GM Foxy |
Dear Friend of Professor Lorrimor.
I write to inform you that my beloved father - your friend - Professor Petros Lorrimor has died in a tragic and horrible accident. Please come to Ravengro next Thursday to accompany the Professor on his last way. In the letter he left with his last will he asked for you to be there. Please join us to pay the last respect to the Professor.
Yous sincierly
Kendra Lorrimor

GM Foxy |
Thursday morning at the entrance to the restlands in Ravengro.
It is an overcast day and it drizzles. The weather is just as sad as the occasion. Only very few people have come to pay their last respect. Besides his daughter Kendra Lorrimor only Councilman Vashian Hearthmount, Councilman Gharen Muricar, tavernkeeper Zokar Elkarid and his 13-year old son Pevrin, and Jominda Fallenbridge have come.
They stand together besides the cart with the fine coffin on it. Zokar Elkarid offers his condolences to Miss Lorrimor.

Herm Dunlaven |

Herm stands there dressed in his armor and weapons, his helm held at his side looking into a puddle. "Such a good man gone, I will miss him and the adventures that we had. If only I had the chance to ask him one more question, listen to his laugh one more time. Or hear him lecture me on my attitude."
Herm will Walk over to Kendra, offering her a single flower that he picked up along his travels north.
"My condolences on your loss, he was a great man, I know he was always out but he did love you. Might I have a word with you later?"

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

"He was a great man indeed. Thank you." Miss Kendra replies accepting the flower. "After the funeral there will be time for talking at our house. Mine and the Professor's I mean." A tear runs down her cheek.
"Excuse me please."Turning away she takes a handkerchief out of her sleeve and dries her tears.

Amira Ravenheart |

Amira arrives maybe a bit later than others, walking around a bit in silken clothing, a leather belt with a single dagger in the sheathe, a small violet crystal like stone swirls around her occasionally lighting up. Sorry bout Petros, he always had a habit of getting into trouble. We can talk later though, i want to try and find out what happened Patting Kendra's back before moving on to look around a bit more.

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

Kendra looks irritated at the woman. As she moves on Kendra lets out a sigh. "Obviously everyone copes differently with their grief. But that's no reason to be so obtrusive." she thinks being herself more the distant type.

Tamara Hart |

A stunningly beautiful girl with unblemished skin and a mass of dark blonde hair comes up to Kendra. She's wearing armor made of four different big metal plates and a big black scarf covering most of her clothing for the occasion. "I'm Tamara Hart. My condolences to you Kendra, The professor was a great man. I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other, but the professor was a good friend and a great mentor to me." With a sorrowful expression Tamara takes Kendra's hands in her own. All my friends, all people I get to know well seems to end up dead. I don't want this to happen again. I want someone close, someone I can rely on. Not this empty feeling of being left alone.

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

Kendra is startled and flinches at first as the girl takes her hands into her burnt, blackened hands. Ashamed she looks at Tamara if she is offended. As she finds no such motion on her face Kendra replies "Thank you for your compassion. It's a consolation to meet friends of my father like you who will remember him as the good man he was."
A faint smile shows on her lips but her eyes are full of sorrow. She feels sympathy for the girl that seems to know what it means to loose someone close.

Tairan Avel |

Tairan is a young Varisian man whose hair seems to be going prematurely gray at the temples. Presumably he dressed in his finest clothing for the occasion, however you note that his scholar's outfit is a bit threadbare.
He approaches the assemblage at a brisk walk, just underneath the threshold of a jog and at the limit of or perhaps slightly beyond what decorum would allow for a funeral.
As he nears his pace slows. He takes a moment to catch his breath while producing a handkerchief with which he dabs his forehead. He searches the faces of the group.
Take 10 Perception: 10 + 7 = 17
Tairan approaches Kendra, replacing his kerchief. He bows slightly. "Ms. Kendra Lorrimor? I apologize for my tardiness, unfortunately circumstances beyond my control delayed my arrival. My condolences on your loss, the Professor was a great man."
He coughs slightly and avoids Kendra's gaze as he leans in a bit and whispers. "Perhaps later when you have a moment we could discuss... the debt?"

Carmine Jolanka |

Last to arrive is a handsome young man of medium stature with long, slightly curly black hair. He is dressed in a fine black velvet suit, perfect for the occasion. Although perhaps a little late, his solemn gait and demeanor are exactly matched to what one would expect of a funeral attendee.
He bows slightly to Kendra Lorrimor.
"Greetings Miss Lorrimor, I am so sorry we meet under such tragic circumstances. Your father the Professor was a man of great intellect and talent. I am sure he would have made many more contributions yet to the world if not for his untimely death. You have my condolences. If I can be of any service to you please do not hesitate to call on me. I will do my utmost to ensure your needs are fulfilled."

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

"Thank you very much for your condolences." Miss Lorrimor replies to the two last to arrive.
She looks around and down the road if someone else is on the way. As almost all who were invited and a few close friends are finally there Kendra realizes that she is really alone in Ravengro. Usually half the village attends a funeral. No matter if it was a simple farmer who died of old age or some child dying at birth. But only a few people showed up for the funeral of Professor Petros Lorrimor, her beloved father.
Her father and his research was far beyond everything these simple folks could understand. But her father lost his life while trying to investigate a threat that might have become a threat to Ravengro and it's inhabitants. And they return the favour by gossiping about him and changing the side of the road when they meet her? And not showing up to pay him the last respect?
She hides her tears in her Handkerchief, braces herself, straightens her back and turns to the invited friends of the Professor. "I'm glad most of you could make it in time despite the short notice. I thank you for your heartfelt condolences. I can imagine you have a lot of questions and there will be time for that at our house after the funeral."
She shortly looks over her shoulder again to the coffin and then continues "I'm sorry to ask you but as you see only a few close friends came to accompany the Professor on his last journey. Would you please be so kind to be the pallbearers and carry the Professor, his coffin into the Restlands and to his grave where Father Grimburrow is waiting?"

Herm Dunlaven |

Herm puts on a tight smile "It would be my Honor ma'am, to bear this man to his final resting place. I would also like to say a prayer and lay my own words upon his grave if you will allow it?"
With that Herm moves to the front left side of the coffin awaiting the others to take their places if they would so wish to have the same honor.

Carmine Jolanka |

Carmine has expected to offer a performance as the group made their way to the graveyard, but he says "Of course my Lady" and takes a position as a pallbearer.
He selects a position across from someone who is approximately his own height of 5'8 so the coffin will be even during its transport. He directs the other pallbearers into positions to accomplish this. Tallest on the four corners, and shorter on each side. The coffin might not sit heavily (or at all) on the shoulders of the side pallbearers, but the appearance of the coffin will be dignified.
How tall is Herm? Tairan? Tamera's only 5'2 so not a good opposite for Carmine.

Amira Ravenheart |

Amira takes a place at the middle right, for once being quiet, I was taught by my family that all who die go to Lady Pharasma, he was a good man and Milady judged fairly. he is in a better place Amira keeps mostly quiet after that, unsure of what to say for once

Carmine Jolanka |

"Characters serving as pallbearers are considered to have both hands full as they carry the heavy coffin up the road." Sorry but that makes your tamburine play impossible. I would allow that normally and ignore that but it has mechanical consequences down the road. So if you read this in time please change your post accordingly.

Haval Tsarini |

A tall, gangly young man arrived as the others were taking their places as pallbearers. His black hair and beard were neatly groomed. He wore a black overcoat and matching black leather boots.
He carefully walks over to Kendra, "Miss Lorrimor? My name is Haval Tsarini, I am a friend of the Professor, your father. It pains me to have such a lovely and intelligent man leave our mortal plane. If there is anything I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to ask." He smiles at her, revealing his pearly white teeth.
Haval is just over 6'3" but he's a thin, almost skinny fellow

Tairan Avel |

As Tairan tries to find the best place to carry the coffin he nods to Herm, Amira, Tamara, Carmine, and Havel.
"I'm Tairan."

Tamara Hart |

Tamara likes the initiative shown by Carmine. It's great to someone take charge and get control of the situation. It's important to get things done.
Tamara shudders slightly at the thought of carrying the coffin. My cursed skin would hurt from this, but I can't turn down showing him the honor. She then looks over at the others and realizes the practical problems.
"I would try to help out at carrying the coffin. However I'm worried that my height would pose a problem. You guys are all so much taller than me." She takes position in the middle on the right side, so she doesn't ruin things further.
Herm and Haval at the front would make it higher at the front than the back. Which could work, but might look a bit weird. At least those two are almost same height, and Tairan and Carmine are roughly same height too. The other alternative would be Herm and Haval at opposite corners and Tairan and Caramine doing their best to keep things straight.

GM Foxy |
After some confusion about who goes where and some people standing on each other feet Carmine organizes all six pallbearers. Herm stays front left, paired with Haval. Tamara and Amira both volunteer for the middle right position but agree that Tamara changes to the left. Tairan and Carmine take left and right position at the end.

GM Foxy |
The group of friends lift up the coffin and follow and after them the few locals who also came to pay their respect.
As the procession reaches the halfway point along the Dreamwake, rounding a corner onto a path called the Eversleep, they’ll see that the way ahead is blocked by a group of a dozen surly looking locals wielding farm tools. The tallest of these toughs is an elderly but wiry man.

Amira Ravenheart |

Amira sighs, Do you have any proof he was a necromancer, more than heresay? unless your a priest with Pharasma you have no say in the matter. The dead and matters of the after life are not your call. They are the sole job of priests and the gods She shakes her head the fact is Necromancy has a bad reputation it is not all bad, it can be used for good...And if you truly have a problem with it then i suggest a duel of honor, you versus myself. I knew the professor quite well, even saved his life he was not a bad man. A man is dead and deserves the right to be judged, you and your ilk would disrupt the order by starting a riot?

Tamara Hart |

Tamara looks to the man with a pleading look. "Please... He was a good man. He did many things to help out wherever he went. And the knowledge he uncovered was always used to help people. He deserve the honor of a good and proper burial."
She holds forth a beautifully carved wooden butterfly from beneath her armor. "By the guidance of Desna, please let us take this man to his final resting place." She prays, feeling the divine energies from her godess answer her magically in turn. Casting guidance, prayers are nice verbal components.
"I've done many travels blessed by The Song of the Spheres together with this man and I have nothing but good things to say about him. Please take my word for it."
diplomacy with guidance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Herm Dunlaven |

Herm keeps a firm expression upon his face at these accusations.
"Do you have any proof Ser? If so will you present it now? If not then I will ask you to step aside as there this is a man of knowledge and wisdom that we are bringing by. The Inheritor has tasked me with burying this man and other great tasks that I do not have the time to discuss right at this moment."
Herm shifts a bit more of the weight to his own shoulder so that Haval is free to move if needs be.
"Where is the Mayor of this town and where is Father Grimburrow so that calm words may be exchanged in this matter."

GM Foxy |
The wiry guy is unimpressed by the speeches and quite some of the villagers give Amira a glare as she denies necromancy being inherently bad.
But between the sugar sweet pleading of Tamara and the no nonsense demeanor of Herm directing the case to the authorities most of the mob loose interest in a physical confrontation. And after the first takes down his rake and turns around the confidence of the group is broken and one after another leaves.

Father Grimburrow __ |

Father Grimburrow receives the procession and directs the pallbearers to put the coffin down on the two wooden beams lying across the grave.
"Dear Miss Lorrimor, Councilman Hearthmount, Councilman Muricar, dear friends of Proffessor Lorrimor. We have come together at this day to say out last goodbye to the deceased Professor Petros Lorrimor."
"We knew him as a good father and a loyal and helpful man. Many didn't understand what he did and how should they. He was a Professor at the Lepidstat University. He was like an orchid in a field of daisies. But those who really knew him will keep him in fond memory. It is tragic that he lost his life before his years were full ..."
After giving a short sermon about life and death and Pharasma guiding the deceased he asks "Is there someone who would like to say a few words of consolation to the congregation?"

Herm Dunlaven |

Herm steps forward, clearing his throat and adjusting his armor. He steps forward to talk.
"The Professor found me as a young lad full of fire and spirit, he was a man who nurtured the spirit in people because he saw their potential. He gave me many chances and although at times I know that I had failed at the simple or complex tasks that he put forth to me." Herm clears his throat again and wipes his nose on the back of his glove. "The Professor will be dearly missed and his smile and knowledge will be missed as well. To Professor Lorrimor, may the Inheritor watch over you when you need it most."
Herm then bows over the coffin, laying a simple holy symbol of the Inheritor, one he made himself upon his life's journey with the Professor.

Carmine Jolanka |

When all who wish to have spoken, Carmine sings a simple and solemn dirge. He chooses a simple and formal one. A Pharasman hymn calling upon the Lady of Graves to look upon the soul of the departed seeing the best and brightest in its flicker of time in the world. He keeps time with his tambourine.

Amira Ravenheart |

Amira steps forward briefly saying her piece I came to the professor looking for answers, hoping he might have information i was looking for. When i found him well he was in danger...I know him and i know his research i vow to clear his name, he wasn't a necromancer and if he was he wasn't one of the bad ones. People like them understand nothing of magic, they assume...and if left like this more people will get hurt.As a Ravenheart and a genie i will use my powers to grant this wish to clear his name.

Tairan Avel |

Tairan steps forward. "Were it not for the kindness of Professor Lorrimor I would not be here today. My life will be a monument to his character, and I am certain that with his spirit watching over me I shall not falter. Let not those not acquainted with his character cast aspersions upon it, for like all truly great men the scope of his accomplishment cannot be gauged until well after he has left us."

Tamara Hart |

"I came to meet Petros Lorrimor under dark circumstances for us both. I had recently lost my own father and he had nearly lost his life. Thankfully I was able to save his life that day so we got to know each other better. What I found in him was a dear companion. He gave me friendship when I had no one else to rely on. But now, sadly, he is gone." Tears start falling down her face as she's once again reminded of how lonely she now is.
"The professor taught me many things, he was a brilliant mind. The world is a less enlightened place now that he is gone. Sadly I was not there to save him this time."
She starts crying in full and turn her face away. Her turn makes her face towards Carmine and instinctively she grabs his arm to hold on to, seeking some comfort from the loneliness.

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

Kendra turns to the six friends of the Professor. "I thank you very much that you persuaded these... people to leave us alone so we could bury my father in piece."
"And for your warm words about my father." she adds. "Please accompany me to my home. I'd like to get to know the friends of my father and you might have questions I can answer. Also Councilman Hearthmount will join us later to open and read the last will of my father and the Professor wanted you to be there." She then leads the way to her home. She wants to get away from that place and back into the safe and comforting walls of her home.

GM Foxy |
The way from the cemetery to the Lorrimor home leads through almost all of Ravengro. Ravengro is parted by a river flowing through it's midst. To the west of the river lie the temple of Pharasma and the few stately homes of the wealthier part of the population.
On the eastern shore are the majority of the houses of the average villager. From the restlands in the north the way leads over the river through a wooden bridge with a roof large enough for a cart with two horses.
After the bridge is a posting pole. A board where the council informs about news and some job offers are pinned.
Some of the houses along the way have signs telling about the business of their owners. The first one is to the left a short distance after the bridge. It reads 'The Unfurling Scroll'. Down the road follows the central place of the village where the market is twice a week and where the social life of the village happens mostly. In the middle of this round place stands a simple wooden gazebo at the center of a grassy circular plaza.
Around the place are the town hall which is the largest building here standing to the east. Clockwise from there are the 'Silken Purse', 'Ravengro Forge', 'Jominda's Apothecary', and the 'Ravengro General Store'. Also another posting pole stands here.
The way leads on, out of the center of the village and one of the last houses to the right is the Lorrimor home.

Kendra Lorrimor __ |

Kendra invites the group in and offers them seats in the parlour. There is a dinner table with eight chairs and a corner with two lounges with a small table in front. Kendra excuses herself and disappears into the kitchen only to reappear after two minutes with a tablet with the fine china. A teapot and eight cups and a dry cake cut into small pieces.
As she pours the tea into the cups she asks "Please tell me your names again. Most of you I have never met in person before and I'd like to talk about the good times when my father was still alive. If you would do me the favour?"

Carmine Jolanka |

Carmine is neither surprised nor made uncomfortable by Tamara's breakdown at the funeral. It is a perfectly normal reaction, and he is prepared for it.
He offers the weeping woman one of the several handkerchiefs he habitually carries for such occasions. He wraps his arms around her and allows her to finish and recover herself. He does all of this in silence. It has been his experience that there is little of comfort that can be said at such times, and besides the extra talk distracts from the service.