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Table Maps | Passing the Torch
The sending spell appeared to you out of the blue, not the accustomed face of Kreighton Shaine or Sorrina Westyr, but the masked face of a member of the Ten. ”Report to the Decemvirate meeting hall beneath Skyreach as soon as possible. Your assistance is required for a critical mission in defense of the Society.” A direct summons from the Ten is a rare event, indicating a task of the highest importance. Arriving at the designated room deep below the lodge, you find it richly appointed with seating for far more than your small group. Please go ahead and introduce your characters and make sure to fill out the sign in sheet on the slide deck.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
The trip north from Absalom to the city of Daggermark provides plenty of time to become familiar with your fellow Pathfinders as the miles pass by uneventfully. Please go ahead and introduce your characters and make sure to fill out the sign in sheet on the slide deck.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
You have gathered at the Grand Lodge at Skyreach, requested by Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin. The Pathfinder aide that greeted you requested you wait outside the closed doors to the office while they notified Valsin of your arrival.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Thread is open for final party selections and coordination. I would like to keep the gameplay thread mostly free of OOC comments, so if a discussion is raised that is more than a quick single sentence, go ahead and bring it over here. I will get gameplay up probably closer to the weekend, so there's no pressure on time.
Quote: This is an experiment to see if the community can handle this feedback without using it as an invitation for debate, or as ammunition against our designers, editors and writers. Would you prefer us keeping discussion about Society legality to a minimum to prevent this? I've talked to a few people about it but haven't posted it to the forums here.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Discussion open for mustering! Reporting info link will be added soon.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Please use this thread for any out of character posts. (Minor out of character comments are fine in gameplay posts, but extensive/exclusively discussion or large blocks of OOC are better suited here to avoid cluttering the roleplay.)
Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Opening up discussion now that the party is tentatively set. Please use this thread for any out of character posts. (Minor out of character comments are fine in gameplay posts, but extensive discussion or large blocks of OOC are better suited here to avoid cluttering the roleplay.)