Guilty Pleasure Songs

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We all have one ... or more. You know, the ones you listen to when no one else is around, for fear of relentless razzing if the truth were revealed.

Leif Garrett, "I Was Made for Dancing"

Shut up.


Divinyls... "I Touch Myself".

Divinyls... "I Touch Myself"

linked it for you Pathos

My embarrassing favourites are Warrant - Cherry Pie and the Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch .

Neon Trees-Animal

Liberty's Edge

Maybe move this to the music section?

Heh. Didn't even notice there was one.

My bad.

Liberty's Edge

Jaelithe wrote:

Heh. Didn't even notice there was one.

My bad.

Hey, no worries.

Jaelithe wrote:

We all have one ... or more. You know, the ones you listen to when no one else is around, for fear of relentless razzing if the truth were revealed.

Leif Garrett, "I Was Made for Dancing"

Shut up.


(Don't You) Forget About Me--Billy Idol

Shadow Lodge

Never Gonna Give You Up

Beercifer wrote:

(Don't You) Forget About Me--Billy Idol

If you mean the song from The Breakfast Club, that's by Simple Minds, not Billy Idol.

As for myself, I'd have to nominate Phil Collins, "In the Air Tonight".

Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Never Gonna Give You Up


Liberty's Edge

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.

Anything on Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell album.

Liberty's Edge

Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
Anything on Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell album.

This. Also anything by Lady Gaga.

Pathos wrote:
Divinyls... "I Touch Myself".

wow, skeery. I read the title of the thread and thought this song. BOOM! It is the first responce to the thread. Skeery.


Frente - Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sunshine In

Yikes...I must be getting soft in my old age...

Greg Wasson wrote:
Pathos wrote:
Divinyls... "I Touch Myself".

wow, skeery. I read the title of the thread and thought this song. BOOM! It is the first responce to the thread. Skeery.


I've always been partial to the Genitorturers' version.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
Anything on Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell album.

Any song written by Jim Steinman, basically.

Liberty's Edge

I'm a fish, yo.

Cuchulainn wrote:
Any song written by Jim Steinman, basically.

Ahh.. Bad for Good... someone wanna tell me why I like this album? :)


Dark Archive

"Run with us" (the racoons theme song) by Lisa Locheed

Grand Lodge

Most Queen songs.

REO Speedwagon ballads.

Um, and I kinda like Bryan Adams' "Run to you". But not enough to put up a link.

I listen to whatever, I don't give a damn.

I'll listen to Barbara Streisand,
Judy Garland,

then put on some Behemoth.

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I listen to whatever, I don't give a damn.

I tell people the same thing about my radio show, and they never believe me. The line I keep getting is, "People say they listen to everything, but they don't listen to rap or country." Those exact words.

So, for tomorrow's show, I'm playing Hank Williams III, Johnny Cash, Jerry Jeff Walker, Ali Jezz, and 3rd Bass. How's that.

Vattnisse wrote:
Um, and I kinda like Bryan Adams' "Run to you". But not enough to put up a link.

How about this version?


Grand Lodge

Backstreet Boys.



Liberty's Edge

Songs from Corey Hart's Greatest Hits Album

Sunglasses at Night
Never Surrender
Eurasian Eyes
Boy in the Box
In Your Soul
I Can't Help Falling In Love

Saxon's "Rock the Nations" album.

Silver Crusade

Everything I ever listen to.

80 power ballads and hair rock mixed in with a healthy dose of indie stuff, Bowie, 60's/70's soul, early industrial, cheese, Elton John and Monty Python.

Bit of a mix really but all pretty mainstream. I like what I like...

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Beercifer wrote:

(Don't You) Forget About Me--Billy Idol

If you mean the song from The Breakfast Club, that's by Simple Minds, not Billy Idol.

As for myself, I'd have to nominate Phil Collins, "In the Air Tonight".

In case you hadn't heard, Billy Idol was originally commissioned to perform Don't You Forget About Me - the deal fell through, but if you check his greatest hits, there IS a recording erroneously dubbed a cover.

I blame VH1.

That said, I'm a danceaholic, and to make matters worse I have terrible taste. So for me, there's the big trinity of shameful guilty dirty music pleasures.

Yolanda B Cool feat. D-Cup - We No Speak Americano.
DJ Steve Aoki feat. Zuper Blaqh - I'm in the House! (LMFAO MIX)
Taio Cruz feat. Kesha - Take a Dirty Picture

Britney Speare's Hold it against me
The Saturdays Ego (I've had an image of the five female iconics singing this to Valeros)
Rhianna Only girl in the world
keasha take it off

Dark Archive

If it's horrible and dance-able, I'm all over it.

No Doubt - Hella Good (or Hey Baby)? Oh yeah.

Anything with vocals by Marsha Wash? (C&C Music Factory, Snap, etc.) Gets me moving.

I hate myself for being a GaGa convert.

When I stopped looking at it as pop music and treated it as performance art, for certain values of 'art', I found it grew on me like a freaky symbiote.

My guilty pleasure music wise: "Glee" versions of songs.

Also Richard Cheese who may be more brilliant than Wierd Al.

As an affirmed metalhead and redneck country boy my guilties are:

Musical Youth: Youth of Today [first single I bought]

Take That: The Flood

I feel like a weight has been lifted. Thank you Dr Shiny :)

Crazy B&~$+, by Buck Cherry. It's the last song I sang karoeke to. Basically it was an excuse to curse repeatedly and loudly in public.

I'm fully aware that this is going to destroy whatever remaining indie cred I might have, but...

...I really like Twenty One Pilots.

Spice Girls - 2 become 1

Although I'm not sure if it's a guilty pleasure if your response to someone razzing you for it would be along the lines of "shut up, it's a really good pop song, regardless of who made it."

Now, if someone were to give me crap for liking this pretty darn sexist song I'd have no defence, though.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Backstreet Boys.



Don't think I didn't see that and will be making a mental note of it to use against you at a later date.

Alright Since it has to be a song that I don't want people to now I enjoy then that leaves the numa numa song.


I dance at awful latin music at weddings... and I enjoy it!!!
But I would never admit it...


The Exchange

I used to have guilty pleasures but in the meantime I've become very unapologetic about what I like or not.

But as someone who hates german "Schlagermusik" with every fibre of his being, it would probably be this one:

Hey! You asked for it!

I was hoping for "Ein bischen frieden." (Not that you should be ashamed if you like that one.)

The Exchange

Well, the singer of "Ein bischen Frieden" comes from the same region I live in (I even met her once or twice in the shopping mall I'm usually buying my stuff) so we were naturally all big fans when she won the Eurovision contest with that song.

It's also that I feel that the old Schlager still had a bit of charm to it while today, around 95% of all songs have this terrible keyboard sound that we used to call "Euro trash" back in the 90's.

Oh and the modern lyrics are dumb as hell and I simply can't pretend (as I'm able with english songs) not to understand anything.

So I really kinda hate myself if one of those songs is catchy enough that I start to sing along.

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Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
Anything on Meatloaf's Bat Out Of Hell album.

That album's a masterpiece!

I have no songs that I could rate as guilty pleasures. I have no regrets about anything I listen to.

Ok, there's one: Bay City Rollers - I Only Wanna Be With You

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart
It's about a vampire! Plus, like a lot of people, anything written by Jim Steinman.

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