DM Rennick |

Unhallowed Waters
Character Creation Information:
- Accepting 4 players (I will most likely break this rule)
- 20 Point Buy
- Evil Characters not allowed
- Start at lvl 1
- All standard races allowed without question, DM will consider alternate races (Player may be asked to support their request)
- All Core Classes, All APG Classes, Magus, Gunslinger, Ninja and Samurai allowed. (Some classes will need a bit of explaining)
- Players will select 2 traits. One trait must be selected from the campaign traits listed below.
- All players will begin play with: NO starting Equipment, NO Starting gold. You will have one set of clothes, per choices for a free starting outfit, though DM may tatter and mangle as he sees fit.
Your application should include the following:
Your Appearance
Your Personality
Your Background
What do people know about you
What does your character want in life?
Background: When one speaks of civilization upon the Lost Coast, inevitably four families are mentioned; The Kaijitsus, the Deverins, The Scarnettis, and the Valdermars. Long known as shipbuilders of great renown – and with trade agreements as far away as Absalom and Katapesh - the Valdemar Family has grown to be one of the strongest shipping magnates in Varisia, and perhaps the World.
Still, every family has their “black sheep” as it were, and in this case that was Joshua Valdemar.
The youngest son of the Family Scion, Joshua was a good lad who never brought shame nor dishonour to his family. Still, the mercantile spirit just didn’t reside in Joshua. Instead he was always gripped with a need to explore. Sneaking away from his family’s estate in Sandpoint to explore local ruins, working with caravans travelling as far as Riddleport and Kaer Maga, and crewing aboard the family vessels as they plotted their trade routes to the far corners of the Inner Sea, as such it came as no surprise – though perhaps a tad of disappointment from his father – when Joshua announced that he would be joining the Pathfinder Society.
Two things of great import happened during Joshua’s time. The first is that he acquired The North Star. A Sailing Ship that once belonged to a Chelish pirate, Joshua had the vessel refurbished and renamed for his purposes. The second is that he met his wife – an Elven woman named Katriel – and began a family with her. Together they had two children: a boy named Eriden and a girl named Emilia.
It was a mere six years later that Joshua and Katriel were last seen. Telling their family little except for a “discovery” they had made. The two Pathfinders set sail from Magnimar – curiously leaving the North Star behind – and were never seen again.
The children were placed in the care of their Uncle, Joshua’s older brother Frederick, and returned to Sandpoint. They attended Turandarok Academy, and often summered with family in Magnimar. The North Star was eventually integrated into the Valdermar’s fleet, often serving as Frederick’s personal ship.
It is in this capacity that the ship currently serves, making a cruise from Magnimar to Riddleport and then down to Korvosa, in honour of Emilia’s 19th birthday. While still carrying cargo and some passengers, the trip was meant mainly to be a chance for an uncle to bond with his niece and nephew.
But sadly events would take a turn for the far worse. In the middle of the night the ship comes under attack and invasion by a band of pirates. And it is quickly revealed that they had a man on the inside all along – Eriden Valdemar. Enraged by nephew’s betrayal, Frederick launches himself at his captors; only to be run through by the pirate’s leader. The rest of the passengers and crew – including Emilia – are stripped of their belongings and bound.
The two ships sail for the rest of the next day, mooring at some unnamed cove where the prisoners are unloaded and penned in a makeshift camp. As he watches the proceedings, his eyes on his sister, Eriden only gives one instruction to the Pirate’s captain. ”Try and find her someplace nice. No whips if you can help it.” And without looking back, the new heir to the Valdemar family boards the North Star, and sets sail for home...
Campaign Traits
You begin the game either as a crewman or passenger of the North Star, recently left in shackles by Eriden Valdemar.
•Rigging Rat: You’ve been aboard ships most of your life and have little trouble navigating the deck and rigging of a ship at sea.
Benefit: +1 to all acrobatics and climb checks. Acrobatics and Climb are considered class skills.
•Mercantile: Your parents were part owners of a merchant ship and you picked up some of the finer points of communication and negotiation necessary for business.
Benefit: +1 to all diplomacy and linguistics checks. Diplomacy and Linguistics are considered class skills. (bonus to linguistics grants 1 additional language known)
•Navigator: You are well versed in identifying where you are on both land and sea. Maps and instruments are your bread and butter.
Benefit: +1 to survival and knowledge(geography) checks. Survival and Knowledge(geography) are considered class skills.
•Pressed into Service: A victim of circumstance, you found yourself pressed into duty on a navy ship. The hard labors you experienced during that time have given you additional resilience to the harsh environs of the sea.
Benefit: +1 to Fortitude saves and +4 to environmental checks such as heat, cold, holding your breath, etc.
•Fisherfolk: You’ve been plying the coast for as long as you can recall, pulling fish from the water to eat or to sell.
Benefit: +1 to survival and swim checks. Survival and Swim are considered class skills.
•On the Run: You didn’t do it! Honest! They still keep coming after you, though. Maybe it was petty larceny, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, sleeping with the magistrate’s daughter, or maybe you were framed. Whatever it was, it put you on the run.
Benefit: +1 to Bluff and Disguise. Bluff and Disguise are considered class skills.

DM Rennick |

Oh yes PbP DM Stuff:
I can currently maintain an update speed of about every 1 or 2 days. If I do well during the week I tend to take weekends off. If work has prevented me from updating a lot that week, I will get one up over the weekend. I will be taking a short hiatus at the beginning of September because I'm moving to a different country for school.
I care alot more about Good story than good stats, and I want everyone to have a blast!

Groth |

Submitting Lorsik Hembler, a dwarven Ranger with a long history at sea.
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Traits: Navigator, Armor Expert
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills: Climb, Craft (Ships), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Survival, Swim
In the many years since that day Lorsik has rarely been entirely out of sight of his beloved oceans. He's crewed for whoever will take him, where ever it leads, so long as he keeps the smell of brine and the cry of the gulls close by. His shirts have worn the naval colors of half a dozen countries. He's swung blades for freebooters and pirates, slavers and smugglers. It never much mattered what the work was. His code was so long as the captain did right by him and the crew, he'd salute and follow orders.
Of course, the energy of youth never lasts forever, not even for dwarves. He celebrated his 110th birthday by swimming free of a wreck with nothing but the clothes on his back. Again. As he shivered on the beach building a fire of driftwood, he decided he was getting on in years a bit and needed to start thinking seriously about a retirement plan. The next thing he did on getting back to civilization was sign on with a merchant trader.
The last three years have been quiet ones. Crewing with a merchantman is easy work, and Lorsik's let his skills grow rusty. There's not so much need for bashing skulls when the worst you're called to deal with is sneak thieves or a stowaway. He'd hoped the growing trade fleet would offer easy promotions, enough that he'd be well set once he hit middle age. Alas, fate has brought excitement back into his life.
It's well known that Lorsik has had a long life at sea, as he's quick with a story from his past relevant to any occasion. The details of how questionable some of those times were is something he usually glosses over. When trouble arises he tends towards the practical, a set of rules for survival he calls the Code of the Sea.. You follow the captain's orders because right or wrong there's no time for debate in a tight spot. If he's wrong too often, you see about getting a new captain. In open water the safety of the ship comes first because everyone drowns together. Any personal problems wait till you're at shore, and anyone who can't accept that gets to leave the ship early. And so on.
Lorsik's current goal is to set himself up with a stash of treasure big enough to be self sustaining. Not that he planned to actual retire any time soon. But it's easier going off on some damned fool adventure when you know you don't stand to lose everything on it. A position of rank and importance might do as well, so long as he didn't have to leave the sea behind.

Kale Porter |

Male Human Sorcerer (Water Elemental Bloodline)
Neutral Good
Str 12
Dex 12
Con 10
Int 13
Wis 13
Cha 18
Kale is tall, lanky, and pale, with short, ruffled blond hair and striking blue eyes. He walks with little confidence, his back almost always slouched. He's fairly attractive, if you're into that sort of thing. He wears simple clothing, and a cord with a holy symbol of Abadar hangs from his neck.
Kale is a 'nice guy'. He helps people out because he feels that's what's expected of him, and then later whines about how everyone has it so much better than him. He often does truly want to help people, but his belief that he 'has' to makes it easier for him to become bitter. Everyone else seems to have direction in life. Everyone else is happy. Everyone else belongs. In reality, he's your average, slightly depressive teenager.
Kale likes helping people. He was always the one sticking up for the kid getting picked on, so much so that he'd end up a target as well. He can't stand to see someone in pain. The fact that he really, really wants people to like him only makes this part of his personality shine through more.
However, Kale feels that most other people actually have it better than him. He may not like to see people in pain, but he believes that his good nature automatically sets him below other people. Good guys finish last, right? He struggles with these two sides of himself; the side that wants to give, and the side that wants to keep everything to himself so that he might be able to cling to some bit of happiness. He has issues with guilt; guilt that he has the powers he has, guilt that he's somehow let his parents down, and guilt that he's not doing all he can to be a better person.
Intellectually, Kale is fairly smart. He loves to learn, and tends to look at things from a logical standpoint. When he interacts with people, he's the type to think about the psychology behind everyone's actions. He's fairly creative, but only to the point of thinking up elaborate stories with a character that might as well be himself as the main focus. He longs for a life that involves being at sea, but at the moment he can't see any other way for that to happen then for him to work as a fisherman.
Kale grew up and was born in Magnimar. He grew up in a fairly religious family devoted to Abadar. His mother was a kind and loving priest, though his father was a fairly temperamental and stern man. His childhood was simple and easy, mostly due to his father's work as a merchant, which kept more than enough food on the table. Things didn't get difficult until Kale's sister, Lydia, was born when he was about 3. There were complications with his mother's pregnancy, and she died in childbirth.
Without a mother around, Kale had to learn responsibility at a young age, and found himself having to help take care of his sister as he grew older. However, instead of resenting Lydia, he saw her as the last remaining link to his mother. His relationship with Lydia became more and more important to him as he grew older, and his father grew more and more difficult to live with. While he never beat Kale, he would scream and yell at him if he didn't follow his directions to the letter. While Kale clung to his sister after his mother's death, his father clung to his late wife's religion. He'd have his two children perform services every day, and began to raise Kale with the intention of having him go into the priesthood, though this didn't become apparent to Kale until he was in his teens.
Kale didn't want to be a priest. In fact, he'd rather do anything but be a priest, even if it meant being a fisherman for the rest of his life. Despite his late mother's profession, Kale associated religion with his dad and long, boring ceremony. Furthermore, the sea seemed to call to Kale, and he'd spend long hours simply staring at the ocean, watching the fishermen work.
Eventually, Kale made his thoughts known to his father. It didn't end well. They argued for hours, until Kale was finally kicked out of the house. Angry and frightened, Kale roamed the streets of Magnimar that night. He was only 16, and so presented an easy target to some muggers looking for an easy mark. They cornered him in an alley, and when they found that he had no money on him, they began to take their frustrations out on the boy. Heart still racing from the argument with his dad, Kale snapped once he felt fist hit his face. With an angry scream, he drew back a punch with everything he had, and...missed. That was all it took to drive him over the edge. Just beyond his hand, ice cold water formed and shot out at one of the muggers, hitting him in the face and knocking him out. Then, in a blast of light, Kale fired out a missile at the mugger who had hit him, striking the man in the chest and causing a fatal wound. The third mugger ran.
Kale was horrified at what he'd done. He ran back home and begged forgiveness from his dad. His father let him in without asking about the bruise on his son's face. In the days that followed, Kale tried to forget about that night. His dad was very critical of arcane magic, and Kale saw his power as a punishment from the gods. Curiosity though, eventually got the better of him, and he began practicing with his powers when he thought nobody was looking. Mostly he'd move various objects without touching them, though sometimes he'd create light with a snap of his fingers.
He was lucky. His dad never found out, and Kale was able to convince Lydia to never tell anyone. He continued to practice his abilities alone until the day he was made to serve at a temple. He studied with priests until he turned 17, after which he left of his own volition. He'd watched many of his fellow priests in training do miracles with power granted by the gods, but Kale's faith was never strong enough. His mother's god had let her die, so why should he worship him? Some of their doctrines made no sense to Kale, and he began to suspect more and more that he shouldn't be ashamed of his natural ability, especially when it became apparent that not all devotees of Abadar were as critical of arcane magic as his dad was.
When he returned home, he was able to use his new understanding in his father's faith to convince his father that the priesthood simply wasn't 'his role to play'. With a bit more effort, he was able to convince him to allow Kale to start work as a fisherman. If he really had such a love for the sea, then obviously a simple life as a fisher was something he was better suited for. It took a while, but he was able to find a local fisherman to take him on as a hired hand.
He's been working as a fisherman for two years now, and he's starting to crave more. His magical talent has found little use, and he feels that it's starting to go to waste. Kale is anything but devoted to Abadar, but the idea that he has a niche to fill has been ingrained into him since he was a young child.
Kale keeps close contact with few people. He has a few friends (mostly girls) that he visits from time to time, but other than that, he's seen as just another one of those fishermen. There may be gossip about fighting between him and his merchant father, but that's about it.
Kale wants to be happy and fulfilled, he just doesn't know how to achieve that goal yet. Deep down, he yearns for adventure, but his time in service to Abadar did little to nurture his imagination.
For examples of my writing, look for Rica Hismar in DM Barcas's Kingmaker of Korvosa.

jlord |

Edgar Arrowni Human Rogue (Swashbuckler Archetype if allowed)
Edgar has long blond hair, tied back behind his neck. He has green eyes and usually tan skin from working on the dock. He is tall and always has good posture. Although he doesn't wear them often he has glasses to make reading maps easier. He likes to dress nice, usually wearing an explorer’s outfit. He actually has a bit of a regal swashbuckler look.
Edgar seems to be a pretty laid back guy, but he is in truth a constant worrier. He is always going over things in his head. Although he is fine with groups, when singled out he tends look for a place to escape. This behavior is probably why he can’t seem to get the love of his life to notice him. Despite all this, he can be very heroic and impulsive at times, puthing himself in danger to help others. Edgar has a strong sense of mercy. Especially towards pirates. He understands that many of them were forced into such a career through desperation. He is very protective of Emilia if she is endangered and often tries to locate her first if something happens.
Long ago, Edgar was taken by pirates from his mercantile father, whom was killed in the pirate raid. Not wanting to be sold off into slavery, the young boy of 8 slipped his bonds, stole a sword and tried to fight his way off the ship when they were taking him and the others to the slavers. The captain of the ship was impressed, and gave Edgar the opportunity to become a pirate. Knowing the sea, and not wanting a worse fate, Edgar accepted. As the years passed, Edgar learned how to fight, steal, and kill to survive. At first he never really liked to do such things, but he had learned to do what was necessary to survive on a boat of cut throats. He became a cutthroat himself. Four years passed since “Eddie the Arrow” joined the pirates, and the pirate ship attempted a raid on a ship called the north star. It was the last raid Edgar ever took part of. While raiding the ship, Edgar made it to a room on the ship, and saw a pirate standing over a beautiful little girl. She was kneeling on her bed, holding a small knife, with a look of horror in her face . The blood from a wound across the pirates face dripped from the blade.
“Fine! If you’ve wont give me wot I wont I’ll just take et from your corpse!” the pirate yelled as he drew his cutlass out.
Before Edgar knew it, he was behind the pirate, slitting his throat. As the pirate dropped, he watched the woman. She was the most beautiful woman, Edgar had ever seen. She was like a painting, or a statue of a goddess. She was about his age, possible a few years younger. He could barely take his eyes of her. He had never taken a woman before, especially a woman this beautiful. About to move forward, Edgar looked into her eyes once more. Those tearful terror stricken eyes. He could not stand the way she looked at him. It shocked him. Like him, she was not even a proper adult yet. Was he going to be the one to ruin this girl? No he couldn’t, not such a beautiful woman. He slowly turned in shame from the girl, and made his way back to the door.
The door ripped open as two of the ship’s crew ran in and grabbed Edgar, wrestled him to the ground and tied him up. Before he knew it, he was dragged out onto the deck and placed with a small group of the other surviving pirates. The pirates had not had a good run in the last few months and they were desperate and ill prepared to make the raid.
The captain of the ship started speaking. Edgar really wasn’t paying attention. He was going to die. He really didn’t want to die. He barely had begun to live. Despite how tough he had become, he couldn’t hold back the tears. One by one, the pirates were ran through and pushed over the side of the ship. As Edgar’s death came closer and closer, the girl appeared before him and looked into his eyes. He didn’t know why. After a moment she spoke with the Captain, and argued with him. Finally, after all of the pirates save him were dispatched, the captain walked up and spoke to him. “Emilia claims that you saved her life. Is this true?” All Edgar could do was sob and nod his head. “Why?” The captain said in a harsh tone. Trying with all his might to speak between the sobs, Edgar replied “I-I d-don’t know!.”
There was a pause, and the Captain continued. “Emilia wants me to show you mercy. I’ve never shown a pirate mercy. Why should I do so now?”
Edgar nearly choked. He was given a chance. What could he say to save his life. He couldn’t think. All he could say was “I’ll do anything…” The next thing he noticed was an immense pain in his stomach and he doubled over from the force of the captain’s kick. “You filthy cur, You and your brethren killed a lot of good men. My men. And you grovel and plead for your own life? Where was their mercy? Where was their chance at life? “ The captain turned to one of his crew. “Keep him bound and throw him in the brig while I decide what to do.”
The captain, Fredrick decided that Edgar would be given a chance. If he could prove his worth on the now under crewed North Star. He would allow him to live. Edgar took the offer and put his all in helping the North Star’s Fleet. It was hard at first, a lot of people took out their pain from lost friends on him. He was a member of the pirates, so Edgar couldn’t really blame them. Edgar was good on the ship, and after the voyage, the captain even let him stay on as a cabin boy, despite everything.
It has been seven years since then. Edgar has worked hard, moving up the ships ranks and finally took over a recently retired Navigator’s position on the North star. As his first chance as ship navigator, the North Star was once again attacked by pirates…
It has been seven years, most of the old fleet has been replaced, so only a few people aboard the ship new that Edgar was a pirate. Of those who do only few hold any resentment of Edgar for the crimes he’s done as a child. Edgar is a hard worker and always strives to do the best he can.
Edgar has gotten a good position in life as a crew member of the North Star, and as Navigator he has a very respectable position. However, his one true goal in life is Emilia. The Seven years he has known her, she has only increase in beauty. However, It’s like Emilia never seems to notice him out of the crew. Still, Edgar has made Navigator now, and he has saved him money on a ring, in hope ask her to marry him. He’s pretty sure he will be turned down, Emilia being who she is and all, but he just can’t give up on her. Edgar has bought the ring to give her on this voyage, but now it is lost to their captors.

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Raphael Desant
A lithe dark haired Varisian man with shockingly blue eyes. He is of medium height and moves with graceful precision.
Raphael is a gregarious and charming sort who is especially fond of the ladies (thus causing his predicament). He is a good, if somewhat unreliable, friend. He is sometimes quick to anger, but rarely holds a grudge.
Raphael grew up in Riddleport. His family was well to do, but he never was reliable enough to fully trust with the family business. A romantic at heart, Raphael spent much of his time running with other young troublemakers. However, his carefree lifestyle came to an abrupt end when he was caught in flagrante delicto with a magistrates daughter. Running just one step ahead of her father's men, Raphael caught the first ship available out of Riddleport as a crewman. Since then, the romanticism of adventure at sea has worn very thin, as the actual hard work of seamanship has revealed itself. Raphael only awaits the right time so he can try his hand at a new career.
Most people think of him as flashy and superficial. The very few true friends he has had realize their is more to him, but his irresponsibility causes him the most problems.
Simple, money and fame. He desperately wants to make some lasting mark and definitely desires to have a more extravagant lifestyle
Male Human (Varisian) Fighter (Weapon Master) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +0
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10. . (+4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 17 (18 vs. Feint18 vs. Grapple)
Feats Combat Expertise +/-1, Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Traits Threatening Defender, On the Run
Skills Diplomacy +2, Profession: Sailor +4, Survival +4
Languages Common, Hallit, Varisian
SQ Heart of the Wilderness +0,
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Heart of the Wilderness +0 +5 on CON checks to stabilize, +1/2 level to negative HP level for death, +1/2 level Survival.

waiph |

question, what's the chances of getting our hands on less than common items, I'd hate to use a character who likes bladed scarves or Thunder&Fang (earthbreaker and klar), has the feats, but never ever sees one ever again.
not that i necessarily need to do that, but i saw riddleport and like varisian stuff. Would the ship have made it there before being atacked?

DarkestHeart |

Name- Cinder
Age- 25
Class- Ninja
Alignment- CN
Weight- 150lbs
Hair Color- Black
Eye Color- Blue
Race- Human (No distinguishable region of Origion)
Apperance- Cinder is faintly tanned, and his body is crossed with scars, the most prominent of which is a large, star shaped burn, on his left cheek. He bears two silver rings in his left ear and a large elaborate tribal style tattoo, that starts on the back of his right hand, and goes the whole way up his arm, stopping just at his collarbone.
Cinder is a head strong young man, who never takes the time to think things through. He is, at heart, a kind person, but sometimes comes off as uncaring, due to his rash nature. He is quick to anger, slow to forgive but has a light-hearted sense of humor.
Cinder was raised in an Orphange and stayed there, till the age of 15. A young man, with no prospects, he decided to enlist himself in a Temple of Irori, where he began his training as a Monk. Due to his hot-headed nature though, he never settled down to temple life. His interest had been piqued in the art of fighting, however, and the use of Ki. He traveled far and wide, after leaving the Temple, learning his trade in the great Cities of the world.
He learned to move quickly and silently, sticking to the night, picking up a few jobs here and there as a freelance spy and some time thief.
It was while in the great city of Magnimar, that his lifestyle finally caught up to him. During a Contract, where he had been sent to spy on some of the Lord Mayors dealings, his cover was blown.
He had been staking out a warehouse and had finally planned to make his move, when he made one fatal mistake, he underestimated his opponent. Sneaking in to the Warehouse, he accidentally tripped a set of Arcane Wards, calling down a whole mess of trouble on himself. Within moments the warehouse was rushed, Guards led by a Mage covering the main exit. It was only through sheer luck, that he managed to escape, blending in to the night.
It was for this very reason that he found himself aboard the North Star, fleeing for his very life!
This is just the Character Concept, I'll get the actual profile up later on.

DM Rennick |

Would you consider allowing use of the hidden priest cleric archetype, from Spellcasters of the Inner Sea (p 35)?
I'd need to read it to make sure, but most archtypes are allowed.
Also, since we're starting with no gold or gear, does this include implements required for one's class to function? Such as a wizard's spellbook, or a cleric's holy symbol?
No equipment means no equipment. I completely understand that in some cases this seriously impedes the effectiveness of some classes. But honestly I think it would be part of the fun, and I'm interested to see if and how people will deal with characters like this.
QUOTE="waiph"] question, what's the chances of getting our hands on less than common items, I'd hate to use a character who likes bladed scarves or Thunder&Fang (earthbreaker and klar), has the feats, but never ever sees one ever again.
Getting your hands on them: 100% Getting your hands on them right away: Depends on the situation and how it fits. Creativity would work in characters favor (Maybe the Cleric carves a holy symbol out of driftwood.)
As a player, I always hated it when I built a character around any concept (Like say... double bladed swords) and then never found one. I worked to make the character, the game should in some way tailor itself to me.
What I don't like is when things are shoved into a game for no apparent reason. As an example (and tying in to what I was saying above) let's say you're raiding a Goblin lair and our wizard really wants to find a spellbook... She won't here, they're Goblins and they hate writing, they wouldn't keep books, spell or otherwise around.

Fraust |

Qualin claims to have left the gaudy spectacle that is Taldan, in search of his father, who was a sailor of some sort. He iludes to the fact that his father may not have been an all together law abiding citizen, though won't come right out and admit the man is a wanted criminal.
He wants to find his father, to compare the reality to what he remembers of the man as a child, though the more he learns of him the less he believes he will like meeting the man in the flesh. Beyond this, he wishes to become a skilled swordsman and mage.
I'm not one to plot out every single level of a character in detail, but I would like to have something of a plan with this one. He starts off a fighter, but will level up as a magus afterward, though I'm not 100% on if he will take more levels in fighet later on or not.
As a magus, I'm hoping to apply the hexcaster, blade bound, and spell blade templates, as they don't overlap in the class abilities they modify. His athame and black blade will be legacies from his father, who was infact a rather blood thirsty pirate, and is dead now.
The athame will show up first, and take the form of a ghostly main gauche (a dagger used in fencing, though that's all just astetics). The black blade will be a nasty looking falcata with a personality (and possibly motives) all its own.
If you'd like any more info on where I'm going with that, feel free to ask.
Otherwise, the plan for him is to act as front line fighter, possessing multiple weapons for a variety of sitations. He'll likely do a fair bit of damage, especially on a crit with the falcata, and use his magic to buff himself and other combatants in a fight. His saves are likely to be too poor to use much in the way of offensive magic, though he'll have some utility spells to backup any full arcane caster in the group.

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Profile for Cinder completed, name changed to Sinders.
Writing Examples -
Alejandro Endrin- DM Barcas Kingmaker of Korvosa
Lain of the Taardad Aiel-Prophecies of the Dragon
Olav the Grim-DM Ryuko's Carrion Crown

waiph |

waiph wrote:question, what's the chances of getting our hands on less than common items, I'd hate to use a character who likes bladed scarves or Thunder&Fang (earthbreaker and klar), has the feats, but never ever sees one ever again.
So if i take my T&F Ranger, i'll be able to get my hands on an Earthbreaker and Klar eventually (hopefully lv3 maybe)?
cause i think she's fun.
also could i make one with Craft weapons or whatever? take the skull of a big animal and attach a blade to it? not being a munchkin, promise, it would just be cool
Lela Korvan, some changes to make, but...
Lela is the daughter of farmers who came from the Lyrune-Quah tribe but now live in Sandpoint. Her grandparents left the tribe for some reason or another that has since been forgotten with their deaths, and her family took up residence in the outskirts of town. She was a tomboyish rapscallion, not particularly fond of farming or city life. With several brothers, she was not needed on the farm, but she did not fit any model of what a good girl should be. She was tougher than the boys and not at all interested in anything feminine.
She avoided getting into too much trouble by spending much of her time outside the city, when she was not running errands for her busy mother, or making mischief in the town. It was in those woods that she felt most at home, and there in the moonlit wild that she got in touch with her heritage.
Her parents still spoke their ancestral language, and had kept Grandfather's arms, and still spoke the language, but were no longer truly people of the Shoanti, by Lela's estimation. Only taking off her Hide Shirt to bathe, she took up the family Earthbreaker and Klar, and and taught herself their use, aiming to do the stories told of Grandfather justice.
She would disappear for days on end fending for herself, playing the warrior. A more harsh reality presented itself when her mother got sick. She was forced to hang up her weapons and venture into civilization, but being know as a wild-child, her prospects were few. It was Titus Scarnetti that saw her potential. While she utterly lacked guile and cunning, and looking like a young boy yet to shave did not render her particularly imposing, she was light on her feet, quick with her hands, and effective and efficient with her hammer and blade. Her work spoke for itself.
So here she lives on the fringes of society, aloof and honestly, a bit awkward, trying to lend assistance to her family as times are hard.
Lela has brown hair cut short and a boyish face, hard green eyes, and lacks any feminine grace. She always carries with her either her Hammer or Klar, unless she is told it would be a inappropriate, and sometimes even then.
She's rather unfamiliar with how to behave in social settings, so she usually stays out of the fray when she has to be around many people, but she is sharp and very aware of her surroundings. Having had most of her social up-bringing among the more unsavory of Sandpoints population, she is always on guard around people.
40gp Earthbreaker
12gp Klar
90gp Hide Shirt
20gp Rapier
162gp left...
Lela Korvan
Trapper Ranger
CG Human
Init +2
Perception +
Languages: Common, Shoanti
AC: 17, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 15 (4 armor, 2 dex, 1shield)
HP: 11 [1(d10+1)]
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Earthbreaker +4 (2d6+4) B, x3
-Klar +4 (1d6+1) S, x2,
-rapier +4 (1d6+3) P, 18/x2
Ranged: ---
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 8
BAB: +1, CMB: +4, CMD: 16
Traits: Black Sheep (Scarnetti)-Slight of Hand +1, Suspicious-Sense Motive +1, Armor Expert: reduce ACP by 1
Feats: Weapon Focus (EarthBreaker) (Klar)
Skills: Perception +7, Survival +7, Sense Motive +7, Disable Device +6(4) Stealth +6(+4), Slight of Hand +7(5), Knowledge Local +4
Skilled: +1 rank per level
Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy(goblinoid), Trapfinding +1

Jonasty1031 |

So crazy psyched at this idea. I've wanted to play in something like this for a long time and I really hope it works out but either way good luck to everyone!
Tellar Bronseve, Human Oracle of the Waves
This devotion was tested however in a single moment that would change Tellar's life forever. People still talked about the storm, how it had been one of the nastiest any could ever remember. Some claimed that the Eye had shifted briefly, bringing it's howling wind and seas to wreak havoc on new oceans. Whatever the cause whether divine or simple chance, many men were lost during the storm.
Tellar was had been on board the Maiden's Scale for a brief time when the storm hit and the ship foundered. Men screamed and wood shattered as the waves pounded the ship into oblivion, her hull sinking fast into the depths. Hours that felt like days passed until finally the storm abated and the few who had made it through were left adrift, facing a new threat. The few survivors clung and floated on the driftwood that had been their ship as the currents took them. Some who were injured couldn't maintain the strength needed and simply sank, sacrificed to the sea. Others, delerious from the sun, drank the ocean water in desperation and soon died as well.
Finally a lucky few spotted land in the distance and decided to risk it all for a chance at life. Tellar and the other remaining survivors abandoned their fragile rafts and began to swim towards shore. They were only a hundred yards out when the first fin was spotted. Motivating them as few other things could have, they swam for shore as hard as they could. Most of them didn't make it.
Tellar was so close and then suddenly he felt a stabbing pain and a tugging on his leg. The waters around him filled with red and he was only dimly aware that it was his own blood coloring the water. It was over in a matter of moments, the shark having apparently lost interest and swum away. Tellar washed ashore, his leg in tatters and blood pouring out into the surf. As he lost conscioussness, Tellar could feel a cold heavy weight settle into his very being, a chill that seemed to dull the pain in his leg away. Tellar knew he was dying.
Waking up later Tellar saw that he was still lying on that same beach, his leg healed although he could quickly tell that he would never walk on it the same again. Of the rest of the survivors there was no sign. Tellar wanted to chalk his earlier feelings up to delerium and pain yet his bleeding had stopped and he could still feel that cool weighty presence in his very being.
Eventually he managed to make his way back to civilization, hitching a ride on a passing freighter back to port. For a long while he despaired of ever seeing the open ocean again as few captains would welcome a gimp into their crews but Tellar had inherrited a strange new power on that lonely beach. A calling from the sea itself, that infused him with the strength of the open waters that allowed him to care for his fellow sailors in a way undreamed of by him.
Tellar has since spent his time as the ship's chirgeon, healing the men of their ailments and travails. Far from being cast off, Tellar has finally found his true calling on the waters of the world. And whether he knows it yet or not, the oceans have found their voice in the worlds of men.

Phaedra Valerius |

Here is my submission for a human witch. I will be taking the "on the run" trait. Right now she is set up as a healer, though if you find yourself with too many other healer type submissions I can change her hexes and spells a bit since I like your concept for the game and would like a shot at it.
I'll be tweaking the crunchy bits for a while, but here's the character concept:
The younger son of the local magistrate and a couple of his friends decided to follow pretty little Phaedra on her errand and have some fun with her as soon as she was alone. What they didn't expect was for her to fight back. Using the dagger she had taken with her for cutting herbs, she slashed the magistrate's son across his face, causing him to let lose of her arm that he had just grabbed. Meanwhile his two friends found themselves distracted by the large raven that kept flying in their faces, trying to peck at their eyes.
As soon as she had freed herself from her attacker, Phaedra took off running into the woods, secure in the knowledge that she new them a lot better than those spoiled boys did. She hid in a tree until daybreak, scared that they might be looking for her. When the sun came up, she found the courage to make her way back to her house where she told her mother what had happened. Unfortunately, her mother already knew what had happened as a cityguardsman had already been at the house, hour earlier looking to take Phaedra into custody for the assualt. Of course no mention was made of the assault on her.
Unwilling to see her daughter go to jail, Phaedra's mother gave her enough money to buy passage aboard a ship, The North Star.

DM Rennick |

Hey everyone! thanks so much for the outpouring of support for this concept. I'm at work on break so I do not have time to go through apps right now, but a few quick answers and notes:
- I will try to pick our new party by Tuesday or Wedsneday, as these are my next days off.
- I will only consider completed applications. Posting works in Progress are great if you need my input for something, but only people who complete all of what I ask for will be duly considered.
- Party selection will be based on What I find to be well thought out and interesting AND Party composition. I'm not promising a perfectly balanced party and I'm not saying if I don't pick it then I don't like it.
thanks guys, Will write more when I can.

Jonasty1031 |

Tellar Bronseve crunch. I don't think I missed anything but let me know and I will correct as needed.
Male Human Oracle 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 14
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed +0 (1d3+0)
Ranged None
Special Attacks wintry touch (6/day)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +1 ranged touch):
1 (4/day) Cure Light Wounds, Ray of Sickening (DC 14), Shield of Faith
0 (at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16 (human bump to Cha)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats: Extra Revelation, Toughness
Traits: Fisherfolk (+1 to survival and swim checks. Survival and Swim are considered class skills), Resilient (+1 to Fort saves)
Skills: Heal +5(1 rank), Knowledge: nature +6(1 rank), Knowledge: planes +6(1 rank), Knowledge: religion +6(1 rank), Spellcraft +6(1 rank), Survival +2, Swim +5(1 rank)
Languages Common, Aquan, Celestial
Gear(weight lbs): None
Encumberance: 0lbs (Light load is x)
Revelations: Wintry Touch (melee touch attack, 1d6 cold damage, 6/day)
Ice Armor (+4 armor bonus to AC, 1hr/lvl, must be spent in 1 hr increments)
Oracle's Curse: Lame (base land speed reduced by 10ft, speed is never reduced due to encumberance)
Fav class hp

Phaedra Valerius |

I answered the questions earlier, and now here is the rest. I will repost it again if I make changes. I left out the gear section since you said we will not be starting with any.
Deity: Desna
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Favored Class: Witch
Patron: Healing
Patron Spells2nd—remove fear, 4th—lesser restoration, 6th—
remove disease, 8th—restoration, 10th—cleanse**, 12th—
pillar of life** 14th—greater restoration, 16th—mass cure
critical wounds, 18th—true resurrection.
str: 10
dex: 14
con: 10
int: 18
wis: 10
chr: 14
Poverty-Stricken: Your childhood was tough, and your parents had to make every copper piece count. Hunger was your constant companion, and you often had to live off the land or sleep in the wild. You gain a +1 bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is always a class skill for you.
On the Run: You didn’t do it! Honest! They still keep coming after you, though. Maybe it was petty larceny, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, sleeping with the magistrate’s daughter, or maybe you were framed. Whatever it was, it put you on the run.
Benefit: +1 to Bluff and Disguise. Bluff and Disguise are considered class skills.
Extra Hex
Extra Cantrips
Healing: A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds.
Slumber: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level. This hex can affect a creature of any HD. The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action.
Cantrips Known
Detect Magic
1st Level Spells Known
Cure Light Wounds
Heal (1+3) +4
Bluff (1+3+2) +6
Knowledge (arcana) (1+3+4) +8
Knowledge (nature) (1+3+4) +8
Knowledge (planes) (1+3+4) +8
Spellcraft (1+3+4) +8
Survival (1+3) +4
Use Magic Device (1+2+3) +6
BAB +0
Melee: +0
Range: +2
AC: 12
HP: 8
Fortitude: +0
Reflex: +2
Will: +2
BackgroundPhaedra has recently found herself in a great deal of trouble. Born in Magnimar out of wedlock to a local witch who made her living as a midwife and a healer to those unable to afford the services of the towns clerics. Phaedra was eager to follow in her mother's footsteps as she enjoyed helping others. However her plans were ruined one evening when she was on her way out of the city, sent on an errand by her mother to gather some herbs that she needed for medicines.
The younger son of the local magistrate and a couple of his friends decided to follow pretty little Phaedra on her errand and have some fun with her as soon as she was alone. What they didn't expect was for her to fight back. Using the dagger she had taken with her for cutting herbs, she slashed the magistrate's son across his face, causing him to let lose of her arm that he had just grabbed. Meanwhile his two friends found themselves distracted by the large raven that kept flying in their faces, trying to peck at their eyes.
As soon as she had freed herself from her attacker, Phaedra took off running into the woods, secure in the knowledge that she new them a lot better than those spoiled boys did. She hid in a tree until daybreak, scared that they might be looking for her. When the sun came up, she found the courage to make her way back to her house where she told her mother what had happened. Unfortunately, her mother already knew what had happened as a cityguardsman had already been at the house, hour earlier looking to take Phaedra into custody for the assualt. Of course no mention was made of the assault on her.
Unwilling to see her daughter go to jail, Phaedra's mother gave her enough money to buy passage aboard a ship, The North Star.
Phaedra is pretty young woman of 18 years. She has long, wavy brown hair usually kept pulled up in a ponytail. Her eyes are a bright green that seem to have golden specks in them. Phaedra usually favors modest clothing, typically she wears a long sleeved blouse and a full, ankle length skirt. She prefers the colors of the forest, hence she wears mostly greens and browns. The outfit she was wearing the day of the stranding was a white peasant blouse, green corset with brown embroidery and a long, dark green skirt.

jlord |

Edgar Arrowni Human Rogue (Swashbuckler Archetype if allowed)
The other requirements are in my post above.
CG Medium humanoid
Init +6 ; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 1d3+1 20/x2 or,
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 1d3+1 20/x2 and Unarmed Strike +2 1d3 20/x2
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +0, Cmb +1Cmd +15
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFCR 118), Two-weapon Fighting (PFCR 136), Weapon Finesse (PFCR 136)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Disable Device +9, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (geography) +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8, Survival +6
Languages Common
Combat Gear None
Other Gear Explorer's outfit
Class Abilities
• ROGUE WEAPONS AND ARMOR - All simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. All light armor, but no shield. (PFCR 68).
• MARTIAL TRAINING (Ex) - Select one additional martial weapon weapon proficiency. Combat trick can be taken up to two times. This replaces trapfinding.
• SNEAK ATTACK - Deal +1d6 sneak attack damage in addition to weapon damage any time the enemy is denied a dexterity bonus to AC or is flanked by the rogue. Ranged attacks must be within 30 feet to do sneak attack damage. (PFCR 68).
• Reactionary (Combat) - +2 Initiative. (PFCT 4)
• Navigator (Campaign) - +1 to survival and Knowledge (Geography), both class skills.
Notes Still have to decide on which martial weapon to take for the swashbuckler ability. Having trouble deciding. I think everything else is good.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the character.

Phaedra Valerius |

I'll just blame working all night for my forgetfulness. Here's my familiar's crunch.
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception+9
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
HP 4
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee: bite +2 (1d3-4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Attack +0; CMB: +0; CMD: 6
Feats: Skill Focus (perception), Weapon Finesse
Familiar Abilities: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link
Skills: Fly +6, Perception +9
Languages: Common

Groth |

- I will only consider completed applications. Posting works in Progress are great if you need my input for something, but only people who complete all of what I ask for will be duly considered.
Is a completed application one that answers the specific character questions you asked, or do you also want a full stat sheet with that?

imimrtl |

I just wanted to say that you should definitely not pick Jonasty or Sinders. They are both terrible people and players to boot. I am in Jonasty's Prophecies of the Dragon game also as Jasmine Raleen and am having an awful time. Do not pick them...HAPPY OPPOSITE DAY! Actually they are both really awesome. Jonasty has been a wonderful DM and Lain is a great player so any game would be lucky to have both of them.
Anyway here is my submission for the game
Tommy Ten-tows! (Why ten tows you say? because thats how many times hes gotten drunk and got on the wrong ship and been towed away to places unknown!)
Sea Singer Bard and lifter of melancholy and women's skirts alike!
Male Half-Elf Bard (Sea Singer) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10. . (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance (standard action) (9 rounds/day, Bardic Performance: Distraction, Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 14), Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1
Bard (Sea Singer) Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Silent Image (DC 15), Hideous Laughter (DC 15)
0 (at will) Prestidigitation (DC 14), Detect Magic, Know Direction (DC 14), Read Magic (DC 14)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Lingering Performance
Traits Dirty Fighter
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge: Arcana +6, Perception +2, Perform: Sing +8, Perform: String Instruments +8, Spellcraft +6, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +8 Modifiers Water Child
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ Bardic Performance: Sea Shanty (Su), Elf Blood, World Traveler +1 (1/day) (Ex)
Bardic Performance (standard action) (9 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 14) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Bardic Performance: Sea Shanty (Su) Allies can use your perform check result for saves vs. Exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, or sickening, or gain new saves.
Dirty Fighter +1 damage when flanking.
Elf Blood You are counted as both elves and humans for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2r after you stop concentrating.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Water Child +4 Swim, may always take 10 on Swim checks
World Traveler +1 (1/day) (Ex) You add half your bard level to Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), and Linguistics checks.
"or careful his beauty will make you go blind"
Tommy has the roguish good lucks that women love and fathers dread. He has long blond hair that he keeps loose so that it falls dramatically over his eyes when he sings to a woman. He always dresses in fine clothes but they are usually rumpled and look as if he slept in them. When properly outfitted he carries a lute over one shoulder and a bow over the other. He likes to joke that people always mistake the bow for the more dangerous weapon. He carries a whip and rapier at his belt for occasions where he must cut his way free of a woman's bedroom when her husband comes calling. He has sea blue eyes and wears a trimmed goatee.
"or why everyone loves me"
Despite his appearance, Tommy is a fierce and loyal friend. He loves nothing more than to joke and make others laugh as they toil about in their labors. He is quick to shirk chores when he can but if there is someone in danger or needs help, he is the first one over the side. He is a bit of a smart ass but that is mostly reserved for friends and authority figures...nope on second thought he is a smart ass to everyone but it is always in good fun.
"or if the gods are good...why wasn't I born rich?"
Tommy was born in the shackles to a prostitute mother and a sailor father whom he never met. His mother sold him off to the first ship she could when he was of age and that is where he learned his first sea shanty. Once the crew heard his voice they tossed the old singer over the side and told the boy he was now the one expected to keep the crews spirits up. Tommy was a quick learner and eventually bought his way free of the ship. After toiling on shore for a couple of years, he realized that his true calling was on board a ship. So he signed up with the first ship that came his way...and would have set off on that ship if he hadn't gotten drunk and stumbled aboard the wrong ship in the middle of the night and fallen asleep among the rigging. He found himself the next day, strung up to the mast. After the mistake was made clear and he showed off his voice, the captain decided not to kill him and made him sing for his place on board. That was the first of Tommy's Ten Tows.
"You mean besides how awesome I am?"
Tommy is known as a lecher, a rogue, and a scoundrel. He is also known as an excellent friend, wonderful performer, and can lift even the tiredest and heaviest heart with his voice and lute. They know that he came from humble beginnings to become the paragon of virtue and exemplary brilliance you see before you.
"or why are you on this blasted ship?"
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women...HAHA...no seriously all Tommy really wants is the spray of the sea on his face, a pretty woman or three naked beside him, and a song on his lips. He's seen what the lust for gold do to a man and he wants no part of it. That is not to say that he will turn down gold, it's just that his lusts lie in...umm...different directions.
Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy it and good luck to everyone!

![]() |

Haha! Thanks imimtrl.
Imimtrl is a great player too, I must say, and Jonasty is a fantastic DM. The game I am in with them is awesomely run, with great players. :)
Also, acidrica is a great player. She plays Rica Hismar in the DM Barcas game I am part of.
Loving the character, by the way imimtrl. :)

Kale Porter |

Aw, thank you, DarkestHeart!
DarkestHeart is a great player as well, and I'm constantly impressed not only by his awesome writing, but by his freaky awesome ideas (Hellknights? Coming into the city? QUICK, LETS ACT AS NOBLE AS POSSIBLE! :D) I love it.
Anyway, I noticed that I completely misunderstood one of the questions, namely 'What do people know about you'. People on the ship know that Kale is a fisherman, one that seems to keep to himself for the most part. Those that have watched him, though, might have caught him casting minor magic such as prestidigitation. When he finds that he's been noticed, he quickly stops such magic and looks away, embarrassed. If asked, he claims to be visiting family in Korvosa.

DM Rennick |

Because there is such an abundance of interest in this game, I'm going to ask that completed applications have their basic stats done up as well, if not full character sheets. As well as answers to all the points I hit on originally.
Alrighty, let's give some notes where I can.
Lorsik Hembler - No notes, Good character concept.
Kale Porter - Very well written. However your background doesn't address how Kale becomes a crewman or passenger on the North Star, and he needs that for the game's start.
Edgar Arrowni - Very Will Turner/Elizabeth Swan. I like it, and I gotta admit gutsy move writing two major NPCs into your backstory... Do me a favor and try to make your dialogue for Frederick sound more proper, He is an aristocrat and merchant after all.
Raphael Desant - No notes, good concept. Has a very classic feel to it
Sinders - I like the idea and I'm keen to see a Ninja in play. How does this boy come to be trained in Tian Xia weaponry?
Lela - The concept is a decent one but I've got some issues. Korvosa is a city that's highly racist towards the Shoanti and was named after a Chelaxian? Is there a reason why it's your character's family's name? If there isn't a reason you should consider changing it.
Tellar Bronseve - One of the more interesting Oracle characters I've seen, and well suited to the game. Get me some basic crunch (Stats, your trait) and what not. The more the better, but not needed at the moment.
Phaedra Valerius - Good concept and I like the plot hooks. What's her familiar?
Qualin Lyir - No major notes. Good concept, he needs a second (non-campaign) trait. Your profile needs the "What people Know" and "What you want" sections.
Tommy Ten Tows - I enjoy this character, currently though your background seems incomplete, not saying how he ended up with the North Star.
You guys have turned out an impressive number of applications, (10 already!) so I have already decided to accept 5 players, not that it makes my part of the job any easier. I am already starting to consider party build and such. I'll probably make my call either tomorrow night or the next day.

Kale Porter |

Because of Kale's growing dissatisfaction with his life, he decided to go searching for someone that might have more advice for him when it comes to his magical powers. He remembered how he father used to rant about his late wife's father, and his 'strange, unnatural powers', so when Kale heard of a ship that was heading for Korvosa, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to track his grandfather down. He used most of the money he'd saved over the last few years to buy passage.
If you'd like more clarification, or if anything doesn't make sense, please let me know!

![]() |

I thought I had mentioned that but you are right, I havent.
Sinders spent time working for a travelling Tian Merchant, doing the odd intel collection job, on likely competition. It was during this time, a period of about two years, that he learned the use of his weapons, from the Merchants Guard Captain.
During his time with the Tian-Shu Merchant, Sinder became enthralled with the ways of the East. It was this, coupled with the kindness the Guard Captain had shown him, that led Sinder to take up the Katana, as a measure of respect, for his old "Master"!

Groth |

In that case, here's my slightly expanded character stats. I added the skill point I forgot from favored class, listed alternate racial traits, put up saves and such. Just say so if you want any more.
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
HP: 12
AC: 11 Touch: 11 FF: 10
Fort: +4 Ref: +3 Will: +2
Alt Racial Traits: Relentless, Rockstepper
Traits: Navigator, Armor Expert
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting
Appraise +2 (1 rank + 1 ability)
Climb +7 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 ability)
Craft (Ships) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 ability)
Knowledge (Geography) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 ability)
Knowledge (Nature) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 ability)
Perception +6 (1 rank + 3 class + 2 ability)
Survival +6 (1 rank + 3 class + 2 ability)
Swim +7 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 ability)

jlord |

Edgar Arrowni - Very Will Turner/Elizabeth Swan. I like it, and I gotta admit gutsy move writing two major NPCs into your backstory... Do me a favor and try to make your dialogue for Frederick sound more proper, He is an aristocrat and merchant after all.
Also, I noticed that navigator seems to be a hot career choice. if the party ends up having more than one navigator, I'd have no problem readjusting the character to another profession of equal status on the ship.

imimrtl |

Pshaw! How did I get on the North Star! Do you hear this guy? Wanting "answers" to his "questions" for his "decision". Sorry about all the quotes it's a disease that a certain cleric of Sarenrae was "treating" me for...if you know what I mean? Anyway, funny story about how I got on. So there I was just minding me own business givin a lass I met down the pub a tickle and a tumble. When into her room walks this high and mighty man and says the lass be his wife. Now I'm not one for sayin so but if she twas the mans wife then what's he doing lettin her down the pub like that. It was then that I realized the lass wasn't saying anything and I decided to heave ho if you know what I mean. So the man drew his blade and there I was in my skivvies with naught but meself in hand. I did the only rational thing and went out the window. Well I get back to me room and wouldn't you know it but I find out from the innkeep that that was the magistrates wife! So I pay up my fare for the room and head out to the first ship I lay eyes on. Happened to be a ship called the North Star and I thought that a good omen since what I needed now was a bit o'direction and the north star be that right true...boy was I wrong. Getting tossed by some pirates was bad enough but to add insult to injury they clap us in irons and take us to some gods forsaken beach in the middle of no where. And that's where I lay. That good enough for ya there my lord o'tha questions? Hmm? Would ya like to know my breeches size as well? Really anyone calls themselves the "Dungeon Master" has self esteem issues if'n you be asking me.
Sorry about that. I just got caught up in the character and had to respond as such. Hope you like it.

jlord |

The captain of the ship started speaking. Edgar really wasn’t paying attention. He was going to die. He really didn’t want to die. He barely had begun to live. Despite how tough he had become, he couldn’t hold back the tears. One by one, the pirates were ran through and pushed over the side of the ship. As Edgar’s death came closer and closer, the girl appeared before him and looked into his eyes. He didn’t know why. After a moment she spoke with the Captain, and argued with him. Finally, after all of the pirates save him were dispatched, the captain walked up and spoke to him. “Emilia claims that you saved her life. Is this true?” All Edgar could do was sob and nod his head. “Why?” The captain said in a harsh tone.
Trying with all his might to speak between the sobs, Edgar replied “I-I d-don’t know!.”
There was a pause, and the Captain continued. “Emilia wants me to show you mercy. The law states that all pirates are to be put to the sword or the rope. Do you not think that is fair?”
Edgar nearly choked. Was this a chance? What could he say to save his life? He couldn’t think. All he could say was “Please, I’ll do anything…”
“Please? How surprising coming from a pirate. You know, You and your brethren killed a lot of good men. My men. You plead for your own life, but where was their mercy? Where was their chance at life?“
All Edgar could say was “I-I'm sorry, Please..."
"Still, you did save my Emilia, and you do seem awfully young for a pirate. Hmmm..."
The captain turned to one of his crew. “Keep him bound and hold him in the brig. Emotions are too high, I need time to decide what to do with this little pirate...”
Tried to tone Fredrick down a bit, however, I still beleive that he would be mad due to the situation. Hopefully this works, if not feel free to adjust it as necessary, they are your NPC's after all. :)

Phaedra Valerius |

Phaedra Valerius - Good concept and I like the plot hooks. What's her familiar?
I chose a raven for her familiar. I thought it would be the easiest one to follow her ashore after the stranding as it could simply fly off the ship and return to her.
I wonder if any of the fine fellows who have applied can restore her faith in men. ;)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception+9
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
HP 4
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee: bite +2 (1d3-4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Attack +0; CMB: +0; CMD: 6
Feats: Skill Focus (perception), Weapon Finesse
Familiar Abilities: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link
Skills: Fly +6, Perception +9
Languages: Common

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Your Appearance
Fairly Muscular 1/2 orc, looks like he doesn't mind Break a sweat...ever
Your Personality
He's hard working man. Loyal to his Captain. Ship life has civilized him, and hopes to settle down in a some port someday.
Your Background
Captured in a slaver raid in Mwangi Jungle, Ferave was bought by other pirate Jack Goldan, and forced to work as crew on his ship. After about 2 years of working on the ship. Jacks' pirate career came to end at the hand of the Royal Navy. Freed, Ferav soon found himself down on his luck. Signing up on the North Star was one of the best choices he ever made. He was making money, getting to travel. He had been working as deckhand for past year before being captured.
What do people know about you
Hard working deckhand, who never shied away from any kind of hard labor. Pretty good in a fight.
What does your character want in life?
Eventually he like to buy a home, settle down in a port, maybe become a dock hand. But currently he enjoys working the High Seas, and traveling.

Itharian Nalakiir |

Itharian Nalakiir
NG elf cleric (hidden priest) of Besmara 1
You can find the character's completed stats on the profile page. I apologize about the length of the character background, and hope it doesn't have a negative impact on my chances; even summarizing over 100 years of a character's life is a considerable task.
Itharian appears to many to be an odd mixture of two cultures. Though his long ears, angled features, and large green eyes easily identify him as an elf, Itharian dresses in the traditional garb of the human wanderers that call Varisia home. He typically wears simple leather traveling boots and breeches, dyed a dark shade of brown, and a dark red vest over a loose-fitting white shirt. In stark contrast to these simpler garments, the elf's black, flared cuff gloves are decorated with intricate needlework depicting a naval battle; the right glove bears a fleet of Chelish marines opening fire on several pirate vessels carefully rendered on the left. Itharian's dark auburn hair is pulled back into a ponytail that falls to his mid-back, and a red, blue, and violet Varisian scarf is tied tight against his skull.
Itharian bears these challenges silently, unwilling to show weakness to strangers, or burden friends. He maintains a welcoming, sometimes childish demeanor, and wears a near-constant smile, regardless of his mood or the situation; only those trained in sensing deception can discern the slight variations that signify genuine happiness, intense anger, and the breadth of emotions in between. He also enjoys banter, be it innocent or at the expense of another, as a method of lightening the mood and hiding any insecurities.
The elf spent several more decades in study and practice before being overcome by a sense of wanderlust, a need to explore the world beyond the enclave he called home. Itharian joined a Varisian caravan, and spent the next 5o years travelling with them across the land; when the caravan leader, a man the elf had come to respect as a brother, died of old age, Itharian struggled to come to terms with his grief. It wasn't long before he feel in league with the Sczarni.
The Sczarni saw potential in the young elf, and sought to train Itharian to be an asset. He spent nearly 12 years wallowing in his grief, spending week after week in a near-constant haze; though he participated in the planning and execution of various scams and crimes, Itharian was never truly aware of anything that he was doing. It was only a matter of time until the elf's inattention resulted in disaster.
Itharian had been tasked with liberating some protection monies that a shop owner in Magnimar's Underbridge district was refusing to pay. He and Gerrin Vhiski, a Varisian not even into his third decade, were to swim under the shop and come up through its floorboards. However, before the task could be completed the duo attracted the attention of a hungry bunyip. The monster attacked, gripping Gerrin firmly with its teeth and dragging the man into deeper water. The event was over quickly, but it was enough to bring Itharian out of his years-long stupor. Though horrified by the sudden violence of the attack, the elf was nonetheless fascinated by the bunyip itself, feeling an intense need to learn more about the creature.
Itharian left Magnimar the following morning, determined to seek out any accounts of bunyip attacks that he could find. In only three months time he had recovered an old journal, written by a cleric of Besmara. Its pages contained the author's personal notes and observations of bunyips, as well as several other varieties of vicious sea life. These simple notes motivated Itharian like never before. Recalling his training under his uncle so long ago, and using the old journal as a guide, he decided to take up the mantle of Besmara's worship, and to learn all he could about the monster that call the oceans and seas home.
Beginning his work slowly, Itharian spent several years wandering Varisia, gathering any research on sea monsters that he could find. He knew that he would one day need to set out to sea himself, but he would first need to prepare in order to survive any encounters with the very creatures he hoped to observe. It was also during this time that Itharian learned a priest of the Pirate Queen is not always welcome in a community, especially if it was positioned along the coast. He learned to disguise his divine magics in order to move freely in such areas, masquerading as a wizard or sorcerer, as best fit the situation. However, even this proved insufficient to hide Itharian from the Sczarni.
When Itharian journeyed to Sandpoint in hopes of sighting Murdermaw, a giant red snapper rumored to live in the Bay just off the coast, his arrival did not go unnoticed; The news soon reached the ear of Jubrayl Vhiski, a local crime boss and brother of Gerrin Vhiski. Jubrayl blamed Itharian for his brother's death so many years before, and he ordered his men bring the elf to him. Despite their best efforts, however, Itharian heard the mens' approach. He spent the night ducking Sczarni toughs as they pursued him through Sandpoint's streets, only to find himself cornered on the the Valdemar Family docks when the sun rose in the morning. With no desire to turn himself over to the care of his pursuers, Itharian quickly booked passage on the North Star; he hadn't planned to set out to sea so soon, but a premature journey was much more palatable than the alternative.