
Timingila's page

*** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City 35 posts (71 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.

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Not What I Expected. In a VERY Good Way


This is the most interesting and unique AP volume I have read in a long time. There are several fun mechanics and tons of relationship building and roleplay-heavy sections. I love being able to schmooze my way out of combat, and WW1 has a lot of that.

Our Price: $15.00


This is the way to VTT


I've been using Foundry for nearly 2 years. I've used the PDFtoFoundry importer a few times, but I settled on building my own tables to suit my preferences. Well, not anymore. This package is fantastic! The overhead tile art, the music and sound effects, the exceptional tokens. This isn't about convenience. The quality of this package is beautiful and beyond anything I can create. It provides an amazing experience for GM and players.

Our Price: $8.99

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A Brilliant Introduction to an Enticing Metaplot


I've run this scenario 7 times and I still love it. You get to meet three new(*), excellent allies. The method of introducing this season's metaplot is clever and engaging. And the combats are diverse and interesting. Any one of those would have made this a good scenario, but all three in one adventure is remarkable.

This is one of my top 5 favorite PF2 scenarios. Great job to Mr. Kimmel and everyone involved!

(*) So Rain isn't new-new, but new enough. :-)

Our Price: $8.99

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Starts Off Great and Just Keeps Fading


We had a lot of fun with the first part of this adventure. Our group had a great time in the hearing.

I like the switcheroo from courtroom to crisis "go save the world again, pathfinders" mode and the sense of urgency it created. But the combats were just really lackluster. This would have been a fantastic adventure with more interesting NPCs to fight.

Our Price: $5.99

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Pirates! What More Do You Need?


I've run this a couple times, and I love it. It's a fun, breezy romp in a pirate town. The combat is novel and provides a good opportunity for everyone to exercise their narrative skills.

Our Price: $8.99

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Marvelous Story But Too Much for Timeslot


I have always enjoyed Jenny's scenarios and this is another good one. It _is_ complicated with a lot of moving parts, but that's part of what makes it interesting. The problem is that to role play and run this properly feels like it would take about 12 hours.

I ran this for 6 players in low tier. I ended up having my players dice out of most of the investigation to move things along, I dumbed down the monsters a little to speed up combats, and we finished in 5 1/2 hours, just before the store closed.

I'm looking forward to running this again with a better idea of how to approach it.

Oh, and just skip the first combat. It adds NOTHING to the scenario and will gain you some time.


| HP: 67/67 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 15 FL) | CMB: +13, CMD: 28 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +4, SM: +0


| Speed 60ft | Dailies: 1/1 Sprint | Active Conditions: none


Female Axebeak Racer Companion

Strength 22
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 3
Wisdom 11
Charisma 10

About Chocobo

Speed: 60ft

Melee: Bite +12/+7 (d8+9)
Sudden Charge Free Trip: +13

AC:20, Touch:14 (6 Natural Armor, 4 Dex, 1 dodge, -1 size)
Hp: 67
Fort: +9, Ref: +9 (evasion), Will: +3

statistics. skills, feats, tricks:

Base Atk: +6, CMB: +13, CMD: 28
Feats: Power Attack, Narrow Frame, Nimble Moves, Acrobatic Steps, Multi-Attack, Dodge
Tricks: Attack (x2), Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Stay, Watch, Aid, Fetch, Deliver
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Climb +11, Escape Artist +9, Fly +8, Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4