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Goblin Squad Member. 723 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Goblin Squad Member

holygrailbob wrote:

I have a DT account I'm considering selling.

One character is a mage in T2+3 gear with plenty of XP unspent (I haven't logged in for awhile, so I'm not sure exactly how much)

The other hasn't spent any xp.

Is this still for sale?

Goblin Squad Member

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The fifteens free days are worth it, but paying ... Weeellll it is for us who still have hope/are fooled enough ...

Goblin Squad Member

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Hi gang! Resurfacing to join the gravöl as we say in Swedish.

Interesting thread, although AvenaOats threw me off track for a while with the WoW-engine talk as it gave me totally wrong impression of what was being said. When I realised it was WoWish Interface that was the gripe everything make much more sense (is that correct? Otherwise I have to reread it from the start.

Aaanyway, here is my two cents threwn into the pile. I was mainly into the KS because I found the sandbox version of NWN (MOO style) set in Golarion (which I didn't know much of) interesting (that was how I read the pitch). Then promptly forgot about it as I do with all my KS (otherwise I would have died of ulcers ages ago).

When I finally joined due to beta being opened to every-one I was confused but entertained. The system was not d20 but clever, however it was lousy implemented and the lack of working documention made it a slog, but what ever to expect in beta.

I had a fun time, made friends and saw progress, in the end it was several small thing that made me take a break.

The bugs, every time a new version was applied the game went south for several days. That induced a bad impression of the development process in me.
The "class" Rogue never implemented, and the treatment of those who wanted to know why and when.
The reason I prefer to not play multiplayer games in general, other people. I frankly got tired of the bickering between the PvPers and the PvEers, the hadcore crowd of each wouldn't accept even the most sensible of compromises without screaming murder.

So what have this to do with anything? Well as been said above the marketing of the game was.... confusing, making the conflict between murderhobos and carebears endless and vocal. I guess GW should have been working a bit more adressing that, but I don't think it would have helped, b'cus humanz. My take had been to put more emphasis on exploring than on crafting and war, a greater survivalist feel had excluded both fringes of the extremists, perhaps catering to a smaller crowd (yes that would have been a problem) but save oh so much time and sweat.

I actually understand the PvP crowds frustration with the "other side" when I relised that it would blow into pieces of rage if a pickpocketing system was implemented.

So my conclution is that PFO was probably wrong in it's inclusiveness, humanity was not ready for it.

Goblin Squad Member

I think one of the problems with resources drain being to low is the high durability. Since the husk implenentation made the cost of dying higher than the loss of one durability (at least mine) dying frequency has dropped tremendously.

I think the whole resource to object chain need a bit of tuning. A variable durability depending on the quality of the goods pared with a more severe quality drop curve when materials get depleted due to gathering would nudge that a bit.

And I still need to find some time for getting my rig up and running at home so I could get some experience of PvP...

Goblin Squad Member

Of all AH I have visited so far Marchmont is the only one worth the effort ( the stuff I move around). When the rumored 4 gets deployed it will be easier to find odd stuff you don't think of looking for.
But Marchmont is quite nice for now ... If those mega vaults of rec's you sit on could get listed it would be a nice kicker for the markets ...

And for the banditry problem ... Running EU time seems be the thing to avoid that, because I seldom even see other out in the woods...

Goblin Squad Member

It is also very useful against the graveyards mega mobs. Picking of the skeletons and the skeleton archers at leisure and then just deal with the bigger baddies are nice...

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, I have begun to move my stuff from Callambea today, as most of it didn't sell, Marchmont seems to be the place to be!

Goblin Squad Member

Couldn't better myself Sspitfire. The step to 7 totally ruined my gathering in alpha!

And Jakaal, the npc hexes (or patroled, or whatever we should call them) is supposedly inferior and different in many ways, so it wouldn't suprise me if some (or most) indeed lacks T2 ...

Goblin Squad Member

And then there is the boring little detail that a lot of the goodie effects don't work on mobs yet (Knockdownt etc).

Sad but true

Thanks for the explanation!

Goblin Squad Member

Whatever Kobold Beaver is saying, 'cause it is much more ek.. equil.. ekvili ... much better with fancy words than I.

Goblin Squad Member

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All hail the Goat!

The black goat of thousand bugs!

Goblin Squad Member

Yupp! I just know of two, that up in copper hill and one in Thornkeep. Heard rumour of one another in the wilderness somewhere,
But that in Thornkeep is perhaps a good one, as it is neutral ground. Don't know how the Gol's would taket to have independent parties running through their precious hills ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

I imagine there are serfs toiling in the fields and hauling it to the town people, all of is so beneath our exalted staus to even see...

Goblin Squad Member

I tries to go there but I always end up here, because here we have like PM and "remember me" like...y'now....

Goblin Squad Member

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There hasn't been a clear definition of how the dedication bonus will work AFIK, and it would be interesting to see some dev thoughts about that one.

But I guess it is too far of in the future .... :-(

Goblin Squad Member

I think it is a good idea, and will work very well in the future when quests and dungeons are in for those who don't have time or inclination to be a member of a regular group. A kind of rally point. Best (I think) would be if they had a gathering point, like a tavern or something. Where you knew you could go every friday four hours after downtime to find other vagrants to head out for adventure and mischeif!

Goblin Squad Member

All glory to Spitty for his discovery and subsequent persistence!

Goblin Squad Member

And with the right Armour/feat combo you have higher speed, more hitpoints, greater enc. Capacity and greater skill. You can't max all of them in the same armour, but with carefully balancing and a suitable role.... you get a bit of everything needed!

Goblin Squad Member

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Hush, you telling my special secret defence, running close to hex borders to be safe from E'Fields users...

Goblin Squad Member

I solo killed my first red yesterday and it dropped a level 13 recipe :-9

Goblin Squad Member

Check that the terrain is empty behind you, I got fails due to both hills and trees, I guess if the pathfinding algorithm just finds anything behind you if fails ... or it is just in a bad mood now and then.

And I was one of those who argued against that parting shoot had anything to do with it as I was unaware of the warning and had used it several hundred times when I did...

Goblin Squad Member

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I hope the wizzies get some more viability in the future with cool spells that do other stuff than just are re-skinned attacks.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

Rogue attacks feats proc on the condition of the opponent being flat footed. Kindly point to what feature or action produces "Flatfooted"?

Utility Feint (and there could be more in the pipeline, but that I believe when I see it). I used it back when I though the Rogue role existed.

Bluddwolf wrote:

Even if a Rogue fires his first shot from Stealth (the enemy did not see him coming), that still does not produce flat footed.

It is said to be in the pipeline (see above)

Bluddwolf wrote:

As it stands now, it is a broken role. Its features do not have synergy.


Goblin Squad Member

Parting shoot works, and have done so since I discovered in late alpha. I has happened that it fails, but that could be to outer circumstances.

Goblin Squad Member

I was under the impression that Tokens was a special case and was fixed in effect...

But this system gives me headache sometimes

Goblin Squad Member

Good to have that rumour squashed like a bug ... or was it the other way around..

Goblin Squad Member

Can we have a dev opinion on this?

Goblin Squad Member

Mmm my experience with magic is limited in this game, but really, is there any game where Wizzies are supposed to be a solo role...

Not in pathfinder, anyway ... and really not here...

Goblin Squad Member

As long as the reshuffling isn't of major type (moving all of one resource to another corner) I think it is good to put some strain on long term deals.

I hate a sandbox where everything is predictable and stable .... It aint a sandbox ...

Goblin Squad Member

Oki, thats it, I have died and not been resureccted, here in the paradise the lions lies next to the sheep beavers Kobolds

Goblin Squad Member

Pyro, you must play an another game ... I usually hunt ogres with longbow, i kill one and run away when the rest comes thundering. The rooting may cause me to take hits, but since last patch I only have died one (and that was because there was an execution squad of Runts I had missed).

So either you are writing in the wrong forum, or you have failed in adapting your tactics...

Goblin Squad Member

I stand corrected!

Bartering, bartering and again bartering!

I think it is good that something is limiting the tech development (besides XP). It creates value.

If something is free, easy and everyone can get it, then it has no value.

Now a gift of 10 coal is something of note, a gatherer in a coal are is a noteworthy target ... It creates game value, that is the reason it is limited. I dearly hope the devs don't cave in and let everything get accessible everywhere, but of course some stuff need tweaking (like green).

Is something stops you, swallov your pride, retreat and skitter around it, so says HANSPUR.

Goblin Squad Member

In the name of the only true religion of the River Land, the cult of HANSPUR, I demand a seat of the board of sideboobs!

Goblin Squad Member

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The priest in his tattered cloak over a rusty and well worn chainmail, rised his bony arms towards the sky and cackled:

"Let the people be tried, find those who are worthy of live in the River land. Let them be challanged, force them to cooperate, force them to fight over scraps, for survival, for their future!
Force them to use brains and brawn, to trade and to war, to follow the freedom of HANSPUR! The true god of the River Land!"

Looking around to see if anyone saw him he slunk away into the brushwood to pedlar his wares.

Goblin Squad Member

Trading, trading and again trading!

This is a 4X game really in my taste, it isn't to everyones taste, but I really like the frontier feel.

It should't be an easy game, it should reward those who can organize and work people to cooperate. We are a bit too few playing to get it to work smoothly, to that I agree.

But it isn't a problem, it is a feature and frontmost a challenge to defeat!

Goblin Squad Member

I really can't really understand the problem here? It seems there are two things discussed at the same time and gets entangled in each other all the time.

Solo gaming, you can do that perfectly easy, create a company of one, attach yourself to a town that isn't demanding anything (which I guess is almost all at this stage, as "Grief Not" is probably the only demand right now and you can hardly be a griefer alone). Then do your thing and now and then give something to your town to show your good faith.

Secondly, a town of your own, that isn't so much to discuss, this is EE, not everything is in place yet, coming OE it is supposedly going to get your company together and strike out to build your own settlement in the wilderness. Until then it is either to enjoy the moment or wait until OE to play. I suggest the former.

And Brutus, I think you know what Edam meant by "saying" I guess, you are just playing dense because you like to be be seen as a big, dumb brute, don't you?

Goblin Squad Member

Natasha is such a beautiful name, I knew a Natacha once, fantastic raven hair and each you could kill for .... She was from russia .... Wait, do you think ... she was a ...

She where very interested in the maps I collected during my military service .....

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal>Keign wrote:

so... I need to start my resource survey all over again. Yay...?

Said so! Ack-pfffffff!

I think it is nice that things aren't so predictable. Actually a dynamic shifting of resources isn that bad, or perhaps not so much actually moving them around so much as shifting the borders of them and also the internal balance between them. This would of course be more appropiate for things like herbs and especially the waste heaps (that is way to predictable now in my book), less so for mining.

Right now some waste heaps are really predictable iron mines, I still think we should find more junk in the waste heaps, salvage stuff is appropiate, and everything should be in the worst column of quality.

One cool thing would be if stuff that gets destroyed in husks could end up in the middens. That would acctually create a situation that certain scavengers seek out areas with fighting and such. Of course it should be mediated and the tech to do it is waaay off (like all other tools for doing flavour stuff) .... but we can dream, can't we

Goblin Squad Member

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I really really like that we have things that are to powerful to handle!! It expands the decision tree and puts some bite into PvE.


If "carebear" is a derisive term used in some contex or another that no one seems to agree upon, I think it is really applicable to those fostered in the spirit of 3.5 D&D's encounter level design. Scaling stuff after the strength of your party is an abdominal RPG technique.


I do feel for Golotha having Mordant next door, but heya, it makes life interesting, eyh! You wanna live forever, eyh?

Goblin Squad Member

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There has been an mob AI change? Good, I thought I had gone sloppy, I just survived a dual Ogre by jumping of the cliff, thanks heaven the falling damage wasn't in also...

Goblin Squad Member

Bha! The ogrebreath is nothing, when they are in range of using it my trusty arrow kill it, and the short duration of the effect makes it possible to get away before the others can get in their kill...

Goblin Squad Member

Kyutaru wrote:
Thod wrote:
Did I say that goblin shamans likely will cause more grief and damage as bandits.
You have it easy! You don't live on ogre mountain!

I take Ogres any day in the week and twice on Sundays over Goblin Frakking Schamans, Ogres you can run from ...

Goblin Squad Member

And if it hasn't change since aloha, it do recover outside towns ... Just sooooo slooooow!

Goblin Squad Member

I recommend Ogres, a bit tricky until you find your tactics but I have got two lvl 3 spells and 2 lvl spells from them. High Geography skill is an adavantage.

Goblin Squad Member

Abathan, where do you prowl? I have currently two spell to sell. I will be at the Emerald market today.

Goblin Squad Member

And I guess the economy allready is skewed due to the starter goblin harvesters being quite rich.
It don't really matters at this point it is EE, we are building the economy for the real game, and stuff like that is going to happen. In the wild-west style economy we have there going to be some rail barons now and then.

Goblin Squad Member

I think spawncamping always is debatable, but as soulbounded spawn is on the list for upcoming changed I guess it is only a short term problem to discuss.

Unless the run away option is nerfed in the future I see griefing happening in the starting areas as a greater problem.

Goblin Squad Member

Eh .. Now I think you got something backwards, the husk will exist for 30 min, looting time will be conciderable less.

Goblin Squad Member

As one of my ideas with Schedim is being a scavenger, corpse looting/camping/blackmail/selling protection/whatever is dear to me. I count on being carrying around the criminal flag a lot after big battles due to husk poaching.

This is of course off the record, Schedim is ther to sell arrows and cheap potions...

Goblin Squad Member

I have been thinking along the same lines....

A Poke function would be really nifty, and a busy emote that activates if you rooting the vault or fiddling in the AH orchatting....