Mathus Mordrinacht

Rennick's page

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James Jacobs wrote:
Callum Finlayson wrote:
Or adapt some of the 3.5 ones -- IMO both Age of Worms and Savage Tide have some of the strongest elements of any AP.
I'm curious as to why you say that. Is it because those APs were twice as long?

If I would guess, I would say that the length is part of it, but I feel like there is a more "grandiose" feeling to the Dungeon APs on the whole. Now of the three I've only been able to play through Savage Tide, but by the end of it you were cutting deals with Grazzt and Malcanthet, and then taking on Demogorgon head on! I also was a huge fan of the Vanderborens and their relationship to the PCs and each other, and how that developed through the AP.

In general, the Pathfinder APs seem to have a smaller scale feel in general, it isn't so much "save the universe" as it is "save the Country" or the city.

Now that said, I'm speaking with nostalgia goggles on, Savage Tide was what got me into APs, so it's easy for me to remember what I loved,and forget about what I disliked.

Also, I love the Pathfinder APs, and don't think I actually agree with the statement that the Dungeon era ones were stronger products. So I may be completely offbase here.

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It depends how much work you want to put in as well. I agree with pretty much everything Callum said, however RotRL, CotCT, SD, and LoF were all written for the 3.5 ruleset. At this time only RotRL has been updated to Pathfinder, in the Hardcover Anniversary edition. (An absolutely wonderful book, I might add).

So the question gets to be: What kind of game to you want to run? If your looking for the archtypical "Dungeons and Dragons" that has the feel of classic sword and sorcery, you could do A lot worse than picking up the Hardcover of Rise of the Runelords.

If you guys are more of a horror and gothic, Ravenloft crowd, then Carrion Crown is probably more what you want.

I could keep going, but I think an easier question would be: Can you tell us what you're looking for, for your campaign?

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Male Human

Given Lir's latest speech, I predict a lot of fights and brawls being started over him offending someone when we start getting to cultures like the Linnorm Kings and, y'know, Minkai.

Lir: "Honors for idiots!"

*Whole army of Samurai Warriors*: DIE INFIDEL!

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wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

The party crosses through the cracked and broken threshold in the wall to enter into a town that's seemingly deserted.

There aren't any sounds of animals or life, just a strange and chilled stillness that rests on the village.

Entering deeper into the village, the party passes a large pit that's empty - save for a number of skeletal remains which appear to be partially cremated goblins.

You can roll perception checks, or any other you feel, and use the map to start exploring. Sorry for the wait, again.

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KnightErrantJR wrote:
"I'm sorry, you just pissed your spot at the table away." ;)

Haha, yeah really, I couldn't believe it. Up till then I kept thinking, "It's workable, its been awhile since we've have a new guy, maybe we cut him out more than I thought, maybe have a talk with him about how to fit him into the sto..."


"Who does that?!"