Queen Elvanna

Thea Peters's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,336 posts (3,333 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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The Exchange 5/5

ConNooga is back and PFS is there

Sign-ups can be found ConNooga

Signup now and reserve your spot!!!

Hope you see you there

The Exchange 5/5

We have been busy in East TN organizing all three of our areas and there are a few announcements to be made

Chattanooga has it's first round of VAs

Harold Ervin and Albert Hastings

Knoxville has some new management as well

Stephen Wight has stepped into the VL position
Ron Hall has stepped into a VA position

Murfreesboro is growing as well

Timothy Travis is our new VL in Murfreesboro
Kit O'Brien is our VA for Nashville State and also our roving VA as she will be traveling with me to our other two areas

Michael O'Brien is also helping me a ton with all of the new duties and while he doesn't have an official title; he is, has and will be extremely valuable in keeping me sane!!!

Congratulations all of you

The Exchange 5/5

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Hey all,

We are having the 2nd annual Purplebunnycon in Feb in Tennesse.

we have lots of fun games, including the 4 and 5 star exclusives as well as a give away prize for those that play a trio of scenarios on Friday.

Check out the website and warhorn :)


PBC Warhorn

Hope to see you there!!! and remember your ears!!!!

The Exchange 5/5

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Congratulations all of you!!!

The Exchange 5/5

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Hey all

Tennessee has a new convention, PurpleBunnyCon!!

We have a [WEBSITE]

and a [WARHORN]

Escape your winter doldrums and party in Tennessee :)

We will be running the newest special Siege of the Diamond City and offering several tables of the Pathfinder Card Game


In the spirit of I'm about to have an awesome weekend the weekend before Gencon and expect tat to tide me over until Gencon..

What are you looking forward to the most at Gencon? We'll keep the PFS related cause .. we gotta ..

I'm looking forward to seeing friends I haven't seen since last year, and some close ones from Iowa I haven't seen since I moved.

I'm wondering how many people are going to try and pet the purple bunny.. or if people will know who I am

I'm wondering if my ears are going to stay on!! the purple leather makes them kinda heavy lol.

I'm excited to see new PFS players be all excited about OP system and get into it as much as I am



Thinking of starting a monthly gameday at Grand Adventure Comics in Murfreesboro

Is there anyone on the boards that would be interested?


Hey guys ... so since there has been a rash of duplicate, rehashing threads lately ... I'd like to bring everyone's attention to the search function.

It's an ingenious thing that allows you to put in an idea of what you want ... say Boons, or even scenario specific titles, and it will bring up every thread back to the beginning of time (or pfs time) that that item has been mentioned in.

Many time your question, concern, etc., can be answered by reading one of those old threads. This allows the message boards to be used for more constructive topics and discussions; and avoids the need for everyone to re-state their case.

I would suggest giving that a try before starting yet another thread on an old topic :)


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Soooo I saw [something earlier and just wanted to say congratulations to Lady Ophelia on adding to the female ranks in the GM world :)

so is anyone doing any precon PFS games? Just wondering... I think I'm getting in Thursday night and could possibly be intereted....


87 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, So there is another thread that has talked about sharing preparation for scenarios across our large pool of PFS GMs.

I've created This as a start.

This is a shared google doc folder that everybody with the link above had access to edit and borrow from. It's kind of bare bones right now, I'm hoping that our community can fill up the folders. Let me know if there are upgrades to the organization of it that you'd like to see.

If you're not sure how to use google docs, or don't want to chance breaking it you can

email me:
and I can add the information for you.

Here are the rules:

Play nice -- this is not a tool to share scenarios, just our prep for them
Don't take, just copy
If you are availing yourself of this resource, please also give to it

*** any scenarios uploaded will be deleted****


I was thinking about this the other day as I was gathering things for an upcoming con.

What are you favorite con moments involving PFS?

When are people getting there and what are people going to do and what are you hoping breathto buy and who's going to see fireworks and what are you hoping is going to be in the events schedule breathand if you're going to the banquet who do you want to sit next to and what surprizes are you hoping for this year anpasses out

With thanksgiving over allllll our happy fun thoughts are now gearing towards Christmas. Sooooo in that spirit, what do you hope to get for Christmas?

I've put the NPC Codex on my list along with several bits and pieces of painting supplies for that massive kickstarter mini thing I got sucked into.

I'm also look at artisan dice, since they are going to be doing a kickstarter for their polyhedral sets ... zomg purple heart oak and violet burl.... I'm sooooo going to need more money for those

sets out hat for purple wood bunny dice donations


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Hey all,

With the advent of the holidays (in the US at least) I thought it would be nice to have a thread that details things about PFS that we are thankful for. Let's have something fun and friendly on the boards for awhile.

I'll start.

I'm thankful that because of PFS and the far-reaching aspects of the society I've gotten:

A chance to travel to places in the US that I probably wouldn't have gone to otherwise.

The oportunity to travel abroad (in 2014 silly vacation schedule)

A close network of friends that came together with one commone thing and have expanded into out of game friendships.

We've been given a space where gamers from across the world can "meet" and express our opinions


congratz Dan (luckett) VC of Western MI on your 3rd Starr!!!!!!!


Since there are soooo many discussion heavy threads lately, I decided to create a light happy fun thread for those that just want to let out their wacky side.

to make this PFS forum legal

I think PFS rocks .. I like the direction the new campaign staff has started going and I think that all the majority of the changes are extremely positive (still wrapping my poor bunny brain over the master summoner ban.. but that's in another thread)

time to paarrrrtaaaayyyyyyy

begins setting up the dancing floor humming, I'm a beast, I'm an animal, I'm the bunny not in the corner


1 person marked this as a favorite.

With the given string of "discussion" threads we've had lately. It's time for a lighthearted fun thread.

Here are the rules of the thread

to post in this thread you have to do one of the following or all of them :)

1. State minimum one thing that You love/adore/gamergasm over that Paizo has done or that you've found in PFS.

2. "Tag" another person in your thread, that person should hopefully answer "tagging" another person and so on and so forth *zomg games are fun people*

3. Flood your post with glitter

I'll even go first:

I love the fact that Paizo has A: created a game that we can all love and enjoy and B: that we live in a free enough world that we can all meet in a common "space" and discuss that game.

I'm going to tag *Jiggy*

glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter,


Sounds like the pathfinder chronicles are truly going to start .. this will be interesting to not only be able to read about the history, but to have also been there :)

great idea Mike


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The title says it all. What do you expect.

We all have our own ideas and interpretations that we bring into this wonder world we involve ourselves in. And we all bring those ideas and interpretations to the table when we sit out at the table; no matter which side we're on, and the capacity from which we are participating that particular day.

So my question to you, my fellow society members, is what do you expect? From your GM, coordinator, fellow players, message board posters, you? I'm interested in seeing what different perspectives we bring with us when we sit down.

I'm aiming this towards society players as that is the realm that I've involved myself in and I'm interested to see if anyone's opinion or attitude changes.

I'll start.

From myself; as a Gm I expect and drive myself to provide the funniest game possible. I'm constantly striving to grow as a GM and trying to learn as much as possible. As a player I need to learn how to play again; I'm constantly finding myself watching the GM to pick up hints and tricks that I can use myself and also (sorry) ways that I see don't work to avoid those ideas.

From my coordinators (both convention and gameday); I expect them to be organized, not running chaotically the day of the event with last minute items that could have been foreseen and dealt with the day of the event. I expect them to tell me if they need me to bring my own chronicles or reporting sheets. If they don't tell me to bring those items, then I expect them to have them (DougDoug has totally spoiled me with convention coordinators .. just saying).

From players; I expect them to be knowledgeable about their character and realize that I don't know all the idiosyncrasy's of their hybrid built and to have either the information available for me or be able to explain it if I have questions (I saw one player with an FAQ for his character.. that was awesome). I expect players to understand that my fun with the game is just as important to me as theirs and that I am doing everything possible to ensure that they have a fun, enjoyable game. I expect those players that like to rules lawyer to understand that that is not everyone's cup of tea and when I tell them that we can discuss the minutia of details after the game to let it go and continue to enjoy the game.

From Paizo; I expect them to continue to support players and GMs alike and strive to provide us with a fun and engaging game, but not to change major rules/ideas/concepts based on a few dissenting comments. I expect Paizo to continue to grow and I'm super uber excited to be a part of it.

From messageboard posters; I expect that we are all adults and can treat each other with respect and not drag each other down in arguments. I expect that we would be able to listen to each other (read) and respond with well thought out responses to help further support and build-up our community. I would expect that we understand that there are always going to be differing viewpoints and there are going to be people that just don't see things the same way as us and recognize when it's time to agree to disagree and not continue the arguments.

Cause I'm at work and I'm bored and need something to do cause I'm at work and I'm bored and zomg really really really wanna go home... oh yeah... and I'm bored have I mentioned that?

Cause I work in healthcare and all you silly healthy people are killing me.. KILLING me .. cause I have nothing to do and this was supposed to by my cupcake carrer ... y'll are supposed to be sikly and junki and then I have to work to take care of things... no I'm not a doctor or a nurse... but there are other areas of healthcare


seekret message:


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This is a thread for all the GMs out in PFS land and a public service announcement for all of those out there that denounce any benefit or perceived benefit that GMs get.
I have to say, that I'm not easily offended by anything; seriously.. ask Bob, or Kyle or Doug. I don't offend. However, there have been recent posts like the one below that have come close to really offending me and I think it's time that this is addressed. I'll apologize now if you feel offended at the end of reading this, however, if you're offended because you feel the thread is pointing at you... then perhaps you need to look at what you've written.
Posts like this one:

Yeah, I was going to say that only players who actually play their characters during the season should be eligible to earn boons. And GM credit shouldn't count.


So what's to stop someone from making characters in all 10 factions, GMing 10 times, and applying the credits to all their characters, so they can get all the boons?

These are what have tipped the scales for me. GMs get very little benefit out of providing you with a fun time that to be snippy about anything involving GM credit is baffling to me.

Often times a GM has paid the same badge fee, hotel fee, travel fees and in additional bought the scenario, paid for all the additional items he brings; in addition to spending his time running the game so that you can play. And then complain because the GM might get a benefit that you don't.
The part that annoys me is that the quoted posts automatically assume that the GMs are going to play the system. There are so many worse things out in the world than to assume that someone somewhere that doesn't interact with you is going to get a benefit that you might not thing to take advantage of that again, I'm just baffled.
The bottom line for me is this. Why is there all the GM hate? Why are people so concerned that GMs are somehow going to get ahead in this game? Why can players just be happy that someone is spending their time, money and energy to run a fun and interesting game?
When was the last time you thanked the person running the game? Because generally what I see is that players grab their chronicles and run away. ( There are a few exceptions but still, ).
For those that want to foster GM hatred, walk a mile in our shoes. Here is a typical convention for me... let's see how well you can do it.

Weeks before the convention I'm prepping scenarios, drawing maps and making other preparations (making sure homework is done and real work is caught up if I'm taking vacatio time). I'm making sure I have my badge paid for and that the hotel is arranged. Then there is the travel – aside from my local convention, the closest convention I've been to is 2 hours away.
I show up at least 45 minutes before the first slot starts, make sure I have my table and that all my "stuff" is set up and out. Run the game for 4 hours (players take intermittent potty breaks), sign chronicles and the players leave – cept for those that like to talk afterwards. I have to clean up and reset for the next game – sometimes involving moving tables depending on the con (at Gencon we had different tables each slot and we had to completely pack up and leave the tables before the next slot). The person talking to me doesn't understand that I haven't eaten yet, I have to pee and I need a bit of quiet time. I'm not sitting there with my legs crossed because I'm all ladylike and dainty.
Rinse and repeat for 2 more slots and at least another day and a half.

The player... shows up and plays.

Tell me GMs don't deserve the little that they get.


So a question on haunts...

If the trigger is "proximity" can I decide where the proxmity is for the trigger?


the trigger is proxmity; you're swimming in a lake, see something at the bottom, as you touch the thing in the bottom, the haunt triggers ...

is that feasible?

I'm creating an Aasimar oracle and am taking the clouded vision curse. The question I have his with the racial dark-vision.

Would the limited sight of the curse out-weight the racial darkvision?

i.e. would I have clear sight to 30 feet, but then dark vision out to 60, or would it all be just out to 30 ft?


Have the dates for Neoncon 12 been finalized yet? I want to go *happy graduation to me* but need to request the time off now and the website isn't update yet.

The Exchange 5/5

I have a couple of questions on the map ... specifically with the area marked A6.. it's listed as the lower corridor. How does this figure in to the area? I'm reading it and it's just not making sense.

I'm guessing (please correct me) that the pcs would walk from A1 to A4 and only hit the lower corridor if they trigger one of the traps. Then if they are traveling the lower corridor... from what I'm reading they have to open the doors from below??

The Exchange 5/5

I received a boon for a 5pp vanity.

However, the boon I really really want is 6pp.

So my question is this, can I use the boon towards the vanity and add 1pp from my stash to equal the 6pp needed for the vanity I want?

**this post is not meant to spark a flame war over boons, if you have an issue with the boon start your own thread thanks**

The Exchange 5/5

Ok .. so I know it's been out for a whole day or so ... but honestly I'm kind of freaking about running this at Origins .. any tips or advice from those that have either run or played this one?

The Exchange 5/5

The title says it all .. so other than us GMs.. who's coming to Origins. It's going to be pretty bleak if all we have to look at is ourselves ... ok granted I won't mind staring at Neil.. cause umm .. he's a canadian and all mysterious and all .. but those others I dunno about.

The Exchange 5/5

I see a little VC after your name.. .congrats you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Exchange 5/5

Has anyone heard when the open calls will be going out for gencon and origins? Last year's Gencon thread was put up the middle of March and so far nothing yet for this year....

The Exchange 5/5

**Disclaimer** I'm not intending this to be a thread on the pros or cons of replay -- there are multiple threads for that. This thread is asking a specific question.

As a Gm that is going for my stars, How would I report a table of players replaying a mod just for the fun of it -- they've already gotten their credit for playing but just love the mod and want to play it with different characters for the fun of it.

My thought is that if I report it as normal it wouldn't be considered a legal table and I might not get my GM point towards my star (yes I'm being shallow.. I have people to catch up to dang it)

So do I report as normal and have the tag on the side that the player has already played the mod?

The Exchange 5/5

There is another thread where we've been discussing our mapping styles; since it's a thread for a specific mod I figured I'd start a drawing thread and stuff..

So ... how do you draw your maps? What do you use? Inspiration?

Me; I use a pad of 25 x 30 graph paper, outlined in marker and colored in with colored pencil... I've found inspiration for shapes in many things ... including a cat paw (that was an interesting fight to trace around the paw lol)

pictures would be good too (and as soon as I'm home I'll figure out how to linke something lol)

The Exchange 5/5

Vic or Mark, I believe this one goes to you;

I reported my Holiday GM party and had it pointed out to me that I reported the Eyes of Ten mod intead of Echos of Everwar part 4.. Can this be changed? I have been looking and was unable to find who specifically to direct my issue to or emails (and I know I've seen them *sigh*)

The Exchange 5/5

Shamless bump

The Exchange 5/5

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I want an honest opinion, what, to you, makes someone a good GM within the society world (if we need to be specific)

The Exchange 5/5

shameless bumping

The Exchange 5/5

Calling all Iowa Pathfinders.

The Iowa City based Fellowhip of the Blade is having their monthly game day on 7/17/10. Start time is at 12 at Critical Hits game store in Coralville. We are Running:

1st slot - Sniper in the Deep (5-9) vs. Assault on the Kingdom of Impossible (1-5)

2nd slot - City of Strangers: Part 1 The Shadow Gambit (1-7)

Links for the curious:

Go to Critical Hits.

FYI First ave is under construction so may want to the the Dubuque St ext from 80 MUCH easier navigation and the store is in the strip mall with subway. Address is 89 2nd Street, Coralville, IA

Go to Signing up

This gives us a rough idea of who all is coming, however, we don't turn people away and figure out how to squeeze them in.

Any questions feel free to holler at me :)

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