Thesing the Vampire

RedWolfe77's page

Organized Play Member. 60 posts (593 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Anyone on here useing HeroLab?

They just added a Pathfinder Training section to the Builder for Organized play. It says you get 3 points to put in Swords,Spells or Scrolls, or you can take Field commissioned agent.

I cant find any reference to this in the guide. Just wondering if anyone knows what this is.

GM Wayfinder wrote:

I should have four players, and am fine running it as such for others to go with GM Rinaldo if we have four more interested in the next two weeks, to have both additional tables.

I'd be willing to join. Should I roll up another character or can I use on that is signed up for a gameday game.


I have a question. Are you allowed to run PFS or SFS in other online forums. I play her and RPGX but I have never seen any organized play there.

Just wondering if there was a rule against it or if it didn't happen. I emailed the person in the SFS guide for online play but never got a response.


Wizard question.

Familiars-Do I need to create an Alias for my Familiar or Do I just include it in my characters Stats?


Ahh. God I feel Dumb. It just didn't click no matter how many times I read it. I blame sleep deprivation.

Thanks for that slap. :)


And I believe thats the case cause the Pregens stats support it. I just cant find it in the book.


I see that, but it doesn't say anything about a bonus for your level. Just for being trained (+0/+2/+4/+6/+8) and I can't find it anywhere in the CRB.

Pete H. wrote:
Trained (a proficiency) is +2, but it adds your level so at level 1 that is +3.

Okay that makes sense, though I can't find the Add +1 for you level in the Book. Can you give me the Page number?

All I can find is:
Armor Class = 10 + Dexterity modifier (up to your
armor’s Dex Cap) + proficiency bonus + armor’s
item bonus to AC + other bonuses + penalties
PG. 274

It doesn't mention level

At first I though I was getting a size bonus for being small.


Anyone using herolab notice a problem with AC Calculations.

I created a champion and it gives me a AC of 19

Base +3 Dex +4 Misc +2

My calculations

Misc (Leather) +1 (Shield) +1

Dex (18) +4

Base (Trained) +2

Where does the extra +1 in the base come from?

CyberMephit wrote:
The Cottonseed thread said it's not actually legal to apply credit to a character in another PbP :(

Cyber is right I will need to create another Character also to apply. I will repost my info in a bit.


I take Merisiel.

Question is the day job based on the character we are applying to or the pregen?

Thank you

Still interested in playing. Do you have to have a free character to apply it to, as the only one I have is currently signed up for gameday.

I have a question. I know you can run Adventure paths for Society, but how does it work. I bought Against the Aeon Throne, but don't have a chronicle sheet. I was think of running it for Society but can't find the info on how.

Thanks in advance for the help.

I would roll up a character for Open Road.




Been reading 2e also

Lady Ladile wrote:
Cottonseed will be the 'hub' or 'lodge' if you will, for all PFS 2.0 activity :)

Well I got a Lvl one Rogue ready when a game opens.


Is there gonna be a new forum for non playtest 2.0 or is this one gonna convert.


Thanks. I just update my question about the credits also.


Following Asigall down, "Sorry I don't really need torches so I don't carry any." Looking around. "Now lets see if I can find a trail."

Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20


Ally -
Faction - Second Seekers: Luwazi Elsebo Champion
Personal -
Promotional -
Social -
Starship -
Slotless -


"And here I thought we could make some money here." Stepping off the transport and looking back towards the group. "So I think we should hit up some local bars. Lets see if we can inquire about precious metals. If he stole this stone a couple of weeks ago, he is probably using it to make quick cash."


Thanks again

I'm Good for what ever


Also How do you put in the Hero Lab code. I have Hero lab for starfinder I was waiting till the official rules come out to get it for Pathfinder 2.0


Thanks again. So do we just put the Character number on the sheet when we have a 2.0 Character.

New Player to Pathfinder Looking to start.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got a Level 1 Technomancer I'm wanting to try out if you'll have me.


Yes thank you


"Dakoyo, you did great. What are those black orb thing-a-ma-bobs?" Quonx says pointing at the last one. "Think we can take the last one back to the Clutch and set up a training room for Nako?

With that she starts scrounging around for anything that can be of use to the group or Clutch.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

"Welp, nothing here. On to the next room."


This is my 1st time playing 2.0. I thought it meant every other turn. I will fire a shot off.


"Leave Dakoyo ALONE!!" Quonx says as she levels her rifle an fires at Green.

Quonx vs EAC: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7


Ini(Stealth): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Stepping forward Crimsi levels her crossbow at the ugly pig and fires.
"Pigs don't eat us, us eats pigs. This is for Grimeye."

Attack on Closest Pig: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Damage/Piercing: 1d10 ⇒ 5


Since they dont notice us. Is this like a surprise round where we can act without an inititive(Or Perception) roll?


Posted already, but I'm here


Quonx draws her knife with her lower arm and stabs at Red.

"Argh! Get back."

Attack vs AC: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Damage, Slashing: 1d4 ⇒ 3


I'd like Crimsi


Happy Fathers Day to any dads playing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Fathers Day to any dads playing.


Okay So I need to invest in the profession skill to have a day job.


Player Name: RedWolfe77
Character Name: Linsniket "Snik" Sardon
SFS # 2366853
Character # 2366853-701
Roll for Day Job:
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles

Not sure what Day jobs are.


What info do you need. 1st game


Everyone I got an outpatient surgery tomorrow. I'll be home in the afternoon, but don't know how the pain meds will effect me so no guarantees I'll have any posts tomorrow.


Walking over to the children Bilimi, lowers his weapon and addresses them. "Alright, you were just playing with your toy. Why don't you tell me what this toy is, maybe we can find it for you. Also, what did you do to secure the passage?"

diplomacy on the kids: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16




Just wondering what does the -2NL Mean?


Chronicle: 1
Player name: RedWolfe77
Character name: Bilimi "BeeSting"
Organized play #-#: 2366853-702
Faction: Wayfinders
XP: 0
Fame: 0
Credits: 272
Day job: None
Reputation: 0
Boons: None

Purchases: None

Are you aloud to play in multiple scenarios at the same time with different characters?


Also This is my first PbP on this Forum I got the Basics of BB Code from other sites. Bare with me if I make Mistakes.

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