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![]() Due to Real Life concerns, one of the players in my Jade Regent PbP has been forced to step aside and I am looking for a player to fill his shoes. For those familiar with the basic plotline of Jade Regent, the party has just finished Brinestump marshes and (I assume) Will soon be on their way back to Sandpoint. Our new player will be introduced as part of the caravan north to Brinewall. Introduction The Kaijitsu family has long been a part of Sandpoint's history, but for as long as Ameiko Kaijitsu has been a part of Sandpoint, she knows little about her family's past before. When her friends discover a clue to her history, Ameiko gathers together her closest allies and sets forth to rediscover her heritage. Marking the beginning of a Quest that will take them across the world and could save - or damn - an Empire. STYLE Thematically this game owes a lot of inspiration to a few different sources, primarily Kingmaker and DM Barcas' "Kingmaker" and his "Kingmaker of Korvosa" PbPs. (Both awesome reads for any looking to lurk! I highly reccomend it) I am looking to develop my DMing into a more narrative style and will be expecting the same from my players. Expect a lot of conversation, both between PCs and NPCs. I will be giving experience based on Roleplaying and combat will most likely only be 50% of the game. (sometimes more and sometimes less, depending on the adventure. More often than not it will be less.) Current Party Composition Listed below are the current players classes and their campaign traits, to help you all with your own character creation. An Oracle - Childhood Crush (Shalelu)
In yet another idea I'm thiefing from DM Barcas, we'll be using a 20 point buy, with a bonus of 2 points for having one non-neutral alignment axis and 3 points for having two. (Thus, N gets 20; LN, NE, CN, NG get 22, LG, LE, CE, CG get 23.)Dump stats are not appreciated and will need to be justified in character. I am allowing all books from the core ruleset (Core book, APG, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat,) other Paizo sources will be allowed with DM approval. just check with me about anything else. - A note on races and classes: Keep your location in mind. That isn't to say that those starting in Sandpoint can only play characters that are stereotypical of that region, but if your want to play a Tengu Ninja, your backstory had better reflect why your in a small Varisian town. - You may select two traits for your character. One of these traits MUST come from the campaign traits listed in the Jade Regent players guide. Applicants are advised to keep the traits chosen by the current players in mind, as that may be a factor in who gets picked. If you have no prior posting experience, that's fine. Everyone started like that at some point. I may ask for a writing sample.Take your time to craft a really good application! The more you immerse your character in Golarion, the better. I highly recommend tying your background to one of the key NPCs listed in the Player's Guide (Sandru, Ameiko, Koya and Shalelu,) I honestly will not accept a character that hasn't done so. I may be asking questions of everyone (Some more or less than others, don't take that as a sign of anything) to get a good idea of each character and give everyone the best chance I can. My plan is to keep this open until Friday, however I reserve the right to accept a player ahead of time if I really enjoy their application and think it would be a strong fit. The reason for this is that I'v seen just how good applications of Paizo's boards can be, and with only one available slot I already know there will be players I will be unable to choose even if I want to. So put your best foot forward! Thanks for taking the time to read this, I look forward to what you all come up with! ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() ~Let me tell you a story. It's quite an interesting tale, I promise you. It's about brave warriors and fair princesses, battles between ancient spirits and ageless demons, and a kingdom far far away. But this tale of great deeds and greater heroes has a rather humble beginning. It doesn't begin in a distant land, but instead close to home. And it begins in a tavern, but isn't that always the way?~ Sandru Vhiski pushes open the door and strides confidently – boisterously even – into the taproom of the Rusty Dragon. The Varisian caravan master smiles at the sight of it all, warmed by a feeling of familiarity. The redwood floors and beams with whitewashed walls, The stage to the left, the staircase on the right hand side and bar at the back. Sconced torches sit dormant along a number of the room's wooden pillars. The only other notable feature is a round table in the back corner of the bar. The table itself looks like any other in the Inn, save that it's unoccupied, given an almost reverent berth by staff and patrons alike, and has five distinct weapons mounted on the wall behind it: A longsword, a pair of elven daggers, a staff of dark grey, and hefty looking crossbow. The Story behind the weapons:
Each of the five weapons once belonged to one of the members of the Runewardens, a group of adventures who made Sandpoint their home four years ago and protected the city from Goblin raids, Giant invasions and even an attack by a Dragon! The companions were so named for their quest to prevent the resurrection of the ancient Runelord Karzoug and could often be found at that particular table during the time between their adventures; either planning their next quest, regailing Ameiko with a story from their travels, or simply enjoying a pint of the Dragon's fine ales. Eventually the Runewardens bid their farewells – off to seek new adventure – but each of them left their weapon to Ameiko as a token of their friendship. On entering the inn, Sandru immediately spots Ameiko, the beautiful but somewhat irreverent woman of Tian descent and Sandpoint’s most unlikely noblewoman, as well as the current owner of the Rusty Dragon, sitting on the stool at the corner of the bar. Always fond of unusual hairstyles, Ameiko has dyed two snow white strips along the front of her otherwise raven black hair, and she plucks away absentmindedly at her Shamisen. Three other prominent figures occupy the room. The first leans on the bar beside Ameiko, a beautiful elf with golden blonde hair wearing well crafted and well worn leather armor, a forest green cloak hangs from her shoulders and a bow and quiver rest on the floor near her feet. This is the ranger Shalelu. While sitting at the table closest to the pair is an elderly woman, dressed in scraves, shawls and travelling gear of purples, yellows and crimson. Koya Mvashti may not pose quite so intimidating a picture as her recently departed mother; but as the older woman, in remarkably good shape for a woman of sixty winters, calmly sets out the cards of her harrow deck upon the table, she certainly has an air of mystery. While sitting apart from the three, closer to the wall, is Sandpoint's sheriff, Belor Hemlock. The middle aged Shoanti has his arms folded across his face and gazes over the room with his typical scowl. With a raucous laugh, Sandru spreads his arms wide in greeting towards the three friends. He pauses to give Koya a hug and a kiss on her forehead, muttering a gentle ”mum”, before turning to hug Ameiko and Shalelu. ”Girls! It has been far too long.” He offers a rakeish grin, ”Ready to hunt some Goblins?” And that was the name of the game on that day. Because while Sandpoint had pretty much returned to its sleepy town nature following the events of Karzoug's attempted return, it had recently come into a spot of trouble. There had been a number of Goblin raids along the roadways coming to the town, apparently the little hellions had gotten a hold of some fireworks and the pyrotechnics had made them bolder. His recruitment always lean, Sheriff Hemlock simply didn't have the men to hunt down the little monsters. So he did the best thing he could. Belor reinstated Sandpoint's old Goblin Bounty – ten gold pieces per goblin ear – and set about organizing two seperate adventuring parties to hunt down the beasts. The first party would set off for Thistletop, a known lair of one of the stronger Goblin tribes. This was the party that Sandru just completed; along with Ameiko, Koya, and Shalelu, who knew the area well. Then there was Brinestump Marsh. Fishermen of the marsh had reported sighting a couple goblins in the swampy forest and while he expected it to be nothing, Sheriff Hemlock was nothing if not a cautious man. This was where the second party would go. And that would be you. Welcome to the Rusty Dragon! You can either already be in the bar or enter now. And can narrate yourselves appropriately. ![]()
![]() My current PbP, Heroes of the Lost Coast, has come to a group decision that due to some RL concerns, we are shelving the campaign and are instead going to play through the Jade Regent campaign. I am looking for one more player to round the group out. Our four active PCs are: An Inquisitor
While not the only options, given the party's make up I'm looking for characters who fill roles that aren't present, such as a strong martial character, or a more traditional arcane character. But I will consider all applications. Applications will be open for submission until I find an app that I feel will fit well with the group. INTRODUCTION Sandpoint - an ideallic town nestled in a natural cove along the Lost Coast. A Holding in Good standing of Magnimar, Sandpoint is well supplied and thriving community, by all accounts the town is a Paradise. Or at least, it would be - if not for serial killers, strange fires, goblin raids, ghoul infestations and giant attacks - but such is the way of life on the frontier, and all of that lies in the past. It has been four years since the defeat of the Runelord Karzoug at the hands of Sandpoint's heroes, and the town has been peaceful in those years. Sadly on the Lost, peace is a fragile thing, and a new group of heroes will need to rise up for the town of Sandpoint, and the Lost Coast, or see them fall into darkness. STYLE Thematically this game owes a lot of inspiration to a few different sources, primarily Kingmaker and DM Barcas' "Kingmaker" and his "Kingmaker of Korvosa" PbPs. (Both awesome reads for any looking to lurk! I highly reccomend it) I am looking to develop my DMing into a more narrative style and will be expecting the same from my players. Expect a lot of conversation, both between PCs and NPCs. I will be giving experience based on Roleplaying and combat will most likely only be 50% of the game. (sometimes more and sometimes less, depending on the adventure) CHARACTER CREATION In yet another idea I'm thiefing from DM Barcas, we'll be using a 20 point buy, with a bonus of 2 points for having one non-neutral alignment axis and 3 points for having two. (Thus, N gets 20; LN, NE, CN, NG get 22, LG, LE, CE, CG get 23.)Dump stats are not appreciated and will need to be justified in character. I am allowing all books from the core ruleset (Core book, APG, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat,) other Paizo sources will be allowed with DM approval. Mostly alternate races will have the hardest time getting approval, just check with me about anything else. You may select two traits for your character. One of these traits MUST come from the campaign traits listed in the Jade Regent players guide. If you have no prior posting experience, that's fine. Everyone started like that at some point. I may ask for a writing sample.Take your time to craft a really good application! The more you immerse your character in Golarion, the better. And I highly recommend tying your background to one of the key NPCs listed in the Player's Guide (Sandru, Ameiko, Koya and Shalelu,) I honestly will not accept a character that hasn't done so. I may be asking questions of everyone (Some more or less than others, don't take that as a sign of anything) to get a good idea of each character and give everyone the best chance I can. That said Speed is part of the game this time around, so put your best foot forward! ![]()
![]() My PbP, Heroes of the Lost Coast - A Sandpoint Campaign, is in need of two more players. One of our originals bowed out at the beginning and I chose to focus on the players I had, and a second has unfortunately disappeared. The idea behind the game is to make it more sword and sorcery adventure, with mini story arcs, similar to the serials like Conan and John Carter, then say an epic like Lord of the Rings (Though it could always develop differently. The Campaign can be found HERE Our three active PCs are: An Inquisitor
I have also removed the Campaign traits they selected to give more variety to the group. While not the only options, given the party's make up I'm looking for characters who fill roles that aren't present, such as a strong martial character, a healer, or a more traditional arcane character. But I will consider all applications. Applications will be open for submission until: Saturday 15th at Noon, GMT. Decision will be made by Monday. INTRODUCTION Sandpoint - an ideallic town nestled in a natural cove along the Lost Coast. A Holding in Good standing of Magnimar, Sandpoint is well supplied and thriving community, by all accounts the town is a Paradise. Or at least, it would be - if not for serial killers, strange fires, goblin raids, ghoul infestations and giant attacks - but such is the way of life on the frontier, and all of that lies in the past. It has been four years since the defeat of the Runelord Karzoug at the hands of Sandpoint's heroes, and the town has been peaceful in those years. Sadly on the Lost, peace is a fragile thing, and a new group of heroes will need to rise up for the town of Sandpoint, and the Lost Coast, or see them fall into darkness. STYLE This game will be a sandbox style game, the first one that I've really ever tried to run as a PbP. Thematically this game owes a lot of inspiration to a few different sources, primarily Kingmaker and DM Barcas' "Kingmaker of Korvosa" PbP. (An awesome read for any looking to lurk! I highly reccomend it) The game is planned to take place primarily between Sandpoint and Magnimar, but could end up anywhere in Varisia as it were. I'm staying vague on how each player will be drawn into the main story, choosing to see what I can come up with based on backgrounds given during this application process, and letting the story develop organically. I am looking to develop my DMing into a more narrative style and will be expecting the same from my players. Expect a lot of conversation, both between PCs and NPCs. I will be giving experience based on Roleplaying and combat will most likely only be 50% of the game. (sometimes more and sometimes less, depending on the adventure) CHARACTER CREATION In yet another idea I'm thiefing from DM Barcas, we'll be using a 20 point buy, with a bonus of 2 points for having one non-neutral alignment axis and 3 points for having two. (Thus, N gets 20; LN, NE, CN, NG get 22, LG, LE, CE, CG get 23.)Dump stats are not appreciated and will need to be justified in character. I am allowing all books from the core ruleset (Core book, APG, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat,) other Paizo sources will be allowed with DM approval. Mostly alternate races will have the hardest time getting approval, just check with me about anything else. You may select two traits for your character. It's recommended that you select one of these from the campaign traits listed below, however you do not have to and will not be looked poorly upon if you don't. You should avoid campaign traits from other APs, obviously. If you have no prior posting experience, that's fine. Everyone started like that at some point. I may ask for a writing sample.Take your time to craft a really good application! The more you immerse your character in Golarion, the better. I will be asking questions of everyone (Some more or less than others, don't take that as a sign of anything) to get a good idea of each character and give everyone the best chance I can. I will leave applications open until Saturday morning, and make my decisions over the weekend. Good luck to everyone!! CAMPAIGN TRAITS Heroes of the Lost Cost – Campaign Traits DM NOTE: The “Shadows Under Sandpoint” Feats, (Favored Son/Daughter, Outlander) are available as Campaign traits To Serve and Protect You are a one of the dozen members of Sandpoint’s town guard, and as such the protection of Sandpoint and its people isn’t simply a responsibility, it’s your duty! You are afforded a bunk in the Garrison barracks, and are paid a salary of 20 GP a month. You also receive a +2 bonus on diplomacy, intimidation or bluff checks against locals. Noble Born You are the youngest son or daughter of one of Sandpoint’s four founding families. As such you are about as close to royalty as Sandpoint gets. You begin play with an extra 100 GP starting Gold and attain the following benefits based on your family: Kaijitsu The child of Lonjiku Kaijitsu, you are the younger sibling of Ameiko Kaijitsu – the owner of the Rusty Dragon – and sadly you and your sister are the only surviving members of your family. You begin play with your grandfather’s Wazikashi, that was passed down to you – You have taught yourself how to use this weapon and are considered proficient with it. Deverin As the youngest child of the Deverins, your sister is in fact the mayor of Sandpoint. Your family’s long involvement in politics has rubbed off on you. Gain +1 to diplomacy, knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (Nobility) All three skills are considered class skills. Scarnetti Your family has fallen on hard times, as it recently came to light that your father, Titus Scarnetti, was involved with the Scarzni, local Varisian thugs. Whether you like it or not, this has given you a certain sense of infamy, This allows you to call in a favour from the Scarzni, or gives you a +5 on Intimidation. Valdemar Your grandfather is the only surviving member of the Founders of the town and your family owns a successful shipping business. You’ve learned a lot about maps and a lot about money. Choose either Appraise or Knowledge (Geography) and gain a +3 bonus. This skill is a class skill for you. Varisian local You are a Varisian whose family has settled in Sandpoint. Your people are a close knit community and you’ve learned a lot from them and know that they will always be there for you. Choose any one Perform skill and gain +2, it is also a class skill. Also any Varisian caravan will trade with you for 20% less then the listed price. Working Class stiff You’ve got a job! Start play with an extra 10 GP Once a week you receive a salary of 2 gold pieces, and gain the following skills a class skill, and a +2 bonus based on where you work: The Rusty Dragon – Waiting tables and serving drinks lets you hear a lot. Skill: Gather Information Goblin Squash Stables - You work as a stablehand, Skill: Ride The Curious Goblin Bookstore You work as clerk and stockboy (or girl) and have a lot of time to read. Skill: Any one Knowledge skill ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Sandpoint, 3rd Erastus 4711 This is the tale of an unlikely group of adventurers, brought together by fate or by chance, who would rise to the protection of the Lost Coast and would become legends and heroes of this untamed land. Our story begins in Sandpoint; A small but growing, and relatively new, coastal town that rests within a natural cliff lined cove along the edge of the Varisian Gulf. While technically a holding of nearby Magnimar, Sandpoint's location ensures that it is left mostly to its own devices. Governed by Mayor Kendra Deverin and is guarded by the watchful eye of Sheriff Belor Hemlock, who commands the Town Watch, small though it may be. Despite it's relatively young age, Sandpoint has seen its share of important events. From the town's founding by "The Four Families" and the rather violent disputes between the colonial Chelaxians and native Varisians, to the Late Unpleasantness of 4702, which saw a string of brutal murders ravage the town by a serial killer known as the Chopper, which culminated both in the murder of the previous sheriff and The Chopper's death and unmasking - revealing him to be a kindly old woodcarver by the name of Jervis Stoot - by Belor Hemlock. Shortly after this, the Town's chapel was engulfed in a mysterious fire that claimed the life of the Town's priest and his beautiful daughter. It was only five years after these tragic events that Sandpoint was rocked once more. In 4707 the Town was faced with Goblin raids and an invasion of Giants, but this time she was not without her heroes. a Group of adventurers led by the warrior Valeros rose up to defend Sandpoint and the entire world from these threats, which were revealed as only the opening attacks in the Runelord Karzoug's bid for Resurrection and immortality. While these heroes saved all of Varisia from Karzoug's wrath, They were never seen after their final battle with the Runelord. But Sandpoint is a town that's resilient by nature. Full of life and hope rather than anger or despair and the community presses ever forward, rebuilding themselves stronger every time. But Sandpoint, and indeed all of The Lost Coast, has yet to see the last or the gravest of the terrors to plague them, But heroes can be found in the unlikeliest of places and as a new day crests in the east, painting the ocean in glimmering golds and pinks, the possibilities are endless. ![]()
![]() Hey folks, I just moved from Canada to the UK for my Master's Degree, and I'm wondering at the feasibility of starting up a game in or around the London area. My apartment isn't well situated to host (Zone 6) but I'm more than happy to travel into a more central location, but that means will need a place to play, if anyone's willing to host or can suggest a good FLGS for me to contact about the possibility. Personally I can't accommodate a schedule of every week, so I'm thinking that we could try every 2 weeks, or maybe (shudder) once a month. I have no problem DMing (overall I prefer it, in fact) and would love to run one of the Adventure Paths, probably either Kingmaker or Jade Regent. So yeah, just an interest check right now, I'm not sure when I'll be able to pull this together, but I'm hoping soon. thanks guys and gals! ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Our place to chat, joke and use for pretty much anything out of character. A few notes: Please remember to use the same format, to keep an easy flow from post to post. So Bold and quotes for speaking, italics for thoughts. Posting your HP, AC and intitiative at the top of combat posts, that's all I can think of right now. Game will be starting in a day or so (and then admitedly going on Hiatus when I move across the world) Before we get started, anyone need anything else from me? ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() There are many old sailors that say the weathers are omens of things to come... ...Maybe they're right. One month ago, a Valdemar owned caravel - The North Star - set sail from Magnimar. A ship with a storied past, the North Star has been a pirate's corsair, the personal vessel of a Pathfinder and explorer, plotting out new trade routes to the distant corners of the world. The vessel now has a much simpler role, serving as the personal ship to Frederick Valdemar. Already well into his middle ages, Frederick has become far more entrenched in the workings of his family's shipping company as his father, Ethram Valdemar, slips further into senility as his years grow ever longer. As such this ship that once carried Frederick's brother - The Pathfinder Joshua Valdemar - to such distant lands as Osirion and Sargava - now tends to only travel regularly from the family estate in Sandpoint to Magnimar, with the occasional venture as far as Riddleport or Korvosa. Which is just the sort of voyage that the North Star had been taking, a leisurely cruise from Magnimar to Riddleport, then turning around and heading south to Korvosa. The purpose was twofold; a bit of quality time for Frederick with his nephew and neice, Eredin and Emilia Valdemar, to celebrate Emilia's 19th birthday, and to show Emilia the various holdings of her family's company. The first leg of the journey - north to Riddleport - had been almost divinely favoured. The weather was for the most part excellent, with strong winds and sunny skies, the crew in good spirits and life just seeming excellent. Even the stop over in Riddleport itself - well known as a den of inequity, strife and crime - was mercifully bland. One night, two weeks into the return voyage, a massive storm came upon the North Star. Sending stories high swells, spitting rain, torrenting winds and lightning the cracked the sky! It was in this fury of nature that the pirates descended upon them. A Ship of similar size to the North Star, it's Grinning Demon's head mast visible in the flashes of lightning as boarding planks were thrown across and brigands swung the gap. Had it simply been the pirates, the North Star's crew may have prevailed, but it was so much worse. First came a veritable swarm of queer little monters shaped like goblins from the waist up and octopuses from the waist down, who aided the pirates in subduing or killing the crew, howling pitched squeals of glee with every kill. Worst of all was Eredin. The Elder brother of the Valdemar siblings turned on his people his crew, had signaled to the pirate ship, had drawn steel against his family and friends and then, when confronted by his uncle, ran Frederick through with the man's own sword... ![]()
![]() INTRODUCTION Sandpoint - an ideallic town nestled in a natural cove along the Lost Coast. A Holding in Good standing of Magnimar, Sandpoint is well supplied and thriving community, by all accounts the town is a Paradise. Or at least, it would be - if not for serial killers, strange fires, goblin raids, ghoul infestations and giant attacks - but such is the way of life on the frontier, and all of that lies in the past. It has been four years since the defeat of the Runelord Karzoug at the hands of Sandpoint's heroes, and the town has been peaceful in those years. Sadly on the Lost, peace is a fragile thing, and a new group of heroes will need to rise up for the town of Sandpoint, and the Lost Coast, or see them fall into darkness. STYLE This game will be a sandbox style game, the first one that I've really ever tried to run as a PbP. Thematically this game owes a lot of inspiration to a few different sources, primarily Kingmaker and DM Barcas' "Kingmaker of Korvosa" PbP. (An awesome read for any looking to lurk! I highly reccomend it) The game is planned to take place primarily between Sandpoint and Magnimar, but could end up anywhere in Varisia as it were. I'm staying vague on how each player will be drawn into the main story, choosing to see what I can come up with based on backgrounds given during this application process, and letting the story develop organically. I am looking to develop my DMing into a more narrative style and will be expecting the same from my players. Expect a lot of conversation, both between PCs and NPCs. I will be giving experience based on Roleplaying and combat will most likely only be 50% of the game. (sometimes more and sometimes less, depending on the adventure) CHARACTER CREATION In yet another idea I'm thiefing from DM Barcas, we'll be using a 20 point buy, with a bonus of 2 points for having one non-neutral alignment axis and 3 points for having two. (Thus, N gets 20; LN, NE, CN, NG get 22, LG, LE, CE, CG get 23.)Dump stats are not appreciated and will need to be justified in character. I am allowing all books from the core ruleset (Core book, APG, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat,) other Paizo sources will be allowed with DM approval. Mostly alternate races will have the hardest time getting approval, just check with me about anything else. You may select two traits for your character. It's recommended that you select one of these from the campaign traits listed below, however you do not have to and will not be looked poorly upon if you don't. You should avoid campaign traits from other APs, obviously. The party will have 5 members - who will be selected based on their potential for diversity and interesting dynamics. I will try to select each individual based onhow interesting their story is and how they will contribute to the party as a whole. Keep that in mind as you design your characters. If you overlap too much with another player, you are probably in direct competition. (If I feel a character is strong enough I may ask you to consider altering it to keep yourself in the race) If you have no prior posting experience, that's fine. Everyone started like that at some point. I may ask for a writing sample.Take your time to craft a really good application! The more you immerse your character in Golarion, the better. I will be asking questions of everyone (Some more or less than others, don't take that as a sign of anything) to get a good idea of each character and give everyone the best chance I can. I will leave applications open until Saturday morning, and make my decisions over the weekend. Good luck to everyone!! CAMPAIGN TRAITS Heroes of the Lost Cost – Campaign Traits
To Serve and Protect You are a one of the dozen members of Sandpoint’s town guard, and as such the protection of Sandpoint and its people isn’t simply a responsibility, it’s your duty! You are afforded a bunk in the Garrison barracks, and are paid a salary of 20 GP a month. You also receive a +2 bonus on diplomacy, intimidation or bluff checks against locals. Lost and Found You like to explore, you always have. Be it the caves along the coastline, the Mushfens, the old Foxglove manor or the tunnels under Old Light. You’ve got a knack for finding places others don’t, and getting in and out. And boy did it pay off! On your last excursion you found a Wayfinder! Beaten and tarnished though it is, it still works. You begin play with this beaten up wayfinder and gain a +1 to acrobatics OR survival. Noble Born You are the youngest son or daughter of one of Sandpoint’s four founding families. As such you are about as close to royalty as Sandpoint gets. You begin play with an extra 100 GP starting Gold and attain the following benefits based on your family: Kaijitsu The child of Lonjiku Kaijitsu, you are the younger sibling of Ameiko Kaijitsu – the owner of the Rusty Dragon – and sadly you and your sister are the only surviving members of your family. You begin play with your grandfather’s Wazikashi, that was passed down to you – You have taught yourself how to use this weapon and are considered proficient with it. Deverin As the youngest child of the Deverins, your sister is in fact the mayor of Sandpoint. Your family’s long involvement in politics has rubbed off on you. Gain +1 to diplomacy, knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (Nobility) All three skills are considered class skills. Scarnetti Your family has fallen on hard times, as it recently came to light that your father, Titus Scarnetti, was involved with the Scarzni, local Varisian thugs. Whether you like it or not, this has given you a certain sense of infamy, This allows you to call in a favour from the Scarzni, or gives you a +5 on Intimidation. Valdemar Your grandfather is the only surviving member of the Founders of the town and your family owns a successful shipping business. You’ve learned a lot about maps and a lot about money. Choose either Appraise or Knowledge (Geography) and gain a +3 bonus. This skill is a class skill for you. Varisian local You are a Varisian whose family has settled in Sandpoint. Your people are a close knit community and you’ve learned a lot from them and know that they will always be there for you. Choose any one Perform skill and gain +2, it is also a class skill. Also any Varisian caravan will trade with you for 20% less then the listed price. Working Class stiff You’ve got a job! Start play with an extra 10 GP Once a week you receive a salary of 2 gold pieces, and gain the following skills a class skill, and a +2 bonus based on where you work: The Rusty Dragon – Waiting tables and serving drinks lets you hear a lot. Skill: Gather Information Goblin Squash Stables - You work as a stablehand, Skill: Ride The Curious Goblin Bookstore You work as clerk and stockboy (or girl) and have a lot of time to read. Skill: Any one Knowledge skill Local Celebrity – You are a mainstay in the many productions of the Sandpoint theatre, and have become something of a heartthrob to many in town and even as far as Magnimar. Gain Perform (Oral) as a class skill. You receive a +2 bonus to it. You also receive a +2 bonus to diplomacy checks against anyone who has seen one of your plays. (+4 if they fancy you.) ![]()
![]() Unhallowed Waters Character Creation Information:
Your application should include the following: Your Appearance
Background: When one speaks of civilization upon the Lost Coast, inevitably four families are mentioned; The Kaijitsus, the Deverins, The Scarnettis, and the Valdermars. Long known as shipbuilders of great renown – and with trade agreements as far away as Absalom and Katapesh - the Valdemar Family has grown to be one of the strongest shipping magnates in Varisia, and perhaps the World. Still, every family has their “black sheep” as it were, and in this case that was Joshua Valdemar. The youngest son of the Family Scion, Joshua was a good lad who never brought shame nor dishonour to his family. Still, the mercantile spirit just didn’t reside in Joshua. Instead he was always gripped with a need to explore. Sneaking away from his family’s estate in Sandpoint to explore local ruins, working with caravans travelling as far as Riddleport and Kaer Maga, and crewing aboard the family vessels as they plotted their trade routes to the far corners of the Inner Sea, as such it came as no surprise – though perhaps a tad of disappointment from his father – when Joshua announced that he would be joining the Pathfinder Society. Two things of great import happened during Joshua’s time. The first is that he acquired The North Star. A Sailing Ship that once belonged to a Chelish pirate, Joshua had the vessel refurbished and renamed for his purposes. The second is that he met his wife – an Elven woman named Katriel – and began a family with her. Together they had two children: a boy named Eriden and a girl named Emilia. It was a mere six years later that Joshua and Katriel were last seen. Telling their family little except for a “discovery” they had made. The two Pathfinders set sail from Magnimar – curiously leaving the North Star behind – and were never seen again. The children were placed in the care of their Uncle, Joshua’s older brother Frederick, and returned to Sandpoint. They attended Turandarok Academy, and often summered with family in Magnimar. The North Star was eventually integrated into the Valdermar’s fleet, often serving as Frederick’s personal ship. It is in this capacity that the ship currently serves, making a cruise from Magnimar to Riddleport and then down to Korvosa, in honour of Emilia’s 19th birthday. While still carrying cargo and some passengers, the trip was meant mainly to be a chance for an uncle to bond with his niece and nephew. But sadly events would take a turn for the far worse. In the middle of the night the ship comes under attack and invasion by a band of pirates. And it is quickly revealed that they had a man on the inside all along – Eriden Valdemar. Enraged by nephew’s betrayal, Frederick launches himself at his captors; only to be run through by the pirate’s leader. The rest of the passengers and crew – including Emilia – are stripped of their belongings and bound. The two ships sail for the rest of the next day, mooring at some unnamed cove where the prisoners are unloaded and penned in a makeshift camp. As he watches the proceedings, his eyes on his sister, Eriden only gives one instruction to the Pirate’s captain. ”Try and find her someplace nice. No whips if you can help it.” And without looking back, the new heir to the Valdemar family boards the North Star, and sets sail for home... Campaign Traits You begin the game either as a crewman or passenger of the North Star, recently left in shackles by Eriden Valdemar. •Rigging Rat: You’ve been aboard ships most of your life and have little trouble navigating the deck and rigging of a ship at sea.
•Mercantile: Your parents were part owners of a merchant ship and you picked up some of the finer points of communication and negotiation necessary for business.
•Navigator: You are well versed in identifying where you are on both land and sea. Maps and instruments are your bread and butter.
•Pressed into Service: A victim of circumstance, you found yourself pressed into duty on a navy ship. The hard labors you experienced during that time have given you additional resilience to the harsh environs of the sea.
•Fisherfolk: You’ve been plying the coast for as long as you can recall, pulling fish from the water to eat or to sell.
•On the Run: You didn’t do it! Honest! They still keep coming after you, though. Maybe it was petty larceny, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, sleeping with the magistrate’s daughter, or maybe you were framed. Whatever it was, it put you on the run.
![]() A slight note of annoyance, for whatever reason the page refreshed as I was writing this. -_- not pleased. Anyways, I'm thinking about starting up a new PbP game. And was hoping that I could get some opinions of these concepts, and an idea of how much interest there would be for them. All of these games would be set on Golarion. #1: Jade Regent - speaks for itself, Paizo's newest AP. #2: A Sandpoint Campaign - I love Sandpoint, I really do. So inspired by (In idea at least) James Jacobs' "Shadows Under Sandpoint" campaign, this game would focus around the town of Sandpoint (and the surrounding regions) and a new group of heroes that come to prominence after Rise of the Runelords. I would also have it before Jade Regent, just cause I like having Ameiko in the Rusty Dragon. #3: Adventure on the High Seas!: Taking inspiration from Savage Tide, and movies like Pirates of the Carribean. this game would have the PCs crewing, and possibly captaining their own ship as they sail the seven seas! Campaign traits would be written so that any class would have a reason to board the ship, details need to be worked out but the idea is there. So I'm pretty evenly torn between these three ideas and would like to hear what people have to think. thanks guys! ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Shadows of Faerun: Under the Spire The last thing Arikor remembered was the stars above the border fort on the edge of the Cormanthor forest. He had arrived there on his way to Myth Drannor, alongside Imzel, Ruhk and a Paladin and thief that they'd met in Shadowdale.
Perception result:
The head under the hood is skeletal, with no skin to speak of. where it's eyes should be glow two burning blue points of light The fiery pain proves too much, and Arikor fades back into darkness. He comes back to the world around him some time later, finding himself face down on a rough straw mattress with the distinct smell of urine. His skull pounds with a severe headache and his forearms still feel sore.
![]() It is a Dark time for The Galaxy. A Year has passed since Chancellor Palpatine transformed the Republic into the First Galactic Empire and seized complete control. And with the enigmatic Warrior Darth Vader at his side, Palpatine extends a grip of order across the Galaxy that already turns to fear. But the Galaxy is not without hope, and already the seeds of Rebellion being to grow. It started with Captain Raymus Antilles of Alderaan. Banding together with a ragtag band of heroes, scoundrels, freedom fighters and Jedi. Captain Antilles has declared his independence from The Empire and has created The Resistance, the first organized opposition to The New Order. But The Resistance is still in its infancy, surviving on the edge of a Knife. To bolster his forces and to strike a blow against the Empire, Antilles launches a dual attack upon the Empire. Bringing the bulk of his small forces to bear; Coming to the aid of Admiral Saul Naratha, an Imperial Admiral who has chosen to speak out against The Empire's new tyranny. At the same time a covert strike team launches an attack on an Imperial prison freighter, hoping to free those locked inside and recruit them to the cause. This is a Saga-edition Star Wars PbP that's already running. Sadly we've lost some players and I'm looking for two to three people to replace them. Given that the story's already started I've listed some suggestions for character backgrounds that will fit in with the game. I will be happy to consider other ideas of course. Standard character build, build for Lvl 1. Background hooks: Military Defector: You served during the Clone Wars and into the creation of the New Order, but the crimes of humanity that you've seen this Empire commit have been too much. The answers to your dilemma came when you were re-assigned to the ISS Hammer, commanded by Admiral Saul Naratha. When Admiral Naratha declared mutiny against the Empire you sided with him. (Good suggestion for Soldiers, pilots and Military type characters. These characters need to be human) Prisoner of War: From the start you've stood against the Empire, but sadly your luck ran out. You've been taken prisoner by the Empire and are currently in transit to the Kessel system penal colony, or perhaps somewhere worse. (Good suggestion for Jedi, alien characters, political/social characters and freedom fighters) Off the Fringe: You've made your life as a Smuggler, an arms man, a bounty Hunter, or some other lifestyle that's seen as less than legal. Recently you've been approached by Dak Varess, a friend and smuggler who has asked you to help The Resistance. Whether your motives are altruistic or material, you've decided to help. (Good for scoundrels and fringe-type characters) I'm looking to get this game back into a regular swing ASAP so I'll be trying to find people pretty quickly. ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Prologue
Time has no meaning... Everything is quiet... Everything is peaceful... Everything is dark... And then, all at once, it isn't. A sound like thunder cracking the sky and a brilliant flash of white! You feel yourself adrift, water rushing into your lungs. a second crash and your swept aside, tumbling and falling, coming to rest of cold stone. Four strangers kneel doubbled over on a cold cobblestone floor. Soaked to the bone in some sort of dark blue fluid that puddles along the floor. Their ears ringing, they each feel the world slowly spin into clarity around them. A small square room with no windows, lit by three everburning lanterns mounted to three of the walls. Four shattered glass tubes, each larger than a human man lay in the room's four corners, leather tubes moving from their base and into the floor. A single door rests closed in the remaining wall. The ringing begins to stop and the vision begins to clear, One by one the strangers start to make out details of those around them. As things become clearer each realizes a startling fact, they don't remember anything. Perception check, DC 13:
The floor feels like it's rocking, perhaps you're on a ship. Write your intros to the game, be sure to describe yourselves! ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() This is the thread for out of character discussion, questions, comments and announcements. Basic rules of the game, just restating from the recruitment thread mostly: - This will be a Role play heavy game, not a hack and slash. If you don't enjoy this style of game, perhaps this isn't the game for you. - Try to keep a posting rate of 1 to 2 days, I will do the same. Sometimes I get extremely busy in spurts and will try and warn you ahead of time if there is going to be a lull. - Have fun! I will post the opening thread soon! ![]()
![]() You awake with your ears ringing, your vision a blur and your head pounding like you’ve had a fifth of Goblin Grog and gone nine rounds with a Bugbear. You give your head a shake, trying to get the ringing to stop, and press a hand to your temple; only to withdraw it from a slick wet feeling. Blood? No... the goo on your fingers has a blue- green tinge to it. Blinking some more, your eyes begin to take focus. You see that you’re dressed in very Spartan clothes, a simple set of rough spun trousers and a loose, ill fitting shirt. You sit in some sort of a large tube, about six feet tall and barely wide enough around for you to sit in, the floor underneath you grated, and the glass of the tube shattered around you. As you try to stand on feet that feel like water you see that the room you’re in has a number of tubes similar to your own, with figures, still blurry to your eyes, trying to extricate themselves from them as well. Head still throbbing you cast your eyes to and fro. You stand in some kind of lab, how did you get here? What happened? Your mind flashes back to hazy images and half remembered dreams. You feel your heart leap to your throat as you realize... you don’t remember who you are. This sets the opening scene of my new Eberron PbP, which will be using PFRPG rules, with some variations on 3.5 where needed. Please read the submission guidelines completely, people who don’t follow them will be disqualified, no exceptions. The Crunch
- For now, no Psionic options are allowed. NO evil allignments Races All Standard Races are accepted, though the flavour will follow Eberron over the core book. Warforged: For this game I have chosen to use “The Ironborn of Questhaven” race for Warforged as I feel it gives players and myself more creative freedom. The only difference will be that I’m keeping that they do not need to eat, sleep or breathe. Shifters and Changelings: These races are allowed, using the statistics given below. (My thanks to Dreaming Warforged for working these up) Shifters
+2 dex, -2 chr
Beasthide: +2 Con, +2 nat. AC.
+2 any ability
Kalashtar – following the ruling that I am not allowing Psionic options, Kalashtar won’t be used. Classes Any class from the APG, core book, or playtests will be allowed. Artificers from the Eberron Campaign setting are not. Traits Select two traits to start with. Later on characters will gain campaign centric traits (See “Memories” section of “Game info” for more details) Feats PFRPG feats are accepted, Most Eberron specific 3.5 feats will also be accepted at DM’s discretion. Dragonmarked feets are accepted, and fall one level lower than their 3.5 counterparts (, 5, 9 and 13) Equipment and starting gold Due to the nature of the campaign’s beginning, Players begin with no starting gold, and no starting equipment.
I believe that’s all for crunchy stuff. Next is the fluff. Please don’t let the name fool you, I consider this to be quite important to helping me pick our players. The Fluff Name: I do understand that normal amnesiacs would probably not know their names, but it’ll save a lot of “hey you, with the tusks!” Approximate age: Appearance: How your character looks and acts. Write this as to how your character looks when normally clothed, cleaned and shaven. At the beginning everyone will look haggard and unkempt First Memory: A moment from your life before waking up in the lab. This should not be an exposition detailing your characters past, but rather a snapshot of an event or person or thing. Rather than being an entire painting, it’s one piece of a puzzle. Memories are only allowed to be up till the year 992 YK Game info
Amnesia doesn’t mean you’re dumb: Your character will probably know about events and the world up until the year 992 YK. They’d understand what Dragonmarks are or that airships can fly and that there’s been a war for a century, but they don’t remember who they fought for or what their status was. The Tone: The game will be somewhat serious. Light-hearted fun is encouraged of course. However it is expected that you will actually roleplay your characters race, class, alignment and background. If you were almost killed by elves in the war, dislike elves and stick to that prejudice throughout the game unless something happens to change your viewpoint. If you are a LG paladin of the Silver Flame, don't rape and pillage small towns. Simple as that.
Setting: The game will be based primarily in Sharn, the City of Towers. World exploration and travel will happen, I am sure, but Sharn is the home base and major location for at least the lower levels of this campaign. Memories: Throughout the game Characters may uncover memories that give them insight into their past lives. At times I will be the one who determines what these memories are; at other times I will instruct the player to create the memory themselves. I’m hoping this shared storytelling will add to the fun. At times a memory may grant your character access to a bonus such as a trait. These bonuses are always DM discretion, even if the player wrote the memory. Character Death: It happens. As a DM I do not pull my punches, and am not above placing characters in situations where their best option may be to run. (though I try to not do this too often.) Resurrection is expensive, especially at low levels, and it is up to the remaining PCs to get their friends raised if needed. Players may also begin a new PC instead. Notes: Property ownership and the starting and running of businesses or guilds is definately allowed and even encouraged. Advancement and status in guilds and aristocracy are a big part of Eberronian life. Okay I think that’s all that’s needed, any questions please ask, I am looking for a party of four players ![]()
![]() This thread is a continuation of a previous idea building thread I started, but as the ideas come into a better focus, I thought I would make a new thread to keep people involved. I have an idea for a campaign that is what I would call very "High fantasy Steam Punk". By this I mean that technology has risen to an industrial level but on top of that, magical technology like airships, constructs and other things like that. is also coming into prominence (Or already is there). Major inspiration for this is coming from video games like Final Fantasy VI, much like Eberron. Eberron is actually one option for this campaign, I would need to look at the Dragonmarks, to figure out if they need to be reworked for PFRPG, and the races allowed would be the core races and the Warforged, using the Ironborn of Questhaven for stats and a bit of flavor. My big problem with Eberron is actually that there seems to be a distinct lack of asian flavor, and I'm hoping to use the Samurai and Ninja classes. And just like Japanese stuff, :p My other idea, is to place the game in Alkenstar. I had the idea that years ago, an ore that can be used to make magic items (including items that allow spellcasters to cast their magic) called Arcanum was discovered within the Mana Wastes. This lead to a magical as well as technological revolution within Alkenstar. This would also herald the rise of the Ironborn, as well as people who are "Runemarked" and can cast naturally because of this. One theme I would like to look at with Alkenstar is what happens when one nation gains this much of a technological leap when compared with the other nations. So I'm looking for opinions on both these ideas? Is Eberron the more reasonable choice, or Alkenstar? Does this go too far out of Alkenstar's scope or does it matter? ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, In a few weeks I'll be back and I'm toying with the idea of starting a fourth PbP (or possibly 2nd or 3rd depending on if my other games still have interest :p) Anyways, I've had my hands on Monte Cook's Ptolus and I'd really like to run a game using that setting. Reading the Player's Guide would be required, and I'm not sure which game system I want to use for it (3.5/PFRPG/Aracana Unearthed) So is there interest? What kind of Ptolus game would interest you? What system would you like to use to play it? I want to use this forum to connect and toss some ideas about this. THIS IS NOT A RECRUITMENT THREAD. Please don't post characters, I won't be considering them right now and will in fact ignore them. ![]()
![]() I'm currently living abroad, but will be going home for the summer and am looking to keep Roleplaying. Looking to see if any Paizonians from the area would like a DM? I've got a few different ideas. Running Kingmaker is one. A Ptolus game is another, or a steampunky game in Alkenstar. Also up for it if someone's looking for another player. ![]()
![]() Hi everyone. I'm currently running two Play by Posts here on Paizo's forums and sadly because of some scheduling problems on my end and a number of RL reasons on theirs I've lost a few players from each game. Below I'll give a quick overview of the respective games, the active PCs left and how many players I'm looking for. Game One: Shadows of Faerun: A Forgotten Realms PFRGP. Shadows came out of the idea to use the Spellplague as a story telling event while still using a ruleset I enjoyed. What came of this is a Forgotten Realms that takes most of its inspiration from the grey box up to the 3.5 edition, but also taking influence from the new 4e material (though no major continents have swapped places as of yet.) That game is set in 1396 DR, eleven years after the Spellplague began and only one year since its end. The game focuses on The Swords of Shadowdale. a small adventuring group that was charted by King Azoun V of Cormyr after one of these adventurers, a rough tempered Northman, was given possesion of The Blackstaff. The Swords of Shadowdale are currently investigating Fort Oak, a trading post on the edge of the Dalelands border with Cormanthor as they venture on their way to Myth Drannor. Current active players: Ruhk "The Blackstaff": a Northman fighter who has been mystically gifted with The Blackstaff. He will be multiclassing to mage and working towards an Eldritch Knight build. Daen Cormaeril: A Paladin Allepo Nadun: A Sembian Rogue I think that pretty much any class could fit in with these players, as they've got a pretty good mix. Given where they are I would recommend a rustic character who may have been living at Fort Oak or an Elf from Myth Drannor. Looking for TWO players. Game #2: The Saber's Edge - a Star Wars SAGA PbP Set in the Dark Times, The Saber's Edge follows the makings of one of the very first organised oppositions to Emperor Palpatine's rule. Known simply as The Resistance (for now at least), these brave heroes have banded together with Captain Raymus Antilles of Alderaan and are working to build a force to fight against the Empire. At the moment The Resistance is engaging in a three pronged attack to liberate a Prison convoy and to save a defecting Imperial Admiral and his ship. Currently active players: H'ishmau - A Togorian soldier Cordal Mhoy - A Duros Jedi Padawan and pilot Aran Finn - a Human Scoundrel with a knack for mechanics. ZCC or "Zee" Aran's small cleaning droid who has become adept at surveilance, hacking and other illegal matters. Again pretty much any class will fit. I reccomend making a character who has been arrested for dissent against the Empire, or an Imperial agent who has second thoughts to the Empire and has defected with the Admiral. Looking for ONE player. Please note: Normally my game's run at a 1 to 2 days time frame per post, not including weekends. Right now my life is quite hectic so this may not be accurate for the first month of your playing with us. ![]()
![]() I am currently running a Forgotten Realms game that is maintaining a 1 to 2 day posting rate, more or less. However I recently went on Holidays for a couple weeks and the lapse in time seems to have cost me a few players. I feel I've given them enough time to speak up if they're interested and am now looking to fill in some party spots. Character build info: Lvl two, max gold, Core book and APG allowed. Choose only one trait. I will create a second trait for you based on your background. story info: 11 years ago, Toril was bathed in blue flame. From the death of Mystra, Goddess of Magic, came a cataclysm like no other. The weave that binds all things arcane crumbled, the gods went to war, and the lands as they were known were no more as blue flames washed over all that was and many folk, both hero and commoner, died. This cataclysm lasted for ten years. One such hero was Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale. One year after the Spellplague began, Elminster gathered a group of adventurers to defend the Dalelands from an Invasion by the Zhentarim. It was in this battle that the great mage confronted the Wizard Manshoon, and as the two dueled with sword and spell, a great eruption of Blue Flame consumed the battlefield, seemingly destroying both of the wizards. Now it has been one year since the Spellplague has subsided, and the town of Shadowdale his chosen to hold a ceremony, to remember both the battle fought in their name, and the hero who passed from this plane on that day... The game begins 11 years after the beginning of the Spellplague, so about one year after the Spellplague ends. While we are using this as a jumping off point, you should not assume that these Realms are the 4E ones, I am using both editions worth of sourcebooks and am picking and choosing (mostly because the info in 4e is too vague for this point in time) This is also why I'm not allowing stuff like Dragonborn, crunchwise there aren't any rules for it, fluff wise, no one's seen them yet. The game begins in Shadowdale, but has the (currently very likely) possibility to go all over Faerun, mostly in the Western heartlands and North. The Dales, Myth Drannor, Cormyr, Baldur's Gate and more are all possibilities. I'm suggesting that these new characters be from areas surrounding the Dales, such as Myth Drannor or Cormyr, or the Dales themselves. Still I'm more than open to any applications. I have some big ambitions for this game, I'm hoping for a story driven epic narrative that flows into some fairly freeform roleplaying. In game this story will take years so while yes you will be on a quest to stop the BBEG, maybe you'll go found a city or an order of Knights, or something. I am expecting an average of one post a day, Not including weekends. The remaining party members are: A Fighter/Mage focusing on Mage and working to an Eldritch Knight build
As you can see they don't have much meat on their bones so I'm looking for Martial classes, but will also give rogues a fair shot. Still would prefer the more martial classes. Players will not be picked on a first come first serve, but on who I think will fit the best in the group and what I think of their characters. thanks to any and all who are interested! ![]()
![]() I'm really surprised that no one's shown interest. Ok well I'm going to post up two ideas I had for a campaign, one is taken from the examples in the book. Legacy of the Bat. Setting: Futuristic Gotham City. Power level: 8-10 For years, Batman has been missing or dead, his allies seemingly gone and his city spirals deeper in crime and corruption. All will be for nothing unless a new generation of heroes remembers the legacy of "The Bat" and takes up his crusade. Will these new heroes take on the mantles of legends like Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Oracle and Huntress? Will a new group of Outsiders form to safeguard Gotham? and will they learn what happened to their namesakes? inspired by: Batman Beyond The Big Leagues. Setting: Modern. Power level: 10-12 In the wake of crisis after crisis that has plagued the Earth, the league has chosen to expand. Forming a number of teams across the Globe, the Justice League has taken the next step to help safe guard the world, and you are one of these new teams. Inspired by: Justice League, Unlimited, The Avengers Initiative. A note on heroes: The game does provide stats to play as established heroes and I am going to allow playing any of them except "the Big three) (Bats [Unless its the first game, then I can consider. but it's still a tough sell.] , Supes and Wonder Woman) or you are more than welcome to make your own. Do either of these options interest anyone? ![]()
![]() I'm currently running a PbP of RotRL and we are a ways away from HMM (they're still saving the swallowtail fest.) but I've been brainstorming the rest of the AP to get some ideas and foreshadowing and have been mulling over Fort Rannick. I think Rannick poses an excellent point to use the kingdom Rules established in Kingmaker. Obviously the PCs wouldn't be founding the kingdom, but they will become Lords and Ladies of the land, with holdings and what not, and I thought this could give way to some interesting sidequests. I've read that a lot of people have said that they found Rannick to be too far away, to solve this I think I'm going to move the Fort to the Fogscar Mountains and change Turtleback to Wolf's Ear. Will this cause any unexpected problems? I would note, I chose Wolf's Ear because it is a ways from Sandpoint, but not as far as Turtlback. I want to establish the the Black Arrows are there to protect the region and not just one town. Another idea I had was, should he survive, that Kaven offer his service as repentance for his crimes, possibly becoming the castle's steward (depending on PC decision) Sorry if this is all jumbled, its pretty late, but just looking for opinions and ideas. ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Cordal Mhoy,:
Cordal sits in the pilot seat of The Wanderader, an old Ghtroc 720 freighter that looked a little like flattened turtle. In the week since Cordal had been hired on as the freighters pilot he had grown quite used to the old girl. She was modified, mostly for maneuverability, trip length and cargo capacity. Though Cordal didn't know the full limits of the ship yet, this was his first trip with the crew and he hadn't had a good chance to put The Wanderer through her paces. To the back of the four person cockpit, a hatchway in the floor opens and a Nautolan with dusty blue skin and black eyes that have just a hint of red in them hauls himself up the ladder. Cordal hasn't gotten to know Dak Varess very well yet, but the Wanderer's Captain seems likable enough. Dak unclips a thermos of synth-caf from his belt and takes a long sip from it, "What's the word Leea?" He asks, addressing the young Pantoran girl who's sitting at the station behind Cordal, "You going to have everything set for our new flyboy here?" Leea swiveled in her chair to give Dak a skeptical look. "Please Captain, gimme some respect. Already got the codes, just as long as the new kid doesn't crash us, we'll be good." The captain gives a chuckle at that, "Hear that Cordal, better not crash us... he flops himself down in copilot seat beside Cordal and reaches up for the ships internal comm switch, "Aran, this is the Captain, make sure the engines are prepped, we're about to transit back to realspace,"
Aran Finn, Zee:
Aran lies flat on his back, resting on a dolly to slide underneath part of the ship's Starboard engine. His hands, face and most everything else are covered in a healthy ammount of grease. His droid, Zee waits nearby, passing Aran whatever tool he needs and taking them from him as he passes them back. Zee passes Aran his latest request, a hyrdrospanner that is so clean it looks like it's fresh from the store,as the ship's comm chimes. "Aran, this is the Captain, make sure the engines are prepped, we're about to transit back to realspace," Aran Had been working as a part of Captain Dak Varess' crew for about two months ago. The Nautolan captain hired you on Corellia to act as his ship's Technician, and has managed to find work for you to scrape by on since then. The Wanderer is an old ghtroc 720 class freighter but overall she seems to be a sturdy vessel.
Sorry for the delays, These opening posts are always the most tricky. Mostly because I need to write so many seperate intros, but it'll be worth it. I need to go meet a friend for a movie but I'll have everyone else updated afterwards. ![]()
![]() I've an interest to start up a Play by Post here using the Star Wars SAGA system and am looking for 4 to 5 players who would be interested. Like any game I set up, I would like to see what people are interested in playing and choose from there, rather than have a first come first serve basis. I'll try and get a more detailed summary up shortly, but here are the basics. The game will be set shortly after the end of Episode III, maybe 5 years. The best way I can think of to describe what I have in mind is one part classic star wars, one part firefly and one part battlestar Galactica, as the tone of the game will most likely shift back and forth from a small group of heroes on their own, to that group being involved in larger operations. Any character concept will be considered, as long as it fits the timeline, you could be a padawan who survived the purge, a smuggler or bounty hunter, or maybe even an imperial, such as one of the first generation of non-cloned pilots, or an officer (Stormtroopers at this point are all Jango clones.) Now while any concept is welcome, I am interested in telling a Heroic story, so Imperial characters should probably have doubts or motivations to not be sold on the Empire (Not actually an easy thing as Imperial propaganda would still be running high) and more mercenary characters should probably have something good to them (like Han or Dash Rendar) Lastly, I try to run my Star Wars games in a fairly cinematic style. Dungeon Crawling and looting just don't feel right to me in a Galaxy far far away, so while there will be plenty of combat this will be a Roleplaying and story heavy game. If this sounds like something that'll interest you, let me know here and post your character concept for me to look over. Don't worry about stats, I'm not set on a starting level yet, but I would like to see concepts and background ideas. thanks guys. ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Brave souls, hear me well. I am Elminster of Shadowdale and I tell you now that these Forgotten Realms have changed indeed. The very heart of Toril has been ripped asunder and even those most powerful among us were unable to stop the tide. And now like all wounds the world heals, but it cannot do it alone, and I fear that my ilk and I are no longer able to take up the cause. Eleven Years ago the Spellplague was released upon the world. Blue fire swept over the land and nothing was left unchanged. Magic went awry as the very weave itself collapsed and the face of Toril was changed. Entire countries dissapeared, islands floating in the sky and the walls between this plane and the next wore ever thinner. In these years chaos reigned and even the best among us, either from the Spellplague or the darkness that followed it, fell. Now the Realms are in dire need of Heroes to answer their call, a call that I and my Ilk can no long answer... Hear me well, Brave Adventurers, for I am Elminster, Sage of Shadowdale and I say that this calling falls to you, that these Forgotten Realms are yours now, to explore and protect as best you are able, May all the Gods be with you. You have come to Shadowdale to honor the dead. Ten years ago, the Zhentarim, using the chaos of the Spellplague as a distraction, launched their first all out assault on the Dalelands in a decade. They were met and bested by a small group of Adventures led by none other than Elminster Aumar. The forces of good won that day, but at a heavy cost. Many good men and women died. Among them was Elminster himself, who was washed away in a gout of blue spellfire. Ten years have passed and today the people of the Dales and travelers from all of Faerun gathered to pay their respects. The ceremony was a small one led by Azalar Falconhand, Lord of Shadowdale, and in the end these heroes were commemorated with a single monument, a pillar in the center of town with the name of every man woman and child who died that day inscribed upon it, and at its base, a single blue flame that will burn eternally. roll Knowledge Local DC 10 for the following: knowledge check:
Azalar Falconhand is the son of Florin and Dove Falconhand, two of the Knights of Myth Drannor. A seasoned adventurer in his own right, Azalar was crippled during the Zhentarim's attack By now most of the travelers have left, but you remain. Caught in an unexpected storm, the lightning and driving rain have driven you to seek shelter in The Old Skull Inn, Shadowdale's most prominent and well known inn. Use the same knowledge local roll for this info knowledge check 2:
Old Skull Inn is named after "The Old Skull" a large outcropping of bleached white volcanic rock to the north of Shadowdale. The Old Skull Tavern and Inn is a rustic three story building built of dark stone and wood. Walking past an old and sturdy Message post and through the front door, one is greeted by a large taproom. If one has one's back to the front door, the bar stands to the left of them along the front wall. Behind it is a bulky Man dressed in a simple white shirt and leather apron. His grey hair is balding and his lip is hidden behind a large and bristly mustache. that does nothing to hide any expression he may have. He has a cleft in his large chin that seems perpetually covered with whiskers. this is Gareth, owner of the Inn. The rest of the rooms consists of a number tables scattered around the room, and one raised dias in the top left corner of the taproom, with a long and slightly more ornate table on it that currently has no occupants. The dias is surrounded by waist high bannisters. Two doors are on the northern wall, one that leads back to the rooms that are for rent, and another that leads to a pantry. A single waitress makes her away around the taproom, checking on the few customers as she gets to them, the rain has made for a slow night. Welcome to the Old Skull Inn. Welcome to "Shadows of Faerun." For your opening post please write about what you're doing in the Inn. Also please make sure to describe your character here so that everyone knows what everyone looks like, its easier than having to go back to peoples profiles. lastly please tell me whatever weapons you have and if they are visible, as well as spells for the day under a spoiler tag for me ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm in the process of putting together a PbP using the Pathfinder rules and set in the Forgotten Realms. We got the party together, but it seems that in the time between getting players and getting everyone ready to go, we lost a player, so I'm putting out a call for another player. I will post all relevant info below, but first I will not go on a first come first serve, I'd like to see what people come up with and choose whichever I think will best fit the game. I care more about story than stats. I will not accept any character that is just a set of numbers. I want to get this game going soon so I'd like to get this part done up front. I want a martial character. The party has magic up the wazoo, and I think would benefit from a frontline fighter the most, considerations will be given to rogues though. Character build info: Lvl one, max gold, Core book and APG allowed. Choose only one trait. I will create a second trait for you based on your background. story info: 11 years ago, Toril was bathed in blue flame. From the death of Mystra, Goddess of Magic, came a cataclysm like no other. The weave that binds all things arcane crumbled, the gods went to war, and the lands as they were known were no more as blue flames washed over all that was and many folk, both hero and commoner, died. This cataclysm lasted for ten years. One such hero was Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale. One year after the Spellplague began, Elminster gathered a group of adventurers to defend the Dalelands from an Invasion by the Zhentarim. It was in this battle that the great mage confronted the Wizard Manshoon, and as the two dueled with sword and spell, a great eruption of Blue Flame consumed the battlefield, seemingly destroying both of the wizards. Now it has been one year since the Spellplague has subsided, and the town of Shadowdale his chosen to hold a ceremony, to remember both the battle fought in their name, and the hero who passed from this plane on that day... When coming up with your characters backgrounds, I would like them to have a reason for coming to Shadowdale at this time. Maybe a member of their family fought alongside Elminster, or perhaps they did themselves (though if they did, why are the lvl 1?) or perhaps they come representing their order or Kingdom. The game begins 11 years after the beginning of the Spellplague, so about one year after the Spellplague ends. While we are using this as a jumping off point, you should not assume that these Realms are the 4E ones, I am using both editions worth of sourcebooks and am picking and choosing (mostly because the info in 4e is too vague for this point in time) This is also why I'm not allowing stuff like Dragonborn, crunchwise there aren't any rules for it, fluff wise, no one's seen them yet. The game begins in Shadowdale, but has the possibility to go all over Faerun, mostly in the Western heartlands and North. The Dales, Myth Drannor, Cormyr, Baldur's Gate and more are all possibilities. I have some big ambitions for this game, I'm hoping for a story driven epic narrative that flows into some fairly freeform roleplaying. In game this story will take years so while yes you will be on a quest to stop the BBEG, maybe you'll go found a city or an order of Knights, or something. I am expecting an average of one post a day, Not including weekends. some art in progress I've made for the game: so... any takers? ![]()
Male Human
![]() 11 years ago, Toril was bathed in blue flame. From the death of Mystra, Goddess of Magic, came a cataclysm like no other. The weave that binds all things arcane crumbled, the gods went to war, and the lands as they were known were no more as blue flames washed over all that was and many folk, both hero and commoner, died. This cataclysm lasted for ten years. One such hero was Elminster Aumar, the Sage of Shadowdale. One year after the Spellplague began, Elminster gathered a group of adventurers to defend the Dalelands from an Invasion by the Zhentarim. It was in this battle that the great mage confronted the Wizard Manshoon, and as the two dueled with sword and spell, a great eruption of Blue Flame consumed the battlefield, seemingly destroying both of the wizards. Now it has been one year since the Spellplague has subsided, and the town of Shadowdale his chosen to hold a ceremony, to remember both the battle fought in their name, and the hero who passed from this plane on that day... When coming up with your characters backgrounds, I would like them to have a reason for coming to Shadowdale at this time. Maybe a member of their family fought alongside Elminster, or perhaps they did themselves (though if they did, why are the lvl 1?) or perhaps they come representing their order or Kingdom. As for traits, I want to try something new. Write your background and from that I will come up with one or two campaign traits for you to choose from. You may pick a second trait from the standard list. ![]()
![]() This was originally in PbP Discussions, but it was suggested I move it here. Go on to any thread, blog post, article that debates the pros and cons of Fourth Edition and Wizards of the Coast, and I can all but guarantee that how Wizards of the Coast "nuked the Realms" as one of the reasons against 4E. You'll probably also see that 4E can only play "one kind of game" as another reason its an "inferior system," especially in the always raging 4e vs. PFRPG debate. I should know, oft. times I'm the first one two shout out either of these facts. But the thing is I love the Realms, I've been in love with them ever since a buddy of mine in grade 10 passed me a book called "Homeland" and I met Drizzt Do'Urden. The realms are where my first campaign (both as a player and as a DM) took place. And I do have to admit, while I think it was a bad decision to do to a public brand with as big of a following as the Realms have, from a story telling perspective, the SpellPlague has potential. So here's the idea. I'm thinking about running a forgotten Realms game using the Pathfinder rules. Unlike other PFRPG Realms game I have seen, it would take place after the Spellplague. The History wouldn't match up exactly, but it'd be close to cannon, though I think maybe I'll set it only a few years after it instead of a century. Again, I'm not sure. I'm looking for input and opinions on the idea. In the original thead, a poster manages the spellplague as being the deal breaker. Well I could make a different Realms where the Spellplague didn't happen. In that case, How would the Realms evolve? I have a story idea, one I think is actually pretty good. As is, it involves the Spellplague, but that could easily be tweaked. So what do you guys think? ![]()
Male Human
![]() Go on to any thread, blog post, article that debates the pros and cons of Fourth Edition and Wizards of the Coast, and I can all but guarantee that how Wizards of the Coast "nuked the Realms" as one of the reasons against 4E. You'll probably also see that 4E can only play "one kind of game" as another reason its an "inferior system," especially in the always raging 4e vs. PFRPG debate. I should know, oft. times I'm the first one two shout out either of these facts. But the thing is I love the Realms, I've been in love with them ever since a buddy of mine in grade 10 passed me a book called "Homeland" and I met Drizzt Do'Urden. The realms are where my first campaign (both as a player and as a DM) took place. And I do have to admit, while I think it was a bad decision to do to a public brand with as big of a following as the Realms have, from a story telling perspective, the SpellPlague has potential. So here's the idea. I'm thinking about running a forgotten Realms game using the Pathfinder rules. Unlike other PFRPG Realms game I have seen, it would take place after the Spellplague. The History wouldn't match up exactly, but it'd be close to cannon, though I think maybe I'll set it only a few years after it instead of a century. Again, I'm not sure. I'm looking for input and opinions on the idea. ![]()
![]() Hey folks! I'm looking for one to two more players to play in my new RotRL thread. We have literally just started, so it's still a great time to add in a player or two. Our party so far is, a Gnome Alchemist, a Gnome Barbarian, and a Half-Elf Druid. We have one more player who hasn't told me what he's playing yet. the game can be found Here the ooc thread is here ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Sorry for the multiple posts! Immless you can ignore the above spoiler, it just repeats because I can't edit that post again for some reason for Immless:
You sit in the back of a small wagon, resting your head on a sack of flour. cases of perfumes and casks of curatives rattle around you. You've hitched a ride from Magnimar with Noah Valthan a Merchant aquaitance of yours. as your eyes scans the clouds drifting above, the cart wheels slowly into Sandpoint.
what do you look like, what do you do, and what have you got for weapons? for Elodie:
You easily move your way through the crowds of people that mill and gather through the town. Especially in the square near the new Cathedral. People have already started to gather near the three large tents that have been set up by the town's three inns. You see Ameiko Kaijitsu hefting a keg onto the table under her tent while a flag with a dark red dragon on it flaps above her. while the elderly halfing Bethana places out trays of breads and biscuits. Due in part to its beautiful owner, and exotic and delicious foods, the Rusty Dragon is always a town favorite for the Swallowtail Festival's free lunch
what do you look like, is your companion with you? What weapons do you have and what are you doing? For Brogimchiagle:
You have wandered into Sandpoint to view how these lowlanders worship the Gods. What you have found is quite the celebration. As people push and jostle past, you stop and watch a family of Varisians who have set up camp on a small patch of grass. two women, one middle aged and one barely past maidenhood, twirl and dance. their bodies moving in flashes and swirls of color from their many scarves, jingling from earings and jewelry. Two men sit to the side, one strumming a lute while the other beats frantically at a drum. You watch with interest and two older women, also Varisian from the look of it, begin to sing from the edge of the crowd, their words matching seamlessly with the music. Enjoying the show, your nose catches the wafting smells of a number of delicious foods What do you look like? what weapons do you have? and what are you doing? And here we go, welcome to the game folks! ![]()
wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999
![]() Okay, now to try to give you guys everything you need to make your characters. First of all, a note on how this game is going to be played. As all my regular players know by now, I'm much more of a story-teller than a number cruncher when it comes to D&D. Not that I don't like rolling dice, or dislike combat, but if all you want is to be "Bob the Barbarian" and go kill goblins, this may not be the game for you, or maybe it is and you just have a really kick-ass backstory for why your Barbarian is named Bob. I would like everyone to try and post once a day. It doesn't need to be page after page of text, in fact I might hate you if you do that repeatedly since I need to read it, but a couple lines of text and the numbers for any of your rolls. This kind of game takes a while and I'd like to keep it going as smoothly as possible, which is already going to take some doing as some of us are literally 12 hours apart from each other. Later we'll get into the actual mechanics of how to make our posts, but for now that's enough. Let's get to characters. The Fluffy Stuff The town of Sandpoint is an almost idyllic one, located on the coast of the Varisian Bay, it is a close knit community of farmers, tradesmen, fishermen and other simple folk. In the past five years though, she has seen her share of tragedy. First, a string of serial killings that terrified the populace before he was brought to justice, and then a fire that burned the towns church to the ground. But now the people of Sandpoint are ready to begin again. The town's new Cathedral has been finally completed and just in time for the Swallowtail Festival, a religious ceremony that is easily one of the biggest parties that the community has! But even as the people of Sandpoint prepare to welcome this bright new day, something evil stirs in the shadows. Your characters should all be made with a reason for them to be at the festival, it is alright for your characters to know each other and if you're stuck, hopefully the campaign traits can help you. The Crunchy Stuff Character creation will be done using the Point-but rules in the Core rule book. We will be using the "High Fantasy" model, with 20 points to purchase your abilities. Everything else is standard first level characters, all races from the core and classes from the core rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide are allowed. You are also allowed, and highly encouraged to pick two traits. One trait from the lists in the Advanced Player's Guide, and one from the list of campaign Traits. RotRL Campaign traits:
Sandpoint Traits – these traits are for characters who have grown up within the town of Sandpoint. Favored Son/Daughter
Ameiko Kaijitsu (Local (but out of favour) noble, former adventurer and owner of the Rusty Dragon Inn): Ameiko is one of Sandpoint’s most beloved citizens. She is the eldest daughter to the Kaijitsu family, but at a young age she chose to take up the life of an adventurer, against her father’s very vocal wishes. She has since returned to Sandpoint and opened the Rusty Dragon, a tavern and Inn which in the past few years has become one of the most popular in Sandpoint. As one of her friends, you’re always guaranteed a place to sleep and eat for free. But sometimes perks come with a price, and Ameiko has enlisted your help to run the Rusty Dragon’s table at this year’s Swallowtail festival.
Belor Hemlock (Town Sheriff): Sandpoint’s no nonsense arm of the law, Belor has always been like an uncle to you. The benefits of which are extensive, you can either call in a favour once per day, such as help with legal trouble or to hook you up with a town guard for help. Otherwise you may use a onetime +10 bonus on bluff, intimidate or diplomacy. Because of this familiarity, Belor has called in a favour on you, and asked that you attend the Swallowtail festival to help him keep an eye out for Ne’er do wells. Father Vantus (Local Priest): You’ve been taken under the wing of Father Abstalar Vantus, the new town Priest of Sandpoint. In the five years that he has been a member of Sandpoint’s community the two of you have become fast friends. Gain a +1 trait bonus to any Knowledge (Religion) checks. As well, Vantus is happy to provide any minor healing you may need.
Black Sheep You were born and raised in the town of Sandpoint or one of its outlying farms. You know many of the regions secrets and the locals already know who you are. It’s not fair to say you’re hated by the townspeople, but they do see you as a troublemaker, and definitely don’t trust you. The town’s tougher lot respect you, but the law-abiding citizens do not. You gain a +1 trait bonus t knowledge local, and knowledge local is always a class skill for you. In addition, choose one of the citizens’s listed below as an ally to your character, Each citizen will give different bonuses. Alliver “Pillbug” Podiker (Apothecary): It’s an open rumour in the town that the sweaty, shifty-eyed Pillbug actually sells poisons from his cluttered and ramshackle shop. You are one of the few people who know this is true. You start the game with 400 gp worth of poison. Pillbug will also happily continue to sell to you, as long as you keep your mouth shut. Titus Scarnetti (Town noble): Lord Scarnetti is the head of one of Sandpoint’s noble families and has his hands in a number of local businesses; chief among them is Sandpoint’s Lumber Mill. What most of the citizens don’t know is that Titus has his hands in a number of less than legal enterprises as well, and you are one of the agents he uses to facilitate these enterprises. With these connections you can call in a small favour once a week, such as help avoiding legal problems, or you can make a onetime +15 intimidate check made against any local. Jubrayl Vhiski (Sczarni Thug): A local thug, Jubrayl is the leader of the local gang of Sczarni, an extended network of Varisian thieves, cutthroats and con artists. Whether you like it or not, you’ve been working for Jubrayl for years as anything he needs you to be, from errand boy to pick pocket. Pick one of the following skills; bluff, sleight of hand, stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill and it becomes a class skill. Varisian Native Traits – These traits are for characters who have their backgrounds tied into Varisia, but not Sandpoint itself. Country born: You come from the rural region around Sandpoint, where you were raised in an
Lone Wolf: You let a lonely childhood and were forced to fend for yourself. You were found and rescued by a Desnan pilgrim on his way to the Swallowtail Festival. Ever since, you visit the festival
Totem Spirit: Your tribal totem spirit favours you. Your tribal shaman has decided that because of this favour, you are best suited to serve as an observer for the interlopers in lower Varisia, and sent you to the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint to learn about their traditions. The totemic favour grants you a benefit depending on your clan: o Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan): You gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception and Perception is a class skill for you. o Shadde-Quah (Axe Clan): If you have the rage ability, it lasts for one additional round.
o Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan): You gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks, and Acrobatics is always a class skill for you. o Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan): You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against undead. o Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan): Your base land speed increases by 5 feet. This counts as a trait bonus. Magical Legacy: The magic of your homeland is in your blood. You were told by a Varisian soothsayer that this magic is linked to the ancient monuments that dot the landscape, and that if you want to
o Abjuration: Resstance. o Conjuration: Acid splash. o Enchantment: Daze. o Evocation: Dancing lights. o Illusion: Ghost sound. o Necromancy: Touch of fatigue. o Transmutation: Mage hand. Magnimaran Diplomat: You hail from Magnimar, City of Monuments, which is known for its openmindedness and acceptance of a variety of races and cultures. You decided to visit Sandpoint during the Swallowtail Festival to see some more of these cultures, or maybe just in order to celebrate. Because of your tolerant upbringing, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you. Korvosan Imperialist: You grew up in Korvosa, former colony to the empire of Cheliax. You've been brought up to believe that it is Korvosa’s mandate to rule Varisia, and do not tolerate anyone to question that right. You decided to see for yourself the backwards cultures of western Varisia by visiting the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint. Your breeding has prepared you for giving orders and having them obeyed. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Riddleport Fast Talker: You spent your early life in Riddleport, City of Cyphers, a former pirate port and still home to more than its fair share of dangerous criminals. You learned that in order to survive, you need a quick tongue, but found other uses for it. You decided to visit the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint, whether because you want to celebrate without watching your back all the time for once, or because those hillbillies are easy pickings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Traveller Traits – Traits for characters who are not native to Varisia Hunter of Legends: You have a passion for fighting the gigantic creatures that stalk Varisia’s landscape. You heard stories about the Sandpoint Devil, a legendary creature that stalks the Sandpoint area, and decided to learn more. You figured that going to the Swallowtail Festival, with most locals busy getting their tongues loosened by alcohol, is your best chance to find out if the creature’s real. Your experience in fighting big creatures grants you a +2 trait bonus to damage rolls against creatures of size large or larger. Exile: For whatever reason, you have been forced to flee from your homeland. By chance or fate you have landed on Sandpoint’s shores, and not long after that, a lack of coin decided that you would be staying as well. You hope to find employment or purpose through the many visitors said to attend the Swallowtail festival. However, years of being pursued by the enemies who chased you from your homeland has left you paranoid. Gain a +2 trait on all initiative checks. Missionary: You have come to Varisia looking to expand the presence of your chosen faith after being guided to do so by a vision that told you your faith was needed here. Just what you are supposed to do however, is something you aren’t sure of. So you have decided that the opening of a new cathedral dedicated to a number or deities is as good a place as any to start. You gain a +1 trait bonus to knowledge religion and it is always a class skill for you. If you cast divine spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are adept at casting these spells, so they function as if one caster level higher,and their save DCs (if applicable) gain a +1 bonus.
Pathfinder: You are a member of the Pathfinders. A society of Adventurers and Explorers dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the world. You have travelled to Varisia, on orders from the Venture-Captain in charge of your Lodge, to explore the culture and ruins of the Thasillonian Empire, as well as any other discoveries of importance that you might find. Choose one of the following skills; Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Survival. You gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill and it is always considered a class skill. You also start play with a Wayfinder. Special thanks to both James Jacobs and KaeYoss, they did most of the actual work on this stuff.
I think that's all you'll need. Any questions, just toss me a line. ![]()
![]() I'm running Curse of the Crimson Throne, and we're just about to start History of Ash. The book mentions that going through Kaer Maga is the fastest way to get to the top of the Storval Plateau. Seeing this as a good spot for a little bit of side trekkin, I went and got the PDF for City of Strangers. It's a great book and I love the city, but from what I've seen so far, the main entrance to the city is the Warrens, which according to the map, looks like its on the wrong side of the city and that the party would need to go around the majority of the wall to get there. I haven't had too much time to look over the book, could someone tell me if I'm missing something. ![]()
![]() I'm going to be starting my first Adventure Path Game in a week or two and I`m having trouble deciding which one to run. What do you guys think? I'm not interested in Legacy of Fire. Not that it doesn't look good, I just don't really feel it clicking with me. My top two choices are either CotCT or CoT, mostly because I'd like a mostly urban campaign. That said RotRL looks like... well like the classic D&D game. Second Darkness also looks really good but I have another campaign going where the main bad guy is planned to be Drow (though I could change that) So what do you think? Which one should we play? what should I avoid? anything I should tweak? (As example I've heard some people say CotCT should never have left Korvosa, or to skip Skarwall) thanks for the help guys. ![]()
![]() Chapter One: The Hangman's Noose. The players awoke to find themselves in the jury's box of an old and rundown courthouse, along with another nine individuals. Connections were quickly established when it became clear that eight of the Jurors; the halfling Madge, the gnome Jester Ebin, the Hobgoblin Malgrim, the Half-Orc Halgrak and the humans Killian, Patrissa and Rekkart were all members of the jury for the last trial that was held in this very courthouse, before it was condemned a decade ago. A trial against the courthouse's own hangman, Jarbin Mord for the murder of his wife and child. The Paladin Sir Rekkart was also quick to realize and draw connections to the absent jury members and the new comers. The first was Elizabeth Andalis, a local noble who's brother sat on the trial. This connection was simple as Elizabeth is well known within the city. The others, all new comers to the city were slightly less obvious. First was a young woodsman, named Davek Homeforger. Davek's father was a good man at heart, but never the smartest and he ran himself into debt with some of the city of Arodan's most notorious criminals. A debt that his son now carries. The Gnome Bard, Penfold Fenwood, never even knew his parents and had in fact only come to the Kingdom's capital in an attempt to discover and meet them for himself. Lastly was Simon Ziggurat, a young sorceror who did not end up at the trial because of his lineage but a case of mistaken identity. It was an old friend of Simon's who filled the last seat in the juror's box, and it was at this man's home that Simon was abducted in the night. As the would be band attempted to leave the old building, the truth of their situation quickly came to light. As objects around them came to life, shadows sprang from the walls to kill them, the demented spirit of a poor lost boy tormented them and the fearsome specter of the Croaker hounded their every step, the party began to piece together what truly happened ten years ago. But their time was running out. One by one members of the Jury fell, either driven to death or insanity by the Croaker's dogged pursuit. Until finally only five remained. Davek, Simon and Penfold stood along side Rekkart Cole, who upon realizing that he had sent an innocent man to death, forsook his vows as a Paladin, the noblewoman Elizabeth Andalis and the Halfling acrobat Madge, who the party had managed to save from undead corpse of her own father, came face to face with the true murderer and mastermind of the horrors committed ten years ago; Magister Allister Wade. Wade's lies did little to convince the heroes of his innocence, and soon blade clashed on blade. Working together, the party managed to subdue Wade into unconsciousness, and dragged him back to the gallows. They woke the man with Noose around his neck and asked if he had any final words. The Magister replied by cursing and spitting at the party. Then Davek stepped forward and uttered to Wade the same speech that he had heard in his dreams, plagued by visions of the trial so long ago. "Allister Wade, May the gods have mercy on your blackened Soul," With Wade's hanging the ghost of Jarbin Mord was finally able to find peace. The survivors of the courthouse finally escaped, stepping into a new day. From where they stood on the old bluff, they could see the metropolis of Arodan, the banners of the king's court, flying of the towers of Castle Mareth. And in the distance, jutting from the ward like three swords that belonged to the Gods themselves, the towers of Castle Dragonwall. To Be contiued in: The Wyvern's Shadow. DM Notes: The Hangman's noose is the only published adventure that will be used in "The Darkness Rising," Though many paizo products have a great deal to do with inspiring certain elements. Most prominent in this installment is Elizabeth Andalis and her as yet unnamed brother. The idea for the two was taken from Lavinia and Vanthus Vanderboren. Arodan was inspired by Korvosa and more nods will pop up as the campaign goes on. This is my first time writing a campaign journal and I plan on experimenting with my entries until I find a style I like. Favorite quote from this adventure: Davek: (After being tortured by Gabe's spirit AGAIN) I'm going to kill that little freak! me: He's a ghost... Davek: Find, I'll ressurect him, then I'll kill him! ![]()
![]() Something I thought should be addressed, though I don't see it as too big of a problem. But tumble has been worked in to the Acrobatics check, which Bards and Rogues get as a class skill. Fine and well but so do Barbarians and the idea of a massive Orc Barbarian with his greataxe nimbly slipping past someones AoO seems wrong to me. thoughts? ![]()
![]() I know this thread may belong in the Play-by-Post discussion board but as I specifically want to playtest the new rules I thought I would ask here. I think I'll either run Rise of the Runelords, but am hesitant because I only have the first four, or I'm thinking or making an original campaign that I would set in Golarion, or my own world. Because the idea is to test the rules I'm only allowing classes that have been converted, so fighter, cleric, rogue, wizard for now. Looking for 4 players. Let me know what you guys think! Rennick ![]()
![]() Hey Paizonians! So after much debate and a decision against my FLGS, I've decided to start subscribing to your lovely book/magazine (or Mook! as Dr. Jacobs calls it) Just watched the payment thingy go through, though things still say pending, probably because it's Sunday, but I'm having trouble finding the PDF for #7. Am I missing the link somewhere or is it because my order still needs to be verified? thanks for the help guys! ![]()
![]() So as all my recent posts have stated, I'm putting together an Eberron/Sharn campaign that for the first half will revolve around the Saint Demain trilogy, with some Shut Ins, Homebrew and the Styes tossed in. Yesterday I was bouncing around ideas of where the campaign would go after 10th level and I realized I would either need to go to Non-Eberron adventures (perfectly fine) or homebrew my own, playing off all the connections the characters will have made. My only problem is that with any luck Victor will have become the PCs arch enemy and if I were to keep the campaign going past 11th level, which I would want to, I really need to find a way to link my "evil Baddy" to Victor in some way. My first thought was that like Palpatine to Anakin, whoever my great evil is, will say Khyber and I use the name without knowing, could by Vol, Kyuss, the Demon-god RPett!, Anyway maybe Khyber could have been influencing Victor down his path of evil. But as my example above points out, it's been done. Besides I want Victor's fall to be his own fault. Flipping through my later Dungeon issues I spotted the Serpeants of Scuttlecove and Vanthus' transformation, and that gave me the idea. Playing off his Swashbuckling nature, what if at the end of Hell's Heart Victor is either killed by the PCs or driven mad, eventually killing himself or being murdered by some criminal he locked up. Once in the abyss he is approached by Khyber (or whatever fills the Tharizdun void in the Styes maybe) with the chance for revenge. and is returned to the mortal realm as a Death Knight. I don't see Victor as the clad in spiked armor Death Knight ala Karzoug, but nothing in the subtype would hurt for a swashbuckler. He would dress in leather armor with a black trenchcoat like the purple one he wore in life, looking something like the headless horseman, riding a nightmare with sword cane or rapier at the ready, assembling a new cadre of cats paws and an undead army to take Sharn, the city that he sees as responsible for his fate. What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() So I sat down tonight to work on some brainstorming for my upcoming Eberron game. To one side of my I have a stack of campaign specific books, to my other side a stack of rulebooks, and right in front of me is a stack of Dungeon Magazines and Pathfinder volumes to help me weave my story together. But then I come to my problem. You see I know what adventures I'd like to use, the St-Demain trilogy at the head of those, but for the most part I have an Episodic campaign and what I really want is what you guys have pulled off in your Adventure Paths. I want the story to build to the climactic finish and for the PCs to figure things out on their way through so not everything is aparent from the start. I'm not sure how. So I thought I would ask you guys. Paizo has put out the best campaign arcs I've ever read or played, be they SCAP, AoW, STAP or RotRL now, which means if anyone knows what they're talking about it's you guys. So, Readers and writers of all things Paizo: How do you write an AP? thanks for the help! ![]()
![]() On a side note, this thread is awsome: Seeking out Mystery adventures to go with Mr Victor Thought I'd post that because it always gets anoying when 2 threads are the same, thus I will try to make mine different. I'm starting a new campaign soon and plan on using these adventures, currently in this order: Chimes at Midnight
Couple problems: I don't own Chimes at Midnight yet, is it a first level adventure, a campaign starter or should I plan something before that? I haven't finished reading Voyage yet, is it conceivable to keep the PC's at 8th Level by the end of it, or should I plan to scale Quoth and Hell's Heart up? One last thing is about Black Winter. Does it start in Chimes or just in Quoth the Raven? Which brings me to an important question: How do I get my players to focus on Victor and not run and put out the fires? Any help would be great guys, thanks!