Sableye's page
46 posts. Alias of Orthos.
Aren't you the guy what someone was looking for your hammer for some revenging?
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Monkey Santa wrote: Oh, it’s on now… BOSS HE'S COMIN'!
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Wait, the nougat was Larry?
... Larry makes some good nougat. <incorporeal burp>
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(He's just salty because a vexgit hexxed the pen door latches and they all got loose before we could rig up a proper harness for Hunt to take on a test ride.)
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Master Pugwampi wrote: Sableye wrote: Master Pugwampi wrote: Drejk wrote: Fantasy Monster: Miscriber Gremlin.
When gremlin ate re-wrote your homework. Huzzah! A new addition...and just in time for contract renegotiations with Rysky! :D <looks up from strapping Hunt into a Mad Max-ified wheelchair>
So.... uh.... do we not need this thing anymore? What? Of course! Any leverage we can get is important! Sweet, I'll go load the shrapnel gun.
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Master Pugwampi wrote: Drejk wrote: Fantasy Monster: Miscriber Gremlin.
When gremlin ate re-wrote your homework. Huzzah! A new addition...and just in time for contract renegotiations with Rysky! :D <looks up from strapping Hunt into a Mad Max-ified wheelchair>
So.... uh.... do we not need this thing anymore?
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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote: Drejk wrote: Zirk'kth The Feybane, a fey-eating dragon. {rolls DC10 Clue check 1d20-4, FAILS} Ha ha, stoopid fey! Get eaten! You tell 'em, Hunt! <fades into the shadows>
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Ragadolf wrote: Vanykrye wrote: Scintillae wrote: quibblemuch wrote: So.
How’s everybody hanging in there? I have acquired an Orthos. Don't feed him after midnight, avoid contact with water, etc, etc, etc... I think your confusing Orthos with Gremlins,...
or wait, IS an Ortho a TYPE of Gremlin!?!?!?
Don't feed it after midnight, DON'T FEED IT AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!! But night is where I do my best scheming... I mean, my best cooking!
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I think that was the engine the Count and I played checkers with the gears for before reassembling it backwards.
Did you get a launch height reading? Y'know, for science.
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*drops jar of jam out the window to splash on Hunt and zing innocent bystanders with berry-scented projectile shards*
Vanykrye wrote: Continues to hold out a jar of blackberry jam.
You know you want to.
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Huh? We had work today? I just woke up, I tricked some kids into trashing this guy's wine cellar the other night and decided I might as well sample the remains... what'd I miss?
...wait, if you're not cleaning up here, who is? Sure as Winter's icicle-ridden instep isn't us!
Red Herring wrote: Sableye wrote: Shoot fish at lawyers? DON'T MIND IF I DO. You're going to find that difficult Eric when I put my foot up your ass. Joke's on you, my ass is semi-incorporeal, your foot can't stay in presuming it even gets in in the first place~
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Shoot fish at lawyers? DON'T MIND IF I DO.
I thought we fed the foot to Gary. By which I mean Gary snatched it off the operating table and hid behind the refrigerator while gnawing on it for three hours.
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Don't look at me, I'm not in the office. I've been redirecting rocks and baseballs at windows all day. And forcing fumbles at high school football games, those are always fun.
Count de St. Jermlaine wrote: Please back my Kickstarter to create Bonnacon/Otyugh hybrids. They'll get you coming AND going!
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Bob the Pugwampi wrote: DungeonmasterCal wrote: ALRIGHT! I just got a "504 Error" page. We're going to have to send the otyughs after all of you. I've always wanted a mount Ride, our world-devouring trash compactor! Ride unto BATTLE!!
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*Continues reversing the wires and knotting the cords of various mechanical devices*
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You... got some Snyder on you there, man. That stuff's pretty corrosive, I saw some vexgits slather it on a few gizmos and they just kinda fell apart.
I mean, I thought it was hilarious, but you usually don't wanna slime yourself with that kinda thing unless you're a mite.
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Vanykrye wrote: *facepalm*
Sableye, that broken headlight is still attached to a '56 Buick. You still need to...sees Bob's vacant drooling smile...nevermind...
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Bob the Pugwampi wrote: Master Pugwampi wrote: Bob the Pugwampi wrote: Owie He's OK folks! What a trooper!
OK, they got the job done in about two hours, but our delay of over six hours was amazing! Well done everyone, especially you Bob!
Now for the after party...let's see...no one brought food...
*outside avocados fall on the parking lot, going through parked cars windshields and denting roofs followed by Petrified Zwieback toasts shattering glass*
...OK, the snacks are here! Everybody party!!!! My brainpan hurts Here, I'll just replace your frontal lobe with this broken headlight, that'll fix everything.
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I think Bob came out the other side.
Hey Bob! Scream if you can hear me!
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I swapped their brains with shattered china and used batteries and traded them to that Brain Collector guy for a fresh spaceship. Win-win!
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You think we can stretch Bob enough to get his legs in for another jam?
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Guys look, I recruited a friend! He... she... it... it's good with technology, it says!
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*free-throws a golf ball down the yodeler's gullet*
I swapped all the labels on the machine ports and tied wires in knots. Also reversed all the power switch labels and stole all the light bulbs.
Drejk wrote: Anyone else keeps getting information about forum maintenance at random when loading/switching pages? Mission accomplished! Reporting back to the team....
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Man, don't you hate it when you get kids in your creche? It takes forever to get the gooey bits out.
<muffled cackling>
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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote: Sableye wrote: DungeonmasterCal wrote: What is best in life? To trick your enemies, see them crush their belongings before you, and to hear the lamentations of their children! Laminating children seems like a good way make them easier to keep clean and to cut down on the mess they make.
Oh wait, lamentations. Uh yeah, I don't know what that means. No no, your version's juuuuuuust fine. Let's roll with that.
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Master Pugwampi wrote: Sableye wrote: DungeonmasterCal wrote: What is best in life? To trick your enemies, see them crush their belongings before you, and to hear the lamentations of their children! Hobkins. The gremlins with no humor. But you've got to admire their sense of aesthetics... Hey, we have plenty of humor!
The sound of screaming parents when they set off the collapsing shelf of shattering china for example is hilarious.
Scintillae wrote: Whee, we get to read about eating babies next week. Sign me up!
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DungeonmasterCal wrote: What is best in life? To trick your enemies, see them crush their belongings before you, and to hear the lamentations of their children!
Wilkins, Goblin Scholar wrote: Master Pugwampi wrote: Nope, fresh out of tranquilizers. Check with Mimdel Boom. I'm sure she can whip something up. I fear that's who I'm trying to tranquilize... Oh then that's easy. Just need to finagle her lab so she has a little self-inflicted "accident". With a little psychic prodding, can't hurt. Well, except where it's supposed to.
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Freehold DM wrote: Aranna wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Tin Foil Yamakah wrote: Quote: enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwave the sparks they look like firefly I went through 4 boxed sets trying to make it glow like it's namesake.
No go. Awesome you bought four boxed sets, Joss Whedon should thank you personally I would love to have him over for dinner. You don't want it, it's too gamey. Here, let me take that off your hands.
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Tacticslion wrote: Orthos wrote: Tacticslion wrote: Abraham spalding wrote: Some advice for flagging:
When you see several spam threads being generated look what username is creating them. Only grab a single thread for each username. Then click on the username and go to their posts (or threads) and then flag there.
That way you do not have to try and open every thread you can simply hammer the offender's posts using "this one simple method they don't want you to know about!"
This... this is a brilliant post on so... many... levels.
The internet is done.
Abraham spalding finished it.
Well done, sir. Well done. No, don't say that! Too late! Way to go, genius....
Alexander Augunas wrote: Gisher wrote: What?!? Sawtooth Sabers? What are… Treated as light weapons? That's amazing!
My new Dex based TWF Eldritch Knight thanks you! Don't thank me, thank the Red Mantis God. Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Eh, we all have hobbies.
The next poster got suckered into an appearance on live television.
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I guess you're acceptable. I guess.
*tricks Space Ghost into blasting the Fiend into neutrinos on live television*
Oh joy, it thinks it's funny.
Can't be worse than half the clowns I've seen on the show already I guess.