Daveak Bringer of Destruction's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Daveak Bringer of Destruction

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Liberty's Edge

dear pathfinders i am new the area i love two play and am looking for a group too play...

Grand Lodge

I live on Ft. Hood, and America's Heroes Comics and Games on Rancier Avenue has space for games. If we can get a few more I'd be interested.


balderdash wrote:
dear pathfinders i am new the area i love two play and am looking for a group too play...

I am also here at Hood and would totally jump on a Pathfinder game.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Live in Temple here, but come into Killeen regularly as its where all my friends are. Our group has pretty much dwindled to nothing and we have been looking for a new group. Will keep checking this thread to see if there are any developments on available time/place.

Grand Lodge

I'm able to DM or play, and my Saturdays are usually free. I should be free this Friday if anyone wants to do a meetup.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Live in Georgetown, would be willing to drive to the Killeen area for a game. Days off vary, but I have a somewhat flexible schedule with the exception of Wednesdays.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My schedule is pretty regular; Saturday and Sunday are my truly free days. I am available the rest of the week late morning to early afternoon, but not many others are.

Liberty's Edge

dear fellow pathfinders i have already talked to the America's Heroes Comics and Games guy and he is cool i do believe... he said that all of his local players play at home so i think it would be even better if we get them to play with us i will go up there tonight or tomorrow and double check what he says and will let you all know... about us all meeting i think that that is a good idea and we could all meet sat... idk if the guy who has too drive a good distant will want too but any one who can i think that we all should... and if i am not mistaken this weekend there is a hero click tournament if any of you play that also up at America's Heroes Comics and Games and we could all meet there

Liberty's Edge

and if just the fort hood guys want too meet up thats fine too i am on fort hood as well and am just looking for some fellow gamers


What do you guys think of a weeknight like a Wed or Thursday? I think the turnout could actually be better. People tend to have plans or things pop up on weekends. Even a Sunday night. Very few people have something going on on a Sunday. Just thought I would throw that out there.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If weeknights work for everyone else go for it, but in my case its not possible. I work extremely early mornings, so my bedtime is around 5pm. That said, I won't feel too hurt if that turns out to be the best time for everyone else.

Liberty's Edge

Just let me know what yall want too do... the guy at comic store said we can have tables on saturday he can offer 1 table if not more i will be up there saturday for a hero clix tournament if any of u are interested either coment on here or come up there and meet me... i have acces too over 44 chronicles and am willing too gm.. i just need to know a good time for everyone

Grand Lodge

I should be available for a meetup there. Parking may be a little tight I think.


I should be able to make it. I will double check before I say for sure.
What time do they open?

Liberty's Edge

They open at 10 i should be there soon after


I'll be there.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone else wants too came your more than welcome my name is jimmy

Shadow Lodge

I might be interested. I just got back from deployment and at Hood, too.



Liberty's Edge

Awesome come on down we can talk and get stuff more organized there

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Grr, looks like you guys will be meeting pretty early; not normally a problem for me except this very week, as luck would have it. I guess I will have to sit this out and hope there is a followup I can tag along on.

Liberty's Edge

I have no scinario planned i will be up there most of day for hero clicks i just want too meet and talk about everything in person

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I figured it would be just a simple meet-up. Normally my work schedule is very early so I have the day free, but this is the last day before we close for summer vacation and the boss took off early, leaving me to tie up loose ends. By the time I get out of here it'll be early evening. Just posting this to let you know that while I may not be there today, don't count me out!

Grand Lodge

I seem to have come down with something horrible, so I'm staying home to avoid spreading it. Sorry guys!


We will catch you guys next time.

Liberty's Edge

So far there are a total of 4 of us we need two more people to run a campaign if every one is cool with next sat we can meet again then I just need a good time and if y'all would rather play later at night we need a new place his shop closes at 7

Shadow Lodge

I'm going to try for next time, I just have a lot going on right now.

Liberty's Edge

so I was thinking we try again this week same time... If you have stuff too play bring it I will try and run the free rpg day scenario if we get enough people I was thinking same 1030 so we can get it done and if someone needs help then they can get help I will be out of town in a couple weekends so if it doesnt work this week it will be a little while well I hope too see everyone out there see u then

Shadow Lodge

Sounds good, as far as I know.

I do have a 1st level PFS legal character (with 1 nearly 2 xp) ready.

Grand Lodge


Shadow Lodge

I also wouldnt mind DMing in the future. I was mostly inerested in getting to know a few other people first, though may be able to play, too. I'm just getting back from a deployment, and still kind of getting used to things here. I just don't want to commit fully until I kind of know what to expect once I get back to work.

DarthBeckett AT Gmail dot com

Grand Lodge

I'm mostly over whatever laid me out last weekend, so I'll try and make it this weekend. I have to get ahead on homework before heading off to PaizoCon however.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

If any of you guys ever want to travel outside of town for PFS, there is a Monthly game in Austin and a Bi-weekly game in San Antonio.

Liberty's Edge

So cant run that mod because everyone would have too play a lvl 4 5 6 character... I will get some other mods though and every one will have too play a first lvl character once we get everything rolling we can change it up but I know of at least one if not two new people and thats all they got and these new mods are for begginers

Shadow Lodge

I have a lot of advetures, most PDF, and I know that there are a few free ones. My character has already done Master of the Fallen Fortress, but I wouldn't mind making another character.

Probably going to play a Cleric or Paladin.

Shadow Lodge

As far as books, I have, off the top of my head the Godsmouth trilogy, From Sea to Shore (I forget the name), and one other, which I believe are all PFS legal, if that is what people are wanting.

Grand Lodge

Beckett wrote:
Probably going to play a Cleric or Paladin.


Shadow Lodge

I love divine holy warriors, what can I say, my friend.


I don't know about this Saturday. Gotta pick my son up from camp.

Liberty's Edge

if everyone brings all there characters i will plan 2 scenarios and based on who shoes up and what is avalable to be played will determine what can happen... hope too see everyone there around 1030 11

Shadow Lodge

Would you like my character(s) in advance? I plan on being there.

Grand Lodge

I'll roll something when I get there. It won't take long. Fighter or paladin probably.

Shadow Lodge

Was this going to be a PFS game or not-so-official?


I may be back in; at least for the morning. Helmus will sharpen his axe and be on the ready.

Liberty's Edge

I will run yes as of now dont need characters just have to be lvl 1

Liberty's Edge

Waiting on you triomegazero

Grand Lodge

Apologies for my lateness again. I had a good time and look forward to our next session. Looking forward to getting a Society boon that lets me play an aasimar!

Shadow Lodge

I hate that you have to go to a con just to possibly get that. I am rally hoping that with the Advanced Races Guide that changes.

I really enjoyed it as well, and thank you all for the game. I am looking foreward to next time.

I'm also going to begin registering the character, and post it up here soon.

DarthBeckett at Gmail dot com

Liberty's Edge

Here's my registered character. Will tidey everything up, I was just going off the top of my head.


Good gaming guys. My axe can't wait for the next game.

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