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92 posts. Alias of Daveak Bringer of Destruction.


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Liberty's Edge

I am jimmy... i have a level 1 barbarian, my first heavy hitter. i also have a level 3 or 4 fighter crossbowman i have to double check him. i am up for playing stuff season 3 or newer since i have played the majority of the older stuff

Liberty's Edge

Ok so if i get less attacks and less damage when using natural attacks going this rout is kinda dumb...even doing a master of many styles and taking boar style it would be 2d4 and 2d6 bleed if i hit with the 2 natural attacks

Liberty's Edge

So am i looking at 4 claw or2 claw and i wouldn't want unarmed if i could get all 4 on a level3 flurry

Liberty's Edge

Tiefling or tengue lvl 3 with flurry blows and 2 natural claw attack with improved unarmed strike weapon focus and ferral combat training

Liberty's Edge

So it would be 4... 2 from flurry2 from claw

Liberty's Edge

So if i flurried 2 natural claws from tungue is it four attacks total 2 claws per flurry attack

Liberty's Edge

But fct says that anything that affects an unarmed strike effects the natural well as effects that augment an unarmed strike... So the the monk unarmed strike is an ability that augments a monks unarmed strike is it i am confused as to why it wont work

Liberty's Edge

i hope so cause that is the new build then

Liberty's Edge

My thing was to do natural attacks with the master of many styles with boar style and since it loses the flurry of blows and natural attack now being the only way to use boar style i didnt know if the damage would increase

Liberty's Edge

so they wont scale but you can use them with flurry of blows... makes no scence

Liberty's Edge

the stone lord mount is the best mount in game hands down.. you summon a small earth elemental which is like the paladin mount which is like the druid animal companion.

This mount
functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the
paladin’s level as her effective druid level. Bonded
mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6.

Once per day, as a full-round action, a paladin may
magically call her mount to her side. This ability is
the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to one-third
the paladin’s level. The mount immediately appears
adjacent to the paladin. A paladin can use this ability
once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day
for every 4 levels thereafter, for a total of four times per
day at 17th level.
At 11th level, the mount gains the celestial template (see
the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary) and becomes a magical beast
for the purposes of determining which spells affect it. At
15th level, a paladin’s mount gains spell resistance equal to
the paladin’s level + 11.
Should the paladin’s mount die, the paladin may not
summon another mount for 30 days or until she gains
a paladin level, whichever comes first. During this 30-
day period, the paladin takes a –1 penalty on attack and
weapon damage rolls.

the differnce is that the stone lord starts with the celestial template and changes size as the stone lord levels

Liberty's Edge

i am making a monk tiefling and i need to know if i can us the monk d6 damage for the natural attack damage of the tiefleng claws.... the master of many styles monk loses the ability to use flurry of blows and was going to use the 2 natural claws but didnt know if the new damage would apply since he is a monk

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

When a monk uses the cestus doors he use his unarmed damage our does it become a 1d4

Liberty's Edge

Sounds good my Joe that I brought and I can't be there tomorrow he works and I found out that I going to regular field for a week so I staying home with family but we would like it if you ran it at stans not this week cause I still in field but the week you run part 3

Liberty's Edge

Running threw drive threw then on way

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

So how many do you have total right now

Liberty's Edge

Hey Steven I have a battle interested in learning game if he is serious then I would like to bring him Saturday if possible please let me know

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder tonight book Stan 630

Liberty's Edge

I have the scenario trackers for everyone and I am in fields all month but for now we are coming home at night

Liberty's Edge

all sounds good I have chair or two I can bring for extras

Liberty's Edge

Hey are we playing this weekend

Liberty's Edge

So I have chronicle trackers for everyone

Liberty's Edge

Yes thank you for hosting it it was good

Liberty's Edge

Ok I will prep part 3 and we can figure out way being played when we get there

Liberty's Edge

Lol so true

Liberty's Edge

Ok sounds good and yes thank you for commenting on the numbers all I need now is Andys

Liberty's Edge

Hey y'all I am down for what ever on post would be great for me...just let me know and if you run it for me then I can't apply the running credit so could I play the character that the others are applied to or do I need to run it to apply the credit to him..I can run iti would like to but its n no big deal

Liberty's Edge

Another thing I could use a favor for this last part of first steps most of maps are pre built if someone has docks and forest it would be much appreciated if I could use them

Liberty's Edge

Sorry higher than one

Liberty's Edge

4th chronicle doesnt matter as long as you havent played as a lvl 2 then yes you can mood him a GM can have a character lvl 3 and never played him and the GM therefore has right to continually modify that character till played at a level higher than two

Liberty's Edge

Andy are you going to be there

Liberty's Edge

I have a new character as well and I will prep part 3

Liberty's Edge

Are we wanting to play on sat and are you wanting to run your new mods or do you want me to finish first steps

Liberty's Edge

I wanted the d8 sneak attack from rogue eveything else ninja since i using a smaller character i wanted bigger sneak

Liberty's Edge

Is it possible too take a level of rogue and all others ninja... i dont want to double my sneak attack which is what most think but i am curious

Liberty's Edge

What i was wanting was too take lvl one rogue and all others in ninja

Liberty's Edge

I hadnt planned on running but i have a question can i take a lvl of rogue then go into ninja

Liberty's Edge

I have talked too him about it the hero clix is every sat for the most part so if we want too avoid such noise yes we will have too move locations

Liberty's Edge

I will have one module but no chronicle my phone jacked up today and i lost everything so i have been working on it

Liberty's Edge

All sounds usual time usual place I will prep a mood just in case a well

Liberty's Edge

Are you wanting to run this weekend

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Feelin the love lol

Liberty's Edge

We will come up with something

Liberty's Edge

How do we have a got day weekend

Liberty's Edge

Its all good we can wait till next if we have to this weekend is tight for me too

Liberty's Edge

Sound good

Liberty's Edge

We should try for Friday or sat night my wife has job interviews on sat day so I can't do anything then Sunday also works w just need to age on a time and place

Liberty's Edge

Let's here what everyone else says