![]() I'm working on starting a new campaign and have a few players who will be playing for their first time, so I'm trying to pick the starting town for my campaign, and I'm down to Diamond Lake or Sandpoint. But as much as I love both towns, I've never actually gotten to run a game with either of these locations, and I was hoping to get some input from everyone? To be clear, I'm not really looking for "which is better" but I am looking to hear which of the two you prefer and any experiences or reasons you have for it. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
If I would guess, I would say that the length is part of it, but I feel like there is a more "grandiose" feeling to the Dungeon APs on the whole. Now of the three I've only been able to play through Savage Tide, but by the end of it you were cutting deals with Grazzt and Malcanthet, and then taking on Demogorgon head on! I also was a huge fan of the Vanderborens and their relationship to the PCs and each other, and how that developed through the AP. In general, the Pathfinder APs seem to have a smaller scale feel in general, it isn't so much "save the universe" as it is "save the Country" or the city. Now that said, I'm speaking with nostalgia goggles on, Savage Tide was what got me into APs, so it's easy for me to remember what I loved,and forget about what I disliked. Also, I love the Pathfinder APs, and don't think I actually agree with the statement that the Dungeon era ones were stronger products. So I may be completely offbase here. ![]()
![]() It depends how much work you want to put in as well. I agree with pretty much everything Callum said, however RotRL, CotCT, SD, and LoF were all written for the 3.5 ruleset. At this time only RotRL has been updated to Pathfinder, in the Hardcover Anniversary edition. (An absolutely wonderful book, I might add). So the question gets to be: What kind of game to you want to run? If your looking for the archtypical "Dungeons and Dragons" that has the feel of classic sword and sorcery, you could do A lot worse than picking up the Hardcover of Rise of the Runelords. If you guys are more of a horror and gothic, Ravenloft crowd, then Carrion Crown is probably more what you want. I could keep going, but I think an easier question would be: Can you tell us what you're looking for, for your campaign? ![]()
Male Human
![]() Whether you see this on our discussion board, or in the PM that I'm sending out, I hope you take this message with all the sincerity that it holds. I owe each of you an apology, and I am sorry for disappearing yet again, and without a trace. My commitments in real life became too big, I was cast in the male lead for our latest play, which just recently ended. To say this was the biggest role of my life is an understatement, it was also the most important, as this was our first production to take place in Central London, with industry people invited. This is just an explanation as to why I fell off the internet, it isn't an excuse. I still should have let you guys know that I would be absent, but things just took off too quickly and I lost track of a lot of things. I would still like to run this game, but I don't know if now is the time. I have loved ones coming to visit me in two weeks and I will be in the home stretch for this master's degree. I'm also not sure if you guys would be interested in continuing, I haven't shown myself to be a stable DM to say the least. Either way, I am sorry, you guys were a blast to RP with, and I hope it isn't the last time. Rennick ![]()
Male Human
![]() Sorry for no update, I've been unable to get onto the server and now it's late. Though you should feel encouraged to rp between each other as well. You have one covered wagon which can sleep 4 people. Not counting Koya (who sleeps in her wagon) your caravan has 13 people, and I can guarantee that at least Sandru and his two long term travel-mates will be staying in it. ![]()
Male Human
![]() The lip of the sun had already dropped past the western horizon, bathing the sky in hues of pinks and purples that were even now shifting to the deeper blues of evening. When Vandell and Daemon return to the campsite he finds that the wagons have been circled up and a firepit constructed, that Sandru now warmly tends to. The monk’s search was successful, and he presented a small pile of roots, apples, wild carrots and wild tomatoes. A few moments after him, Shalelu wanders into the camp, her bow slung over his shoulder and a catch of six rabbits in her hand. ”Oh, perfect.” Ameiko grins, eyeing the rabbits and vegetables, already unpacking a cast iron pot, knife, ladle and a rack of spices from one of the supply wagons, and sets about skinning the rabbits. The Tian woman works diligently, humming a cheerful tune as she does, and it isn’t long before a delicious peppery aroma fills the camp. ”Soup’s on!” Ameiko, Sandru, Koya, Shalelu , Viorec, Gianya, Bevelek and Vankor all ladle themselves up servings into simple wooden bowls, and most take up a spot near the crackling flames. As the stars shone above, Sandru finishes his bowl with a hearty slurp – and starts to ladle himself seconds – while looking over to Koya, ”How ‘bout a story mum?”
“Treerazer began life in the Abyss, but little is known of his exploits as a demon before his ascension. Whatever he did, it impressed his Lord Cyth-V'sug enough to risk raising him to the role of a nascent demon lord. Cyth-V'sug's gamble did not pay off, however, as Treerazer was an ambitious creature and attempted to usurp his lord's position. Exactly what transpired is difficult to determine. Certainly, Cyth-V'sug was not overcome, but whether the demon lord banished him or Treerazer fled there to evade his former master is a question for debate, but what is known that he arrived here, on Golarion. In any case, being so completely severed from the Abyss has had an interesting side effect: if Treerazer were to be killed, his essence would not return to the Abyss—his death would be permanent.” “Banished to Golarion sometime during the Age of Darkness, Treerazer found our realm to his liking and spent many centuries wandering her many nations. It was not until centuries later that he discovered the land of Kyonin and learned of the exodus of the elves. There he learned of a mysterious and great power, and concocted a plan to use this power to return to the Abyss. He was foiled by the return of the elves, but they could not destroy Treerazer, instead pushing him and his forces back to the Tanglebriar in southern Kyonin. There he waits within his fortress, the massive twisted tree known as the Witchbole, serving as the bogeyman of elven culture—a tale with which to scare elven children that may be, unfortunately, all too real.” As the story ends, Sandru gives a small laugh, shaking his head in amusement at his adopted mother, ”Couldn’t be a happy story on our first night?” ”Happy usually means boring.” she replies with a drag of her pipe. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Had some stuff come up today, so no update. But I did (barely) start work on this: Legend of the Scions - A Jade Regent Campaign a campaign site to keep logs and other useful info! ![]()
Male Human
![]() Ameiko smiles, her fingers still dancing over her luter and she retorts to Lirathan - though in a voice soft enough that her words may be as much for herself as the young elf, "Just goes to show that you and I have very different definitions of valuable." On his horse by the wagon Sandru chuckles, but doesn't say anything, while Koya gives a short bark of a laugh, "You hold on to that thought deary. Takes most people more years than they got to learn that one." The caravan's journey is a smooth one for the first day, following the road north through the hinterlands, until the lights of Sandpoint are just distant specks behind them as the sun sets on the western horizon. As the Caravan climbs a soft hill, Sandru holds up a hand to signal the stop, glancing at the panting horses, and surveying the ground around them with an approving nod. "We'll make camp here for the night." ![]()
Male Human
![]() Ameiko giggles, one of the white-blonde bangs falling into her eyes, clashing against the black of the rest of her hair, "I would have given it to her for free if I could have convinced her to accept Lir. It's not like I needed the money, hasn't anyone told you?" she waggles her eyebrows, "I am Sandpoint's most prosperous noble." ![]()
Male Human
![]() ~I warned you that the beginning was rather common, didn't I? Our caravan set out two weeks later: Four Wagons. Fourteen travelers. Ten friends. Even then, we had no idea the adventure we were departing on. No idea at all...~ The small caravan rolls out of Sandpoint one fine morning in the late Varisian summer. Two of the wagons were simple supply wagons; with old and weather worn wood that had gone grey from months and years toiling against the elements. Another wagon was newer, it's wood still held it's healthy brown sheen, though scuffed and chipped in many a places, with a white tarp pitched atop it. The most prominent of them all though was Koya's wagon. Looking like a small hut on wheels with a steep triangular roof that was painted a bright yellow against the faded red of the wagon's walls. The wagons were driven by four Varisians, Bevelek and Vankor - who were like family to Sandru, they'd traveled together for so long - while the other two were helmed by Gianya and Viorec, a sister and brother, varisian, who had signed up with Sandru for the expedition. As the convoy trundled along the dirt road leading to the town's south-eastern exit, Yosrick takes one look back at the Rusty Dragon. "What are you going to do with the old girl?" he asked Ameiko, hitching his pack to his shoulder. Ameiko sits on the bench of Koya's wagon, beside Koya herself as well as Gianya, and plucks away at the strings of her Samisen. She glances back in the direction Yosrick is looking and smiles, "Y'know Yos... I've been feeling like I've been outgrowing the Dragon for a while now... So I sold her." She grins at her friend, "To Bethana, for one gold piece." ![]()
Male Human
![]() Hi Everyone. So yeah, School definitely has taken its toll on my free time, way more than I expected. I'm three weeks away from showtime for our first production, then off to Russia to study at their National Theatre Academy for a month, and then home for X-mas break. I will be re-assessing if I can run this game around then and I'm hoping to start us up around December or January. I will send PMs out so don't feel you need to keep an eye here. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Hey guys, great work so for for the caravan! Just checking in. I've landed in the UK, spent the last couple nights on a friend's couch, just getting into my own room today, and the airline lost my luggage... that had my entire set of clothes and the rest of my life in it. That was two days ago and they still don't know where it is. So either my updates are a few days off, or I'll have the most b*#+$in' post ever up later today, depends what my frustration of exhaustion channel into. For now I'm off to kill dragons in Skyrim. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Last minute check, and Lir reminds me of important info, Caravan Jobs! These are the following jobs that the current NPCs can do. Ameiko: cook, entertainer, fortune-teller, guard, passenger, spellcaster or trader. Koya: Fortune-Teller (Default), guard, healer, passenger or spellcaster Sandru: Driver, Guard, Passenger, Trader, Wainwright Shalelu: Guard, Passenger, Scout The only job I am considering to be a "default" position is Koya's as Fortune-teller. You can change this of course, but it's her current spot. everyone else needs to be set by you guys. Have a good weekend! ![]()
Male Human
![]() No worries Kov, I'm away for the weekend so I doubt there will be any updates. Could you guys get down what you want to do for your caravan, Your starting caravan is detailed in the Player's Guide. Ameiko will give you 2000 gp to finance the trip and purchase any improvements or new wagons. While you don't have this in game yet, work out what you want to purchase and enhance now. thanks gang! ![]()
Male Human
![]() The big Shoanti, his face crisscrossed with a number of scars, his ears puckered like cauliflower, Grins dangerously down at Andrin, his eyes only briefly moving to the other two who have confronted him. Shalelu however, actually tosses a glare at Vandell, "I am no one's 'fair gem' and I recommend you remember that.". She then turns that glare to the Shoanti. "Let. me. go." He lets Shalelu go, But his eyes don't leave Andrin's, and he holds a hand back towards his friend, "Hear that lads? the priss thinks I should enjoy my drink..." One of the other ruffians passes the lead man a wide mug of ale, and he takes a draw, licking his lips as grins at Andrin, "I'm not thirsty priss, you can have the rest." And with that, the big thug upends the contents of his glass onto Andrin's head. He lets out an uprorious laugh, which is joined by the three others behind him! A laugh that is abruptly cut off by Yosrick's boot. The Shoanti merc tumbles back in a spray of blood. Pulling himself up to his feet, he points to the group, "Beat 'em raw!" The four thugs charge with clenched fists! Daemon:
A marking on their armor, a crude looking bulldog head, marks the four as members of the Stone Dogs, a small time mercenary company mostly of Shoanti who operate between Sandpoint and Magnimar Alright, this is a pretty loose "fight" Each of the four thugs has the stats below, write your actions and resolve them, the thugs will go after. At this moment all of the thugs are unarmed, it is a barfight after all AC: 15
Male Human
![]() In the Taproom Shalelu cocks a blonde eyebrow and a small smirk at Vandell's remark about Chelish maids, "Gods you are Sandru's friend. Koya how on earth did you survive the childhood?" Koya lets out a hearty laugh and takes a swig of her ale, "A strong liver dear, a very strong liver." At this point Lir's foot connects with Shalelu's chair, and the Elven archer must have had more to drink than any realized as she didn't catch herself, and topples backwards over the tumbling chair, clattering to the floor. As she pulls herself to her knees, she glares daggers at her younger brother, accompanied by a smile that says 'just you wait.' "Ho! looks like you've had a bit too much to drink, Flower." A huge Shoanti dressed in dented and well used steel breastplate grabs Shalelu by the arm and helps her up to her feet, his other arm snaking around her waist. Behind him, two more Shoanti, dressed in similar mercenary garb, laugh and jeer with mugs in hand, "I've a nice bed upstairs, Flower. Let's go work off some of that ale, eh?" Shalelu's eyes narrow, "Please let me go." The Shoanti grins, a broad smile missing a few teeth, "Only if I get to hold on somewhere else." ![]()
Male Human
![]() On The Roof "I think I'd like that."She stares down at the paper in her hand, a small smile crossing her red lips, "Sandru's been itching to get his caravan back on the road..." Ameiko's small smile breaks into a wide grin, and she pushes herself to her feet, deftly balancing on the slant of the roof. She leans down and gives Yos a kiss on the forehead, "Thanks Yos, come on we need to talk to the others." She steps over him and almost skips towards the ledge down to the window. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Hey everyone! Welcome back to Jade Regent, thanks for sticking around! My schedule is going to be slightly hectic in the coming weeks (moving back from Canada to England again) but I'm also reducing the number of games I'm in or running and JR will be my only game on the Paizo boards. I'd like to ask everyone to review the caravan rules in the Player's Guide as we'll be getting into that really soon! ![]()
Male Human
![]() On the Roof Ameiko shrugs, The notes from her plucking seeming to accentuate the motion, "You heard me read it. It's just... My father never spoke of our family or where we came from or what they were like, and then things just got worse. The falling out we had when I left, his rage over Tsuto's birth and the fact that he obviously wasn't his, Mom's suicide and then how it all ended..." Her voice trails off in a choked sob, She doesn't continue but Yosrick knows, all of Sandpoint's heard the rumors of how Ameiko's half brother murdered their father sided with a tribe of Goblins that almost destroyed Sandpoint and kidnapped Ameiko. The events ended with Ameiko's rescue and Tsuto's death at the hands of the Runewardens - though before they were known as such. Sandpoint's a small town and interesting stories travel fast, whether someone wanted them to or not. Ameiko stops playing and unfolds the letter, "I love Sandpoint, I do. But she's never really been my home. Now I have this clue of my family, my past... I don't think I can let that go." ![]()
Male Human
![]() On the Roof of the Rusty Dragon Yosrick climbs the steps up to the top floor of the Dragon - a fairly nondescript hall of rooms to be rented, and walks down to the far end. Ameiko hadn't come back in over an hour and no one knew where she was, except for Yosrick. He knew exactly where to look. He opens a window at the far end of the hall and climbs out, gripping the edge of the storm drain he vaults himself up onto the roof. And there she was. Lit by by moonlight, Ameiko sat on the roof with her feet stretched out in front of her. Her back resting against the old iron dragon. She had her Samisen in her hands, her fingers absently plucking away at the strings. Yosrick could see the letter from her Grandfather, clutched tight in her right hand along with the paddle, one of its edges getting frayed from the plucking of the strings. Ameiko glances up and offers a small smile to Yosrick, and he can see the wetness glistening in her eyes, "Hey.." she greets him quietly. Ameiko turns her head away, to look out at the stars and the full moon, "I love this town, I really do... but there's so much pain here. My parent's deaths, my brother's. The fights my father and I had. I loved him, and I'm sure he loved me but we were so different." she laughs a little through the tears in spite of herself, "I'm not sure what he hated more. That I went off to be an adventurer, or that when I came back I bought a bar. He would have called either a "disgrace" but ever since he died I've been running the businesses and... It's not my life Yos, it's not who I am. I don't even know if I know who that is anymore..." ![]()
Male Human
![]() Some Time Later, Ameiko had yet to come back, but the revelry of the Rusty Dragon had resumed all the same. Most of the friends now sat around two tables that had been shoved together, and a copious number of empty mugs grew steadily on the two wooden surfaces. Sandru, Koya and Shalelu, alongside Lirrathan, Andrin, Daemon and Koveluss, as well as the newcomer Vandell were all there. Only Yosrick was missing, having excused himself only a few moments ago. "By Cayden's cup this day's full of surprises!" Sandru belows heartily, a hand coming down hard on to Vandell's back, "Of all the rascals to walk back into my life, you! ha! So tell me about life in your convent then, Is this the first time you've seen a pretty girl then?" he gives a bit of a hiccup to punctuate the last point. Shalelu leans her chair back on its hind legs, a mug of ale half-drank in her hand, "I take it they're friends?" Koya, also armed with a well used glass, gives a short bark of a laugh, "Oh dear you've no idea." ![]()
Male Human
![]() "I um... thank you.." Ameiko sits, or rather slowly falls, onto the stool that Daemon provides. her voice acknowledges the support from her friends, but her eyes never leaves the piece of parchment in her hand. Slender fingers tracing across the ink, as though it may reveal some other clue, she looks up and her eyes search out her three closest friends. Koya, standing near the newcomer, offering Ameiko a gaze of motherly concern. Shalelu, her full blue eyes piercing into the young Tian woman, her stoic silence speaking volumes of the support she feels for her friend. And Sandru, his trademarked grin faltering, like that of a brother watching his sibling fall, and knowing he can do nothing to quell the pain of the cuts and bruises. Surprisingly enough, it's Lirrathan who breaks Ameiko from her daze. She gives out a small laugh and smile, and glances down at the parchment and the sword in her hands. She flips the blade over deftly in her fingers and offers the handle to Lirrathan, "It's called a Wakizashi, Wa-Kee-Zah-Shee, If you're going to wield one you should at least learn how to pronounce it. Take it over to Red Dog and tell Das to put the repairs on my tab." She smiles, her instructions referring of course to Das Korvut, the gruff owner and proprietor of the Red Dog Smithy. Ameiko stands up chair and says, "Sorry guys, I need some space for a bit." and she turns and heads through the crowd and up the stairway to the floors above. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Hi Everyone. Again I am apologizing for my disappearance, however I have also come to a decision. This most recent lapse of post didn't come from a hectic schedule like we were used to, but rather a number of personal problems, big and small, that had simply grown to overwhelm me, to the point that I had a bit of a breakdown last week. I'm doing far better now, with the support of my family and my friends, and have been putting things into perspective again which definitely helps. That said, With my last few weeks of summer, I would like to focus on the time I have with my brothers, especially as it will be the first time the three of us are together in over three years, and then it is back to school. Given this crunch I feel I simply can not maintain this game at the caliber that it began at. Unhallowed Waters was a big undertaking for me, and one I do not regret. I loved playing with these characters, and this story and I wish I could continue. Maybe someday I can but that isn't right now. I thank you all for your understanding, you all have been absolutely amazing players and I hope we get the chance to game again, maybe resurrect this one sometime. Also, there's a musician I follow, Tyler Ward, who is from Aurora Colorado (Where the Batman shooting happened) and to try and help in what little way that he can he's released one of his original songs to the public for free. You can hear it at the following link, which also provides a link to download the song for free. I found it pretty touching and thought it was something worth spreading. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Hey everyone, I'm sorry for my disappearance. I'm going through a lot of personal problems at the moment and it all kind of overwhelmed me for the last few weeks. Trying to get things sorted, and I'm hoping to be up to posting speed asap, though at the moment I am focusing on family and friends around me, so I may not be back to a rapid update speed yet. Also, there's a musician I follow, Tyler Ward, who is from Aurora Colorado (Where the Batman shooting happened) and to try and help in what little way that he can he's released one of his original songs to the public for free. You can hear it at the following link, which also provides a link to download the song for free. I found it pretty touching and thought it was something worth spreading. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Sorry for yet another unplanned delay. Getting our internet set up took a lot longer than it was supposed to, and I've been a lot busier than I expected to be. My plan is to update every two days, if I miss this please feel free to poke and prod at me so I don't forget or lose track of time! ![]()
Male Human
![]() My mistake, scene is edited below, and the dmg to Eredin actually remains the same. EDIT: "Damn bastard," he curses and leaps for the scaffolding of the gallows, hauling himself up and then leaping for the nearby rooftop. Edgar's dagger lances out through the air, slicing into Eredin by the shoulder and sending him clattering against the shingles. The magus lets out a howl of pain but continues to run for his escape. Sinder's blade lances out and slides deftly across the dwarf's throat, drawing a thick line of blood that causes his oponent to drop his whip and clasp at the wound trying to staunch the blood... But somehow he doesn't fall, and in fact looks even angrier than before! Where did Sin's second D6 of dmg come from? I don't thinkyou should have sneak atk dmg in a straight up melee fight? The Half-Orc grins at Phaedra and Eaton, gnashing his teeth and cackling, he pulls out a vial of a dark green substance, pops the cork and downs the tube in one gulp! DM rolls:
Fighter Atk 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10miss The Dwarf, eyes burning with rage at Sinders, gives his axe a wild swing that the ninja easily dodges. Eaton, Tellar and Phaedra are up, in that order. ![]()
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![]() Eredin's Concentration 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 - Fail
[ooc]I debated not allowing the second AoO, as he did use an acrobatics to try and climb the gallows, but I figure that's not the same as avoiding being hit, as I didn't declare it. I'll be more clear with my mechanics in the future. Edgar's blade cuts deep into Eredin's arm, drawing a deep line of red as the magus howls in pain, his spell lost. "Damn bastard," he curses and leaps for the scaffolding of the gallows, but Edgar's sword lances out once more, slicing him and keeping him firmly on the ground. The elder Valdemar lands in a crouched stance, growling in frustration Eaton takes 7 dmg. Known Stats Eredin
Sinders is up. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Yosrick's History result:
Yosrick recalls hearing that an unknown scourge destroyed the colony of Brinewall on the first day of Sarenith in 4687, just a few days after the date on the letter. "I..." Ameiko's eyes look up from the old parchment and sword in her hands and for once, there's no smile dancing behind her eyes. Instead there's confusion and hurt, "My father's name was Lonjiku..." she says. Her voice is barely a whisper, but everyone around her can hear it clearly. Koya, Snadru and Shalelu each exhange uncertain glances, not sure how to help their friend. Ameiko breathes, "Then this Rokuro... He must be my grandfather." Perception 24:
As Ameiko tries to find the words to express her feelings, one of the waitresses approaches Sandru but Koya quietly heads her off, taking something from the girl. Her eyes fall back to the letter, and the wakizashi, "This sword was my family's? I.. I know we haven't always lived in Sandpoint. but my father never spoke of life before here..." On the other side of the bar, Vandell sips at the drink that was brought to him staring into nothingness. He just sets the mug onto the table when the thunderstone clatters (thankfully not going off) onto the table beside him. He looks up to find not Sandru, but Koya glaring down at him as a mother might when she's caught her child in the pantry. "You come back after I don't know how many years, and that is your best idea on how to say hello? By Desna boy I ought to kick your ass straight back to that monastery." ![]()
Male Human
![]() The Dwarven fighter's axe swings out for Sin's chest, followed closely by the crack of a razor sharp whip that the young ninja narrowly avoids. Phaedra feels her lungs fill with air and the compression of muscle as she bellows at the orcish alchemist. He reels back and a trickle of dark red blood dribbles from his ear. But he shakes his head as if coming up from under water, grins at Phaedra and howls to the air! His sword in hand, Eredin holds the blade defensively in front of him, and reaches behind, "Managed to get into my sister's skirts yet? Has she even bothered learning your name yet?" As he taunts his former companion Eredin reaches behind his back and into the waist of his pants, pulling out a small grasshopper's leg. He crushes it between his fingers, free hand moving in an arcane motion, his lips uttering a spell! Seconds later he grins at Edgar, "Another time perhaps?" He springs up, jumping with an inhuman agility, onto the gallows frame and then up to the roof above! Oh no! He's getting away! Round 2 begins with Edgar at the top of the board. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Shalelu laughs, still leaning against the bar and cocks an eye towards Koya, "I spend half my life in the woods and the other half guiding you poor souls through said woods. How is that a cry for attention?" Koya smirks, taking a sip of her drink and casting a glance at Lir, "Young ones often project upon their families. Maybe the pup aspires to be like you?" She grins in spite of her solemn tone. Sandru's hand claps down on Andrin's shoulder, his own mug sloshing dangerously as the man boisterously asks, "Come on lad, what's the fun in drinking alone eh?" Ameiko takes a look at the two swords and nods, "They're minkai, yes. they're called Wakizashis. This one's pretty well made though, you said the handle was broken?" She snatches the sword from Lirrathan's hand and holds it to the light, "Well ballanced... seems fresh forged... and." As her fingers move across the hilt, it gives a pop and swings open on a small hinge. Ameiko's eyes dart up to the others, before looking back down, as she extracts a small scroll. Her eyes dance back and forth as she unrolls it and reads it, the color draining from her face, "It's in Tian-Min..." She clears her throat and reads, "My son, my heir. You know I have kept secrets from you. You were always a perceptive son, and while you may not understand my reasons for secrecy, I hope that you realize it was necessary. Know that I was not angry with you for opening the warding box – I was angry with myself for withholding the truth from you and forcing you to seek out what I should have given to you. The words I spoke to you were from anger with myself, and it shames me to think of them now. I write this note as an apology, and to beg you to leave these secrets to history. The next few days will be the most important I have faced in many years. If our family’s enemies have, as I hope, forgotten us, I shall reunite with you and your wife, and your mother and I shall reveal the truth to you. But if they still seek the contents of the warding box, I fear that I may not speak to you again. The box holds our family’s greatest treasure, so I have returned it to Kortun’s care, and it shall remain hidden in the secret third vault under Brinewall Castle – obscured from our enemies, I hope and pray. I will not grant our foes the satisfaction of killing me themselves – if it comes to it, let my death, by my own hand, be my final act to protect you, so that our enemies believe our line ended. I have instructed Tsutamu to keep this letter from you, delivering it to you only should I fail to return as I hope to. If I can, I will reveal all to you myself. If I cannot, this final missive from a father to a son must suffice as an apology in place of an explanation, and you must destroy this letter, flee to the south, and never return to Brinewall. If our enemies find what I have hidden, there will be nothing here for you. If they do not, they will lie in wait forever for your return. I hope to see you again soon, my son. But my heart tells me I will not. I am sorry to have failed you. But I am proud of you, and I know you will survive this old man’s shame. You are strong, and you must remain so. For if you are reading this and I am gone, know that our enemies will never stop searching for us, and that is why I cannot reveal the truth to you until I know there is no chance of them finding us again. Rokuro Kaijitsu
Male Human
![]() Haha, roll for HP, but take at least half the roll Vandell, feel free to write your entrance into the game whenever you like. Also, I've invite Kov back into the fold. I can handle an extra player. Sorry for the delay, got back to Canada to find my parents internet was down. Update is on its way. ![]()
Male Human
![]() Eaton's dmg 1d3 ⇒ 3 Assuming Sin's atk was a 16
Edgar's blade slices into Eredin's side, drawing a thick line or red across his bare chest even as the other smile smiles darkly at Edgar, "Heh, I was hoping you'd show up." his taunt his cut short as a ball of frost slams into his face. Sin lunges for the Dwarf, but he shifts his weight with a surprising speed, avoiding the attack, "Ye'll have to do better 'an that laddy." the Dwarf laughs, giving his whip a crack across the air. After slamming Eredin with the spell, Eaton hauls himself up onto the roof, pulling himself over the ledge just in time to see a small globe of glass wrapped in chord and filled with a sloshing orange liquid that flies towards him. the jar crashes at his feet and explodes in a gulf of flame that burns at Eaton's clothes and skin. Eaton takes 7 dmg. Known Stats Eredin