
Timingila's page

*** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City 35 posts (71 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.

Envoy's Alliance

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Alex Speidel wrote:

This adventure has been updated to correct some game terminology. A full changelog is in the spoiler below.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks, Alex! These will be updated in the next release of the Foundry PFS Premium Module (v1.6.0 most likely).

Envoy's Alliance

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Just so I am clear for myself, the price is for the scenarios and the supplementals for the entire season on Foundry, correct? That is $150 for everything?

For every scenario you get the entire contents of the scenario as linked journal entries in Foundry; you get maps and scenes walled, lit, etc for each encounter (including significant skill challenges); you get artwork and tokens for every monster and every significant NPC; you get sound effects and ambient sounds; you get a single page PDF of the chronicle sheet.

You do not get a copy of the complete PDF of the scenario, but you definitely get everything needed to run and report all the scenarios. I hope that eliminates any ambiguity.

Envoy's Alliance 1/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City

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I love this article! Please continue this delightful delivery of teasers.

Envoy's Alliance

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Many, many, many thanks to the Foundry PF2 devs. Running and playing Pathfinder in Foundry is a true joy, and that is due to the amazing volunteers and all of their effort.

Thank you all a million times over!

Envoy's Alliance 1/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City

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Regarding the Infernal Insight bargain from Cinder, what happens if the PCs take the information but do not hand over Adrian Thrune? I see that combo is covered by the Reporting Notes, but do the PCs experience any repercussions?

Can someone explain the chronicle boon? The summary on the Boon page just says you get an Infernal Contract. What do you do with an Infernal Contract? Or maybe the specific wording of the actual boon refers to the Boon of Hellfire deal?

Envoy's Alliance

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Cool, but I think any creature based on Welsh anything should include a pronunciation guide. Irish is bad enough.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Society scenarios seem like very good candidates. I've run the Mosquito Witch multiple times and it is a very good one. The combats are not deadly but still a good challenge, and there's plenty of investigation and roleplaying.

How do you all feel about goblins not always being crazy, evil psychopaths? Because another scenario I can recommend is 1-07 Flooded King's Court. Some really fun roleplaying in the beginning, some dungeon exploration with a couple fun fights, and then an unexpected moral choice at the end.

Whatever you choose, good luck! I hope your group enjoys 2e. I'm loving it.

Envoy's Alliance 1/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another vote for mobile. But also another HUGE thank you for the marvelous tracker. Take your time.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They print really well. I'll second the endorsement of "Poster" print mode in Acrobat Reader. I don't feel the savings is worth it over the physical flip-mats, but when I need an out of print map it works well. I use regular printer paper, but I do prefer quality 24 lb stock over 20 lb. It still folds well but feels and lays a bit better. Use a straight-edge and razor/boxcutter/exacto knife to trim the white edges before taping. Take your time and people will think you own a big plotter. :-)