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Hey everyone!
My name is Kyle, but most people know me as Worg. I will be playing Erasmus in this session. My deck is currently built to be diverse as possible, but I am prominent in having a strong Wisdom skill set usually, which also allows me to recharge Cure spell rather often.

Yewstance |

Pleasure to meet you all! Pleasure to play with you once again, Agent Eclipse!
I'll be playing in the Special with a character I've played through up to Tier 2 in solo play; I was planning on soloing through 5-1 to do so but since the PDF isn't on sale yet I may have to scratch that, and I'd probably go with soloing through 1-1 instead.
Question is; which character? I've got a few ideas to try, and some half-ready characters as-is, but I'd like to coordinate with the team if possible. I've got a large selection of Class Decks to pull from, as seen below.
Rogue Class Deck
Monk Class Deck
Barbarian Class Deck
Paladin Class Deck*
Inquisitor Class Deck
Gunslinger Class Deck*
Alchemist Class Deck
Warpriest Class Deck*
Oracle Class Deck
Witch Class Deck *
Magus Class Deck
Summoner Class Deck
Hunter Class Deck
Goblins Fight Character Deck
Goblins Burn Character Deck
Occult Adventures 1 Character Deck
Occult Adventures 2 Character Deck
Pathfinder Tales Character Deck
Hell's Vengeance 1 Character Deck
Hell's Vengeance 2 Character Deck
Ultimate Combat Add-On Deck
Ultimate Magic Add-On Deck
Ultimate Intrigue Add-On Deck
Ultimate Equipment Add-On Deck
Ultimate Wilderness Add-On Deck
I'll aim to pick a character that rounds out the team, but other than that I have a small interest in playing Olenjack or Zadim and going for a Poison-heavy strategy to put Ultimate Equipment through its paces from that angle. But if you have any particular interests as to a character or deck you'd like to see in action, or want to see how they may bounce off your own character's powers, just let me know!

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Hey, I am totally in. I am still a little fuzzy on taking characters already played to another season or adventure.
I really enjoyed playing my Oloch in the games you (cartmanbeck) ran from OutPost I but he doesn't have his chronicle yet so idk if he can even go to this game? Or to start someone new.
Also glad to be at a table with Yewstance. Your game knowledge is such a big boon in the other game I am playing with you.

Yewstance |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Your game knowledge is such a big boon in the other game I am playing with you.
That's a really generous way of saying "Yewstance, you are the most literal-minded, nitpicky player of a card game I have ever met".
Thanks, though. I'll be good and rein myself in, though; this special is all about having fun (well, the entire game is for that purpose, but let's not get hung up on that). :)
P.S. You're able to re-use any character you've already got (from Tier 1, 2 or 3). Characters that play in this special can choose not to advance in Tier (but still get other rewards), and can then move onto other seasons or back to the one they were in, whatever you want.
You can't use a character in two games at the same time, but otherwise you can jump back and forth between seasons and events as much as you want, as long as you're of a legal tier. No carrying Loot across, though.

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@Eclipse: Wait, you're still missing a chronicle from Outpost from me? That's definitely my bad, then. I will look back and try to get it to you. But yeah you can definitely play if that's the only problem. :)

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@Eclipse: Your chronicle from the OutPost game is in This Dropbox Folder

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Playing Assault on Absalom
Pathfinder Society Special #9–00: Assault on Absalom is an interactive event in which many tables contribute to a shared success. This allows both Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild and Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild players to participate in the same adventure! An Overseer GM coordinates the event, making announcements and tallying reported results over the course of the adventure. It’s important that everyone pause play and listen when the Overseer GM makes announcements. When the table completes an objective in scenario 9-00A or wins Scenarios 9–00B, C2, or D, your Box Runner will report a success to the Overseer GM. Do not report a success for Scenario 9–00C1.
The event has three parts. In Part 1, event organizers are mustering tables, and players are being seated, unpacking dice, and introducing themselves. During this time, decide what character you are playing, and decide as a group whether you would like to begin the event by playing Scenario 9–00A (a scenario that focuses more on consolidating Absalom’s resources and recruiting help) or Scenario 9–00B (a more combat-heavy scenario). You will play each at least once, so where you begin is a matter of group preference. Whichever you choose, set up the scenario and read the opening text aloud. Don’t begin playing until the Overseer GM cues the start of Part 2 by reading out the opening scene (listen for the Overseer GM as Marcos Farabellus calling for the Pathfinders to “Seek out the leaders for instructions, and make the city proud”).
After you complete either Scenario 9–00A or 9–00B, set up and play the other scenario, alternating which scenario you play each time. Continue to build and play until the Overseer GM begins Part 3. When the Overseer GM calls an end to Part 2, immediately end the current scenario. You did not win or lose, and do not earn the scenario reward, but players can upgrade their decks. Then begin setting up Scenario 9-00C, which has two sections (C1 and C2). Don’t begin playing until the Overseer GM announces the start of Part 3. If you win Scenario 9–00C2, you may play it again and continue reporting successes.
Finally, when the Overseer GM announces the final transition, end the current scenario (you did not win or lose, as above). Set up and play Scenario 9–00D. If you win this scenario, repeat it and continue reporting successes until the end of the adventure.
At the start of this adventure, choose whether you wish to count the adventure for purposes of tier advancement. If you choose not to count this adventure as tier advancement, you do not gain feats as provided in the Guide, but you do gain scenario rewards and deck upgrades as normal.
This adventure does not use traders.
Do not read any scenario’s villains or henchmen before playing it.
If you are dead at the end of a scenario, you may play another character for the next scenario.
If you fail a scenario, immediately replay it.
When playing this adventure in Tier 2, the scourge die is 1d6; in Tier 5, the scourge die is 1d8+1.
Any character may bury a card that has the Healing trait, an ally, or a blessing to give a displayed or buried Reinforcements support card to another Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild table that does not have one displayed or buried.
This event introduces a new type of support card: reinforcements. The Overseer GM will randomly choose one-third of the Adventure Card Guild tables (rounded up) and give them the support card Reinforcements. When a table gets this card, display it next to the scenario. While displayed, the card’s powers are in effect for characters at that table.
This event introduces a new type of support card: favors. Certain scenarios place favors into the blessings deck. When that card is discarded from the blessings deck, do what it says. Afterward, if it would be removed from the blessings deck discard pile, banish it instead.
During the adventure, the Overseer GM will announce numerous conditions that affect all characters. If a character is encountering a card at that time, the condition occurs after the encounter. If a character is attempting a check outside of an encounter, the condition occurs after the check.
This event uses a simplified variation of the ship and plunder rules from Skull & Shackles. Ignore any references to commanding or seizing ships.
Even though a ship is neither a bane nor a boon, encountering a ship is much like encountering a bane. First apply any effects that happen when you encounter a ship. Then, if you don’t evade it, you must attempt a check to defeat it. If you succeed at all of the checks required to defeat a ship, stash a plunder card (see below). If you fail a check to defeat a ship, it deals an amount of Structural damage equal to the difference between the difficulty to defeat the ship and your check result. Characters may play cards or use powers that reduce Structural damage (effects that reduce damage to characters do not reduce Structural damage), then characters must collectively discard from the tops of their decks a total number of cards equal to the remaining Structural damage.
When you are instructed to stash or add a plunder card, roll 1d6 on the table below and draw a card of the corresponding type from the game box.
1: Weapon 2: Spell 3: Armor 4: Item 5: Ally 6: Blessing

Yewstance |

Well Season 5-1 being released is a fortuitous time to Tier-Up whoever I want to use. I'm leaning towards either Olenjack (Rogue CD) or Zadim (Inquisitor CD), and will be finalizing my choice over the weekend.
My decision is still partially reliant on seeing what Marjim picks... but I'm inclined a bit more towards Olenjack when we have Oloch in the party. Olenjack provides potentially rapid explorations and strong versatility in everything but combat, and being able to hand those off to Oloch would be valuable.

Yewstance |

Still not sure which character I'll end up playing without seeing the fourth member of the team, but as I'm inclined towards Olenjack I've been soloing some scenarios to prepare him in case he's chosen.
If Olenjack's my character, my preference will be for 9-00A. If Zadim's my chosen character, it'll be 9-00B. If I pick someone else, I'll need to decide at that time. Of course, I'll go with the group consensus!

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I am open for either since this character can fit into a number of roles

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I will excel at 9-00B but as we have to do both my preference isn't strong either way. The decision of whether to Tier-Up or not is more difficult for me to wrap my head around with only a few scenarios under Oloch's belt. I am leaning towards Tiering Up though.

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I'm working on getting messages out to Marjim to get them to check in. If I don't hear back by Monday morning, we'll pull someone from the waitlist.
It's important for me to know whether you plan to play for tier credit or not as soon as possible. Even if you don't, you'll still get upgrade cards as normal, and rewards from the scenarios themselves. :)

Yewstance |

Oh, sorry. No matter which character I play, I'll not be playing for Tier Credit.
Let me know if you need my character choice ASAP, but I was hoping to see our last player's character choice. If you absolutely need me to make a decision now, then I'll be playing Olenjack, as mentioned. I plan to finish soloing my character and providing a Chronicle Sheet over the next 2-3 days, at the latest.

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Sounds like our last player has backed out, so I'm heading to the waitlist. Dinketry, playing Flenta, is the next one listed for this tier. I'll let him know he's in!

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Sounds like we'll be starting with 9-00A!
I will be getting the scenario information all listed over the next few days, with the hopes that you can start choosing things like starting locations as early as Sunday.

Olenjack, the Measured |

After a (human) lifetime of indecision, I will be playing as a Tier 2 Olenjack. My deck handler (and Chronicle Sheets) will be finalised and sent out over the weekend.
Full character ID: #295729-1011
Brief Overview
Olenjack is a weak Rogue character, with a lot of items and allies but precious little actual capability to actually fight. He's hugely reliant on his ability to recharge allies to evade, or display a number of them to add large static bonuses to whichever check he needs.
He also has the valuable power where he gets a free exploration whenever he passes a combat check... at least, as long as the check had the Poison trait, and using weapon-poisons effectively is something of his speciality. On the whole, he will need support to run well - in particular, being able to have Oloch stand in when he's caught flat-footed against poison-immune enemies will be a great boon - but he can be a fast explorer with evasion and a surprising flexibility to offer.

Olenjack, the Measured |

Tier 2 Olenjack prepared and ready for action. I will be sending a link to his Chronicle Sheet thus far to our GM very shortly.
(Should I also be reporting it via My Organized Play? I've done that for a previous character I soloed - Urgraz - but it's a headache trying to navigate the fields and I'm truly not certain I correctly 'reported' him either. Is there a guide out there to help direct self-reported PFSACG gameplay?)
Other than that, almost everything's sorted out. I still need to add my card texts to my Deck Handler (which I will shortly) and I have one question for the GM.
I've applied the Unconventional Firepower boon from Gameday VII to Olenjack, which reads thusly.
You may add one weapon that has the Firearm trait and one item that has the Ammunition trait from the Gunslinger Class Deck to your box. These cards must have an adventure deck number equal to or lower than your current tier. Each time you advance a tier, you may exchange one of these cards with another card of the same type from the Gunslinger Class Deck, following the same restrictions.
My interpretation of that, based on my understanding of "Exchange", is that given that I had the Weapon 1 firearm in my deck when I finished Tier 1, I can replace that with a Weapon 2 which will automatically be added to my deck in the place of the previous firearm, correct?
If so, the Shock Musket +1 listed in my Deck Handler will be replaced with Toxic Blunderbuss +1.

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Flenta is ready to go. Links posted!
I've applied the Cleanser of Abominations boon that I won from the recent Cards Against Gnomanity convention to Flenta.
[ ] [ ]On your turn, you may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to banish a scourge or a card that has the Curse trait. You may use this reward up to 2 additional times if you fulfil the following requirements. When you fulfil the requirement, check the box that precedes it; when you use the reward, cross that line off. [ ] Defeat a villain or henchman that has the Demon, Fiend, or Undead trait. [ ]Play a card that shuffles at least 1 card from another character's discard pile into his deck.
Pathfinder Society# is 30475-1005.
Flenta is good with spells, but strangely enough, she seems to always swap out spells for other spells she learns. She's good with weapons, too, and has some ways to help friends out, but by no means is against exploring on her own.
Cool? Cool.

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@Dinketry, Eclipse, and Kyle: are you all okay with using Google Hangouts? If so, can you just PM me your google-based email address please?

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I am okay with it and sent my e-mail.
Olenjack: Feel free to bot Oloch's combats on your turn if needs to take them. That goes for anyone really. I will start with you and move anywhere needed to help with that.

Olenjack, the Measured |

No need to start with me for this particular scenario, due to the Conflagration's messing with normal strategy, but it's your call!

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So, I thought that I had drawn a card (Surgeon) that had the Healing trait, since that Ally lets me heal myself or someone else, but surprise! the Surgeon card does not have the Healing trait. I have no clue why not. So me an m Surgeon are NOT going to the Surgery. Yet....
Anyway....I'm not going to do so well at Diplomacy checks, but I do have a decent Intelligence score, so I think I'll still start at [b]Vizier's Hill. With my armour and my blessing, I have a decent chance of defeating the Conflagration there. I know that Olenjack is already there, but perhaps the two of us will work together?

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Jehucifer@gmail.com for hangouts

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You're absolutely correct about the "choose location; draw starting hand" rule. I've reloaded my hand as a result. I want to be on the up-and-up - Olenjack's my role model, of course!
(Seriously, thanks for pointing it out. Still learning here.)

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Just need a starting location from Oloch.
The scenario technically starts at around 4AM tonight, so I'll have the first gameplay post up in the morning by around 8:30 or so.

Olenjack, the Measured |

By the way; don't be afraid to use Reinforcements when it's needed (if you fail an important check by 4 or less, for example). If we bury it, we can then hand it across to another table who will then Display it, effectively meaning that as a united group of tables we're getting bonus uses as long as we keep handing it back and forth.
I'm actually considering whether I should've buried my Staff of Minor Healing to hand off the Reinforcements, since we already have Oloch with a Cure spell, but I thought it wasn't quite my call to make when we haven't even had a full round of turns yet and I don't know how much our table wants to keep it around ornot.

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Damnit! I didn't see that we had a Reinforcements card! I might have used it on my turn.

Olenjack, the Measured |

Damnit! I didn't see that we had a Reinforcements card! I might have used it on my turn.
If it helps, I wouldn't have recommended it be used for the Conflagration check, which was the only check that was failed. Whether you'd used a blessing or the Reinforcements or not, Olenjack was going to be able to deal with it either way since he was at the same location (and has a very high Disable check even before displaying Allies, since his Burglar's Buckler offered him 2d8+2).
Having it around gives us a bit more leeway; I'm happy for someone to burn blessings and allies to explore a bunch and then use Reinforcements to heal, for example. The faster we close these locations the more of the optional Objectives (and, by extension, rewards) we can gather, and the more successes are reported to the Overseer.

Olenjack, the Measured |

Continuing to post here until I know that the Hangouts issues are sorted.
I'd be wary of exploring the Vizier's Hill in general unless you're a character capable of dealing with barriers well. Right now we've made very slow progress, in a scenario that rewards rapid completion, since we've only really cleared 2 cards from location decks over 3 turns (since an extra barrier was already added). A turn spent failing to defeat a barrier there would be worse than a wasted turn, as the location deck would only grow rather than shrink.
The Fighter and Warpriest of the team aren't particularly well tooled for sequential explorations (nor did their opening hands support it), and my allies will be going towards ensuring I clear these Conflagrations on my turns (until they're all gone). As a result, I'm not sure there's all too much we can do to solve the issue, beyond encouraging the team to take as many explorations as possible, and try to recharge or discard cards that don't directly help you explore more so you can draw into blessings and allies.
EDIT: Just to make sure Erasmus knows; you can discard a blessing for a start-of-turn check against the Conflagration, and then immediately heal it with the Surgery (which is also a start-of-turn power). That gives you about a 70% chance of success, with the only consequence being shuffling a blessing into your deck.
There's actually no consequence for attempting the check even without the blessing. You have only a 1/8 chance of success even so, and since you're not at the Vizier's Hill failure doesn't change anything.

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@Erasmus: Can you specify which box on your cohort you're using, and list those powers in your character profile?
Also, did you want to attempt to get rid of the Conflagration at the start of that turn?

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@Erasmus: Can you specify which box on your cohort you're using, and list those powers in your character profile?
Also, did you want to attempt to get rid of the Conflagration at the start of that turn?
Ah yes, I can add that into my character profile.
Probably should, yes.

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Erasmus, you could use the Reinforcements card for your Conflagration check, if desired. It's retroactive.

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Certainly I will use it!
And it helped me succeed!

Olenjack, the Measured |

Hey all, based on an initial spreadsheet made some time ago by Maelwys0, I've made a combined "Party Sheet" (or "Party Deck Handler summary") for the table. It automatically takes input from each of your deck handlers and provides it in a single sheet.
This means that at a single glance you can tell what cards are in who's hands, as well as what different players' notes are, as well as deck and discard pile sizes. I've additionally added some conditional formatting that causes Blessings/Signs to be highlighted so they're easy to see, and another one that highlights allies in Olenjack's hand (since each ally in his hand represents another potential +2 to any check he makes, as well as used for evasions, so they're a critical resource for him).
If anyone else expects they'll find it helpful, feel free to bookmark it and/or request the GM place a link to it in the header to the campaign. If you have any additional requests for features to it (things to highlight or additional details to cover), let me know and I can probably add it.

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Wow, very nice work!

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Pretty cool spreadsheet, Yewstance. How does one edit it to add their own notes?
("I'm a doctor, Jim, not a programmer.")

Olenjack, the Measured |

Pretty cool spreadsheet, Yewstance. How does one edit it to add their own notes?
To emphasize, whilst I've made some modifications and distributed to a few tables I'm with; the core concept and code is all owed to Maelwys0, not myself. :)
Any notes in your own Deck Handler (Merged Cells A29-B31) will be added to the Party Sheet automatically, same as how they also appear in your end-of-turn summary. Everything in the 'Party Sheet' is automatically updated based on your Deck Handler.
(As a result, if you modify the layout of your deck handler - changing around which cells you're using and the like - I'll need to modify the Party Sheet so that it tracks it properly. I'll make any updates as necessary if they come up.)

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Boon Check: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Flenta would very much like a Weapon 1 upgrade....did we get a Weapon 2? I'll wait to see what else is available, but she would like to add a random non-Basic weapon to the loot pile.

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everyone roll for boons, don't forget!
boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Nope.

Olenjack, the Measured |

Awesome work! I was wrong about my earlier assessment, and I'm overjoyed to say it.
On the last two turns we acquired 2 Weapon 2s, in fact. Javelin of Lightning by Olenjack and Greatclub +1 by Flenta.
Excluding the good haul from the Seaside Warehouse, which I wasn't tracking, Olenjack acquired an Ally 2 and a Blessing 0.
As mentioned in Hangouts; Olenjack won't want a Weapon or an Armor at this point, and so he'll draw a random weapon or armor based on whatever the team's interests are.
My upgrades are above (Item 1s, mostly), but I'll state my specific requests and replacements in more detail once I see the list of acquired cards.
9-00A Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 13

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Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Always happy with weapons here!
Off-topic but did I have to choose to advance early when my chronicle was issued for my last set of games? My other two characters games are still going so I just went with the natural flow whereas this character did not.
He had 4 games under his belt which means he could if I am reading the guide correctly. It doesn't have any downsides other than having 2 less games in his career/2 less rewards right? I was only thinking about it once I realized I can't take a Weapon 2 from this scenario. Sorry, just a little confused as it never really came up for me yet.

Olenjack, the Measured |

9-00A: A City in Chaos - Olenjack Rewards
Olenjack is not playing for Tier Progression.
Scenario Rewards allow for a bonus Deck Upgrade.
Olenjack's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...
Card Texts are added below.
On your combat check, reveal this card to add 2 and the Poison trait; if the bane has the Undead trait, ignore its immunities. After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck.
Banish this card to reduce Cold or Poison damage dealt to you to 0, then bury 1d4 random cards from your discard pile.
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to your Diplomacy or Stealth check or to your check to acquire.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 1d8 to your checks to acquire, and you may evade banes you encounter.
Bury this card to draw the top blessing from the blessings discard pile. You may not play this card during an encounter.

Olenjack, the Measured |

Off-topic but did I have to choose to advance early when my chronicle was issued for my last set of games? My other two characters games are still going so I just went with the natural flow whereas this character did not.
He had 4 games under his belt which means he could if I am reading the guide correctly. It doesn't have any downsides other than having 2 less games in his career/2 less rewards right? I was only thinking about it once I realized I can't take a Weapon 2 from this scenario. Sorry, just a little confused as it never really came up for me yet.
You as a player - and nobody else - chooses if you want to Tier up after 4, 5, or 6 separate successful scenarios during your character Tier. By default, most parties choose to Tier-Up at the end of any given adventure (which are always 4, 5 or 6 scenarios long in PFSACG), and it's probably best practice to indicate to your GM/BR if that is not the case.
The earlier you Tier Up, the faster you get your feats (and the faster you overcome the limit of what cards you're allowed to use, if you're playing in Tiers higher than your current character). The later you Tier Up, the more overall scenarios you are able to play with your character before they're 'retired'.
Strictly speaking, the guide says that you can Tier Up whenever you want as long as you've completed enough valid scenarios. In short, you could choose to Tier Up to Tier 2 right now, based on my reading of the Card Guild Guide.
Anytime after winning your fourth new scenario in any tier, you can choose to advance a tier [...]

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Flenta would very much like a Weapon 2 upgrade, and if no one else can (or will) take the other Weapon 2 upgrade, well....she'll consider it. An Ally 2 would also be nice.
What else do we have on offer, BR?