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Here's our discussion thread for my table of the Hao Jin Cataclysm!
At the moment, here's our player list according to the signup sheet:
WilderRedbeard Merisiel Rogue + UI 2 341641 1003
grimsnik Agna Ranger + ult combat 2 99317 1003
Gimry Oloch WP+UC 3 341212 1001
Eslibedesh Enora UM+W 3
Eslibedesh, can you let me know your PFS number and character number when you get the chance?
It looks like we've got a great group, with good coverage of skills and card types. I'm looking forward to running the game!

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It's now been confirmed that we'll be starting the first scenario on August 27th, so please get yourselves ready by then! :)
Scenario preferences so far:
Agna: B -> A -> C
Merisiel: none
Oloch: none
Enora: none

Oloch - Gimry |

Couple Questions for the crew!
I'm looking at getting my deck ready for the the game, and began to question Role cards with the new changes to Core. According the new PACS Guide, you gain your Role card when you earn your 3rd Power feat, however, you can only use your Role when playing scenarios with scenario #3+ or higher.
So my questions is even though Oloch(and Eslibedesh for that matter) did the first 2 Tiers under the old Tiers, we should get to choose our Role cards as soon as we take our first Power feat, correct? Which under the new system could be after scenario 1. We both just tiered up, so we're at 3.0.
Assuming we do get our Role Card when we gain our first Power feat, can we actually use it in this Scenario since it's not technically a scenario # of 3+? So that would mean that our third power feat would potentially be something we can't use this scenario at all if we took a power from the Role Card as opposed to the base card.

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That's a VERY interesting question. Let me get back to you on that.
EDIT: Sounds like you will not be able to use your role, correct. I might suggest you consider playing the special for no advancement (getting no feats or experience, just the rewards listed from the scenario/adventure, just so that you're not playing several scenarios without a power feat that you really should have.

Oloch - Gimry |

Thanks for looking into that, but that is VERY unfortunate. The Problem with playing for no advancement is I'm pretty much stuck never advancing at that point. Since I only play this character online and the Gamedays are always only 1-3 and 4+ my options are never advance or play an entire set of scenarios gimped. Basically horrible and bad. This seems like a REALLY bad thing for these online conventions.
EDIT: To be fair, I understand that this is how it was prior to the new Core set. Since one of the big points about the new Core set was getting to enjoy your Role earlier however, it's just disappointing to know that you don't get to do that in these online conventions.

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I totally agree, it's not a good situation. Unfortunately, that's what we've been given as far as rules. :(
That said, before the rules change, you wouldn't have had access to the role at all, so it's not like you'd actually be missing out on any overall power level by playing for advancement and just not having that power feat. I can definitely understand your frustration, though.

Oloch - Gimry |

Looks like I Edited my post just as you responded. :) It's all good. Tier 3 just really sucks for these conventions where all the scenarios are either 2 and 5.


I implore you to voice your opinion on the tier 2/5 structure of these specials HERE (click)
I hope with enough voices we can have added flexibility in any future specials.

Oloch - Gimry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I did actually add a comment in that thread when it was first started. However, with the new Core changes specifically to gaining Role cards, I may go ahead and add another update.

Merisiel - WilderRedbeard |

Hi all! I plan to play for tier advancement. The B > A > C order sounds fine to me, I have no real preference. Looking forward to playing with everyone!

Enora - Eslibedesh |

Hey guys! I plan to play for advancement and have no preference for scenario order. Excited to get started!

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Okey dokey, please look this info over and make sure it's correct:
WilderRedbeard - 341641-1003 - Merisiel using Rogue + Ultimate Intrigue, currently Tier 2, playing for Tier advancement.
Eslibedesh - 341615-1001 - Enora using Ultimate Magic + Wizard decks, currently Tier 3, playing for Tier advancement.
Gimry - 341212-1001 - Oloch using Warpriest + Ultimate Combat, currently Tier 3, <not 100% on tier advancement status>
Grimsnik - 99317-1003 - Agna using Ranger + Ultimate Combat, currently Tier 2, playing for Tier advancement
Sounds like we'll be starting with Scenario B. I'll get that set up in the online DB today.

Oloch - Gimry |

I'm playing for advancement. I'll just most likely be taking a Power feat I can't use :)

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I just realized that I forgot to ask about making a Google Hangout for this group! If you're okay with being part of a Hangouts chat, please PM me your Google email address and I'll get that set up ASAP.

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It's Skull & Shackles, with some locations and henchmen from Mummy's Mask (as well as a few scourges).

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Sandara Quinn (Ally 1)
Rotgut (Ally 2)
Lookout (Ally B)
Blessing of the Gods (Blessing B)
Spyglass (Item B)
Sapphire of Intelligence (Item B)
Cutlass +1 (Weapon B)
Sap (Weapon B)
Pistol (Weapon B)
Shortbow (Weapon B)
Report one Secured the Waterways success to the Overseer GM or HQ Staff.
For the rest of the adventure, each character on a ship may reduce structural damage by discarding cards from the top of their deck or recharging cards from their hand.

Oloch - Gimry |

I will take no card upgrades.
So are the rewards for this using the Hero Point System, or the old Upgrade system?

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You do use the hero point system. If you are playing for tier rewards, you get a hero point. If you're not, you only get the listed reward above.

Merisiel - WilderRedbeard |

Scenario 10-00B Reward:
For the rest of the adventure, each character on a ship may reduce structural damage by discarding cards from the top of their deck or recharging cards from their hand.
Spend Hero Point on Power Feat:
If you are the only character at your location, you may recharge a card to add 1d6 ([ X ] +1) ([ ] +2) to your combat check.
Deck Upgrade:
Ally 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 145 Sorrowsoul
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 101 Social Climber

Enora - Eslibedesh |

I won't take any card upgrades.
I will use my Hero point for a Power Feat:
For your combat check, you may discard a spell(or a boon that has the Magic Trait) to use your charisma skill + 1d6 ({X} 2d6) and add that card's adventure deck number and the Arcane, Attack, Cold, and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.

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Tidepool Dragon (Ally 1)
Magic Wooden Armor (Armor 1)
Benevolent Buckler (Armor 1)
Stanching Buckler (Armor 2)
Buckler (Armor B)
Blessing of the Gods (Blessing B)
Tot Flask (Item B)
Tot Flask (Item B)
Potion of Fortitude (Item B)
Holy Stone (Spell 1)
Aqueous Orb (Spell 2)
Falcata (Weapon B)
10-00A Reward:
Report one Secured the Waterways success to the Overseer GM or HQ Staff.
For the rest of the adventure, ships gain the additional power “When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to succeed at your check to acquire an ally.”
Please let me know what you will use your hero point for, if anything.

Grimsnik's Agna |

Armor 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 880
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 630
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 879
Hero Point=Card Feat: Ally

Oloch - Gimry |

I will take no card upgrades.
I will take Skill Feat: Wisdom +1
I will stay at Beach for now.

Merisiel - WilderRedbeard |

10-00A Scenario Reward:
For the rest of the adventure, ships gain the additional power “When commanding this ship, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to succeed at your check to acquire an ally.”
Hero Point will be used for Card Feat: Item [ X ] 6
Deck Upgrade:
Blessing B: 1d1000 ⇒ 602 Blessing of Milani
Armor 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 857 Blackcloth Armor
Merisiel banished Masterwork Tools to guard Rocky Cliff, so she will add it back and add Magnifying Glass to fill the empty Item spot.

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Forgot to post a summary last time.
Agna: Armor 2, Card feat Ally
Enora: Spell 2, Skill feat Charisma
Oloch: No deck upgrade, Skill feat Wisdom
Merisiel: Blessing B, Card feat Item
10-00B (incomolete)
Agna: Ally 1
Enora: Spell 1
Merisiel: Weapon 2
Oloch: ??

Merisiel - WilderRedbeard |

Scenario 10-00D Reward:
Bonus deck upgrade, random item or spell added.
Hero Point saved.
Deck Upgrades:
Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 661 Black Marsh Spider Venom
Weapon 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 788 Cornerstone Crossbow
Item 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 503 Spyglass (UI)
10-00D Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Oloch - Gimry |

Hero Point spent on Weapon Card Feat. Since I'm Tier 3, I will be adding the Weapon 1: Shock Glaive +1.
Weapon 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 551
Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 70

Enora - Eslibedesh |

I will use my hero point on an additional spell, and will only be taking 1 deck upgrade
Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 457

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Scenario C attempted replay
Dodo (Ally C)
Fortified Leather Armor (Armor 1)
Morningstar +1 (Weapon 2)
Frostbite (Spell B)

Oloch - Gimry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I guess since I retroactively got the last Weapon 2, I will pass on this one.
(Or should I roll just so Merisiel gets to say he used that sweet 904 ;) )

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Forgot the flavor text for 10-00E!!
You haven’t yet decided whether your plan is more brave or
foolhardy. After dispatching the pirates, you decided to make
their leaders answer for their crimes. When you spied a large
rift hovering at the edge of a deep lake, you pointed the
Thresher’s bow towards it and sailed right into the silver sky of the Astral Plane.
It was almost immediately a disaster.
Without water to push against, the Thresher handles clumsily at
best. Still, your crew’s maneuvering seemed sufficient to scour the
floating mountains that hang in the Astral sea like islands. But not
only do these islands have inhabitants of their own—monsters,
hermits, and stranger things—but they also move of their own
accord. The Thresher skidded into one of these islands, scarring
your hull. Your junk hit an outcropping and snapped a mast,
coming to rest on the island with a lurching jolt. The only thing
you’d done well since sailing into the Astral Plane was creating a
first-rate shipwreck.
Not long after the crash, a strange, quick clipper of unusual
design sailed near enough to hail you. These were no rescuers—
you saw the grim and angry faces of pirates glaring over the
gunwales of the ship. Your former boatswain, the halfling Dara,
waved at you from the ship’s helm, a captain’s tricorne perched
on her head. “Glad I have the chance to thank you!” she calls.
“I couldn’t have coordinated the attack nearly so well without
everything I learned in my time with you. I’ve already got a hold
full of plunder as my pay from Aslynn—she wanted only the souls
of the slain and a few choice relics—but with you wrecked here, we
can take the time to really squeeze every last coin and bauble from
the helpless prisoners of the tapestry.” Turning to her pirates, Dara
added, “Leave them marooned here. Perhaps in a few centuries
someone will come by to pick them up.”
Dara’s fast ship skipped away across the islands in the silvery void,
her laughter ringing in your ears. Now, only a few hours later, you’ve
got the Thresher patched up and ready to launch. The grateful
villagers provided reinforced wood and steel, the Pathfinders who
joined you provided shipwrighting knowledge, and the diplomatic
lizardfolk Essviss organized and rallied the crew.
Dara doesn’t yet know that the Thresher is back to sailing the
Astral sea, but she soon will

Merisiel - WilderRedbeard |

Scenario 10-00E Rewards:
Each character adds 2 boons that have an adventure deck number less than or equal to his tier from the game box to the cards acquired during this scenario (Ally and Weapon). Adventure Card Guild characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Adventure Rewards:
Bonus card feat that will be converted to a Hero Point.
Deck Upgrades:
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 239 Blessing of Zon-Kuthon
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 6 Blessing of Maat
Ally 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 927 Dredge
10-00E Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 2

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Merisiel Ally:
SS Ally 2
Traits: Human Fighter Pirate
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 7
Reveal this card to recharge an ally that has the Aristocrat trait from your discard pile. Discard this card to explore your location. Add the Swashbuckling trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Merisiel Weapon:
SS Weapon B
Traits: Bow Ranged Piercing 2-Handed Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged 7
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d10. If you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d4 to any combat check at another location.
Agna's Ally:
SS Ally C
Traits: Animal Elite
To Acquire: Wisdom Survival 7
If you would fail a check by 4 or less, you may bury this card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must take the second result. Discard this card to explore your location.
Agna's Weapon:
SS Weapon 1
Traits: Polearm Melee Piercing 2-Handed Magic Elite
To Acquire: Strength Melee 9
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1. If you are on a ship, add another 1d4. If you fail this check, you may discard this card to ignore the result and evade the bane instead.
Oloch's Item:
SS Item B
Traits: Object Liquid Basic
To Acquire: Constitution Fortitude 7 OR Craft 5
Discard this card to choose a character at your location and add 1d10 to that character's check to acquire an ally that has the Pirate trait. After playing this card, succeed at a Survival 7 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it. Banish this card to defeat a barrier that has the Task trait.
Oloch's Weapon:
SS Weapon B
Traits: Firearm Ranged Piercing Swashbuckling Magic Elite
To Acquire: Dexterity Ranged Craft 8
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6+1; you may additionally bury this card to add another 1d10. If you did not bury this card, roll 1d6, or 1d12 if you are proficient with weapons; on a 1, shuffle this card into your deck.
Enora's Item:
SS Item B
Traits: Object Magic Arcane Divine
To Acquire: Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 5
Bury this card to recharge a spell from your discard pile. You must have a skill matching the spell's Arcane or Divine trait to use this power.
Enora's Ally:
SS Ally B
Traits: Gnome Pirate
To Acquire: Charisma Diplomacy 6
Discard this card to put the bottom card of your deck on top of your deck. Discard this card to explore your location. Add the Swashbuckling trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Full upgrade list:
Swab (Ally B)
Deckhand (Ally B)
Buckler (Armor B)
Blessing of the Gods (Blessing B)
Blessing of Hshurha (Blessing 2)
Blessing of Pharasma (Blessing C)
Blessing of Hshurha (Blessing 2)
Masterwork Tools (Item B)
Crown of Swords (Item 2)
Boarding Pike (Weapon B)
Pistol (Weapon B)
Musket (Weapon B)
Royster McCleagh (Ally 2)
Heavy Crossbow (Weapon B)
Parrot (Ally C)
Repelling Pike +1 (Weapon 1)
Rum Bottle (Item B)
Pistol +1 (Weapon B)
Token of Remembrance (Item B)
Giffer Tibbs (Ally B)