
Winsome Briskalberd's page

123 posts. Alias of eriktd.

It is the eve of Armasse, and all of Kenabres buzzes with anticipation. From the slums of the northern Gate District to the nave of the Temple of Iomedae in Old Kenabres, preparations have been underway for several weeks. Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden’s death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival (which takes place on 16 Arodus) is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the time leading up to the event.

Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, will take place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral in the center of the town. It is here that our story begins, with four heroes in attendance near the cathedral’s facade— they’ve been lucky enough to get good spots to observe the opening ceremonies at noon. Please describe for everyone what your character is doing from the night before until the beginning of the celebrated event, including when and how you arrived at the Plaza and where you spent the night. If your characters know anyone in Kenabres, this would be a good time to write a brief scene describing their relationship.

We have much to discuss. :)

Hi there! I'm running a small version of the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path for four players, though one of the slots is precast. The goal is to make it feel extra mythic, so the characters are pretty crazy to start, and I'll add some surprises and power-scaling to the monsters on my end. Initially, I'm opening recruitment to those who applied for Voice of Awesomeness's Sentence of the Sinlord campaign, though if we don't get enough players from there I will open it up to others.

Character Creation Starting at level 1. Gestalt, feat every level, 30-point buy, background skills, Elephant in the Room (no feat tax) rules, some third-party stuff allowed (Legendary classes, Spheres of Might/Spheres of Power, oaths), ABP. Fighters and fighter-like classes get Combat Stamina for free. For races, I prefer Core races (or those that look like core races like aasimar and tiefling), but I might be convinced to let you play something else if you've got a good reason for it. You get 15 race points, so if you go Human (9 RP) you have 6 points to buy more racial traits with. These can be Advanced but not Monstrous. Three traits plus a fourth for a drawback and one campaign trait. (I'd like to have no more than one character with each campaign trait, but we may have to negotiate that after I make my selections.) Hit points are maximum. I prefer all alignments are good, so if you need to be neutral for some reason you need to convince me. Evil is probably right out-- I doubt you can convince me of that. (Sorry if that ruins anyone's super-cool evil character ideas! I guess you can try if you really really want to play it.) Max starting wealth. You can craft yourself things pre-game if you can make the rolls by taking 10. Leadership is okay, but note that cohorts and other companions aren't gestalt and don't get double feats, don't have any money of their own though they do get ABP, use the standard stat array, and don't get any traits.

Applications Besides your stats, give me a short description (appearance and personality) and at least a couple of paragraphs about the character's background-- try to unambiguously mention all your traits, and it's okay if you revise them a little to match your vision. I'd also really love a few notes about how you envision the character growing over time, with a personal goal or two I can use to better involve your character in the story. If you have a plan for the character's build I wouldn't mind reading that too, and I'd also like it if you included a few words about who you are as a player, so we can get to know each other a little better. Designing your characters so that they know each other from the start is fine, but it won't influence my selections so you might have to revise afterward. ;) There will be a brief period where you can revise them to better fit with the other players, and briefly play out a few events before the game starts. I will probably review all the applications as you post and finish them, but my schedule for the rest of the month is pretty packed. If I have a good number of applications by Friday, January 17 at 17:00 PST, I'll close the recruitment then and make my choices that evening. Otherwise, I'll probably open it up to a wider audience and extend it until February.

Play Expectations I haven't run a lot of games on the boards, so there might be a bit of a learning curve for me. I'd like everyone to post at least 4x a week, which might be a little slow at first but we'll see how we do. We'll want to move at a pretty good clip because the early encounters will feel pretty weak, but I think it's valuable for building character dynamics between everyone as well as a shared backstory from the beginning of the campaign. I'll probably use Google Slides to do the maps, and I'll occasionally roll things like initiative and saves for you so we don't have to wait for each other to post to move along. I might even roll Knowledge checks to speed up the back and forth a bit. I'll try to use block initiative where possible, so that we don't have to post in order. Leveling will be by milestones rather than by tracking experience points. Oh, and a few notes about crafting: Even though it's unrealistic, I am treating the Golarion economy as static, so that all items always cost their full price to buy and always sell for half that value (that means that if you craft stuff for the party, you can't charge your teammates more than it cost you to make). :) All items that ABP replaces still exist, but the bonuses don't stack, so there's a slight benefit if you make something ahead of the ABP progression, but eventually it will get replaced.

Here's the discussion thread.
