Gods Among Men- Planescape Mythic Campaign

Game Master The Kobold Klan

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Silver Crusade

The Kobold Klan wrote:

But not too much so you can't have done something that you'll be missed in your world with... Or maybe you will

Ah, cool. Of course, I understand that we don't start out super powerful. My idea in both cases is that her reincarnation that she starts with is a lot less powerful than she used to be, since it is either a completely new body and/or she has lost most of her memories and skills. That would lower her effective class levels all the way back down, but she still maintained a sliver of divinity/mythic power.

By the way, could you clarify what the quote above means, exactly? I don't completely understand the sentence.

To stay on the safe side, I'll go with the first idea of a hero who had recently began to have international fame but then died on a mission to defend an important city. As a reward for her succesful service, she was reincarnated by the city's patron diety in a place where he believed she was needed.

Phew, that took some effort! This is Bonehead, an Animal Speaker Bard. She had one prior iteration that was a Dirge Bard/Dragon Yapper, but I realized that those archetypes technically don't stack.

Bonehead is a support-type Bard that I'm thinking of trying out a bunch of Bardic Masterpieces with.

Bonehead 53/85 Neutral Good
Lv.3 Kobold Animal Speaker (Archmage/Marshal)
HP: 33/33 (3xFCB)
AC: 17 (FF: 12 , Touch:16)
CMD: 18
Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +8
Will: +7

BAB: +2
CMB: +3
STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 20 (+5)
CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 18 (+4)
WIS: 18 (+4)
CHA: 18 (+4)

Languages: Draconic, Common, Undercommon, Dwarven, Gome
Speed: 30 Feet
Day Raider: Lowlight vision, No dark vision or sunlight sensitivity
Beast Bond: +2 to Handle Animal and Ride and they’re both class skills.
Armor: +1 Natural Armor to AC
Natural Flyer
Guiding Spirit
Hero Points (3/3)

Bardic Knowledge 1: +1 to Knowledge checks and can make unskilled checks on knowledge.
Bardic Performance (18/18): Soothing Performance, Inspire Courage, Countersong, Distraction
Animal Friend (Rats)
Versatile Performance (Dance)

Hard to Kill: Whenever you’re below 0 hp you automatically stabilize. Die only at negative double Constitution score of damage.
Mythic Power (5/5)
Surge 1: You can spend mythic power to add 1d6 to any d20 roll before results are revealed.
Marshal’s order (Advance): As a swift action, expend mythic power to allow all allies in 30ft a free move action, including 5-ft steps.
Archmage Arcana (Arcane Surge): As a swift action, expend one use of mythic power to cast any arcane spell you know for free. Non-mythics have Disadvantage on their saving throw. You have Advantage for overcoming spell resistance. Cannot apply meta magic to the cast spell.
Inspired Defense: Inspire Courage affects all saves.

Lingering Perfomance
Extra Performance
Dual Path (Mythic)

Stealth +15
Ride +13
Handle Animal +12
Escape Artist +11, Kn:Planes +11, Sleight of Hand +11
Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Perception +10, Perform (sing)+ 10

Background Skills
Perform (Dance, Wind) +10

Add summon nature’s ally to spell list known.

Level 0 (4/4)
Mage Hand
Detect Magic
Summon Instrument

Level 1 (4/4)
Summon Nature’s Ally
Summon Minor Monster
Delusional Pride
Cure Light Wounds

Equipment .75/43.75
Pickpocket’s outfit (I’m assuming we get the decency of clothing)

Högröst was one of the favorites of Järndjur, the dragon patriarch of Högröst’s kobold clan. She would sing to the dragon whenever it was tired and the kobold’s voice would soothe their master to sleep. The singer was well looked after, and she didn’t have to suffer the difficulties of the average kobold. Typically, Högröst took care of the tribe’s animals, making sure they were fed and cared for.

Things changed for Högröst one day as their patriarch returned from a hunt, bloodied and bleeding. Enraged and injured, Järndjur left the kobolds in shock as he retired to his inner sanctum. Fearing the literal dragon’s wrath, his kobold attendants left him to recover. Days passed, then weeks, and still there was no sign of the dragon’s return. Eventually, it was decided that someone must check on their patriarch. After much squabbling amongst the little dragon-kin, it was decided that Högröst would be the one to face the Järndjur.

With shaking hands, her tribesmen pulled the heavy chains to open their master’s inner sanctum. Högröst was ushered into the hallway and the door was slammed shut behind her. The climb to her master’s sanctum was never so cold and frightening as it had been that day. Knocking on the golden door, the kobold waited for her patriarch’s response. Time stood still as Högröst waited, but nothing happened. As she cautiously peered her head into the dragon’s lair, she saw him lying atop his horde, long dead.

Forgetting her fear, Högröst walked to her patriarch’s side, looking for signs of life. As she did so, the little dragon-kin heard her master’s voice. It urged her to take revenge upon an organization called the Wheel of Fire. The dragon’s body caught a spectral blue fire, burning away until it became nothing but bones. Moving independently of its corpse, the fire-dragon spoke to its servant, bidding her to take its skull and wear it over her head.

Not wanting to question the creature before her, Högrost took her patriarch’s skull in her hands, marveling as it shrunk to fit her. Once she put it on, the dragon’s spirit suffused over her tiny body, granting her its power. It spoke to her, told her of their enemies, the Wheel of Fire. A band of mercenaries, hunting dragons for their wealth and magical properties. Järndjur’s spirit fumed at his defeat and demanded that Högröst lead the tribe against them. But the experience was too much for the simple lizard and she fainted, her small mind unable to grasp what was happening to her. When she awoke she was somewhere very unfamiliar…

I would like you to not be so famous that they'd send an adventuring party after you, Or at least Not be tied to people who would come after you. I essentially want you to be lost to the world, You are the shards of Hope that where stolen from your worlds for nefarious reasons I will not spoil.

If somone is willing to come after you to save you(Esspecially early on in the game) then it would be alot harder for those that stole you away to do what they want- having to kill your old friends and family because they are annoying ;P

I don't know how too explain it that well- basically I would like it if You didn't have too much of an investment in your individual world is what I'm really trying to say

*Sees the Kobold's stats and wonders how they got 3 18 and a 20 out of a 25 pt build*

Can we use variant multiclassing? Specifically, I want to do a fighter VMC Magus. I've got the feats to burn, and it will allow me to add some magical stuff I couldn't easily get otherwise.

Silver Crusade

I have an Atomie archer idea I've always wanted to play. Would you have any problems with a 2 HD race?

Edit: and how should I do ability scores? Just use the base stats, or add 25 points on top?

Hi GM, here's Archlich back with my character - Harbaestus, a vine leshy treesinger druid going the hierophant mythic path. I added background and some extra details on the profile, but left some hooks that we can play with at the end to get him into the starting point of the campaign, and even to link with other players if you so desire. I might need to tweak here and there with spells and gear/purchases. Please feel free to send me any questions and feedback. Cheers!

Woah wait, where the heck did I misread it as MAX stats? I'm fixing that. I thought something was strange about building that kind of monster. Sorry, ignore that one.

It wasn't too bad of a fix, here's the much leaner version. I admit I was kind of worried what we'd be facing with Perfect-Statted characters.

Bonehead 33/85 Chaotic Good
Lv.3 Kobold Animal Speaker (Archmage/Marshal)
HP: 24/24 (3xFCB)
AC: 15 (FF: 12 , Touch:14)
CMD: 12
Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +6
Will: +3

BAB: +2
CMB: -1
STR: 6 (-2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 17 (+3)

Languages: Draconic, Common, Dwarven
Speed: 30 Feet
Day Raider: Lowlight vision, No dark vision or sunlight sensitivity
Beast Bond: +2 to Handle Animal and Ride and they’re both class skills.
Armor: +1 Natural Armor to AC
Natural Flyer
Guiding Spirit
Hero Points (3/3)

Bardic Knowledge 1: +1 to Knowledge checks and can make unskilled checks on knowledge.
Bardic Performance (17/17): Soothing Performance, Inspire Courage, Countersong, Distraction
Animal Friend (Rats)
Versatile Performance (Dance)

Hard to Kill: Whenever you’re below 0 hp you automatically stabilize. Die only at negative double Constitution score of damage.
Mythic Power (5/5)
Surge 1: You can spend mythic power to add 1d6 to any d20 roll before results are revealed.
Marshal’s order (Advance): As a swift action, expend mythic power to allow all allies in 30ft a free move action, including 5-ft steps.
Archmage Arcana (Arcane Surge): As a swift action, expend one use of mythic power to cast any arcane spell you know for free. Non-mythics have Disadvantage on their saving throw. You have Advantage for overcoming spell resistance. Cannot apply meta magic to the cast spell.
Inspired Defense: Inspire Courage affects all saves.

Lingering Perfomance
Extra Performance
Dual Path (Mythic)

Stealth +13
Ride +11, Handle Animal +11
Escape Artist +9, Kn:Planes +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Perform (sing)+ 9

Background Skills
Perform (Dance) +9, Sleight of Hand +9

Add summon nature’s ally to spell list known.

Level 0 (4/4)
Mage Hand
Detect Magic
Summon Instrument

Level 1 (4/4)
Summon Nature’s Ally
Summon Minor Monster
Delusional Pride
Cure Light Wounds

Equipment .75/20
Pickpocket’s outfit (I’m assuming we get the decency of clothing)

Högröst was one of the favorites of Järndjur, the dragon patriarch of Högröst’s kobold clan. She would sing to the dragon whenever it was tired and the kobold’s voice would soothe their master to sleep. The singer was well looked after, and she didn’t have to suffer the difficulties of the average kobold. She typically took care of the tribe’s animals making sure they’re fed and cared for.

Things changed for Högröst one day as their patriarch returned from a hunt, bloodied and bleeding. Enraged and injured, Järndjur left the kobolds in shock as he retired to his inner sanctum. Fearing the literal dragon’s wrath, his kobold attendants left him to recover. Days passed, then weeks, and still there was no sign of the dragon’s return. Eventually, it was decided that someone must check on their patriarch. After much squabbling amongst the little dragon-kin, it was decided that Högröst would be the one to face the Järndjur.

With shaking hands, her tribesmen pulled the heavy chains to open their master’s inner sanctum. Högröst was ushered into the hallway and the door was slammed shut behind her. The climb to her master’s sanctum was never so cold and frightening as it had been that day. Knocking on the golden door, the kobold waited for her patriarch’s response. Time stood still as Högröst waited, but nothing happened. As she cautiously peered her head into the dragon’s lair, she saw him lying atop his horde, long dead.

Forgetting her fear, Högröst walked to her patriarch’s side, looking for signs of life. As she did so, the little dragon-kin heard her master’s voice. It urged her to take revenge upon an organization called the Wheel of Fire. The dragon’s body caught a spectral blue fire, burning away until it became nothing but bones. Moving independently of its corpse, the fire-dragon spoke to its servant, bidding her to take its skull and wear it over her head.

Not wanting to question the creature before her, Högrost took her patriarch’s skull in her hands, marveling as it shrunk to fit her. Once she put it on, the dragon’s spirit suffused over her tiny body, granting her its power. It spoke to her, told her of their enemies, the Wheel of Fire. A band of mercenaries, hunting dragons for their wealth and magical properties. Järndjur’s spirit fumed at his defeat and demanded that Högröst lead the tribe against them. But the experience was too much for the simple lizard and she fainted, her small mind unable to grasp what was happening to her. When she awoke she was somewhere very unfamiliar…

Whew! I am very pleased to present my application for this game. She is something of a love-letter to all that I adore about Planescape, Torment and Forgotten Realms. Some characters take a while to formulate, with murky, unformed ideas that take time to work out. Not Believer! She has been quite insistent and demanding about telling me who she is. Maybe now that I have her written up, she will let me sleep again, lol!

All joking aside, I’m genuinely excited about this character. It feels like she practically wrote herself and that’s always the mark of a truly enjoyable character for me. ^_~

She is a Shackleborn Tiefling (Kytonspawn) Oradin follower of Ilmater, from the Faerun Pantheon. She was cast through a portal by her natural uncle in his grief and rage over the death of his twin sister who perished while birthing the fiendling. By some miracle of the gods, the infant survived, possibly due to aid she does not remember. She remembers little before she was adopted by Ayuruk.

She is devoted to the idea of preserving life and relieving suffering and as a Life-link Oracle, she does that by taking that suffering onto herself. Doing this gives her pleasure and fulfillment she does not truly understand. She believes it is because it brings her closer to her god, Ilmater. This is partially true, but she does not comprehend that her Kyton blood also drives her to inflict pain on herself and others. (If you aren’t familiar with Kytons, think of the Cenobites from the Hellraiser horror movie franchise) She unconsciously gravitates toward tattooing, piercings and body modifications, not realizing this is an expression of her devilish heritage. Needless to say, she’s not your run of the mill Oradin. ^_~

I will make a proper profile for her if she makes the cut since she’s really designed for a Planescape game and wouldn’t be a good fit for anything else. I will use the same profile image I do here. I looked and looked for another, but I really think this suits her best. I sort of missed the blurb about us all being clueless berks, so hopefully that wasn’t a hard requirement. The good news is she’ll be clueless about any other place aside from Sigil, having never seen sun or sky or so much as a body of water in her entire life.

Meet Believer:

A small boy huddles just inside the mouth of an alley, cradling a limp arm against his chest. He is dressed in scraps of clothing, some too small and others much too large, all of them worn and filthy, the tell-tale signs of a street urchin. His large, dark eyes shine with unshed tears but the clean streaks down his dirt-smudged face reveal that the tears do fall eventually, no matter how he tries to hold them back.

A woman turns onto the street, her voluptuous form draped in close fitting white robes, her hands and forearms wrapped in red strips of cloth and cord. Her beauty is apparent, even from a distance, her appearance as striking as it is strange. Her hair, if it was indeed hair, was the color of lilacs and fluttered softly around her face in the breeze. Her skin was an odd shade too, a pale grey that looked slightly blue or lavender, depending on the light. Her eyes were the deep burgundy of a fine red wine and sometimes seemed to glow like a glass of that wine held to the light. Her full, pouting lips were a shade of blue rarely seen in Sigil. She was adorned with modest but masterfully crafted jewelry through a number of artful piercings in her ears, nose, and eyebrow on one side of her face which were connected by a delicate chain dangling with sparkling crystal clear gems.

As she came near to the alley, the soft sounds of the boy’s distress drew her attention. She approached him slowly and gently, keenly aware that her fiendish features often frightened folk.
”What’s this then? Broken it, have ye?” she asked gently, indicating his injured arm. He shook his head. ”Hurts bad though?” she asked again to which he nodded. ”Dislocated mebbe. Best let me look a’ it, ye poor wee sod.” she said as she settled to her knees, dirtying her fine white robes and reached to examine the arm. The boy recoiled slightly, and she tisked irritably through sharp white teeth. ”Dinnae be that way, I don’t bite.”

”Yer p-planetouched!” he said defensively. ”Aye. What a sharp little cutter, ye are. Just wait til ye tell all yer pals that a planetouched healed yer arm. Won’t they just wag their bone-boxes o’er that?” The boy brightened at that, almost smiling as he leaned forward to let her tend his arm. She went to work quickly, checking his pulse and assessing his condition.

”They won’t believe it.” he said and she smiled, keeping him chatting to distract him from the pain. ”Och, ye never know…” she replied. ”Belief is a funny sort o’ thing. Why, did ye know there are places where whole cities are held up by the belief of the folk who live there? Aye, it’s true! And if their belief should falter, the whole city would crumble away beneath them and sweep them all away. Things like that can happen here too.” He gave her a skeptical look and she went on as she began manipulating his arm. ”I once saw a pair make a tavern bet. This blood bet some poor gully that he could prove that the fellow dinnae really exist. He bet e’rything he carried against all that the gully had on him. Then all he did was whisper something and the next thing you saw, the poor gully faded right away, just… like… THAT!” She said and took quick advantage of the suspense of her story to force the shoulder joint back into the socket. The boy cried out in pain but the look of immense relief came into his face before the echo of his own voice had faded from the alleyway. ”That oughta do it, then. But just for good measure.” She took his face in her hands and used her god-granted powers to take his pain onto herself. He gazed up at her, awe writ clear on his face as he watched her lip split in precisely the same place as his just at the moment that his own wound was healed. Soon, all of his aches and hurts were washed from his body. Once the child was well, she rose from her knees, not bothering to try and dust away the dirt. She now wore a number of scrapes and bruises she had not before.

”They really won’t believe this!” the boy exclaimed.
”Ah, but ye will, my wee blood. And ye’ll tell them. Tell about the planetouched lass who mended yer arm and told ye about the power o’ belief. We’ve got ta believe in what’s good and true, for there to be goodness and truth in the world. D’ya see?”
He seemed to sense the gravity in her words, and nodded solemnly. She ruffled his hair affectionately in approval and turned to go.

”Wait, miss. What’s yer name?”
”I wasn’t given one. So I took one for m’self so I would never forget my duty. Believer.”
He nodded again and raised his hand as she walked away.

Sigil is home to many poor clueless sods who have been transported there with no idea how to return home. They walk the streets of the city, hopelessly lost, hoping to wake from this nightmare and find themselves safe in their own beds. Believer has never known such luxury.

She has almost no memory of home or even an idea of where she had come from or how she had come. Her first memories are of hunger and pain. Torment at the hands of hateful folk who saw her fiendish ancestry as reason enough to bully, beat and terrorize. Eating what she could scavenge like an animal and sleeping in dark, hidden corners.

One auspicious day, after a particularly bad beating had left her with broken ribs and a compound fracture, a cleric of Ilmater followed her blood trail to the decrepit hovel where she had been sleeping. She would likely have died without his aid. The Ilmatari strive to give healing and succor where they can, but even seeing her grave condition, he hesitated to call on his divine magic. He was not ignorant of the planes and the nature of the planetouched. So he asked her, ”What do you believe in, child?” In a sputter of blood, she said one word before she fell unconscious. ”Pain.” In truth, it was all she knew.

The man called Ayuruk took it as a sign. The Ilmatari seek to relieve suffering, but they also believe that suffering brings you closer to the divine. He healed the nameless child and brought her to his modest home. Like her, he had come through some portal by a twist of fate and could not find his path to return home. So he took her in as his ward and apprentice. He educated her about the nature of the planes and the faith of his homeland, a prime world he called Faerun.
She quickly acclimated to the faith and soon had manifested divine powers of her own. Ayuruk became even more convinced that the girl was special. Holy, in some way despite her devil blood. Their small home became a clinic of sorts and many came to be treated or healed. They charged no fee, but accepted donations and made a decent living in a city like Sigil.

But the planetouched do not grow as swiftly as humans and by the time she had truly grown into maturity, Ayuruk had grown old. He felt his time among the planes waning and redoubled his efforts to find the way home for the both of them. He felt sure he could reactivate the portal for the both of them and expected that Believer’s powers would be even greater in her god’s patron plane. She might have even come from Faerun herself, though the odds of that seemed low.

One morning she awoke to find Ayuruk missing, only a hastily scrawled note left in explanation. The note seemed to imply he had found the way home and gone on without her and urged her to find her own way without him now. But he had always spoken of showing her the wonders of his home plane when they returned together. It just didn’t make sense. Something was wrong. So now she searches for traces of her adoptive father and mentor.


Female Tiefling (Kyton-Spawn) Paladin 2 / Oracle 1
LG Medium outsider (native) (37% Lawful/63% Good)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision (60 ft.), Perception -1,
Aura Aura of Good,


AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, )
hp 32 (2d10)+(1d8)+10
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5,


Speed 20 ft.
Melee claw +4/+4 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks Channel (1d6, DC 14, 5/day), Smite Evil,
Class Spell-Like Abilities: detect evil ( at will)
Known Oracle Spells (CL 1st, concentration +6):
1st (5/day) - bless , protection from evil (DC 16) , cure light wounds (DC 16)
0th (at will) - detect magic , guidance (DC 15) , read magic (DC ) , stabilize (DC 15)


Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Extra Revelation, Reward of Life
Skills Acrobatics -5, Acrobatics (When Jumping) -9, Appraise +1, Bluff +4, Climb -4, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +4, Escape Artist -2, Fly -5, Heal +5, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception -1, Perform (Untrained) +4, Ride -5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth -5, Survival -1, Swim -4, Use Magic Device +5,
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Tongues,
Archetypes Hospitaler,
SQ Aura of Good, Bonus Paladin Lay on Hands HP (2x), Claw, Darkvision, Detect Evil, Fiendish Language, Fiendish Oracle, Fiendish Resistance, Lay on Hands, Life Link, Life Mysteries, Orisons, Skilled, Tongues ~ Infernal, ,
Possessions sleeves of many garments; explorer's outfit; banded mail; holy symbol of ilmater; healer's kit; facial piercings with chains and gems;


Aura of Good (Ex) You project a moderate good aura.
Aura of Good
Blessed Touch You may have been raised in a devout family, studied the divine in a formal church environment, or even learned how to combine traditional healing techniques with those of divine casters. In so doing, you have focused yourself into being the perfect vessel for your deity. Divine power flows through you like a mountain stream, making your healing touch more potent than that of others. You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell.
Bonus Paladin Lay on Hands HP (2x) Paladin: Add +2 to the amount of damage the paladin heals with lay on hands, but only when the paladin uses that ability on herself.
Channel (Su) You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 1d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 1d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 14 Will save to halve the damage. You can use this ability 5 times per day.
Claw (Sp) You gain two 1d4 claw attacks.
Darkvision (Ex) Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Detect Evil (Sp) At will, you can use Detect Evil, as the Spell. You can, as a move action, concentrate on a single individual or item within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, you do not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
Extremely Fashionable (Intimidate) Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gp (and not otherwise covered in gore, sewage, or other things that mar your overall look), you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. One of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
Fiendish Language (Ex) Tieflings speak either Abyssal or Infernal.
Fiendish Oracle Tiefling oracles treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all spell casting abilities.
Fiendish Resistance (Ex) Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Finding Haleen Ayuruk (Oracle) You never knew your parents--perhaps they died when you were a child, or maybe you were taken from them and raised elsewhere as a slave. You owe your sanity and your life to a woman named Haleen man named Ayuruk.
Lay on Hands (Su) You can heal wounds (your own or those of others) by touch. Each day you can use this ability 5 times per day. With one use of this ability, you can heal 1d6 hit points of damage. Using this ability is a standard action, unless you target yourself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, you only need one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, you can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage. Using Lay on Hands in this way requires a melee touch attack and doesn't provide an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.
Life Link (Su) As a standard action, you may create a bond between yourself and another creature. Each round at the start of your turn, if the bonded creature is wounded for 5 or more hit points below its maximum hit points, it heals 5 hit points and you take 5 hit points of damage. You may have 1 bond(s) active at a time. This bond continues until the bonded creature dies, you die, the distance between you and the other creature exceeds medium range, or you end it as an immediate action (if you have multiple bonds active, you may end as many as you want as part of the same immediate action).
Life Mysteries You draw upon the divine mystery of Life to grant your spells and powers.
Orisons You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended when used and may be used again.
Resistance to Cold (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Cold damage each time you take cold damage.
Resistance to Electricity (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Electricity damage each time you take electricity damage.
Resistance to Fire (Ex) You may ignore 5 points of Fire damage each time you take fire damage.
Skilled (Ex) Kyton-Spawn tieflings have a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist and Intimidate checks.
Smite Evil (Su) You can call out to the powers of good to aid you in your struggle against evil 1 times per day. As a swift action, you choose one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, you add +4 to your attack rolls and +2 to all damage rolls made against the target of your smite. If the target of Smite Evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to +4. Regardless of the target, Smite Evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while smite evil is in effect, you gain a +4 deflection bonus to your AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If you target a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect. The Smite Evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time you rest and regain your uses of this ability.
Tiefling (Kyton-Spawn)
Tongues In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues. Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand one selected language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent.
Tongues ~ Infernal You gain Infernal as a bonus language.
Vain You are sensitive about the way others perceive you. Whenever you fail an opposed Charisma-based check, you take a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 24 hours.

Mythic Tier 1
Hierophant Path
Granted: A divine agent or other incredibly powerful being calls upon the character to act as its representative. This role gives the character mythic power, but possibly only while serving the interests of this benefactor and while holding to that patron’s tenets.

Recalled Blessing (Su): You can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. If you prepare spells, this spell must be one you prepared today; if you’re a spontaneous caster, this spell must be one of your spells known. You can’t apply metamagic feats to this spell. If the spell requires a saving throw, non-mythic creatures roll twice and take the lower result. If the spell heals damage or requires you to attempt a caster level check to cure an affliction or remove a condition, roll twice and take the higher result.

Empathic Healing (Su): You can expend one use of mythic power to transfer up to 10 points of damage per tier from a touched ally to yourself, healing the target and damaging you. This transferred damage bypasses all effects that reduce or negate hit point damage (such as damage reduction). Alternatively, you can expend two uses of mythic power to transfer an ongoing disease or poison from a touched ally to yourself, which halts ongoing effects on the target from that affliction and requires you to attempt any remaining saves against it. If you’re immune to the disease or poison, transferring it to yourself destroys the affliction.

P.S. I've never used Mythic Rules so it's possible I've left something out here. If so, let me know and I will fix.

P.P.S. Don't let the amount I've written here scare you. I had a lot of enthusiasm for this character, but my regular posts will be descriptive but nothing like this novella. XD

Grand Lodge

For my uber- Bluff / Knowledge Skills PC (either LE or LG depending on the kind of game you’re looking to run), is it okay to use the Advanced Race Guide Race-builder to make an Aasimar-Tiefling hybrid. I’m not interested in making a broken character; I’m just starting to formulate an idea. (If not, the Peri Aasimar is fine since the Peri is a LG offspring of LE Fallen Angels.)

Hmm, I actually belive there is a first level feat that lets you do that, My friend used it to make a Demonic Aasimar with the maw/claw trait of a Teifling but still using Aasimar.
Otherwise I'm afraid I can't quite allow a Teifimar as that kinda Breaks some of the Rules of the universe. I mean, not against it but a half-teifling half Aasimar would have their traits either Canceled out and just be a Human, Or you'd be a ah.... The Teifling Equivalent for the Chaotic alignment, I forget what they are called.

MattZ wrote:

I have an Atomie archer idea I've always wanted to play. Would you have any problems with a 2 HD race?

Edit: and how should I do ability scores? Just use the base stats, or add 25 points on top?

Yes I would have a problem with a 2HD race, Although I would not be against a 0 HD race that is Tiny and not Diminutive using the race-maker rules, otherwise Up to you

(Should be noted they made Sahuagin a 0HD race despite actually haveingg like 3 or 4 HD if I remember correctly)

And @Ouach: if you got feats to burn, Then you must not be taking those feat taxes ;P
But yes you can Varient multiclass- I should have mentioned that at the start.

W E Ray wrote:
For my uber- Bluff / Knowledge Skills PC [...] I’m just starting to formulate an idea.

Might this idea be a Lore Oracle? If so I may rethink my own nascent character concept.

Grand Lodge

Not an Oracle.

My uber- Bluff & Knowledge PC will be a multi-Class build. But I haven't really gotten out of the drawing board yet. ....Some Inquisitor, some Investigator, who knows. But no Oracle.

And it looks like I'll go Peri-born Aasimar since Peri are angels with LE Fallen Angels in their own ancestry.

I'm still wrestling with Alignment -- that's what's keeping me from really finishing this character concept and finalizing decisions on build. Am I gonna be a LE PC or a LG PC? (Obviously if I go LE I'll still be an absolute team player and work with the group.)

What kind of group atmosphere are you looking for, DM? What is everyone else thinking for Alignment and group cohesion?

A good turn deserves another, so here is my submission, different from all the others I was planning on - Rorx's background is a work in progress, and I will keep adding to it as the recruitment continues.

Below is what I had time to write down so far, and a first crunch.

The Past:
Rorx burst through the tent flap without skipping a beat - "It was a trap father..." - he growled, covered in blood - "Rag'nesh he..." - his words were cut short by the massive magical explosion which simply obliterated his father's tent, more like a tribal pavillion where the gathering should take place. He felt his skin blister, but then a strong arm grabbed him and took him away from the Inferno.


Regardless of how unusual the presence of an half-orc might be among a tribe of orcs, Rorx's life was as could be expected - his father was the chieftain, and that much would obviously press others into accepting his 'son' into the fold. But he was always treated like any other - he had to punch his way into respect many times, and not they were not always victories - "NO ONE ever wins every single fight" - his father would tell him, wise beyond many a orc - "Survive and LEARN!"

Survive he did, and learn even more - it quickly became apparent the boy was not only strong of arm, but also of mind, and Rag'nesh, the tribe shaman quickly took him under his fold - the wizzened old crone saw the potential, and something more... But that he never shared with the young half-orc, nor with Grommar his father and chief of The Maw tribe.


Male half-orc bloodrager (urban bloodrager) 1/magus (hexcrafter) 2/Guardian 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 29 (3 HD; 2d8+1d10+8)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, sacred tattoo[APG]
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bardiche +4 (1d10+8/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4+6/19-20) or
. . mwk cold iron morningstar +5 (1d8+8)
Ranged sling +4 (1d4+3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bardiche)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 4 points), archmage arcana (wild arcana), bloodrage (11 rounds/day), guardian's call (absorb blow), mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6), spell combat, spellstrike, wild arcana[MA]
Magus (Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—monkey fish[ACG], shield, vanish[APG] (DC 14)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Alertness, Dual Path[M], Extra Rage, Power Attack[M]
Traits fate's favored, magical lineage
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 to jump), Appraise +5, Craft (weapons) +9, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (planes) +9, Linguistics +9, Perception +9, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ controlled bloodrage, extra mythic feat[MA], fast movement, hex arcana, orc blood, spell catalyst
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, heavy wooden shield, bardiche[APG], dagger, mwk cold iron morningstar, sling, magus starting spellbook, masterwork weaponsmithing tools
Special Abilities
Absorb Blow (5 damage) (Su) As an imm action, use 1 power when dam to absorb listed amount to gain epic DR and Resist.
Arcane Pool +1 (4/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Bloodrage (11 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Controlled Bloodrage Gain lesser bonus split as desired, but without normal drawbacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +2 to Reflex saves You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Catalyst (Su) Spells targeting familiar are treated as having a CL 2 levels higher.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Wild Arcana (Su) Use 1 power, cast an arcane spell from your class list at +2 CL (doesn't need to be known/mem).

And Scourge:

Weasel (protector)
N Tiny magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 14 (1d8)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d3-4)
Space 2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks attach
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 8 (12 vs. trip)
Feats Bodyguard[APG], Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Appraise +0, Climb +10, Escape Artist +3, Intimidate -1, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft -1, Stealth +14, Use Magic Device +0; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth
SQ empathic link, loyal bodyguard
Special Abilities
Attach (Ex) If you hit with the listed attack, you can latch on to your opponent.
Bodyguard Use an AoO to use aid another to improve an ally's AC.
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Loyal Bodyguard (Ex) Can use Bodyguard to protect master, even if not threatening attacker.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.

Silver Crusade

All right, I tinkered around a bit today with the mythic stuff and I think I found the build I was looking for, along with the story that should suffice. I should be able to finish it tomorrow night or the day after.

I'll be either going for a Bloodrager 1/Evangelist cleric 19 with the marshall and hierophant paths or a bloodrager 1/warpriest 19 with the marshall and champion paths.

The first would be an awesome party buffer and healer with some melee ability on the side. The second one is kind of the inverse, as a melee damage dealer/tank with a side focus on buffing allies and granting them more attacks. The second one triggers a lot of those buffing abilies by hitting enemies herself. Just in case, I'll add both statblocks to the submission so either one could be used to fill a gap in the party.

What cost would you put on a witch learning a new spell (from say a coven) at character creation? Is that even possible? There's no scribing cost like a wizard, but do you still pay what they would pay for a new spell (half of the scribing cost) or would you have to pay the full price of a scroll?

Silver Crusade

Done with the background and build ideas, will stat it out somewhere tonight and then post it!

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Ok, this is Ouachitonian's submission. Aleks is a fighter, albeit a fairly Rogue-like one. He is a fetchling, but was born on the Prime Material plane (the Pathfinder one, in the River Kingdoms). He eventually learned that he was the son of the outcast Eldest Count Ranalc, and attained a spark of mythic power when he dared to try and sit his father's chair in the First World.

Mechanically, he's a Dex-based fighter. He's got a fairly high intelligence, which will increase in time, so he can definitely contribute on the skill front. While not actually a Rogue, he has some of the traditional Rogue skills like Disable Device, Stealth, and Escape Artist. He's not a bad scout, and can't really be disarmed (at least not for long), since the Gloomblade archetype allows him to summon a weapon from pure shadow. More detail in the alias.

<--Okay, Here is my submission, and including background below. Let me know if you want me to give a summary of anything else up front.


Like all Shabti, Zalanna was created to suffer for the sins of another, and she suffered in this manner for a time, unmeasured by her since it consumed all of her existence and she could see no way out. Her suffering changed though when Zalanna was rescued from her fate during a raid by Besmara on Hell. She was pressed into her service along with several other Shabti (presumably because Besmara found use for immortal servants). Even though she became a slave at that point, she found it much more freedom than she had ever had up to that point, and in her slavery she found purpose, and an identity apart from her mortal "twin" ... so, in truth, slavery was her freedom.

Later (who knows how long--time blurs to an immortal), Zalanna found herself face to face with Besmara as she attempted to reboard the Seawraith after a stop at Sigil. Besmara tossed her a longbow, along with her few meagre possessions, telling her that the longbow used to belong to her mortal twin, and that her services were no longer required. Zalanna has pondered that moment for a long time, but still doesn't know whether Besmara was being kind or callous. Perhaps, as a God, she knew she had a destiny. Perhaps she had simply grown bored with her servant and wanted a new one. Her present circumstances aren't altered by the answer to the question, but she does wonder sometimes.

Suddenly free from her servitude, she once again had to restart her life, beginning a search to rediscover herself and find her purpose and identity in this new context. She tried many things, but turned to investigations because she seemed to have talent in that area, trying to find the truth behind the lies. She hunts down conspiracies, she rights wrongs, but in other cases lets infractions go if she thinks that injustice is the better choice. She found that her memories of how to use the "family" bow gave her quite a bit of skill in that area.

Zalanna still pays devotion to Besmara for providing a different choice than the fate she was created for, but she is probably more affected by trying *not* to be like her mortal twin, who she loathes, than by any particular devotion.

Because of her time in Hell, as well as the memories of her mortal twin, Zalanna has learned to be quite devious in her negotiations, but her own soul, apart from all that she has been through, longs to be good, and she does her best, although she spurns any sort of external guideline about how that is to be accomplished. No one understands what she has been through, and she hopes to save others from that fate, if possible, by guidance or by subtle manipulation... she doesn't care, as long as it keeps people out of that kind of danger.

She is beautiful as noted, but often dismisses her own beauty and usually dislikes people focusing on it because it is what she shares with her mortal twin (probably long dead, but?), and not what is individual to herself.

I looked up languages here: http://thecage.wikidot.com/sigil#toc8, but let me know if I got any of them wrong (or anything else wrong). Happy to change.

Crunch for Shedinn Delmirev the Varisian shepherd:

Shedinn Delmirev
Male Human (Varisian) cleric 2 / unchained monk 1 Archetypes Ecclesitheurge
Alignment Lawful 11, Good 12
Init +3, Senses Perception +8
Aura aura of good/law
Deity Rowdrosh
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 Wis)
hp 31 ((2d8)+(1d10)+ 6 con +2 fcb +4 mythic)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff flurry +7/+7 (1d6+6)
Melee unarmed/quarterstaff +6/+7 (1d6+4 / 1d6+6)

Prepared Spells
Cleric (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
1st-divine favor, floating disk, shield of faith, shield*
0th-create water, detect magic, guidance, light
*:Domain spell.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 19
Feats Channel Smite, Dodge, Guided Hand, Mythic Guided Hand, Improved Unarmed Strike, Magic Trick (Floating Disk), Stunning Fist
Skills Acrobatics +7, Diplomacy +4, Fly +6, Heal +8, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7
Background Skill Appraise +5, Handle Animal +1, Knowledge (History) +5, Profession (Shepherd) +10
Traits Fate's Favored, Magical Knack (Cleric)
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ silver-tongued haggler (7/day), Channel Positive Energy (1d6, DC 11, 3/day), Inspired Spell, Mythic Power (5/day, surge +1d6), Stunning Fist (1/day, DC 15)
Other Gear masterwork quarterstaff, 700.0 gp
Unchained Monk
AC Bonus (Ex) When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.
Flurry of Blows (Ex) At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what's already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects). At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects.
Stunning Fist (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This condition replaces stunning the target for 1 round, and a successful saving throw still negates the effect. At 4th level, the monk can choose to make the target fatigued. At 8th level, he can make the target sickened for 1 minute. At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds. At 16th level, he can permanently blind or deafen the target. At 20th level, he can paralyze the target for 1d6+1 rounds. The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. These effects do not stack with themselves (a creature fatigued by Stunning Fist cannot become exhausted if hit by Stunning Fist again), but additional hits do increase the duration.
Unarmed Strike (Ex) At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks can be with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk can apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes. A monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, although he can choose to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty on his attack roll. He can make this choice while grappling as well. A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Ecclesitheurge Cleric of Rowdrosh
Channel Positive Energy (Su) You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 1d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 1d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 11 Will save to halve the damage. You can use this ability 3 times per day.
Domain Mastery When an ecclesitheurge chooses his cleric domains, he designates one as his primary domain and the other as his secondary domain. An ecclesitheurge can use his non-domain spell slots to prepare spells from his primary domain's spell list. Each day when he prepares spells, an ecclesitheurge can select a different domain granted by his deity to gain access to that domain's spell list instead of his secondary domain spell list. He does not lose access to his actual secondary domain's granted powers or gain access to the other domain's granted powers. For example, an ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae with Glory and his primary domain and Good as his secondary domain can choose to gain access to the Healing domain; until the next time he prepares spells, he uses the Healing domain spell list as his secondary domain spell list instead of the Good domain spell list, but still keeps the granted powers of the Good domain and does not gain the granted powers of the Healing domain. This ability alters the normal domain ability.
Primary Domain Travel (Trade Subdomain)
Secondary Domain Plains Domain
Domains for spell access Animal (Fur), Good (Agathion), Protection (Defense)
Ecclesitheurge's Vow An ecclesitheurge makes a vow to his deity to be protected solely by his faith, not by armor or shields. An ecclesitheurge who wears armor or uses a shield is unable to use his blessing of the faithful ability, use cleric domain powers, or cast cleric spells.
Silver-Tongued Haggler Whenever you make a Bluff, Diplomacy or Sense Motive check, you can, as a free action, grant yourself a +3 bonus on the roll. You can use this ability 7 times per day.
Migrating Herd When you summon an aurochs, bison, elephant, horse, mastodon, pony, or similar quadruped herbivore with a summoning spell, the duration of the spell is increased by 100% (this does not stack with Extend Spell). The creature’s land speed is increased by 10 feet.

Hierophant Tier 1:
Hard to Kill (Ex) Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Inspired Spell As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your divine class spell lists (or your domain or mystery spell list), must be of a level that you can cast with that divine spellcasting class, and must have a casting time of "1 standard action" (or less). You don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. When casting a spell in this way, you treat your caster level as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total adjusted level can't be greater than that of the highest-level divine spell you can cast from that spellcasting class.
Mythic Domain (Su) When determining the effects of your domain's granted powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal. Once per day, you can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action to regain the use of all your domain granted powers as if you had rested for 8 hours. If you're an oracle, all aspects of this ability apply to your revelations instead of to domain granted powers. You must have the domain class feature or mystery class feature to select this ability.
Surge (Su) You can call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll.

Fate's Favored The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Magical Knack (Cleric) You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Your caster level in Cleric gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.

Shedinn is a good man. He's modest and only owns what he needs and what he can carry. He lives a humble life serving his god, his sheep and his familiy.
Shedinn Delmirev's a shepherd. His older brother is, too, and so was his father and his grandfather. His Varisian familiy has lived the simple life for more generations than stories could tell him. They own many sheep and some cattle and are part of a nomadic tribe composed of several families. Along with the seasons they roam central Varisia from the Stony Mountains to the Ember Lake. They trade their meat, milk and wool with Riddleport pirates, Shoanti Clans and Varisian merchants.
Shedinn was a very devout man. He learned that the Empyreal Lord Rowdrosh looks over his followers and their herds the hard way and keeps praying for save passage and health ever since. Shedinn had almost died at a young age, when he was watching the sheep graze and a band of hungry hill giants attacked them. They knocked the poor boy out with a thrust of their clubs and he was left lying in the gras, bleeding to death. But he didn't. A, according to his description, shining white bull appeared to him, threw him on its back and carried the semi-conscious body to the next village, where people would attend to him. When Shedinn meditates and prays, he can reach out to the celestial bull. Then, so he believes, the Divine Herdsman appears for him in his bull form and Shedinn may pledge his allegiance. He does so every morning and in return, he is taught how to protect his herd and how to properly care for pregnant or diseased ones.

not sure, what to spend the money on...

Just triple checking - starting wealth is 1000gp, correct?

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Albion, The Eye wrote:
Just triple checking - starting wealth is 1000gp, correct?

yes, but you will be stripped and your equipment will be.... actually i wont spoil it- just know you wont have it at the start

Fair enough ;)

I will be adding another installment to Rorx's background during the day today.

Well, here’s my definitive submission. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Considering the premise of the universe and the mythic rules enabling the concept, I tried converting my first character from d&d. She’s a Warlord (a type of class in between a pathfinder fighter, bard and cleric) from the timeline of fourth edition, around 100 years before the current edition of d&d. I know that fourth edition is a fairly unpopular one and that it had a troubled relationship with 3.5 and pathfinder, but to me personally it was the roleplaying system that introduced me to tabletop roleplaying and it holds a bit of a special place in my heart for it.

The background story references many events and modules from the living forgotten realms campaign of that era (around 10 years ago?) that I still remember. The NPC’s mentioned in the backstory are also the most prominent characters of the group of students we used to play those modules with back in the day, so in that sense it’s a bit of a nostalgia trip for me.

I think this version of her background, being relatively unknown before dying in a massive battle with very little survivors, while still maintaining some of the original idea of how she got the mythic spark, should be functional for the hints you've given me. But if it isn't, I could still change it.

Crap. I need to redo my starting equipment, I used normal 3rd level wealth.

Ouachitonian wrote:
Crap. I need to redo my starting equipment, I used normal 3rd level wealth.


Ouachitonian wrote:
Crap. I need to redo my starting equipment, I used normal 3rd level wealth.


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My humble submission: the humble Chen Zhou.

Character Precis:

Full Name & Title: Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent.
Former Occupation: Bumpkin
Source of Divinity: Clerical error
Mythic Path: Heirophant
Concept: A berk among berks
Build: Heavens Oracle with Legalistic curse

Previously a lonely wheat farmer (after a failed, misguided attempt in his youth to make it as a professional acupuncturist in the big city,) Chen Zhou was appointed to a post within the Celestial Bureaucracy due to a clerical error resulting from an inter-departmental rivalry. Once in office, he found a way to cheat the system to complete the duties of his redundant position without doing any work and escaped back to earth, where he hoped to live out the rest of his many, many days back at his farm in a simple and happy life, ignoring the strange changes his divine status seems to be inflicting upon him (knowledge of divine hierarchies, intuitive understanding of governmental systems and compulsion to adhere to them, ability to perform minor miracles, floating above the ground, clothing himself in stars, etc.) Unfortunately, it seems this won’t be the case, as after his fifth night back home he awakes in a cold cell…

Rules-wise becoming a divinity also initiated his being an oracle. His experiences with the Celestial Bureaucracy are the only “adventure” he’s ever been on, but he’s certainly motivated enough by survival to try and figure out where he is, why, and how to get back home.

RP-wise Chen is a fish out of water into the fire, and meant to be a bit of a straight man to the absurdity that is Sigil. Given time to acclimate himself and realize getting home won't be easy, he'll become more invested in developing his abilities for his own benefit. Due to his curse he'll almost certainly become more lawful as play progresses.

Long Background, or How Chen Zhou Became A God…:

In the High Court of Transference of the Upper Heavens, whose floor is made of fundamental truths, walls of celestial geometries, and ceiling of the cosmic infinitude, it was Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Chang’s big day. Over the past seven eons he’d spent all his incalculable wealth, called in all his innumerable favors, and committed myriad unthinkable acts to secure his promotion to Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent. An oft-overlooked office, he knew that once in the position he would no doubt revolutionize the Celestial Bureaucracy in short order and thus gain the favorable attention of the Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others himself. Making an enemy of Feichang Congming De Kauijishi, the being who’d previously held the post, was the least price he would pay, especially now the useless old codger had just been officially demoted to Shining Court Scribe of North Winds - a post embarrassing for even earthly spirits to hold.

It was Feichang Congming De Kauijishi’s darkest day. He’d held his office for ten thousand eons, faithfully serving the Bureaucracy without committing a single error in the execution of his duties. He glanced sidelong at his replacement as they stood in front of the Head Reviewer of Appointments to the Department of Divinities Greater, Lesser, and All Between, who had just finalized his official re-assignment to the Shining Court. He was familiar with this upstart’s kind: brash young demi-gods looking to make their mark, confident they can “fix” the system with their “new” ideas - as if they’ve come up with a thought wholly original since the dawn of time. The final insult, of course, was that it had been Feichang’s duty to transcribe the paperwork for his own demotion and his replacement’s appointment. Better a feral dog take his place than one of this sort.

Chen Zhou licked his lips as the order for his own removal from his current office was finalized, and that of his new appointment was reviewed.

It was just another day for the Head Reviewer. ”Everything seems in order,” he boomed, his voice a hundred tsunamis breaking against the roots of the world, ”As to be expected. No doubt the Temporal Parliament will miss your service, Feichang.” Nodding in satisfaction, he melted the Wax of Certainty onto the document and stamped it with the Seal of Utter Permanence. ”Very well then: By the powers of the Celestial Bureaucracy and the Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others, you are now officially Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent, for a period of no less than one thousand eons, Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng.”

There was a long pause, followed by a small cough from the demi-god Chen Zhou. ”A thousand pardons, your most efficient exultancy, but my name is Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Chang.

”Is it?” The Head Reviewer peered again at the paperwork to confirm the name, shrugging. ”Then the job is not yours.”

The color draining from his face, the newly unemployed Chen Zhou sputtered incoherently as he was dismissed, while Feichang’s eyes merrily glittered like the stars they were.


It was the farmer Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng’s most surprising day. He was in his wheat field when the clouds parted and the Great Golden Dragon Taiyang Shizhe, Messenger of the Upper Heavens Who Waits At The Feet Of The Divine Jade Emperor Who Sits Above All Others, descended to the earth. The magnificent radiance of the dragon’s scales, which were every sunrise ever to spark hope in the heart of a living thing, turned the crops to ash as she landed before the terror-stricken man. When she spoke, her voice - ten-thousand silver horns sounded by the princes of Heaven - blasted the farmer’s house to sticks and blew them away far over the horizon. Chen Zhou’s chickens, miraculously spared, took to haphazard flight as they fled the scene.

”Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, I serve notice that your term in the Celestial Bureaucracy, to be no less than one thousand eons, has begun. You are expected in your office before the Sun next passes through the Gates of Dusk.” Chen Zhou the farmer, who had prostrated himself before the Great Golden Dragon due to the failure of both his legs and bowels, dared speak.


Taiyang Shizhe looked down at the man. ”You are Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, are you not?” The man nodded, dumbfounded. ”Then I suggest you not be late on your first day.” She turned skywards and lifted off the ground.

”But - but - but-“ stammered Chen Zhou ”- how will I get there?”

”Oh very well,” the dragon muttered. Pursing her lips, she blew a stream of iridescent smoke onto the man. The vapors lifted him off the ground and buoyed him up through the clouds and into the Courts of the Celestial Bureaucracy amongst the stars.


”Your Temporal Parliament Scribe reports are late.” Douyu Jingli, Head Under-Assistant of Upper Scribe Efficiency, frowned at the human Chen Zhou, an act which exposed even more of the intricately carved ruby tusks which protruded from his lower jaw and framed his small fiery mustache.

”Late? But I just arrived!” lamented the erstwhile farmer, still dressed in soiled burlap.

”Yes, well, at least that explains your garments. Taiyang Shizhe did send a memo stating your investiture had been most unusual, though she didn’t list any specifics. In any event, you have transcription work waiting.” Chen Zhou’s spacious desk dominated his small private office, and The Head Under-Assistant pointed at a rectangular basket woven from the dreams of dead emperors which sat at one of its corners. Inside lay several documents, and on its front was affixed a small placard which simply read “IN.” ”You’d better shape up, Chen Zhou - it’s sink or swim around here. If you don’t catch on in the first thousand years, eyebrows will raise.” He raised one of his own smoldering eyebrows in demonstration.

”And what am I to do with these?” Chen Zhou asked, lifting the strange parchments from the basket.

”Do with them? You transcribe them.” He indicated the array of quills and ink vials that occupied much of the rest of the desk. ”You create an exact duplicate of each document, identical in every particular, and when complete place it here.” A second basket sat at the desk corner opposite the first, this one fashioned from the first song ever sung by a nightingale and decorated with a small placard reading “OUT.”

Chen Zhou’s heart filled with despair. ”And how often do you come to collect them and drop off more?”

”Collect them?” Douyu Jingli laughed, smoke billowing into the air where it formed strange visions before dissipating. ”Drop off more? That would be most inefficient! No, the originals are sent by the Temporal Parliament and simply appear in the one basket, while the duplicates disappear when placed in the other, transported instantly to the Celestial Archives.”

Chen Zhou furrowed his brow. ”And the originals?”

Douyu Jingli waved a dismissive hand. ”Oh, once a duplicate has been sent the original is obsolete - just destroy them.”


It was with a great sense of satisfaction that the Head Under-Assistant of Upper Scribe Efficiency next met with the Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent. The Scribe Chen Zhou sat behind his desk, dressed now in constellations befitting his station, above which his face wore an expression both fearful and hopeful.

”I must admit, Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, you had me worried when you first arrived. I thought Feichang Congming De Kauijishi had put down your name simply because it looked similar enough to that of his enemy to sneak past the Head Reviewer - just a fool appointed by chance! I should have known that wily old hand wouldn’t leave his post to the vagaries of fortune. Indeed, I daresay you’re not just Feichang's equal, but his better! Not a single mistake in transcription, and you complete them with such speed! Well done.”

Chen Zhou let out a long sigh of relief. ”My pleasure.”

”Keep this up and we’ll not see each other again until the next All-Scribes Luncheon in seven hundred seventy years.” The Head Under-Assistant gave a friendly wave as he stepped out from Chen Zhou’s office. ”See you then!”

Chen Zhou smiled and nodded, getting up to close the door after his visitor left. He then returned to his desk and opened the large bottom drawer to check on his work. Inside sat his baskets, the “IN” resting upside-down on top of the “OUT.” As he watched another document appeared, gently floating down until landing in the bottom basket and promptly disappearing. Smiling, he closed the drawer again, and after a moment locked it for good measure. He then left his office, locking the door behind him for extra-good measure, and made his way to the nearest stairwell, which eventually, after many confusing twists, turns, and quite a few directions asked, deposited him back down to earth.

He surveyed his ruined farm. ”Looks like I’ve got work to do.”

Five days later he had built himself a half-serviceable lean-to, retrieved most of his lost chickens from the surrounding countryside, and begun to save what crops he could. With a sigh of contentment he laid down to sleep, hoping he wouldn’t again dream of gods bickering over finer points of inter dimensional law. He did.

On the morning of the sixth day Chen Zhou Yang Bai Chao Cheng, Temporal Parliament Scribe of the Upper Heavens and All Realms Asynchronous and Concurrent, awoke in a cell.

Stats, Short Form:

Human Heavens Oracle 3 [Mythic Heirophant]
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 18
HP 23, AC 10/16, BAB +2, CMB +2, CMD 12
Fort +3*; Ref +1; Will +5 (*+5 total vs poisons)
Alignment: L/C: Neutral(60); G/E: Neutral (50) (His Legalistic curse is slowly pushing him towards lawful)
Alternate Human Racial Traits: Focused Study (replaces bonus feat), Heart of the Fields (replaces Skilled)
Traits: Social: Beast Bond (handle animal), Region: Acupuncturist
Skills (+favored class bonus): Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +11, Heal +11, Knowledge (religion) +7, Lore (bureaucracy) +7, Lore (law) +7, Perception +8, Profession (farmer) +9
Languages: Common(?), Celestial
Feats: Skill Focus (heal), Improvisational Healer, Extra Revelation
Oracle Mystery: Heavens.
Oracle Curse: Legalistic
Revelations: Coat of Many Stars, Lure of the Heavens, Spray of Shooting Stars (effective oracle level 7 - mythic ability)
Spells (all cures): orisons - create water, detect poison, light, mending, purify food and drink; 1st (5/day) - cure light wounds, color spray, command (mythic), protection from chaos, sanctuary
Mythic Tier: 1
Mythic Path: Heirophant; Divine Surge= Inspired Spell
Mythic Path Abilities: Mythic Domain (Heirophant)
Mythic Feat: Mythic Spell Lore
Gear: Honestly I’m fine with starting with no gear and just finding a bag/backpack full of 1,000gp worth of random equipment he can claim. If that’s not cool, I can put together some kind of Celestial Bureaucracy office kit for him.

Grand Lodge

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Well as much as I want to build a PC for this -- I love me some Planescape -- in the past 24 hours I've had a PC accepted into two other PbPs. Between that and my three homegames, it's enough. .... Good luck to everyone, as I withdraw, and don't be surprised if I come back one day to lurk in your Gameplay!

More of Rorx past:
Rorx burst through the tent flap without skipping a beat - "It was a trap father..." - he growled, covered in blood - "Rag'nesh he..." - his words were cut short by the massive magical explosion which simply obliterated his father's tent, more like a tribal pavilion where the gathering should take place. He felt his skin blister, but then a strong arm grabbed him and took him away from the Inferno.

Regardless of how unusual the presence of an half-orc might be among a tribe of orcs, Rorx's life was as could be expected - his father was the chieftain, and that much would obviously press others into accepting his 'son' into the fold. But he was always treated like any other - he had to punch his way into respect many times, and not they were not always victories - "NO ONE ever wins every single fight" - his father would tell him, wise beyond many a orc - "Survive and LEARN!"

Survive he did, and learn even more - it quickly became apparent the boy was not only strong of arm, but also of mind, and Rag'nesh, the tribe shaman quickly took him under his fold - the wizened old crone saw the potential, and something more... But that he never shared with the young half-orc, nor with Grommar his father and chief of The Maw tribe.

It was not uncommon to find strong warriors among the Maw, and not even some almost brilliant strategists, but combining both of the attributes had been a centuries long search for their shamans and leaders - the constant state of War on the surface of Arrakor left vast swaths of scorched land in its wake. The world was more and more akin to a desiccated corpse, gasping for a breath of life. In spite of some legends speaking of ways to revert the process, the main concern of its inhabitants was combat and victory - they did not seem to realize they would be ruling over a dead husk of a planet.

His eyes burst open again, the snarling visage of his father upon him - "What happened?! Where is Tarka?!" - he growled, inquiring about his adoptive mother.
"She... She...." - Rorx stammered.
"Speak!" - his father roared.

He did not know. Rag'nesh had drawn him and his mother into a trap - he convinced them he had found information about the life pillars of Arrakor, but it was all a lie... Deep down beneath the ground he saw the remains of... Hundreds? Maybe more sacrifices? And trap was sprung - the crone had managed to grab the attention of some powerful otherworldly entity, and he was planning on using Rorx and his mother for something - another sacrifice? Why? He did not know...

"You have the spark, foolish child" - Rag'nesh taunted him, while his own personal elite guard subdued him, and captured his mother - "Ragnazzar will be pleased to consume your soul, and the strength that festers within you - it will empower him, and it will grant the Maw the power to be victorious!"
"You are mad! I will rip out your..." - a few punches left him reeling and spitting blood, the ogre like guards seemed to enjoy pummeling him.
"You will do nothing but scream" - Rag'nesh cackled as the darkness seem to deepen at the other end of the huge natural cavern, obscuring the many torches which had been placed all around - "It is time..."

Liberty's Edge

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Know my allignment but I'll let fate decide what percent of it I am

Level of good: 1d35 ⇒ 32 Good 97
level of law or neutral: 1d65 ⇒ 36 Law 71

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Thought I’d throw together list of submissions thus far. I’ve linked to aliases where able, otherwise just to the submission post. I double-checked thread, but apologies if I still missed anyone!

GM_DBH - Cassie - CG Changeling Oracle of Dark Tapestry Hierophant

Oxnard Kettlebeak - Big Billy Bull Bugwhump - LG Boggard Sorcerer (wildblooded empyreal)/Monk - Archmage

Origami Dog - Bonehead - NG Kobold Bard (animal speaker) - Archmage/Marshal

The Archlich - Harbaestus - N Vine Leshy Druid (treesinger) - Hierophant

Blue dove - Believer - LG Tiefling (kyton-spawn) Paladin/Oracle of Life - Hierophant

Albion, the Eye - Rorx - CG Half-Orc Bloodrager (urban bloodrager)/Magus (hex crafter) - Guardian + additional background

 Ouachitonian - Aleksander Albus - CG Fetchling Fighter (gloomblade) VMC Magus - Champion/Trickster

Zanbabe - Zalanna - CG Shabti Oracle of Intrigue (seeker) - Trickster and posted background

Ellioti - Shedinn Delmirev - LG Human (Varisian) Cleric (ecclesitheurge)/UC Monk - Hierophant

Trevor86 - Gronne of Mesring - LG Human Bloodrager (urban, id)/Cleric or Warpriest - Hierophant or Marshal

The Tick In the Barrel - Chen Zhou - N Human Oracle of Heavens - Hierophant

Just a note that the background in my profile is a more recent version than the one I posted. :)

PS, I see that we have a lot of Oracles, so just as a note, my character is created so that she could take the rogue role in a party. :)

PPS, I am not worthy compared to some of your hilarious / creative backgrounds. :) It's been fun reading them. :)

Just for clarity, both of my submissions are marshall for the mythic path and then dual path to either champion (for the warpriest) and hierophant (for the evangelist cleric).

Also, i realised i had forgotten to include the domain for my cleric which is tactics to go with the theme. I could also drop evangelist on the cleric to be even more of a healer if someome else brings the bard buffs.

Liberty's Edge

Also one question, Can we have crafted things for our starting equipment?

I would like to submit Zariya Ameerah for consideration. She's a Human Ashiftah Witch Archmage looking to uncover the mysteries of the universe and learn all the magic she can while doing so.

joker 27 wrote:
Also one question, Can we have crafted things for our starting equipment?

only if you don't craft them with a curse.

oh and also- it should be noted the more valuable the item would be to a player 3 levels higher than you the more likely it will be sold for gold and you have to get it back.

Liberty's Edge

Sure, I’m just crafting mundane armor so I hope it’ll be alright.

here is Reizi Jokers submission, the alias is accurate but I'll also put it in this post. I'm not entirely happy with how the backstory flows so I may still update it but I figured I should get something out there.

His mounts page has a touch of backstory for it as well. Nothing much as phantoms don't remember much of their past lives.

Reizi 71/97 Lawful Good
Lv.3 Lashunmta Ghost rider (Cavalier) (Champion)
HP: 36/36 (3xFCB)
AC: 11/20 (FF: 19 , Touch:11)
CMD: 18
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +4
BAB: +3
CMB: +7
STR: 19 (4)
DEX: 12 (1)
CON: 14 (2)
INT: 12 (1)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 12 (+1)

Traits: Indomitable Faith, Armor Expert
Languages: Elven, Lashunta, Common
Speed: 30 Feet/20 Feet
Lashunta Magic: At-will: Daze, Mage Hand 1/day Detect Thoughts
Limited Telepathy: A lashunta is able to mentally communicate with any creature within 30 feet with whom she shares a language. Otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability.
Hero Points (3/3)

Hard to Kill: Whenever you’re below 0 hp you automatically stabilize. Die only at negative double Constitution score of damage.
Mythic Power (5/5)
Surge 1: You can spend mythic power to add 1d6 to any d20 roll before results are revealed.
Sudden Attack (Ex): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack at your highest attack bonus. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. When making a sudden attack, you roll twice and take the better result, adding your tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Mounted Maniac (Ex): Your unstoppable momentum while mounted is terrifying. Whenever you charge a creature while mounted, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all enemies within 30 feet of your target, adding your tier to the result of the check. If you expend one use of mythic power, any creature demoralized by this ability is frightened instead of shaken. The duration of this condition is dependent upon your check, as noted in the Intimidate skill.

Power Attack
Mounted Combat
Mythic Mounted Combat

Ride +9
Intimidate +9
K. Religion +9
Sense Motive +8
Diplomacy +7
Climb +5/+10

Background Skills
Craft (Armor) +9,
Handle Animal +9

Equipment 217/77/116
Currently on:
Gambeson (Clothes)

Likely Taken:
Long Sword
Combat Scabard
Bit and Bridle
MW Military Saddle
MW Cloak
MW Blacksmiths Anvil
MW Clicker (Handle Animal)
Pocket Religious Reference Book
Reference Book on Tells
Helhest Profile Here

Class Features:

Challenge 1/day: Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.

Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.

The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier’s challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier’s order.

Whenever an order of the sword cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge so long as he is astride his mount. The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Ghost Mount At 1st level, a ghost rider gains the ability to manifest a special mount of conjured ectoplasm rather than one of flesh and bone. This spectral companion functions like a spiritualist’s phantom companion, using the ghost rider’s cavalier level as her effective spiritualist level. The phantom takes the form of a ghostly creature analogous to one of a cavalier’s normal mount options for her size and class level, such as a Large horse for a Medium ghost rider or a wolf for a Small ghost rider. A ghost rider must choose a mount that is capable of bearing her weight, that has four or more legs, and that lacks a fly speed (although the GM may allow mounts with a swim speed in certain environments). The GM might approve other animals as suitable mounts.

The ghost rider can manifest her ghost mount only in ectoplasmic form, and she gains the spiritualist’s etheric tether class feature, applied to her ghost mount.

The mount shares the cavalier’s alignment. Though the mount cannot speak, it understands its master’s verbal commands and gains the phantom’s link ability. The ghost mount has good Fortitude and Reflex saves, and can have ranks in any of the following skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). The ghost rider’s ghost mount does not gain the share spells, deliver touch spells, or incorporeal flight abilities. Ghost mounts do not gain emotional focus abilities.

The ghost rider does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding her mount. The mount is always considered combat trained, and begins play with Endurance as a bonus feat.

Ghost Mount Starting Statistics: Type animal (phantom); Size one size category larger than the ghost rider; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 hooves (1d6; this is a secondary natural attack); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.

Frightful Gaze (1/1) At 1st level, a ghost rider can use this ability on opponents within 30 feet as a standard action, which acts as a gaze attack until the ghost rider’s next turn. Creatures within range that meet the ghost rider’s gaze must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the ghost rider’s class level + the ghost rider’s Charisma modifier) or stand paralyzed in fear for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Creatures that successfully save against that ghost rider’s frightful gaze are immune to it for 24 hours. At 9th level, this ability can affect creatures that are mindless or immune to mind-affecting effects, though it still counts as a fear effect. The ghost rider can use this ability a number of times each day equal to her Charisma modifier.

By My Honor LG, Will At 2nd level, the cavalier must select one alignment. As long as he maintains the selected alignment, he receives a +2 morale bonus to one saving throw of his choice.

Fearless At 3rd level, a ghost rider becomes immune to fear. Each ally within 10 feet of the ghost rider gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the ghost rider is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.

Reizi is from a world of constant war were godlike figures take a direct interest in mortal life as leaders. He was in an elite group of Outriders led by the god-king of his small but influential city-state named Coureuses. The outsiders were often sent to scout on enemy positions and lead blitzkrieg attacks.

The king led the outsiders to a swift attack on their strongest enemy, a judicieux encampment which they believed held their military leaders. The information they had proved to be wrong, the majority of the judicieux force was set there for an ambush which when triggered overwhelmed the outsiders killing all of the horses as well as the leader and a number of outriders.

As the leader fell Reizi felt a stroke of power and heard a voice in his mind that seemed not to come from another lashunta it called "Run and I will aid you." So Reizi did and as he moved he felt a presence move under him. He felt his feet rise from the ground and his body flow into the familiar gate of riding a horse. When Reizi Looked down he saw a massive blue ghostly horse galloping with him into the distance faster than the rival archers could react.

As Reizi rode home to warn of the impending assault by the judicieux he noticed a lack of scouts and guards, eventually, he returned to the capital to find the judicieux flag flying, realizing that all was lost he set out to guard others against aggressive overexpansion.

This is the closest picture I could find to how he looks. He is more heavily armored though.

and this is what his horse Helhest looks like

I am going to withdraw my interest. I was without internet for the better part of this week (well, since Friday actually), and there are a plethora of good submissions. Have a great game all!

Andostre wrote:
Just to announce my intent, I plan on making a Nagaji melee type from a dead world. (At least, he believes it's dead.) Not sure of the actual class yet, but leaning towards cavalier. Paladin/fighter/brawler are also options if I come across an archetype that fits my concept. Probably going with the Champion mythic path.

Well, I ended up going with Samurai. Here's my submission:

Hskaja - CG Samurai (Brawling Blademaster) - Champion

Here's his background, which is intended to explain how he became mythic, but I don't specifically spell it out as such.

This one is Hskaja. This one was lieutenant-ascendant prime, serving her highness Resavana Ssemti, although by the end of the world, Hskaja surely ranked much higher among those who last stood against Black Horizon. It wasn't really black, of course, but that was the name that was given to what Nagaji sages called the "collapsing universe." The Nagaji's first hint of demise was a four years ago when the stars began disappearing from the sky. With the demise of the constellations, travel across the oceans all but disappeared. By the time only the Nagaji sun remained, the diviners had learned that the end of the world was here.

Hskaja fought loyally. First against Resavana Ssemti's rivals as the world crumbled around them, then the empire's opportunists, then invaders from other planes, and then--at the last, all alone--Hskaja raised his sword against the Black Horizon himself. And then Hskaja was no more.

In that last moment, when the universe was at its last, when Hskaja was the last... there was no difference between us. Hsaja understood... everything. Every secret; every idea; every person who had lived before the Black Horizon. It lasted but an eye blink, but in that last moment Hskaja gives his final words. To who, Hskaja doesn't know.

But Hskaja is just Hskaja. Just a warrior who wouldn't die until the end. And the universe was still dying. Hskaja could not hold onto everything. His knowledge, his secrets, his sword.

And now Hskaja is dead. Wherever in the afterlife he is, it's cold... or is it? It's hard to tell.

I want to add that having GMed PbP campaigns (although not on Paizo boards) and having played in various campaigns on the Paizo boards, I am familiar with how it works and I understand the importance of keeping posting momentum going, and I understand that's the responsibility of both the GM and the players.

I've been playing since 1st edition D&D (barely), GMing since 2nd edition, and have been involved in a number of related, continuous PbPs since 2006. Those aren't on this board, but I am involved in a fair amount of other PbPs on this board. I'm pretty laid back about the rules as a player, and I enjoy playing flawed characters that aren't supposed to be taken too seriously.

Let me know if there are any questions, and good luck to everyone!

Just a bump to say I am still here. Is recruitment still closing today Kobold Klan?

This campaign sounds super cool and I've been wanting to play a character like this for a while. No matter who gets in though I hope this turns into a fun game.

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Aw man, looks like I joined too late to get in on this action! Ah well, such is life. Mind if I lurk and get a second-hand fix of Planescape?

I ended up removing the backstory from my mount because I realized ghost rider phantoms have 2 INT unlike other phantoms so it couldn’t ever convey it.

Ack, just found this! But, apparently it's closed :(

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well, I havent Closed Recruitment Offically, I might give it a few more days if people are truely interested but just didnt see the recruitment

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It's doubtful that they are watching the thread if they think they are too late. If you wish to wait for them to make submissions it might be best to PM them directly.

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I just PMed both of them.

Zariya Ameerah wrote:
It's doubtful that they are watching the thread if they think they are too late. If you wish to wait for them to make submissions it might be best to PM them directly.

I check the recruitment section only rarely. I have the forum on focus mode, so that I just see my games.

When I looked earlier and saw this one, with it's 95 posts or so, I went and read the last few posts to see if it was still open. No sense in wasting my time reading over that many posts only to get to the end and find out recruitment closed several days ago. Which, I've had happen before, and is the worst feeling, especially for a game you end up getting really excited for.

I'm not super invested in this, so no need to make a special concession for me. If the GM is willing to leave recruitment open for a few more days, I'll see if inspiration for a concept strikes me, and get to work.

However, I also don't wanna hold up the start of the game, if the GM thinks they have their group already.

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