Snow Leopard

Tural the "leonial"'s page

77 posts. Alias of icehawk333.


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Treisdan Achdarach wrote:

"Okay, Well, I guess if you are okay, I'd just like to thank you for your service and head off if there isn't anything else.

Treisdan turns to start walking away.

"A-alright. Bye, I guess."

"N-not really. It's just... I'm a little... Akward, around reviarti."
tural decides it best not to mention how invasive reading minds is.

Tural continues to be socially akward, rather lost for words.


Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Reviarti wrote:
Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Treisdan looks at the female Zif, and he simply waits, hoping to understand what exactly she is thinking, and what the hell is up with Tural.

a short time after tural goes quiet, reviarti looks back to treisadan.

"Well, you certainly got tural talking, I'll give you that."
she waits a bit, realizing he probably wants more.
"Tural's never talked much, from what I can tell. At least, not near me."
Looking directly at Tural, he furrows his brow and asks, "Why is that? Why would you talk to me? When you don't really in front of her? Speaking of which, Why would you not talk in front of her?

tural fidgets for a while.

"I.. Uh... Well..."
the hand starts twitching again.

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Binding is not dangerous in and of itself. I offer the vestige the feeling of the world again, and in return he offers me a fraction of his or her power. It is an equivalent exchange, unlike those who deal with devils. As long as they have feeling in this world, they grant me power, but they never ask for more. Because I am welcoming them into my soul, There is sometimes what is called a 'bad binding' where the vestige has enough influence that it effects my behavior, but it is not as though I am possessed, it is more like they have talked me into seeing their way of thinking, and I am more likely to act how they would, than I normally would." Treisdan explains this calmly, though he is slightly disturbed by Tural's shifting emotion

"Seems like a risky path to power, but... Well, it could be worse."

Tural notices his still twitching hand, and takes his other and moves the hand some with a slight "clack" and the hand stops twitching.
"Sorry about that."
Tural, at a glance, doesn't look like the mechanical being you know he is. He really resembles a Leonal, thanks to what seems to be fake fur.
"Anyway, while I may not really agree with what you do, I guess I can understand why you might do it."

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:

Treisdan is starting to become annoyed with Tural's hair splitting

"Again, I said he is beyond the gods, Imagine the influence of the gods as a sphere. Eligor, and the other vestiges, for whatever reasons, fall outside of the sphere that is the gods influinces. That is what I am trying to say." he says with a slightly scratchy voice...

tural thinks.

"Oh, ok."
tural is sunny again just as fast as he became upset.
"Sorry for misunderstanding. So, this... Binding... Is it safe? Well, I know it isn't, but how unsafe is it?

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Tural the "leonial" wrote:

"No-one is beyond evil or good. Some do both in moderation. But no-one. Is above it."
tural actually looks a bit mad there.
"I agree, but that does not mean that a person can not fall into the category of 'good' or the category of 'evil'. The person falls into neither of the categories, he has committed atrocious evil, but also he has done great deeds of valor. I never said he is above good or evil. I said he is not good, and he is not evil. He is beyond the gods, is what I said. Treisdan looks to Revarti's expression, and then back to Tural, wondering what he had said or done to provoke this apparently uncommon reaction.

tural thinks for awhile.

"I doubt "above" is entirely right. Outside the influence of and "above" are two different things."

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Tural the "leonial" wrote:
Treisdan Achdarach wrote:

Treisdan reaches out the claw and dismisses the flames, "Touch the claw. Anything that could dispel the Eligor would prevent his power here and now." No matter how close Tural gets, the claw will not disappear.

"Your aura would have no effect on Eligor. To put it very simply, your power simply is not strong enough to do anything to him." Treisdan says this with a little bit of pride... though his gargantuan ego is still absent.

"Genosuke said my aura would get in the Way of summoning him. I'm well aware it can't dispel him. My aura can't do that. It gives all those in the aria protection from possession from evil creatures. So... Since he said it would get in the way... Elgor is probably evil."

tural's hand twitches, with a click noise each time.

"That is incorrect, Eligor is not evil. Protection from evil would not prevent it. As far as I know there are only three or four things that can do anything to /any/ vestige..."

Treisdan keeps glancing down to the click each time it happens, almost reflexively

"Eligor is not evil, but he is not good either. Eligor is an outcast soul...And he is beyond the gods, the gods once warred for his soul, and when he perished no god claimed him for fear of another war. He was left and forgotten. He is not evil, but neither is he good, he simply exists..." His voice is tinged with the empathetic sadness of what happened long ago.

"No-one is beyond evil or good. Some do both in moderation. But no-one. Is above it."

tural actually looks a bit mad there.

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:

Treisdan reaches out the claw and dismisses the flames, "Touch the claw. Anything that could dispel the Eligor would prevent his power here and now." No matter how close Tural gets, the claw will not disappear.

"Your aura would have no effect on Eligor. To put it very simply, your power simply is not strong enough to do anything to him." Treisdan says this with a little bit of pride... though his gargantuan ego is still absent.

"Genosuke said my aura would get in the Way of summoning him. I'm well aware it can't dispel him. My aura can't do that. It gives all those in the aria protection from possession from evil creatures. So... Since he said it would get in the way... Elgor is probably evil."

tural's hand twitches, with a click noise each time.

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:
Tural the "leonial" wrote:
tural fidgets a bit, quietly standing in the background.
Though Treisdan has lost a lot of his powers of deduction, seeing the quiet curiosity of Tural, and the apparent indifference of Rivarti, he turns to look at him instead. "Did you have any questions?" he directs this question towards the robotic angelic figure.

"Q-quite a few. Firstly... Why would my aura prevent you from summoning him?"

Tural is very, very shy when near riviarti.

Feel free to figure out why in charecter.

tural fidgets a bit, quietly standing in the background.

"You're welcome."
Tural seems to speak for both of them.

tural looks at riviarti, and rolls his eyes.
"You're welcome. From both of us."

Genosuke wrote:
He hands the scroll to the unseen servant, who holds it out, so that Genosuke can recreate it on the open part of the floor. "Yes, interesting, but at a price. A price his very soul is paying at the moment. I believe he intends to use this other being to strengthen himself for a time, to stave off the damage being done. It may not be a wise choice, but I'm afraid he may have left himself with little other option. Now, if you wish to help, try to keep him conscious, and aware, if you can. He must invoke the creature to bind it, after he is called. If he can be called." He sets about the task of scribing out the summoning and binding circles.

"Will my aura of protection be a problem?"

tural has a constant protection from evil effect on everything in 20 feet.

Genosuke wrote:
"I see..." He ponders something for a second or two, then shakes his head. "Please, follow me and bring Mr. Achdarach along." He walks in silence till you reach his classroom. All manner of glyphs and symbols adorn the room's walls, ceilings, and floors, in key positions, with a large patch of the floor up front blank of such things. He sweeps his hand absently, and an unseen servant hastily clears off his large cherrywood desk. "You may rest Mr. Achdarach there."

tural gently puts him down.

tural calls out.
"The man wants chalk."

Treisdan Achdarach wrote:

A healing spell mitigates the pain and seems to make him look less unhealthy, but does not restore him fully like it should. He looks less like a corpse and more like a member of the living, but by no means does he look good.

"Thank you.. he whispers to the metal angel, as he is hauled unceremoniously to the infirmary

tural holds him close as not to drop him. The soft grinding of gears under his fake fur is a constant, slow noise.

"Don't worry about it. We'll have you in the infirmary soon."

tural casts heal on Tresidain, before picking him up as gently as possible, and following reviarti to the infirmary.

appears, startled.
"What? Who? Why?"
tural is in a combat ready stance for a moment before looking to treadan.
"Oh. Oh dear."

this template.

I'm incredibly strong defense wise because of the synergy between my race and this template, but my hp is lackluster, and i can't heal myself within any reasonable amount of time.

Dr 10/evil and silver
And hardness 10

So An adamanite +5 weapon bypasses both,
+5 bypasses one
Adamantine bypasses the other.

Strong, high ac melee characters may be able to do scratch damage against me to death too, as i don't heal naturally, and my to-hit isn't terribly stellar.

Well, some constructs have harness, like me.

It's defenses are better then mine, and i have hardness, dr, and energy resist.

"Very interesting. I bet riviarti would want to look at that."
tural calmy looks on, as if this wasn't even strange.

Jaiye wrote:
Tural the "leonial" wrote:

tural sighs.

"I'll get him. I can take him to the infermary."
tural picks him up, and pauses just a moment before looking to the others.
"Unless, any of you have a faster idea?"
"Wait!" Jaiye stops Tural before he can pick Sil up. "He's not actually that bad off or he would have teleported straight there. But whatever those are," she said, pointing at the bloody insect wings, "they're pretty delicate. We need to be careful how we move him. We need to keep him face down and not touch those...wings....that's going to take two people to carry him safely. I'll get his shoulders, you get his feet. Ehos, run ahead and let the infirmary know we're on the way. The weird blonde from earlier...I need to walk backwards for this. Make sure people get out of the way if you want to help."

tural does as Jayie instructs.

tural sighs.
"I'll get him. I can take him to the infermary."
tural picks him up, and pauses just a moment before looking to the others.
"Unless, any of you have a faster idea?"

Asha Soleil wrote:

Asha turned around and realizes she recognizes the screaming guy. He'd been kinda mean to her at first, but then he'd at least tried to also be kind. He was confusing.

"I don't remember his name, but I've met that guy before... be right back," she said, abandoning her snack to follow Tural over to the table where Sil was sitting.

" there anything I can do to help?" she asked uncertainly.

"Unless you can teleport or heal, probobly not."

tural says offhandedly, without looking away from sirinrul.

tural looks on, dumbfounded for a moment, before walking over and touching him, with white glowing hands.
heal7d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3) = 21

"I could probably help... I smell really well, and it's inpossible for demons to gain control of you if you're within my protective aura..."

Ehos Denulia wrote:

'My voice is destructive, so I'm kept silenced until we figure out a way to fix that. This lets me communicate since I don't have any natural telepathic ability. It's called a datapad.' Ehos explains as best he can, while holding the datapad a little awkwardly so that both Tural and Silinrul can read it if they want.

"Oh, alright then."

i didn't doubt you did, and you're a bard, so...
"Yeah, i am. Uh... What's with the... Whatever that is."
tural says, pointing to the datapad. She takes a seat, clicking a bit more as she moves.

"Hello everyone."
tural looks everyone over, and stands there. The clicking slows as she stands still.

Tural nods to jai and ehos, but doesn't say anything. This wasn't her place to intrude.

For the sake of continuity, tural is somewhat androgynous.
She prefers to be called a female, but tolerates being called male.

This should hopefully alleviate any continuity issues.
She lacks a mane, but otherwise looks quite masculine, so lim-mor wouldn't have known that she identifies as female, as he knows little about nature.

"Well, that's neat. Anyway, we should be at the lunchroom soon. Any more questions?"

"Hunh. Intersting. So, it's less like a soul, more like an energy?"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure i do myself. I'm also made up of hundreds of moving metal parts. If you were to break a rock, would the pieces all have spirits? They are just smaller rocks now. If everything has a sprit, that means i have hundreds..."

"Wow. I can't talk to plants, but i can talk to animals without either of us actually speaking. I can also talk to and understand anything that has a language... And sorry if I'm a little skeptical about rocks having sprints."

she thinks for a moment.
"So, you're a shaman? What does that entail? It seems like you work well with nature. Can you speak animal?"

"Well, I'm sorta halfway in-between. I'm alive.. Sort of. This skin you see is fake, though, under that is nothing but metal."

"You... You did say you... Disliked machines, correct?"
she looks away.

actually, he's a guy. I just keep calling him her for some reason.... DX well, maybe i should just start calling him a her, and pretend it's always been that way. Not as if it will change much. I keep envisioning her as female anyway. If anyone thinks this is disruptive, please let me know,
"No, not rude. There's no way you could know how nervous your questions make me feel."

he fidgets a little again.
"Yes... It is normal for me."

in a few minutes, tural leads them to the lunchroom. He clicks faster and more often as he walks, and slightly louder.
"Here we are."

tural touches the wall.
"Well... The lunchroom is... This way. Follow me."

"I... Uh.. You're uncomfortable with... Technology. Well, alright then. Um... Maybe you should go outside?"
tural is immediately nervous and fidgety after you mention your discomfort.

"Ah. I'm staying here on behalf of my master, riviarti."

"Uh... Yeah. Angel thing."
really bad bluff check...1d20 ⇒ 8
"Anyway, I'm new here... I don't know much of what to do around here..."

"Well, good to meet you."
tural extends a paw. If you shake it, it is cold to the touch, as if he gave off very little to no body heat.
"I'm tural. You?"

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