
The Fox's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. *** Pathfinder Society GM. 2,433 posts (4,978 including aliases). 14 reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters. 41 aliases.

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Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
Tess Montgomery wrote:
... Dragging myself across the finish line of this year. Can't believe it's December!

Same same

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
motteditor wrote:
Party is up; don't forget you're inspired.

I immediately forgot. LOL

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"Mmm! That smell nice, Sandstone!" Loola smiles at her half-orc friend.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"OOOOoooooooo..." Loola playfully swats at the lights.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Hey everyone, I'm sorry that I've fallen off the face of Golarion. It has been a helluva week. :/ I kinda shut down there for a while. I'm back now. Again, my apologies.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"Grams!" Loola calls out instinctively, before looking around confused.

"Devil cats!" she curses.

Without bothering to stand up, the wounded goblin launches a volley of magical bolts of energy at the nearest feline.

◈◈◈ Cast magic missile
magic missile: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) + 3 = 11

Loola is going to wait on her second round of actions to see what the rest of the party does. I have another magic missile, but I want to wait to see if it's needed first.

Silver Crusade 3/5

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Jared Thaler wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

Now, one Errata, one ruling can literally turn your fine Swiss timepiece into a paperweight. And a really expensive one.

For some perspective, here is the "Paperweight" Nefreet is describing.


Not really cool calling someone out like that.

Nefreet was making a general point that does apply to more than just one character created by more than just one player.

In PFS1, I had several characters that were errataëd to oblivion. Sure, those characters were still playable, but the changes felt like a betrayal. Those characters would never feel the same. So, yeah, mechanically they are playable, but emotionally not so much.

It's kind of good for Paizo that players are able to build emotional attachments to the characters we create. Emotions cause customers to spend money.

But on the flip side, when errata come out that significantly alter the character, those emotions turn to feelings of betrayal of trust. That is not good for a company, any company.

And when the response is, "you can retrain the errataëd character feature, but nothing else," or "you can sell off the errataëd items," or even worse, "too bad, so sad," then Paizo risks losing customers.

Come to think of it... why am I even back?

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

We. Are. Sucking.

Silver Crusade 3/5

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Wait. So we have to purchase the boons before we get access to the text that explains what it does?

That, to me, seems like a much bigger issue than this one particular boon.

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

I think Loola misses Grams. :)

Silver Crusade 3/5

11 people marked this as a favorite.

LOL, at least they got rid of Fame because it was "too complicated."

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola sits idly, refocusing her magic. "Teki, don't rush Scratch. He not young like you and Me. Him have heart condition... whatever that means. I think it something he got in the war."

Then she hollers over to the dwarf, "You find anything yet, Scratch?!"

Loola is slightly injured and could use some dirt rubbed into it, by either Scratch or Sandstone.

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)
Zvarbelle wrote:
I like using this site.

Thank you! :)

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola will use her ⤾ Shield Block to cancel that 1 hp of damage. It means she can't cast shield again for 10 minutes, but I don't think she was planning to anyway.

Loola charges the nearest bandit with reckless abandon. "You not scare us neether!" The wee goblin lass slashes ferociously with her long and sharp claws at the man.

◈ Stride
◈ Strike
dragon claws attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
claw damage plus electricity: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6

◈ Strike again
dragon claws attack: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 5 = 7
claw damage plus electricity: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (6) = 9

"Rrrraaawwwrrrr!" She crouches slightly as she faces the man, claws extended outward, catlike, toward her quarry.

Silver Crusade

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Male Halfling Sorcerer 7, Rogue 3, Arcane Trickster 10
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Jacob, I had to so bite my tongue when you announced yours. Now my bounty has a product page!

Cat's Cradle

It's number 4, the one right after yours!


That's fantastic!

Now the rest of us just need a fresh group of 1st-level characters so you two can run them for us. ;)

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)
GM Watery Soup wrote:

I just PMed the GM. We're not close to finishing, and I will definitely spoil whatever surprise there is in the back half/third if I start prepping. So maybe 2-3 weeks?

I'll PM anyone that has indicated interest in this thread, but indicating interest is not a commitment, feel free to do whatever, and you'll just have first dibs if you're still in the market for a game when I'm ready.

Great! Thank you!

Alternatively, you could create the Campaign and Discussion threads right now so that we could dot in. Then if we need more people, you could open up the Recruitment thread.

Either way, I'm in.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
Tess Montgomery wrote:
motteditor wrote:
I'll try to get slides together tonight.
Did I miss these or another visual? (Sorry if so!)

They are linked at the top of the page, right above the [ Campaign Info ] tab.

top of page wrote:
Map // Morale Points: 3

@Jacob: It might be helpful to put the links in your alias header.

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola casts a shield spell, dismounts the wagon, and rushes toward Scratch and his wagon. "Rrraaaawwwwrrrr!" she roars, smallishly.

◈ Cast shield
◈ Move
◈ Move

Shield is a bloodline spell, which triggers her dragon scales. She gains a +1 status bonus to AC for 1 round. Together with shield, her AC is 19 until the start of her next turn.

If she is hit by an attack, she will use ⤾ Shield Block.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"Stop that!" Loola cries as she pulls out a blanket and smothers the new fire.

◈ Interact to get blanket
◈ Interact to smother flames
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Not succeeding the first time, she tries again.
◈ Interact to smother flames
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Hero Point!
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26


"Scratch, these men keep making wagon on fire!"

Silver Crusade

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43 6f 6d 6d 65 20 6c 65 20 66 72 61 6e e7 61 69 73 3f

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

As the caravan nears the oasis, Loola can be heard singing quietly to herself while tapping her foot and snapping her fingers — neither of which are in time, either with each other or the tune.

"♫ ... And that's how I'll make a gob out of you! ♫"

@Teki I hope you know that I loved the changes you made to the play. We all know that Loola is a brat. :)

Silver Crusade 3/5

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TwilightKnight wrote:
It’s also sad that people are choosing to play or not play an adventure solely based on the rewards. That says a lot about where our community has progressed and speaking just for myself, it’s not encouraging. I didn't get a chance to play this on Free RPG day but I’m hopping to soon(tm) and then run it for others who haven’t, regardless of the rewards. YMMV

Get over yourself.

Silver Crusade

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Cayden Cailean combats devils because devils are inherently evil.

Tieflings are not evil, by default. As mortals, they have free will.

It is probably that Cayden Cailean supports free will more than any other deity in existence.

A CG tiefling champion of Cayden Cailean sounds awesome.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Performance: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 I'm rolling first to let that inform my post.

"But... but... that not how play go. Is play, not musical. There no big song and dance number in Rise of Goblin Heroes." Loola throws up her arms and pouts.

She reluctantly dons the lumpy and misshapen crown ("It not even circle," she points out), and goes along with Teki's changes, but her performance as King Zusgut is lackluster, emotionless, and falls flat.

"I see great heroes have returned. But who this with you? Speak, brave knight." Loola yawns.


"Yeah yeah yeah!" The goblin lass waves a hand dismissively. "Crookedtoes, my people, harken me. Now is time four told, time when talls would come before us in desperate need."


"I think we need to hurry; no time for catapults or songs." She pauses. "SEE!?! No time for SONGS! King say so!"

"Prepare for journey south and into our destiny. Now, we be heroes."

Upon the audience's applause at the Pizazz 'understudy,' Loola pouts even more. She certainly does not enjoy being upstaged by this newcomer to the group. Even if Teki is a goddess the same way that Loola is a halfling.

"Me wish Grams was here," she mutters to herself.

I will use the Hero Point that Teki just gave out.

Performance, Hero Point: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 A little better.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
motteditor wrote:
Divine offering!

Indeed! Watch out Apsu, Teki is coming for Loola's devotion.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"Thank you! It so SHINY!"

Silver Crusade 3/5

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Kate Baker wrote:

* snip *

I would love to see either a tweak to the massive damage rule as Thod suggested or the ability to use hero points to stop a death from massive damage.

That would be the easiest and least disruptive adjustment if one is needed.

Silver Crusade

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Hi James, I hope you are well.

Are there any (or could there be any) dhampir clerics of Sarenrae?

Related, if a human cleric of Sarenrae contracted vampirism, and she somehow managed to resist turning away from goodness (which I realize, a priori, means finding a way to avoid the need to drink blood), is it possible for her to retain her powers and spells as a worshipper of Sarenrae?

Silver Crusade 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This sounds more like an instance of subpar GMing rather than subpar scenario writing.

It is not really the job of the scenario writer/editor to include every exceptional case for the GM. That's why we have human GMs after all.

Edit: WOW! So ninja'd by... everyone?

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)

Reev scuttles across the uneven floor toward the remaining adult spider, whirling dogslicers at his quarry and ears flapping. He makes one broad slice with each sword, first Terror, in his left hand, striking high, then Harriet, in his right, striking low.

◈ Stride
◈◈ Twin Feint

dogslicer attack, IC: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16
dogslicer damage, IC: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8

dogslicer sneak attack, IC: 1d20 + 7 - 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 7 - 4 + 1 = 19 vs flat-footed
dogslicer damage plus sneak attack plus precision, IC: 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (1) + 1 + 1 = 11

"See?" the goblin thief explains to no one in particular, "Harriet much more dangerous than Terror."

@GM: So, did Barashk hit the yellow spider? I really don't mean to be a bother; I just want to know what happened. Also, yes, the Forumbeast is voracious sometimes. I feel ya.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola turns to the goblins, clears her throat, and asks, "Have you heard story called, Rise of Goblin Heroes, True and Accurate Account,
by Zusgut, King of Absalom Goblins?"

Do we still have our scripts?

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola's eyes wide, she listens intently to Teki's story, her mouth still agape, but with a genuinely friendly smile.

She turns back to Scratch and proclaims, "Ok. Me like her! She goddess like me halfling." The wee goblin lass beams, proud of her newfound understanding.

And for the next several minutes there is nothing she wants more in the world than to touch the Starstone itself. But, as with all things, that too quickly fades from her attention.

"We go save people! That's what Auntie Juniper would do." Loola nods and crosses her arms.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

@Scratch: "I don't think this raccoon is cooked all the way through."


Radiant Oath

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola stares, mouth agape, at the newest member of their group of pathfinders.

"Um..." Loola cautiously shakes Teki's hand. "Me Loola?" she says, more as a question than as a statement of fact. "Them call me Bloo. Me was goblin once, but now me halfling."

The goblin sorcerer has too many questions for Teki, she doesn't know where to start. "How—? Heroes—? Who—? Goddess—? Where—? Forgotten—? Starstone—? Divine Calling—? WHAT?!?"

She turns to the others, "Scratch? Who this? She say she 'goddess.'"

Loola then returns her attention to Teki. "Me thought goddesses maybe be ... taller?"

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
motteditor wrote:
Sorry, I realized I should have asked: Have any of you played this adventure before? If so, do you want to send me a PM with details of your run, so I can try to make sure this is a unique adventure for you.

I have played this. I messaged you at the beginning of August. :)

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
virsamajor wrote:
Whew. Things have been ROUGH lately. Looking forward to another adventure with y'all!

Yes. The world is exceptionally heavy. I've been battling depression pretty severely the past few days. Today I got out on my bike and I think that helped.

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Seriously, Teki might be the greatest character I've ever seen. I cannot wait to see her in action.

Speaking of such things, who will keep Loola out of trouble with Grams not in attendance? Uh oh.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

For the entire duration of the return trip Loola begs Sandstone to see the "cat sword" (katana). "Please, please, please? Bloo be good!"

"Hi Captain Amara!" Loola is overjoyed to see the beautiful Tien woman again. "So much happened! Was very exciting! Me saw snow!... " and the small goblin enthusiastically reports every detail of their mission to Amara Li, hardly pausing to take a breath throughout the telling.

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)

"You scare me," Reev confesses.


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Gary Bush wrote:
Holy Necro Man-Bat!!

"You rang?" asks the vampire cleric.

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Loola is sad to see the snow is all gone when she returns to Basaru, but she is happy to play with the other children again. She joins them in their games, and dances with them to Dorobu's flute, and she teaches them some songs and dances of her own. She even shows them the halfling game of Pebble Toss that she learned from her Aunt Juniper and Uncle Cosmo.

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)
Valdris wrote:
I'm hoping this'll be quick, as I want to save my bigger spells for later....

Yeah, a warg and 4 wolves should be able to defeat us in just a couple of rounds.

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
Bot Buddy 2000 wrote:
Psst. That is what hero points are for.

Can't take 'em with us.

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Using that brand new Hero Point! ("Shiny!")
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Better.

The attack covers Loola in sap, and she bawls in a blend of annoyance and disgust "Grams, me all sappy!" The wee goblin thinks for a moment, then quips, "Tess, this 'nother STICKY mess we in," and she begins giggling maniacally at what she imagines to be her funniest joke ever.

Then, with a word in draconic, Loola's nails extend into formidable dragon claws, and blue scales ripple into being across her entire body.
◈ dragon claws ♥
♥ Blood Magic Draconic scales grow briefly on you or one target, granting a +1 status bonus to AC for 1 round.

With another word in ancient draconic, she raises a small shield of magical force, then strikes at her attacker.
◈ Strike
dragon claws attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
claw damage plus electricity: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7

Striking true with sharpened claws, Loola is pleased with herself and taunts her red pine adversary, "WOOD you like more this?" then continues with her juvenile laughter.


Loola's AC is currently 20, and she has access to
⤾ Shield Block.

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0


Intimidation: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Loola tries to growl like a bear, in the way that Iqu taught her, but it sounds more similar to a sick cat than anything else.

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

@Tess: LOVE IT!

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0

"Me born ready, Grams," says Loola, brimming with excitement. The small blue goblin lass grasps her mace, and follows Scratch deeper into the woods.

Radiant Oath

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CG Female Goblin (Unbreakable) Sorcerer (Draconic) 1┃hp 18/18AC 17┃Fort +5 · Ref +6 · Will +4Per +2 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +6 · Absalom +4 · Arcana +4 · Deception +7 · Diplomacy +7 · Goblins +4 · Intimidation +7 · Nature +2 · Stealth +6 · Thievery +6┃ Focus 1/1Spells 1st—3/3┃Active Conditions mage armor · wounded 1Hero Points 0
Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale wrote:
I'm debating rewriting Grams' history and making her a champion*. I know in 1e you could just do that automatically with a first-level character, but I think we need the boon to do it in 2e? (I have it, so either way, that's fine, I guess.)

I think we still get free rebuilds at 1st level in PFS2e.

Brynsil "Grams" Lustershale wrote:
* I think that makes sense for her, and I have another character I want to build who makes most sense as a fighter, and seems silly with such a new game to have two fighters when there are other classes I haven't played yet.

Grams as a champion would be perfect, even better than fighter, in my opinion.

Horizon Hunters

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CG Male Goblin (Unbreakable) Rogue (Thief) 1┃hp 17/20AC 17 (+1 vs hazards)┃Fort +5 · Ref +9 · Will +6 (+1 vs to saves vs hazards)┃Per +6 · darkvision┃Speed 25┃ Acrobatics +7 · Deception +6 · Diplomacy +6 · Intimidation +6 · Absalom +2 · Pathfinder Society +2 · Scouting +2 · Medicine +4 · Nature +4 · Performance +6 · Stealth +7 · Thievery +7┃ Active ConditionsHero Points 1┃Twitchy (Initiative and hazards)
Mmph wrote:
By the way, are you sure your number for the +13 Athletics is correct? I didn't bother to calculate the exact value, but the chance for 5 successes, of any kind, in a row is already above 77%, and the chance for 4 successes, of any kind, in a row is above 81%. Keep in mind that this character has almost a 50% chance of a critical success.

Oh, you are right. I had forgotten to count most of the critical successes!*

It should be...

Corrected answer:

* There are 3 kinds of mathematicians: those who can count, and those who can't.