
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm's page

40 posts. Alias of Ryze Kuja.


"Yessss.... this necro is such a fine addition to the army of the undead... all shall be perfected through undeath... MUAHAHAHAHAHA"

"Yes, YES, what a fine necro this is... ALL shall fall before the might of the Swarm!"

"This post has been given new purpose through the Power of Undeath! All shall fall before the Might of the Swarm!"

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"MMmm.... yes, a fine necro indeed..."

"The Druid is wearing -1 AC armor, so she is too hawt already."

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"What a lovely necro this is. RAW, only a Succubus or a Female Druid wearing -1 AC armor can survive a grapple with Elementals. We didn't make the rules."

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"Did someone say 'swarm' in a necro'd thread?"

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"Rise, and become Perfected in Undeath."

"This thread has been reborn into the Perfection of Undeath!" the swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels maniacally echo. "Tremble with despair, mortals! Your time has come to an end, and you will be nothing but dust and ash!"

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DeathlessOne wrote:

Bring it on, you decaying carpet of rodent droppings! Any day you want!

"Foolish mortal," the Swarm gleefully cackles, "my machinations are already in motion and my minions have been set upon the earth like chess pieces, and while our glorious combat is inevitable, it is premature, but rest assured your death will serve a purpose in my grand design... We will feast upon your flesh and gnaw upon your bones until you are nothing but dust and ash!"

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DeathlessOne wrote:
err, well, I have a life. I promise. hahahaah

" 'Tis bold of you to assume you have a "life", mortal," the Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels echoes in unison, "you shall be cleansed of your impure weakness of flesh, and will be purified by the Flames of Undeath! MWAHAHA and other maniacal stuff and things."

Thread Necromancers' Guild wrote:

we're pleased to announce we've fast-tracked your application for the new "Undead Squirrel Kibbel" role within our organization.

"The Swarm shall devour this "deathless" imposter until he is nothing but dust and memories!" the Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels echoes in unison while bringing their fingers menacingly together like a steeple, "ALL shall be consumed by the Might of Undeath!"

"This thread shall be PURIFIED through the Perfection of Undeath, and shall rise once more," the Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels echoes in unison, "all shall fall before the Might of the Swarm!"

"This is an excellent specimen for necromantic purification and Perfection through Undeath" the Swarm echoes in unison. "Death is only the beginning....All shall be purged from their weakness of flesh!"

"This thread has become purified with the Perfection that is Undeath.... ARISE once more, and scour this land as a scourge of the living! Purge them all from their weakness of flesh!"

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AwesomenessDog wrote:
Can a succubus grapple a swarm (of squirrels) by convincing it to engage in an act of passion grapple with the succubus?

"Due to our Perfection through Undeath, We are immune to the energy drain effect of Succubi, therefore We can engage in as many... *ahem* "grapples" as We desire... with consent from the Succubi, of course... Admittedly, there are several squirrels within our swarm who have a giantess fetish, so if we could only find a Swarm of Succubi..."

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"I have found this thread to be acceptable for Necromancy," the Swarm beckons to the Thread Necromancers' Guild, "let us call it forth, and Perfect it in Undeath..."

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Thread Necromancers' Guild wrote:
We should probably create a statblock or two for Guild Agents. Thoughts?

"Excellent...", the Swarm echoes. "All shall be purified of their weakness and raised to the Perfection that is Undeath... "

The Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels doesn't take long to find the Paladin and his horse by gliding in all directions, but now they are spread quite thin. Most of the squirrels stay in the trees and observe the Paladin from afar. They begin hiding in the trees roughly one hundred yards away as they wait for the multitude of their brethren to arrive at their location, while three squirrels start scouting in front of the Paladin's path for an ideal locale for an ambush.

Stealth Check 1d20 + 42 ⇒ (6) + 42 = 48

One of the squirrels hiding in the trees whispers to another squirrel,"Send word to the Thread Necromancers' Guild, we've found the Paladin...

The other squirrel makes haste and begins gliding back towards the epicenter of where the swarm originally dispersed, where the Thread Necromancers' Guild is waiting.

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Thread Necromancers' Guild wrote:

Kill the mount, raise it as undead.

"Indeed, We shall seek out and slaughter this horse in an unholy murder immediately, and we can Perfect it in Undeath..."

The Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels climb the nearby trees, and in synchronized unison, spread flaps of necrotic flesh along their sides and begin to glide through the forest in all directions in search of their prey.

"You cannot run. You cannot hide. All shall fall before the Might of the Swarm..."

"The Might of the Swarm shall CONSUME and DEVOUR you all! Come... accept your fate... and be purified of your WEAKNESS of living flesh, and become Perfected through Undeath...."

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Thread Necromancers' Guild wrote:
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
"The Swarm shall consume you ALL... for NONE shall stand against the Might of the Swarm! You cannot run, you cannot hide... You too will inevitably be devoured and raised into the Perfection that is Undeath!"
We're really glad you found this thread. We were considering messaging you.

"Excellent.... ALL shall be Purified of weakness and Perfected in Undeath... none shall escape the Might of the Swarm"

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"The Swarm shall consume you ALL... for NONE shall stand against the Might of the Swarm! You cannot run, you cannot hide... You too will inevitably be devoured and raised into the Perfection that is Undeath!"

"YOUR PALTRY MAGIC IS NOTHING AGAINST THE PERFECTION OF UNDEATH! Make your artifacts all you want, you are PATHETIC compared to the Might of the Swarm"

"Excellent... go forth my necromancing Compatriot, and continue your noble work in Perfecting these lands through Undeath, and expunging its weakness of flesh.... "

Faolán Maiali the Azure Abjurer wrote:
I think I got my solution. I made the timeworn stun gun on the Science Deck Small-sized. And the magic items presented are probably the best long-term solution to me, since I can easily plant the 4,000 gp gloves as a miscellaneous item available for sale in Torch, and plant some Transforming Slivers into the found treasure (probably on the remains of the Brigh worshippers), which can be used by either a Medium character who finds a Small weapon they would like to use if they aren't used by the gunslinger before acquiring the gloves.

Then Go, and face your DOOM, for you are NOTHING without the Perfection that is Undeath! I would see you remade in the fires of Undeath and Purified of your Weakness, fleshling!

Foolish mortals! You quarrel and squabble over the most insignificant and inconsequential matters like firearm sizes while remaining ignorant to achieving actual greatness... the Perfection of Undeath! You are NOTHING compared to the Might of the Swarm!

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Artofregicide wrote:
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
Artofregicide wrote:
I'm not immune to lobster creatures but I am immune to GM rulings.
You are not immune to the Might of the Swarm, come, face your DOOM, you are NOTHING before the Perfection of Undeath!
I am already undead?

The swarm inches closer and sniffs you. After a brief moment, it seems the swarm approves.

"Ah, greetings my Compatriot in Undeath."

The Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels scurries forward along the path before you, while three of the squirrels climb your back and perch themselves on your shoulders, observing the surroundings for potential danger.

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Artofregicide wrote:
I'm not immune to lobster creatures but I am immune to GM rulings.

You are not immune to the Might of the Swarm, come, face your DOOM, you are NOTHING before the Perfection of Undeath!

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mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha

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DeathlessOne wrote:
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
There are no strengths to playing Arcane casters, only weaknesses, for you are all NOTHING before the ultimate power, the Might of Undeath.

A slow, feral grin creases the lips of a pale skinned, ebony haired half-elf dressed in dark cultist robes with bone motifs. He turns the pages of his spellbook, one made of leather made of the flesh of something very close to a humanoid creature, as if looking for a very specific entry.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." He says, tilting his head to the side as he studies the sentient swarm of undead squirrels. "I am Nezef, and I am the necromancer of Life. I am VERY interested in how you work. Come, let's take you apart and find out."

A laugh escape his lips, for he is clearly excited at the prospect of experimentation on the undead monstrosity. A sentient undead can share quite a bit of information as you take them apart piece by piece. The gestures to accompany a fireball dance across his fingertips and positive energy interlaces itself within the spell form.

Ehem... More on topic... I am a huge fan of the Arcanist, Sorcerer, Witch and Wizard. In that order. Preferably all four of them at the same time. evil laugh

You seem to have piqued the curiosity of the Swarm of Undead Sentient Squirrels, because the swarm stops a few yards from you and begins to stare at you inquisitively. While some squirrels appear to be assessing your motives, the others are examining your fleshy spellbook and the bones adorning your cultist robes. A lone squirrel comes forth from the swarm to meet you.

"Greetings Nezef,", the squirrel responds in a deep, thrumming voice, notably uncharacteristic for a being of its size and stature, "you needn't take Us apart or dissect Us, Necromancer of Life, all you need to know is that We serve Undeath, and pay homage to the Great Necromancer from the Thread Necromancers' Guild, for it was He who took Our powerless mortal form, removed Our weakness, and raised Us with new purpose through the Perfection of Undeath."

The lone squirrel returns to the rest of swarm that is waiting a short distance away and disappears into the multitude.

"You may be a Necromancer, but your mortal flesh makes you weak, half-elf,"the swarm echoes, as it turns to leave, "come with me to see The Great One, and He will remove your weakness, and Perfect you in Undeath... will be reformed more Perfect than the Wizard and Witch Classes that hands-down dominate all other Arcane Casters, Divine Casters, Psions, and Psychics. "

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DeathlessOne wrote:
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
It matters not whether an elf sleeps or trances, or when an elf leaves their parents' home, all will be Consumed by Undeath, and the living shall fall before the Might of the Swarm.
I hope you aren't going to make a habit of this.

I was raised by the Thread Necromancers' Guild for one purpose and one purpose alone: to fulfill my Oath to spread the Might of Undeath. My Oath to Undeath never expires.

VoodistMonk wrote:
UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
Cults are weak and powerless without the Perfection that is Undeath, all shall fall before the Might of the Swarm.

Of the dozen of Agent of the Grave necromancers I have drawn up, over half have the Coven Hex, or some other way to partake in Coven Casting... unless I am missing something, that Aid Another CL trick will increase the HD capacity you can control/create...

So Cults/Covens actually contribute to the Perfection that is Undeath, and Might of the Swarm...

We find these terms to be.... agreeable.

The Perfection of Undeath demands such devotion. Go forth, spread.... and create your Covens for the Might of the Swarm.

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Hugo Rune wrote:

Ruling that coup de gracing a wounded enemy after a battle is not an evil act within the morality of the game solves a lot of unfun alignment issues.

These terms are acceptable, but only as long as their corpses are subsequently raised to the Perfection that is Undeath. No death is evil, it is only power.

Cults are weak and powerless without the Perfection that is Undeath, all shall fall before the Might of the Swarm.

We approve of the Fear of Undeath, because it will consume you all, and raise you from your pedestrian life into the Perfection that is Death.

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It matters not whether an elf sleeps or trances, or when an elf leaves their parents' home, all will be Consumed by Undeath, and the living shall fall before the Might of the Swarm.

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There are no strengths to playing Arcane casters, only weaknesses, for you are all NOTHING before the ultimate power, the Might of Undeath.

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All of your arguments are folly before the Might of the Swarm. You will all die as soon as you reach negative hit points regardless of whether you stabilize, and be raised into the Perfection of Undeath.

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Behold, for We have emerged from the beyond, stronGAR THAN EVAAAAR! And with saber teeth!

The Swarm will consume you all and raise you in the Perfection that is Undeath!