I build the Foundry module for Pathfinder Society Season 5. I did get some clarification on this. The individual obstacle doesn't scale at all. The group ones do. Thus
- - Obstacle 1 (Locked Door) needs 1/3/5 points for 4/5/6 players
- - Obstacle 2 (Working Underlings) needs 2 points per individual, up to max of 8 points
- - Obstacles 3 and 4 (Trap and Gather Docs) need 3/5/7 points
This means the players need to earn 15/21/27 Infiltration Points, before they reach 15/21/27 Awareness Points for 4/5/6 players.
Speculation Ensues
Something I didn't get clarified was the point scaling for the Complications in the AWARENESS POINTS section. The best I could come up with using some seat of the pants extrapolation is the following, but it doesn't feel right.
- - 5/6/7: Suspicions raised. Obstacle DCs increase by 1.
- - 10/13/17: Complication occurs
- - 15/21/27: DCs increase by 2. Complication occurs.
- - 20/27/37: Infiltration fails.
And a contradiction... in D2. Work Rooms it says there is always only one set of underlings to deal with.
So I think the Complications should actually be
- - 5/6/7: Suspicions raised. Obstacle DCs increase by 1.
- - 10/13/17: Complication occurs
- - 15/21/27: Infiltration fails
But that was never confirmed or denied.
JAF0 wrote: How do i get the new modules? 5-11 isn't loading when I update... How do I get it? and then subsequent scenarios as they come out... Getting very frustrated by this. Version 1.6.0 of the module, containing scenario 5-11, was released on March 11th.
Version 1.7.0, containing scenarios 5-12 & 5-13, is on track to release on March 27th.
Updating your module inside Foundry will get you the new scenarios.
Cori Marie wrote: Paizo is not the folk in charge of the modules. The modules are done by Metamorphic Studios, any dates for them is on the module developers not the Paizo staff. This is true, but Metamorphic relies on Paizo to provide us the source materials in a timely fashion, which was the underlying problem this month. The Paizo staff is nothing but helpful and accommodating, so I'm sure there were unavoidable issues on their side. It was an unfortunate month for the module.
UnforcedError wrote: Then again I bought this product from this site and it wasn't cheap. And now I had to set up my maps and journals manually for my game tonight, instead of having it delivered by the module which it promises to do at the start of each month. And today is the 12th. The module update was released Monday, Mar 11th. I hope you noticed in time. Again, we are very sorry for the delay. We continue to strive for date of publication releases of the module.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: I have Foundry on my desktop because it is easier for me to play around with. What would I need to install it on my laptop for play at a FLGS? You will get better answers from the Foundry discord: Foundry Discord Invite
Talon Stormwarden wrote: Any idea when 5-11 will be added? The product description promises updates the day the pdf is released. We’re at 5 days with no update. I think you got answers to this on Discord, but my best guess is that it will Monday, Mar 11. We had a confluence of very late delivery of the scenario materials, vacations and COVID. We apologize for the delay, and will continue to strive for date of publication delivery in the coming months.
JAF0 wrote: I have the deluxe edition, installed it to my foundry and cannot figure out how to add the new modules that have come out since then... Need step by step instructions please - tia... You need to update the module. How you do that depends on how you run your Foundry games. The most common methods are
- 1) On your local computer - Foundry VTT Module Management
- 2) Via forgevtt.com - (I can't find a tutorial) but it's something like on your forgevtt.com home page, choose Bazaar -> Modules -> Update All Packages.
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Alex Speidel wrote: This adventure has been updated to correct some game terminology. A full changelog is in the spoiler below.
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks, Alex! These will be updated in the next release of the Foundry PFS Premium Module (v1.6.0 most likely).
JAF0 wrote: I purchased this - but at the time of purchase not all the scenarios for season 5 were available yet - I am scheduled to run 5-09 in a few weeks - how do I get 5-09 (and other upcoming scenarios as they come up) to add to my forge account? Each month we update the module with new scenarios on the day of released. For Scenario 5-09 that is planned for January 31, 2024.
To get the new content go to your Forge Modules page (probably https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar#foundry=module) and update the PFS module. (The update happens later in the day or maybe the next day, so be patient. :-) )
mizinamo wrote: Where are the "five marked areas outside the firelight" intended to be on the map?
I can only see the PCs' starting location.
As logsig says, it doesn't really matter, but I was told the wording should be changed:
It should read as "randomly determine which of four outside huts it starts behind." The "outside huts" are the ones facing the map.
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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: Just so I am clear for myself, the price is for the scenarios and the supplementals for the entire season on Foundry, correct? That is $150 for everything? For every scenario you get the entire contents of the scenario as linked journal entries in Foundry; you get maps and scenes walled, lit, etc for each encounter (including significant skill challenges); you get artwork and tokens for every monster and every significant NPC; you get sound effects and ambient sounds; you get a single page PDF of the chronicle sheet.
You do not get a copy of the complete PDF of the scenario, but you definitely get everything needed to run and report all the scenarios. I hope that eliminates any ambiguity.
Phredd wrote: Andrew White wrote: DawidIzydor wrote: #5-03 and #5-04 doesn't have journals to import, please fix this ASAP as I was planning to run 5-04 in a few days This was a bug and was fixed in release 1.1.1, which was released October 1st. Sorry for the inconvenience! Just updated from an early version (not sure which one) to 1.1.2, and I don't see a way of importing the new scenarios. I could very well just be missing something, though.
When first installed, it popped up a dialog to install the first two scenarios. Nothing like that appeared after updating this time around. In the compendiums tab (the little encyclopedia symbol in the upper right) there is an Adventure compendium for all the scenarios. Click on the one you want and it will give you the Import window again.
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I love this article! Please continue this delightful delivery of teasers.
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Many, many, many thanks to the Foundry PF2 devs. Running and playing Pathfinder in Foundry is a true joy, and that is due to the amazing volunteers and all of their effort.
Thank you all a million times over!
JamesMaster wrote: Can this be used with Forge? If so, how do you redeem it? I could not find it in the Forge Bazaar, but I was able to install it via the Manifest URL linked at the bottom for the Foundry product page: https://foundryvtt.com/packages/pf2e-beginner-box
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Regarding the Infernal Insight bargain from Cinder, what happens if the PCs take the information but do not hand over Adrian Thrune? I see that combo is covered by the Reporting Notes, but do the PCs experience any repercussions?
Can someone explain the chronicle boon? The summary on the Boon page just says you get an Infernal Contract. What do you do with an Infernal Contract? Or maybe the specific wording of the actual boon refers to the Boon of Hellfire deal?
I ran this last night, and we had fun. I allowed a 10-minute rest after each fight, but the benefits of spending an Aspiration Point inside the head made me second guess that.
How quickly are the PCs expected to move through this scenario?
So what actually happens after a TPK? Urwal presumably survives. The dragon presumably dies. What happens to the PCs bodies and gear. Does Urwal bring them back?
Ugh. I am so sorry for missing the finish. Thank you everyone. This was an excellent game.
Brimley Greybeard wrote: He then moves toward Gustavo and casts a spell.
Action 1 (◆): Stride 25'
The Map is updated to move your Token! I had accidentally moved my token on Friday(?), thinking it was my turn, then I forgot to move the token back when I realized Brimley was at the end of initiative, not with the party.. When combat started he was even with the 3<->8 line. So I think he's in the right spot.
I hope I did the saves and responses to the spiders correctly!
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Cool, but I think any creature based on Welsh anything should include a pronunciation guide. Irish is bad enough.
andreww wrote: I believe there is art for Ogthup in the tier 7-10 playtest adventure. Precisely it's the Tier 10 play test Society scenario, The Frozen Oath. Thank you for the clue!
Do all the chronicles need to be applied to the same Society character? (I'm guessing no.)
Is it allowable to let players see the chronicle after they've finished that chapter but before they decide what character to apply it to? (Since several of the boons seem to apply to the character, and not "give this to one of your character's", I'm guessing yes.)
Can anyone offer suggestions for a Velstrac Interlocutor mini? Between manufactured minis and 3D printing options, this is the first monster in four books where I am completely striking out.
Stararcher wrote: If you buy the PDF, can you have them printed at an office supply? Yes, you can print one copy for personal use. They don't police how you print it. From the Paizo FAQ:
Quote: Can I print my PDF, or have it professionally printed?
You may print one copy of any Paizo PDF for personal use. Note that this only applies to products that list Paizo Publishing or Paizo Inc as the copyright holder—other publishers may have different policies; you'll need to contact them directly.
Source: https://paizo.com/paizo/faq#v5748eaic9r2z
Anecdotally I've had Office Depot print things for me. I've made sure the purchase watermark is clearly visible, but they've never questioned me about it.

What is the incentive to save the stone giant, Seddothrum? He offers no payment, and trying to smuggle out a giant seems like it jeopardizes the entire mission. Maybe giants are super common travelers in and out of Xin-Edasseril so he wouldn't seem like an extraordinary companion? As for incentive I suppose he could blackmail the PCs by threatening to report them to the authorities. But I'm curious what other GMs are thinking.
The PCs are told to take some refugees to a ship in the middle of Shard Cove on the fourth day. And then later there’s info about how to build a raft out of a barrel, and the scenario rather assumes the PCs **are** dragging a raft through the sewers. But honestly, what player is going to be milling around the basement of Rockfish Inn and think, “I’ve got all this time on my hands. I think I’ll spend 8 hours making a raft out of a wine cask that I will then carry around town for the next 4 days." It seems like a large leap, and there are no info checks to learn about the cove, whether there might boats, whether it can be accessed from any route other than the sewers. So I'm just a bit stumped how these dots should get connected beyond billboard-sized hints from me.
And _if_ they build a raft, it's almost certainly a 4 person raft given the Crafting DC, which seems like a disaster. I can foresee 2 PCs and 2 NPCs on a raft being attacked by the reefclaws and sharks. How fast does the raft move? Can NPCs propel it while the PCs fight monsters? Can they build like 6 rafts? Running into a shard can very easily break a raft (not to mention a shark attacking it) so now what? It can't move? It moves at half speed? Everyone falls in the water? Why don't the PCs just bribe a fisherman to transfer all the refugees to Rolanna's Prayer? It seems the most likely plan unless I hit them over the head with the raft idea.
CloudRDS wrote: How much Downtime did you give your players after Hellknight Hill? I'm thinking 30 days to get a start on the repair rules from the next book and to transfer some runes to their preferred equipment. My group went through Huntergate in our most recent session. It was the 13th day after finding the deed to the Citadel.
Hooray! Congratulations and welcome! I've already run Port Peril Pub Crawl and thought it was excellent!
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The Society scenarios seem like very good candidates. I've run the Mosquito Witch multiple times and it is a very good one. The combats are not deadly but still a good challenge, and there's plenty of investigation and roleplaying.
How do you all feel about goblins not always being crazy, evil psychopaths? Because another scenario I can recommend is 1-07 Flooded King's Court. Some really fun roleplaying in the beginning, some dungeon exploration with a couple fun fights, and then an unexpected moral choice at the end.
Whatever you choose, good luck! I hope your group enjoys 2e. I'm loving it.
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Another vote for mobile. But also another HUGE thank you for the marvelous tracker. Take your time.
Who is the artist that did the NPC portraits in this volume, such as Satla, Ephiminia, Exavisu, and Palqari? I absolutely love them.
In that vein I wish the artist credit for each picture was easy to figure out, instead of just the general “interior artist” list at the beginning of the volume. Or maybe this exists somewhere?
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They print really well. I'll second the endorsement of "Poster" print mode in Acrobat Reader. I don't feel the savings is worth it over the physical flip-mats, but when I need an out of print map it works well. I use regular printer paper, but I do prefer quality 24 lb stock over 20 lb. It still folds well but feels and lays a bit better. Use a straight-edge and razor/boxcutter/exacto knife to trim the white edges before taping. Take your time and people will think you own a big plotter. :-)
Jolene Danner wrote: Thank you everyone who came and played, GM'd, shenanigan'd, gave money, gave time, danced, etc.
We couldn't do it without all of you!! hope to see you next year. When we have a total donation we will post it. It used to be so easy when we just took cash. :D
<3 <3 <3
Thank you, everyone! I had a marvelous weekend and it's already on my calendar for next year.