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What is the incentive to save the stone giant, Seddothrum? He offers no payment, and trying to smuggle out a giant seems like it jeopardizes the entire mission. Maybe giants are super common travelers in and out of Xin-Edasseril so he wouldn't seem like an extraordinary companion? As for incentive I suppose he could blackmail the PCs by threatening to report them to the authorities. But I'm curious what other GMs are thinking.
The PCs are told to take some refugees to a ship in the middle of Shard Cove on the fourth day. And then later there’s info about how to build a raft out of a barrel, and the scenario rather assumes the PCs **are** dragging a raft through the sewers. But honestly, what player is going to be milling around the basement of Rockfish Inn and think, “I’ve got all this time on my hands. I think I’ll spend 8 hours making a raft out of a wine cask that I will then carry around town for the next 4 days." It seems like a large leap, and there are no info checks to learn about the cove, whether there might boats, whether it can be accessed from any route other than the sewers. So I'm just a bit stumped how these dots should get connected beyond billboard-sized hints from me.
And _if_ they build a raft, it's almost certainly a 4 person raft given the Crafting DC, which seems like a disaster. I can foresee 2 PCs and 2 NPCs on a raft being attacked by the reefclaws and sharks. How fast does the raft move? Can NPCs propel it while the PCs fight monsters? Can they build like 6 rafts? Running into a shard can very easily break a raft (not to mention a shark attacking it) so now what? It can't move? It moves at half speed? Everyone falls in the water? Why don't the PCs just bribe a fisherman to transfer all the refugees to Rolanna's Prayer? It seems the most likely plan unless I hit them over the head with the raft idea.