Copper Dragon

Paris Crenshaw's page

Contributor. Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 2,475 posts (2,604 including aliases). 7 reviews. 4 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

Please cancel my subscriptions to Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Rules, and Starfinder Accessories.

That should leave the two adventure paths as my only subscriptions.

Thank you very much.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'm really sorry to bother you with this, but I mistakenly ordered two items as part of this order. I ordered them because I thought I had misplaced a shipment. However, I just found a box that had been tucked away and never opened.

Is it possible to remove Starfinder Adventure Path #21: Huskworld (Attack of the Swarm! 3 of 6) and Pathfinder Adventure Path #148: Fires of the Haunted City (Age of Ashes 4 of 6) from my sidecart? If it's too complicated to work a refund, due to the discounts applied, I would be happy to have the cost of those items converted to store credit.

Thanks and, again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I am getting an xml error when I try to download the Age of Ashes player’s guide and the Torment and Legacy demo adventure from my digital content. Can you please look into those two files and see if something needs to be reset on my account for those? Thanks!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Minor crisis. I can’t find my pre-order for the new PF rulebook line. At this point, I’m wondering if I spaced out and forgot to get one. I’ve decided to go ahead and start my subscription again, so is there any way to resume that subscription and still get a copy of the book, or is it too late for that?



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I have a friend who plans to pre-order the PF2 Deluxe Edition Core Rulebook. He also wants a standard copy for normal use, so I was going to get that regular copy for him. However, the system won’t allow me to give a pre-order as a gift. I can select the gift option in my cart, but I can’t see the option to add a gift recipient.

Is there any way to do that?



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I’m unfortunately not going to be able to go to PaizoCon, this year. Is it possible to cancel this 4-day badge order and either get a refund or convert it to store credit?

I’ll miss seeing everyone. I hope you have a great convention!


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

I was notified that the subject order was pending on July 12th. It was expected to ship within 1 to 7 business days. Yesterday, July 23rd was the 7th business day. (I’m not counting Saturdays, although I thought the warehouse worked on Saturdays.)

I realize that it’s almost GenCon and the Playtest preorders have to go out, but I haven’t received any notification of a delay and I’m not sure what’s up with this order.

I would be more patient, but items in this order are going to be used in a teens’ RPG club that a teacher and I are starting for local kids. Our first session is on August 4th, and I’m worried that time to allow for days in transit is running out.

Can you please take a look at my order, see if it’s not stuck for some reason, and if possible, let me know if it’s likely to arrive before August 4th?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

I've received two emails relating to this order. It contains the two latest Starfinder Society scenarios (1-16 & 1-17). The charge for the order is listed at $0.00 and none of the items is showing in my digital assets library.

Is this a system-wide issue or is there something going on with just my subscription?

Thanks for your help!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

After listening to The Glass Cannon Network's podcasts, I started wondering what actors I'd choose to portray the various iconics, and I'm interested in what other people think.

I'm sure folks will have other ideas, but I'll kick things off:

Altronus, Kasatha Solarion: CGI voiced by Rob Paulsen
Iseph, Android Operative: Tilda Swinton
Keskodai, Shirren Mystic: CGI voiced by Rufus Sewell
Navasi, Human Envoy: Alex Rice
Obozaya, Vesk Soldier: CGI voiced by Mischa Barton
Quig, Ysoki Mechanic: CGI voiced by Steve Buscemi
Raia, Lashunta Technomancer: Leslie-Ann Brandt

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Can you look into the subject order? One part says it shipped on May 14th, but it hasn’t arrived and there’s no tracking information available. I know you’re busy with PaizoCon, but if you could check into that, I’d appreciate it.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I need some help...maybe.

I am currently signed up to run two events for Legendary Games (Event 547519 and Event 544247). Neither of those events is showing up on my schedule and I'm not getting any errors when I select events that conflict with those events.

Will you please check to make sure the system sees me as a GM for those events?


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Is it too late to add my Holiday18 code to my January subscription shipment? There’s nothing else I need to buy right now and I don’t want the discount code to go to waste.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hi, Everyone!

I'm looking through the scenarios that are out, so far. Although several of them seem to have events or information relating to the Scoured Stars storyline, only "1-05: The First Mandate" is specifically called out in the product description as contributing to the season's story.

Are there other scenarios that should have the same call-out as 1-05?
For example,

"1-07: The Solar Sortie" specifically involves gathering information about a conspiracy related to the Scoured Stars mission.

I'm just putting together some reference information and want to make sure I get the details cataloged correctly.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

I noticed that some ships and components have company names associated with them, but others don't. In order to flesh out some of the setting info, I will be using the following in my Dead Suns campaign, so I thought I might share these with others, too. In some cases, I've expanded on tidbits included in descriptions of the ships at the beginning of each AP chapter. I have not included the names of organizations that have already been described as companies in the setting (Arabani Arms Ltd., Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems, Thaumtech Unlimited, and Nebulor Outfitters). These companies have been around for a long most cases, since the beginning of drift drive technology.

Pulse Engineering Systems: Manufacturers of the Pulse series of power cores and other starship systems
Micron: Manufacturers of the Micron series of power cores
Arcus Industries: Manufacturers of the Arcus series of power cores
Nova Technology Corporation: Manufacturers of the Nova series of power cores
Gateway Dynamics: Manufacturers of the Gateway series of power cores
Parabolic, Inc.: Manufacturers of the Signal series of drift engines; Parabolic, Inc., is also a fully recognized religious order within the church of Triune.
Dakkar Stardrive Systems: Manufacturers of the most common line of conventional thrusters in use today (Starfinder AP #1)
Gorkal Imperial Defense: A vesk company that produces top-grade starship weapons, like the gyrolasers on the Sunrise Maiden (Starfinder AP #1)
Reinbach Prism Technologies: Manufacturer of laser weapon systems, like the cannons mounted on the Sunrise Maiden (Starfinder AP #1)
Alkaria Unlimited: Eoxian weapons manufacturer, producing particle beam weapons, like the ones on the Thaumtech Cairncarver class freighter (Starfinder AP #2)
Festik General: Eoxian manfacturer of weapons, like the light plasma torpedo launcher on the Thaumtech Cairncarver class freighter (Starfinder AP #2)
Vertebrex Eternal: Eoxian defense contractor and producer of a line of coilguns, like the ones mounted on the Thaumtech Cairncarver class freighter (Starfinder AP #2)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Gang! (That always makes me think of Scooby Doo. Sorry...I just have this image of you all wandering around the warehouse looking for clues to shipping questions and trying to hide from Cosmo. ... Someone should draw that ... Anyway.)

Quick question. Somehow, I missed that I didn't subscribe to the Starfinder maps. I thought I had, but only realized my mistake when I didn't get the cantina map.

I started my subscription, but the only option I had was to start it with the cantina, which is now listed as unavailable. I'm assuming my sub will start with the next map, but I'm wondering if there will be any way to get a copy of the cantina map in the future. At the very least, can I get the PDF as part of my subscription?



Liberty's Edge Contributor

22 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I went a little crazy with the launch of Starfinder. Excited at being on the ground floor of a new setting, and wanting to keep track of references for later addition to my campaign setting stuff in Realm Works, I have gone through every published Starfinder product (Core Rulebook, First Contact, Alien Archive, both AP issues, and every released Starfinder Society scenario) and extracted snippets of information.

The Google spreadsheet linked here contains lists of every named NPC, organization, location, starship, race (with source of racial traits, if any), and creature graft, plus a couple of other tidbits.

The spreadsheet is extremely "spoilery" because it includes info on characters and places players will encounter in every published adventure or scenario available.

GM Info & Lists for Starfinder

My goal is to keep this updated as new products come out. I'd love to get this transferred over to the Starfinder Wiki, but those writeups take more time than a simple line item on a spreadsheet and I have a lot of things going on that limit my time. I can't even promise that I'll be able to keep up with product schedules forever, but I'll do my best.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Question about bloodbrother serum on page 23.

The serum grants cold resistance 5 and (effectively) fast healing 2 for 5 rounds. Is that duration correct? That seems like a short duration for 500 credits, but I admit that my brain is still in "Pathfinder mode" on certain things.

I guess my biggest concern is that the flavor text implies that the Ascetics use this serum to protect themselves while enduring the extreme cold of Verces's Darkside. With a duration of only 30 seconds, they are going to have to take lots of doses with them or they won't get very far. I have to assume that they are relying on other versions of this potion.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hi, Team!

I just got the delivery notification for my Starfinder scenario subscription. Scenarios 1-01, 1-02, & 1-03 are listed, but I got those scenarios during the last subscription release. Can you please ensure that I'm not charged for those scenarios a second time?


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Love the Tombstone reference. Well done!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'm putting together some art, using images from the PDF, the Core Rulebook, and things I've gathered online to enhance the experience.

So far, I have NPC images for Venture-Captain Arvin, Julzakama, Exegara Long-Tongue, the Endless Threnody, the Endless Threnody's skeleton crew, and the Lawblight.

I have an image that I will use for the skreebara if I can't find a better one, but it's literally just a picture I found online of a basilisk from WoW.

The description of the Large magical beast is "14-foot-long burrowing beast with six powerful legs. Its carapace is made of thick reflective crystal and it bears enormous mandibles that thrum with sonic energy.

Has anyone found art that would suit the monster better than what I've already found?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

In the SFS Roleplaying Guild Guide, the Tier 6, 8, and 10 Drakes have a TL with a value one lower than their AC. However, they all have defensive countermeasures that should provide a bonus equal to the one provided by their armor (mk 5, mk 6, and mk 7, respectively).

Edit: I also see that the tier 12 Drake has mk 9 defenses, but its TL bonus is only +8.

Is there a rule I'm missing that reduces the ship's TL to account for this difference?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I noticed something odd in the wording for the Step Up and Strike feat:

page 162 wrote:
Either way, this attack of opportunity does not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round; it is part of the Step Up reaction.

I don't understand the reason for this wording. I realize that it's carryover from the feat with the same name in PFRPG, but in those rules, it was possible to make more than one attack of opportunity per round.

In Starfinder, an attack of opportunity is a reaction and characters get only one reaction per round. I can't find an ability, feat, or spell anywhere in the rulebook that allows a character to have more than one reaction per round. (Sidenote: That would be an excellent place to restore a Combat Reflexes feat, since it doesn't yet exist in Starfinder.)

Is the wording of Starfinder's Step Up and Strike feat implying that you can use this feat and take another attack of opportunity in the same round, or is it just clarifying that, since Step Up requires a reaction, you are still allowed to take the attack of opportunity that is stated to be part of the feat's action?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

As I read through my subscription PDF, I'm noticing some interesting changes from Pathfinder to Starfinder. I figured I'd start a discussion thread to point them out.

The one that prompted this post is in the Conditions section. The Paralyzed condition not specifically states that a character is not considered to be helpless (and is instead treated as if it has a Dexterity modifier of -5). The interesting thing about this is that this means it is not possible to conduct a coup de grace against a paralyzed character in Starfinder.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hi, Team!

I just added subscriptions to the Starfinder roleplaying rules line, the accessories line, and the SFS scenarios. I subscribed to the rules line and the accessories in one order (4355015), then came back and added the SFS scenario subscription as a second order (4355024). (I didn't get a confirmation email for 4355015, but it's in my order history.)

Will you please cancel Order 4331702 WITH THE EXCEPTION of the basic starfield and basic terrain flip-mats? I won't need the pre-orders for the other items if I'm already subscribed. ;)



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Is there an intent for the Starfinder APs to yield credit for SFS play? Asking for a friend.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hi, Everyone! The convention season is off to a great start! The folks from Legendary Beginnings have already gathered around tables at Wolf Con, Midwinter Con, Gamehole Con, GaryCon, Norwescon, Kingdom-Con, and other events to share the fun and excitement of our adventures. Our next big stop will, of course, be PaizoCon 2017! If you want to meet the minds behind Legendary Beginnings, you can stop by our booth in the dealer hall or join us for one of our scheduled events.

Legendary Beginnings: The Bandit’s Cave
I, Paris Crenshaw, Legendary Beginnings Creative Director, will run an excerpt from The Bandit’s Cave, the first adventure in the Trail of the Apprentice mini-campaign.
Friday afternoon, 2pm to 6pm, Cascade 7

Legendary Beginnings: A Feast of Flavor
Author Rachel Ventura presents her fun and “flavorful” adventure, which is soon to be published.
Saturday afternoon, 2pm to 5pm, Cascade 13

Legendary Encounters Preview
Robert Brookes, Paris Crenshaw, Jason Eric Nelson, and Rachel Ventura share insight about the exciting things coming from Legendary Games and new partner Encounter Table Press, with prizes and surprises for those who attend!
Sunday morning, 10am to 11am, Olympic 1

But that’s not all! I will also be available to run off-schedule sessions of Legendary Beginnings scenarios, including excerpts from The King's Curse, The Thieves' Den, and the upcoming adventure by Brian Suskind and Ben McFarland, Crisis at Falling Spring Station!

Stay tuned to this thread and our Legendary Beginnings Facebook page in the days leading up to and during the convention. I'll be coordinating groups, so players can experience more of what Legendary Beginnings has to offer! The other Legendary Games team members and I are looking forward to meeting you!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I know that accents aren't really necessary in most games (and certainly not in the fiction), but if one did want to give characters a regional distinction, accents are a way to do it. Even cultures that primarily speak the same language may pronounce things in different ways—just look at the differences between Bostonians and Southerners—so it's not unreasonable to imagine that people can speak Common differently in different places.

What accents do you use for various regions/nations in the Campaign settinng? Some of them are obvious (like Osirion, Qadira, and Jalmeray) and other cultural connections have been stated (such as Varisia having a more Spanish influence). Others aren't so obvious.

Lastwall, for example. What accent would you use? Would their connection to Ustalav make them more Eastern European in flavor? What about other places?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Gang!

I'm afraid there's a problem with this order. I got the e-mail confirming shipment of the Curse of the Crimson Throne Pawn Collection, but in addition to the pawn collection, I'm supposed to get the following items:

Pathfinder—Worldscape #2 ( Exclusive)
Pathfinder Tales: Reaper's Eye
Pathfinder Adventure Path #112: The Whisper Out of Time

The pawn collection PDF is in my downloads, but the other items aren't on there.

Thanks for your help!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Sorry to be a pain, but the excitement is killing me! ;)

The subject subscription order was submitted on October 27th with an estimate of 1 to 7 business days to ship. Unfortunately, I haven't received the shipping notification, yet.

I wanted to check and make sure there aren't any problems with processing the order.

Thanks for your continued hard work!


Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A Leshy Skald. Awesome.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I love that reference quote. Well done.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I hope you're recovering from PaizoCon well and that Koncrud stays away.

I wanted to let you know that I sent you an e-mail on Tuesday concerning the subject order number. Just wanted to follow up here and make sure the e-mail went through.

Thanks! It was great seeing y'all over the weekend!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Please cancel my Pathfinder Legends subscription (the one that provides the physical CD copy). I have just started the digital subscription, instead.



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Audible recently added Beyond the Pool of Stars in audiobook format to the iTunes store, and I was excited to see it there. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any of the recently-released audiobook versions of the older novels on iTunes. Has Tor/Audible provided any information about if or when they'll be releasing those audiobooks on iTunes? I'd prefer to make my purchases through that store, rather than directly through Since they're already releasing the latest books through iTunes, it doesn't seem like they have a problem with using that seller, but perhaps there are restrictions related to the older novels. Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've listened to Lord of Runes in its entirety, and I recently started listening to Liar's Island. So far, the story is okay. I haven't finished listening to it, so I can't really pass judgement on Mr. Pratt's work, yet. And I'm specficialy NOT posting this as a review or in the comments for Mr. Pratt's book. I don't want my opinion on the audiobook version to unfairly influence the book, itself. I did post a review on Amazon, but I tried to make it clear that my problems were not with the story or writing.

I'm specifically posting because I'd like Tor to get rid of Steve West as their Pathfinder audiobook narrator. Mr. West did a passable job narrating Lord of Runes. The locations in that book were fairly close together and West managed to include a little bit of variation in voices, but frankly, his repertoire of accents is far too limited for him to properly portray the characters in the Pathfinder campaign setting. There are just too many different cultures interacting on Golarion to have someone with his extremely limited set of accents doing the narration.

I don't know who is advising Tor about cultural analogues. I assume it is difficult for Paizo to influence the production choices Audible makes in producing recordings from books published by Tor. Honestly, I could forgive Audible for not realizing that a Vudrani accent should sound a lot like an Indian accent. What I can't forgive is that literally everyone in Steve West's version of Golarion has an accent from somewhere in the UK. The homogeneity of the voices makes it difficult to enjoy the story. Either the accents are wildly out of place, or they're just plain bland.

I love being able to listen to the Pathfinder Tales books, but I sincerely hope Tor finds someone with a broader range of talent for future audio releases.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Paizonians!

I just sent you an e-mail concerning this order. It looks like there was a mixup on the packing/labeling side, and I received the wrong item.

Thanks for your help!


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team. The subject order shipped on or about 24 April and was received a couple of days ago. Only 3 of the 4 items were sent, but no mention was made about when the iconics set would be shipped. The order status here on the site seems to indicate that all 4 items were shipped, even though the shipping email didn't mention the figures set. (It specifically stated that 3 items from the order were shipping.)

Any idea when the iconic set(s)--I actually ordered all three--will be shipping to me?


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I just wanted to let you know that I have sent an e-mail to the customer service address. It relates to a matter that I didn't want to post publicly about, but I've been told it's smart to at least post a notification on the CS forums. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's the captain of the Impervious! I know that lady!

(In case anyone asks, you totally did not hear me "squee" with excitement. Totally.




Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'm not sure what happened, but there's a copy of Iron Gods 3 in my shopping cart. I don't remember putting it there. Is there a reason that the system would automatically/accidentally shove an upcoming subsciption item into my shopping cart? I'm nervous about deleting it from the cart, because I don't know how it got there and don't want to mess up the subscription order.

Thanks for your help.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I need some help. I sent an e-mail last Friday, after my subscription shipment came in, so I thought I should follow up, here.

My shipment invoice included the Social Combat Cards and my print copy of AP #86. I got the cards, but the book in the box was a copy of the Advanced Class Guide, which I'd already received in August/September.

I'm happy to send the ACG back, but I want to make sure I get my print copy of AP #86 before you run out. :)



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Oooh. This strikes me as an homage to the old TSR module, "Deserts of Desolation." I just might have to pick this up.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

***Attention San Diego area Pathfinders! In an effort to recruit promising young agents and boost the Society's future growth (not to mention replenish the ranks...we lose so many agents...ahem...), the Pathfinder Lodge of California is happy to announce the establishment of a pilot program for Junior Pathfinders!***

Hi, Everyone! As the father of 12-year-old twin girls who love Pathfinder but don't get to play with other kids very often, I'd like to create a group called the "San Diego Junior Pathfinders Society." My vision is a group of kids, ages 9 to 13 or so, and their parents, who are interested in meeting once or twice a month to play Pathfinder Society scenarios and, perhaps, sanctioned modules.

We're still in the early stages of forming the group and are looking for people who are interested. One other parent is helping me out, and his two children will be participating, starting in July.

If you have kids who play Pathfinder and you are interested in getting them together with other kids who share similar interests, or if you just want to introduce your kids to Pathfinder, give them an opportunity to socialize, and help them develop teamwork and sportsmanship skills, please contact me via private message, either here or via Facebook (check out the Southern California Pathfinder Society Facebook page).

Once we have a sense of the size of the group, we'll set up a date and look for a venue that can support us and that is centrally located, so folks don't have to travel too far around the county (the other parent and I are down in the Chula Vista/San Ysidro area).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I would love to have the opportunity to purchase blank sheets of pre-cut pawn shapes in the Small, Medium, Large, and Huge sizes. Such a product would allow me to create pawns for characters that haven't been made in the Pathfinder sets, yet.

I have tried using a variety of materials to make my own, and they work fine, but the die-cut cardboard just has a more finished look.

Any chance we could get something like that? Am I the only one crazy enough to want them? ;)