The "Guardian" Commander?

Commander Class Discussion

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The Guardian has only one purpose in life: to protect their allies by taking the slaps for them. This is their niche, the thing that should distinguish them from other classes. Then comes the Commander, with 4 feats dedicated to being a tank/protector (Defensive Swap, Banner Twirl, Shield Warden and Standard-Bearer's Sacrifice). Isn't it bizarre that in the same playtest one class has feats that allow them to fit into the other's area of ​​expertise?


Verdant Wheel

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The Guardian can protect one ally at a time really well each turn.

The Commander can instruct multiple allies in different ways including protectively.

I’m cool with it!

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I was testing the commander and the guardian at level 14 and honestly, the commander proved a much better and more interesting tanker than the guardian.

While guardian fought like a masochist, calling agro by reducing their own defenses with Taunt, often uselessly when opponents uses AoE abilities, and Intercept Strike despite reducing damage by 16 (2+14 of the level) ended up making the guardian taking the rest of the damage until it reached a point where it was forced to stop protecting or to risk itself to falling, especially against critics.

In parallel to this, the commander with a shield was, protecting the allies much more effectively with the Defensive Swap (in melee) and Standard-Bearer's Sacrifice (in range), actively putting his AC with the shield risen to protect itself much more effectively than Intercept Strike and without the Taunt penalty.

In addition, the Defiant Banner reduced his damage and all Squadmates by 12 (5 of int + 7 half-level).

It was very curious, while the Guardian was quickly forced to stop protecting its allies (stop using Taunt and Intercept Strike) due to the accumulation of damage that rapidly put its life at risk, the commander ended up protecting everyone much more cohesive way while using tactics to help allies attack (Pincer Attack).

It is really very strange the commander being a much more consistent "tanker"/protector and in my opinion even more efficient than guardian. And don't misunderstand me, this is not a criticism to commander, but to guardian that IMO is currently failing in protecting its allies and itself.

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Riccardo Olivieri wrote:
Isn't it bizarre that in the same playtest one class has feats that allow them to fit into the other's area of ​​expertise?

no. Plenty of classes have overlapping options. Even the offensive Gunslinger has Deflecting Shot to protect an ally.

It's what Yuri said.

YuriP wrote:
this is not a criticism to commander, but to guardian that IMO is currently failing in protecting its allies and itself.

Yeah, I'm hoping Defensive Swap is being tested on the Commander because Paizo already knows it'll work on the (final version of the) Guardian and they wanted to test other the other Guardian feats (which may see too little usage if Guardian's could DS every round).
Frankly it seems like a must-have for the Guardian, meaning it should probably replace Intercept Strike in the chassis. Ability which lets you put your AC (and self) in the way of danger vs. ability which nullifies your AC, meaning it's excellent merely so you can survive long enough to nullify it again?

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