DM Snider |
Open for dot and character introduction
Dismoon |
Blotting a dark red rag around her forehead, it would seem Dismoon had recently been trampled, or drug behind a cart. Dry flakes of blood crackled off in soft swipes as she quietly attended to her appearance; using the water of the basin as a mirror, correcting past mistakes. Giving off an aura of toughness and introspection, the obvious half-elf slid a few freshly oiled implements up a loose sleeve, giving you the slightest hint of consideration with a fast glance. After cataloging a small library of scrolls in cylindrical tubing about her shoulders, she stood and said something like " work then? I'm Dismoon, I tend a small business out of Starfall through my activities with the Society. I'm pleased to join you all." her voice was rough but could've once been sweet, as if she was extremely dehydrated. She certainly looked rich without being gaudy.
Mechanically Dismoon will flank and sneak attack, can use scrolls and wands as a 1st level wizard, and would love to scout (but understand most players do not go for that).
Quan Tai |
Quan Tai's rich red and gold silk robe seems quite out of place in this tavern. His golden eyes scan the room, and his Tian features assume a disdainful look as he remarks, "The invitation did said to meet here. It is, however, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Quan Tai's sharp features contrast with Dismoon's. While both are clearly half-elves, the Tian man seems somehow less human. His aura intimidating and ominous.
I'll use Dragon Style to charge into combat when I can, then Intimidate with Enforcer
Oret Terra |
A stony (his skin looks like stone) man walks in. His face looks lime a rock with some characteristics that resembles a man. He is well built and has armor that is worned, his chain belt holds a few danger, and a longsword. He has a shield on his back but it looks dusty, as if it does not see action. He speaks fast, but with a low tone, his manner suggest he is slightly dim.
"Me Oret, stoneman, me dream master sword, me fight good, but think okay."
Sword style fighter with very low charisma and intelligence. Plan to build him to be two handed fighter who uses swordplay style to keep his AC high. Just bought the weapon masters handbook so am trying new stuff out :)
DM Snider |
The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: “Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”
The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table. “Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. “Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born. "But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, “Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.” Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.” Master Shaine hops to his feet. “Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.” With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.
Quan Tai |
Quan Tai looks to the halfling woman and asks, "Is he always this way?"
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
The Qadiran with the distinctive scar around her eye--probably the result of a broken bottle--hops to her feet as well. She has been silent throughout the briefing. "Shuuukraan, Janira. Dismoon!" She switches from perfect Kelish to a Taldan drawl for the half-elf's name. "You look different," she says, puzzling the change.
She nods to Oret and Quan Tai. "Call me Lulu. Dismoon and I have run a bit together. Janira, I've never heard of gillmen. They don't sound like something found inland. Interesting, no?"
She sweeps her red headscarf and matching clothes into a jaunty configuration, completely informal and presumably shocking in Qadira proper, but it doesn't appear that she cares much for proper anything.
"Aren't the Kortos lands full of things that eat horses? That's all I know," she says offhandedly.
Oret Terra |
The Oread carefully observes all that has happen, clearly he is doing his best to unattended what is asked of him, but he understands little.
"Pathfinder fight gillmen?Oret help, me good pathfinder, me better sword."
Annuit |
An elf listens carefully to Master Shaine and then to his new companions. Then he turns to Janira. "Is there anything more you can tell us about gillmen? What dangers might we find in these caves? And what exactly is a Confirmation?"
This is Drusillia. Sorry it took me so long to get up and running.
Oret Terra |
"Who big? Bigger than me? Ho ho ho."
Bart Smalls |
A human walks in looking confused, half-starved, and dirty. The ends of his sleeves look slightly charred. From the look of him he seems like he lives on the street. He looks confused "Um. W-what is this? I'm new here. B-bart Smalls at your service. I w-w-was I w-was told to come in by the man outside. W-what's Pathfinder Society? "
Hi, this is my first PbP adventure. I'm very new to Pathfinder as well. I'll be playing the part of your friendly neighborhood pyrokineticist.
DM Snider |
Kreighton Shaine looks up as Bart walks in. "Ah yes your last team member has arived. Over here young man." once you walk over to him he starts to explain. "Here in the Pathfinder society we believe in exploration of uncharted areas, discovering the secrets of mystic arts, some even fancy just the monster killing. We have three tenents we all live by. Explore, Report, Corroperate, with Corroperating being the key part. Without Corroperation our teams would fall apart and our missions would fail. I have heard about you from my contacts on the street and hope that you would like to get off the street and make some descent money. Today is the first time we have made a group confirmation. The confirmation is a test to see if you are worthy to be a member of the Pathfinder society. Normally it is done on your own but today we have made it a group effort. I hope you consider going on this mission with the rest of the new commers."
After explain the mission briefing to Bart, Bart joins the others to get ready to leave.
Janira looks at Quan, " “Master Shaine is brilliant, if not entirely focused. He has lived a very long time and seen things we could only dream about. I’ve learned to just accept his peculiarities and value any knowledge he wishes to share.”
She then turns to Dismoon, "As far as we know there is only one Gillman there at a time."[b]
After a few moments she responds to Annuit [b]"The Confirmation is the final test all Pathfinder initiates must pass in order to become Pathfinder field operatives. Every Confirmation is different, and ordinarily it would be tailored to the individual initiate; however, in this case, Kreighton Shaine haThe Confirmation is the final test all Pathfinder initiates must pass in order to become Pathfinder field operatives. Every Confirmation is different, and ordinarily it would be tailored to the individual initiate; however, in this case, Kreighton Shaine has selected this task for our entire group."
I will wait a little longer for few more questions then I will continue
Quan Tai |
Know(geography): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Know(history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
"I have heard something of these gillmen. They are known also as the Low Azlanti. They are amphibious, as might be obvious from their name, and might be the last descendants of the Azlanti people."
To Janira he says,"How long will it take to get to the cave where you saw this gillman? Will we be hiring horses or going by foot?"
Annuit |
Annuit removes his hood at mention of the Azlanti. "Good idea, Dismoon. We will want to be able to communicate with them. Is there a chance we may be forced underwater as well, since they are amphibious? If so we will need to prepare."
DM Snider |
"Quan was it, The trip will take about a half day on foot. It was on the other side of the Island. " Janira says.
The master of scrolls speaks up at Dismoon. " Field Operative Status a few perks, Money, Connections, and Allies."
Janira speaks up to Annuit, "There my be water. I only made it to the enterance of the cave and never went all the way in."
Quan Tai |
"I shall pack sufficient provisions. Is there anything else we should bring?"
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
Lulu's eyes go to the nearly starving man, who reminds her of her own youth spent in refugee camps, and her usually jaunty attitude and cheerful glare both soften. "Bart. I am Lulwa. Call me Lulu. Yes, this is the Pathfinder Society. You look like you need something to eat." Is he touched by the elements as well? she wonders, curiously. I haven't met another in a while.
"We should all get rations, and something for the wet," she says somewhat absently.
Oret Terra |
"Me ready go.Me bring sword." Oret is clearly not a talker but seems very interested in the affairs of the group, although he might not understand it.
DM Snider |
Sorry for delay guys work slammed me yesterday with a 15 hour shift then another one today. I will try to update again tonight once everyone has caught up
“On to the details of the mission at hand,” Janira says with an eager grin. “After reviewing my mission reports personally, Master Shaine believes it is no coincidence that each time they entered the caves it was during a full moon, so it is also no coincidence that you have been called here now, just a day before the moon is full again. We both believe that tomorrow night is our best chance to find out why these caves are important and what exactly the gillmen are doing in there.The caves we’ll be travelling to lie under the base of the Kortos Mounts. We’ll need to travel by daylight as quickly possible to reach the caves by foot, crossing over the Cairnlands, taking the paths to Diobel, and finally making our way through the wilderness, and all before night fall. With any luck we won’t run into any of the local inhabitants. Once in the caves, we’ll need to work together to explore and determine whether any gillman are present or have been recently. Keep an eye out for any other clues that might hint at the caves’ significance, too.”
Janira also points out that“The area we’re heading to is controlled by a large centaur tribe. If we cross paths with any of them, and they horses they might become dangerously unfriendly. Our mission is to explore the caves and investigate the gillmen activity, not fight the local populace.”
“Now, before we head out, if there aren’t any more questions, we should take a moment to go through your gear and make sure nothing important gets left out. She says, wanting to make sure that you are all prepaird for mission at hand.
She is wanting to make sure that you guys have the basic gear. rope, a light source, food, a way to make fire, any sources of healing, alchemist’s fire, antitoxins, and the like so long as the you have the gold to spare.
Once Janira feels the you are ready for your adventure, she leads you west out of Absalom and through the Cairnlands, picking up any last-minute purchases on the way out of the city.
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
Lulu is updated and ready.
Lulu picks out a few choice items from a store or three, including a phial of alchemist's fire and some antitoxin, and a rather stylish waterproof bag. "Fancy," she says, swinging it about. She also plays with her new ioun torch, watching it whirl about her with a soft glowing light, forcing it to spin in place with her telekinesis, and then tucking it back into a pocket using only strands of aether.
Annuit |
"Show off!" says Annuit with a grin. "I'm ready. Let's get moving!"
Quan Tai |
"I have made my preparations, thank you. I am ready to depart."
Oret Terra |
need to update items but shouldn't hold us back from moving on.
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
"Oh, us one trick ponies have to enjoy ourselves somehow, Annuit," says Lulu, chuckling. "But that isn't showing off. This is more like it." She reaches behind one of the wizard's long elven ears and pulls out the ioun torch again, seemingly from thin air. "Look! Magic! Watch out, you wizards have competition!"
She glances at Dismoon. "Now, I am incredibly curious about your story. I have a feeling you have some new tricks as well..."
Dismoon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Well...I suppose I'll never really get over it unless I can just get it out. Here you know, we had felled his entire party in the temple that afternoon. I don't really know why I ran after him, I guess I just wanted answers after all we had gone through. I got something much worse, Lulu...the chase lasted into the evening. In retrospect I was an idiot to think that he was running away from me, he was actually leading me into a sick trap...
There was a low rock arch on the shore...I swear I saw him pass through...and thought nothing much of it. The arch was actually a portal, and in an instant I was inside a glass walled cylinder just my size, and a foul gas soon knocked me out cold.
Later I awoke in a dark cave, a sort of lagoon...still near the ocean. In the darkness there were some kind of clockwork servants tending other glass cylinders...but I think I was the only one there. I didn't have my spellbook or any possessions...I fumbled around in the mud for hours, mentally I could make out the vague rectangular shape of a cell with iron bars.
This went on for a while, but I had no idea of time hunger was a new timesense...I think it was many days. I thought it was the hunger that had changed me, but now I know better...something happened when I was under...something awful. Even now after my escape I can't...I can't concentrate on the equations like I used to...when I try to meditate I can only hear the clockwork servants in the dark from that lagoon. Its like my magic was stolen from me...Lulu I can barely remember how to cast read magic.
But thankfully, the sea and time had weakened the iron bars. I knew with enough force at least one bar would sunder, but I didn't have a lever...or a block and tackle...the only machine I had was the servants. I studied their paths in the dark by ear...nearly loosing my sanity in the process...but I finally had an idea of how to trip one with a simple trap. The weight of the thing coming down and shearing the iron apart still brings me immense happiness. Outside my cage, the servants didn't seem to care, like that wasn't part of their routine...nearly drowning in the dark waters I finally emerged under a bright full moon near an island just off the coast.
I had a business associate front me the funds to get back on my feet and didn't even really clean up before I came back to the Lodge..."
Quan Tai |
Quan Tai's features soften as Dismoon speaks, "That was quite a tale, Dismoon. I am sorry for what you have gone through. My magic has not yet manifested, but considering my heritage it is almost certain to do so. Still, I empathize with your loss."
Uncomfortable with the display of familiarity, he quickly moves away and straightens his monk's robes. What a terrible fate to be forever without magic...
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
Lulu frowns and then frowns deeper while listening to Dismoon's story. "I'd like to track down the people who did that to you, and take something from them." Her scowl accentuates the scar around one eye.
Annuit |
Annuit doesn't care much for half-elves as a rule but after listening to Dismoon's chilling story he can't help feeling an emotional attachment to her, which makes him a little uncomfortable.
He coughs, "Yes quite unfortunate. We are lucky to have you here with us today"
DM Snider |
ok sorry for delay I am back.
As you progresses deeper into the forest, the trees towering overhead begin to shield most of what remains of the day’s sun and the vegetation beneath grows denser. Janira pauses a moment and pulls out an intricate silver compass emblazoned with the Pathfinder Society logo: the Glyph of the Open Road. “I received this wayfinder when I successfully completed my Confirmation. Should we be successful on our journey, you will get your own as well.” She flips open the device and holds it in front of her; the initials J. L. are engraved into the inside of the device’s lid. After studying the compass inside for a moment, she remarks, “We’re on the right path. We need to keep heading northwest past those large rocks up ahead.” Most of the trees in this section of the forest have trunks that are too big for any creatures to share their space. Sporadic patches of light undergrowth provide areas for creatures to hide while restricting movement for those passing through. A large rock outcropping to the east rises nearly 20 feet above the forest floor, and a small sinkhole to the northwest drops off sharply, descending to the ground 10 feet below.
Random Roll: 1d6 ⇒ 1
As you get close to the entrance to the cave, you are moving through the thick parts of the forest when you stumble into a large spider nest. 2 Spider Swarms
Dismoon: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Annuit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Lulwa: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Quan: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Oret: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
BG: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Bold may post
Bart I need you to update your character so i can see your basic stats and put a full character sheet up on your characters page.
DM Snider |
Upon spotting the spiders, Janira begins to tell the party about an old Chronicle.
"And it was Selmius Foster’s race against a marid and efreeti on the isle of Jalmeray, which taught us that nothing is truly impossible and every situation can end in victory."
Inspire Courage
Dismoon |
"That's right, Janira...Foster didn't give up and neither will we!" she fumbles her belt for a flask of acid, chucking it at the swarms as they near...
Throw Splash Weapon, ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 = 17
Dmg, Acid Flask: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 to primary target and +2 splash dmg to second swarm if inspire courage adds to splash damage?
Oret Terra |
Is it just me or the Google slides are locked from editing? One move action to withdraw a alchemists fire from my bag, and another move action to move 2 steps to the left
"Me no fear little legs! Me burn little legs!"
Oret moves in on the spiders but at the same time shields his allies from being attacked.
Annuit |
Annuit sees the swarms and immediately pulls out a vial of acid and moves into throwing range.
one move action to draw acid, another to go 30' sxsw
DM Snider |
Link for map fixed for moving sorry about that
Quan Tai |
Quan Tai draws a flask of acid from his pack, the readies himself to throw at a swarm if it approaches within 10 feet.
Attack(acid): 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Oret Terra |
I think ready is a full round action
Lulwa "Lulu" al Qaisi |
Lulu lobs a ball of aether, wrapped around a speck of dust.
Blast: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
for: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
full damage to swarms! Plus +1 to hit and damage if Lulu is within 30'.
DM Snider |
1 swarm is down and the second is hurt bad.
The swarm moves up and engulfs Oret and Annuit.
dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 3
STR DMG: 1d2 ⇒ 2