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49 posts. Organized Play character for cartmanbeck (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).

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Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone!
I have the MOST exciting news for fans of PACG... You can now play a brand-new game based on the award-winning first adventure path from the Starfinder RPG, Dead Suns! This new game is built upon the ruleset of PACG, but is a fully-designed game in its own right, with over 500 new cards, eight characters and three full adventures to play them in.

You can find the print-and-play PDF package here: Starfinder Infinite Adventure Card Game

Note that there are many cards that don't yet have art, simply because the art assets that Paizo has made available, while extensive, don't cover everything I needed for these cards. I plan to use the proceeds from sales to commission new art pieces to add to the cards periodically over the next year.

Adventures 4-6 need a bit of playtesting, then they'll be released separately.

I hope you check out the game and enjoy it! Please send any feedback/errors/general comments to me at cartmanbeck@gmail.com.

Thanks so much!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi all!
A lot of people downloaded the last set of characters I made, so I am continuing with two more new ones!

Tetsuya, Kitsune Liberator
In the cosmopolitan city of Goka, Tetsuya fought against the abomination of slavery, made no less terrible by the guise of civility the city attempted to put upon it. After a number of arrests, the leadership of the city sentenced him to exile. Tetsuya despaired at his inability to save his homeland from their evil ways, until one day a hawk named Eisen bearing a message from Shelyn visited him. Eisen encouraged Tetsuya to travel to Avistan, where there was still much work to be done for liberators such as himself. Now, Tetsuya and Eisen travel across the continent bringing freedom to the shackled and imprisoned.

Baron Blackstone of the Ashwood, Human Hemothurge
Baron Blackstone is well-known and little liked in the city of Korvosa. His gruff demeanor and smug attitude do little to ingratiate him to the locals, though many still recognize his talent for magic. Some of them even seek him out for magical counsel in his home built on the edge of the Ashwood, which he claims to be the noble ruler of, though no such title exists. When the Baron visits the city, he is often given a wide berth, as many are aware that he will happily toss aside those who block his path using his blood magic.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Each is available on PathfinderInfinite.com, all listed as pay-what-you-want, with a recommended amount of $0.99 each!

Pathfinder Infinite Link

There's more coming later, too, including an entirely NEW Adventure Card Game experience!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be our discussion thread for the Protean's Prank!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all! this will be our main thread for my level 5 table of Protean's Prank!

Please post any information you feel is important for other players to know about your character. We'll be getting started on Monday!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be a set of scenarios to playtest some community-created characters.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be our gameplay thread for Tier 5 Wandering Way scenarios played during PaizoCon 2021.

Please check in here with your character. I will be playing as Aric/The Red Raven!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be the gameplay thread for the upcoming Outpost III run of some custom "Wandering Way" scenarios, equalling one full adventure of content. Note that the only rewards that can be given out for these scenarios are a hero point each!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Discussion thread for our crazy T7L playthrough!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all!

This will be the gamegplay thread for our playthrough of Tyrant of the Harrow, at Tier 7 in Legendary mode!

I plan to use my "Evil Kyra" (Kyra using Hell's Vengeance Deck 1) for this. She's maxed out at Tier 6.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I wanted to use my credit vouchers from PaizoCon online to preorder both the Advanced Player's Guide and the Beginner Box, but it looks like the Beginner Box got put in my sidecart, so at the moment it looks like a big chunk of one of my vouchers would go unused. Could I get the Beginner Box added back to the actual order, please?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Good morning everyone! I have another exciting announcement today!

With the creation and sanctioning of PACS play using virtual tabletop software like Tabletop Simulator and the acg.orgplayonline.com system, we have created the need for a new lodge of Pathfinders, distinct from our play-by-post games.

To that end, we are announcing the formation of the PACS Mindscape Lodge! Along with a new lodge comes new venture agents, so I'd also like to introduce the two new VAs who you will be working with moving forward:
-Brad "eddiephlash" Janes
-Rodrigo "Akaitora" Retamoza

These guys will be heading up the planning of upcoming online conventions that the PACS community will be able to participate in, as well as answering your questions about how to get started in VTT gaming and where to find players or box runners! Make sure to check out our Discord community over at the Org Play Online Discord for more information, as we expect many games will be recruited for and played using this Discord server.

Thank you all for continuing to help this community grow and prosper, and I look forward to gaming with all of you in the upcoming online conventions!

Tyler "Cartmanbeck"
VC, Online PACS Play

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello all!

I wanted to make a quick set of announcements related to the PACS online gaming community:

-First, the bad news... with all the online conventions that are happening in the next few months, we have decided that we will NOT be holding Cards Against Gnomanity, our online play-by-post PACG-specific convention, this year.

-However, we WILL be participating in two traditionally in-real-life conventionst hat have moved online this year:
--Origins Online (June 19-21)
--GenCon Online (July 30-August 2)

-We will also be participating in more online conventions in general, since we can now participate in all of the Virtual Tabletop-focused conventions that happen throughout the year! These include:
-TPKon 9 (September 18-20)
-CON-glomerate (November 6-8)

-We will also be participating in Play-by-post Gameday IX, which will occur in the fall, though specific dates have not been determined yet.

Looking forward to playing with all of you in the near future!

Tyler "Cartmanbeck"

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all! Please create your characters here using the Adventurer's Packs.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be the main Gameplay thread for my group's run through A Night at Bloodthorne Manor, a standalone adventure for PACS, played at Tier 1. All of the players will be building new characters using the newly-released Adventurer's Packs made up of cards from the Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Can I get this thread transferred over to Katlyn99, please?
Gameplay thread

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I just thought I'd try to drum up a little bit of hype for an event that I'll be running at PaizoCon this year... I have designed a full base-set-size project which ports the world of Starfinder over to a modified version of the mechanics of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

A few new mechanics and other fun things that this will show off:

-Archetypes: Instead of roles, each character will get to choose from a large array of character archetypes. These archetypes are not character-specific, so you can choose any of them for your character after finishing the first adventure (though of course, some are better than others for any given character!)

-Ships: A heavily modified version of the ships mechanic from the Skull & Shackles base set, allowing for Interstellar travel and ship-to-ship combat.

-Systems: A new grouping for locations, based on the concept of a planet or set of planetoids, which introduce one or more powers that apply to all locations within the system. You treat characters in another System as if they didn't exist for most powers... unless you use a boon with the Interstellar trait.

-Empowering checks: No longer will you be using a blessing on a spellcaster's Strength check to grant them a measly d4. Now, when you play a card that empowers a check, you add YOUR character's "Empower die" to the roll.

-7 brand-new characters representing some fan-favorite classes in Starfinder: Envoy, Soldier, Technomancer, Operative, Witchwarper, Biohacker and Solarian!

-Four full adventures based on the Dead Suns adventure path.

-Skittermanders. Nuff said. Oh, and Stridermanders too! :-D

Lots of other new mechanical changes, and LOTS of fun new enemies and boons to discover!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hi friends!

We'll use the Discussion thread mostly for loot and character option discussions, if needed. Most things can be done on Google Hangouts.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Welcome to Breachill

Located in the foothills of the Five Kings Mountains in eastern Isger, Breachill is a thriving town of about 1,300 inhabitants; most are humans, although there are notable populations of dwarves, half-elves, and gnomes here as well. The town predates its most notable landmark, which sits about 1 mile to the northeast, high on low-rising Hellknight Hill: Citadel Altaerein, the foreboding but now-abandoned fortress that was once the home of the Hellknight Order of the Nail.

In years past, Breachill gladly served as a supply source for the Hellknights, who commended the well-ordered peace the town enjoyed. But 8 years ago, when the Order of the Nail fully retreated from Citadel Altaerein in favor of the order’s new home in Varisia, Breachill’s inhabitants simply shrugged, continuing the agriculture, crafting, and bartering that has always sustained them. Now, common wisdom generally recommends avoiding the citadel, which serves as an isolated haven for peaceful groups that don’t want to be disturbed but is also rumored to be overrun with dangerous monsters.

Your reasons for being in Breachill are your own. Perhaps you’re a local, or a visitor specifically traveling here because of the well-known Call for Heroes that the town performs regularly. In any case, Breechill will be your home for a while.

The Call for Heroes

Breachill’s local government has a long and proud history of hiring adventurers to tackle any challenges its residents face that fall outside the scope of the town guard’s duties. The merchant whose expected shipment of goods hasn’t yet arrived, the shepherd whose herd of goats mysteriously died in the night, the farmer whose entire season’s harvest was ruined or stolen—investigating and resolving any of these matters are considered good jobs for adventurers, and so Breachill’s town council uses its resources to hire heroes as needed. These monthly meetings, known as the Call for Heroes, are distinct from the council’s normal regular governance meetings, a tactic that separates such matters from regular municipal business and shows the townspeople that the council indeed allots sufficient time to the issues that are often most important to them personally.

Spending public money on hiring adventurers to help the townspeople serves several purposes, as far as Breachill’s leadership is concerned. First, it provides the townspeople with an official and fully funded way to seek help when they’ve exhausted all other options. Second, it allows the salaried town guard to focus on run-of-the-mill crimes and mundane threats to the townspeople’s safety. And third, it provides experience to local adventurers—and allows the council to vet out-of-town heroes—whose presence and talents the council considers boons to the populace, harking back to the hero Lamond Breachton, Breachill’s original patron who saved the town’s founders.

The council holds a public Call for Heroes once per month expressly to hear petitions from residents who wish the town to hire adventurers on their behalf. At the end of a resident’s address to the council, the council members discuss the petition before voting whether to expend public funds on it. For petitions that are approved—and most of the one or two requests per month are approved—the council then opens the floor to adventurers in attendance at the meeting who wish to tackle the challenge. Heroes looking for work often attend these meetings with a prepared list of qualifications, and the council hires an appropriate number of candidates who are well suited for each job. After the meeting, the adventurers are expected to follow up regularly with the petitioner and with the council. Those heroes who resolve their assigned challenges are paid handsomely in gold pieces and receive preferential consideration for future official work that might use their demonstrated talents.

You are adventurers who plan to attend this month’s Call for Heroes to lobby for work. The meeting occurs at noon today. It is currently around 9 AM. As such, you should have a reason for wanting to attend, although each of your motivations might differ wildly.

Please make sure to determine why you are answering the Call for Heroes! This could be as simple as “for the money” or “for the glory” but you need to be able to tell me why your character would do so.

Please dot in here, and then describe your character for the rest of the group, as well as what they would be doing leading up to the meeting at noon! I have also shared a Google Slides deck with you, please look at it for some info about where things are in Breechill. Feel free to ask about any locations.

Grand Lodge

<VC Cartmanbeck, PFS# 44004> Female Gnome Sorcerer 16/Oracle 1 | Important links: PFSACG Pregens

Here's our discussion thread for my table of the Hao Jin Cataclysm!

At the moment, here's our player list according to the signup sheet:
WilderRedbeard Merisiel Rogue + UI 2 341641 1003
grimsnik Agna Ranger + ult combat 2 99317 1003
Gimry Oloch WP+UC 3 341212 1001
Eslibedesh Enora UM+W 3

Eslibedesh, can you let me know your PFS number and character number when you get the chance?

It looks like we've got a great group, with good coverage of skills and card types. I'm looking forward to running the game!

Grand Lodge

<VC Cartmanbeck, PFS# 44004> Female Gnome Sorcerer 16/Oracle 1 | Important links: PFSACG Pregens

Hello everyone!
Please "dot" into this thread by making a post and deleting int. I'll get a Discussion thread going as well where you can talk about character concepts and strategic plans, but try to keep this thread relegated to actual turn-taking. The game starts on August 26th. Thanks!

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay! I just wanted to point out that our online VL, Andrew (Hawkmoon269) Warner was invaluable in helping me generate the card images themselves, and David Jacobson and Randy Cronin helped out at PaizoCon with running tables, so I wanted to give credit where it's due!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, so I would be really interested if someone could create a 3D model (for use in 3d printers) of the Skittermander-shaped gummy vitamins found in Dawn of Flame book 4.

If you can do so, I would be willing to send you a sample of the creations that these would eventually be used for... more details over PM, as I want to keep it a bit of a secret. :-D

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone!
Just thought I should point out that the documents sanctioning the Dragon's Demand and Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure paths for PACS play are live on the Paizo website for download now! Just go to the respective product pages (linked below for convenience) and look under Downloads!

Core Set Product Page

CotCT Product Page

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I ordered a Pathfinder Adventure Chest on Monday evening, using a gift voucher from PaizoCon. I just realized that I never got a confirmation from the order, though, and I'm not seeing the order in my account. The voucher still shows as redeemed, and the $10 store credit I had was also used up. Any help would be appreciated!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This is our out-of-character Discussion thread for my Dragon's Demand ACG table, beginning during Cards Against Gnomanity II!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all!

This is my gameplay thread for my Dragon's Demand table, begun during Cards Against Gnomanity II. This table will be using the new rules as presented in the most recent version of the PACS guide and the Core Set rulebook.

This game will run as part of CAGII from June 21st through July 21st, but I DO plan to continue this table after CAGII to play through the other two adventures of Dragon's Demand, but by signing up to play during the event you are not EXPECTED to continue on with the table afterward.

Please dot into this thread to get it listed on your Campaigns tab!


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hi all! This is our OUT-OF-CHARACTER discussion thread for my Cards Against Gnomanity II Fangwood Thieves game!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all! This is my gameplay thread for Fangwood Thieves as part of Cards Against Gnomanity II.

I was one of the two authors of the story text for these scenarios, so I'm very excited to run them for you!

The game will run from June 21st through July 21st. If we need a few extra days at the end to finish up, that's fine, but I don't plan on continuing this table into other adventures after.

Once you dot in here, If you're willing to be part of a Google Hangouts chat with your fellow players to allow for strategy discussions and such, please PM me with your Google email address.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone!

Cards Against Gnomanity 2019 Player Signups are open!! This is our second annual PACS-focused online play-by-post convention. If you're not familiar with the concept of PACS using play-by-post, make sure to check out the instructions document below.



Note that we have a separate sheet to sign up for tables of the Pathfinder Playtest RPG version of "We Be Heroes?"

If tables of the ACG older seasons don't fill, we'll likely convert these to new Core/Curse adventures instead.

Looking forward to playing with all of you!!

Tyler "cartmanbeck" Beck
VC, Online PACS

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hi all!

I'm very excited that we're running this set of events once again at PaizoCon this year!

In the case of all three adventures, you'll be using pregenerated characters, so there won't be any direct continuity between Friday, Saturday and Sunday's sessions.

Looking forward to seeing all of you!


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all!
I have a subscription order # 4751856 for the PACG Core and Curse of the Crimson Thrones sets that is now pending, but I never got the option to choose PaizoCon pickup for. I just checked my subscriptions page like 3 days ago and it wasn't an option, and I assumed that it was too EARLY to choose it, then I just saw in the May subscription thread today that May 8th was the deadline. Can we get this resolved? I really don't want to have to pay the $26.00 shipping that these would cost me.
Tyler Beck

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm excited to announce on behalf of the PACG Organized Play community that we can now support organized play games run using the newly-released Nintendo Switch version of the Pathfinder Adventures app! The app has been developed in secret for the past two years, and Obsidian is excited to release it now, with no warning, and no indication of any future updates to the current mobile version of the app whatsoever, and even after announcing months ago that the Switch port of the game was never going to happen!

Our close collaboration with Obsidian over the past few months has allowed us to create a true virtual tabletop experience that you can take anywhere with you! We've even helped design several custom Amiibo for use with this new version of the game, including Daji, the Iconic Witch's Familiar and Biter, Harsk's Badger Buddy.. Touch these Amiibo to your Switch, and you'll get exclusive promo cards added to your game (even if you don't live in the USA)!


Don't you wish today was any other day? :-D

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I had posted this just in the online PACG organized play lodge, Flaxseed On Deck, but was convinced to make it more widely available.

I have a fairly simple request for all of you. I am conducting a survey in order to determine how you currently play and how you intend to continue to play the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game online. I would really appreciate it if you would fill this short survey out, as it will be helpful for making adjustments/updates to online organized play moving forward.

Please only respond once to this survey! It will require you to enter your Paizo.com screenname. I would also appreciate it if you'd add a contact email address so that we can let you know about upcoming events we're running, but this is not a requirement.

Link to Player Survey

Thank you all very much in advance!

Tyler (Cartmanbeck/Box Runner Nalshene) Beck

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be the gameplay thread for my table of Cosmic Captive, starting on January 14th, 2019. Can the following players please post something in this thread to link it to your campaigns tab:

Kyle "Worg" H
Matsu Kurisu

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This will be our discussion thread for things like strategy and rewards posting.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hello all!

This will be our gameplay thread for our runthrough of Season of Tapestry's Tides!

Current player list:
Deni/Alahazra or Zabini
Tomehound/Zova, Yoon or Lirianne
Rando/No idea
Cartmanbeck/Alain (using Paladin deck + Ultimate Combat)

Please let me know if you have a more definite idea of which character you're playing than this! I'll start building the database backend for the game today.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Here's your discussion thread! Feel free to introduce yourself as a player, or just say hi, or whatever you want, over here. :)

Grand Lodge

<VC Cartmanbeck, PFS# 44004> Female Gnome Sorcerer 16/Oracle 1 | Important links: PFSACG Pregens

This is the gameplay thread for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game version of Assault on Absalom. Here are my players for this table:
Player Name Character Name
skizzerz Feiya
LucianC Bekah
Redgar Radillo
zeroth_hour MM Damiel
If you're one of these four players, please post in this thread, and then you can start discussing strategy or just introducing yourselves over on the Discussion thread. I will be asking each of you if you'll be comfortable having a Google Hangouts thread made for this game, so that quick questions and discussions can be done there, but if any of you would prefer not to use Hangouts, then we will not do so for this table.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Here's the discussion thread! Feel free to introduce yourselves as players over here if you'd like!

Grand Lodge

<VC Cartmanbeck, PFS# 44004> Female Gnome Sorcerer 16/Oracle 1 | Important links: PFSACG Pregens

This is the gameplay thread for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game version of Assault on Absalom. Here are my players for this table:
Player Name Character Name
Kyle "Worg" H Erasmus
Agent Eclipse TBD
Yewstance TBD
Marjim Marc Arafiles TBD
If you're one of these four players, please post in this thread, and then you can start discussing strategy or just introducing yourselves over on the Discussion thread. I will be asking each of you if you'll be comfortable having a Google Hangouts thread made for this game, so that quick questions and discussions can be done there, but if any of you would prefer not to use Hangouts, then we will not do so for this table.