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14,616 posts. Alias of Dennis Harry.


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Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - All Together Now

Xing responds, "I do not know what other powers he has though he was introduced to me as Gottsdam. This Gottsdam has command of the Dominate power so thoroughly that it allowed him to possess a Mortal by both day and night. So certain was he in his control that he accompanied me with this Mortal and sent my Sire to find Kratos and slay him before his arrival in Venice. To his surprise, Kratos had already arrived in Venice and my Sire was sent on a goose chase.

I met Gottsdam in the flesh, I think. In Vincenza a few weeks ago., mid-March.

We, meaning myself, my Sire and one of Querini's bodyguards. The intent was for Sadir to join our ranks but he refused and thus he bade Querini to send one of his guardsmen with us.

When we arrived the city was in pandemonium as the Inquisition arrived in town the day before and started detaining people accusing them of witchcraft, sorcery and of being “devil spawn”. These are perhaps the same Mortals that may vex us here in Venice currently? There though they were seizing Mortals. Due to this unforseen circumstance, we met in a small cabin outside of the city limits.

When I arrived he was delighted that we had a Mortal with us but disappointed that Sadir refused his invitation. I learned a few things from him. The first, that he had three Cainite assistants, The Man with No Name, my Sire, The Woman with No Name, and That Which Should not be Beholden.

The second is that the group believes that the Cainites of the 13 Clans have veered from the Path of the Progenitors which Gottsdam claims numbers 27 and not 13.

The third, the group seeks to gain allies from the west to bring the 13 back in line with the original will of the Progenitors lest they rise to slay all of society and in the process create a great mortal tragedy. I am not entirely certain I believe this. If this is the case, why are they so secretive? Would this not be something that should be proposed at the Conclave? Why slay Kratos and attempt to burn evidence of these truths?

The fourth, that a tome they referred to as the Book of Nod was all lies.

I was told to claim Erwin the Black as my Sire. My specific task was to locate Uriel or Sebastian, both Salubri Cainites. Now I know that this Sebastian was the Cainite known as Talisman, I still am not ware of who Uriel is as I did not see or hear of this one at the Conclave".

Andrew chimes in, "Uriel is mah 'n Geoffroi's Grandsire, he went by a diff'rt name when he Embraced Sebastian but I am no aware o' it".

Alejandro adds to Xing's statement, "It is difficult to detect a Masquerader, I suppose through the Auspex power but I am no master in it. That is the essence of the problem as I stated before. He could be any Mortal anywhere anytime.

I suspect that he wished to gather myself, Fahdi, and Radek and any of our Childer to their cause before revealing themselves to a wider audience. If the progenitors of our Clans are indeed at some sort of shadow war with these un named un known Ancients, keeping their continued existence a secret make sense.

Perhaps the best way to get an answer as to just who the ancient that Khay'tall references is would be to question him directly. However, if he refuses to answer what recourse do we have? Do we slay him? I have been told he is notoriously difficult to slay.

As Radek sees things your way Neonates, I shall share the scrolls with you. If this knowledge dooms you, then damned you shall become and it is through no fault of mine".

The Ancillae Cainite reaches into his coat and draws out a few ancient scrolls. Before he can unfurl them, Bernardo speaks.

"The serpent will not reveal who he has summoned, but I believe it to be a member of his own Clan based on what he told me. Is this Queen as he refers to her as powerful as he says? I suppose if she arrives we may find out.

I was present for the end of Prince Narses, I can end speculation on this event if such is your wish, if not, I shall take my leave as I have things I wish to accomplish this night before your Coterie attacks the Hunters. I believe your plan is bold and will either work, or bring the Hunters more aid than they even have now".

I shall let the PCs choose, begin reading the scrolls or hear the end of Narses? We can also delve deeper into the nature of Gottsdam as well!

Shadow's Status

OK, I'll buy Auspex 2 then selecting this power. I have 3 XP left, I'll save it for Dominate or Presence 2 most likely.

Edit: If I wanted to buy the other Auspex 2 power, would I also pay 5 or do I have to buy that as the third dot? Or am I just barred as my pathway through the power is what it is?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - All Together Now

Alejandro turns to Lorenzo, "I do not know. My Brother told me that the Serpent was bringing an ancient to the city and that She may well be powerful enough to stake a claim to rule by force of will alone. She would come from the East. Thus, I am now wondering, did Khay'tall encounter Lantla? Or does he speak of another powerful female Methuselah".

Radek lowers himself from his hovering and into a chair, "I suppose it does not matter either way. If such a being arrives now it will add to the chaos of the situation, but it could make it better".

Alejandro frowns, "Ancients arriving unwanted or unbidden is rarely good.

Regardless, my Grandchilde is pushing for me to reveal all that which we know, including scrolls assembled by Kratos which indicate the facts of her existence. I believe that I should simply wipe the minds of these neonates and save them the potential danger this knowledge poses to all who possess it".

Radek nods, "So you wish for me to agree with you and assist or disagree and provide you with cover to reveal that which we know.

I have little conscience left and so I disagree. If this Methuselah may arrive imminently, we may need these neonates for assistance to combat her or assist her as we see fit".

Alejandro raises his eyebrows at Radek's statement, "The latter part of your statement is absurd. Regardless, your line of thinking is in line with that of the neonates".

He narrows his eyes at Xing, "Very well then, what do you wish to know?"

I'll allow the PCs the first stab at questions.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - All Together Now

As Alessandro and Geoffroi exit their meeting with Alejandro, they see Onfroi sitting and quietly speaking with Cristiano. Once your group exits, Onfroi gets up and sits away from the strange Cainite owner. Bernardo sits at the bar silently, in contemplation of... something. The bartender still stands there glaring at everyone but not speaking a word.

The rest of the coterie file out as well, all remain silent until the rest of your Cainite allies exit their meeting.

Michele, Lorenzo, and Ranerius look thoughtful, before anyone can speak, Alejandro addresses Radek, "My friend. Do you remember Her?"

Radek sighs, "I do, what of her?"

Alejandro replies, "It seems that she does indeed still exist and may be ready to meddle in the affairs of the Cainite world once more".

Radek's eyebrows raise, "Would it not be better to assume nothing until we see something? Are there not enough irons in the fire already without adding one more?"

Alejandro shrugs, "What if she is the one that Khay'tall speaks of".

Radek perks up at the notion, "Could it be?"

Both Anacillae pause, giving time for the PCs to chime in!

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Radek nods to his Childe, "That is all Michael, I wish you well in your endeavors. Know that if you need allies, Goratrix's seat of power is in Paris".

"Noted", is Michael's flat response as the Ritual is cut off by the Tremere.

"Let us return to the others".

Shadow's Status
ST Talomyr wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
One more question, I assume I would need to learn a Path directly from a teacher or can I use my Ducheski contacts to try and learn paths from a tome?

Another major change for V5, the paths don't officially exist anymore, there are a number conversions on the Storyteller's Vault (DriveThruRPG), but nothing official. Almost everything that the paths covered is now covered in various Rituals.

I guess those can be learned through tomes then? That would be good!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status
Calliope Marchette wrote:
I should look into the XP sitch...I know we got some 6XP a while back, but I haven't looked much into where to put it.

We received 8 total thus far.

Shadow's Status

One more question, I assume I would need to learn a Path directly from a teacher or can I use my Ducheski contacts to try and learn paths from a tome?

Shadow's Status

Contemplating spending some XP on a second dot in a Discipline, ST, Auspex 2 has a power that allow for premonitions, I assume that is entirely controlled by you as you see fit and I cannot simply activate the power?

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
I really don't feel I can gainsay Alejandro. So... it is what it is.

The other scene is about to wrap up so it will be time to push Radek about it!

Shadow's Status
Celestial Healer wrote:
In my defense, I thought the door was spiked from the other side.

Jakun spiked it to hold off any potential attacks from behind, it uh... didn't work....

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Santos shakes his head, "No. I saw nor heard anything about such a man. It seems Fahdi saw me as a useful tool and not a confidant. If I can make him pay for that, I will. Something tells me that this is naught but a revenge fantasy for me, but some fantasies come true".

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Crap, one correction on a post from a few weeks ago, Lonzo is NOT a descendant of Hardestadt, his lineage is:

Lanzo von Saschen. Childe of Victor Strauss. Childe of Melina Adenauer. Childe of Nicholas Valmont. Childe of Almalexia. Childe of Ventrue.

And, Franz is a Childe of Lanzo? Therefore also not descendant of Hardestadt?

And, none of the names in their lineage are familiar, so... unknowns that have little to do with the plot or the hidden hand?!

Correct, I thought that was the case but here is contradicting info in the thread, I trust my first post the most.

Potentially yes, but, Lanzo has been an ardent supporter and bannerman for Hardestsdt for at least 150 years.

Shadow's Status

Crap, one correction on a post from a few weeks ago, Lonzo is NOT a descendant of Hardestadt, his lineage is:

Lanzo von Saschen. Childe of Victor Strauss. Childe of Melina Adenauer. Childe of Nicholas Valmont. Childe of Almalexia. Childe of Ventrue.

Shadow's Status

Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo, any more questions for Santos? If not, we will recombine the groups for the rest of the scene at the Blue Mongoose.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Radek turns to Lorenzo, "Do you wish to speak with this Moses right now and bring him to the Mongoose?"

Santos interrupts, "If there are no more questions, I am still traveling and wish to dally no longer".

This Recruitment us now CLOSED.

Looks like this is a no go. I will still leave it open until 6 am (est) tomorrow May 3. Then I will close out and move on with the PCs already involved.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Michael pauses, "Radek also knew of the locations of the slaves delivered as Herd, but I presume that he is no traitor".

Radek shrugs, "Certainly not else why would I still be here".

Santos continues, "I initially knew Fahdi as Hans, he had stolen the identity of one of my Gondola drivers that he had murdered. He convinced me that he would usher me into a world of great power and influence. Ambitious and seeking to give my family the good life, he asked me to keep tabs on the Volkovs.

What his ultimate aim for that was I do not know, but he was the Cainite that was leaving bodies about the city in violation of Narses Laws. As if he wanted the locals to discover our existence. What I do know is that he was also an agent of the Giovanni. They sheltered him in exchange for the ability to utilize him for his incredibly powerful Obfuscate skills. What tasks he performed for them I do not know.

Along with the Giovanni, he too asked what Inns I delivered the Herds to... Perhaps that is why he sought to kill me? I was the last link to who knew what. He did tell me directly that my death would tie up loose ends and that the noose around his neck was tightening. If Radek had not Embraced me, this knowledge would have been lost".

Radek speaks, "My old coterie mate was always cut throat, he knew enough to know when to cut and run as he has been running from his own Clan for some time.

Remember that Prince Narses in the Conclave declared a blood hunt on him for his violation of the Silence of the Blood due to the conspicuous deaths.

His working for the Giovanni makes more sense now as murdered bodies with no blood would rouse the suspicion of Hunters that they were on the right track here in Venice.

What I do not understand is why he would care at all about the Volkov's, perhaps knowing they were Hunters he wanted to assist in pointing them in the right direction towards us?"

Lorenzo ONLY:
You know for a fact that Fahdi was being sheltered by the Giovanni in the bowels of the Mausoleum.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Michael shakes his head i the negative, "No. When I interacted with Lord Kestral it was when I was a Mortal. He was certainly intimidating but I had no idea of his true nature.

After my Embrace I never had any conversations with him. I also had no interactions with Talisman either except for what I witnessed in Elysium when present.

My most significant interactions as a... whatever we are, were with Fahdi while I was a Mortal and with Radek when he saved my life by ending it".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:
Michael chuckles, "My last meeting within Elysium wherein I wished to discuss the dilemma I had with the Seneschal and the Prince fell on deaf ears. I was told it was not important. So, I made it important.

I suppose if you found them you cleaned my mess instead of it creating a headache for the Elders, more's the pity there. The Prince owes you one. As I shall never return I have no care as to the criminality or lack thereof of my actions.

As far as why I slew them, they were becoming non-functioning. Only stopping to pick up Cainites they recognized as fares. Even on days off they felt compelled to come in and board their gondolas and search. I could not help them, as far as I was concerned it was a mercy killing".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:
Santo replies, "Well met Dr. Cappelli.

This was several weeks ago, while the Giovanni were still in the city. I know this because I spoke to this Moses directly. Perhaps he was working for Brexiano and the Giovanni at the time".

Savio speaks, "It could well be the case that he was working for both. At one point in time, my Sire had quite good relations with the Giovanni. As I understand it, he had them excommunicated because he began to distrust them once he realized how easily their spirits could spy on him while he was unaware".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Alejandro, Xing, Vitaliano & Andrew. PCs - Alessandro, Geoffroi:

Andrew speaks, "Ah've naught te say as mah friend 'n Brother in blood spoke fr me perfect".

Alejandro cocks his head at the two nights, ready to retort. He opens his mouth once, then twice, then he is silent for a moment. "Radek was present as well, he has a stake in the game. Perhaps I shall also have him confer with our other two Coterie mates. Once he is done with his little ritual, I shall confer with him, if he agrees then I shall share with you the scrolls. If he does not, well... we shall see"

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose

NPCs - Alejandro, Xing, Vitaliano & Andrew. PCs - Alessandro, Geoffroi:

Alejandro shakes his head in annoyance at Alessandro, "Then I suggest you take her to the Courts of Avalon and stand in the shadow of Mithras then. Here and now, we are quite vulnerable to Gottsdam's whims. He is a Masquerader, he could be any Mortal, anywhere and utilize much of his powers through that proxy.

What is it you seek from me Xing? Advice? I advise you to go somewhere that your Sire cannot find you. Forget that you learned these things. I can assist with that".

Xing shakes her head, "No, I wish to have those scrolls and share them so there can be preparation against this foe".

Alejandro chuckles, "What makes you believe that I have not already destroyed them?"

NPCs - Radek, Savio, & Lydia. PCs - Michele, Ranerius, and Lorenzo:

Radek nods. He begins the ritual, after several minutes, the apparition of Michael Santo appears.

He is startled, "This is not a good time Radek..."

Radek brushes off the curt greeting, "Are you in an unsafe location?"

Santo shrugs, "Let me be clear, no time is a good time. I must address my emergency before I will speak on anything further".

Radek narrows his eyes, "There is a concern back here in Venice that much of the troubles caused, were caused by you!"

Santo pauses, "What do you mean?"

Radek continues, "Your peers believe you may have some knowledge of what took place with the Hunters. You are one of the few who knew where all of the delegates of the Conclave were staying".

Santo shakes his head insisting vociferously, "I had nothing to do with that, my leaving the city had nothing to do with that!"

Radek continues, "Good my Childe, I believe you, but there are some things only you may know, answer these and I shall trouble you no further, agreed?"

Santo pauses for a time, "Very well".

Radek smiles ever so slightly, "Excellent.

Who else knew of the Inns which were to be utilized for the Herds? Were there any other Inns to which Mortals were brought? Who made the workers at these places have memory lapses and tranquilized the Herds? Sadir?"

Santo shakes his head, "Myself. Querini. I presume the Prince and his Seneschal. Lord Kestral.

I smuggled no Mortal anywhere else, the whole job seemed bizarre to me.

It was Lord Kestral that handled the domination of all involved, including my employees".

Radek continues, "There is no one else, are you certain?"

Santo pauses, "I don't recall...but I get the sense there is another that may have known, but I remember no one else directly involved".

Radek pauses, his eyes go wide, "Wait, did Pietro Giovanni not ask you to keep tabs on these deliveries?"

Santo shakes his head in agreement, "Yep, you're right Sire. He did, I thought it was an odd ask at the time, but then I was a Mortal unwise to the darker world beneath the world and in its shadows".

"So he was not involved but questioned you about the events?" Radek states.

Santo nods, "I would agree with that statement, maybe that's why I didn't remember, they were not involved at all.

Before he was forced out, I also ran into one of his minions looking for Katriana Volkov. He was a ghoul, his name was Moses. The Giovanni were awfully active before the Prince forced them out I guess".

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi, Andrew the Hardy, Vitaliano da Riva, and Savio Ingannatore

As the Elders leave and the groups split off, Bernardo and the Cainite you all believe to be Cristiano remain seated.

Geoffroi pairs off after Andrew who follows Xing as do Vitaliano and Alessandro.

Ranerius chooses to attend to Michele, Radek, Lorenzo, Lydia, and surprisingly Savio.

Each group sits in a separate alcove, rather more cramped than they would like, but beggars cannot be choosers.

Radek nods to the assembled Cainites and asks simply, "Time may be limited, what do you wish to know from my Childe".

The Elder Lasombra frowns at Xing, "I am surprised you are still here, would you not be safer in your homeland blending in?"

She scowls, "You know in my land this curse would have me stick out like dead tree in the Emperor's Gardens".

Alejandro shakes his head, "I don't mean it that way my dear, I mean that you would be lost to the west, probably forever, why remain here?"

"How can I go if I do not know who may follow me? Better to stay here and fight the foe... the foe that the scrolls warned of!"

Alejandro's face darkens, "It is not the place to speak on such things. Is there not enough trouble already? Let it go, if you wish I can wipe your memory of all... wait, did you share this secret with the assembled? Foolishness!"

Shadow's Status
Prox Simmoss wrote:
Note you can opt for average if you do not roll above average for Hit Points and average for a 1d6 is 4

That seems the better idea!

Shadow's Status

Thaumaturgy (Path of the focused mind) 5 is her specific power.

Shadow's Status
They call him Jack wrote:
If it wasn't all Tremere, I'd be down! But all their spooky spells makes my head hurt...

One of the open characters is more Melee oriented than Thaumaturgy oriented but totally understandable, the Tremere are not everyone's cup of tea.

Shadow's Status

This one is looking a bit dead, shoot me a PM if you are able to get it going again I'll be happy to play Gotal once more! Thanks Phntm.

Shadow's Status
ST Talomyr wrote:
Recruitment for one of Storyteller Shadows existing Vampire (20th Anniversary Edition) games.

Thanks Talomyr!

I have lost two players.

I would like to recruit to replace these two players. The rub is that I would like to keep the character names intact. I would be fine with a change in backgrounds or even power sets chosen by potential new players. This is the last time I will open this game up to new PCs.

This is an ALL Tremere coterie set in 1910. We are using the V20 rules. The Coterie is being sent to China though their purpose in being sent there has yet t be revealed.

Post up here or send me a PM if you are interested. I will be closing the recruitment whether or not there are takers by May 3, 2024 so next Friday.

Thank you!

Shadow's Status
Zhang Jim wrote:
Sorry, new job has wrecked my schedule!

Congrats! What are you doing now? I can relate. :-)

Shadow's Status

Geoffroi was away for personal reasons and he should be back to posting early next week.

Everyone else let me know whether you want to go with Radek or Alejandro.

With Radek, you will be present for and be able to ask questions of Michael Santo.

With Alejandro, you will be present for Xing questioning him.

Of course, you could also ask for a general meeting with both as Radek and Alejandro were coterie members and both were supposedly present for the rise of this Ventrue Methuselah...

Shadow's Status

I have not been in the game very long and had little interaction with him in game.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Geoffroi nods to Michele, "You have my blade".


Andrew turns to Ranerius, "Ah think ye'r jus' misrememberin' Ranerius, we sent off Victor, her Childe an he corroborated that story aboot is Sire meetin' ta' Final Deth.

Anyway, ah'm wit' ye all as well".

Savio turns to the three Lasombra, "I propose that I act as a representative of the Triumverate and attend to this matter with the Hunters. I shall assist Michele Querini in your name". All three Lasombra nod in agreement.

The Artiste smiles at Ranerius, "Certainly. I shall make my way to Padua until this dilemma resolves itself, as the Childe of the Sire of our Clans Justicar, I leave matters in your careful hands".

Vitaliano shrugs, "I shall assist in the endeavor as well Michele, we have vey many aligned goals". His Sire shrugs in agreement or perhaps disinterest, always hard to tell with Madmen.

Valerio speaks, "What of may charges!"

Valdemar responds, "Once matters are settled we shall have a formal inquiry into the destruction of Simon". The Nosferatu retorts, "Very well", clearly unhappy with the outcome.

Onfroi does not respond nor does the hooded figure, "I am of course with you Querini.

Hooded One, can we remain here to discus Querini's strategy in further detail?" The hooded Cainite nods his assent.

Lydia remains silent, Lorenzo having spoken for her.

Radek turns to Michele Querini, "Now that a way forward is settled, do you wish for me to contact Michael Santo? I believe there is a side room in which to do so here no?" The hooded figure nods yes to the question.

Xing approaches Alejandro, "Can we speak Elder?" Alejandro sighs, "Yes, yes we should".

Those who have not been asked to remain, begin to make their way out of the Mongoose.

Who wishes to enter the scene with Xing and Radek and who wishes to enter the scene with Alejandro and Xing?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Magdalena responds to Vitaliano and Alessandro's insinuations and Onfroi's aggressiveness, "Our Sire has long had a policy of not actively engaging Mortal Hunters, whether agents of the Church or otherwise. We believe that his wisdom was prudent and thus we hesitate to overrule that advice.

While we do not seek to actively thwart your efforts we are also still not comfortable with actively assisting in them either. Moreover, an ill planned attack can result in unforseen consequences so any rush to attack these foes could make matters worse.

The approach of Michele Querini is the exact sort of response that our Sire would likely suggest, so I at least, find it an interesting idea.

The "breadcrumbs" that are being left, or stones being uncovered indeed may well point to a figure who has orchestrated this attack. Though generally I find that Cainites underestimate Mortals willingness to act of their own initiative, not all things can be explained by Cainite machinations.

The rules for succession were laid out by our Sire, or at least so this Lord Bion claims by way of shadow proxy. I've no doubt the shadow figure was indeed made up of the essence of Prince Narses thus I am in alignment with myself and my "Brothers" leading as a triumverate for now and then deciding who shall rise to Prince after this crisis is attended to.

Indeed there are others, Savio present with us is the youngest and not yet ready. Pacifico, was sent to torpor in the fighting with El Cid is safely ensconced below Narses haven, I cannot imagine the Hunters found him as one can only enter those dungeons through the shadow. Finally, the Prince of Padua has a claim, but my brother likes his station as is I believe".

Shadow's Status
Prox Simmoss wrote:
Well I will have to say, that admirably the other GM was not following the module verbatim but without him telling me where they might have been going with things I will have to just try my best to follow their lead.

I presume part of that is because so many people have played through this and he wanted to keep us guessing! Also, he's been running and playing a long time so he's no GM slouch!

Shadow's Status
Prox Simmoss wrote:

Okay then as a heads up since everyone has checked in I will try to be up to full speed by at least this next weekend if not sooner. I just have to digest all the players and the module so that I can make sure I am delivering a quality rendition of things.

Question are there anythings you various players would like to see that might not have occurred thus far or anything your characters would specifically be interested in going forward.


No, I am happy to follow along with the module as is (been trying to finish this thing as a PC for like 10 years). If you want to of-road, I will follow along but Phineas has a pretty simple motivation, bloody the Empires nose!

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

It seems only your coterie is focused on the outburst, though there has certainly been a great deal of cross talk at this meeting!

Bernardo shakes his head, "I am sorry, but I do not remember what I said nor who I said it about then".

Vitaliano peers at the Gangrel intently, "Oh. Ohhhh". Then turns to the gathering of the Cainites, "Is it just that the Elders do not wish to even address Michele Querini's suggestions because you want no part in it or are you afraid?"

Pause to give the rest of you time to react.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Lorenzo turns to Lydia whose mouth is agape, "Absolutely I heard it".

Bernardo snarls, "Of course you would say that, he is your master".

Xing chuckles softly, "Oh no, you certainly said it, excitedly so".

Bernardo scowls.

Andrew nods, "Ah heard it too, are ye ok Bernardo? Is there somethin' ya' need ta' tell?"

He pauses, now seemingly doubting himself.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

The Lasombra all look at one another as Alessandro asks the question, Magdalena responds, "Until we have the current situation under control, we shall not call a Blood Hunt, but it is under heavy consideration of course".

Valerio chimes in again, "So it is legal than to slay with impunity? First my Sire. Then the Seneschal? Now the Prince?"

Valdemar retorts, "Brexiano's killer was put under a Blood Hunt! Granted, it is quite clear that the Prince wanted him dead and could have slain him had he so chosen.

You claim that your Sire was slain, where is that proof other than his disappearance? He has long been a wanderer yes? I know for a fact that my Sire favored your Sire and would have turned his attention to that investigation had the Conclave not distracted him".

Valerio retorts, "Very well then, the very Cainites likely responsible are in this room as we speak. Cristiano Lintini and Onfroi the Bastard of Burgandy. I demand a trial or an least a inquiry on the matter!"

Onfroi scoffs while the hooded figure, Lintini, if Valerio and Lorenzo are correct does not react at all.

Andrew whistles at the request, "Ah think tha' Onfroi is git tha' right o' it. We're bein bogged down wit' much. If'n Onfroi and this stranger err guilty o' this crime, now ain't tha' time ta' infight".

Bernardo scowls at Lorenzo, "I think you are speaking with too many spirits and hearing voices Cappadocian, I said no such thing".

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Yes, each Clan has its own Justicars. The Justicars each answer to the collective Inner Circle. Mithras is "no more powerful than any other Justicar" in theory. In practice, no one (or at least very few) would want to stand toe to toe with Mithras if they could avoid it. [I will note that the Cappadocians initially selected Mithras as their Clan Justicar but were denied].
Wait, so all Justicars are Ventrue?

Lorenzo is correct, the Cappadocians nominated Mithras for a specific purpose, they knew that the request would be overruled, especially by the Ventrue. Every other Clan selected a member of their own clan.

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

So, one's representatives need not be of the same clan? In this case a Ventrue sent a Toreador as representative.

Also, each clan has its own Justicars? And Ventrue Justicars are above that? Or do all Justicars effectively roll up to Mithras?

Apologies for the ignorance.

The Prince of Paris wasn't seeking a seat on the Camarilla, he just wanted to be in the loop on what was happening. He sent Francois as a trusted ally, he sent Talisman thinking to get the Malkavian advisor out of his hair!

Yes, each Clan has its own Justicars. The Justicars each answer to the collective Inner Circle. Mithras is "no more powerful than any other Justicar" in theory. In practice, no one (or at least very few) would want to stand toe to toe with Mithras if they could avoid it. [I will note that the Cappadocians initially selected Mithras as their Clan Justicar but were denied].

No apologies necessary, we are in non-canon territory here!

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
Who is the current Prince of Paris?

Geoffroi du Temple, Childe of Alexander so he is Clan Ventrue.

He deposed Alexander right at the beginning of the War of Princes. He sent Francois Villon as well as Talisman as his representatives, of course Francois and Talisman had their own motivations for attending.

Further note that Ranerius IS the Childe of Francois Villon. Francois' Childe Violetta is the Toreador Justicar though she too exited the city prior to the mayhem.

Shadow's Status

Well, you technically speak with Mithras' voice so that's a pretty potent weapon.

The power derived from the group is from your collective Coterie, most Vampire games the PCs are the upstarts (hell even in an Elders game there are still Methuselahs!) so it's really your group that is the force here, assuming they back up your play, whatever such a play may be. You also DO KNOW where Franz is (or at least you know approximately where he is), something no one else knows.

The Hunters are the short term problem. There is certainly a long term problem as well... you are all pretty close to figuring it out! A few more posts from me should give you all the puzzle pieces I think. But I want to allow the PCs to post and interact and absorb my posts which can be quite dense!

There are also the longer term issues that Xing has raised, assuming she is not delusional. Do remember, it's 1309, I plan on running this game through to the year 20??, so it's not all going to get resolved in 1309 Venice.

Mini Recap on Plots -

1. Hunters have seemingly brought down the Camarilla. They are the pressing short term crisis as they are actively hunting Vampires. Plus they have a Cainite among them who at any time could be staked and simply brought to the Pope.

Michele proposed a solution to the crisis, but if anyone else has another better one feel free to shout it out.

2. The largest supporter of the Camarilla has died, Prince Narses. It appears he had many, many, many shadowy political rivalries at once. Who will ultimately take his mantle is another short term dilemma. His killer appears to be Belisarius a Ventrue and Shabah an Assamite. Did they act on their own or with assistance? Does it matter?

3. It seems that someone, most likely a Vampire, sent the Hunters here at this critical time. Is identifying that Puppet Master a priority or not? If you do identify them, what do you do about it?

4. Xing claims there is an even larger looming threat from ancient Methuselahs and Antediluvians? Is that real or her imagination? If these beings are that powerful, does it matter and if it does matter, what, if anything, can you do about it?

5. Is the Camarilla, essentially the reason for you all to be Embraced, still a going concern? Do you care? Especially in light of the fact that your Sires said you were special snowflakes and many of them sacrificed you to save their own skins!

6. Who the hell is this host in the shadowy hood who won't identify himself and who has not spoken yet? Why is the Nosferatu Valerio accusing him and Onfroi and HIS Sire of killing his Simon?

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Bernardo looks puzzled at Lorenzo's question, "Who was an opportunist?"

Valdemar answers Lorenzo's other question, "We, the three Childer of Narses have taken his mantle for Clan Lasombra.

Of the Ventrue, Lanzo von Saschen returned to the Fief of the Black Cross prior to the disaster, he left his Childe Franz here as his mouthpiece. Where he is, I do not know. The same is true for Milov Petrankov having left his Childe Cantor here, if I am not mistaken, your coterie rescued Cantor from the clutches of the Hunters.

The Assamite and the Brujah, are... unaccounted for.

Lord Stack of the Salubri left with Talisman at the behest of my Sire, which I suppose means that Andrew is acting Inner Circle.

I presume that Lord Benne has gone to his Sire's domain, leaving you the acting Inner Circle for Clan Cappadocian.

One never knows what shadow a serpent hides in, but Sadir is indeed alive and has also left the city, leaving Michele Querini as acting Inner Circle.

As I understand it, Helene la Jouste met the Final Death and her Childe fled the city after your coterie rescued him. Thus, teh Toreador have no representatives to speak of.

Radek is present to speak for the Warlocks.

The Tzimisce, well, it is not clear is it? Vykos was the only Tzimisce who arrived and he was not present for the final vote tally's. Is he Camarilla Inner Circle for that Clan as default?

The Malkavian...."

"I am present", answers Antoine in his best impression of his Sire.

"Ah yes, you are here, your Sire, I do not know.

Onfroi can speak to whether his Sire survived or died..."

Valerio chimes in, "Perhaps his aura is stained with the blood of my Sire and so he has chosen to exit".

Bernardo moves to speak once more, "I believe that I can speak further on this Vykos..." and Onfroi interrupts, "Enough non-sequiturs, who is in to attack these Hunters and who is out!?

Enough lessons of history and of Cainite plots, these Mortals hunt for us by day and by night, they must be brough to heel".

Shadow's Status

Proof of another clone de aging perhaps.

He might be tempted but if it interfered with his sense of vengeance or score settling with the Imps.

Shadow's Status
Prox Simmoss wrote:

First thanks for that information.

So what might happen if someone said they had a solution to his aging problem. How would this affect Phineas?

Again just mostly curious about his motivations and such -- not saying this would occur.

He would want to see it to believe it.

Shadow's Status

Venice by Night - Friday - April 4, 1309

Inside The Blue Mongoose - (NPCs) Lydia, Onfroi, Xing Shi & Andrew the Hardy

Valdemar sighs at Alessandro's question, "Lasombra internal politics. Amici Noctis, have long coveted the city of Venice as a cornerstone of Lasombra influence. However, Narses has just as long subverted their efforts to have him join them. Brexiano had dealings with them, in fact, Narses selected Brexiano as his Seneschal to appease their desire for his membership into their ranks.

Narses believed that Brexiano as far back as the beginning of the War of the Princes, had been granted the right to Diablerize him by this organization. I speculate that Narses saw his ascension to the top of the Camarilla as a way to finally pull himself from the grasp of these Laombra Elders and Methuselahs. Thus, it was time to eliminate this potential Brexiano threat. Using El Cid to do so and then declaring a Blood Hunt on El Cid seemed useful cover to give plausible deniability should the group seek to punish Narses for the death of Brexiano.

As I said, I don't wish to turn over every stone or shine light in every dark corner of my Sires dealings for he had many".

Andrew chuckles, "Tha' Cam'rilla was usefel ta' him in many ways, he ev'n converted ta' Christianity ta' escape from his involvement wit' tha' Cainite Heresy. Again tha' Cam'rilla bein' a shield ta' help him wit' avoidin' incurrin' their wrath, or so said me Sire".

Magdalena's lips twitch, "He had rivalry with a Tzimisce for leadership of that group as well. Nikita of Sredetz, a rivalry he was losing".

Valerio speaks up once more, "I am familiar with that name, he was of the line of the Tzimisce mentioned by the Warlock, the Dracon. Narses for some time had us watching for this Nikita or any of his minions".

Bernardo continues to bite his tongue, but suddenly lashes out with rage in his voice, "He was an opportunist!!!" He composes himself, "I do not wish to begin my tale until these threads are fully pulled, pray tell my friends, continue with these theories, we may well be on to something here".

Perception+Awareness DC 8 - 1 Success:
Ever so subtly, the shadows of the room dimmed as Bernardo lashed out.

Xing speaks, "Prince Narses certainly created very many enemies for himself".

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
How does Raoul Snake-Eyes fit in?

He doesn't, he's been dead for about 300 or so years. He was your Grandsire or Greatgrandsire before Mithras eliminated him.

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