Foxy Quickpaw |

Thats why i have improved shield bash and shield spikes :P
If i was going higher levels i would next be going into bull rush and lunge. Also trying to get someone who can cast long arms on me or enlarge
Just wanted to avoid a discussion about that, when you are toe to toe with the evil guy ;)
As for enlarge, I have to disappoint you so far, because Abomentolor Goblinburner is an all out offensive guy with only to spells known, and Gwenhwyfar Yongisdottir (spoken Gwenyvere) has some more spells but decided to go for Reduce Person. But if you get to know her, you could try to offer her cat a scroll of enlarge person as burnt offering to eat.
Jimmy Fiddle |

Jimmy Fiddle wrote:Thats why i have improved shield bash and shield spikes :P
If i was going higher levels i would next be going into bull rush and lunge. Also trying to get someone who can cast long arms on me or enlargeJust wanted to avoid a discussion about that, when you are toe to toe with the evil guy ;)
As for enlarge, I have to disappoint you so far, because Abomentolor Goblinburner is an all out offensive guy with only to spells known, and Gwenhwyfar Yongisdottir (spoken Gwenyvere) has some more spells but decided to go for Reduce Person. But if you get to know her, you could try to offer her cat a scroll of enlarge person as burnt offering to eat.
Sounds like a fun evening out on the town
I didnt expect that sort of thing at lvl 1. If we went to higher levels i would probably look at potions for it, or certainly the scroll for Gwenhwyfar

Foxy Quickpaw |

If you should roll, I'll prompt you for it. You could also do a roll, if you think it appropriate, but then you would have to wait for me to tell you the result before taking your action.
"Everyone with a trained eye" was just some flowering text, and as it is not spoilered for you, you can assume you have one :o)

Foxy Quickpaw |

I know, as it is for me, therefore I'm explaining.
I don't know why it is but my written word is often interpreted as an attack (+1 keen word) when I just wanted to clarify something. I even added a clown :o) to soften that edge.
I'm not sure if you saw it that way, but your response contains a defense so please be assured, that no attack was intended.

Foxy Quickpaw |

I'm no sure about your question, but as long as you don't write that your attention is somewhere else, I assume, you look and listen.
Also Jimmy could just throw in some thoughts about the situation, like the one with the stretchability of the expenses if you like to give more insight into Jimmys charachter.
You are lucky Sheila rolled high, so you don't have to ask out loud ;)

Jimmy Fiddle |

I wasnt exactly planning on asking, more giving an insight into how his mind works, he likes to know where the money is coming from and where he can spend it
EDIT I was asking if i didnt have much to say and didnt want you to wait for me to continue expecting me to post something

Jimmy Fiddle |

If i am going too far off track (i do that regularly) please dont feel free to tell me to get back on it, i take no offence :). Also if i focus to much on one detail or get stuck on something tell me to move on, my group tends to focus on small details so its a habit i pick up from them

Jimmy Fiddle |

Who is this jarhead offering to guard our healer? Is it possible to fix that?
As for RAW, raw meat would do nothing, but if the junk is big enough, I guess you could get a decent head start to run away from the bear you attracted with the meat to start with :P
Alias's are a nightmare, dunno how you manage to keep it sorted

Jimmy Fiddle |

Jimmy Fiddle wrote:Just throw something in like "Jimmy Fiddle leans back and waits if someone else..." if it's not clear if I should wait for you.EDIT I was asking if i didnt have much to say and didnt want you to wait for me to continue expecting me to post something
Sounds good

Foxy Quickpaw |

Well, three posts too early. I'd like Jimmy to arrive first the next morning on the docks and all others to trickle in with Sheila beeing last for a one post introduction and then we are off to the adventure.
If you like the departure can be strectched out, I'd just like to reduce the speach of our questgiver I have to come up with.
Thats ok with you?
Also that will happen tomorrow, for I'm going to bed now.
I'll manage to write a post or two before church but extensive posting will resume sometime in the afternoon.

Foxy Quickpaw |

I checked the map of varisia to see where that Riddleport is located and noticed it's some 200 miles away from Sandpoint. Which would be about 5 days of sailing day and night. Then another 50 miles to come in the middle of the Lurkwood.
In Rise of the Runelords you are some way into the third AP until you get that far from Sandpoint. So we will face about 12 days of travel. opefully the Varisian coast is an interesting sight and the sea too, or this would become a really outstretched boring real life experience.

Jimmy Fiddle |

Well, sh... the guy just took a thorough look at you, suspicious about you two standing around at that time not drunk and not a dockworker/fishermen. But as it looks, the word "to muster" doesn't have that meaning. Sorry about that.
I may have misunderstood... Did i screw up a bit there? I interpretted it as him sort of nodding to us and checking us out... Jimmy does seem to be developing into a bit of a paranoid character, but im letting him develop as it goes...
What was the fisherman's interaction supposed to be like?

Foxy Quickpaw |

No you didn't, I did. I was just trying to get some life into the scene, and the captain offered himself as he would need to come anyway.
Your interpretation (at least your explanation here) was close enough to my intent, I just didn't want Gwenhwyfar to answer "but he didn't say anything" when my choice of word was as per OED so far off from what I intended to say, that you could have thought he actally adressed you.
Also I interpreted your "Where are the others" as running out of smalltalk, but feel free to continue the conversation with Gwenhwyfar onboard if you like.

Foxy Quickpaw |

btw. are you a somnambulist?
I'm going to bed now too, but I'm pretty sure I won't post after that :)
You are next on the gameplay, I posted everything I prepared and noone will act before Jimmy now.
... well, if you get up too late, I might get bored and the captain ... who knows