Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Now becoming frustrated that he just cannot dislodge the wreckage and that the cold now started to seep in, the little mutated gnome had enough. He called on the burning madness inside and raised his hand above his head, he cried out to the crowd "Let there be FIRE!!!!!" as a a orb of fire suddenly burst to life within the palm of his hand. Pausing to appreciate the dancing flame in his hand and to feel its warmth, the gnome brought the fire down to the rope connecting the wrecked sled Stats:
HP: 12/12
AC: 20 14 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:0/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen, produce flame, -1 Dex Action: Cast produce flame, move action to bring the flame to the rope, Do I get a bonus against the cold?
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Zip leaned to the side narrowly missing the freezing shot that went past him. The cold is not going to get me yet he thought. With paying to much attention to where the beast he was riding, Zib once again tried to undo the wreck they were pulling. stats:
HP: 12/12
AC: 21 15 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:0/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen Action: Fort:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Disable Device:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() stats:
[ooc]HP: 12/12
AC: 21 15 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:0/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen[ooc] The small mutated gnome did not like being pulled wildly through air and he had no idea when the spell effecting him will end. Zib attempted to pull himself closer to the beast while also trying to free it from the wreckage. Getty up monkey!! Round 11 actions: Climb check: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Disable device check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Ride Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Yeek! exams plus papers make this week difficult for posting and reading. Round 11 intentionsI am a little fuzzy on my positioning but what I would like to do is pull myself closer to the monkeysheep so I can do two things(whether I can do it all in one round is a different matter) On is get close enough to dislodge the broken sled and next to pretty much position myself on its back to ride from there(and thus not fall and be dragged once the spell wears off) ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Grabbing the rope he was tied to, Zib attempted to lasso one the beast and pressure it to get into motion; Heyaw, gitty up and what have you, now get going you baboon stats:
HP: 12/12
AC: 21 15 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:0/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen action: Escape Artist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Touch attack:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Ride Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() From his vantage point in the air Zib noticed the cluster of sleds to his side, he smiled, he let his last bomb fly while laughing into the winter air yelling Hope you like my magic muscle wizard!!!!HAHAAHA. Zib then pulled out his crossbow and getting ready to start shoot, only now realizing he should have made his bolts explosive.... stats:
HP: 12/12
AC: 21 15 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:0/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen, levitating Actions: Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21(I am rocking my fort rolls, apparently this gnomes fiery madness makes immune to cold :P)
Bomb at sir loric: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 = 21 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9, 4 splash to serverus and camel(reflex for half) ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() This is kinda of out of place and it doesnt need to be answered till after but my new alt who might become my main :P is a drunken master vanara, now the lawful requirement for the monk seems out of place for a drunk fighter. I can try to play him lawful, but would anyone be hugely upset if he wasnt(with dm permission of course)? The only aspect I could see lawfulness is in physical discipline, though it would be funny if he could only use his monk abilities after having a drink or two. Also what sort of damage would a hollow metal gourd do when used as a improvised weapon? Again these are not pressing questions and dont need to be answered anytime soon. I just like the idea of a drunken monkey fighting(I recently watched drunken master with jackie chan as inspiration :P) edit: Does anyone think its lame that monk of the empty hand doesnt stack with drunken master :P ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Zibs sickle plunged into the passing sled, pulling Zib with a sudden jerk. The strain on his arms was enough even before the sled started to vibrate. It was to much for his little arms so he let go. His little went sailing through the air...."SOMEONE PLEASE GRAB ME!!!", he yelled. fort save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() What should i roll for the randomizing effect, my turn is pretty much me letting go flying forward and yelling "someone catch me!" Edit Also if i made another alt(i cant stop coming up with ideas) would you allow this race ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Although the feeling of being weightless was quite enjoyable, Zib decided that floating there wouldn't be a good idea. Quickly pulling out his sickle Zib attempted to sink it into the wood of Sereveres's sled. statistics:
HP: 12/12
AC: 21 15 17 Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1 Bombs left:2/4 Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat Effects:Dex Mutagen Action: Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Touch attack to hook sled:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6 ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Doomed, do you think the blue or yellow cart are within reach from me to grab, and if not within reach for me to draw my sickle hook it on to a sled? Edit: also if i were to grab onto a sled then let go would i pretty much fly forward with the momentum or would i just stop and float mid air? ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Okay so i know it is very unlikely to be possible, but what I would like to do is throw a bomb at Serverus and propel myself the 20 or so back feet to so i can grab on to Chess or Lorns sled. Unlikly to work but if you think its plausible DM I will try. It would be a great show for the audience :P ![]()
Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1
![]() Just watched the newest Sherlock Holmes movie, I want to make a monk or fighter who makes ample use of intelligence(not the exact same way as Sherlock, but the idea of combat analyses is awesome):P Edit: Well hello Lore Warden...I am up waaay to late.... good night