Eagle Knight of Andoran

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Great Module!


I finally ran this module for my group last Friday, and it was amazing. The pre-gen characters had immense personality: our dark, brooding anti-hero player fully embraced the loudmouthed Reta Bigbad and her dog-slicing ways; Chuffy set out to not just ride, but kill and feast upon Squealy Nord; Poog made a point of channeling energy to kill 2 dogs at once, despite the potential damage to the party; and Mogmurch had mixed feelings about the defeat of Lotslegs, since it would mean Rempty would be more adamant about possible goblettes of their own.

Everything from the bonfire events to the fights to the starting equipment was dripping with flavor. If you haven't run this before, download or buy it now: no ifs, ands, or buts.

Bringing this into Carrion Crown


I've been playing Pathfinder for a little over 2 years now, and- despite the great materials out there and the hard work that goes into all of it- this is the first time I've felt the need to write a review.

This class is dripping with flavor, and the mechanics are built to match. The evil Death Knight is a murderous take on the Anti-Paladin, giving a new perspective on the 3.5 idea of the Paladin of Slaughter, while the neutral version is more akin to a defender of the balance of life and death.

The non-evil Code of Conduct is perfect for a Paladin of Pharasma type of character, while the evil one is great for any nihilistic, vengeful, or otherwise murderous villain in a campaign.

I'm going to be reworking some characters- allies and foes alike- in the Carrion Crown AP to use this class. Well worth the PDF price!