Queen Elvanna

Thea Peters's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,336 posts (3,333 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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The Exchange 5/5

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Tallow wrote:
Kyle ran Eyes of the Ten for Ryan Bolduan, Aaron Koelman, myself, my wife, Chris Mortika, and Thea Peters.

That was an epic weekend lol ...

Monkey Bread

The Exchange 5/5

shaventalz wrote:
Bill Baldwin wrote:

Thursday morning muster was the worst GenCon muster I have ever experienced, though later ones seemed to work fine. Especially after the projector and signs went up.

We had tickets to play the Starfinder Quests first slot. I overheard someone saying they were mustering at HQ. I went to HQ and they simply directed me to ask a Musterer without pointing me towards a specific one. I asked Musterer in the middle of the ballroom who directed me to west end of the ballroom. A Musterer in the west end, then directed me to the east end of the ballroom. From there I was again directed to the west end. At this point I complained to one of the Musterers about this and he immediately started heading off to HQ to get an answer. I followed but on the way passed some tables that were obviously set up for playing Starfinder so I figured the correct Musterer must be somewhere around there. I asked around and finally found the right Musterer. Very frustrating.

I had a similar experience for PFS, thought it wasn't the worst muster I've seen (that honor goes to previous musters for the special.) The musterer didn't know where <gameX> was mustering, and directed me to HQ. HQ didn't know, and just said "ask all the musterers." Apparently the right musterer was either hiding or absolutely surrounded, as I asked everyone I saw from one end to the other, only finding them on the second loop.

The surrounded aspect is why I try to stand on a chair most of the time ... I'm an orange traffic cone lol ... if you can see me standing you can find me

The Exchange 5/5

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rknop wrote:
I dunno; I saw "catfolk" and pretty much said "KITTY!"

Lol ... got home and the sister-wife threw pillows at me because I didn't bring the kitty home for her

The Exchange 5/5

Gary Bush wrote:
rknop wrote:
Note that GMs chose between a Pathfinder race boon and a Starfinder race boon; they didn't get both.
And it was a really hard choice!!!

That it was

The Exchange 5/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Jack Brown wrote:

4) Personal PAs -- please, please do not use these, GMs. I had several times when I needed to ask a GM to turn the volume down, as their PAs were distracting my table. I try very hard to keep my voice as quiet as possible while still being heard in order to last the Con... and it becomes much, much harder if others are adding unneeded volume to the din. This is an arms race we do not want, people. Instead, if you need to save your voice, enlist your players to read some of the box text when you can.

I can attest to this because Jack was in my signalling area and I missed a couple of the times he was calling out to me for a signal due to the increased ambient noise level during the special Saturday night.

We got it taken care of, but it was slower as a result.

Speaking of slower/missing signals:

GMs and players: Please, for the love of whatever you do or don't revere, if you need to stand up please be situationally aware. There were at least three or four tables trying to signal me on Saturday and a half dozen on Friday that I could not see because someone was being more of a wall than a door.

I get you need to stretch, or you need a better perspective, or that it's a GM style... I use it myself. But when we're trying to get signals through visual aids unfortunately (or perhaps fortuantely?) we don't have X-ray vision.

This is the reason I kill my knees and back every year climbing on a chair ..

I'm short, I know I'm short and most gamers are taller than me. So therefore if I'm going to be able to scan half a room and watch for people flagging me down then I need to be able to see. **I was the one in the middle on the prize table side of the room for the Saturday night special (swapping off with another guy for breaks)

It's the same reason Sunday morning I was on a chair over in the starfinder muster area hollering for people .. they could see me .. my voice would reach over them and I could project better to be heard (cause I'm also not that loud on the last day of the con).

The Exchange 5/5

Tallow wrote:
There was a deposit this year? That's new.

There has always been a deposit as far as I am aware. Usually the first one to check into the hotel for the room gets stuck with it.

The Exchange 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Were the stickers new? I don't recall them

Assuming they even get to the table, handing me something the size of my thumbnail at the start of a game is a good way to see it vanish into the void of left socks, marker caps, and that 10th d6 in the set. If it's supposed to be recording something I have no idea what because i couldn't read the things after one sweaty thumbprint.

They were new this year ... it makes it so that if we as marshals didn't do our job when collecting tickets at the table (i.e. make sure there were enough of them) then it's easy to go back to the table and see if we can figure out where the ticket snafu happened.

I started telling the players to remind the GM not to lose the sticker (since it's small) so that the GM would be reminded that the sticker was there and might have a better shot of keeping it instead of losing it under the multitude of papers.

The Exchange 5/5

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Kevin Willis wrote:

Generic ticket lines:

I know GenCon doesn't allow us to do this in the hallway but could we put some of those retractable queue rope things near the muster stations? It would only take a couple to keep the front of the line obvious and orderly, after which it becomes somewhat self-policing as people say "the line starts back there."

I think the problem is, juggling the space we want inside for gaming tables vs. the hall space gencon will let us use before they say something ... with the current configuration; putting anything more in the marshal area would (in my opinion) create more of a hazard as then you have something solid to have to navigate around vs soft gamers to bump into

The Exchange 5/5

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Sin of Asmodeus wrote:

Need more prepared GMs. Having to explain what energy drain is to two different GMs, and explain how abilities of monsters work is sort of frustrating.

Otherwise, retool the special wording, because not being allowed to have one og the people I came with use a 7 pregen in the special when three of us had 11's really was a bummer.


If I remember correctly, a few years ago at a special table of mine you played a character with a animal companion with a shadow drain ability, I eventually handed you a copy of the stat block and had you make the changes each round. A GM in the middle of a session can have a hard time managing stat block changes (all the little minutiae that comes with changing stats every round) and managing the actions of 5 other players and the NPCs that they are personally running while in the middle of a timed event.

Even a 5 star GM is going to have issues managing something like that when they are fatigued and probably hungry and more than a little stressed.

So in that instance, my suggestions would be to have a card to hand to the GM with a brief (1 to 2 or so line) description of the ability and what the stat changes are so that they can reference that. Alternatively, if you don't want to have to explain something like that to the GM perhaps (and no I'm not telling not to play what you want to play) a consideration to a different character while playing in a timed event might be a possibility.

A level 7 should never be allowed in a tier 10-11 special event. I would have suggested that you and your friends join him in the level 7 tier so that he would be able to play.

The Exchange 5/5

You'll get an email -- most likely after Paizocon is over -- I wouldn't look for anything until then.

The Exchange 5/5

Want Dhampir (we are looking to make Dhamphir triplets to run at events lol)


Many other boons shoot me an

and we can talk

The Exchange 5/5

Have Gencon 13 Tier 1 GM boon; include character rebuild option

{T1 - Grippli}
{T2 - Viskanya}
{T3 - Suli}
{T4 - Ifrit, Oread, Slyph, Undine}



The Exchange 5/5

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Gary Bush wrote:

Just as I expected, my confirmation came as soon as I left work.

Came at 5:25pm and Confirmed for Tier 1.

Just wondering what adjustments are made for Venture Captains.

Now to decide if I am going to fly or drive.

I will see you all there. I will be wearing a purple shirt. lololol

You only find out about the VC bump when you drink the kool-aid and join us

hops away chanting one of us, one of us, one of us

The Exchange 5/5

Ahhh ... taking a step back from the norm .. Tier 2 HQ lol

The Exchange 5/5

Gary Bush wrote:
Disciple of the Void wrote:
How does that work with hotels, anyway? Tier 1s are supposed to get rooms covered, but I'd guess a last-minute Tier 1 wouldn't get that.

August was so long ago...

lol If memory serves (note disclaimer) I believe I read that the room spot was open. But memory is really foggy on the details.

My point about the time (we are in the same time zone) is that I expect the notification will be going until later in the evening for me because I am in central time zone and west coast is two hours behind. [/QUOTE

If it's the same as it was last year, they had to lock in the names of the people getting rooms with the hotel and were unable to change them at a late date. Though I'm sure there are some exceptions that can be made along the if needed (though I'm not con staff and am not speaking for them)

The Exchange 5/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Boring out of game in down-time unwinding?

I... think I'm going to aim for that as a goal this year. We'll call it the 'Rested Volunteer' faction mission...

Lol .. I might actually try to play this year :D when I'm not in the dealer hall buying stuffs

The Exchange 5/5

Michael Meunier wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:
Hrmmmmmm Who to hang out with this year lol
Were Dom and I really that boring? :D

Lol .. Nope :)

The Exchange 5/5

Hrmmmmmm Who to hang out with this year lol

The Exchange 5/5

Michael Meunier wrote:
Michael White wrote:
Whelp, I finally aquiessed to the insanity. I just signed up for a T1 HQ slot. See ya all there!
One of us, one of us, one of us!!!

Lol .. I'll be there with ears on

The Exchange 5/5

I think it was in Season 2 that it was discontinued ... but there may be someone with different information. I know both of my characters that had that have been retired...

The Exchange 5/5

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ChaosTicket wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
ChaosTicket, dude, just accept that PFS might not be for you and move on.
Well if I dont play the Pathfinder society Campaign I cannot play Pathfinder at all, and RPG groups are slim around where I live. When I said earlier this is what I can get, I meant it. But I have to face it that the only RPG available to me is too inflexible. It really is disappointing as I mentioned earlier when I joined the group I asked alot of questions about things I would be allowed to do, but havent been allowed to do so. Were they lying or was the context not about Pathfinder Society but Pathfinder as a whole?

John asked you a bunch of questions to try and help clarify things and help you with your answers. You might try answering his questions so he can help you with this.

The Exchange 5/5

ChaosTicket wrote:

Since I started playing In the Pathfinder Society Ive had problems with the numerous house rules limiting me. I want to make some difficult but rewarding characters like A Sorcerer and Bard but scenarios often are combat heavy. Characters I like become redundant and ones I dont I have to play so I can win.

If you are out to "win" then you're possibly coming in with the wrong mindset. Try changing your mindset to "having fun" and "relaxing with friends" and see if that changes your attitude.

My first character is a sorceress, with the exception of a couple of spells, she is 99% pure CRB. She was challenging, enormously fun and had I made different choices when creating her wouldn't have been as fun. A lot of times it's about your feat, or spell or whatever choices that can make or break a character.

I've seen bards played as pure support character and stood there in combat with a glass of wine and a guitar being support and helping that way. Not every character has to be the special snowflake that takes the spotlight. Sometimes it's nice to let others at the table shine instead of always having to be the special snowflake.

The Exchange 5/5

This may help as it contains what I have a feeling you're already trying to do

Link wiki site

The Exchange 5/5

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EricMcG wrote:

A downside is that newish players look to me as an experienced player and often ask "How does <weird ability> work with <new class and/or archetype>?" resulting in a "I have no idea." response. I am not particularly apologetic about it, GMs are not responsible to buy every bit of paper Paizo sells.

Instead of simply saying you don't know. Ask the player if the have the reference for said "fluffy item". If they don't suggest they email the local coordinator with their question. If they do have the reference read over it quick, give a "this is my interpretation but you may want to ask Local VO for clarification" comment. Makes for better community relations between GM and players.

It is true that GMs are not required to buy every piece of Paizo paper available, as GMs we are looked at as someone that is able to interpret what is written on the pieces of Paizo paper.

The Exchange 5/5

What Jack said.

We cannot, as GMS and coordinators, refuse a player a seat based on the GMs not having the references for the character they are playing. The GM is required to have the core assumption at the table. All other resources needed for a player to play his character is the responsibility of the player to provide should there be a question by the GM.

The GM can always look at the PRD to bone up on the basics of the class; and if he has questions ask the player for the Occult book (or whatever book) reference for the class/feature. If the player cannot provide the reference then the GM can refuse to let that character be played or feature to be used. But as long as the player has the appropriate resources he should be allowed to sit and play

The Exchange 5/5

You might contact your local VC/VL/VA to see what is going on in the area that might have racial boons available. Smaller conventions get them, larger gamedays can get them. It's not just all about the larger conventions. But the local people will know better what's available in your area than I would.

Thoughts about not liking crowds:
My sister-wife hates crowds; with a passion beyond belief. She has massive social anxiety and doesn't like new people, let alone crowds of new people. I talked with her about Gencon when she showed a minor interest. Explained how it worked, how the crowds wouldn't be that overwhelming; etc.

She agreed to go, and did just fine (aside from some knee pain from not being able to find her brace). She marshaled so was constantly having new people coming up to her and she was having to interact with them.

Her report was that Gencon "wasn't as bad as she thought it would be" which I'm taking as a win lol.

I understand not liking crowds of people, perhaps getting together with someone local who has been to the convention that can explain what you're going to be facing when walking in may help in getting in there and going for it. It may not (depends on your psyche I would suppose), but it may and that would open up more options for you than just what is available from the core and the guide (have you checked out the additional races available in the guide?

The Exchange 5/5

I would look at Auke Tenniga as the closest RVC

The Exchange 5/5

Rei wrote:
Eh, now that I look over it, we scheduled 36 tables (not sure if all of those fired) for Ropecon this year, inclusive of the 7 tables of Sky Key Solution - which took place a literal week before GenCon, by the way. We always miss out on the juicy new stuff because our big annual event is right before GenCon, so it actually feels really familiar to lose out on this special until next GenCon as well.

I would have your local VC or coordinator talk to the region RVC. I'm not promising anything on behalf of the RVC, but it never hurts to ask; worse they can do is say no, best case exceptions can be made due to area. But you won't know until you ask

The Exchange 5/5

Gary Bush wrote:
Another suggestion is to somehow have people able to help new players figure out how the whole chronicle thing works with their characters, especially those casual players who only play at cons.

There is always the giant info booth at the front of the room; I know there was a challenge in having enough HQ and GM volunteers since we couldn't split out time and do both this year; setting aside more volunteers to just sit and wait for someone to come over isn't time/labor efficient

The Exchange 5/5

Sin of Asmodeus wrote:

That's poor planning Thea. I understand the idea behind it, but over all, that's not the best way to handle people who had to race through traffic to make it.

I would recommend holding until ten minutes into the slot before seating generics.

That's my own opinion, and only a suggestion, but hopefully one that holds merit.

I'll let Bob, Jon, or Todd respond as I don't have the official answer for you.

The Exchange 5/5

Sin of Asmodeus wrote:


The 8 am start time is ok. But ending at 1am is too much. Less than six hours of sleep will drag on people. Please end at midnight.
The boon for the interactive felt bland, and wasn't worth the ten dollars for the slot to be honest. If we're going to make people stay up until almost 1am, can we start to have exciting unique boons available for the special? I'd really love to see a special race boon available for playing premiere events at Gen Con.
Hopefully that's something you folks can look into.
Also. Mustering. What times do generics go out? My room got double booked and I ended up staying thirty minutes north of Gen Con. So getting to the morning slot at 803 am and being told that I couldn't be seated with a real ticket was a kick in the pants that got resolved but shouldn't be happening.

Generics were held and seated on the hour .. any real tickets that came up after the slot start time (again on the hour) were considered late and were seated with the generic ticket holders.

The Exchange 5/5

Mike Bohlmann wrote:

I had a great PFS experience playing 5 slots at Gen Con this year. Having the full list of scenarios and mustering points made finding my muster points very easy. One of my GMs was marginal, but he made up for it in improvising something interesting from the Medium's haunt channeler ability.

My only complaint is in how solo tickets were handled. I was told to wait until the same time as generics to be seated despite there being tables with 1 or 2 seats available. I mostly used generics outside the specials, but I bought an actual ticket for one scenario thinking that would take off some of the rush of getting seated at the start time. Once a table of 4 is seated, it seems like actual tickets should be sent as soon as possible to an appropriately sub-tiered open table. It's not a big gripe, but it is one worth consideration I think.

You should have been seated right away as soon as there was a table for you to go to .. sorry that you were mis-informed. The caveat to that being if you had a ticket for scenario Y and were trying to get into scenario Z those we treated as generic tickets.

The Exchange 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

5) Robyn thought the Sagamore was too cold. I am a polar bear so this was of no concern to me, personally. I don't think Tim or Tom had strong opinions about the room's temperature, and none of us are sure if that's even in PFS's power to control. Just a bit of feedback.

Too cold= Grab a sweater. Too hot= geeks taking off more clothes and sweating more.

Sweater is by far the better option!!! :)

Lol .. it was a bit nippy .. even with all the people in there .. but for all the years we've complained about it being too hot, this was an improvement-- granted an over-improvement.

We found cloaks which worked down in the vendor hall; but next time we'll have hoodies or something to throw on

The Exchange 5/5

kevin_video wrote:
One of the things I had started to bring with me was session sheets for everyone to sign, instead of printing the ones at the end of the scenario. These allowed you to do three at a time, instead of just one. Saves so much paper. Unfortunately, I can't do that any more. Recently, whenever I make an event, no session pages are made for me. I thankfully saved one from back in 2015, and I just cross everything out that's not relevant, but I liked having those available. If we change up factions again, I'll be doing a lot more crossing out.

Also, once you have reported the "fake" table, save the pdf copy of the tracker sheet to your desktop or another appropriate folder and then you always have it available to print out and don't have to continually re-download it lol

The Exchange 5/5

I've been having fun marshalling again this year. So far I have to say it feels like it's going super smooth and everything is flowing nicely. It's wierd cause I haven't been yelled at yet hehe.

Brought 2 newbies with me and they are having a blast!!

The Exchange 5/5

I tend to have different needs depending on the role

As coordinator:

I have a tote box with all my books
I have a tote with all the pregens, tracking sheets and some extra stuff -- welcome to pfs boon, quick start guide, ITS sheets, my alea tools

My GM stuff fits in a large military pack

my binder of characters
dice tray

The Exchange 5/5

Andrew L Klein wrote:
So if I don't buy all the needes flip maps (for I think 3 scenarios, that'd get expensive), I should bring a blank grid then? Haven't looked to see what maps are used in mine, but my luck not a single flip map will be used in multiple scenarios lol

You'll need to make sure you have all the maps you'll need either hand drawn or flip-map/map-pack format. Don't plan on being able to get into the vendor hall on Thursday to pick up what you don't have; that's generally the worst day lol and the Paizo booth will be uber busy.

The Exchange 5/5

JERRY WAYNE 333 wrote:
Kevin Willis wrote:
JERRY WAYNE 333 wrote:
So how does the four-volunteer-GMs-to-a-room at the Westin work? Do they roll in a couple of sleeping cots or do you have to cozy up in one of the double beds with one of your just-met-five-minutes-ago roommates? Do I need to bring a sleeping bag?

You share a bed.

Cuddling optional.

I've been doing this for years and never had a problem with a roommate hogging too much of the bed. Of course for me it's usually walk in, brush teeth, and *whoomph* straight to sleep from exhaustion.

I don't know how my wife is going to feel about me farting in bed with another while alseep, I think that was even in our wedding vows.

If you're wierded out at the thought of sharing; then bring a sleeping bag or air mattress. One can request a cot; but with the number of people they may or may not have enough to accommodate everyone and you may be left in the lurch if you don't plan ahead.

In general though; by the time everyone gets to the room to crash for the night -- doing anything funny isn't even a thought as you are exhausted and just want to get your 3 hours of sleep before you get up to hit it for another day

The Exchange 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

You can attempt that. You're better off buying actual tickets if you want to be sure you get a seat at the table. Also note that some scenarios cost more than $6 (specials).

What are the tickets for exactly? "PFS event" or "3.154 death by pie tier 10-11"

I suppose i'll be able to see the scheduel when i have my badge?

There is a supermarket .6 miles north of the hotel apparently.

If you buy a slotted ticket, they have the game that you are playing (i.e. 3/1 FrostPaw Captives Tier 15). If you buy generics they are just that you can use them for any event held at Gencon you aren't just limited to PFS events

The Exchange

ChaosTicket wrote:

Heh, when I think about my threads I can usually sum it up in one sentence.

Would you play with me as I am or do I have to change for you?

I belong more in Tactical RPGs or tabletop games. If I could find somebody playing Battletech I would fit better there. Here Im trying to ignore the people saying Im wrong for not writing up backstories, and for trying to make powerful characters. That about sums up most of the responses Ive gotten from A Pathfinder Society page of Facebook. Even if people dont say it, the additional limitations placed on Pathfinder Society support that.

I think you'll find a wide variety of acceptance within the larger PFS community. You asked us a question about what we would do. Several people told you they try to tailor their games or their gameplay to those at the table. I don't think a single person has told you that you are wrong in not creating a backstory, or wrong that you prefer the more tactical aspects.

Personally when I first started GMing I really shied away from role play heavy social scenarios to GM because I wasn't good at it. I eventually got over it; but for a long time I much prefer the combat heavy scenarios because I was good at that. We would have gotten a long great then and we would get a long great now because I've grown as a GM and can tailor things better for the overall party make up.

If you want to think that people are telling you that you are wrong then feel free, but no one has told you that you are wrong nor would they or should they in my opinion. People play differently, if we were all the same it would be pretty freaking boring.

The one thing you have to remember going into PFS or any other organized play. The company is the ultimate GM and we are just players in their home game. They have rules for their home game just as any other home GM would have rules. To play at the table you have to abide by the rules. If you feel the rules ruin your gaming experience you have the option of walking away from the table.

The Exchange

ChaosTicket wrote:

I have this habit of asking questions I already know and hope for a different, more hopeful result. I asked if you punished(negative), or tolerate(neutral), but not if you encourage(positive) it.

Im under the assumption that I am a Power Gaming, Min-maxing, Munchkin, and everyone else either is or will be Shakespearean actors.

The non-linearity of a Role Playing Game should be encouraging to everyone, but you still see people with the desire players be actors not gamers. I asked alot of questions to DMs for Dungeons and Dragons as well as Pathfinder before I really became determined to play RPGs. One question was "Do you reward players for acting, doing creative actions, or fighting well?". I dont see that in Pathfinder Society much. As this are standardized so much going above-and-beyond in any way only earns you self-rewards.

The nature of the public forums (including facebook) is that if you ask an ambiguous question you are going to get more than you bargained for for as an answer.

With that in mind with so many people that play this game and read and respond to posts on these forums (and facebook) you are inevitably going to come up with answers that either you don't like or cause you to question your original point of view.

The best answer any one can give you is going to be from their personal experience and then simply to say that your personal mileage may vary as different GMs have different ways of handling things. No two GMs are going to give you the exact same answer or handle things in the exact same way.

Asking for a black and white answer is going to get you all the grey in the world and never be clear; take what you want from the answers you were given to your question; but in the PFS side of Pathfinder things will vary, in the Pathfinder side of Pathfinder things will vary -- it's the nature of the game

The Exchange 5/5

Fromper wrote:
I'm assuming we'll get the scenarios we're supposed to GM added to our downloads for free. When can we expect that to happen? I've got one that's already available, and pretty complicated, so I was hoping to start reading it very early, hopefully within the next week or two.

Generally; in the past, it's happened w/in a couple weeks of the show. That might change this year, but err on the side of caution and assume it won't happen early

The Exchange 5/5

Mark Stratton wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:

Make sure you bring a printed copy of the scenario you are running.

I've been at tables with good GMs just using a tablet.

  • Things are missed and it takes longer. Even after I asked, the GM missed the "4-player adjustment".
  • Flipping between pages takes longer. Then you have to flip back to where you were. Time wasted while you flip though rules and scenarios is time not spent gaming, eating, and walking the dealer hall.
  • Tablets require power. You wont have access to an outlet it in the ballroom. Can you run 3 slots (17 hours) without a recharge?

I'm sure you can bring up exceptions to every one of my points if you want. Just don't plan on using a tablet for everything. Bring a printed copy of the scenario. Use your tablet for looking up rules - they're good for that.

GMs should run the scenario from the format best suited to their GM style. However, bringing a printed copy is a necessity. There won't be outlets for a GM (or player, for that matter) to charge a tablet/laptop/phone, and even if one is nearby, you won't be able to run power cord from it to your table.

Swiftbrook brings up some legitimate concerns, but many GMs can run from a tablet without a problem. The requirement to bring a printed copy relates specifically to the lack of ability to charge, or to keep charged, a device.

This is handy advice for players as well ... especially now that the paper copy requirement has been waived I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot more players with only electronic character sheets -- but w/out that paper copy they could be in trouble.

The Exchange 5/5

hrm ... just cause I was curious .. I was doing some maths ... you might fight it cheaper to drive by the time you figure roughly 3 days on the road (2 nights in hotels); roughly 140 gallons in gas, food and drinks on the road -- and when I did the google search for distance it said flight started at 584 -- that's like an extra 200 you save by flying you can spend in the vendor hall lol

The Exchange 5/5

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One thing; drinking is HUGE at Gencon -- and I'm sure I'll be contributing my share of the money, however, I do caution to pace yourself -- Doing anything (GMing, HQing etc) at Gencon while still hungover sucks.. I've done it (and like the ones that suggest not GMing ever slot) I don't recommend it lol

The Exchange 5/5

Gary Bush wrote:
4 kinetics in any adventure is bound to be fun.

And all gnomes

giggles and falls off the couch

The Exchange 5/5

LOl .. I've got 4 kinetiscts that are playing The Twisted Circle

The Exchange 5/5

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Michael Eshleman wrote:

Last year I volunteered for all 10 slots (including all 4 specials). I was released from three of those slots, but in two of them I stepped in to run tables in need of a GM. One of them was Scions of the Sky Key Part 1; the other was during Serpent's Rise when I ran various Phantom Phenomena quests cold.

I believe that I used my other released slot to take a nap! :)

There is still a large core of GMs that do what needs to be done to get the Con to go off -- I remember my early days of conventioning and stepping up to make sure it happened.

The Exchange 5/5

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Venture Officers can have private home/store games just the same as any other player can have private home/store games. They can also play PFS scenarios during these private events as well.

The problem with this would come in if they were doing the private invite-only games in lieu of public games. As long as they are still supporting public games there should be no problems.

The Exchange 5/5

The major reason is that they fixed a lot of things with the Summoner class.

If that is the one that you really want to play the best advice is going to be buy the book; you can get the PDF for not a whole lot of cash.

Without knowing which books you got as there were different levels. The sorcerer is an awesome class and has summoning as well as the wizard.

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