Sheikh Ibn Taaib al-Ghurabi's page

421 posts. Alias of Arrius.


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Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Hey everyone.

I'll be bowing out of this campaign due to a general distancing from online play. I hope everyone has fun with the rest of the game. It was fun.

I will keep the sheikh's log online for a month or two if anyone wants to take it over to use it or take over it. If you'd like to take ownership of the log, I can facilitate that via google drive.

Take care everyone.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib sighs and sheathes his sword.
"This area must've been left alone during the looting--otherwise, we would have found more bodies here."

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Round 7: 3/2 attacks
Atk1: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (14) = 2
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Atk2: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (20) = -4
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
A natural 20 causes double damage for 16

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib nods in thanks to Aggramar, and is about to attack again, but the genie disappears.

He pauses, sword held high, until he hears Frackit being wounded behind him.

"Foul sorcery!" he shouts.
"Frackit! Close thy eyes!" He stoops and grabs one of the cushions, and tosses it at Frackit's direction with enough strength to explode the decayed fabric and toss dust, sand, and feathers all around him--to reveal the genie.

I think that would occupy my action, so no attacks this round.
Round 6; 3/2 attacks

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib takes the axe hit on the shoulder and grits his teeth.

He flanks the genie, and stabs forward with a shout.

Round 5: 3/2 attacks
Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (19) = -3
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Round 4: 3/2 attacks
Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (4) = 12
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (13) = 3
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Round 3: 3/2 attacks
Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (14) = 2
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib slashes again, twice.

Round 2: 3/2 attacks

Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (3) = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (14) = 2
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

@DM: My aura of protection should hamper his attacks since it works on summed creatures.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Good point. @DM: Can I retro and leave the room?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib draws his sword as the smoke materializes into the slayer genie, and strikes with his scimitar once the genie draws his arms. His aura of protection hampers the summoned creature (-1 to hit).

Round 1, 3/2 attacks
Attack: 16 - 1d20 ⇒ 16 - (18) = -2
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"We found some treasure, but not much of a pit," Ibn Taaib says, examining the room. As a governor of his people, he surveys the office, trying to find out more of how this place was run and inventory was kept.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

If you choose to claim it, just give me the heads up so I can reflect that on the log.
The log is also open for everyone to edit, if anyone'd rather pick up stuff themselves.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib studies the place, but is clearly out of his element.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Interesting, so we have one ever-clean carpet, one set of silverware that poisons everything, a scarab that blocks divination magic, and one magic robe that adds armor.

Any claimants?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Sounds good

Night 1: We will spend them to study the items highlighted in green in the campaign log (link.
Gold Mirror Frames
Remnants of the mirror trap (Gate of Vanity)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (
Feast hall silverware and carpet
Remnants of the feast trap (Gate of Gluttony)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates
Ivory comb (antelope carving)
Remnants of the succubus trap (Gate of Profane Love)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates
Book: The Kingdom of Lions: From the Founding to its Destruction
Azaltin’s study
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (
Scroll of Azaltin
Azaltin’s study: Too late have I realized the Loregiver’s warnings. Immortality is a curse, not a treasure. No man nor woman should bear this burden, which I only shouldered through youthful pride. Rest assured that The Eleven Baneful Gates has been destroyed. It can tempt mortals no further.
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (

Night 2: Here we will also cover the second batch of stuff highlighted in green.
Golden Scarab Brooch
14 carat brooch made of gold
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (
Shaddad’s gold cloth
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure

Shaddad’s gold crown
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure
Shaddad’s red brocade robes
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure
1 silver piece and 14 platinum pieces of ancient origin and having the name in Chun saying Azaltin
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure

So basically 10 things from the Al Anwahr adventure and Shaddad's tomb adventure.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

I thought Fadilah already identified them. We got a long trip ahead of us, though, so that's fun.
We got ~32 items we need identifying. So 6-7 casts to study our entire haul.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

So is everything else nonmagical? We got a lot to sell.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib joins the rest, observing the dungeon silently, having changed to his war-gear.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

If there are no objections, I'll just mark my HP as full since I believe we had enough time to heal me since the last fight.

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Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"A dangerous path," Ibn Taaib says. He studies the traveler.

Can I sense motive to know if it's a trap?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib rouses at the sound of talking, and sits up, looking out into the surrounding area.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib ties the rope to his paladin-camel, Sabuura, leveraging her great strength to do so.

This should give some kind of advantage as Sabuura is both strong and obedient to any of her master's commands.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib carries rope in his pouch, and says, "We can pull it out with rope, as Brother Aggrammar suggests. One must delve into the well first, of course."

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Yeah, Ibn Taaib is reading it now.
Actually, can we make a copy of it? My character is lettered and literate and already has enough paper to keep making those letters in the campaign log.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Let's roll identify on everything in the meantime.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

This would be important, since we are lugging around a lot of things we forgot about. That lamellar armor could be worth a lot, especially if it's truly elven.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

So the genie boasting game got me asking a few questions about the treasury, since there are some items without being marked by their owners.

Who claimed the following (if any)?

Ruby Ring of protection +2
Philter of Glibness
Belt of gender change (we had that?)
Chime of opening

Also we have some items that I am not sure we identified:
Golden Scarab Brooch (unknown magic) from Azaltin's tomb
Elven Lamellar (is it elven or magical?)
Gold Mirror Frames from Azaltin's tomb
Feast hall silverware and carpet from Azaltin's tomb
Ivory comb (antelope carving) from Azaltin's tomb
Book: The Kingdom of Lions: From the Founding to its Destruction from Azaltin's tomb
Scroll of Azaltin from Azaltin's tomb
Short sword
Ioun Stone (2)
Golden Rings (12)
Shaddad’s gold cloth
Shaddad’s gold crown
Shaddad’s red brocade robes
A copper religious symbol that has turned green with age
Art object from the time of Azaltin that needs to be cleaned
Ivory Scroll case
Shazafal's belt from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal's belt Scroll from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal's 2 potions from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal's jewelry from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal's wand of magic missile (? charges)
Shazafal's other wand from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal's iron chest from Shazafal’s Fall
Brass lamp from Shazafal’s Fall
Shazafal’s collection from Shazafal’s Fall
Bright colored pillows from Shazafal’s Fall
Huge tent (20x30 ft.) from Shazafal’s Fall

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Finally revived, Ibn Taaib thanks Frackit, and rises. He stretches, feeling better than ever.
"I must express my gratitude, Lady Zairiah, as this paralysis will not strike any of us again (at least through poison)," he says. "I believe we would come to be grateful of your wish many times before the end of our travels. Being immune of poison is no mean feat."

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Shall we move on to the next day? I want to be un-paralyzed.

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Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"Be not sorrowful," Ibn Taaib says calmly, propped up and observing the entire exchange silently. "For thy story has not yet ended. To Wish is to gamble with Fate, and to ask a misty, capricious Presence for aid where cold steel cleaves cleanly in a clear field."

In other words; wishing for something incurs a lot of risk for an unknown answer, while doing it yourself is clearer and more gratifying.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"I'm still poisoned, I think," Ibn Taaib says, face in the sand. He tries to move to test his paralysis.

@DM: W or not yet?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Yeah, that sounds great, actually.
So originally, if we get 20 damage on a successful save and die on a failed one, we now get nothing on a successful save and 20 damage on a faield one.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16
GMEDWIN wrote:
The Efreeti smiles and says, "Well, madame, you have definitely bested me so you may have your gauntlets. Would anyone else like to challenge me for one of my items. As you can see, I am fair and I can tell some of you are eyeballing my shield. How about it?"

Ibn Taaib smiles softly, and says, "It does not do well for men to boast and inflate their egos, great djinn. Whilst I might desire that shield, but not to claim wealth and treasure or to brag of out-boasting a djinn, but only to assist my friends and aid my clan.

"I say as the wise poet once said; I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."

Ibn Taaib is a humble man and finds it distasteful to boast and brag this manner, though he can put a great show for one of his friends.

"I may speak on thy behalf, Friend Frackit, should thee wish it," he offers.

Essentially, he could do the charisma rolling using his stat (17).

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

So I got decent Charisma and can boast of some accomplishments in my backstory (if the DM allows it), such as turning my tribesmen from a life of crime and villainy to righteousness and redemption, how I tanked the strikes of that giant idol and eventually struck it down, and how I wielded the bronze sword of kings and lost it in the sandstorm.

The fact that I am now currently paralyzed might hinder me, however. It sounds funny that a man who can't move is boasting. If it doesn't hamper my ability to boast, I will step forward.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

@DM: Are we mobile and healed yet? Is this only one day away?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

My hp is on my status line (16/36). I keep it updated always.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"Excuse me, my lady," Ibn Taaib says politely to Zairiah. "It might be wise to focus on Sir Frackit for today, as he can heal our wounds in the interim. Tomorrow, it shalt be thou who is healed; for scouting is a crucial element in our current position. Lastly, I could be revived."

@DM/Party: Frackit first so he can heal us, then Zairiah, then I. I can be carried on the way; we don't need to spend the entire time in this hot spot.
@Paritosh: If you can, try to look for treasure here.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

I take it my curse disease can't lift this, right?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"Do not mind me; take shelter in this area until the heat dissipates so we may continue our journey." Ibn Taaib says.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib says nothing, as he is paralyzed.

He does mentally shake his head, thinking, "Would everything in this blasted desert only fight and nothing else?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib, knowing there is little space for tactics left, fights some more.

Round 4; 3/2
15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (17) = -2
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib deflects with his round shield a flurry of needles, and cuts with his scimitar two quick strikes.

Round 3, 3/2 attacks.
Attack: 15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (17) = -2
Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Attack: 15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (17) = -2
Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"Nay, Master Dwarf," Ibn Taaib says, gritting his teeth. "Save one, they seem to wish our destruction."

Ibn Taaib grits his teeth, and moves in to slash at the closest cacti throwing needles at him, and slashes with his scimitar.

Round 2, 3/2 attacks.
Attack: 15 - 1d20 ⇒ 15 - (8) = 7
Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

@DM: Did the cacti respond to the water Zairiah provided or respond to my apology?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

So how much damage did I take?

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib groans at meeting yet another freakish monster and raises his shield and prepares his sword, but does not attack yet.

"A thousand apologies, prickly friends!" he says behind his shield, taking a central position to protect his party (removing a long thorn from his flesh with a wince). "I mistook thee for regular cacti. We wish only shelter from the heat! I ask thee for forgiveness in the name of the Enlightened Gods!"

I negotiate with the plants.

Reaction roll (low is better): 1d20 - 8 ⇒ (14) - 8 = 6
Religion/Debate to negotiate, below 13: 1d20 ⇒ 1

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Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib considers the discussion, and picks up a rock, and tosses it at one of the cacti.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"That would be wise, Lady Fadilah," Ibn Taaib says. "I would advise placing it within this clearing between the cacti. I can await outside."

Ibn Taaib uses his skills as a desert survivalist to set up a tent in the hard ground, sheltering himself using the stone and plant cover.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Ibn Taaib is used to the heat, and covers his face with white cloth.

"We found one djinnia in a coconut. Could we find her sister here?" he jests, passing by the cacti.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

"We are heading to Muluk, but seem to have lost the way," Ibn Taaib says as Zairiah haggles his colleague.

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