GM Red Box |

Welcome to my recruitment thread. Just over a year ago I decided to start GMing PbP. To that end I have an Iron Gods run near the end of the 2nd book and a Jade Regent starting the 2nd book. I want to run one more Pathfinder 1.0 AP before 2.0 comes out and I gradually switch to that system. To be clear this game will still be going and will remain as it was started unless all the players want to give me a migraine and make me change.
For my next GMing experience I am going to run Reign of Winter as a PbP adventure. AP’s are designed for four players, so I intend to only take four to five players.
I am going to run this a little differently then past games. I going to use actual XP which seems to be a rarity in a PbP game. Now this means if I take five players you will be a little behind the times on level but with how the action economy works that should not matter. [u] I am doing XP in this fashion to incentivize role play and will reward good role play. [/u]
[u] Submissions [/u]
[u] Questionnaire [/u]
- How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
- How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
- Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
- Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
- Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
- As there any other information you would like to share?
- Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
[u] Character Rules [/u]
- Each submittal should have backstory and crunch though it does not need to be an alias. The backstory does not need to go overboard.
- 20pt buy / Max HP at 1st Roll for all other levels / Max gold for class
- No ability scores, before racial modifiers, above 16
- 2 Traits 1 from the AP (weaknesses need to be pre-approved by me as I do not love the system)
- All Paizo materials are valid, no third party
- Use background skills
- Cast your character (who plays them in the movie/TV show and budget is no limit)
[u] NOTE [/u]
Again, be prepared to track your own XP.
Again, I am doing XP this way to incentive role play. To put another way to incentive three-dimensional characters.
I copy, and past initiative and some other rolls from forms on my maps document. Be prepared to keep it up to date.
Gunslinger: Not against them but hitting against touch with full BAB [u] can [/u] be OP. Be prepared that I may give some defense against bullets to reflect something more in line with the rest of the classes.
Don’t ask me, can I play X race or X class, I already said all Paizo materials are valid.
As a GM and player I do not like heavy min/max characters. This doesn’t mean you can’t have some elements but let’s be reasonable.
Submissions end July 2nd 2018 I will have selections made shortly after July 4th.

JoshB |

* How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
30 years, multiple systems, gm and player
* How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Playing in 4
* Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
played up through the bandits at the inn, twice
* Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
5000+ posts over 4 years pbp play
* Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
no real issue with this
* Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?

TheUnthinker |

So I heavily edited the background from a character I submitted to a Giantslayer game. So if something stands out as especially odd I may not have pruned it properly. But overall I think it works fairly well and I think it could be a cool character to play given the game involved.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing? I am currently playing in 3 games and am recruiting as GM for a game.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? I read the first book a long time ago when trying to decide on what to GM next for my at home group. Ended up doing something else and I cant say I remember much.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time? Absolutely. There will be fringe cases where something happens and I cant but if at all possible Im generally going to try and make note of that to everyone first.
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game? Sure thing, will do so through PM if accepted.
As there any other information you would like to share? Milind Soman is my casting. And I will not be taking Slumber because while incredible I think its also sometimes just not fun. Gonna focus on debuffing in a not just "you dont get to play Pathfinder" way.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself? Yup. Luckily Herolab is basically cheating when it comes to things like that.
Strangers in a strange land Saccha found the people of Heldren to be surprisingly welcoming. He had traveled rather extensively in his youth but he was finding that Taldor was remarkably tolerant of various peoples for the most part. Saccha was a talented baker and while there were a few chefs in town, like the one who worked at the only inn, there was no one who really focused on making sweets. That made sense, sweets were a luxury that could not always be afforded. But Saccha saw it as an opportunity to give something back to the community that took him in when he was at his lowest. So he asked if he could utilize the kitchen of the Silver Stoat and began making his first pastries since his cook’s wagon had been lost in the bandit attack. His treats were a hit with the townsfolk and he worked out a deal with the owner of the Silver Stoat that he would split the profits of anything he sold if he could continue to use their kitchen. After several years of hard work and careful savings he was able to build Saccha’s Sweets with the help of some of the local townsfolk who had welcomed him into their community. He was rapidly known as the man who always had a candy for a crying child on hand and a kind word for anyone in town. Any festival of note was bound to have a table filled with Saccha’s pies and pastries, where he handed out various sweets in his riotously colorful Varisian aprons.
The transition to life in Heldren came with several difficulties for Saccha. Most notably was the issue of his faith. Hiding his worship from outsiders was second nature to Saccha of course. Very few places welcomed the worship of the Pallid Princess openly after all. Saccha, his wife and the rest of his caravan had been worshipers of Urgathoa in her aspect as a goddess of indulgence and vice. They were comfortable traveling on the road because it allowed them to indulge in drink, food and other vices in a city then move along before causing too much of a stir. But when Saccha’s wife and friends were killed it was obvious things would have to change. Those who worship Urgathoa don’t swear “till death do us part” when married because they believe a bond should last beyond death. Saccha had no way to save his wife’s life but he could do everything in his power to protect their daughter. Saccha knew he had to be careful, he lived by the laws of Heldren and did whatever he had to in order to make Sapphi’s life as joyous as possible. His success in town was largely because of his desire to make her want for nothing. He encouraged her to do whatever made her happy. But he never turned his back on the Pallid Princess. Indeed in his own way his business was his worship of her. Encouraging indulgence and excess, sweets for the joy of food rather than the necessity of survival was his silent homage to Urgathoa.
Magic had always been in his blood as a Varisian, he knew this. But in time it became clear that his devotion to Urgathoa had gained some recognition in its own way. His daughter was the first to really notice it. As she grew older she had been instructed in the ways of worship of their Pallid Princess as well, just as Saccha and his wife had always planned for her to be. She noticed that when someone ate Saccha’s sweets they seemed to just feel better, there was something enchanting about them. Sapphi encouraged him to perform an Obedience to Urgathoa. So together they ate to the point of fullness, drinking a dark red wine between bites. But before he could eat the old, spoiled cake he had made for the purpose, it began to twitch and come to life. It contorted into the form of a snowy owl, with buttercream instead of feathers. And when it spread its wings there was the faintest impression of a death’s head moth made out across its small wingspan. The owl flew to him and settled on his shoulder, accepting him as its master and binding him to something greater.
Over the next few years he began to experiment with his abilities to gain a greater understanding of the blessings that had been bestowed upon him. Keeping his religion a secret was obviously second nature to him at this point. Religion wasn’t an especially large focus for anyone in Heldren anyways. Although they had a small temple of Erastil the cleric there tended to act on the towns behalf regardless of faith, it wasn’t something that was rigidly enforced. His daughter began to take over more and more aspects of running the shop while he focused on the arcane and under her care the shop continued to prosper. With his daughter in a position of happiness and fulfillment, able to run the shop quite well on her own, Saccha found himself feeling something he had not in a very long time, wanderlust. The Varisian blood in his yearned to travel the open roads once again. He was getting on in years, almost forty-seven years old now, and he felt he did not have much more time to travel before it grew too difficult to truly enjoy. Perhaps there was a bit of adventure left in the old sweet maker’s bones before he was ready to settle down for good.
Middle-aged human witch (gingerbread witch) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65, Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 72, Ultimate Wilderness 213)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks hexes (cackle[APG], cauldron[APG], child-scent[UM], evil eye[APG])
Witch (Gingerbread Witch) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st—command (DC 16), infernal healing[ISWG], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
. . Patron Time
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0.5; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Hex[APG], Extra Hex[APG]
Traits fast-talker, restless wayfarer
Skills Bluff +6, Craft (alchemy) +13, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Profession (cook) +4, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Aklo, Common, Gnome, Hallit, Skald, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ able assistant, gingerbread familiar, witch's familiar (owl (valet) named Creme)
Other Gear dagger, 168 gp
Special Abilities
Able Assistant (Ex) Treat valet as it possesed Cooperative Crafting and all Craft skills and item creation feats you have.
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Child-Scent (Ex) The witch gains the scent ability, but only with respect to humanoid children and immature animals. Thus, she could sniff out a child's hiding place or a den of wolf pups, but not the child's parents or the den mother.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evil Eye -2 (8 rounds, DC 15) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Gingerbread Familiar (Ex) Familiar is a construct, but can be recreated in 8h at no cost
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.

GM Red Box |

A few thing I should add about my reliability and because I asked question that I probably should have to answer myself.
I am a CEO, happily married with a 2 year old. It is hard to get more stable and it is hard to get someone who is less likely to have the time to play in person any more. This is my outlet for a hobby I have been involved in since the very early 80's. Yes, that makes me old to have a 2 year old.
I work long days but almost all days have enough time to post during my work day.
I run two games on Paizo and one home-brew on another board where I am a co-GM. I play in a lot of games in PbP but I have a feeling 50% of them will not make it.
I am east coast and post between 6am and 9pm EST.
Oh, I should mention maps are in Google Documents. If that doesn't work it will be a problem though it seems to work for most everyone.

Ouachitonian |

1) How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
2) How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
3) Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
4) Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
5) Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
6) As there any other information you would like to share?
7) Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
1) About 3 years in Pathfinder specifically, another decade or so in other games.
2) 10 others playing, though a couple of those at least look like they're not long for this world.3) I played in one PBP here on the boards that died during the first encounter.
4) Yes.
5) Yes.
6) I should probably note that I'm Ivar in your Iron Gods game, and Lucien in a RotR game I think you're also playing in.
7) I'm not used to tracking XP, (I've usually been in games where the GM tracked it or just advanced us a appropriate spots) but I don't have a problem with doing so.
Not sure precisely what I want to play yet, but definitely something fire-focused. I've got a gnome pyrokineticist from a RotR game that died that I might use. Plenty of other possibilities, though, from bloodrager to hunter to oracle to vigilante, that can sling a lot of fire.

RobL8675309 |

1)How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
a lot, 36 years this August
2)How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Currently in a number of games (like a dozen) but many of them are on-again/off-again based on people's schedules. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't bad. I'm not running any games and have no plans to at present.
3)Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I have started it twice, but haven't made it past the bandits before something happens and it all falls apart. Hope springs eternal with Reign
4)Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
yep. And on the days that I can't, I'll let you know
5)Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
6)As there any other information you would like to share?
Like you, this is how I unwind from my job. I usually check the boards at least twice a day. I'm in a fairly stable position, so not going anywhere.
7)Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself? yeah, as long as I know that ahead of time, no problem

alexgndl |

Still working on my character idea, so I’ll answer these questions in the meantime:
How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
I’ve been playing RPGs, and Pathfinder specifically, since 2012. It was my first RPG, and the one I have the most experience with.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
I’m currently in 3 Pathfinder PbP games, and 1 Shadow of the Demon Lord game. I don’t really GM anymore, I’m not very good at it.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I’ve GM’ed a very small part of the first book, that fell apart rather quickly due to the aforementioned suckiness at GMing. I read the first 3 books in preparation for that game, This was in 2015 though, it’s been a while.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Yep! If something comes up, of course I’ll let you know.
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
As there any other information you would like to share?
Don’t think so! I’m still figuring out what to build, I want to do something kind of casty. I was thinking an oracle, or possibly the Sylvan Trickster Unchained Rogue-something that doesn’t necessarily depend on casting, but still can do some magical stuff.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
Yep! It’s been a looooong time since I’ve done that, but shouldn’t be too hard.

Stalwart |

I've got some games winding down, and wouldn't mind picking another one up. I'm dotting for interest, thinking about a winter witch archetype. Someone who tried to reject the mantle that her mother prepared for her and fled. But the power of Irrisen is drawing her back.
* How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
30+ years with multiple systems, both as gm and player.
* How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Playing in six, GMing two. But as I said, a couple are winding down and will be likely over soon.
* Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I played a good chunk of books one and two, but it was several years ago -- heck, I can't even recall what character class I was.
* Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
I can meet that sort of pace. And can give a head's up if somethings going to keep me away for a while.
* Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
I don't ever expect to ghost. I've been on these boards since 2011, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. But I'll be willing.
* Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
I understand; won't be a problem.
I'll work up the backstory and crunch for my submission sometime over the weekend. I've got a bit of travel between now and Saturday.

CaptainFord |

How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
Around 2 - 2.5 years? I've lost a bit of track with it, but it feels a lot longer than that, honestly! I primarily play Pathfinder, haven't forayed much into other systems.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Playing in 5, GMing none. Most of my games are moving at a relatively slow pace.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I've gotten started a few times and we've gotten up to the overturned carriage in each one... beyond that, I know you kill Rasputin at some point (assuming you're playing well, obviously)
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Definitely! Usually even able to manage a couple posts on the weekends too!
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Certaninly, not that I plan to ghost at all. I've got things pretty stable at the moment.
Is there any other information you would like to share?
I have a love of kobolds and other really weird character types. Sometimes optimized, sometimes not. Odds are, you'll get a weird or strange concept from me. I am always up for flavor over mechanics, though the mechanics do help keep things moving steadily.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
I got it, and am ready to roll out!


How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
18 years? I picked up the 3.0 Starter Box as a kid and it's been my favorite hobby since. My favorite game is probably Pathfinder, but my favorite settings are either Legend of the Five Rings or Shadowrun.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
I run four games currently and play in none. I'm hoping to change that. :)
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter?
I've run the first book of Reign of Winter when it was first released and I've played in a PbP game very briefly, before the GM vanished.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Is there any other information you would like to share?
As far as reliability goes, I am my own supervisor on the job and I have plenty of downtime, although it skews more towards the morning than the afternoon. This leaves me with plenty of time to post and review my games.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
That definitely won't be a problem.

Tayanalla |

This is JoshB's submission.
Tayanalla is an apprentice magus, traveling across Taldor to visit a fencing master to continue her training. She is a Spelldancer, a specialist that blends acrobatics, magic, and martial abilities into a single discipline.
Having mastered the basics of spell combat, Taya is currently focused on growing her skill with her rapier. She has learned the basics as part of her training, but she needs more practice and experience to grow in the martial arts.
She is a student of geography, with a drive to explore and see the world that took her from her family home in a community of elves and led her to travel as she received her education in spellcasting.
Her decision to leave home was a disappointment to her father who is a wizard that follows a more traditional spellcasting tradition. He feels embarrassed that his daughter ran off to study magic with undignified hippies that dance in the woods.
Tayanalla is a female elf who just passed her 132 birthday. She is blonde haired with green eyes, about 5 foot 11 inches tall and 135 pounds in weight. She is slight in build and exceptionally nimble. She dresses in muted greens and browns that help her blend into nature. She wears a chain shirt under her tunic for basic protection and a rapier hanging in a scabbard at her belt.
I see Tayanalla being played by Scarlett Johansson in the Reign of Winter movie.

RobL8675309 |

ok, character basically done. Few tidbits to add on
Asric, Divine Defender Paladin
Asric grew to be a strong and curious boy. He had an inquisitive mind and an active imagination. He would often pretend that the farm animals were fearsome beasts and he the noble knight off to save those in distress. More than anything though, he wanted to explore. Port Ice was (and is) a town full of pirates and criminals. He just didn't see how people could choose that kind of life. Of course he understood the plight of the landless peasant, but how does that excuse a life of taking advantage of others? No. That would not be his life.
One winter as he was helping his mother at his gandmother's inn, a man came in with a sword and threatened them for their till. As the man moved on the women, Asric came hard at him with a fireplace poker. Two other accomplices heard the noise and came running to help the theif. Asric bested them all and drove them into the snow. But during the melee, his scarf was ripped off. As the men turned back, a bright light shone about him, terrifying the men. Something had happened to Asric. Some thing had awoken inside of him.
He knew that he must leave. In the weeks that followed, he gathered the things he might need and told his mother that he would check on her from time to time. The gods would lead him to where he was needed most and he would serve as an example to those who would take advantage of the meek. His recent travels have led him the town of Heldren, where it seems a very early winter has set in.
Asric Swain
Male Divine Defender(Paladin)-1
LG Med Fetchling/Kayal Outsider(native)
Init+1; Senses Perception-1; Low-light vision, Darkvision 60'
AC:16/18 Touch:11 Flat:15/17 (+5 armor, +1dex, +2shield)
-Resist Cold 5, Electric 5
HP: 11 {+1d10+Con}
Fort: +3 {+2Base,+1Con}
Reflex: +1 {+0Base,+1Dex}
Will: +1 {+2Base,-1Wis}
CMD 15 {+1BAB +3Str +1Dex}
Speed: 30 ft. (20 in armor)
Melee:+4 {+1BAB, +3Str}
-Greatsword +4 (2d6+3), 19-20/x2, S
-Warhammer +4 (1d8+3), B
-Dagger +4 (1d4+3), 19-20/x2, P/S
Ranged:+2 {+1BAB +1Dex}
-Longbow +2 (1d8), x3, 100', P
Str: 16, Dex: 12, Con: 13, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 16
BAB:+1 CMB:+4 CMD:15
-Magical Knack:Paladin-+2 to CL
-Restless Wayfarer-+1 to kn:geog and kn:loc, add kn:loc in class, +1 language
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
Stats:+2Dex/Cha, -2Wis
Type: Outsider(native)
Shadow Blending: Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance.
Shadowy Resistance: cold resist 5, electric resist 5
Skilled: +2 Stealth and Kn:Planes
Spell-like Abilities: fetchlings can use disguise self once per day as a spell-like ability. He can assume the form of any humanoid creature. A fetchling’s caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, he gains shadow walk (self only) as a spell-like ability usable once per day. A fetchling’s caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 13th level in any combination of classes, he gains plane shift (self only, to the Shadow Plane or the Material Plane only) usable once per day as a spell-like ability. A fetchling’s caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice.
Darkvision 60'
Low-light vision
-Power attack:-1 to hit, +2 to damage
---------------=Skills=- (2 class+INT/level)---------------
Adv: *Diplomacyx1+7, *Sense Motivex1+3, *Kn:Localx1+6, *Kn:Religionx1+5, *^Ridex0+1, ^Stealthx0-+3
Background: *Handle Animalx1+7, Kn:Geographyx1+3
*=in-class ^=ACP penalty
ACP -6
Common, Aklo, Hallit
Favored Class: Paladin
FCB:1)+1 skill
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=-------------------------------
Aura of Good-=LVL(1)
Detect Evil-@will, as move action
Smite Evil- 1/day, vs evil=+CHA(3) to attack and AC(deflection), bypasses all DR, +LVL(1) to damage(x2 vs. evil outsiders, evil dragons, and undead for 1st attack); remains active until death of target or rest
Prof: All simple+ all martial WP, Lt, Med, Hvy armor, Shields
------------------------------=1st (0/day)=------------------------------
-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- -----
Combat: greatsword 50/8, longbow 75/3, dagger 2/1, quiver-20 1/3, warhammer 12/3, scale mail 50/30, heavy wood shield 7/10 =197/58
Non-combat: backpack 2/2 (warm but itchy blanket .5/3, survival kit 5/4, soap .01/.5, 50' silk rope 10/5, torch .01/1, trail rationsx5 2.5/5, chalkx8 .08/-), bandolierx2 1/-, belt pouch .5/.5, explorer's outfit -/8 =21.6/29(20.5 pack)
-=Carrying Capacity=-
Light 0-76 Medium 77-153 Heavy 154-230
-=Current Load Carried=-
Med 87 (66.5 Light w/o pack)
-=Money=- 81GP 4SP CP
Who would play him in the movie? a youngish John Cusack (early 90's, say before "Con-Air", but after "Say Anything"). I could be talked into a young Adrian Pasdar if we had to watch the budget

Kleora |

This is the alias for Drogeney's character submission, the character sheet is basically done, excepting one language and gear (nothing stated about starting wealth).
The goal is to eventually take the Feysworn PRC.
How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
Around 10 years worth at this point, the vast majority of it is with pathfinder though I have played DnD 3.x/5, NWoD some as well.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Roughly 19 that I play in, though many are very slow/in the process of dying right now. I run one Skulls and Shackles Campaign on RPOL.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I've played through around a third of the first book but every time the game dies on me. This blows because it is a campaign I very much want to play. I do have a general idea of where things end up going, that's part of the reason I want to play the campaign so much.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
I think I can come close to it. I tend to average more of an every other day lately due to long hours at work the days I am there and the inability to reliably post while there. That being said the more I'm kept interested the faster/more often I post.
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Sure, doesn't bother me any.
As there any other information you would like to share?
I will be attending GenCon in August so my posting will be sparse/non-existent during that time frame.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
Yes, it is something that I don't often do as most games don't bother but I can keep track of it.

![]() |

[u] Submissions [/u]
[u] Questionnaire [/u]
- How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
I have been playing Pathfinder for about 6 years - How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
I am not currently in any, I am just getting into PbP - Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I have played through the first book and a half but the GM wasn't very good and I doubt very much that what I played was more than 50% actual AP. - Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
That would not be a problem - Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
I could do that. - As there any other information you would like to share?
I am new to PbP but really looking forward to getting into it so that I have a better chance to RP and develop my characters than I get to in face to face games. - Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
I can do that.
[u] Character Rules [/u]
- Each submittal should have backstory and crunch though it does not need to be an alias. The backstory does not need to go overboard.
Backstory:Abertus was born to human parents, they couldn't handle having a tiefling for a child. His very existence, they felt, was an affront to their good name because it clearly shows that at some point in the family's history they had dealing with demon or devils. Abertus' father took him into the woods where he was left for dead. But in the first of many turns of good luck for the young fiend, Abertus was found by a wizard that was traveling (and completely lost in) those woods. The wizard raised him and taught him all that he could. While Abertus showed no talent for spell casting he was surprisingly adept at creating potions and was always looking for new knowledge.Alchemy came very naturally to Abertus and he soon had learned all that he could from his father (the wizard) so he set off to find more to learn of magics and the way that the arcane. Hearing stories of the white witches in the north that was were he set off for.
- 20pt buy / Max HP at 1st Roll for all other levels / Max gold for class
- No ability scores, before racial modifiers, above 16
- 2 Traits 1 from the AP (weaknesses need to be pre-approved by me as I do not love the system)
- All Paizo materials are valid, no third party
Male N Tiefling Alchemist, Level 1, Init 3, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 2, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
Dagger 0/+3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Splash Bomb +4 (1d6+4, )
Studded leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 6

theasl |

Hmm. I'm thinking about an undine divine caster, with the Restless Wayfarer campaign trait. Cleric or inquisitor if I can find a suitable deity, druid or hunter if not.
- How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
Very little compared to most people here, it would seem. I only started tabletop 2-3 years ago (though I've played video game RPGs for most of my life, and studied game design in university). I've yet to have a game last long enough to level up a character more than twice.
- How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
I'm playing in five and GMing one over two websites, though several of the games are in the one-post-per-week territory.
- Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter?
I know the general plot, but I haven't gone through it yet.
- Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Generally, yes. I prefer to not make random filler posts if the game is waiting on someone or if I don't have anything constructive to add, but it's certainly a thing that can be done.
- Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Not sure how much use it'd be, since the only situation I can see myself ghosting is a medical emergency, but sure, why not.
- As there any other information you would like to share?
I'm planning on running RoW myself at some point, but it probably won't be for a while. I figure that it'd be nice to go through as a player first.
- Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?

Aramant Drakkuskail |

Hey guys, here's my submission for the game. I was going to go with a Witch going for Winter Witch, but I decided to go for something different :) Although I don't have Sasquatch on my character sheet, I'd definitely buy it with Linguistics just so we could be a group speaking Sasquatch between ourselves. Scheming and planning!
How much experience do you have in RPG's?
Probably something around twenty five years.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
I'm currently playing on three. I'd love to keep it under five for a maximum. Although I GMed in the past, currently I'm just playing.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I never GMed or read, but played the very beginning of a game that unfortunately died.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Yes, definitely.
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Sure, not a problem.
As there any other information you would like to share?
Please feel free to check my history of posts and past/current PbPs if you'd like to see some samples of how I post.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
Yes - even if unusual, it wouldn't be the first PbP where I track it. I usually add it to the header of the character. Hero Lab helps me track it.
Who would you cast to play your character?
Andy Serkis - not only I think his work is great as an actor (even funny sometimes, like in Black Panther), but he could also do the motion capture later on when the shifting abilities of the character would turn him into an animal! Even if he looks quite older than Aramant (which is probably around 27), since the character uses long beard and hair (and has trails of white hair because of his heritage), with some makeup this wouldn't be an issue.


How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
Been playing (mostly pathfinder) for about 10 years now.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
Playing in one, gming one.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I read through it a few years ago.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
As there any other information you would like to share?
I am highly into roleplay and storycrafting, which is the primary reason I play rpgs.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
Shouldn't be a problem.
With that out of the way, I have my character concept pretty much down. I want to play a Kellid warrior with the Warded against witchery trait. I am torn between a shadow bloodrager and a fiend keeper medium.
Is VMC allowed? If not, then I'll play the bloodrager, if it is, then I'll play the medium. Also: which version of rage would I be using, regular or unchained?

karlprosek |

I'll try for this game. Right now I'm thinking mage hunting Tetori Monk, brought up in secret to take down Witches by a shadowy anti-government group. I'll get a sheet and bio up asap, but here's the player questionnaire.
How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
My first RPG was the red D&D Basic box (then the blue, turquoise, black, and gold boxes) so I guess... 30+ years? I've played Palladium games (hence the avatar name), FASA/WizKids, GDW, Marvel, Steve Jackson, R. Talsorian, WEG, and so many WotC/Paizo/3rd party 3.0/3.5/PF d20 systems. You'd have to get pretty obscure before you hit a game I haven't tried.
How many PbP games are you currently in? GMing?
3 active games on these boards, 5 active play-by-email games. I'm currently GMing 1 of the PbEMs.
Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
I've never played RoW but I read through the first couple of mods when the AP first came out years ago.
Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Yes. I can post multiple times a day, M-F.
Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
Is there any other information you would like to share?
I have an office job at large company and have a pretty stable schedule, so my posting is pretty regular and I've outlived the majority of games I've joined on these boards. I won't ghost on you, is what I'm saying.
Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?

karlprosek |

It's not 100% done- he doesn't have any gear yet- but the stats, traits, and feats are selected and the bio is done. This is about 98% finished. I can make a new alias for him if he's selected.
Basically, he's a lock-down artist, designed to get in close and grapple. He also has Disable Device and Stealth since he's supposed to be a mage killer and the best place to kill a mage is when they're asleep in bed. So while he's not exactly a skill monkey, he can open a lock if need be.
The small peasant community of Kerad in Bleakmarch is known for being unremarkable. In the shadow of Morozny and Zelen, the tiny town is so small and insignificant it doesn't even have a jadwiga minder. This is what makes it interesting to a certain segment of the community.
To those in the know, Kerad is a place of refuge, a staging ground, and a safe space to talk and organize. The Heralds of Summer's Return know they can find shelter there, and several Heralds have settled there to train the next generation of rebels. Sejer was born in Kerad, the son of Bjorn Detleif and his dwarven wife, Tola Northstar.
Sejer has always been good with his hands, tough and strong, and when he was old enough to start training Eckhard Rikulf approached his parents and asked to teach him his way of fighting. Sejer's mother is a secret priestess of Desna, and while she is a peaceful person she is strongly opposed to the jadwiga and their queens. She convinced her husband to agree and young Sejer started his training.
The Heralds have many theories on how best to overthrow Baba Yaga and her daughters, from magical rituals to violent uprising. Most accept that at some point it will come down to killing the witches, and Rikulf is concentrating on that aspect of the plan. Rikulf trains people to kill witches- in battle, where they have to avoid the witches spells and magic, and in secret, where they have to silently, stealthily infiltrate the witches' strongholds. Rikulf also knows you can't rely on having any particular equipment or allies to help you in battle, so he trains his students to be able to kill bare handed.
Sejer excelled at his studies, mastering how to open locks and enter places unseen, how to keep an opponent from speaking their words of power and how to kill with his bare hands. He has been exposed to places of power and warded against the mutating magic controlled by the winter witches. He has bathed in the Rimefrost a thousand times and exposed himself over and over to dangerous freezing temperatures. He has studied Irrisen's history and knows the names of a hundred queens, jadwiga, and other important figures from his country's past.
A half-dwarf, he has been able to study for years and years and not appreciably age to a human's eyes. He has yet to kill anyone, though, but he knows the theory very well indeed. Sejer has never been far from Kerad, has never left Bleakmarch province. Which is why it was a surprise one morning recently when he closed his eyes to meditate in a snowbank and opened them in a temperate glade near a small Taldan village even smaller than his hometown.
Visual inspiration would be Rollo from Vikings (Clive Standen).
Sejer Bjornson
Dwarf (Half-Ulfen) Monk (Tetori) 1
Appearance: Very tall for a dwarf, only a foot or so shorter than a normal human male. Though that makes him very short for an Ulfen man, his thick, solid build and heavy, dense muscles make it hard to discount him at a glance. He has a full beard and long dark hair he ties back before battle or training, and dark, intense eyes.
Personality: In the mold of his Ulfen and dwarven ancestors, Sejer is focused and serious when studying, training, or fighting, but able to let loose when the time comes to drink and carouse. He loves competition and testing himself against others at physical challenges, especially when his opponent expects him to be at a disadvantage because of his lack of height or reach.
Str 14
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 10
HP 11
AC 15 10 +1 Dex +3 Wis +1 Feat/Touch 15/FF 13
Fort +5
Ref +4
Will +5
+1 to save vs spells/SLAs/SU abilities of evil arcane spellcasters
Init +1
BAB +0
Melee +2
Ranged +1
Unarmed Strike +2 (1d6+2,x2)
CMB +2 +0 BAB +2 Str
CMD 16 10 +0 BAB +2 Str +1 Dex +3 Wis
Grapple CMB +5 +1 BAB +2 Str +2 Feat
Grapple CMD 20 10 +1 BAB +2 Str +1 Dex +3 Wis +2 Feat
Acrobatics +5 1 +1 Dex +3 CS
Disable Device +6 1 +1 Dex +3 CS +1 Trait Can disable magical traps.
Perception +7 1 +3 Wis +3 CS
Stealth +5 1 +1 Dex +3 CS
Knowledge: History +4 1 +0 Int +3 CS
AC Bonus
Bonus Feats
Flurry of Blows Graceful Grappler
Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist (DC 13) 1/day
Trap Finder
Warded Against Witchery
1: Snapping Turtle Style
M1: Improved Grapple
M2: Stunning Pin
3: Snapping Turtle Clutch
5: Snapping Turtle Shield
M6: Greater Grapple
9: Rapid Grappler
M10: Pinning Knockout
M14: Chokehold
M18: Neckbreaker


Ok, build questions time. VMC gives me sorcerer bloodline. The feat Raging Blood gives me bloodrager bloodline. I'm taking Abyssal, and the 1st level power for both bloodlines is Claws. Would you rule that these are two separate powers, or do they stack (and if so, how?).
Also: for clarification, when you said weaknesses, you meant drawbacks, correct? Is Umbral Unmasking acceptable? My plan is to play it as his shadow is in the shape of the fiend bound in him, rather than his own.

Kleora |

I realized that I forgot to answer one of the questions today and just got the change to do so.
Cast your character (who plays them in the movie/TV show and budget is no limit)
Alice Hewkin I think best fits the character appearance. Not very good at this kind of thing because I don't really know most actors/actresses very well.
I also realized that I need a better avatar image.

![]() |

Somebody mentioned a witch but I figured I'd ask anyway.
- How much experience do you have in RPG’s?
Started D&D in 1977. Have played several but stayed with D&D through the many changes. I prefer Pathfinder.
- How many PbP games are you currently in? Just started 1 on this board. Several (7?) on a Tapatalk board, but they are all going slow or dying.
GMing? 1, Also on Tapatalk, a Pathfinder Gauntlet style dungeon crawl. It is also dying....
- Have you played, GMed or read Reign of Winter? Note that experience will not rule you out.
No. First I've heard of it.
- Can you post at least once per day M-F 90% of the time?
Easily. Looking forward to a fast paced game.
- Would you, if requested, provide an actual email for contact if you ghost the game?
- As there any other information you would like to share?
I'm an east coast (Raleigh NC) retired Marine. Loving gaming and prefer casters to melee types.
- Do you understand that you need to track XP and other resources for yourself?
Understand and can do.
Cast your character: Donald Sutherland

Kleora |

Aaaand that's what happens when I'm exhausted and try to post something that makes sense. Get the character application completely messed up and choose a ridiculously poor actress choice. I need to revisit that. For some reason I had it in my head I was applying with a kitsune. Stupid me.
To redo this
Cast your character (who plays them in the movie/TV show and budget is no limit)
Now that I have my head on straight I think Emma Watson would do the role well.

GM Red Box |

Here is what I am seeing so far. Application is open until end of day July 2nd.
Asric – Paladin – Fetchling - ?
Sejer – Monk – Dwarf – Clive Standen
Aramant – Shifter – Human- Andy Serki
Abertus – Alcamist – Tiefilin -?
Tayanalla – Magus –Elf - ?
Saccha – Witch – Human -?
Kelora – Psychic – Human – Emma Watson
Rerdahl – Witch –Ratfolk - Donald Sutherland
Maja – Investigator – Halfling –
I may have to go over this again, I feel like there are more out there but I am doing this while making dinner lol.

Stalwart |

I'm still here, working on my winter witch character. It's not close to ready, but if you need a link, here it is. Again, there's a lot of polish I plan on adding. My travel just got extended a day. I'll still get everything done by the due date, I promise.


Ok, build questions time. VMC gives me sorcerer bloodline. The feat Raging Blood gives me bloodrager bloodline. I'm taking Abyssal, and the 1st level power for both bloodlines is Claws. Would you rule that these are two separate powers, or do they stack (and if so, how?).
Also: for clarification, when you said weaknesses, you meant drawbacks, correct? Is Umbral Unmasking acceptable? My plan is to play it as his shadow is in the shape of the fiend bound in him, rather than his own.
I believe my questions were missed as well.

GM Red Box |

SOLDIER-1st wrote:I believe my questions were missed as well.Ok, build questions time. VMC gives me sorcerer bloodline. The feat Raging Blood gives me bloodrager bloodline. I'm taking Abyssal, and the 1st level power for both bloodlines is Claws. Would you rule that these are two separate powers, or do they stack (and if so, how?).
Also: for clarification, when you said weaknesses, you meant drawbacks, correct? Is Umbral Unmasking acceptable? My plan is to play it as his shadow is in the shape of the fiend bound in him, rather than his own.
Although I may not be seeing the implications of this, as I really have not dealt much with VMC, I would say it i two separate not stacking.
That drawback is fine I guess.


SOLDIER-1st wrote:SOLDIER-1st wrote:I believe my questions were missed as well.Ok, build questions time. VMC gives me sorcerer bloodline. The feat Raging Blood gives me bloodrager bloodline. I'm taking Abyssal, and the 1st level power for both bloodlines is Claws. Would you rule that these are two separate powers, or do they stack (and if so, how?).
Also: for clarification, when you said weaknesses, you meant drawbacks, correct? Is Umbral Unmasking acceptable? My plan is to play it as his shadow is in the shape of the fiend bound in him, rather than his own.
Although I may not be seeing the implications of this, as I really have not dealt much with VMC, I would say it i two separate not stacking.
That drawback is fine I guess.
Cool. As for actors I’d say probably either a young Russell Crowe or maybe Joe Dempsie.