PbP Gameday VII: PFS Scenario #8-22: Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen [Tier 1-5] (Inactive)

Game Master Stiehle

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Liberty's Edge

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

Ash grunts as the arrow slowly enters the slime and the cut closes behind it.

"Yeah that didn't hurt it. And I'm definitely not touching that thing with my bare fists. This is on you, folks."

He moves away from the slime to provide moral support: "Go team!"

5ft step and total defense. AC 23, Touch 17

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Chance stabs with his spear to distract the ooze in front of the barbarian. Vornsk hesitates, waiting for an opening as she draws her dagger. Roscoe grabs a torch, willing to toss the improvised weapon to anyone that might need it. Kridash steps away, ready to defend himself. Vornsk takes the opportunity to step up and stabs at one with her dagger, but the weapon doesn't seem to harm it at all. Zzorn draws his hammer and swings it in a wild rage (Damage = 9), splattering the ooze!

The slime patch with goblin ears attacks Vornsk, but she is able to avoid the creature easily.
Slam Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 vs Vornsk’s AC = Miss!




Combat - Round 2

All players post your actions! Chance acts next.

Initiative Order/HP Condition:
Kridash - 26/26 (Total Defense +4 to AC for 1 round)
Zzorn - 26/26
Green Ooze - Unwounded
Chance - 19/19
Vornsk - 22/22
Roscoe - 19/19

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Turning to the other ooze, Zzorn declares, "Haha!! this is FUN! this one even has EARS!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!

light hammer, RAAAAAAAAAGE!!!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 for 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Seeing that no on is in need of his healing abilities, Chance again attempts to aid for +4 AC.

small longspear attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

No one then?

Roscoe races back with the torch to sear the ooze.

Torch, BAB, Improvised Weapon: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 1 - 4 = 6

+4 if it counts as a light weapon for weapon finesse.

The Exchange

Tiefling, Occultist 9, hp 66 Perc +12 AC 19 t: 19 f: 12 (25% distortion) ! CMD 23 F: 7, R: 9, W: 6
Vornsk wrote:

Vornsk's profile is up to date.

Before the scenario I would like to purchase:
cold iron +1 spiked gauntlet 4,310 gp
scroll of weapon of awe 150 gp
wand of burning hands 2 PP

I purchased that wand because of a similar situation last scenario :p

Vornsk steps back from the creature with goblin ears and pulls out a shiny black stick.
She lets out a sharp hiss at her forgetfullness.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Chance again stabs with his spear to distract the ooze with the ears, but it doesn't seem to have much effect this time. Vornsk steps away from the slime creature and moves to draw her wand. Roscoe moves into the vacated space with his torch and swings at the ooze, but fails to connect. Ash, not wanting to sully his fists with slime, continues to defend against possible attack, and Zzorn lands another tremendous blow (Damage = 9), badly injuring the goblin-eared slime patch!

The ooze fights back against the enraged barbarian, but to no avail.
Slam Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 vs Zzorn's AC = Miss!


Player's Map - Slide #2


Combat - Round 3 & 4

All players post your actions! Chance acts next.

Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 26/26
Green Ooze - Badly Wounded
Chance - 19/19
Vornsk - 22/22
Roscoe - 19/19

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn swings his light hammer once more, hoping to finish this thing, "Stay riiiiight there... DON'T MOVE!!!

light hammer, RAAAAAAAAAGE!!!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 for 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 bludgeoning dmg.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The ooze seems to listen to Zzorn, barely moving as the barbarian finishes it off with a final blow of the hammer. Using his weapon, Zzorn retrieves what appears to be a bag of some kind from the slimy body of the creature.

Other than the three other doors that exit this chamber, there is little else of interest in this room - save that the furnishings seem to have been systematically and thoroughly smashed into bits and largely burned at some point in the recent past. In fact, some of the deepest-buried ashes are still smoldering and there is a very light haze of smoke in the room.

Player's Map - Slide #1

Treasure Retrieved:
Small Bag (from body of ooze)

Yep, a lowly 9 on the attack roll still hits it! :) I'm wanting to push this adventure forward a bit to make up for lost time, so figured the rest of you delayed until after Zzorn, since the barbarian seemed most effective at battling the ooze.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"See... friends... that wasn't... so bad!!... ... ...let's continue! haha!"

Zzorn gathers his breath and looks in the bag. He then proceeds to search the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Zzorn peeks into the bag. It looks like... dirt? Dust, actually. Weird.

There's nothing else of value in the room. Just the three doors. None of them appear to be locked.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn shrugs and passes the dust to his magical friends, "There you go, wizards and/or priests! perhaps your eldritch sights will see something I'm not seeing. No gold or deeds to some ancient castle, as far as I can tell..."

The Exchange

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

Chance shrugs back at Zzorn in unintentional mimicry.

May as well check

Chance casts detect magic in case it's a magic item rather than just a random thing.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

The Exchange

Tiefling, Occultist 9, hp 66 Perc +12 AC 19 t: 19 f: 12 (25% distortion) ! CMD 23 F: 7, R: 9, W: 6

Vornsk will try the dirt as well.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

After checking the room and the oozes for signs of what has happened here, Vornsk heads to the door she thinks will lead farther into to the complex. She puts one ear to it and calms her breathing for quiet. Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19. She will open that door, provided no dangerous sounds appear.

I have some spotty internet this week, but I will be lurking.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

Ash pats Zzorn on the back and congratulates on the job well done. He follows into the room and makes a face.

"Hm - Something burning?"

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Roscoe moves to the southern door to inspect it and to see if he can hear anything from beyond the door, as he motions for others to do the same for the remaining doors.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Anyone have a preference on which way we go?

The Exchange

Tiefling, Occultist 9, hp 66 Perc +12 AC 19 t: 19 f: 12 (25% distortion) ! CMD 23 F: 7, R: 9, W: 6

V likes to head to the deepest areas first, so the door straight scross from the one we entered.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Vorsk and Chance investigate the bag of dust as Roscoe heads to the eastern (see note in OOC below) door and takes a listen, though the ninja doesn’t hear anything beyond. Both of the spellcasters determine that the dust inside the bag is magical, radiating a moderate aura belonging to the transmutation school. It seems irritatingly familiar to Vorsk, but she can't quite place it...

Even as the contents of the bag are at least identified as magical in nature, Roscoe opens the door to the east and finds a large room that appears to have housed sleeping quarters in ancient times, based on the smashed, torn, and smoldering piles of bunks along the eastern wall. To the west is another rubble pile composed of half-burned and despoiled furniture: tables, chairs, and several short bookcases. Three doors in the south lead to individual quarters, although their contents have obviously been taken out, piled, and burned. There is nothing of value in the room.

Impulsively, Vorsk opens the door to the north after hearing nothing beyond it, revealing a corridor that runs east and west, with several doors standing closed. Two are in set in the wall nearly opposite of the door you opened, the other two are at either end of the 50' long corridor. Ash and Chance hear... something as the door opens, but it's very faint and difficult to pinpoint exactly. Buzzing, maybe? Roscoe's sharp ears are able to discern a bit more. It sounds like... really bad singing? And it's coming from the west end of the passageway.

Perception Checks:
Vornsk Perception Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Kridash Perception Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Chance Perception Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Roscoe Perception Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Zzorn Perception Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Player's Map - Slide #1

Apologies, I’d started writing this post (and updating my map) earlier today based on Roscoe naming the only direction until Vorsk mentioned the other door after I’d done most of the work. However, to speed things up (and knowing the door to the east led to an empty room with nothing in it), I went ahead and processed both decisions into this single post, so you’ve got one less room to investigate anyway. We can pick up with you all in the hallway, as indicated by the character tokens on the map. Note that I’ve flipped the map into the correct direction so that south is now down instead of to the right, which I think was causing confusion in my descriptions.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

Well magic dust may be useful - valuable at least. Guess the question is how we proceed and more importantly, who is on point.

Chance will cast virtue on whoever takes lead as they walk past.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Ha ha ha! Mister Chance! it is I, of course, so it is indeed your lucky day!"

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

"Does anyone else here that? It sounds like a Chelaxian singing the morning after one of their hedonistic social gatherings."

For the sake of keeping us moving, let's move towards the door in the direction of the singing.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The adventurers make their way to the west down the hallway, and as they approach the door at the far end, everyone is able to hear the faint singing coming from beyond. Whoever is responsible must be crooning loudly for the sound to be heard out in the passageway, the voice is harsh and croaking, and Vornsk is able to understand the words themselves, which are spoken in the Goblin tongue. And the song itself is... disturbing.

“Stir the flesh around the pit,
See how many goblins fit.
They might shout and they might cry,
If they’re lucky, they won’t die.
When they plop out, we shall see
What new creatures they now be.
Will they have some wings or claws?
Will they grow big, massive jaws?
Maybe one will breathe some fire,
Then the queen can light a pyre!
Come on, find out, jump inside,
Grib is now your friend and guide!”

The door itself appears to be unlocked, and a quick search reveals no traps.

Player's Map - Slide #1

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn goes in.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Zzorn throws open the door, and the song immediately cuts off as the room’s inhabitants turn toward the intruders. The Pathfinders are hammered by the stench of this room, which is a pungent mixture of acrid smoke, foul body odor, and cooked cabbage. Stone tables line the eastern wall, covered in scattered bits of glass, wooden racks holding numerous vials, and various alchemical implements. Along the western side of the chamber are three pits of churning, bubbling liquid that shifts between brown, beige, and green, occasionally releasing a puff of noxious gas that drifts slowly to the floor.

Four goblins are present, three of them with bodies that display a variety of mutations, one of them with an extra arm that hangs uselessly from its scrawny chest and a limp leg that juts from its protruding belly, another with scaly green skin and an extra row of sharp teeth as it bares its lips menacingly, and the last one has fingers and toes that seem twice as long as usual and extra ears that grow from odd places on its body, such as the top of its head, its bony chin, another just above its left eye, and yet another juts from its right shoulder.

The fourth goblin is the one that was singing, and it peers at the group through protective goggles. It clutches a handful of vials as it capers around the bubbling pits of noisome fluid, but it pauses and screeches with malicious glee as it dances excitedly! “Get them! We will throw them in the pits! Yes we will! For Grib! For the Queen!”

Initiative Rolls:
Vornsk Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Kridash Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Chance Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Roscoe Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Zzorn Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Goblin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Grib’s Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Player's Map - Slide #2

Round 1
Post your actions, Zzorn acts first! I will move combat along every 24 hours at the minimum, botting if I must. If you act after the goblins, you can wait until others move before you and I’ll try my best to post whenever those at the top of the order have acted so as to keep this combat moving quickly. So as soon as Zzorn acts, I’ll try to get Grib’s action up soon thereafter so the rest of you can act before the goblins, who go dead last. Thanks!

Round 1 Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 26/26
Grib - Unwounded
Vornsk - 22/22
Ash - 26/26
Chance - 19/19
Roscoe - 19/19
Goblin (Red) - Unwounded
Goblin (Blue) - Unwounded
Goblin (Orange) - Unwounded

Slide #2 is the combat map, but I flipped the map on its side to make it a little bigger. Slide #1 shows the entire map, with the cardinal direction of north in the correct position – toward the top of the map. Note that the green-tinged gas clouds extend all the way to the wall (to the right of the squares where the icons are placed), that's just the border. I wanted you to able to see the pools on the map, which would have been blocked if I'd put those icons all over the covered areas. The clouds do not hamper vision in any way.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

Chance will cast bless, moving if needed to be able to get all of his allies within the effect and then continue to make ready his long spear for any attacks of opportunity that may arise in the combat.

as a reminder, Zzorn should still have a temporary hitpoint from the virtue spell that Chance cast on him.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Ack! *koff* *koff!!* that stench!" says Zzorn, disgusted, as he reaches for an antitoxin.

5-foot step, draw antitoxin, drink antitoxin, resume two-handed stance on falchion as a free action

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Zzorn steps further into the room, plucks an antitoxin from his pouch, and drinks it down. The barbarian then grips his falchion, ready to do glorious battle!

The goblin chemist with goggles and a leather apron, apparently Grib by name, dances in place and hurls a vial at Zzorn as he sings. "Lovely fire, pretty flames, burn your skin to ash!"
Bomb Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 vs Zzorn's 'Touch' AC = Hit!
Bomb Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 fire

Zzorn is badly burned when the vial explodes fire across his skin!


Player's Map - Slide #2

Rest of the party can attack before the goblins, bold player name indicates next to act in the initiative count. Vornsk and Ash, keep in mind that Chance's Bless spell has not yet taken effect. Though if you want to delay until after his turn I have no problem with that and will adjust the initiative list accordingly with my next post.

Round 1 Continued - Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 22/26 *Drank antitoxin in Round 1*
Grib - Unwounded
Vornsk - 22/22
Ash - 26/26
Chance - 19/19
Roscoe - 19/19
Goblin (Red) - Unwounded
Goblin (Blue) - Unwounded
Goblin (Orange) - Unwounded

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Roscoe moves through the hallway, obscured by the tallfellows. Racing across the floor, cloak flowing, he dives into a barrel roll and extends with his wakizashi before the (blue) goblin can act.

Wakizashi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Damage + Sneak Attack: 1d4 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + (3) + 1 = 7

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Vornsk waits until others move in, and Ash moves into the room past Zzorn to attack one of the goblins (red) just turning around at Grib's shout. Unarmed Strike, SA: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 211d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + (5, 2) = 8 The goblin never has a chance, and goes down as the half-orc's fist smashes into his temple. Chance casts a spell, bolstering the spirit of his allies. Roscoe streaks into the room and slashes with his blade at another goblin (blue), dropping that one as well!

The remaining goblin dips its hand into the vat, pulling out a glob of viscous material that drips between its fingers, then it hurls the disgusting ball of thick slime at Roscoe! Protoflesh Lump Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 vs Touch AC = Hit!] The goo splatters against the ninja's right arm, and pain lances through his shoulder as the stuff seeps into his skin! Roscoe, I need a Fort save!


Player's Map - Slide #2

Zzorn is up! Then Grib will go, and the rest of the party after that. Wasn't sure what Vornsk would do, having never played an occultist before. I just basically passed on her turn. Everyone has a +1 maorale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear from Bless for 2 minutes.

Round 2 - Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 22/26 Drank antitoxin in Round 1*; +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Grib - Unwounded
Ash - 26/26 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Chance - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Roscoe - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Vornsk - 22/22 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Goblin (Orange) - Unwounded

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
+3 vs. fear

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Roscoe shudders as the goop penetrates his skin, but he quickly scrapes the stuff off and it doesn't appear to have any further effect...

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn charges the chemist!


Masterwork Falchion, Rage, Power Attack, Charge, Bless: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 20 for 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (4, 4) + 10 = 18 slashing dmg.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Zzorn charges wildly into the thick, green gas that roils out of the pits and gags a bit as he slashes at the goblin chemist, but the creature ducks under the potentially killing blow!

With a maniacal laugh, Grib darts away from the raging barbarian and throws another bomb at him! Zzorn can take an AoO!
Bomb Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 vs Zzorn's 'Touch' AC = Hit!
Bomb Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 fire
Grib's Reflex Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Though splashed by some of his own bomb's fire, the mad little chemist seems uncaring and only laughs again as Zzorn's flesh is scalded once more by the flames.

Player's Map - Slide #2

All players post your actions! I need two Fort Saves from Zzorn (one for this round, and another for next round since you'll still be in the cloud - you get +5 to those rolls for drinking the antitoxin), and Reflex Saves from Ash and Roscoe to take half damage from the bomb splash damage.

Round 2 - Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 18/26 Drank antitoxin in Round 1*; +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Grib - Slightly Wounded
Ash - 23/26 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Chance - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Roscoe - 16/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Vornsk - 22/22 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Goblin (Orange) - Unwounded

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn Fort1: 1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 5 = 24
Zzorn Fort2: 1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 5 = 29

"Oh no you don't, YOU LITTLE RAT!!!"
Zzorn AoO: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 29 for 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (1, 4) + 10 = 15 slashing dmg.
CONFIRM CRIT: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 28 for 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (1, 3) + 10 = 14 slashing dmg.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The "Little Rat's" gambit did NOT pay off, and it collapses next to the pool at Zzorn's feet!

Its attack did not go off, so I'll fix damage taken with the next post. No reflex saves needed, and only Orange is up! Go ahead and finish him quick, guys and gal!

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Roscoe curves around the last goblin and slashes (may flank with Zzorn's movement?).

wakizashi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

The Exchange

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

Chance moves into the room and seeing that he can't reach the goblin, readies his long spear in case it tries to run past him.

Ready to attack with reach weapon
attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
damage roll: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Roscoe moves up to attack, but his blade fails to find the mark, and the goblin draws a shortsword and stabs at the halfling. But Roscoe easily evades the blow.
Shortsword Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 = Miss!


Player's Map - Slide #2

Need a Fort Save from Zzorn for this round, since he begins his turn inside the noxious fog surrounding the pits. All PCs can post their actions for Round 3.

Round 3 - Initiative Order & PC/NPC Health:

Zzorn - 22/26 Drank antitoxin in Round 1*; +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Ash - 26/26 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Chance - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Roscoe - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Vornsk - 22/22 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Goblin (Orange) - Unwounded

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn Fort3: 1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 5 = 20

"Your mouth is TOO BIG FOR YOUR HEAD!!"
[dice=Zzorn attempts a ragin' BREAKER RUSH!! to Bull Rush goblin into the bubbling pit! (Bless)]1d20+7+1[/dice] vs. goblin CMD for 5 pts. of bludgeoning damage and target is pushed back 5 feet; for every 5 by which the attack exceeds the opponent’s CMD the target goes back an additional 5 feet.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

I wanted to intimidate but realised they don't speak Common or Orc, so that's a no-go, I guess. Delay for now. Zzorn seems to have it covered.

Ash observes the scene with bated breath, ready to pounce if the goblin makes a move that would create an opportunity.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Zzorn knocks the goblin into the pit, likely breaking several of the unfortunate creature's ribs in doing so! Still, the thing is alive, cursing in its native tongue as it tries to pull itself free of the pit and is easily handled by the Pathfinders.

The stuff in the pits is a disgusting goo, but standing too close can easily cause nausea - though fortunately the sensation passes quickly once one steps out of the noxious cloud that surrounds the vats.

Anyone studying the vats for 10 minutes can roll a Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Engineering) check.

The goblins themselves have a pitiful array of weapons and armor, too small for everyone but the halfling. The goblin chemist has a few more interesting items, including a multi-colored, sturdy glass bead, three flasks of alchemist's fire and a formula book in addition to its weapons and armor.

Treasure Found:

Multi-colored Bead
3 Flasks Alchmist's Fire
Formula book (of extracts)
4 Leather Armor (S)
3 Light Wooden Shields (S)
3 Short Swords (S)
Dagger (S)
3 Shortbows & 60 Arrows (S)
Light Crossbow & 20 Bolts (S)

Player's Map - Slide #1

It had 1 HP after that, and was pretty much at your mercy. In the interest of moving things along, figure you can easily kill it or subdue it (though it knows nothing, if you go that route) as it climbs out of the pit. Let me know what you're all doing next.

PC Health:

Zzorn - 22/26 Drank antitoxin (+5 to Fort saves vs poison for 1 hour); +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Ash - 26/26 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Chance - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Roscoe - 19/19 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes
Vornsk - 22/22 +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves vs fear for 2 minutes

The Exchange

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

After the last goblin is taken care of, Chance will use a charge from his wand of cure light wounds on Zzorn.

wand of cure light wounds activation: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

He will also detect magic on things found in the room.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Ah, Mister Chance: thank you so very much. You live up to your name I should say! shall we now try... this door?"

Zzorn catches his breath and tentatively heads for the door to the west, and waits there to see if others also favor this path.

Liberty's Edge

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Roscoe distributes the flasks of viscous oil, keeping one for himself. "These should come in handy."


Roscoe inspects the western door before Zzorn gets too anxious.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Satisfied, he then gives a subtle nod to Zzorn as he moves into position.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn nods. Smiles. And put his right boot into the door.

STR check to break: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Zzorn frowns. Clears his throat and tries again.

STR check to break: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

"These were but a simple practice. For calibration."

STR check to break: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Flushing up to the ears, Zzorn is now silent. With a heavy sigh he turns the door handle and enters the room.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

Ash observes Zzorn's attempts with a half-smile on his face. "Probably a reinforced door...", he gives Zzorn a wink as he comes in closer. "Yeah, they look pretty tough."

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Oh, don't rub it in, man! I'm winded from yelling at basement jellies and deformed goblins... I'll have to slow down for the rest of the day. You should have seen me 10 years ago though! there wasn't one fair competition that I didn't win! it was as if I was blessed by Kurgess himself!"

Out of rage rounds for the day I'm afraid! ;)

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

"You did well, no worries. We're not out of here yet, though."

I just wanted to be supportive and and friendly :(

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Bah, I got lucky a few times, but thank you. I do try, even in my advancing years. And yes, I agree that our task is quite unfinished- it usually gets worse before it gets better, my grand-papa used to say."

I know, I'm just being in-character! ;) Zzorn has been an athlete all his life and started the adventuring career later in his life, out of necessity, and as a transition from competitive sports after he got pushed out of his records by younger individuals. He's aware of the limitations of his aging body, hence the occasional grumpiness and him being overly hard on himself, but he still wants to honor his bloodline and become an Ulfen Guard to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. Luckily this whole Pathfinder business has brought him much closer to the ruling elite of Taldor, and somehow fast-tracked him in his rise to nobility, making up for lost years in the process.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Chance first heals Zzorn and then uses his magic to find any magical auras that might be around. He quickly detects a strong transmutation magic on the bead, but cannot determine what it does, precisely.

Roscoe takes the alchemist's fire and distributes them to those that are interested, and then the group moves toward the western door as the ninja looks it over but sees nothing untoward. Zzorn and Ash banter a bit as the barbarian seems intent on warning anyone on the other side of the door of their presence, but when he finally gives up trying to break it down and opens the door using the handle instead, it reveals a 'T' intersection, with a door at each of the ends. Maybe his kicks didn't warn anyone after all?

Player's Map - Slide #1

PC Health:

Zzorn - 26/26 Drank antitoxin (+5 to Fort saves vs poison for 1 hour)
Ash - 26/26
Chance - 19/19
Roscoe - 19/19
Vornsk - 22/22

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post / PbP Gameday VII: PFS Scenario #8-22: Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen [Tier 1-5] All Messageboards

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Current Characters

Grand Necromancer

(1,530 posts)
The Exchange "Chance"

Male Halfling Oracle (Pei-Zin: Life/Legalistic) 3.0 | HP 27/27 | Move 15 | AC 19 T 13 FF 17 , CMD 13 | F+5 R+5 W+5 | Init +2 Per +2 | Healer's Way 4/5, Level 1 Spells 6/6, Channel Energy 3/5

played by TimD (98 posts)
DM rel20

played by djpika (2,032 posts)
Shade of the Uskwood
GM NotEspi

played by NotEspi (2,159 posts)
GM West

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

played by Stiehle (2,587 posts)
Liberty's Edge Kridash Magath

Male CG Half-Orc Pugilist 4.0 | Init +4 | Perc: +9, SM: +2; Darkvision 60 ft | HP 33| AC 20; T 15; FF 15 | CMB +3 | CMD +18 | Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +4 (5 vs enchantment) | Speed: 30 ft | Conditions: -

played by NotEspi (328 posts)
Serpentfolk Wizard
Dark Archive Kroone

Male Nagaji Paladin (Enlightened Paladin) 2 | HP 6/18 | AC 20 TO 15 FF 15 | F +7 R +6 W +7 | CMD 18 | Init +3 | Perc +1 LLV | Lay on Hands 0/4

played by adsapiens (172 posts)
Liberty's Edge Roscoe Thorngage

Ninja 2 - HP 19/19, Ki 4/4, AC 18/T: 15/FF: 11 - Perception +6 - F: +3/ R: +8/ W: +0 - CMB: 0 - CMD: 14, Speed: 30, Init. +4

played by djpika (303 posts)
The Exchange Vornsk

Tiefling, Occultist 9, hp 66 Perc +12 AC 19 t: 19 f: 12 (25% distortion) ! CMD 23 F: 7, R: 9, W: 6

played by Curaigh (150 posts)
Sovereign Court Zzorn

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

played by Purple Dragon Knight (628 posts)