
Winsome Briskalberd's page

123 posts. Alias of eriktd.


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M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

I'm confused. Last turn, Winsome wasn't close enough to throw a coin, so I cast magic missile, which did nothing for some reason. Was it countered? Magic resistance? Something else? Winsome's really good at Spellcraft, so wouldn't he at least get a roll to figure out why?

Then the creature "cast a spell that Winsome can't Spellcraft." Why not? Is Winsome blinded or something?

Then it moved, presumably as a move action, but I can't tell from the map where it came from or where it is now. It seems like it is in the middle of us, but no one got attacks of opportunity.

Then it touched Kelda, an attack-- does it have two standards in a turn, or was the spell quickened somehow?

I'm having a really hard time following this combat, and it's taking too much of my limited gaming time to figure out what's going on.

So I guess Winsome is passing.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Recognizing that his magic coins are ineffective, Winsome instead casts magic missile.

Spend a point of arcane reservoir to increase the CL by 1.
Spell damage (force): 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3) + 2 = 7

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Are there any other spells that specifically say they bypass DR/magic? Or that say they don't bypass DR/magic? I don't think it's weird to assume that all magic is magic.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m
Phantom Genius wrote:

Sorry, but I don't read coin shot that way. Here's a copy & paste.

Silver coins deal 1d6 points of damage and count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Gold coins deal 1d8 points of damage and count as masterwork weapons. Platinum coins deal 1d10 points of damage, count as masterwork weapons, and are treated as adamantine weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

You left off the last sentence!

"All coin bullets deal an additional 1 point of damage per 2 caster levels (to a maximum of an extra 10 points of damage at 20th level)."

Isn't that additional damage magic damage?

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Any chance Winsome can move closer before his attack, so that he is within the first range increment? I don't see a map anywhere.

Also, since unholy blight has verbal components, I'm guessing it isn't actually a spell but a spell-like ability? There goes that plan. :)

Also also, I feel like coin shot coins should be considered magic for the purposes of damage reduction, since they do extra damage based on Winsome's caster level.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Will save, good (DC 16): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Spellcraft to identify spell: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Winsome tosses a second coin after weathering the evil magic.

Ranged attack (coin shot), enhancement: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10
Damage (coin shot): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome prepares to throw a magic coin at the creature. When they burst in, he tosses it after stuttering his way through a tiny prayer to Torag.

Ranged attack (coin shot), enhancement: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24
Damage (coin shot): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome casts another spell.

He casts coin shot so he has the coins ready in case he gets stuck a round or two in silence.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome sighs, wishing they could put off the encounter longer, but casts a pair of spells on himself in preparation (mage armor and resistance).

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome activates his own detect magic spell and takes a look at the items.

Spellcraft (arrows): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Spellcraft (1st case): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Spellcraft (2nd case): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Spellcraft (3rd case): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
Spellcraft (phylactery): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome considers what he remembers about the previous encounter. "I d-d-don't think it's a d-d-demon-- I'd guess it's some kind of ab-b-berration. It had ten-ten-tentacles, by Torag's beard!" He stops himself, thinking hard. "Ameiko said s-s-something about 'the ten-handed one'. I wonder if that m-m-means the creature? 'His fear is your greatest ally'. What would he be af-af-afraid of?"

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m
Zaraleva wrote:
Will I have a pearl of power tomorrow?

I'm also curious about this. I'm willing to have Winsome work on it, but I don't remember how long it should take to finish.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome is injured. :)

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome looks over the looted items. "No obvious k-k-keys or anything like that. And no clues as to how we might d-d-deal with Ameiko's m-m-mysterious affliction." He sighs, and then looks curiously at the disk. "There is some sort of s-s-spell on this, Transm-m-mutation if I am c-c-correct, but I have no idea what it does. Perhaps the image will help Ameiko get b-b-better? It's worth a try."

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome scratches the back of his head. "If we c-c-can rest, I can p-p-prepare more magic missiles," he says, strangely drawing out the name of the spell in his high-pitched voice. "I don't think the c-c-coins were very effective against it, whatever it is."

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Literally throwing money at the problem. ;)

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome draws another scroll and reads it, preparing to continue his golden barrage. He launches another coin at Zaiobe.

Ranged touch attack (masterwork coin): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12
Miss chance 20% (low is bad): 1d100 ⇒ 71
Damage (bludgeoning/piercing, magic): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome continues desperately throwing money at the problem to make it go away, though his flailing is mostly ineffectual.

Ranged touch attack (masterwork coin): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
Miss chance 20%% (low is bad): 1d100 ⇒ 10
Damage (bludgeoning/piercing, magic): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome draws a scroll from his belt and reads it, enchanting three more gold coins to throw at the flying enemy. He tosses the first one in her direction, hoping to pass her defenses.

Ranged touch attack (masterwork coin): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10
Miss chance 20%% (low is bad): 1d100 ⇒ 50
Damage (bludgeoning/piercing, magic): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome frowns. Checking to see he is out of harm's way for the moment, he draws a small chip of stone with carvings on it from his pack and activates it. A ripple in the air flies towards Ziobe, striking her unerringly.

He casts magic missile with his runestone of power.
Force damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 = 6

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome throws his final remaining coin at Zaiobe.

Ranged touch attack (masterwork coin): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12
Miss chance 20 (low is bad): 1d100 ⇒ 49
Damage (bludgeoning/piercing, magic): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome blinks as he realizes what is going on. "But that's not fair!" he whines.

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome moves closer and throws another coin at the angry tengu.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Coin shot (bludgeoning, magic, piercing): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome gulps as he is addressed by the vicious tengu. Shaking slightly, he draws out another stack of gold coins and casts his spell on them again. He throws the one on the top of the stack at Kikonu.

He casts coin shot again on three more coins, drawing upon his arcane reservoir to increase the spell's potency.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 1 = 17
Coin shot (bludgeoning, magic, piercing): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

I found this discussion on reddit with an example that might help explain.

Ultimate Magic wrote:

Magic stone adds magical power to stones, but spell resistance doesn’t help protect against being hit by the stones any more than spell resistance helps protect against a +1 arrow because the magic is focused on the stones, not on the creature with spell resistance.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m
GM Wulfson wrote:
Winsome (et al), Kikonu has Spell Resistance so please roll that as well when casting a spell affected by SR.

It looks like the spell coin shot targets the coins, not Kikonu, which means only the coins get Spell Resistance (unless you're changing this for your game).

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome tosses one of his remaining gold coins at the tengu. "T-t-take that!" he shouts, trying not to visibly tremble.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 1 = 20
Coin shot (bludgeoning, magic, piercing): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

He follows up with a second coin a few seconds afterward, then backs away carefully behind the frontliners.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Coin shot (bludgeoning, magic, piercing): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

It looks like we're in U2? Is that right?

Winsome shakes his head, though his determined expression indicates this is just a knee-jerk reaction to danger and not a refusal to participate. He reluctantly prepares himself for battle.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome tosses one of his remaining gold coins at the tengu. "T-t-take that!" he shouts, trying not to visibly tremble.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Coin shot (bludgeoning, magic, piercing): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome mutters nervously. "A mute harpy with telepathy is incredibly unusual. Maybe she is not as wild and violent as others of her species? She might be willing to work with us if we have similar goals."

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

What sort of check is it to recognize what kind of creature she is? Knowledge (local)?

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome, curious, tries to figure out what is blocking the door. Maybe he can shift it with one of his father's well-made tools for opening things? He scrapes around the door-frame and confirms that whatever it is can't simply be manipulated out of the way.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 (+1 vs traps)

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome yelps as he becomes aware of his surroundings and his terror subsides to normal levels. He carefully picks his way back to the door he came through, and returns back the way he must have come. He tries to look nonchalant as he rejoins the group, hoping that no one noticed his embarrassing flight.

Bluff: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m
GM-MM wrote:
Winsome what way are you heading; up or continue out the second floor?

Which way is most expedient? I guess if Winsome is already on the stairs, continuing up to the second floor is easiest-- assuming he can't return downstairs.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

"Zoinks!" cries Winsome, as he attempts to flee from this new horror.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Predictably, Winsome makes a frightened noise in the back of his throat and flees back up the stairs.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Will save (DC 13): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome hides behind everyone else in brazen cowardice.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m
Byron Vhiski wrote:
Byron holds up the two weapons for Winsome as well.

Winsome continues to concentrate on the spell and checks the weapons for magic also.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Timidly, when no one else speaks up, Winsome stutters "int-t-tellego v-vim," and examines the helmet through the lens of a magical cantrip.

Spellcraft to identify a magic item: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome yelps, and quickly chants a magical incantation over another gold coin, which he hurls at the undead creature.

He spends a point from his arcane reservoir to increase his caster level by 1.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 18
Damage (bludgeoning, piercing, magic): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Cool with me.

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome throws his last magic coin at the remaining corby.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 1 = 21
Damage (bludgoning, piercing, magic): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome moves closer and fires another magic coin missile at one of the corbies attacking Adrian. (I'm not exactly sure which one, but Winsome will favor the one that looks closest to death.)

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9
Damage (bludgoning, piercing, magic): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome casts coin shot and literally throws money at the problem, shooting the northern corby with a golden missile.

He spends a point from his arcane reservoir to increase his caster level by 1.

Ranged touch attack (coin shot), masterwork: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12
Damage (bludgoning, piercing, magic): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

I appreciate you botting me, GM! I have been on a cruise and thought I could keep up, but apparently not. :)

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome casts magic missile at the enemy that was injured but not killed.

Force damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome shrugs. He whispers, "W-w-w-when we h-h-hear... the n-n-n-noise... l-l-let's go."

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome follows behind everyone else-- not particularly stealthy, but valiantly (assuming cowardice is the better part of discretion and discretion is the better part of valor).

M NG half-elf arcanist 2 / sorcerer 1 | HP 22/22 | AC 13+4* T 13+4* FF 10+4* | CMB -1 CMD 12 | F +3* R +2* W +3*** | init +8 Per +6* SM +0 | abilities AB: 7/7 AR: 3/7 D: 7/7 R: fire 5 | spells A1: 4/4 S1: 3/4 | effects/conditions coin shot 1/3 30m, mage armor 3h, resistance 1m

Winsome sighs and casts another spell, conjuring two magic missiles of force and this time sending them at the heavily-wounded corby.

Force damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Force damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

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