City Guard

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RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. ******* Venture-Captain, Netherlands 5,516 posts (10,866 including aliases). 66 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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Very soft and sturdy I am in love

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5/5 would dance Thriller in a weird basement again

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This was ridiculous and I loved it.

GMs take note of some developer things, which will make everyones ejoyment of this scenario much higher.

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Good introduction


I played this using the clarifications issued.

Its a fun scenario for beginners. While they might not be up to speed to the full story behind Datch, they dont need it for these missions.
There is a lot of different flavor in each, focusing on different skills/aspects of the game.
Not using starship combat but a fun chase was extra welcome. While new players will need to learn an extra ruleset for it, it feels less cumbersome then introducing them to starship combat. And everyone gets to meaningfully contribute during the chase, making for better engagement.

Our Price: $8.99

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An impressive, roleplay heavy repeatable, which will also keep it fresh. Even if you get into the same encounter, playing it with a different character will defenitely change how you experience and roleplay it.

The final encounter is probably not that evergreen, but its still a nice challenge so it should be OK?

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The idea behind this scenario is really cool. Infiltrate a collossus. Im fine with the colossi staying mysterious. But it could have been...more?
You easily get in and out, but the other DCs are pretty steep. The flavor inside is cool and I like that its one big endurance race. But the flavor could have been upped (like the creatures inside being the immuun system?)

Word count is of course a thing, and you need the set up to actually get to the collossus (because without a good plan, what are you going to do?), but a bit more could have been spend on the actual part inside the colussus.

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First time we ever solved an ecounter by saying "WE ARE THE SISCO"

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Pretty good.
There are some weird areas where thing happen that cant (sounds and smells in a vacuum), which is weird, but ok.
A few encounters arent as smooth. Certain creature types can be hard to deal with on low levels (altough in this case, most pregens would do well as they DO have the equipment to deal).

The little roleplay enounter is nice. I hope the reporting of this scenarios will have real consequences down the road.

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Overall a good scenario, but it doesnt get real exciting. There are some real flavorfull spots.

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Overland travel scenarios might not appeal to everyone but it has a great mix of challenges (skills and combat), interesting ways to try and speed up your journey, and lots of room for cool creative ways to solve it.

The fights are also a great example of the nastyness Numeria can throw at you.

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I had an absolute blast (pun intended, I blew up a few times).

This was an ex-fil worthy of Shadowrun. Our team was suitably paranoid, and it helped that our GM had run it before so had a good grasp of all the things that might/could happen.
I can imagine with it being quite a sandbox, players can really surprise you.

Playing online with dynamic lightning really added to the atmosphere as well!

Our Price: $5.99

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An interesting fight and a good skill challenge! Had a lot of fun roleplaying how scared we all were :)

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I had a very enjoyable playtrough with my party. Scenario is a bit short, and a few of the transitions are a bit wonkey, but that is the nature of a repeatable I fear.

4 stars. Would happily play again.

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A good set of diverse challenges will make any type of build feel like they contribute to the mission.
The final fight is very tough however.

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Great investigative scenario, with a good creepy asmosphere. It allows players to slowly discover what is going on, with leaving plenty of mystery.

Its sandbox nature is also well suited for players to discover the ins and outs of Second edition.

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I have only played this.

I had a lot of fun as an envoy playing this. I played up and never felt like I was in any trouble.
The story is amazing. The story would be a solid five stars.
The scenario is however too easy combat wise, and there are a few small mistakes, like misaligned maps.

Our Price: $8.99

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We played this last-minute as our other table fell trough.

We were all in the high tier, with one character being out of subtier.
We had a mystic and a technomancer, and I dual wielded Iseph and Navasi.

All in all we had a pretty good time. It wasnt easy, but with some clever planning with who would do what, and aiding together, we made it trough in the end.

The combat in the middle was a good bit of relief and it was fun that the combat had effect on the second part.

Our Price: $8.99

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5/5, would get ass kicked by stone again.

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All the things!


There is so much going on in this scenario! The encounters were a lot of fun and we nearly got all killed (nearly dying is fun!).
I just felt there were so many things, I probably missed some plot points here and there. I think this scenario will benefit from being run in a longer timeslot in a quiet enviroment, so that its easier to understand all the things going on.

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A nice dungeoncrawler that lets you get some payback on the nasties that kicked you out of the scoured stars.
There are a lot of fun rooms to explore. The end fight is pretty cool too.

It is of course very hard to make a true infiltration mission when taking into account the random parties you get in Organised Play. So making it an exploration dungeoncrawl works well.

I just feel more could have been done with some of the encounters.

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A very interesting scenario, that turns a lot of assumptions up on its head. You'll have a lot more fun if you enter this with an open mind. Murderhobos will not have a good time.

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A very thematic scenario. Who wouldnt be exited to go to a planet full of dragons, to work with a dragon VC?!?!?!?!

The only issue I have with the scenario is that if you fail some skill checks, the transitions between some scenes can be a bit weird, but nothing a GM cant work with.

The fights can be pretty tough and the take on the starship combat is very cool!

5/5 would get eaten by a dragon again.

Our Price: $8.99

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The difficulty defenitly ramps up in this scenario, which was a welcome change for us.
The NPCs are all very interesting and cool. The investigation portion could have been fleshed out a lot more however.
Interesting set up leading to the scoured stars.

Our Price: $8.99

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This makes a better scenario then a repeatable.

If you play this once, its a memorable space combat, you have great roleplay with what you discover on the planets, and have fun exploring. The combats are on the easy side, but it makes a great intro scenario for new players. As a scenario it would be a solid 4 stars.

As a repeatable however, it gets boring real quickly. The enemies change, a little bit, as do the creatures and their reasons. But the rest is pretty much the same. If you've seen it once, youve pretty much seen it all. The method of making the scenarios is pretty fun with the random tables, but its just not enough to keep it interesting for more then once.
As a repeatable its only a 3 star scenario.

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