Arbiter/GH has been able to speak for me a bit while I've been away. I probably needed some of this additional time away while y'all were out on a big mission outside of the Tower, but knowing that you're on your way back and that you're about ready too pick the erstwhile bard back up I would love to return.

John Gs and Giant Halfling have both been with me in another game, though I have missed gaming with goodwicki, Javell DeLeon, and JoeLudwick tremendously during this absence.

The short version is: life sucks.

The long version you can get if you want. PM me or hit me up on Discord.

I need to level Gaius. But I look forward to rejoining!

oversized hobbit

Woohoo! Welcome back sir. We haven't had a SINGLE food fight since you've left. But now... <Lyra lifts a buttered roll while Seth groans in mock horror>

Lightninghoof | Male Human (Vitolian) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 13 / Marshal-Archmage 2 | HP: 166/151 | Perception +30 (+33 vs targets), Sense Motive +23 | Spd 50 ft | AC 28 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 24 | CMD 31 | Fort + 10, Reflex +16, Will +14 | Init +6 | MP: 7/7 | Active: Longstrider, Light, Heightened Awareness, Tears to Wine, Echolocation, Wind Walk, Telepathic Bond | 32/32 rounds of bardic performance

Gaius has a duty then.

<The bard mage hands an extra saucy glob of spaghetti behind his back.>

Lightninghoof | Male Human (Vitolian) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 13 / Marshal-Archmage 2 | HP: 166/151 | Perception +30 (+33 vs targets), Sense Motive +23 | Spd 50 ft | AC 28 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 24 | CMD 31 | Fort + 10, Reflex +16, Will +14 | Init +6 | MP: 7/7 | Active: Longstrider, Light, Heightened Awareness, Tears to Wine, Echolocation, Wind Walk, Telepathic Bond | 32/32 rounds of bardic performance

I'm cleaning up my sheet, but here's the quick summary of Gaius Lv13.

Arcane Duelist 13/Marshal 2:
  • Attunement: Strength +2, Charisma +2
  • New Bard Spells: Bard's Escape, Shadowbard, Akashic Communion
  • New Eldritch Power (Magus) Spells: Dimensional Blade, Monstrous Physique III, Displacement
  • Lv 13 Feat: Discordant Voice
  • New Skill Ranks (12): Acrobatics, Diplomacy (3), Intimidate, Linguistics (True Horse), Perception, Perform (oratory), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device

    Also, I know I had talked about taking a Legendary Item as my Tier 2 Path Ability, but I decided to take Commanding Entrance instead. I almost went with Distracting Assailant or Heroic Block instead, but this one just won out.

  • Leaning a bit more into social interaction and doing even more force multiplication!

    Cleric 13 (Theologian) HP:149/149 AC:28 TO:17 FF:23 F:15 R:13 W:19 Percept:+30 Sense Motive:+28 Init:+7 Fire Resist:20 CMD:16 Active effects: . mailbox paid until Tower day:72

    Gavin's level

    +1d6 channel energy
    +1 channel energy per day
    Gain 7th level cleric spells
    +1 natural armor
    +1 resistance bonus
    +1 to Perception, Sense Motive, diplomacy
    +2 use magic device
    Gain 5th level bard spells (foe to friend, greater Heroism)

    Feat- persistent spell

    Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

    Any recommendation on a good language to choose?

    I increased his intelligence and I don't know enough about the languages to know what to pick so I'm game for anything.

    Still working on spells. Oh my gosh, there are SO MANY spells to choose from. And it's an alchemist spell list, not a wizard or a cleric. A much smaller pool of spells and there are STILL way too many. :P

    Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

    Okay, I finally got Max done.

    My weapon training feature is this:
    Focused Weapon

    My ABP is +2 to Int/Con.

    Feat is Greater Weapon Focus

    Oh, and spells. Took Tongues at 3rd. Took Beast Shape III, Monstrous Physique III at 5th.

    Unless someone has a better idea on spells - because I'm not really that knowledgeable on spells to be honest - I'll just stick with those.

    Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
    Gaius Ignatius V wrote:
    "You still have that silver weapon, don't you, Maximus?"

    I have absolutely no idea. If I did take one, I totally forgot to write it down. :P

    Lightninghoof | Male Human (Vitolian) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 13 / Marshal-Archmage 2 | HP: 166/151 | Perception +30 (+33 vs targets), Sense Motive +23 | Spd 50 ft | AC 28 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 24 | CMD 31 | Fort + 10, Reflex +16, Will +14 | Init +6 | MP: 7/7 | Active: Longstrider, Light, Heightened Awareness, Tears to Wine, Echolocation, Wind Walk, Telepathic Bond | 32/32 rounds of bardic performance

    It turns out that you did not, in spite of Gaius' efforts to convince you otherwise.

    He forgot.

    Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

    Apologies, had unexpected guests for the holiday weekend and threw my whole rhythm out of whack. Catching up tonight, should have level info and gameplay post by tomorrow afternoon at latest.

    Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll
    Javell DeLeon wrote:
    Any recommendation on a good language to choose?

    The Witness can teach you any of the following: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Axiomatic, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giantish, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Kono’a, Mbamba, Orcish, Protean, Svenik, Sylvan, Tel’Aeth, Tengwae, Terran, Vitolian, Old Vitolian, Olde Common, Old Elven, Ancient Tel’Aeth, Old Svenik, Old Tengwae, Alvorexian/Conclavish, or True Horse.

    Currently the most useful would probably be either Elven or Old Elven, for dealing with the Redwatch.

    Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

    Sweet! I shall roll with Old Elven then. He knows Elven, so, Old Elven seems pretty fitting.

    I gotta confess, though, Ancient Tel’Aeth looks pretty freaking cool. Only because I've no idea what that is but it sounds - and is spelled - really cool. :P

    Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

    It's a language used to show off how wizardy you are, and to read ancient proto-Atlaean propaganda. For instance, it's what W and Mordigran the dwarf spoke to each other in. Less useful in general, but could be handy in a pinch.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hey everyone, I’m really sorry for falling silent without any notice. Last week I returned to normal/full-time work and it’s proved a bit more challenging than expected. I continue to recover well, and I’m getting to the point where I should be able to post during breaks and after work with some regularity again soon. I’m actually off tomorrow, so I’ll catch up on reading posts and get a post up myself then. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

    No worries. I’ve been pretty busy with RL myself - hence the lack of nagging you about the game :)

    Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

    It actually works out great for me too. Between long hours at work and working to find time with family, it's hard to find time to post. I'm just too dang tired both physically and mentally to do anything.

    Unfortunately, there's no clear end in sight at this juncture.

    So if I'm not around for a couple/three days here or there, that's why.

    Maps: Cardriss, Market, Residential; Language Guide; Geography; NPC list, Tower Day: 44
    Gavin wrote:
    It seems as though this day has been 183 days long....

    I'm afraid to even ask but is that actually the number of RL days since the current in-game day started?

    Also, I'll wait a little while longer to move on just because I believe the Witness will have more to add (like the floor the portal was on, since he spent a bunch of time/energy figuring it out), and in case anyone else wants to add anything (or telepathically encourage Gavin to omit anything).

    Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll

    Sorry for the delay, have been laid up sick the past few days. Feeling better now :)

    Cleric 13 (Theologian) HP:149/149 AC:28 TO:17 FF:23 F:15 R:13 W:19 Percept:+30 Sense Motive:+28 Init:+7 Fire Resist:20 CMD:16 Active effects: . mailbox paid until Tower day:72

    I told you to bump your fortitude save......

    Lightninghoof | Male Human (Vitolian) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 13 / Marshal-Archmage 2 | HP: 166/151 | Perception +30 (+33 vs targets), Sense Motive +23 | Spd 50 ft | AC 28 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 24 | CMD 31 | Fort + 10, Reflex +16, Will +14 | Init +6 | MP: 7/7 | Active: Longstrider, Light, Heightened Awareness, Tears to Wine, Echolocation, Wind Walk, Telepathic Bond | 32/32 rounds of bardic performance

    Hey, everyone rolls a natural 1 sometimes.


    no worries- I burned my good (not limited by recent surgery) hand over the weekend and am just now able to post again anyways.

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