Copper Dragon

Paris Crenshaw's page

Contributor. Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 2,475 posts (2,604 including aliases). 7 reviews. 4 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

Please cancel my subscriptions to Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Rules, and Starfinder Accessories.

That should leave the two adventure paths as my only subscriptions.

Thank you very much.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'm really sorry to bother you with this, but I mistakenly ordered two items as part of this order. I ordered them because I thought I had misplaced a shipment. However, I just found a box that had been tucked away and never opened.

Is it possible to remove Starfinder Adventure Path #21: Huskworld (Attack of the Swarm! 3 of 6) and Pathfinder Adventure Path #148: Fires of the Haunted City (Age of Ashes 4 of 6) from my sidecart? If it's too complicated to work a refund, due to the discounts applied, I would be happy to have the cost of those items converted to store credit.

Thanks and, again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The "Having trouble" link worked like a charm. I apologize for not checking that, first. Thank you for your help!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I am getting an xml error when I try to download the Age of Ashes player’s guide and the Torment and Legacy demo adventure from my digital content. Can you please look into those two files and see if something needs to be reset on my account for those? Thanks!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Paris,

The gift option is mostly for PDFs, and on physical books it just lets the warehouse know to not put a packing slip with prices into the box. You will still need to set the shipping address to wherever you would like it sent. If you are trying to gift a PDF they will need to have a account for you to be able to send it to them.

Thanks, Diego. I was trying to send a pre-ordered hardcopy (a regular version, not the deluxe version). I should have clued into the fact that I just needed to send it to a different address.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I have to amend my comments. Apparently, all I had to do was get off of a mobile browser. Using my laptop, I can now see all of the checkout options that weren't visible on my phone. I think I'm covered, now.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Thanks, David. The problem I have is that, when I go to my shopping cart to purchase the subscription it says, “You purchased the subscription on June 20, 2009.” and won’t let me proceed with the purchase of the renewal.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Minor crisis. I can’t find my pre-order for the new PF rulebook line. At this point, I’m wondering if I spaced out and forgot to get one. I’ve decided to go ahead and start my subscription again, so is there any way to resume that subscription and still get a copy of the book, or is it too late for that?



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I have a friend who plans to pre-order the PF2 Deluxe Edition Core Rulebook. He also wants a standard copy for normal use, so I was going to get that regular copy for him. However, the system won’t allow me to give a pre-order as a gift. I can select the gift option in my cart, but I can’t see the option to add a gift recipient.

Is there any way to do that?



Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

I’m unfortunately not going to be able to go to PaizoCon, this year. Is it possible to cancel this 4-day badge order and either get a refund or convert it to store credit?

I’ll miss seeing everyone. I hope you have a great convention!


Liberty's Edge Contributor

I just got the shipping notification. If the items ship on the 27th, per the email, they *should* be here by the 4th. Thanks, Team!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

I was notified that the subject order was pending on July 12th. It was expected to ship within 1 to 7 business days. Yesterday, July 23rd was the 7th business day. (I’m not counting Saturdays, although I thought the warehouse worked on Saturdays.)

I realize that it’s almost GenCon and the Playtest preorders have to go out, but I haven’t received any notification of a delay and I’m not sure what’s up with this order.

I would be more patient, but items in this order are going to be used in a teens’ RPG club that a teacher and I are starting for local kids. Our first session is on August 4th, and I’m worried that time to allow for days in transit is running out.

Can you please take a look at my order, see if it’s not stuck for some reason, and if possible, let me know if it’s likely to arrive before August 4th?

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I finally got around to updating these. The shipsheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I finally got around to updating these. The shipsheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I finally got around to updating these. The shipsheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

I finally got around to updating these. The shipsheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I finally got around to updating these. The shipsheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Hmm wrote:
Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Paris, this is a life saver!
Indeed, thanks a lot for these!

I'm glad folks are finding them helpful. I am about to update the file to add the ship sheets for books 5 and 6. How would you like me to present the DCs? Should I assume that the PCs' ship tier is the same as the the proposed level for the portion of the AP in which the ship combat takes place? Or should I just leave those blank?

I went ahead and made a command decision. The sheets below include every ship involved in combat presented throughout the AP. The DCs are calculated based on the premise that the PCs' ship's tier will be equivalent to the APL recommended at that part of the campaign.

Dead Suns Shipsheets (DS 1-6).PDF

There are lots of numbers to juggle, here, so I may have made some errors. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Zaister wrote:
Hmm wrote:
Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Paris, this is a life saver!
Indeed, thanks a lot for these!

I'm glad folks are finding them helpful. I am about to update the file to add the ship sheets for books 5 and 6. How would you like me to present the DCs? Should I assume that the PCs' ship tier is the same as the the proposed level for the portion of the AP in which the ship combat takes place? Or should I just leave those blank?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I'm finding that I have a minor quibble with the scale on the map for The Splice on Eox. The map indicates that the scale is 1 square = 10 feet. However, the building interiors seem to be scaled for 1 square = 5 feet. In order for the overall scale to be in accordance with what's printed in the book, the smallest doors and every chair would have to be 10 feet wide.

Rescaling the grotto map to 1 square = 30 feet isn't a problem, because it's totally separate from everything else. But if the intent was to make things more "spread out" in the Splice, I think a better way to have handled it would have been to indicate that the interior map for each building is a separate location and let the distances between them be more nebulous while keeping the 5-foot scale for each interior.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I see them, now. Thanks, Sharaya!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team.

I've received two emails relating to this order. It contains the two latest Starfinder Society scenarios (1-16 & 1-17). The charge for the order is listed at $0.00 and none of the items is showing in my digital assets library.

Is this a system-wide issue or is there something going on with just my subscription?

Thanks for your help!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

So anxious for these to come out. I've been running Dead Suns for a few months. Our group doesn't meet too often, so we've only finished book 1. By September, we'll have plenty of the AP left to make use of these pawns. In the meantime, I've made my own for most of the ones that aren't matched by available pawns. Looking forward to see what the "official" versions look like.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

As of 15JUN2018:

Still unable to print sheets in Firefox
Still unable to import custom avatars for characters
Still locked to one machine, additional access machines=$

Losing any allure the program had (and it was already skating on very thin ice with 'online-only' subscription model) to me.

Taking a look at PCGen again.

I agree that there are some real frustrations with HLO's functionality, but I do want to point out that you are not technically locked to one machine with HLO. You can only log into the system on one machine at a time, but it's a web-based system. I frequently jump between my iPhone and my PC. It gives me a warning that I've exceeded the limit and have to log out of the other machine, but there's no penalty or time delay for shifting between the two. (This is different behavior from Hero Lab Classic, which does require a separate license for each machine you are using the software on.)

HLO currently works fine as a character creator, though there are issues with some browsers, obviously. It has functionality to create PCs, NPCs, and monsters.

However, there are some problems with using adjustments from spells and other effects, there is no ability to import custom portraits, you can't create custom content, as far as I know, output options are limited, and there is no support for GMs in the form of tactical consoles or encounter creators, like those available in Hero Lab Classic.

I would like for things to move faster, but I also know that companies can't always move at the speed I'd like them to. It does, however, raise questions for me about how robust their support for the Pathfinder Playtest is going to be. We were told HLO was going to be up and running to support Starfinder when Paizo released it last year, but it took a few months before that support finally came. If there are similar delays when the Playtest materials are released, we could be almost done with the playtest before HLO is ready.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Oooh. I like the choice of Doug Jones for Altronus.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

After listening to The Glass Cannon Network's podcasts, I started wondering what actors I'd choose to portray the various iconics, and I'm interested in what other people think.

I'm sure folks will have other ideas, but I'll kick things off:

Altronus, Kasatha Solarion: CGI voiced by Rob Paulsen
Iseph, Android Operative: Tilda Swinton
Keskodai, Shirren Mystic: CGI voiced by Rufus Sewell
Navasi, Human Envoy: Alex Rice
Obozaya, Vesk Soldier: CGI voiced by Mischa Barton
Quig, Ysoki Mechanic: CGI voiced by Steve Buscemi
Raia, Lashunta Technomancer: Leslie-Ann Brandt

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I should have asked this earlier. Are there any modules or PFS scenarios that use these dungeons?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Got it. Thanks, Diego!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team!

Can you look into the subject order? One part says it shipped on May 14th, but it hasn’t arrived and there’s no tracking information available. I know you’re busy with PaizoCon, but if you could check into that, I’d appreciate it.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

No worries, Katina. I know this is a huge undertaking. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I need some help...maybe.

I am currently signed up to run two events for Legendary Games (Event 547519 and Event 544247). Neither of those events is showing up on my schedule and I'm not getting any errors when I select events that conflict with those events.

Will you please check to make sure the system sees me as a GM for those events?


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Team! I need some help...maybe.

I am currently signed up to run two events for Legendary Games (Event 547519 and Event 544247). Neither of those events is showing up on my schedule and I'm not getting any errors when I select events that conflict with those events.

Will you please check to make sure the system sees me as a GM for those events?


Liberty's Edge Contributor

This fight was scary for my group, but wasn't as bad as it could have been because I played the garaggakal as being overconfident and focused on "tasting" each race before focusing on a single character. Ultimately, everyone took some damage, but the only ally to fall was one of the two space goblins who were following the PCs around. She managed to score a critical hit and was celebrating when the monster bit her head off.

Ultimately, the garaggakal realized it wasn't going to win and used its life draining power on one PC to boost its HP just before it phased through the hangar doors and escaped. It may come back for revenge. I haven't decided, yet.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

John Compton wrote:
Magabeus wrote:
I used the cantina flipmat for that scene.
It's a good choice, and it's the map I had in mind when writing the scene.

Good to know! Thanks for the suggestion and confirmation!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Are any of you GMs using the Urban Sprawl flip map to represent the scene at the Five Arches restaurant? I'd like to get some use out of my maps and the "greener" side of that one has the right feel. Unfortunately, none of the locations really look like restaurants. Just curious about what other folks are doing to run that scene.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Zubalove wrote:
I am gearing up to run this for my 10 and 12 year old daughters as a follow up to the Black Fang adventure from the BB. I guess the only thing I wish I had while prepping for it was where to find pawns for it. I've already run the maps through GIMP and made battle maps out of them. The girls loved having some visual to work with, and they haven't quite understood that this isn't a board game. At any rate, I'm a huge fan of Legendary. I've already gotten a hardbound copy of the TotA adventure path. I just wish there were some plug-ins available for Rise of the Runelords, as that's the AP I'll be running some old friends through very soon.

Hi, Zubalove!

I'm glad you're enjoying the Legendary Beginnings stuff. With respect to the pawns, you will find that nearly all of the encounters from Into the Feyweald adventure and the Trail of the Apprentice campaign use monsters from the Pathfinder Bestiary.

You can get mites in Paizo's Bestiary Box and the Shattered Star AP pawn collection. The Bestiary Box also has spiders. You can get badgers and giant toads from Bestiary Box 2. You can get fauns from Bestiary Box 3, and the axe beak from that set could work for the clubnek, too. The fire beetles from the Summon Monster pawn collection could be a good substitute for the giant bombardier beetles. The Reign of Winter pawn collection has a Winter-Touched Sprite that wouldn't be a bad fit for the sprite in the final combat.

I subscribe to Paizo's pawns, myself, and use the PDFs to make extra pawns for the things I don't have enough of. I also find images in the adventures I run and via image searches to represent characters who don't have art in the books. I use those images to make custom pawns for my own games. It takes a bit of extra time in game prep, but I enjoy being able to put the images in front of the players that way.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Meadow lark wrote:

it does not sound too bad, can I make one request!

DON'T SCREW THIS UP!!! I have real concerns that you are going to make this like 5E. The simplifying of things is good, the action economy has promise.

I like the removal of initiative and the use of other skills for initiative but it does seem clunky ie the GM will need to spend time asking everyone what they are doing this will be both good and bad.

I would like something like the crypt released as a proper PF2 module in the playtest so people can give it a proper workout.

You should watch or listen to the Know Direction podcast from Thursday. Erik Mona and Logan Bonner provide a ton of information about the design philosophy. Erik explains clearly that this will not be "just like 5e" and also explains why some things may seem similar to 5e, even though their design process didn't involve any comparison to what 5e did.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Somehow, I thought I would be upset by the announcement of a new version of Pathfinder. Now that it's here, I'm actually okay with it. It definitely looks like Starfinder was the step toward a second edition of Pathfinder. I look forward to seeing what fun Paizo cooks up.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Torbyne wrote:
I feel like it makes more sense for the ripping and tearing of planar chunks to be when you exit the drift, the entire trip is building up with this planar drag that pops when you complete the trip.

That's interesting. My vision was that it happens every time a ship jumps. Jumping into the Drift tears off relatively small chunks. Jumping out can pull in much larger pieces.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

pithica42 wrote:
Reading it, finally, now. One thing I notice is still missing is rules for Astronavigation. They don't really explain how any of that works, so it doesn't seem internally consistent (to me), did I just miss it somewhere?

It's just a matter of waving your hands over the controls the right way. ;)

I think that's a level of detail that is left out because the physics and the fun start to break down if you explain too much. We know that the Church of Triune is heavily involved in the placement of Drift beacons, which somehow act as transmission repeaters and navigational guides. My guess is that there is a level of divine technomagic involved in both the placement of the beacons and the operation of navigation systems for ships that are equipped with Drift drives.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

thejeff wrote:

IIRC, the amount ripped out of the plane when you enter the Drift is based on the length of the trip, so it has to be determined up front.

OTOH, you can alter your destination or exit the Drift early, so it can obviously be determined after you're in the Drift.

This reminds me of a sci-fi series I read in which ships travel by creating micro-wormholes. An incredibly powerful AI tries to explain to the humans that because of the physics involved, the ships actually leave the wormhole a minuscule amount of time before they enter it.

Given how weird things get when you throw in planar magic, the effect could be retroactive, almost as though the Drift knew how long you'd actually be staying and took a chunk with the appropriate size. ;)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

New file update! I have added content from Starfinder Society Scenario #1-09: Live Exploration Extreme!.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I did an update to the file. The Locations tab now includes source and page references for the locations listed.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Folks!

I put together shipsheets for the ships used in the campaign. I'll add pages to it when parts 5 and 6 come out, as well. The stats and DCs for some of the offensive actions on the enemy ships' sheets are based on fighting the Sunrise Maiden as she is presented in the first book.

Dead Suns Shipsheets.PDF


Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kudaku wrote:
It's about time for me to ask that question again: Are there any new power armors added in The Ruined Clouds? :)

Sorry, Kudaku. No powered armor in this one. There is a chance the PCs might get their hands on some Azlanti technology, but it is far from guaranteed and they don't have any powered armor with them.

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