![]() Quoting myself from the Thrall Mechanic thread agnelcow wrote:
Once you can summon multiple thralls per actions, this gives a gameplay loop of summon (with free melee), cast a non-attack spell or focus spell, then on the next turn sacrifice a thrall for a boosted melee before resummoning. ![]()
![]() If eliminating excess thralls needs to be addressed, I could see just adding another single action Grave Cantrip as a class feature that gives a thrall within 30 ft an optional attack (same as the Create Thrall one) and then destroys it with no other benefits. To address concerns of a lackluster melee necro build, you could also modify the feats that enable that build so they let the Necromancer take the melee attack from this Destroy Thrall cantrip themselves, using the the melee weapon's dice and abilities instead of the listed spell attack dice but still counting as a spell attack to use the better progression. ![]()
![]() This may already be clear to other people from the text, so sorry if it's a misguided line of questioning. The text of Reclaim Power states
Reclaim Power wrote: You Consume a Thrall, increasing the range to 30 feet, and regain 10 Hit Points. You can destroy up to four more of your thralls in range to increase the healing by 10 per thrall. If you destroy five thralls total, you can also decrease your clumsy, enfeebled, frightened, sickened, or stupefied condition by 1. Given that this feat requires the Consume Thrall class feature, does this mean that the Reclaim Power activity incorporates the base Consume Thrall action benefits (regaining a Focus Point) while modifying the usage range from 15 feet to 30 feet and adding the healing rider? Or is the "consume a thrall" phrasing a description of the destruction of the thrall being used exclusively for healing? If it is the case that the base action is incorporated, does that mean that you cannot use Reclaim Power if Consume Thrall has been used within the last 10 minutes? My assumption from reading is that Reclaim Power does incorporate the Focus Point benefit and that it can still be used even if Consume Thrall has been used because it is a separate activity with a separate frequency. That would mean that the Necromancer has two abilities to restore FP in each encounter which is more than other classes, but I could see it as a deliberate design choice to offset the high amount of Focus Spells the class has. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Iolithe wrote: I would say the intention is actually to give you a reaction before you otherwise would be able to. Normally in combat you only get your reaction on your turn, meaning the first round of combat you wouldn't have one until your turn comes up, but the guardian starts with a reaction always that allows them to defend someone round one. It feels a bit odd to gain a class feature that only gets worse as your initiative gets better, but I guess you're right that having it as a failsafe for enemy alpha strikes makes sense. Maybe we could get a callout in the finalized text to remind players that reactions expire at the start of their turn so they don't mistakenly think they can "bank" the reaction. ![]()
![]() The Reaction Time feature seems a little odd. I assume that the intention is to give 1 free extra Reaction to use each combat (possibly tuned down from 1 extra per round), but per the rules in Player Core, you lose unused Reactions at the start of your turn so as written this ability can't be used. It probably needs a stipulation that you don't lose the bonus Reaction round-to-round until used. ![]()
![]() Commander seems like a fun reimplementation of some of the Battle Herald stuff from PF1. I'm very excited about that, as that was one of my favorite Prestige Classes from the edition. At a glance, it looks like a lot of the Tactics don't allow the Commander to participate in the generated actions for a lead-from-the-front feel. For instance, Demoralizing Charge, Stupefying Raid, and Defensive Retreat all seem like having option to spend an extra action to let the commander join in wouldn't be too out-there. An option for a feat or feature that could lend more of that playstyle would be nice, though I understand it sort of steps on the toes of the Marshall dedication from the CRB (not sure how it compares to the revision coming in Player Core 2) ![]()
![]() Not 100% sure it's an error, but Floral Restoration (Druid) requires being in a location of at least 15 sq ft with healthy plant life. 15 sq ft is less than one 5 foot square, which seems like both a poor restriction and not coherent with normal tactical layouts. Possible corrections could be 25 sq ft (1 square, just rounding up), 75 sq ft (3 squares, assuming they just did 3x5 to get 15), 150 sq ft (6 squares, assuming they left off a 0), 225 sq ft (9 squares, assuming they meant a 3x3 block of 5 ft squares), or 375 sq ft (15 squares). ![]()
![]() Saedar wrote: I'm not talking charop. I'm specifically saying I think the Elemental Blast is undertuned between weakish damage, non-attack key ability, and delayed proficiency when weighed against the mechanical footprint of the feature and my own personal interest in being a competent all-day magical blaster. Touching on this, from a progression perspective it's odd that the class starts as (slightly) less accurate than a spellcaster's cantrips, grows to more accurate over the course of 18 levels, and then becomes even again. Assuming ABP, plus all boosts + Apex to an attack stat: Lvl 1: -1 vs spells
Obviously, you can Elemental Blast with a single action instead of two so you need to fall behind on either accuracy or damage per hit for a 0-resource attack but it just feels weird to pull ahead so much and then fall to even. Maybe the solution is a bonus where Elemental Blasts aree one step more proficient than simple weapons, but the progression is staggered behind the normal 1/5/13 increases to avoid frontloading bonuses ![]()
![]() Guntermench wrote: Weapon Specialization is always at 7. Caster classes, including both cleric doctrines, get Weapon Specialization at 13. Warpriests do not get the damage increase at the same time as the proficiency increase. The general pattern is that Weapon Specialization (and Greater Weapon Specialization) come at 2 levels after an increase to proficiency (11/13 for casters, and 5/7 + 13/15 for martials). Warpriest and Alchemist both break that which is why I called those out separately, but they do not progress beyond Expert proficiency and get the damage boost at the same time as full casters. ![]()
![]() Standard progression for Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Specialization is that Specialization is awarded 2 levels after the class's first strike proficiency boost. Alchemists and Warpriest clerics break this by bumping to Expert at 7 but delaying Specialization to 13, but as both cap at Expert weapon proficiency like full casters that can be thought of as a stopgap balance accommodation. As listed in the playtest document, Kineticist is the only class to gain Specialization at the same time as their first increase in weapon proficiency (level 7). For consistency, I would suggest they should either delay the Specialization to 9 (making them the only Expert @ 7 class that gains Master proficiency in strikes) or bring Expert proficiency up to 5 (to match other martial classes). As the rest of the attack/specialization progression matches martials, I believe the latter is the better option. ![]()
![]() Maybe a good way to deal with the weirdness of creatures that already have weaknesses would be to change the bonus damage from Antithesis to be +CHA + 1/2 level for no-/low-weaknesses creatures, and +CHA for creatures with existing weaknesses. That also gives a native use for CHA to help it feel like something you want to invest in. EDIT: Cleaner way to do it would probably be making Antithesis set a minimum weakness of 1/2 level, and cause your strikes to deal CHA mod damage of the relevant type. ![]()
![]() With 4 free trained skills, they probably want to avoid adding Int as the key ability and overloading skill access. Wisdom improves Perception and Will saves, so putting class DC to CHA instead helps keep defensive stats in line and makes social skills marginally more attractive. We also already have 2 Int classes (Investigator and Alchemist) that have some hoops to jump through to stay up at the expected damage levels. I could see moving to Wis instead, but we might see progression on proficiencies drop a bit to compensate. Thaumaturge is slightly ahead of some classes in the mid-level range for AC. ![]()
![]() I don't mind the complexity of tracking extraneous game info given that the Psychic may have lower complexity in play than a Wizard (due to lower spell slots and emphasis on amping cantrips), but interested to see other people's opinion on it. The baseline Unleash Psyche definitely reminds me of 13th Age, where encounters have an "escalation die" that increments as the fight goes on and can unlock or enhance abilities when it reaches certain values. ![]()
![]() gesalt wrote: I'll have to really give thaumaturge a deeper read later but that cha primary stat means they'll be at a permanent -1 to hit for basically no benefit. True, but by level 8 Weapon Implement Adepts (which I assume will be a common pick) get 12 bonus damage per strike (2 from Weapon Expertise, 4 from Implement's Empowerment, and 6 from the Antithesis) and deal 7 damage on a miss. ![]()
![]() I'm also interested in seeing focus spell stances for the Magus. In particular, something with a spell school tag that lets you cast a specific cantrip for 1 fewer action while in the stance, or which provides a related damage/buff/debuff aura, or which allows you to sacrifice prepared spells to cast a spell based on the stance all seem like they'd help drive home the "I fight using magic" theme without just relying on Striking Spell. Having stances that focus on Martial vs Magic aspects could also help players choose between themes of using magic to augment skill vs weaving spells into combat. "Martial" stances could be non-focus but give new options for saccing spells similar to Channel Smite, while "Magic" stances could be focus driven and provide persistent AOE effects or reward using indirect damage and control spells. ![]()
![]() Ross Byers wrote: I get that. But you'd think the members might start asking questions when they complete a successful mission and Aroden doesn't return for the n-th time. I know it's all in the wrong region, but I hope that Spoiler: The Book of 1,000 Whispers was authored by Tar-Baphon or one of his lackeys. Because (a) look at the name, seriously; (b) frustrating and manipulating people who revere Aroden is totally in his wheelhouse; and (c) it'd be hilarious if the Harbingers were behind the weakening of the Great Seals binding the Tyrant to Gallowspire. ![]()
![]() Alexandros Satorum wrote:
Pshaw! The Ustalavic Duelist is probably my favorite Fighter archetype yet. Dodge bonuses to AC, dueling weapons get better even beyond 4 levels of weapon training, Int to damage on Vital Strikes and VS crits deal max damage, and crits cause ability damage. How is that not amazing? ![]()
![]() Lord Hulrun is a canonical Inquisitor of Iomedae in the Worldwound who has been known to engage in "witch hunts", famously kicking off a Mendevian Crusade by burninating a few dozen spellcasters. Admittedly, they were suspected demon-worshipers and witches (in former Sarkoris, a region that doesn't have a good history with arcane magic and demoniacs), but despite uncovering numerous spies and demon-lovers there were quite a few people put to the sword with little to no evidence of anything other than arcane talent. Now, Hulrun's LN and he regrets the more extreme actions he took— both because of the innocents who died and because of the shame it brought to the church— but he is notably still a fervent supporter of inquisitions and witch hunts, though there's much more process and much less indiscriminate razing now. I think that's enough to show that with the right backstory any deity's servant might be trained against the arcane arts, even if the deity his/herself has no real opinion on the matter aside from "don't use it to do things I don't like". If there's one divine class that should take one aspect of their church's belief system to an extreme, it's the Inquisitor. Go nuts. ![]()
![]() Oooooh, I like this. Harrowing in general is a super fun part of the setting, and it gives a great way to tie characters together with one another and the story. It might be tough to pull off for a full campaign, since there's just so much time for something to go wrong or pass unnoticed in initial planning, but I hope you post some updates on the campaign if/when it starts. Do you have details on how the stat generation would work, or is that still being developed? Of those two APs, I would suggest RotRL for Harrowing since it is culturally Varisian; while RoW is an excellent campaign, the planet-hopping and focus on Irrisen might detract from the impact of the Harrow when you clearly want to make it a central theme. Plus, I think Nualia makes a great early villain to use as a counter to the concept of fate as foretold by the cards, as she rejects the position that others expected her to fill and becomes something horrifyingly different. Add to that all the fun stuff you could do with vague omens of an ancient empire on the verge of reemerging, and there's a lot of room to play with the Harrow stuff. Heck, you could even use it to foreshadow stuff from Jade Regent or Shattered Star when they meet characters that appear in those APs. That said, have you considered Carrion Crown? It uses Harrow Cards as a unique reward/power system that the players can earn and use throughout the game by completing quests and making important decisions. You could even have the characters tied together by having Professor Lorrimer (a mutual acquaintance whose funeral brings the characters together in the first volume) be the one who gave the characters their readings in the past. Even if you don't play CC, the Harrow rewards in that AP could offer a good bit of guidance for something similar in your own campaign. ![]()
![]() godsDMit wrote:
That's true of the main line of hardcover rulebooks and the Inner Sea World Guide, since those materials are the core components of the game and setting; likely, the rulebooks are priced as such since their OGL contents are made available for free on the PRD and the low pdf price encourages people to pay for content that well eventually be free. The ISWG probably is priced as a loss-leader to encourage people to play in Golarion and purchase the various Campaign Setting and Adventure Path products. Since Inner Sea Gods isn't a rules hardcover or a basic introduction to the setting, its pdf is priced as other books in the Campaign Setting line: 30% less than the hardcover cost. This is also how the pdf of Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition was priced. ![]()
![]() 137ben wrote:
There's a 1-page section at the start of each the core 20 deity articles explaining the boons that can be gained from the feat. Taking the feat allows you to gain mechanical benefits for performing tasks in the god's honor, starting with a modest boost to a skill or two and growing in power as you gain levels. Each deity offers three different groups of boons: one for evangelists, one for sentinels, and one for exalted; a character can choose any of the three paths for their character, but members of the corresponding prestige classes are locked into the appropriate choice. Being a member of those prestige classes allows you to gain the benefits of the boons more rapidly (as fast as level 8, 11, and 14), but makes all of your class features dependent upon performing your god's Obedience. EDIT: Or, y'know, what TOZ said. ![]()
![]() Ustalavic Duelist:
Lose heavy armor and your level 1 bonus feat for a scaling dodge bonus that only applies in light/no armor while wielding a single melee weapon in one hand. Weapon Training only works on light blades, but the damage bonus is higher if you meet the above requirements. Int bonus to damage on Vital Strikes with dueling weapons, and deal max damage on Vital Strike crits. You get to use your dueling weapon with certain combat maneuvers, allowing you to add in their enhancement bonuses. Dueling weapons deal ability damage of your choice on crits. I actually really like the archetype, and not just because Ustalav is my favorite nation. ![]()
![]() David knott 242 wrote:
The deity section of the prerequisites for the class lists 5 classes for each of the core 20 deities who are most likely to become Evangelists. However, there are no mechanical restrictions on which classes worshiping which deities may take the class, so presumably the "aligned class" section does not restrict this. Which is nice, considering bards (who have access to the Dawnflower Dervish archetype) aren't listed as an option for Sarenites. ![]()
![]() Mechalibur wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** Spoiler: Not only immune, but allies in 10ft who are forced to reroll get to roll their reroll die twice and take the higher result. And if they are forced to roll twice and take the lower result, they instead roll three times and take the second-lowest. Death to Pugwampis! ![]()
![]() Matrix Dragon wrote: I'm kind of curious about what an Iroran Paladin is like, especially considering that I thought there already was a prestige class for that. If this archetype does the paladin/monk thing without having to multiclass, that will be pretty cool :D It does indeed do the paladin/monk thing with no multiclass, although it's not compatible with the Champion of Irori PrC. Spoiler: You trade Smite Evil for "Personal Challenge" that can be used against any alignment but gives less bonus damage, lose Detect Evil for Ki detection, swap channeling for a Ki Pool, become immune to forced rerolls, change the Good Aura to Law, get IUS as a bonus feat, and scale your unarmed damage as a monk half your level. Oh, and you get your Cha bonus to AC so long as you're in light or no armor, up to a max of your paladin level. I like the archetype overall, since it offers a good alternative for Iroran characters who don't have 6 good stats.
Haven't had an extensive look at the Antipaladin archetypes yet, but the Seal-Breaker seeks to bring back the Whispering Tyrant and can spend Smites to bind murderous souls to dead bodies while the Rough Rampager's auras prevents healing and force wounds to stay open. EDIT: The Calistrian Hunter loses Weapon Training to cause bleed damage when hitting enemies that hit them in the last round, imposing penalties on the offender while gaining temp HP as they savor the damage. Creepy! ![]()
![]() Adjule wrote: One thing that always bothered me about Golarion's deities is the large lack of non-Demon Lords/Archdevils (or really, non-evil deities) with the Animal Domain. Out of the 38 beings that provide the Animal domain I think this is at least partly due to the fact that Curchanus, Desna's mentor and god of beasts, was murdered by Lamashtu so that she could gain authority over animals in his place. So in the setting, Evil actively slayed Good in order to lay claim to the domain; giving it to various good-aligned demigods minimizes the importance of that act (which turned Lamashtu into a full deity) and calls into question why she didn't just target some random animal-loving do-gooder instead. ![]()
![]() The Pathfinder Wiki is pretty well-maintained, and has a ton of information about the setting. The Meet the Iconics series is great for backstory on the characters you're most likely familiar with from the card game. The Inner Sea World Guide gives a good overview of each of the nations in the Inner Sea region of Golarion, as well as brief descriptions of deities and organizations (and the PDF is only $10!). That should be enough to get started, at least. Welcome to Golarion! ![]()
![]() The Crusader's Oath begins with "I do so swear under the Light, by the Sword and Scales of Truth and all the fires of heaven, to undertake this holy Crusade."; most of the things being sworn by are capitalized in the oath which, combined with the fact that it is a "holy crusade", suggests that they are not just physical things, but divine concepts. Fittingly, Iomedae is a goddess of the sun (light), war (the fires of heaven), and honor/justice (scales of truth), whose favored weapon is the longsword (sword) and whose church has historically called and closed the various crusades. Further, the Low Templar Prestige Class (where I grabbed the oath from) follows the text of the oath with "in too many cases, these words are hollow falsehoods, for many of those who take up the sword to crusade in Iomedae’s name do so for their own glory", which implies that the oath is directly related to crusading in Iomedae's name. The class's Path of Darkness/Light ability also mention that the character "must eventually decide how closely he wishes to hew to his oaths to Iomedae"; the only oath mentioned in the class is the Crusader's Oath, again implying that it is an oath to her divine cause. Finally, the ISWG section on Mendev mentions that all crusaders fight under the banner of Iomedae and whatever regional/knightly order they are a member of. Taken together, I believe this is fairly strong evidence that the Crusader's Oath is an oath to Iomedae, even if it is given to secular authorities or by those who worship other deities. I definitely agree that being in the goddess's presence should constitute a mythic trial by itself, and James Jacobs mentions it as one on page 5 of Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth even though the adventure's text doesn't say "this encounter counts as a mythic trial" in the story award section, as it does for other mythic trials. ![]()
![]() NOTE: This entire post, including the stuff in not spoiler tags, likely contains varying levels of spoilers. There's a lot of missing context here, and a lot of very strong terminology being used, but that is how some people have felt about the encounter. I disagree with the assessment, but certainly sympathize with it. Iomedae does transport the PCs to her celestial realm with no warning, though I wouldn't exactly call that a "kidnapping". It's important to note that the questions aren't just questions: they're affirmations of the beliefs and attitudes underlying the Crusade to which the characters have sworn themselves. A "wrong answer" means that everyone in the party has said something that is contrary to the motivations and demeanor that the goddess seeks in mortal representatives of her divinely-ordained war— representatives whom she wishes to send to another plane of existence in overt action against a deific power. If their actions betray Iomedae's cause, she may be seen as breaking the mandate of divine non-interference by having the PCs seek to do more than merely recover her herald; knowing that the PCs will behave in a way that she approves of means that they can be trusted to avoid implicating her in the breaking of one of the multiverse's biggest no-no's. Here's my post on the encounter from an earlier thread, which goes into my thoughts on the implications of the "kidnapping" as an act of a LG deity. Note that my question is "How do we understand these actions as LG, knowing that Iomedae is of that alignment?" rather than "Is Iomedae Evil because of these actions?"; my first assumption is that her alignment is not in question, and that we should aim to comprehend rather than condemn.
Agnelcow's Iomedaen Apologia: My take, honestly, is that the whole "sonic damage for being wrong" thing is related to the mandates preventing divine interference.
Look at it this way: if gods can just abduct anyone in the world and harm them for not responding as they want, then they whole "don't directly interfere on Golarion" thing seems moot. So what might be an exception to appearing in the presence of mortals? Obviously, you would want it to be limited to those who follow the deity to prevent inter-faith conflicts. But the PCs aren't necessarily Iomedaen. So how do we reconcile? Well, we know that (traditionally, at least) Mendevian Crusaders are required to swear an oath to Iomedae and fight under her banner; see the Low Templar prestige class for how that may not always be a firm oath. But we nonetheless have a formal oath to serve a goddess's interests in the mortal realm, in a crusade against Abyssal forces appropriating chunks of the Material Plane. As the PCs gain prominence in the crusade, eventually overshadowing the power and influence of Queen Galfrey herself and taking the fight back to the Abyss to undermine the opposition's war efforts, it seems reasonable that the goddess whom they claim to represent in their actions should be allowed to give them a test of faith in order to represent her on a scale beyond the limited military scope of a terrestrial conflict. Of course, a test of faith where one meets a deity should not be straightforward and strictly positive event (although overcoming the ordeal should prove satisfactory to members of the faith); there must be danger for marked failings in the mortal's faith. The punishment for conflicting ideals within the party or between mortal and deity isn't just Iomedae lashing out in anger or frustration (although she is disappointed, I believe) but a metaphysical retruibution of the multiverse against the PCs for having failed to uphold their sworn faith or cause— notably, a faith or cause to a deity who emphasizes the sanctity of such things. While clearly a painful experience, it's not merely a slap on the wrist intended to reprimand but a necessary part of the rites of Trial By Ordeal which tests the faith to the cause and, notably, is one of the few ways that a deity may physically manifest before her followers (another reason why deities show favor with things like the presence of birds: it's subtle, can have a mundane explanation, and doesn't require putting their faithful at risk should they fail). As for the abduction with no warning? Communicating divine intentions to mortals is generally handled by the herald, who is missing, or by the church (ie, giving someone higher up on the chain of command a vision instead and having them pass it along), which could allow enemies who infiltrated the faith to root out the deity's intentions and relay them to evil powers; better to call them to your side with no warning so that your graciousness cannot be used as a tool against the crusade's only hope for success. Besides, making it sudden and unheralded fits with the idea that you'll be testing the PCs' faith: to explain what would happen beforehand would allow them to mentally/psychologically/physically prepare themselves, which skews the field in their favor, something which won't happen when they're doing the deity's work in the real world. So yes, the damage and "abduction" are not very nice, but it's part of the process— not merely Iomedae's, but the entire Multiverse's— when testing the fitness of mortal faithful who wish to serve the divine on a multiplanar scale, especially when their actions may call the attention of rival deities. Iomedae resorts to this kind of trial because it is simple to arrange, given the PCs' level of power and prominence in a crusade undertaken in her name, without violating divine mandate and she believes that they will be able to overcome it (though not necessarily unharmed). Being damaged by the angelic choir is a consequence of being imperfectly faithful to the cause, and is a standard part of this kind of deific meeting. The PCs aren't just four people answering questions; they're four sworn servants of a divinely sanctioned cause trying to properly elucidate the duties enshrined in their oath in order to placate the multiversal enforcers of divine non-interference, so that the deity to whom they are sworn may be permitted to give them aid and direction in a nigh-impossible task. ![]()
![]() Bonuses of the same type (enhancement, in this case) do not stack; even if the creature would qualify to receive the increase in ability scores twice, only the highest bonus would stick. Since the bonus from both sources is tied at +4, it would receive only that +4 to Str and Con. Note that this also means that casting Bear's Endurance or Bull's Strength on the summoned monster is pointless, as those spells provide enhancement bonuses as well.