The Sapphire Bullet |

Oh, nice! At least I’m doing the ideal kind of damage (bludgeoning), despite being in water.
Thank you both for that info!
Aaaand really happy I took Seaborne instead of +1 (which I believe is only possible with the amulet, unlike the body wrap and masterwork weapons).
I don’t mind if the GM has me eat one use of Stunning Fist. I could’ve looked up swarm immunities, but figured I’d rather learn by trial and error. I don’t think there’s a special action, but if there is then I’d only have used Elemental Fury this round.
@GM, can I enter Dragon Stance while swimming? I’ll understand if it’s a no, and am not sure the freedom of movement from Seaborne makes it a yes, but I’ll have nothing better to do with my swift action next round (my cold damage bonus lasts two rounds), so thought I should ask.

Augustus Murillo |

Indeed. But I think these creatures are Tiny which means they can be harmed by weapons. Half damage for slashing and piercing and full damage for bludgeoning.
I did not know that - things may be looking up! I've only had the misfortune of dealing with smaller-than-tiny creature swarms in past games.

The Sapphire Bullet |

I *hate* unhittable swarms! Bees are deadlier than dragons if you’re a fighter.

Master of the Seas and Storms |

Been busy at work, but I’ll get a gameplay post up this afternoon. Stunning fist does not work on them, but learning the hard way is the best way to learn, so go ahead on check off one of your daily uses, Saph. And, you can stand on the bottom here, so no issue with dragon stance. For future reference, I’d say that you can’t really hold a combat stance when you’re in a position that requires swim checks (which is most of the time when fighting underwater, although when you’re in a form with a swim speed you don’t normally have to roll so you would be able to use it then).
And Jordanna is correct about being able to affect this swarm with weapons. My characters (especially at low levels) almost always carry a flask or two of acid and/or alchemist’s fire, specifically for dealing with swarms because ones with smaller-than-tiny constituents really are a huge pain. Of course, being underwater, those wouldn’t really work here, so it’s doubly fortunate that weapons will do some damage (although, remember... some weapons do half damage for being underwater and then that’s halved again because it’s a swarm...).

Hedwig Bogg II |

Bombs are great for them! but underwater... At one point I had her having the underwater bombs discovery, but wanted so many things, so so so many things.

The Sapphire Bullet |

So I’ve got freedom of movement and bludgeoning, so at least I hit normally… and only once since the stun auto-fails. (Already marked down one SF use, along with ki and health. Sooooo much health!)
Do the fish take the full effect from cold damage, or is that halved as well? (I believe anything that’s not AoE is halved, and AoE is either normal or double. I have a Starfinder Solarian who can become a swarm of particles at Lv.9… which is my only frame of reference aside from that one experience not being able to hit diminutive creatures.)

Master of the Seas and Storms |

Oof... you might want to sit down before you check gameplay Saph (4 in a row?!? yikes...). I believe the cold does full damage, that's how I've been figuring it at least. Also, Hedy... why don't you have fencing grace? I'll try to check your results for you but it might be worth posting your cold damage separately from regular damage? Iirc, a Str penalty won't reduce your damage below 1, but when you post the cold in the same formula it can reduce it to 0 (or less) and it might go unnoticed because the cold damage still shows up. (You actually did 3 damage on that attack, because the 1 minimum stayed a 1 minimum when halved, lol.)

Hedwig Bogg II |

Too many wants and desires. Bombs are her bread and butter but no use here. Firearms are also good, and she's okay with a sword but not a damage dealer. More of a whittler. She also wanted her owl, with the ability to dirty trick or aid another at range, neither of which are useful here... sadly. And elemental strike added +2 damage to all attacks.
All that to say, I did want fencing grace, just didn't have enough for it. For Now!!!

The Sapphire Bullet |

I was much happier with my d20 hat trick a few months ago, since those were my attack rolls and not attacks against me.
Can swarms not AoO? Because if that’s the case, I can flying kick my way to shore. (Given the combination of footing and freedom of movement!) Flying kick only works if I land where I can attack, so it would not help me escape. But if they follow Paddy, and I move slow either way (unless I shape-shift), the kick serves my purpose. I want to kill these fish… if they don’t kill me first!
More flukes: 2nd failed conf.crit today, though it was an ally in the other game. And my cold d6’s are 1s. Be like me, fish! Be like my d6’s!

Master of the Seas and Storms |

@Saph- no worries, swarms are immune to crits anyways!
@everyone- I think RAW bleed is rolled once and then you take that amount every round... I like rolling every round better, though. However, if you all would prefer we stick to RAW on this we can (Saph and Paddy will just have to take 6 and 5 instead of 5 and 3).

The Sapphire Bullet |

Your way is better. I’d rather take 17 damage from three bad rolls than 18 damage from one bad roll.
Speaking of rotten luck, I was also bleeding in the pool just now. Not as badly as Saph, but I said the F-word more times… in front of my seven-year-old. I am not bragging, just to be clear.

Padrym "Paddy" the Dwarf |

I'm not gonna argue about two less damage. Thanks

Hedwig Bogg II |

A quick channel from our cleric might help.

Hedwig Bogg II |

Oh poop

The Sapphire Bullet |

Well, he does have CLW and CMW, which I very desperately could use. Paddy has more HP than my max.
Saph is fragile! (To be fair, she only had to wrestle to entertain, so she didn’t really have to take hits… just grapple well.) And the GM’s amazing streak with d6’s doesn’t help me much. If only I could take all those consecutive 5’s and 6’s to my Shadowrun game!

The Sapphire Bullet |

I’ll hold off until it’s confirmed by others (Jordanna and/or GM) Saph’s doing this.
@GM, if so, I already noted Saph will become a lizard woman as soon as she’s permitted to fight, and will start the fight from ten feet away. (Yes, so I can strike twice if I win init.)
Also, @GM, if lizard wins init please roll his attack as well. (Or attacks? Not sure if he can multi-attack if he needs to move.) My AC won’t change from Alter Self. My CMD will be one better, but the lizard said he won’t wrestle.

Master of the Seas and Storms |

I will also hold off for a little bit to see if Jordanna (or anyone else) has anything to say on the matter. Although, I will let anyone interested know that this combat is like their version of a duel, so there may be a little more structure to it than you might be imagining.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Don’t let my IC post fool you. I prefer this OoC since I get to save my Alter Self for the Naga Queen. I just thought Saph owed the guy a good trash-talking for wimping out of her challenge.
And for belittling wrestling.

The Sapphire Bullet |

@GM, please don’t auto-translate during the challenge.

Augustus Murillo |

@Master of S&S Just realized my character sheet was unfinished! Added aquan as my additional language and Weapon Focus (rapier) as my missing feat (not the previously speculated Power Attack.)

Master of the Seas and Storms |

Sounds good. Clearly I forgot about going through and doing audits before our first combat... I'll try to rectify that over the weekend.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Since clothing changes when I alter self, does it change its shape?—meaning, same exact outfit, but the pants can now accommodate a tail (if lizardfolk form)
…or does the clothing change in style?—meaning if a race dresses a certain way, I blend in (particularly with a primitive race, like lizardfolk)

Master of the Seas and Storms |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Clothing resizes to fit... I would say that includes things like opening to accommodate a tail or having your shoes/pants absorbed if you became a mermaid. It doesn’t change the style at all; you’d need something like disguise self or sleeves of many garments for that.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Makes sense.
I almost took the sleeves (200g), along with the Irori-themed robe (2300g)… but half my PbP characters have the ability to magically change clothes, so I stopped myself.

Master of the Seas and Storms |

I’m going to be without internet most of the day today, so rather than rush to start a conversation that I won’t be around to reply to, I’ll post this evening. Sorry for the delay.

Padrym "Paddy" the Dwarf |

No worries GM

The Sapphire Bullet |

Some questions before Hedy gives the attack signal (or we get attacked… either way):
(1) Is the pool, at least the shallow part, Difficult Terrain? —meaning, if so, the Dragon Stance will be helpful?
And I’m in undine form, so…
(2) I have a 30ft swim speed at the moment. Is there such thing as a swimming charge if you have swim speed and freedom of movement?
I don’t necessarily want to charge, as my AC isn’t spectacular, but if I need to move quickly, good to know I can. But if I won’t charge if I don’t have to...
(3) How close are we? I can use a flying kick + flurry if 10’ away, or 15’ if a swim speed allows 5’ step in water.
EDIT: Nice Bluff! And nice die roll to support it!

Master of the Seas and Storms |

1) At the edge of the pool, where you currently are, the water is shin-deep, and counts as difficult terrain... you can’t say for sure how deep the pool gets in the middle but as long as it’s not more than like 4-5’ it would still just be difficult terrain.
2) Yes, you can swim-charge if you have a swim speed, I’m not sure if you can switch movement types in a charge though? If you want to try it let me know and I’ll do some looking around.
3) She’s in the middle of a 60’ pool, so roughly 30’ from you. A swim speed allows you to take a 5’ step when you’re swimming but won’t help when walking through shallow water.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Awesome! Well, I guess we’re awaiting the init roll.
*If* Saph can take one action for the surprise round, it’s Dragon Stance. (Benefit: I can have both Dragon and Elemental Fury when I attack.)
I’m not sure if she can, or if Surprise Round is Hedy-only… I am sure that I can’t hit the queen in the Surprise Round, since I can only Flying Kick if I flurry.

Master of the Seas and Storms |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You guys didn't have an agreed upon sign to jump the naga or anything, so only Hedy will get to act in the surprise round. Combat post will be up shortly.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Does that misfortune hex mean the naga needs to roll two fort saves vs my fatiguing punch?
…or “fatiguing lunch,” as auto-correct thinks I meant to say?

Master of the Seas and Storms |

Lol, sorry, that happened before she used the hex (and thank you for reminding me to roll that).

The Sapphire Bullet |

Can I charge her with a swim charge? Would a DC20 Acro check help? (10 ft jump, ignore DT while charging, DC+10 since the jump is without a running start — swim-charge remaining distance.)

Master of the Seas and Storms |

Charging is a special full-round action, so you definitely cannot combine it with any kind of acrobatics or jumping. Normally, I think, you'd be unable to switch movement types between land and swimming because there would always be at least one square of difficult terrain to ruin the charge, but dragon style will overcome that and I don't see any rule that precludes switching movement types in a charge? If anyone else does know of such a rule please let me know before I send flying-fish merfolk after you with swim/fly charges... but for now it looks to me like you can charge the naga Saph.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Nice! No Acro check is preferrred… one less roll I gotta make count.
Also, attempting a stunning fist (Fatigue) again to slow her down.

Padrym "Paddy" the Dwarf |

Flying-fish merfolk?
Oh that's such a good idea. They'd be great for boarding. I missed my opportunity.
I don't know of a rule like that. Thinking about it from a realistic standpoint, it might depend. I could see someone with magical perfect fly maneuverability being able to switch between the two, but if they are using wings, I generally see them make a running start for takeoff. If the winged character has a fast fly speed than land speed and is going for a landing, there might be some awkwardness in having high momentum but suddenly lower speed. For water, I could see someone running before diving into the water and using the momentum to keep moving forward. It doesn't translate well the other way around though. Freedom of movement would be helpful in such situations.
I should just learn physics at this point.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Well, don’t know how much HP the queen started with, but…
Relevant Blazing Saddles Quote
...and if it *is* more than 114, I am next to a PO’d naga and my AC is 12 (because charging).

Master of the Seas and Storms |

I have a busy morning today but I’ll have a post moving us along up this afternoon. Am I correct in understanding that the PCs are not going to help tear down the dam, just supervise the lizardfolk’s labor?

Hedwig Bogg II |

Hedy won't stop anyone from helping, she just doesn't see the need for them to get a tired mess.
Unless the lizards are doing something Horrible wrong that is.
Meaning if Saph and Carver want to help tear apart the dame, feel free.

The Sapphire Bullet |

Saph intends to help them, particularly since she thinks they’ll hear her out if she’s working with them. She has a strong opinion about tyrant leaders… and at this point is being respectful the the warriors.

Hedwig Bogg II |

So Hedy is the only one supervising :)

The Sapphire Bullet |

They’ve dropped their attitudes, and Saph already made clear Hedy’s the boss. Probably for the best Hedy’s people (but not Hedy) help the laborers. Despite the death threat she made earlier, Saph will try to end things on a peaceful note, mostly in the hope the village won’t have problems with lizardfolk in the foreseeable future.
OoC, I realize we’re almost outta here.
Also OoC, I have no idea where Here is.

Hedwig Bogg II |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We are currently at Rickety's Squibs. A chop shop for ships. We are making it so the Chelaxian warship we are now the masters of, won't be recognized as such when we sail her around.

The Sapphire Bullet |

So... turns out the “swarms don’t die; they disperse” logic is pretty accurate. I stepped on a bush with a wasps’ nest in it just now. My luck was better than Saph vs. piranhas. Just got stung once in the shoulder, and jeans and work gloves might have prevented additional stings.
And running definitely helped! So if swarms don’t get AoO… also accurate.