
Cumal of Numeria's page

1 post. Alias of Tom Phillips (Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4).


Resting comfortably in front of a blazing fireplace at Vanderboran Manor, Cumal takes several long sips from his tankard of wine before he returns to sharpening Grimfang, his rune-bladed Ulfen-forged bastard sword.

Staring into the flames, the Numerian replays the day's events in his mind--from the fight with the raptor on the city docks to the assault on the smugglers aboard the Blue Nixie. His sword drank deep from the blood of his foes this day, and his pockets are heavy with gold and platinum coins earned in the endeavor.

Yes, he ponders silently, this was a good day.