Journeyman Carpenter

Two Tall Tim's page

188 posts. Organized Play character for michaelane.

Lantern Lodge

Just want to check on my Order 30112631 since it is Pending. Is there anything I need to do like update a credit card to get that one to the next step? I'm sure you guys are slammed so totally understand, but have a sneaking suspicion it might be something I did.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

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Howdy everyone,

I'd like to announce that this year is the first year that a long-standing convention in the Chicago area, Dragon-Fall is adding RPGs to the slate. The convention is the weekend of October 25-27.

Website for registration is

We are planning to support the convention charity: Child's Play so will plan to have boons to support the charity.

Here are the planned offerings

Friday October 25, 11:00-12:00
PF2 01-A: The Sandstone Secret

Friday October 25, 1:30-6:00
PF1 10-16: What the Helm's Hide
PF2 01-01: The Absalom Initiation
SFS 02-03: The Withering World

Friday October 25, 7:00-11:30
PF2 01-01: The Absalom Initiation
PF2 01-03: Escaping the Grave
SFS 01-32: Acts of Association

Saturday October 26, 8:00-12:30
PF1 09-16: Fallen Family, Broken Name
PF2 01-00: Origin of the Open Road
SFS 01-16: Dreaming of the Future

Saturday October 26, 1:30-6:00
PF2 01-01: The Absalom Initiation
PF2 01-05: TBA
SFS 01-32: Acts of Association

Saturday October 26, 7:00-11:30
PF1 09-09: Beyond the Halflight Path
PF2 01-02: The Mosquito Witch
SFS 02-03: The Withering World

Sunday October 27, 8:00-12:30
PF2 01-01: The Absalom Initiation
PF2 01-05: TBA
PF1 09-09: Beyond the Halflight Path

Sunday October 27, 1:30-6:00
PF2 01-00: Origin of the Open Road
PF2 01-04: TBA
SFS 01-16: Dreaming of the Future

I am the organizer so if you have any questions, send them my way!


Lantern Lodge

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Season 2 and Zo! When you get a chance can you let us know the maps for this one? Thanks!

Lantern Lodge

I have an item in my sidecart and would like to add it to my next subscription delivery. Not sure how to do that but if you can help me, I would appreciate it. Thanks!


Lantern Lodge

I redeemed 4 gift certificates today. They are all showing up in my redeemed gift certificates, but they are not showing up as store credit. If I try to redeem them during checkout, I get an error message that the Code is Not Recognized.

Have I done something wrong or if not, can you advise me how to handle this? I'm trying to get some accessories ordered in time for Origins.



Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

Announcing Summer Wolfcon!
Dates: July 7-9
Location: College of DuPage, Student Resource Center
Details: Event Website
More events will be listed in coming days.

Lantern Lodge


I think there must be something wrong with my account because for the second straight month, I haven't gotten the shipping notice. Last month you were able to manually force it to go, but since it seems to be the new normal, I hope you can figure out what is going on or help me to make changes on my end. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Definitely looking forward to these releases!


Lantern Lodge

Howdy! Did something happen with my November 2016 subscriptions? I don't think I ever got an authorization or shipping notice.


Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announcing PFS for ConCeption at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL from Oct 14-16. We plan to have a full slate of PFS games available including convention boons and prize support.

For more details, please look at the schedule on Warhorn.

Lantern Lodge

You’ve just returned to Absalom from the River Kingdoms when you receive a summons to meet Zarta Dralneen in her study at the Grand Lodge. Upon arriving, you see another gentleman waiting in her receiving room. He is dressed quite fashionably and his jewelry suggests he is rather wealthy indeed. A medical bag suggests that perhaps he is a doctor of some sort.

Zarta’s latest secretary looks up from mountains of files as you arrive and drones, ”Dr. Blote. Meet the Pathfinders of Thornkeep. Minus two. Undead. Goblins with bottles in their heads. Menaces from beyond the stars. Paintings that come to life. Insane apprentices. Blah, blah, blah. I’m sure the Dr. has his own stories that he can entertain you with. Zarta will see you all once everyone has arrived.”

Lantern Lodge

Activating the discussion tab. You will have time to make purchases before we start so please let me know any that you plan to make here.

I should have Gameplay active with a first post later today.

Lantern Lodge

We've got a group who just completed Thornkeep and wants to keep going. Have chosen the module, No Response from Deepmar, as the next adventure.

So, we're looking for one player. Must be a PFS legal character. Level 7-9. This is not part of Gameday IV.

Existing group is melee heavy and has a life oracle, so the preference is for someone that can bring arcane ability. Face ability would be great bonus.

First come, first served if you meet the criteria. Otherwise, will leave open through 8pm Sunday US Central Time.

Lantern Lodge

Oops, make this the discussion thread :)

Post concepts, builds, and questions here.

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Opening up thread for character creation.

Definitely read the Player's Guide for this one. Its meaty and has a lot of great info about what will and won't work in this campaign. It also introduces some custom mechanics. One of the best ones that Paizo has produced.

15-point buy.

Average wealth for your class.

Two traits. One must be campaign. Also note that you should pick a Reason to Protest.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

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I'd like to announce that we have posted the line-up for PFS at the ConCentric Convention on Oct 2-4. This convention is held at the College of DuPage in the Student Resource Center (Glen Ellyn, IL). GM and Player sign-ups are available at the Warhorn site. We may offer additional tables depending on the response. Feel free to PM me or post here with any questions.

Lantern Lodge

Wondering if I might have a payment problem with my order. Bank recently reissued cards due to one of the various recent security breaches and the old payment method was tied to this shipment. I entered a new card today which can be used if there is a problem.

Lantern Lodge

Moving this to its own thread. My Order # is 3229525, but I think this is an issue that is affecting multiple subscribers.

It sounds like there might be a problem with the delivery of PDFs for subscriptions that will be picked up at Gen Con although this post from yesterday is the only one I've been able to find on the topic.

Sara Marie wrote:
I am working on getting the Gen Con pick up subscriber's the PDFs that they need. We need to run one more test which I will be doing tomorrow when I get in.

I know you are all extremely busy, and I hugely appreciate everything you are doing, but would hugely appreciate it if you could provide an update on the situation. No problem if there is a problem. Just a pre-weekend update would be greatly welcomed.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can you check to see if there is something I or you need to do to get Emerald Spire to show up in my Downloads? I originally had to make a switch on the email address to match the Paizo one, but you already helped with that and I think I'm set. I did not fill out the pledge manager by the due date because I thought a different print option might be forthcoming, but I did go in after it closed and sent my info to Goblinworks. Thanks in advance for anything you can help with.

Lantern Lodge

Please suspend my Pathfinder Battles subscription. My other subscriptions can remain as is. Thank you.

Lantern Lodge

I wanted to check on access to the special Pathfinder Society Day of the Demon scenario. I earned my 4th star as a GM the weekend before last, but it doesn't seem to be available yet. Is there anything else I need to do?

Lantern Lodge

Need to cancel order 2120409 and I couldn't figure out if there was a way for me to do it myself. Thanks for your help.

I also would like to cancel my Pathfinder Battles subscription (if there is a way to suspend, that would be fine).

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For all of you that love the Midgard setting from Kobold Press and have an iPad, get over to the Apple App Store now and grab the Midgard Atlas for iPad - a very well-spent $3.99 for this gamer!
Midgard Atlas for iPad

Congratulations for blowing away my expectations for a fantasy world atlas! This is how it was meant to be. I can easily pan and zoom anywhere in the world (far easier than PDFs of other settings) and it also includes hotlinks to detailed city maps for each city with a detailed map. A simple, elegant solution to accessing maps and presumably to updating them too as the world continues to develop.

If you're still new to Midgard this is a just a little appetizer for the Midgard Campaign Setting entree coming next month which will give you a ton of the stories contained within those beautiful maps.

Post your concepts and stat blocks here

Welcome to our thread for Shattered Star. We'll most be playing in RL, but this will be used for character creation and some between adventure play.

Lantern Lodge

Hey guys,

Not sure how I completely missed the GenCon pickup announcement, but I did. If there is any chance I can pick up order #2170647 at GenCon I would really appreciate it. If it is too late, I definitely understand. Now that I found the announcement, the dates are pretty clear. I just missed it.

Lantern Lodge

I'm probably just not seeing the option, but can you switch my shipping of the Rise of the Runelords hardcover to ship with the rest of my July subscription so I can pick it up at Paizocon? Thanks if you can!

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

All right, unusual request. I have a player that would love to face giant frogs in a PFS scenario. Can anyone think of a scenario that includes them (if any)?

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Oh, what a time it was at the Formidably Maid last night. You remember the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of indulging too much in drink and other vices, the scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in your nostrils.

But, now your head is killing you. Probably the worst hangover of your life. Your head is pounding and the sickly taste of cheap wine or rum fills your mouth. The floor below is hard and unforgiving and the whole room feels like it is swaying like you still haven’t slept off the drink.

As your brain slowly pulls itself together, you realize something is wrong. Not only is the room swaying, but there is a rhythmic creaking noise. You open your eyes, but the room is dark. You breath and take in the reek of unwashed bodies. Somewhere in the dark, you hear a pig squeal. Then you sense you’re not alone. There are other bodies laying in the dark with you.

Suddenly, you hear the thump of several pairs of heavy footsteps entering the dark room and the harsh light of a lantern painfully lances your eyes.

Recovering from momentary blindness, you see a tall, thin man, sneering at you with a braided beard and a mouth filled with gold teeth. He wears a long coat, a handaxe at his hip, and heavy boots. Worse still, he is backed by six, rough-looking men that could only be pirates. You can see that at least several of them are armed with nasty looking saps. The leader’s sneer turns into a grisly attempt at a smile and your headache worsens as he cracks the whip with a vicious snap and yells, ”Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!”


Atajay 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 succeeds
Uriah 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 succeeds
Not needed for Raveneau, Ursion, Gimlet, and Chak’Zirrak due to Profession (Sailor). I debated. I know our two with no Profession (Sailor) are a Stormborn Sorcerer and an Aquatic Druid, but ultimately, I decided to go with it.

All of your weapons and equipment, except for the personal item you selected are gone.

DC 10 Perception:

You notice the aftertaste of oily nutmeg on your tongue.

DC 15 Craft (Alchemy) or DC 10 Knowledge (Nature) if you make the Perception Check:

This taste is a clear sign of oil of taggit poisoning. You remember indulging in spicy food or spiced rum last night. The oil was likely added to your food or drink which hid the taste of the oil.

DC 10 Intelligence:

You recognize that the man standing over you and at least a couple of the others were at the Formidably Maid last night.

The man standing over you
A woman with a sneer and very large ears
A fat giant with a giant belly and shaved head
A half-orc with a sickly swamp green complexion
A tall Rahadoumi man with a dark complexion and scowl
A frightening woman with a dark glower who just seems wrong
A dwarf with white hair and a large, ugly nose

Discussion thread now live...

Player's Guide is free on Paizo. 20 point buy. 2 traits, one must be campaign. I am very fond of the 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits from Rite Publishing. If you have other crunch questions, let me know. If there are other 3rd party options you've been wanting to try (like perhaps a white necromancer), I'll probably allow it. Not looking for the Mos Eisley cantina, but this is a pirate ship. I also enjoy design, so if anyone has interest in collaborating on a custom archetype or prestige class, I'd be open to that.

I would like to have strong backgrounds. That shouldn't be an issue for anyone in this campaign. I would encourage you to even consider a couple lines about an NPC or two, friend or rival. You might find I work them into the campaign. I've done quite a bit of that with my Council of Thieves PbP and it is working well.

So far we have:
Gerald - White Dragon Disciple
Mark - Elven net and trident wielder

Lantern Lodge

I think a few people are looking for them, so I'm going to start a thread. We got confirmation too late that we could make it to our first Paizocon. Very happy we're going. Sad we're missing the banquet. So, I am looking for up to three banquet tickets. One for myself and one for each of my boys. If anyone has the misfortune of having to cancel their trip, we would be very interested in purchasing them. You can either PM me or send an email to michaelane at gmail dot com.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

Howdy, I've posted before, but we have a good group going now every Sunday at 1:00pm at Fair Game in Downer's Grove. Any experience level is welcome. Upcoming Schedule

Today - Decline of Glory and Song of the Sea Witch
Mar 18 - Playtest of Journeys to the West adventure
Mar 25 - Off - Spring Break
Apr 1 - Echoes of the Overwatched and The God's Market Gamble
Apr 8 - Carrion Hill

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Lantern Lodge

I've run into a problem with one of my Beginner Box minis from this order. Sadly, when I removed my Kyra from the plastic, her legs were snapped a little above the feet. This may very well have been my own clumsiness in trying to remove her from the plastic or there may have been a problem with it. I don't know if you can do anything about it and understand if you cannot. If a photo would be helpful, let me know.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5 ****

We're going to be starting a weekly PFS session at Fair Game, the gaming store on Main Street in Downer's Grove. It will be at 1:00 pm each Sunday beginning November 13. I'll most likely start with First Steps unless we have a lot of people that have played it. If you're interested, create a PFS legal character or play one of the pre-gens (I'll have them with me).

Dark Archive

Erastus 23 The last few days have been clear, dry, and unseasonably cool, making it a welcome respite from the usual summer heat. When she approached you today, you recalled you had seen her before, sometime in the last week.

Caravas Simjen:

It’s mid-afternoon at the Eagle and Dove and the action is just starting to pick up. You’ve been playing a game with Grnash for the last hour when a tall woman in dark working cloths swings a chair up to the table. ”Afternoon Grnash,” she says, ”This the gent you were telling me about the other day?” Grnash looks up at you, ”Caravas, meet Janivel. I know you don’t like the way things are right now in Westcrown. Janiven is bringing together a few people to try to improve things. Thought you might be a good addition.” Not waiting for you to respond, Janiven continues, ”Grnash has the right of it. It’s a shame our leaders can’t even manage to keep our streets safe at night, but things can change. If you’d like to help, join me tomorrow afternoon at Vizio’s Tavern at 4. Hope to see you then.” Clearly done, she stands and walks back out through the crowd, stepping out the door.

Coran Ven den Heuvel:

It’s a beautiful morning, with a light breeze coming in off the river. Perfect morning to visit Gauner at The Floating Chest you think. Making your way to the docks in Rego Scripta you consider what a beautiful city Westcrown can be when everything is right. Then, you spot a Hellknight berating a house slave from House Ulvauno and Westcrown’s problems hit home. You arrive at The Floating Chest and are surprised to see that you aren’t Gauner’s first visitor of the day. A lanky human with dark brown hair cut to shoulder-length is there looking over a wicked knife. Gauner spots you and calls out, ”Hallo Coran, how are you this fine morning? I’d like you to meet Janiven. She’s a good customer and would like to speak with you about some work I think you’d be interested in.” He pauses and Janiven picks things up, ”Coran, it isn’t right that our leaders continue to allow the shadow beasts to terrorize the people of Westcrown. I’m looking for a few people to help make things better. We may not be able to stop the shadow beasts, but even little steps can make Westcrown better for all of us. I think you might be one of those people. If you’re interested, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow afternoon at 4.” With that, she thanks Gauner, drops a few coins in his hand for the knife and strides off into the city.

Antal Syiel and Franco Nymmis:

Franco darts out of Meddyg Apothecaries only to crash into Antal Syiel preparing to come up the steps. You both fall to the ground. A tall woman in dark working clothes stands chuckling softly at you both. You look up at her and see that she might be pretty if she cleaned herself up, especially with that laugh, but you see from the way she carries herself that this is someone with some skill at arms. Just as you’re about to get back to your feet, she speaks ”Antal and Franco, what a coincidence I was actually just looking for you both.” You look again and realize that she looks familiar. You’ve seen her someplace recently, maybe at the apothecary. She continues, ”I know you’re not crazy about the way some things are in Westcrown today. I’m not either. I’m bringing together a few of us that are of like minds. Nothing radical mind, just trying to improve the city. If I’ve judged you correctly, join me at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow at 4.” And, just like that, she walks away from you before you can get to your feet, shortly disappearing around the corner.


Business has been slow again today at Mystic Remedies & Trinkets. So slow that Al and Astarama have even ducked out for a bit to run a few errands. You’ve been puttering around the shop for the last hour when a human woman with short brown hair walks in the door. She looks familiar and you think you may have seen her during your last trip to the Dusk Market. She’s wearing rough-spun clothing and tall thigh-length boots. You’re not sure, but you may see a hint of chain beneath her shirt. Just as you’re about to call to her, she speaks, "Sazer, your friends shouldn’t have to scrape by and fear the shadow beasts at night. It isn’t right. I’m gathering a few folks that would like to help change things. If you’re of like mind, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow at 4 o’-clock.I’m Janiven by the way, I hope to see you there." With that, she slips back out the door.

Dark Archive

Erastus 23 The last few days have been clear, dry, and unseasonably cool, making it a welcome respite from the usual summer heat. When she approached you today, you recalled you had seen her before, sometime in the last week.

Jo and Alarra:

It is early afternoon at The Drunken Devil. A woman approaches your table while you take in the usual chaos. She might be attractive if cleaned up, but wearing rough working clothes, she’s all business. ”I’m Janiven. Alarra, you’ve been doing a lot to make Westcrown a better place, But, I’d like to work with you to make Westcrown even better. I know you might not trust me, but feel free to check me out. Hells, I know you will anyway. Once you have, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow afternoon for an early dinner at 4 o’clock. You can bring tall, scarred, and handsome too.” With that, she stands and quickly leaves the tavern through the crowd.


A soft knock comes at your door, just after sunrise. From outside, you hear the familiar voice of Mother Mudlumm. "Ari…er…Moondark, I need to introduce you to someone." When you open the door, you see Mother Mudlumm and a woman you’ve seen recently. She looks like she could be pretty, but with her rough clothing covering what looks like a chain shirt, she looks like the no-nonsense sort. Mother Mudlumm continues, ”Moondark, this is Janiven. She’s been of assistance to my clan a few times and says she has need of someone with your…talents.” Mother Mudlumm pauses and Janiven picks things up, ”Moondark, I know you share the fears of many in Westcrown. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m gathering a group of people similar to yourself. They have concerns over how things are today in Westcrown, but hope to see our city rise to be the better place it has been before. Please join us. We’ll be meeting at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow afternoon for dinner at 4. I hope you can join us.” With the request hanging in the air, she melts back off into Rego Cader.

Ilthad Thrune:

It’s mid-morning. You’re in one of your favorite spots on the walls of Rego Laina when someone calling your name stops you in your tracks. Your turn to see a cute woman standing there in well-worn clothes, a glimmer of chainmail catches your eye. ”Ilthad, I get the sense that there might be more to you than meets the eye. That certainly was a nice stunt you pulled on Aberian’s Folly…sure would like to know how you pulled it off. If you’d like a chance to show up that fool of a mayor again, join me at Vizio’s Tavern tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock. We’ll have dinner and talk about a few similar-minded people I’m pulling together to work for a better Westcrown.” With that, she drops off the wall with an easy way and walks off toward the canal disappearing quickly before you can think to follow her.

Satinal Ulvauno:

You arrive at The Broken Horn in late morning for lunch. Shortly after entering, Aerodius calls to you from his private booth in the back to join him. You walk back and see he’s having lunch with a rough-looking woman that looks familiar. Aerodius introduces her, “Satinal, meet Janiven. She’s an acquaintance from another group much like ours. She’s come to me looking for help, and I think you’re just the guy for a liaison with her organization. Janiven?”[/b] After watching her, you see that she might be prettier than you first thought. Janiven speaks, ”Satinal, Aerodius has had some good things to say about you. I’m putting together a group to work together to make Westcrown a better place. If you’d like to join us, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern for dinner tomorrow at 4, I hope you can make it.” With that, Aerodius beckons you to leave the table, “Janiven and I have a few more things to speak of Satinal. We’ll speak later.”

Dark Archive

Welcome to a GM/Lictor Lane Nightmare

Thanks all for applying and congrats on your acceptance. This has to be one of the sneakiest groups I've ever seen and those skills will definitely be put to good use in this AP.

A couple things before we kick off in character. Use this thread for any planned absences, concerns about how things are going, references to OOC materials, etc. I probably won't be quite as diligent about checking it as the IC thread so if it seems like I haven't heard you, just give me a nudge IC.

Second, as I mentioned in the selection post, I will be using Google Docs for some of this AP. Particularly, I will be using it for the Westcrown Guide and thus, I would like to close it to only the two groups running the AP. For this reason, please send me your Google ID or an email where I can invite you. You can either post it here or send it to me at michaelane at gmail dot com. Once you have done that, feel free to check out the Westcrown Guide here:

Westcrown Guide

If any of you are inspired by the guide to create more NPCs or locations, go ahead and post them here and I will add them.

I believe the only loose end for this group is that I still need a second location for Antal and I need both locations for Franco. If anyone is missing an NPC or two, send those my way too.

Oh, part of the reason I put you guys together were possible connections between Antal and Sazer and Franco and Antal so if you guys want to develop those a little further before we start, have at it.

I've got a lot going on today so I will try to have the IC thread up by this evening. Failing that, I should have it up tomorrow morning.

Thanks all for joining the experience, I'm really looking forward to it.

Dark Archive

Welcome to a GM/Lictor Lane Nightmare

Thanks all for applying and congrats on your acceptance. This should be a great, fun group. I especially look forward to the havoc Jo will wreak and the challenge the rest of you have keeping him in line, especially in some of the more social parts of this AP.

A couple things before we kick off in character. Use this thread for any planned absences, concerns about how things are going, references to OOC materials, etc. I probably won't be quite as diligent about checking it as the IC thread so if it seems like I haven't heard you, just give me a nudge IC.

Second, as I mentioned in the selection post, I will be using Google Docs for some of this AP. Particularly, I will be using it for the Westcrown Guide and thus, I would like to close it to only the two groups running the AP. For this reason, please send me your Google ID or an email where I can invite you. You can either post it here or send it to me at michaelane at gmail dot com. Once you have done that, feel free to check out the Westcrown Guide here:

Westcrown Guide

If any of you are inspired by the guide to create more NPCs or locations, go ahead and post them here and I will add them.

This group has one main thing to work out before we get started - establishing which of you already knows Jo.

I've got a lot going on today so I will try to have the IC thread up by this evening. Failing that, I should have it up tomorrow morning.

Thanks all for joining the experience, I'm really looking forward to it.

Dark Archive

A GM/Lictor Lane Nightmare {for the PCs at least}

After witnessing a large number of excellent candidates for the paltry number of PbP games become orphaned in the RPG ether (including quite a few of my own little PC darlings), it has become evident that a few more of us need to step up to become PbP GMs. So, I’m throwing my hat into the ring to run Council of Thieves. This will be my first time GMing a PbP game, but I’ve been GMing the world’s oldest RPG and its rightful successor since the early 80s. I can't promise I'll get all the rules right since I have at least 5 different versions bouncing around in my 40-something brain, but I can promise dedication, enthusiasm, and hopefully a really good time.

First, a few guidelines to be sure we all have fun.

For the players…

#1 Posting Guidelines
I expect you to post at least once a day, including weekends. More is fantastic. My own posting will be primarily mornings and evenings CST. I am going to Gen Con and have a very busy schedule, but will try to make sure I keep up at least once/day even then. I'm ok with you just posting your contribution to a conversation or actions your pc takes. I love it when you add more, but it doesn't have to be War & Peace.

#2 Excused Absences
If you’re going on a trip to Vegas, having a baby, just got arrested, all three at once, etc. No problem. Just do us all the courtesy of a brief note to that effect and some idea of what your character will be doing in your absence.

#3 A Living City - Your Part
This AP is about bringing Westcrown to life. I expect you to contribute to that experience. So, I’m requesting that you each create two locations and two NPCs in Westcrown that your character has ties to at the start of the campaign. The NPCs do not need to be statted out. Please post these to me with spoilers. I will be building a Westcrown Guide for all players, so you'll all get to see our collective creativity - perhaps minus a few individual spoilers.

#4 Raise Your Hand
I would encourage you to ask questions of me while the recruiting thread is open. I want to do everything I can to help create special characters and a great campaign. I've had mixed success with acceptance and rejections myself in these threads. I'll do everything I can to help you create characters for my playstyle although its going to make my choice that much more difficult in the end.

#5 Your Fellow Players
I also encourage you to interact with your fellow candidates. I am very open to a shared concept group or players whose backgrounds mesh with one another.

For the characters…

#1 Know Your Town
Please start by downloading the Players Guide. If you happen own The Bastards of Erebus, you should also feel free to read up on Westcrown there or at Golariopedia

#2 Fit In
You must have two traits. One must be a campaign trait.

#3 Care About Your Town
Your character must be from Westcrown. If they are not a native, I expect a good reason for them to be here and have put down roots.

#4 Alignment
You must be good or neutral. I have a preference for good.

#5 Standard Races
You may be any of the standard races and may use any of the options offered in the APG.

#6 Non-Standard Races
You may also be one of the following non-standard races:

I will allow the tiefling rules found in Bastards of Erebus. Just remember tieflings are second class citizens in Westcrown.

I will allow the changeling rules found in The Haunting of Harrowstone.

Aasimars, Fetchlings, Suli, Tengu
I will allow, but I expect a good story.

You can try, but good luck.

#7 References
You may use the Core Rulebook, APG, and UM. If you want to take a crack at linking one of the UC playtest classes to Westcrown, I’ll take a look. If I like it, your gamble might pay off. Also, I have almost all of Paizo’s material so will allow pretty much all of it. In fact, you’re encouraged to use as much Golarion specific material as possible. If you want to reskin a trait to fit it into Westcrown, go for it. If you want to use 3PP, please cite the resource and get permission before becoming too invested.

#8 Favored Class Options
The favored class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be allowed.

#9 Words of Power
Words of Power will not be used.

#10 Ability Scores
Ability scores will be a 20-point buy. If you dump a stat (or stats), I expect to see it as part of your personality, background and roleplay.

#11 Starting Gold
Starting gold will be average for the class.

#12 Hit Points
Hit points will be max for first level and average + 1 for every level thereafter.

#13 Unusual Rules
I do plan to introduce a few elements to the game that I have not seen in many PbP so far. Two I’m definitely planning to use are factions and NPC boons. I've got another in mind that you'll learn about later. If you're dying to see something you've seen in KQ or another 3PP source, let me know. I'm open to ideas.

#14 Character Profile
I would like to see the following items in your character: Stat Block, Background, Appearance, Personality, Desired Role. This and your locations/NPCs will be key to my evaluation and the better job you do of investing your character into Westcrown, the better.

The Golden Rule
Let’s have fun. Lots of it. I want to encourage excellent roleplaying, but please don’t bring inflexible concepts that will result in intraparty conflict. I've been there. It's not pretty.

So, if you've made it all the way to the end of this monster post and find yourself willing to tackle all my nutty requests, recruiting is open and will remain open until Thursday at 10pm CST. I will finish reviewing applications and post the adventuring group at 11pm CST. Assuming all goes well, we will start IC on Friday.

Lantern Lodge

Curious if Denizens of Freeport (d20) is holding up my order. If that is the case, would it be possible for you to ship that product separately from the rest of my order and I will pay the additional shipping for that product.

Lantern Lodge

I just got received an email on Saturday that my next order is ready to ship. According to the email, it contains:

* Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6) (PRPG) Print Edition (preorder)

* Pathfinder Chronicles: Legacy of Fire Map Folio Print Edition (preorder)

* Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils (PFRPG) Print Edition (preorder)

However, I thought that this was also the order that PFRPG should be coming and I don't see it on the list. It shows up in my subscription list. Is there a mix-up or have I misunderstood the plans for this month?

Lantern Lodge

I just received the notification yesterday that you're getting ready to ship:

1 x Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6) (PRPG) Print Edition (preorder)
1 x Pathfinder Chronicles: Legacy of Fire Map Folio Print Edition (preorder)
1 x Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils (PFRPG) Print Edition (preorder)

However, I have also subscribed to Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Shouldn't that be showing up in the same order?