Bullying Brawler

Xiaobo Feng Weimin's page

554 posts. Organized Play character for Daveak Bringer of Destruction.

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Open for intro

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

I will open game thread once i get all the info here.

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job: Please Roll

Amount of expierience in pfs/pbp:

Dark Archive

This party is full already.

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Open for dot

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Please post the following information

Character Name:
Player Name:
PFS Number:
Day Job Roll:

A brief description on what you want your character to do if he must be botted.

any special rules or abilities your character uses

Dark Archive

This recruitment is closed

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Please go ahead and introduce yourself. We will start when both tables are ready to go.

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Please post the following information

Character Name:
Player Name:
PFS Number:
Day Job Roll:

A brief description on what you want your character to do if he must be botted.

any special rules or abilities your character uses

Dark Archive

Lets begin your first trial

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Open for dot and character introduction

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Go ahead and give me the following information

Dayjob Roll:

Dark Archive

Open for 3 at the moment. the 4th will be in the reserve as one of the people who are reserved might be dropping.

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Open for Dot

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

dot here.

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Dot here

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Dot here

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

dot here

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

just dot here

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Open for dot

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Discussion is now open. Please post the following information for chronicles

Player name
Character name
Pfs number
Day job roll if any

We will do faction cards when it is over.

What i expect out of players. At least 1 post a day. I am currently in korea and will most likely get to post in morning and at night. Be nice to all players. You never know who may be new. If you have something special your character does please let me know ahead of time. I didnt make your character so i dont know what it has. If you have a problem with how a ruling is made, send a pm. I dont like "arguing" especially on open forums. Last of all have fun. I am always open to constructive criticism. I know there is at least one other gm playing here and will always take ways to improve game. Again have fun and we will start Monday or Tuesday

Dark Archive

I will be running school of spirits starting monday or tuesday. i know it is crazy with holdays and what not if you want in for a fun time please join

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Discussion is also open

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

Game Play open for dot only please

Dark Archive

I am looking for 4 players to play in this game. I already have 2 slots reserved but that could change and open up more. If there are a few over i will roll randomly or look at running a second table. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask

Dark Archive

I am currently building a character for an AP and have decided on the urban barbarian. i have wanting to know what different build types go well to keep it the heavy hitter for the group while trying to go dex based with it. I have done heavy hitters before but am trying to take a new route with this one. any ideas

Dark Archive

For my 3rd lvl feat with my druid i took Eldritch Heritage to get a familiar. At 9th level i want to take the improved familiar feat to get an imp. The Eldritch Heritage feat says that my level is effective to a sorcerer minus 2 when i comes to effects of my familiar. At level 9 i meat all of the prerequisites for the Improved Familiar Feat but the argument people want have is they say that the Improved Familiar feat has an Arcane caster prerequisite and i dont believe it. The Prerequisites say that i need 7 levels of an Arcane Spell Caster which is different than an actual caster lvl. I am wandering if there is a difference between a caster level and levels of a spell caster... as levels of Arcane Spell Caster is the only in the Improved Familiar Feat and this is the only time it is refered to in this way, any other way it just says caster level I have had this discussion with the society group back home and most agree but i am looking for an official clarification. Please help

Dark Archive

I am looking for 2 or 3 players to complete the party...most i can take is 4 extra. It is looking like a lower teir as of now. subject to change though. it will be a first come first serve.

Dark Archive

This is the discussion page for our campaign

Dark Archive

Here is the campaign for you guys

Liberty's Edge

i am making a monk tiefling and i need to know if i can us the monk d6 damage for the natural attack damage of the tiefleng claws.... the master of many styles monk loses the ability to use flurry of blows and was going to use the 2 natural claws but didnt know if the new damage would apply since he is a monk

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

When a monk uses the cestus doors he use his unarmed damage our does it become a 1d4

Liberty's Edge

Is it possible too take a level of rogue and all others ninja... i dont want to double my sneak attack which is what most think but i am curious

Liberty's Edge

dear pathfinders i am new the area i love two play and am looking for a group too play...

Liberty's Edge

In the book elves of Golarion... there is a magic arrow called the cluster shot but no price on how too get it i was told that it is society legal but would like too know how to figure price on something like that

Liberty's Edge

Is this weapon considerd a pole arm weapon for a phalanx dwarven fighter

Liberty's Edge

If i am tower shield proficient do i still take a negative 2 on attack roles as a dwarf since i cant be encumbered

is the dwarven dorn dergar considered a pole arm weapon when using a dwarf phalanx figher

Liberty's Edge

i have a character with the trait soul drinker i was having a gm from out of town help with traits and i cant remember what book i need to have bought for this trait... any help would be greatly appresiated

Liberty's Edge

if my class make me proficiant with all martial weapons do i still need weapon proficiancy for a single weapon or is implied i have the feat for all martial weapons

Liberty's Edge

i know some traits are band and didnt know if this was one of them

Liberty's Edge

can you make a trip attack with a weapon with that doesnt have the trip ability

Liberty's Edge

is a monks flurry of blows attack bonus set like this...str mod, base attack bonus,and flurry attack bonus... or ... str mod, and flurry attack bonus... i dont know which way it is

Liberty's Edge

i didnt know if they could take feats like an animial companion or if they could only take feats as if they were a pc

Dark Archive

does augment summoning work with eidolons or with the summoners spell like ability to summon monsters

Scarab Sages

what kinds of feats can they take... do i find them in beasteary or can i use ones from core and apg like dodge or something and how do there evolutions work... do i have to repick the ones i have already chosen and evolution points is it 1 new point a turn or at lvl 2 do i get a new 4 points

Dark Archive

can a summoners eidolon take armor prof. feats to learn to wear regular armor

Dark Archive

i have been trying to make a male gnome but cant come up with decent name he will be a summoner so if you have any ideas let me know