Harrow Reading

Zellara Esmeranda __'s page

26 posts. Alias of Foxy Quickpaw.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussion goes here.

Kitsune Game Master

As you come back to the room, you find a note written on a parchment the size of a hand. You know for sure, you haven't put it there, and the door was closed. You look around and listen, but there is no one. You look for the window, but it is closed too. You step closer and pick it up.

I know what Gaedren
has done to you. He has
wronged me as well. I
know where he dwells,
yet cannot strike at him.
Come to my home at 3
Lancet Street at sunset.
Others like you will be
there. Gaedren must face
his fate, and justice must
be done.

You read the words and all those bad feelings you had because of Gaedren come back from deep down where you tried to bury them. Who wrote this? How do they know you? What does that mean?

Kitsune Game Master

It is well past dawn. The city is already bustling. The market stalls are set up and the goods are put on display. The sun, late as always, climbs over the hills to the east, sending its warming rays into the streets of the western part of town at the sea.

The fishers are done for the day. The boats are tied to the piers and most fishers are at home already. Only a few still work on the nets after a night of fishing.

It is a city like many others and the view from the bell tower of the temple of Abadar is an idyllic one. The acolyte rings the bell four times to greet the day, and tell the city that the temple is now open for business. And many other businesses, that use this signal too.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussion goes here

Hi. We are searching for a new companion for this legacy of fire crew.

We have an Inquisitor, a Bard and a Sorcerer.

20 point build, no min-max characters, CRB races, other races need approval first.

The original recruistment was here, for more details about build requirements and such.

We're currently at character level 2.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussions go here.

Kitsune Game Master

In an alternate universe.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussions go here.

Hello there and welcome to recruitment for a game featuring the Legacy of Fire AP.

If you check my profile you find most of the rules for building a character. As this is an old DnD 3.5 adventure and the characters and monsters there are a bit weaker than pathfinder builds, you get only 20 point buy.

The adventure starts off with some skill heavy character interaction.

You get BG-Skills.

As I'm interested in roleplaying skills too, and it's hard to judge from a character concept how you'll act in a game, this recruitment is a two step process.

Bring an avatar with a rough concept for a build and a reason to be in Bronze Hook and wanting the job. If it looks promising, I'll send you over to the in game application for the job with Garavel.

Read up on gameplay so far to get an idea what it is about.

Kitsune Game Master

The sun is going to meet with the silhouettes of the Pale Mountains within the hour. It is still hot, as is typical throughout Katapesh, but it becomes more bearable. Once the sun is gone, it will get chill within short time. All who travel are wearing several layers of wide light clothes to protect from the heat at day and the cold at night.

There is a carawan travelling in direction of Kelmarane. It slowly moves towards the mountains and the sinking sun. In the lead are six mercenaries. They are a disreputable lot, thick with soiled armor and greasy hair. The three men and three women are teasing each other with puns an lame jokes to pass the time.

Behind comes a middle aged woman who keeps some pigs, goats and sheep in line. Six wagons follow. In between a woman in finer garb rides on a camel. Besides her a man wearing a plain white keffiyeh over the head, also on a camel. Besides them walks a man, that looks less civilised.

Kitsune Game Master

Minigame rules.
Every kid has to help in the family business. The businesses are
a) the local butcher, which has also a vegetable garden behind the house.
b) the farmer, with a chicken pen.

Every morning every kid will get a task for the day. I'll roll the DC and come up with a description. Hopefully this will be creative.
And then you'd have to work an hour for every try to get it done.

Other days it will instead be a cumulative task. With a DC like 67s and you have to work for an hour for every roll, until the sum beats that.

And once you're done with that, you're free to 'play' with your friends from the village.

Most of the rolls will probably be Profession(Farmer) and Profession(Butcher). But I might come up with additional ones. Doing the work you're told to do is of course not the only option. But you were a kid once and should remember how to get out of that.

This game will not be the typical pathfinder adventure. The world is not in danger of ending. No one will leave their homes to become famous.

It is just about a bunch of kids, that have to help their parents with the daily work and play in the woods when they are done.

The characters to create are young which adds +2 Dex and -2 Str, Con and Wis.
All that after 15 point buy. You also get 2 points for background skills. Which you'll need for your daily chores.

Starting equipment will be a set of peasant's clothes. And stuff every household should have and are on the cp price range.

Hardest challenge I guess will be finding a matching avatar.

There are two families in town with kids. Which determines that all are human and you get to select from two last names.

Allowed classes are
Hunter (young template on the companion. Only small companions)

If you know other classes, that don't require special training and are d6 or d8 I might expand that list.

The challenges will be for kids, which means the adults of the village could easily solve those issues. But the goal would be to keep them a secret so the kids can solve them alone.

It is just a crazy idea I want to try out. So if this sounds to you like it could be fun for a while, you're welcome to apply.

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Kitsune Game Master

Oakstead is a small village of eight buildings in the midst of a large wood. The wood consists mostly of oaks and shrubs. The other notable feature is fox creek. It is this body of water that allows the transport of goods. The things to transport from Oakstead to the next bigger city are wood. And some pelts of animals from these woods. Half of the 25 people living here are working to create lumber.

The owner of the sawmill and self imposed mayor of town is Dwayne Smith. He came here with a dozen lumberjacks, built the sawmill, and two houses for the lumberjacks and started his business. The workers are currently Peter Hatwell, John Goodsmith, Jane Wolfson, Curd Owlson, George Atwell, Linda Gatwick, Lucas Burston, Evelin Porter, Chuck Stallone, Sarah Morgan and Guy Bronson.

As shipping everything needed from the next town cost too much of his time and was expensive, he tried to get some other people to settle in Oakstead, to take care of his worker's needs. Successfully.

First came James Gordon, a middle aged man with his son, who built and runs the local general store. He also owns the boat running up and down the creek. Captain of the boat is James Gordon Jr. who stays always longer in the city than in Oakstead.

Next came Gertrud "Butch" Johnson with her family. She works as hunter/butcher and makes sure there is meat to eat in the village. Her husband Randolf set up a potager behind the house, where the trees are gone. Together with their now four kids they provide half of the fresh food for the village.

The last to join the village six years ago are Will and Shelly Branston and their five kids. They are farmers. They grow mostly grain and raise chickens. They also operate a small oxen driven mill.

The village exists for 11 years now. Some of the workers have changed over the years. Some only come here in spring and leave at the end of autumn. But all know each other and are relying on each other. That doesn't mean they all like each other. Dwayne is not known to be generous. Especially to the lumberjacks. That he sold the wood for for bulding their houses, to the four lumberjacks who decided to stay here almost at full price, while giving the Johnsons, Gordons and Branstons at half of that caused some bad blood.

But nowadays life is just moving on with the constant knocking noise of axes hitting trees and the noise the sawmill makes.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussions go here.

Kitsune Game Master

Welcome to Longacre, a town close to the Whisperwood in the middle of Cheliax. Where being good is not considered a virtue and binding contracts and getting the most out of it defines the life of the people. Where law isn't for the better of the public, but for the mighty to keep the others down.

Hello and welcome to recruitment for Hell's Rebels.

This adventure path is special, as it plays as far as I know exclusively in Kintargo. No travelling over half the world to hunt the big evil. The big evil comes to your hometown, and there you have to deal with it.

Which means Valeros, Amiri, Harsk and all those who abandoned their home and became adventurers don't need to apply. This adventure is for characters who live in Kintargo. Either from birth, or because they settled here years ago. And still want to live in Kintargo.

So everyone who wants to join the game needs to know Kintargo and have a life in Kintargo. A job, maybe a hobby, friends and a home. You're not the guys sitting in a bar waiting for a quest. There might still be the adventurous type who doesn't want to be a farmer who got a hump from all the hard work. Maybe you're the exterminator who gets called when the rats grow so large or plentiful that the average commoner doesn't dare to go into the basement anymore. Or you're a scribe, an artisan, a merchant, or even a fisherman. You're part of a family. Or even a single mum trying to make ends meet.

It is the circumstances that will make heroes of you. At the start you're average citizens of this nice town.

Wait for me to open recruitment, the info is not complete yet.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussion goes here.

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Kitsune Game Master

The sun rises besides the Menador Mountains over the North plains. A new day begins in Kintargo, where the mist that came from the sea at night still hangs over the green and the moist cold clings to the walls of the houses.

The streets are already busy with fishermen, bakers, butchers, and farmers bringing their goods to the market. The first customers are on their way too. Everything is lively, and even though life isn't easy, the sea provides plenty of fish for food and trade. And the harsh rule of Cheliax lies behind the Mountains, which allows Kintargo to be special. There a quite some people who are no big fan of the Thrice Damned House of Thrune here. And the city is not important enough and too far away from the capital Egorian for House Thrune to care.

Kintargo is not Korvosa or Magnimar. It is still Cheliax, where Asmodeus is the primary deity to be worshipped, and the law is held in high regard. Just not as strong and exclusively as in the rest of the kingdom. But the wind of change is felt through the streets. Even if noone can put their finger on it yet.

With the Glorious Reclamation, a group of Iomedaens who declared that they want to free Cheliax of the House of Thrune, the grip of Thrune on the citizens has tightened. This ramifications haven't reached Kintargo - yet.

Today the people of Kintargo simply ply their trade, as they have for many years.

Current Date: Moonday, 31st of Arodus, 4715AR

Kitsune Game Master

About a dozen travellers that came out of the Rift from all over the universe are now at the last part of their journey to Absalom station. As the shuttle departs from the last ship before returning to the station you hear over the comm device "We greet the most recently entered passengers on our shuttle service to Absalom station. Our next stop will be at the final destination in about 15 minutes. The weather outside is still vacuum, but on Absalom Station you can select every weather and climate you like. I wish you a pleasant journey."

Then the drives fire up indicated by the boom changing to a high pitched tone and the acceleration pushing at everyone in direction of the back. After a short moment the shuttle reaches travel speed and and sitting in the two opposing rows of seats becomes relaxed again.

Two mechanics who were collected from a repair job of one of the ships surrounding Absalom Station are talking about the day and speculate what one has to do to ruin a power core in that way. Mostly by making puns about pilots and their 'special' skills.

Kitsune Game Master

And here goes all the discussion starting with the discussion of the builds of the already accepted characters.

Hi. I got the pdf copy of the Starfinder CRB on the date it was released and also got a copy of the AP. I've managed to create an Ysoki Mechanic and also took a look at some of the other classes/races and such.

But what I'm missing is an opportunity to see the rules put into action. I'm done watching youtube videos of other people playing and want to give it a try myself. I don't know if it's a good idea to start trying on the boards but I'll find out.

There are several issues with playing here. The most obvious is that there will be a lot of ranged fighting which makes maps and positioning important. Also for spaceship fights. And there will probably the need for a lot of discussions as the rules are rather new and I don't know them well enough to judge stuff without constantly looking up stuff. Which means looking up stuff in a book as google searches for rulings don't work well while there is no rules set online yet.

But I want to try anyway. Character creation rules are as stated in the book. No rolling, just standard 1st level characters. The rules suggest a five person party, so I'll run with that.

I'm interested in covering much of the options so I'd like five different races and classes. Themes I'd also like diversity, but I wouldn't throw out duplicates if the story behind it is good. Also I'd like the class match the prevalent ones for the race. Therefore I'd prefer an iconic Vesk Soldier over a Ysok one.

As this will start out as time consuming the start will be on the weekend. Roughly daytime CET. So if you want to join you should be able to post during that time. I don't exactly know how high the posting rate of the game will be in the long run. But I had quite some people drop out of my games because the rate was too high for them. Consider this before applying. Nothing wrong with posting not as much as some others. But if you don't even have the time to read the posts of the others then this is not for you.

For application please state Race/Theme/Class and a curriculum vitae (backstory) of your character including their motivation to apply to the Starfinder Society, as that is more or less the start of the adventure.

No full-fledged characters needed yet.

You come along the dungeon and find an old temple of Torag - easily identified by the hammer chiselled into the stone. In the antechamber stands a a basin of water that sits atop a stone pedestal.

You know it and I know it and the AP book tells it: Holy Water.

But besides the context - how would you know? Easiest thing would be to take that imp out of your backpack and test the water for it's effect. The imp has fast healing so you can use him again and again for such tests. But you also use up the holy water just for testing.

It is created with a spell, but it is no potion. It has no caster level given and therefore it is probably not detectable as magic.

Craft(Alchemy) would also be worthless in that aspect.

Maybe the five pounds of silver give it that typical colour everyone in Golarion would recognize immediately?

Best bet I found so far would be detect good.

But is there anything given anywhere in the rules how to tell it from normal water?

Female Human Pirate (7) AC19/14/15, FRW+7/+9/+4, Ini+6, Perc+12, Sail+13

I'm the first on board! I beat ye all to it.

Well, can't take credit for that though. One of those suckers on that seller of souls knocked me out with a cub on the head.


Where everyone has to be a pirate if he wants or not.

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Kitsune Game Master

Discussions go here.


Dear Friend of Professor Lorrimor.
I write to inform you that my beloved father - your friend - Professor Petros Lorrimor has died in a tragic and horrible accident. Please come to Ravengro next Thursday to accompany the Professor on his last way. In the letter he left with his last will he asked for you to be there. Please join us to pay the last respect to the Professor.

Yous sincierly
Kendra Lorrimor

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Applications for gameplay go here.

Character builds are with:
25 point buy.
No attributes over 18 after racial modifiers.
No attributes < 10 before racial modifiers.
Two traits. One campaign, one free.

Common races are a given others maybe.
There is no need to create the character completely with all stats and stuff. I'm more interested in a draft of the character concept.

Please be aware that this adventure path is a lot about undead.

The format of the posts in gameplay should be the following:

"Howdy." Carl says as he enters the saloon and looks around. He walks up to the bar and puts a gold on it. "Give me a shot of whiskey." he says and thinks 'Hopefully it is not my last drink.'.
(What shall I roll to check if the guy wanting me dead is here. Sense Motive?)

- Tell from the perspective of the narrator.
- Write in present tense.
- use bold for direct speech
- use italics for thoughts

Applications please...


Discussions go here
- about rules
- about planned actions in gameplay if it is not clear how it should be resolved

saying hello and good bye


Dear Friend of Professor Lorrimor.
I write to inform you that my beloved father - your friend - Professor Petros Lorrimor has died in a tragic and horrible accident. Please come to Ravengro next Thursday to accompany the Professor on his last way. In the letter he left with his last will he asked for you to be there. Please join us to pay the last respect to the Professor.

Yous sincierly
Kendra Lorrimor

Does a bard who takes levels of dragon disciple get the bonus spells known from the draconic bloodline?

In the FAQ to the CRB it is written

(Note that the dragon disciple class has the blood of dragons ability, which explicitly states that you get your bloodline powers and bloodline spells; this is a special ability of that class and not the normal state for advancing spellcasting with a prestige class.)

What the CRB explicitely states is

This ability does not grant bonus spells to a sorcerer unless he possesses spell slots of an appropriate level. Such bonus spells are automatically granted if the sorcerer gains spell slots of the spell's level.

Before that sentences bonus spells are not mentioned. Which leaves open what happens if other spontaneous spellcasters like bards become dragon disciples. And it seems rather unusual that one class gets something from a prestige class while another doesn't.

Kitsune Game Master

Discussions about the setting go here.

Kitsune Game Master

To do an empirical assessment of the kineticist's powers this thread is an arena setting where a party of four kineticists will be challenged by different monsters or groups of monsters to see how they fare.

I like to play characters that have a lot of skills. One of the best for that would be the rogue. I also like the idea of the rogue, but as stated at many occasions the rogue is only good for the first few levels.

If you really optimize for a TWF build the rogue can be made viable for a few more levels but overall the power level of the rogue is low compared to most of the other classes.

I thought about how to simulate a rogue using other classes, like trapper ranger, or investigator or some alchemist archetypes. But all of that is suboptimal too, because you get features, that don't fit a rogue well.

So after trying some ideas to improve it for a homebrew I thought it would be nice to add a little magic to the rogue. As the power level of the rogue is considered low and almost all d8 classes get casting why not add it to the rogue too?

So the actual question is:

Considering a CRB Rogue with additional
- spontaneous casting based on INT
- the spells known progression of the Bard
- and the spell list of the Magus

Would that be about the same power level as the other d8 classes like Inquisitor or Alchemist? Or would it be overpowered?

In a game I have a changeling character. Typical childhood for a changeling: Found in a basket on the temple stairs, raised by humans.

Now in game, someone noticed that the changeling could see in the dark, and that this is not normal for a human.

The question followed: What are you?
Answer: I don't know.

I can simply open my ARG and see what changelings are, and that they are the larvae (juvenile form) of hags.

But for the average commoner that knowledge would be unavailable. What might be known is, that foundlings sometimes have unusually pale skin and mismatched eyecolors. But as the ARG states: "Some races are so uncommon that their very existence may be the subject of debate".

Changelings might not be so uncommon, but as the hags don't do onlinedating, and their offspring is not labeled there are two questions that are relevant for mentioned changeling character.

1. Is there a chance anyone would be able to recognize her as changeling, meaning recognizing the individual as belonging to an own race different from human with it's own specifics like hard nails, but nothing more?

2. What would it take to know that the character is in fact a baby hag?

As I see it,
- The baby making with the Hag is a thing noone knows about
- The birth of the changeling is also unobserved
- The changeling is publicly found and adopted
- It either stays a changeling all her life. End of story.
- Or disappears after travelling the wide world (dragged by the call). A lot of people disappear while travelling the world.
- Then she finds her mother and becomes a hag, a process well hidden from the public.

So even someone who knows hags and also knows changelings from personal encounters would not be able to make the connection. Or would they?

I'd say identifying the changeling (You belong to these thick skinned, pale, hard nail, mismatching eye color changelings) would be a DC 16 Knowledge(local) check for rare humanoid(changeling).

For Identifying her as baby hag I'd set it to DC 31 Knowledge(Nature) for very specific detail information about a monstrous humanoids reproduction (10 + CR6 + 15)

It's not about combat, but how much knowledge her party members would need before they were allowed to mob her calling her a baby monster. Or other more grown up roleplaying about it.

Also, if she stays a changeling, and reproduces herself what will her offspring be?

What are your thoughts?

Kitsune Game Master

Hello Jimmy, I noticed you are using a reach weapon. You are aware, that you can't attack someone adjacent to you with that?

Kitsune Game Master

Sheila Heidmarch arrived for an extended visit in Sandpoint. She wants to do some research about the Old Light and meet with Brodert Quink. She also would like to recruit a party to run some minor missions for her, while she is in the area. She consulted the local High Priest Abstalar Zantus about potential candidates.
He suggested asking Abomentolor Goblinburner, a fierce sorcerer with a strong affinity to fire, for it would be a blessing to have that guy out of town for a few days. Lately he started a fire in some home where he was hired to expunge some rat infestation. As for swords for hire he drew a blank, and he pretended the same about a healer to accompany but couldn't fool Mrs. Heidmarch.
He admitted, that Gwenhwyfar Yongisdottir would be able to fill that role, and might even be willing to do so, but he doesn't like the idea of her getting hurt or worse through some dangerous enterprise.
So Mrs. Heidmarch thanked him and informed him that she currently stays at the rusty dragon, if Mrs. Yongisdottir would like to visit her and left to turn up that fire guy. Therefor she announced at the local taverns in person and with a posted note, that she would like to hire some people interested to do mission for the Pathfinder Society and especially Mr. Goblinburner.

Later that day some guy who were present during Mrs. Heidmarch's request at The Hagfish sees Abomentolor Goblinburner in the streets and shouts after him: "Hey there is someone with a job for you at the Rusty Dragon. Propably something needs to be burnt down. Hahaha."

After finishing the rest of his duties rather in a hurry, Abstalar Zantus vists Gwenhwyfar at Hannah's to tell her about Mrs. Heidmarchs offer, but makes a point of it that he doesn't like the idea and he only tells her because it is not his decision to make. But she should be careful not to risk her health or life in some risky adventure.

This evening every visitor of the Rusty Dragon notices, that there is a table reserved for a "Sheila Heidmarch (Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Society)" and the invitation note hanging at the door for the recruitment telling that a meeting will be held at dusk.

Everyone interested in arriving early or playing out his day is welcome to do so now.

I read a few of the PbP Campaigns and got interested in playing around a bit with that to see if that would be something fun to GM instead of only reading them.

As per commandment from Painlord ("Finish what you start") I choose something where that would be easy to accomplish. The "Adventures" from the Beginners Box starting with "Terrors". They are simple tasks/missions given by Sheila Heidmarch from the Pathfinder Society that would be over in an hour or so if played at a table.
They are designed for first level characters, and are too short to level up. Even when combined it won't get anyone beyond level two. So it might be a waste of time to bring your beloved dwarven bard with the tragic childhood (insert five pages of background here) over here. Just some slapdash character to play around. A dwarven fighter liking ale and a good coin and being able to socialise with the party is good enough.

As the encounters in this one hit adventures are really hard on a first level party I'm handing out 25 Points but please refrain from min/maxing the stats (min 8/ max 18 after racial modifiers). Please no evil alignments and no characters with a stick up their back. And stick to OGL content I can look up on the PRD please.

As he actual combat is exactly one encounter per mission, it would be nice if the party wouldn't just storm in and kill everything to retrieve the gimmik to bing back to Mrs. Heidmarch, but to use the NPCs for some research before.

I'm still on my winter holiday until 10.January and don't have much else I have to attend to, so my goal is a rather high post rate. Lacking experience I can't set a number here.

So if you are interested, please introduce your Character

Marux has not participated in any online campaigns.