Crypt of the Everflame

Game Master BaktruToo

A simple trek to go and light a lantern, turns out to be not so simple...

Beginners Pathfinder module.

Hey all,

Wall of Text alert...
This turned out a lot longer than I expected.

Who am I?
First off let me introduce myself. I'm a longtime TableTop RPG player and Dungeon Master. After I moved to a rather small town however, there seem to little to no opportunities for RPGs, and especially Pathfinder nearby. As such, I want to try my hand at PbP. I like the format from what I see here on the forums (and some others) and spent quite a bit of time reading through some PbP threads for inspiration. I'm in Europe by the way so bigger posts would typically be around evening my time.

What do I want to run
A beginner's adventure. Last I DM'ed a DnD 3.5-ish game, Pathfinder was still brand new and we essentially played kind of halfway between 3.5 and PF. As it will be my first PbP I want to limit the difficulty level for myself a tad so I can keep this rolling.
Note that this is pretty much a classic dungeon crawl with puzzles, traps and enemies.

What I expect of you
Mostly, frequent posting so the game can keep rolling. The typical a post a day expectation, let's say.
Be nice to each other. We're here to have some fun with Pathfinder, and I like my games friendly. I've had games in the past where IC player conflict was common, but that was with a group that had been playing together for years.
No experience with PbP is required, but I do expect that everyone that is new to this, has read this post: [url][/url]
Note also that I will be expecting you to keep track of your current stats/buffs/debuffs/inventory etc.
And of course, hopefully have fun with this little adventure.

Level: Brand new fresh level 1 adventurers.
Races and classes: Core only (Monk, Rogue and Barb can be unchained) (again, to make this more manageable)
Build: 20 point point buy.
Hitpoints: Max for 1st level, average rounded up for 2nd and up.
Starting Wealth: Average for class.
Traits: 2, anything Paizo goes.
Archetypes: Allowed.
Feats: Anything Paizo.
Optimization level: Note that this is a fairly easy adventure so you shouldn't need to overly min-max.

As this is part of the story, your character is young, on the cusp of adulthood, and currently lives in the town of Kassen. You didn't necessarily grow up there all your life, but you are a current resident. Also as part of the whole story, you are not an adventurer yet, just a villager who may or may not be looking to become an adventurer. So your background can be short, just some explanation who your character is, what you currently do and what your character is looking to become.

You all live in Kassen, a small village of less than a thousand souls, in the remote Fangwood. The main industries in town are logging, farming and fishing, although the local inn also sees some good trade whenever ships travelling the Skelt have a stopover, or a party from one of the cities comes hunting for boar and deer in the woods.

The village itself was founded by a retired adveturer named Ekat Kassen, some 200 years ago. Way back then, when the village was still very young, a band of mercenaries lead by a man named Asar Vergas, started harassing the populace of Kassen's Hold, as it was named then, apparently for vengeance of some slight years before when Ekat and Asar adventured together. After 2 months of raids and harrasment, the villagers learned where the mercenaries were camped. They assembled a militia with Kassen at its head and went to drive the mercenaries out of the area. As the town failed to find a diplomatic solution with Asar, fighting broke out...

The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few townsfolk coming back to tell the tale. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Ekat suffered a mortal wound. He died 2 days later, on the 11th day of Neth, 4535.
In honor of their beloved founder, the townsfolk buried Kassen in an ancient nearby crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor. Above his sarcophagus, they put an eternal flame and over the years since it has become the target of a tradition...

Every year, 5 days before the autumn harvest festival, a group of 5 able people will make the trek out to the crypt, to go and light Kassen's antique lantern from the Everflame and bring it back alight, so that the spirit of Kassen may guard the village during winter, as symbolized by his lantern hanging, and shining from the roof of the Greathall. The five of course are then guests of honour at the festival, as they are the bringers of the Everflame.

Usually the five are chosen by drawing lots amongst all adults willing, but not every year... When sufficient young people in the village are coming of age, they may be sent instead as a sort of rite of passage. Could this year be yours?

Some background on the larger area around Kassen: Nirmathas Wiki

Liberty's Edge


thinking Human Fighter, might slap an archetype on her.

Ah, I'll throw my hat in the ring! I do enjoy a good basic game!

Maybe an archer cleric of Erastil!

Thinking Ranger, Human or Half-Elf. Would definitely fit in well in that sort of community, methinks.

Since Rheldon as called the Ranger, how about a cleric for me. If Rheldon decides not to play a ranger, I'd like to sub in mine.

I got to the entrance of the Crypt with my character before the GM bailed out, so this is still basically an unplayed adventure for me.

Dotting. Thinking a wizard.

CrystalSeas wrote:

Since Rheldon as called the Ranger, how about a cleric for me. If Rheldon decides not to play a ranger, I'd like to sub in mine.

I got to the entrance of the Crypt with my character before the GM bailed out, so this is still basically an unplayed adventure for me.

CaptainFord also showed interest in being a cleric it looks like. Not that I mind having a duplicate, it's not my business of course to tell you what to play, well other than pose some limits.

DM Baktru, how are you handling this recruitment? First come, first serve? Is there a deadline?

DM Baktru wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:

Since Rheldon as called the Ranger, how about a cleric for me. If Rheldon decides not to play a ranger, I'd like to sub in mine.

I got to the entrance of the Crypt with my character before the GM bailed out, so this is still basically an unplayed adventure for me.

CaptainFord also showed interest in being a cleric it looks like. Not that I mind having a duplicate, it's not my business of course to tell you what to play, well other than pose some limits.

To be fair, you can build a cleric a number of different ways. I personally am planning for ranged attacks and buffing, with some healing on the side and a little bit of survival skills, if that helps.

Liberty's Edge

Going with Lore warden Human. A swift duelist type, uses a starknife.

She's basically a stoic ice queen type, orphaned recently. most of the town knows and leaves her alone, she's considered a prodigy in combat.

Robo: Pretty much first come first serve. I don't expect a storm of entries for an old beginner's module run by a DM with no PBP experience anyway. As far as I'm concerned if you five are all in, we're good. I know any AP with a known good DM gets 100 plus applications, but I'm definitely not jumping into an AP just yet.

CaptainFord: Yup true. Cleric is very versatile. Last time I played a Cleric (in Neverwinter Nights, not tabletop) it was a buffer cleric as well.

Aisling: Sounds interesting.

All: I'll see about setting up the campaign threads tomorrow. Now time to go over the details of the village again.

Uh wrong alter ego...
I thought I changed it to defaulting to the DM one...

Did you know you can edit your posts (for the first hour) and change the avatar and alias?

And I'm glad to create a rogue, since it looks like that's what we're most in need of. Maybe human, maybe halfling

I own up to my mistakes ;) I know I will make more.

BTW folks when I do mistakes and I probably will.. Hopefully not too many. Call me out on it. I'll do my best not to but Pathfinder is not exactly simple.

BTW combat style I will let identical opponents share initiative.

In F2F every opponent gets his own roll but in PbP that makes no sense.

Example you face 10 rats. That leads to.. One player then 1 rat then 1 player then 3 rats then 1 player then 2 rats.

Different opponents though will get their own Initiative. You face 4 gnolls, 3 warriors and a shaman then they will be separated.

Another thing is, I will roll certain types of rolls that you shouldn't really know are happening elsewhere. Perception checks sometimes, saves against disease if any (as you wouldn't know you are infected until you get symptoms) and anything else where your character wouldn't know there even was a roll. It's the whole IC OOC thing. I'm a firm believer in the whole idea where yes, you know you were bitten by a rat and that might have infected you with Filth Fever... But no you do no know until you wake up all sweaty.

Other than that, things your characters wouldn't know, Secret rolls. Otherwise all my rolls will be in the open.

dotting here, looking at a halfling druid

Checking in with my halfling rogue. Mechanics to follow.

Not as detailed as I usually like my fluff to be, but this is CaptainFord's submission! An archer cleric of Erastil, as promised!

Ed here, halfling druid. Everything in the alias Profile.

Liberty's Edge

im all set here too, just buying minor equipment

Reading the characters :)

Can't get finished until later tonight.

Aisling, Ford and Jilhanna in of course. Looks like an interesting grouping so far.

I guess we can change the background a little to make it 6 people if needed (though I wouldn't stretch it beyond that or it gets way too unwieldy.) so the 4th party member is Goldilocks and Truffles then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess Rheldon and Robogeisha will come back as well. I'm actually looking forward to getting this on the road.

BTW lovely artwork as well with Aisling and Goldilocks.

the artwork is not mine I did shamefully "borrow" the art.

Unforseen Family stuff going on today and so I'll have my character up later this evening or tomorrow. Apologies on the delay.

Depending on how things go, I may multi-class Rheldon between Ranger and Barbarian if it seems we're lacking "muscle". We'll see. Starting as Ranger, though.

We'll see. I think this band may have quite a bit of muscle already. Not we're breaking the adventure level but pretty decent.

Edward: It is a very cute drwaing though. Very.. Disney :p

IC thread is up.

And don't respond yet ;) In the IC thread.

Just set the tone...

The point to respond will be when a guard knocks on your door.

Just waiting for Jilhanna to get her character set up now then we can get going.

And Rheldon. As soon as four are done we'll start though I think.

And sure family stuff happens, is no different here.

Sorry I'm holding things up. Feel free to move on without me. Real Life has held me up yet again. Have a good game, and I'll see you guys around.

Hi GM! Is this full? Or would you still have a place for an Elf Wizard, or Dwarf Ranger?

Ok, ready to go, Profile filled in

I apologize to everyone for holding things up.

Chess: We can take one more. So far we have a fighter, a cleric, a druid (and a boar!) and a rogue. So Wizard or Ranger would be fine I think.

Thanks! I’ll go for the wizard then. I’ll have it ready Monday if you don’t mind - once I’m closer to a computer again.

Cool we'll just fast forward you into wherever we are at that point then. Wizard sounds like the best match as there's no arcane caster yet. Never hurts to have a few magic missiles around.

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